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Second Amendment is based. In most of the world you can hardly own a handgun.
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The unarmed are not really human.
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The red countries are literal Far Cry 2 but with sticks and stones Tier

This is the new bongo anthem https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zvRfmn3DT_U
why don't they build muskets like that japanese guy who killed the prime minister?
>You will ask the state when you want to buy a handgun, chud
Most of the people in the world agree with this statement btw
>aussie is retarded
no surprise hereee
The Scandinavians are authoritarian and shitty. It’s also more corporatism helping connected than anything.
Also they meddle in every other aspect of their citizens lives so nah. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/swedish-economy-recession-preliminary-data-shows-2024-10-29/

The United States, ideally is much more hands off about private life and stuff that doesn’t hurt others is allowed. That’s a good philosophy. Access to arms is part of that. Free men don’t need to grovel for shit. Meanwhile you need to be connected and grovel for anything.
So yeah it’s social libertarian ideology that defines America.
family tradition
regional customs (much stronger than you'd think, several US states sum to a European nation)
national media
>cold war propaganda taught yanks that russia=evil, which I can appreciate, but over time the message's gotten twisted into socialism=bad while conveniently dismissing the best countries in the world doing it
Absolutely retarded post.

Communism and socialism (aka the government micromanaging the economy) is shit and has failed on every country it has been tried. What you are erroneously calling "socialism" (ie. Scandinavia) is just deregulared free market capitalism with very big welfare states, which is very different to what goes on in communist or statist countries. And no, the Scandinavian model cannot be replicated on every country, even in Scandinavia they had to dial it down because they were going bankrupt, Sweden did a lot of austerity and free market reforms in the 1990s to get its economy back on track.
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>Yank gun laws aren't even that good, Finland's are far more pragmatic.
>Legal firearms in Finland must be registered and licensed on a per-gun basis
>No carry
>Mag caps

Yeah, nah
Fuck off cunt
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They rack a disciprine
Cheers. You're a pretty smart guy, managed to answer the central question instead of engaging in defensive bickering.

>family tradition
>regional customs
This is interesting, those are certainly major factors in cultural osmosis but WRT topics like gun rights, don't they make the issue more divisive rather than keeping the people united?
>This is interesting, those are certainly major factors in cultural osmosis but WRT topics like gun rights, don't they make the issue more divisive rather than keeping the people united?
The wonders of federalism often let divisive topics like abortion or gun control be determined by the states (to a degree). The states and cities that want tight gun control, get tight gun control. Those who don't, don't. The federal government just establishes a baseline.
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Fun fact: Canada used to be green, in fact you can still take the handgun safety course which is a single afternoon where they teach you how to not accidentally an hero, and then it's shall issue. The only problem is that the fags used emergency dictator powers that had previously only been used to declare the world wars and banned handguns. The loiscense still lets you buy any handgun/sbr with a coathanger stock (like the vz61 & mp9) and it's completely legal to remove the stock. Also washington state should be red given their cheeky "hahahaha oopsie system broke no gun transfers 4 u"
>inb4 this sounds like seethe
burgerville "cultural values" usually arise from what's practical. In yuropoor where you can't find a parking lot farther than six blocks away from a stasi penis inspection office it's feasable to police the entire continent. But in burgerville and leafland (leafland's fucked but anyways) there simply is not enough helicopters and swat teams to enforce peace on every single square kilometer, so they delegate(d) that to the individual. If you want to live an hour away from the cops, fine, but you'd better be prepared to make shit un-happen if it happens.
the amount of legal firearms ownership in any given area is inversly proportional to the amount of gun crime in that area. Here in leafland handgun crime went up way higher when legal ownership was banned. Whenever lefties talk about "moving to Canada" they're talking about the Canada that let you order fullauto FALs to your front door for the cost of a fucking used bicycle. Like, if the feds won't even prosecute violent gang activity in my fucking region they shouldn't have any legal jurisdiction over me.
>Yank gun laws aren't even that good, Finland's are far more pragmatic.
You fucking fudd niggers are the reason why our laws suck so hard, but nooo you'll just say that you could take a bigger shaft
t. another Finn
I don't actually care about the registering boogeyman but licencing is a pain in the ass
>a licence costs over a hundred eurobux a pop unless you apply for multiple at the same time, then you get a discount on the rest lel
>you get a physical loicence card for every gun you have, I'm pretty much drowning in them
>have to show every purchase to the cops and they're within their rights to decide that your gun is a baby killing black rifle and gets confiscated
Gay country infested by gay fudds but I'm trying my best to own handguns and semi autos nonetheless
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The 2nd Amendment is central to American liberty and the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment is a credit to the American Jihad.
notta mikset muuta jenkkilään? eikö se ollutkaan oikeasti niin hyvä?
ps. ei se täysin päätön ajatus ole, minnesotassa on ihan suomalaisen asuttava ilmastokin
Jenkkilässä on vähän muitakin ongelmia
Muuta itse Somaliaan
enpä taida kun täällä on niin mukavat oltavat
>how do yanks get fed their cultural values?
Marvel movies
That's only a very recent phenomenom.
Any time a european writes a long post about Americans, you can safely assume they are completely retarded and/trolling. This post is a perfect example.
I live in illinois, was voluntarily admitted into a mental health facility 9 years ago.

