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previous >>62806344

post photographs of 1935-1945 aircraft, civilian or military.
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These were the only fighter planes Canada had at the start of the war
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Too bad about the oil consumption.
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magnificent aeroplane
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Could have been the german counterpart to the mosquito, but they just had to load it up with pointless stuff which upset the basic balance.
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It's best feature was the full span travelling flap, which is a combination of fowler flaps and ailerons, and allowed for high wing loadings without compromising landing speeds.
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You cant play Fortunate Son because its two decades too early. What 40s song do you play as you fly the OG here?
>tfw when you will never mow down Japanese Special Naval Landing Force infantry with an AN/M2 door gun while the speakers blare 'PARDON ME BOY, IS THAT THE CHATTANOOGA CHOO-CHOO?'
You couldn't arm these things, they couldn't take the weight. Best you could do would be to fire an MG out the passenger side door.
>Fortunate Son
The 1940s songs about getting drafted had a different vibe.

That is what an AN/M2 is.
If it can carry a passenger then it ought to lift a 50 cal without that passenger. I bet you could lift a bunch 308s and point them effectively.
(although yes it had some advanced features for its time) Ar 240 had poor flight handling characteristics, and some performance deficiencies, overall.
He 219 was a superior dedicated nightfighter, Me 410 (later evolution of the failed Me 210) was a better multi-role twin, and Arado's own efforts were better focused from 1942 onwards in the jet powered Ar 234 and its derivative projects.
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I like these threads
Folgore my beloved
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If it had a 75 pounder QF in the nose then you would be sure to have a bad day.
Well, no it had a 75mm Type 88 cannon which was comparable to the British QF 3" 20 cwt. The 75mm QF was just an up-bored 6pdr and was mainly used for infantry targets (and they did actually go and make a 95mm to deal with infantry and fortifications, but in limited numbers, sadly... The Churchill AVRE was super successful).
Not using their late war bomber engines-cowlings (except for the problematic J2M) was a wasted opportunity. Even the Ki-100 was surprisingly good considering it was an improvised fighter.
Wish I had the Tempest on Enlisted but it's super expensive, never on sale and isn't that much better than regular stuff. Better turn rate and has cannons I think as standard armament, but the bombs it carries aren't great. Then again I don't play high BR Allies much any more, so would be wasted. BRII all the way baybe (outside Japan where you can win regularly there).
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Except the arado 240 was flying operationally much earlier (1941) than the he 219 and the me 410 (1943) since it was designed as a rival to the me 210, and with 2 x 1000hp DB 601A engines had broadly similar performance to both 2 x 1800hp DB 603 powered aircraft. It also had nowhere near the issues of the me 210, making it clear the luftwaffe only picked the later because of nepotism, just like the me 110 should not have been picked over the fw 187 (but at least the me 110 was functional, unlike the 210).

Judging from period reports and eric brown's testing, it sounds like it's issues were an overly rearward center of gravity, which made it unstable in yaw and pitch, and the elevator being at the limit of being able to compensate for the pitch down tendency of the travelling flaps. If that's the case, removing the remotely operated turrets and the dive brake mechanism should remove excess weight at the rear and allow an upsizing of the elevator without compromising performance.

Arado later fixed the 240's issues in the 440 by fitting 603 engines (being heavier and longer the cg was relocated forwards), and apparently that one flew brilliantly and considered better than competing me 410 and he 219s, but it was once again rejected by the luftwaffe. To me, it looks like the only reason arado even managed to get the 234 into production was because it was literally the only company that responded to the specification.
The Luftwaffe's internal politicking was probably just as destructive as the RAF.
yes correct the Ar 240 was a chronologically earlier generation project than the others, preceding them by a couple of years
(the 210 was a done deal by mid 1943, being replaced as of then by the 410)

>considered better than competing
Reference please for this assertion?
There's no evidence asude from a test pilot at Rechlin's report of flying the Ar 440 alone that it was ever compared with or "considered"/ testflown vs. already-in-service types such as the He 219 (<--which also had the design advantage of nosewheel landing gear).
Besides the He 219 and Me 410 already in service by late 1943 when the Ar 440 was ready for further development, the tandem push-pull engine Do 335 which outperformed it and jet fighters were along-coming as well. There simply wasn't any need for the Ar 440.