within the last 2 months I've successfully submitted and won my appeal for an over 5 years past mental health prohibitor and within the last week I've submitted my application to obtain a foid card

never give up your rights if you're in a red state, gatekeep the shit out of them, any means necessary, you're literally our last hope
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the will to freedom, the will to power, the same thing any man of red blood feels

america kind of self selects these people, I'm descended from viking conquerors of england

you're willing to accept a lack of freedom to gain order, we aren't, we are free men
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The funniest thing about those europosts is how poorly they try to veil their seething through lengthy sermonizing about cultural differences. There is always that palpable tinge of "STOP ENJOYING THINGS i DON'T APPROVE OF" anger in each and every one of these posts.
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>In most of the world
Bongs have subsaharan mean IQ . They can’t build stuff like a Japanese dude who put his joker face can
>have unrestricted gun laws
The solution is so simple yet the addlepated burger can't seem to comprehend how to do it.
mass killing is caused by restrictions actually, if everyone had a gun or knife on the street no one person could get away with 10 kd ratios

in cod your kd is 1.3 at best, because everyone has a gun, tard
I like funs but I never understood this mindset.
Not everyone wants to go 100% Warring States Period, kill-or-be-killed all the time, never relaxing in public. Yes I have CCP, no I don't want to kill anyone unless I have to, no I don't want to carefully observe every single retard I encounter like I'm a grunt doing COIN patrols.
If every single adult was armed at all times we'd have double the gun homicide rate with NDs alone. People are stupid and careless.
everyone having a gun guarantees that people think twice before psychopathic actions, the only people that psychopaths care about is their own well being

if you can shoot back then that keeps them in line

that is simply just a fact, and no amount of cope or fee fees will change that
also of course we don't arm women because women are barely human, and we don't arm the lesser races

in america, every white man was armed basically 100 percent of the time for multiple ages, murder was never a problem, and it still isn't in white america
>everyone having a gun guarantees that people think twice before psychopathic actions
Most mass shooters are trying to commit suicide, just want to give back some pain before they go. Rational thought is not their forte. They aren't 80s movie villians, they are mentally ill.

>women being the problem
I know at least 10 retards who have guns but shouldn't because they give every gun owner a bad name.
My foreman at an old job got jailed for getting drunk and shooting out his neighbor's window. Not dispute with hime, no interaction, just "man I wonder if I can shatter this dude's window across the street."
I've seen worse shit too as an EMT. 2A says shall not be infringed, and it is so, but retards and guns don't mix. IDK what to do about this fact, but it troubles me.
[no]*** dispute with [him]***
bs, mass shooters specifically want revenge and to cause as much harm to as many people as possible

sometimes for pleasure and not revenge, nothing to do with suicide

so what, retards are retards, why do you know 10 retards, it sounds like you're not practicing putting yourself in a good environment, I don't speak to retards, I stay as far away from them as possible, also that's just your opinion and it doesn't mean anything really
most mass shooters are grang members of particular color and it's true for all the "hurr durr thousands of mass shootings per year" statistics.

journos just like to pretend they're once in a decade cases like columbine that they excessively obsess and mull over which only encourages their impersonators which is something they want anyway for political propaganda. they always shut it down instantly whenever it turns out that a new "mass shooter" isn't white.
>2A says shall not be infringed, and it is so, but retards and guns don't mix.
Surprisingly rational take without flying into hysterical antiguns/freedums rant. Are you sure you're actually american?
>but retards and guns don't mix. IDK what to do about this fact
simple, remove retards
>faggot euro shitting up a weapons board

color me shocked, you are a bitch
I've worked a lot of jobs and traveled the world and met thousands and thousands of people that I've interacted with. Some of them were retards and some of those retards owned guns.
can't just kill everyone
wow, so how many people did they kill if they were so dangerous, like you said, they all must be killing each other at this moment
not with that attitude
Yes, us rational gun owners should remind those cocky americans of their place more often. Imagine not leaving it up to police to figure out who needs them.
k slave, anyways, I'll continue being free while you be a bitch
Do you pay taxes?
Shooting out your neighbor's window while drunk is extremely irresponsible gun behavior, should (and did) result in loss of gun righta, and you will never convince me otherwise.
Is arming the drunkest and most retarded of us really the hill you want to die on?
Based Yemen
>Firearm ownership in Yemen is considered as right rather than privilege, and therefore is allowed without any license or permit. Carry is unrestricted in the country. Yemen is the second most armed country in the world after the United States. (128 guns for every 100 residents).
so how many people died as the result of these retards that you met being armed

and how many of them were black

very few, but you pay more euroshit
thats literally already a crime, felons can't have guns
why are you arguing whats already the law
So you are a slave bitch. No other questions.
you lost bitch
None of them. I don't hang out with blacks.

I said retards and guns troubled me, that's all.
so as a result of these "retards" in your opinion who had a higher level of standing in society than you (your boss) having a gun, the worst that you ever saw happen was a window being shot out

obviously you don't know any blacks because it would be much worse than that
Most of the people in this world are cud chewing sheep and simple morons. A man ought to have the best tools available to provide for his own protection.
Socialism isn’t inherently bad. America has a mixed market economy just like most of the rest of the world and elements of socialism.
America has probably gone closer to true laissez-faire than any other country and we know full well that a pure democracy is problematic, that laissez-faire capitalism is problematic, and that pure socialism is also problematic.
The problem with socialism is that it tries to be a one size fits all solution. It lets failing businesses continue to make awful products and there is no mechanism for failure. The problem with pure capitalism is that people do take advantage of workers and the less fortunate in all circumstances. Socialism in practice as a form of government lacks the innovation of a system that lets failing businesses fail.
It would be like propping up Taurus if the only model they ever made was the millennium.
Centrism is problematic, we need to move past it if we hope to create optimal and balanced society. This neo-centrism will pander to all sides depending on the situation instead of hanging on to the extreme of the middle ground.
True, our mental health is at all time lows as a nation and yet politicians keep using guns as a scapegoat to either ignore or downplay the ugly truth that our abysmal mental health and inability to treat it is at fault, not the fact that you can purchase weapons
It's easier to remove guns than retards.
But that won’t solve the underlying problems and in fact will only make them worse by allowing them to grow. This kind of irresponsible inaction paired with ineffective “solutions” is exactly what led to mass shootings in the first place.
Not to mention the ethical dilemma of removing people’s rights because of the actions of a few
>higher level of standing in society than you (your boss)
It was my college job, I worked in a maintenance yard.
story time:
>be Wayne
>kind of a fuckuo but been there long enough + have CDL
>always loathe to get rid of CDLs
>even if they reek of booze and smokes and say racist shit that even the other rednecks raise eyebrows at
>one Monday Wayne diesn't show
>not even a call
>no call = grounds for automatic firing (do not pass Go, do not collect $200, you're GONE)
>but they drag their feet because CDL-A with tractor/manual/triple trailer endorsements
>next day Wayne calls
>"uhhh I had to take vacation, family emergency"
>"uh ok, good luck"
>decide not to fire him because family
>fast forward 3 days
>come in for night shift
>several copies of small county newspaper on table
>see Wayne's face
>it's the Bumblefuck County (small rural county an hour away) paper crime beat
>mugshots for Monday
>Wayne: drunk and disorderly, public inebriation, destruction of property less than $1250, illegal use of firearm, resisting arrest, some other stuff
>"wow that really was some vacation"
yeah i was 20 and he was ~50, who am I to judge such a saintly man? Truly he was my better, and I'm just jealous.