>Luftwaffe's internal politicking was probably just as destructive as the RAF
This absolutely.
delay and leadership infighting on the He 219 night fighter kneecapped not only its timely service entry but proper full scale engineering development to do so.
The Ju 88G and other later-period Reich defense night fighters would and ought to have been abandoned/phased out in sole concentration on a few He 219 night fighter subtypes, including a stripped-down 4×MG151/20 Mosqito hunter variant.
This could have been fully accomplished by the end of 1943 had Heinkel's airplane been given #1 top RLM priority.
The Heinkel He 219 imho is the Luftwaffe's greatest 'what if' of the latter half of the European air war (aside from of course complete jettisoning of the Bf 109 after the penultimate and apotheosis F variant at the end of 1942 in favor of sole production of Focke-Wulf 190s, which is a broader topic than mere RLM infighting and gets into mid-war manufacturing logistics / conditions of Germany overall)
>Arado Ar 234 twin jet reconnaissance bomber
It had been in development since 1941 and aside from the He 280 and Me 262 was one of the RLM/Luftwaffe's principal wartime jet combat aircraft in the early part of the war. Starting out with no landing gear launched from a trolley, the eventual service variants had retractable gear and there were many projected developments from the basic Ar 234 concept in larfer sizes and with different engines (that had not been developed) besides the BMW and Jumo.
It was an imortant Arado project and the world's first operational jet bomber

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From 'Bombers of the Luftwaffe' by Joachim Dressel and Manfried Griehl:

The Ar 440 was an improved development of the Ar 240. The first prototype was cleared to fly in the early summer of 1942. The three following Ar 440 A-0s flew for the first time in November 1942, and in the following January they were sent to the Test Centre at Rechlin. Among other tests, comparative flight testing with the Ju 88 S, Me 410 and He 219 high-speed bombers was undertaken, and the Ar 440 showed considerable advantages in both speed and flying qualities. Further flight tests were even more convincing, so the Technische Amt issued an order for series production of the Ar 440. However, in the fighter programme of 1944 the Do 335 replaced the Ar 440, and further development was stopped...

Also see https://forum.warthunder.com/t/arado-ar-440-a/59543
Penetrates your airspace.
>teleports under you
>'Bombers of the Luftwaffe'
I own it (actual book, 1994) along with Griehl+Dressel's 'Fighters of the Luftwaffe' (1993).
Passage quoted from 1994 book is unattributed/no reference.
(You)r red-underlining picrel cropped from Page 64, 'Warplanes of The Third Reich' (Green, 1970) : explicitly states that at the *outset*----18 months prior to the later-rejection in favor of Do 335----at time of 24 Jan 1943 Rechlin flight test (<--No Dates Or Timeline provided for the 'comparative flight tests' of Griehl/Dressel, 1994), the RLM had refused to sanction production. And did same again, later in 1944 on further development of the Do 335.
Griehl and Dressel are modern (1990s...) experts on WWII German aviation & RLM, their expertise is virtually unimpeachable but....this sole unsourced/referenced claim in 1 book needs corroboration.
I particularly suspect that the phrase:
>"... comparative flight testing ... *was undertaken*..."
in Griehl/Dressel **has been mistranslated-mistranscribed**.
They intended to refer specifically to the January 1943 Rechlin published report, which used *projected paper data*/numbers, to forecast that the Ar 440's performace compared favorably wuth the other (not-yet-in-operational-service Jan 1943 aircraft)
the Ju 88 V93----prototype of the BMW801 up-powered Ju 88S series----did not even have its first flight until February 1943 (and even then, the RLM initially dismissed Junkers to produce a faster aircraft capable of outpacing fighter interception).