>obviously you don't know any blacks because it would be much worse than that
Blacks may punch above their weight, but they don't have a monopoly on stupid
Restroing mental facilities and putting trannies like you inside would be a far better step than blaming it on guns.
Removing retards (majority of the population) is simply not feasible.
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>Removing retards (majority of the population) is simply not feasible.
No but you can try to address and solve the mental health crisis that led to mass shootings, as well as cracking down on gang violence which is THE major cause of gun violence. Not addressing these and simply punishing law abiding gun owners does nothing for anyone
The hell did you get Aussie from, he comes off more Euro than Aussie
how do they deal with rotties if they don't have shotties?
Socialism is only inherently bad because it attracts thirdies who want free benefits, and the socialism parties and the immigration parties are closely aligned.
>handgun crime went up way higher when legal ownership was banned
no shit
you might be amazed to learn that if murder was legal, crimes of murder would hit record lows
>My foreman at an old job got jailed for getting drunk and shooting out his neighbor's window.
So you're saying the state should be responsible for this man's actions (by preemptively preventing him from owning a firearm), instead of himself?
What a surprise that the dogfucker is retarded
Maybe the 4473 should have some kind of rudimentary iq test. Nothing crazy, just a sort of captcha but for filtering out retards instead of bots.
He didn't say that at all thoughever. The state should (and did) put the guy in jail for his actions. That anon was just pointing out that there is a non-negligible part of the population that straight up lacks the judgement and impulse control to be responsible with guns, and that there's not currently a good method for filtering those people in advance before they actually shoot someone.
>filtering those people in advance
That's called making the state responsible for people's actions by preemptively preventing them from owning firearms.
>Maybe the 4473 should have some kind of rudimentary iq test. Nothing crazy, just a sort of captcha but for filtering out retards instead of bots.
It always amazes me how people want these restrictions on guns but somebody tries to present common-sense voter ID laws and suddenly it's a race issue or whatever. Isn't the ballot box mightier than the sword?
>not braindead
Pick one.
nobody died from whites being armed

infact, less people will die overall

as reflected in rural murder rates
>Second Amendment is based. In most of the world you can hardly own a handgun.
A background check is a permit you fucking moron, and in many US states a lot more than that is needed. 21 U.S. states required background checks and/or additional permits for the purchase of a handgun.Current federal law requires background checks to be performed for anyone purchasing a firearm at a federally licensed gun dealer

I don't know when Americans became in the majority stupid online, its at some point since 2010 or so. The background check IS a permit, it prohibits a wide (and arbitrary) section of the US public from getting a gun at all by default. Not just that but many US state impose completely arbitrary and insane laws controlling everything from brass knuckles to flick knives inn between bizarre regulations nationwide on everything from silencers to 'destructive devices'

There is no right to own a firearm in most of the US its entirely conditional on a barrage of other factors ranging from felon status to psychiatric consist to whether for example an ex spouse makes an unsubstantiated accusation

Neither are guns a solution to much I say that as someone who lived through a civil war. The US constitution is a worthless document that from its onset denied the freedom to own guns to slaves. Its fine to be an autism that likes to play pretend dress up as a soldier for freedom and democracy (everyone who gives a shit about that is actually over in Ukraine) but give it a fucking break on the old US exceptionalism, the only thing US posters are known for these days is being exceptionally stupid, just like their peers in the other billionaire oligarchies in Russia and China

>From my cold dead hands.
You'll do nothing and killing others is SHIT and people who persistently aspire to doing that as an obsessive fantasy are SHIT. Maybe think about banning your police from taking steroids. The whole fucking world is laughing at the USA a once great nation
>nigs are people

you lost me euroshit
The US has one of the highest murder rates in the world. Primarily due to its diversity and boasts many cities competing for the prize of murder capital of the world. Mostly done with Austrian designed pistols, handguns a weapon that is almost completely useless in any insurgency or armed conflict and has been for 50 years
>>nigs are people
>you lost me euroshit
>I don't know when Americans became in the majority stupid online, its at some point since 2010 or so
Only real adults are responsible enough to defend themselves with the same equipment as their cattle ranchers(government).
what was the point of this post?

people (whites) carry handguns for self defense just like we carried rifles while on the homestead and riding horses to travel
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the armed man won
>we can't own new machine guns?
>y-yes daddy gubmint...
The Second Amemdment is wasted on the modern American.
Somehow i would not be proud to be in a line with South Sudan and Yemen...
the fed will collapse soon so it will be back to normal soon
you'd rather be a cuckold, that's sad man
>what was the point of this post?
>the only thing US posters are known for these days is being exceptionally stupid, just like their peers in the other billionaire oligarchies in Russia and China
nig is just rambling incoherently and pretending he has a point, mad
>The Second Amemdment is wasted on the modern American.
Was apparently wasted on all the slaves that were there up to the 1860s too, almost as if it was meaningless crap
Do you retards even realize you sound as brainwashed and idiotic as chang and the vatniggers these days?
Do you count revolvers as handguns because you can get those in UK. You can also get regular handguns if you have Section 7 license or w/e it is called, so should be bright red since it is rarely issued.
Wrong in every aspect: a mentally ill killer ususally neither thinks rationally about what he or she is going to do, nor cares much about survival.
Exactly, look at those fucking pod creatures stand there doing nothing. The unarmed are less than animals.
A smart man would get the fuck out of there immediately, then there is you larperator killah and his gun kata and diabetic life
still doesn't have a point, still seething
most killers aren't mentally ill, mental illness is mostly a myth, people act on revenge or pleasure