No photographs of Ar 440 flight tests or the reported "four" prototype aircraft have surfaced.
>Report: Rechlin Test Centre **January 1943** (comparing Ju 88S / He 219)
= *on paper only* projection based on existing data. *Not* a __flight test__ comparison.
Me 410, He 219 were still in early development January 1943 and had not entered operational service.
NO PROOF OF COMPARATIVE **Flight Testing** Between These Aircraft Types, exists.

* * * * Kill * * * *
I linked the warthunder thread because it was the source of the picture and it had multiple other sources and references, it's not like it was a discussion as to why x,y,z plane is too strong/weak for the meta. As for the performance of the Ar 440, it doesn't seem outlandish given the capabilities of the ar 240, and the fact it's physically smaller than the he 219 and me 410. It's not like the real performance of the later two exceeded the projections either, considering the former was still considered as a possible upgrade to luftwaffe forces 18 months later.

As for the do-335, it's remarkable that it shares a similar story, as it was initially rejected in early 1942 but ended up being urgently requested and developed in late 1943. However I'd argue that the push pull single seat do-335 (the 2 seat trainer had a noticeable drag penalty) doesn't really overlap with a two/three seat classic side by side twin engine design, as it has the advantage of superior performance and agility like a souped up single engine fighter but doesn't have the unimpeded centerline fuselage that you'd want for heavier guns, or an extra crew member to handle navigation in a long range patrol or to operate the search radar in a night fighter.

But it's not like the germans could afford to have it all in 1944.
(not disagreeing that _potentially_ the comparative performance of Ar 440 wouldn't have been excellent) smMy initial post summarizes the history. Both the Me 410 and He 219 were further along on development by early-mid 1943, and the former Ar 240 was an even more marginal and less-produced project than the failed Me 210.
(which was passed off to Hungary for licence manufacture).

RE: Do 335 agreed, many historical references assert that 'normal twins' were outclassed by it in the view of RLM, but its tandem engine design isn't really a "replacement" of wing-engine designs.
I think that a long-wingspan high altitude Do 335 subvariant would have made an excellent non-jet reconnaissance aircraft for the Luftwaffe.
As we've mentioned though by 1944, all high performance piston engined 400+ mph projects were being called into at least some question (not only on Germany either) due to advances in turbojets.
Within 2 years of picrel's first flight, a jet powered derivative----the XB-43----was flying, and even the piston XB-42 prototype had underwing tubojet engines added in 1947.
The most clowned on 'fighter' of the war
highest scoring Royal Navy fighter
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Italy had some damn good looking planes
German plane in Romanian service with American markings
What is that magnificent window on the fuselage? I'm not seeing it on other pictures of Coronados.
it's only the PB2Y-2 variant briefly manufactured from 1940-41.
most of Coronado production run was -3 and -5s (some of the former re-manufactured into latter)
by end of the war the majority of Coronados in service were -3R and -5R unarmed transports
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i wish there were a flyable version of this thing
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>most clowned on fighter of the war
That would be the Boomerang, only Allied fighter type to see service during the war and not score a single aerial victory. Sure as hell got killed by A6Ms just fine, but admittedly that was more of a pilot thing than plane. Australians in Spitfires got trashed too.
Schamvoll Ausstellung
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>The tests began 20 February 1943 with the German commission very impressed by the Italian aircraft, the G.55 in particular. In general, all the Serie 5 fighters were very good at low altitudes, but the G.55 was also competitive with its German opponents in term of speed and climb rate at high altitudes, while still maintaining superior handling characteristics. The definitive evaluation by the German commission was "excellent" for the G.55, "excellent" for the Re.2005 although very complicated to produce, and merely "average" for the C.205. Oberst Petersen defined the G.55 "the best fighter in the Axis" and immediately telegraphed his impressions to Göring. After listening to the recommendations of Petersen, Milch and Galland, a meeting held by Göring on 22 February 1943 voted to produce the G.55 in Germany.
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I always forget China tried to make some planes during the war
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People said that about Dh98 and there are a few flying now.
Find the will to do it, a compatible engine and get to it.
highly awesome and one of the greatest ever

but I wish there was a flyable version of picrel

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