basically every mass shooter or killer acts on these and the only reason they don't kill or hurt people more often is fear of consequences

mostly being killed for their actions
>The Scandinavians are authoritarian and shitty
I think the perfect system is lack of hard restrictions (i.e. laws are lacking, you can easily get a license if you want to, etc), but lots of soft blocks (all-consuming propaganda of "guns bad!!" so it filters the most NPC people, the kind that doesn't form an opinion of their own)
The only issue is that you somehow need to prevent NPCs from wielding actual power to change laws, not sure how do you solve that issue.
what cunt
No, i'd rather be a civilized human. But keep being primitive, if that suits you.
Historically this is completely false, atleast for Sweden and Finland, the common peasant had much more power to affect their live then their french and german counterparts.
I'm euro
I own several firearms
I hate Russia
I hate socialism
I hate communism apologists
I serve as a reminder to burgers that based Europeans still exist.
Because I didn't grow up amongst faggots retard
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>Removing retards (majority of the population) is simply not feasible.
so is removing firearms, at least in the case of the United States.
and given that there are far more privately owned firearms in the USA than there are actual people from a pure mathematical standpoint the most sensible option for any policymaker would first be to actually attempt to remove the retards.
follow-up point: you sound like a total fag
you have to be patient with us eurofren.
consciously we do know you exist but seeing one of you in the wild is such a rare occurrence that when it does happen we usually have to do a double take to make sure we’re not high/hallucinating
Depends on the context. If the context is small, conseable, one handed handguns then yes. If the language is different then hand guns can extend to rifles (opposed to weaponry that are mounted to something) and it is completly different map
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>The US has one of the highest murder rates in the world.
Not even close
now do demographics
It's not so linear (look at Russia)
>Yemen is less restrictive than minnesota
Just look at how smart and resourceful all of these African and South American countries are compared to us.
Always managing to accomplish more with less at their disposal.
As a white western man i feel totally mogged.
Overreliance on advanced technology will be our downfall.
>more with less
They don't have less guns, the map shows LEGAL gun ownership. When guns are illegal, only the outlaws have guns, that's the point being stressed here.
That's not really what happened in this case. The increase in handgun crime is not due to simple possession charges. Everyone who owned a handgun prior to the ban was grandfathered.
The increase in handgun crime is because Canada keeps importing retarded jeets and niggers who join ethnic gangs and shoot each other with handguns (about 90% of which were smuggled from the US).
>imagine not having your right to bear arms enshrined in your constitution.
>per 100 000 people
Multipolar reading comprehension.
interesting how the places with most wide spread gun ownership has the least amount of homicides (with few exceptions)
must be a ""mere coincidence""
if you notice, red shirt pulled the gun, blue shirt shot him with his own gun
AKA the "every statistic ever" map
Why bother? You would defend yourself and then immediately get jailed (and likely get murdered there).

Smart/pro-active/skilled bongs just become American or Australians or whatever
Most European countries have like 3-5% expat population (excluding ancestry) and like half of that would be in neighbouring "sibling" countries (ie. Germany and Austria) because borders are kind of diffusing.
For Brits, this is 10% and rising. Half a milion people emigrated just last year alone
That's approaching war-torn country level of ethnic displacement
this is why we banned abortions, to prevent gun grabbers from moving to our wonderful states.
they always give up and kill themselves or surrender the moment they get shot at.

show one example of a school shooter getting into a firefight with police or an armed citizen
the man who bared the arm won, the man who lost possession of the arm lost
I can think of many situations where mass shooters don't give up and have to be outgunned by the cops

easily over half of all shootings/mass shootings standoffs

it takes a man with a gun to stop a man with a gun, simple as that cuck
I’m gonna be honest, this post reads like someone’s poorly thought out cope to cover up the fact that they hate guns as a trauma response
why exactly is the world so cucked anyway? doesn't seem to stop most of it from being a violent shithole
>as someone who lived through a civil war
Assuming he's European, he's a subhuman from the Balkans, only marginally better than a nigger.
>consciously we do know you exist but seeing one of you in the wild is such a rare occurrence that when it does happen we usually have to do a double take to make sure we’re not high/hallucinating
Eh, there are a lot of Euro gun owners. While the laws over here may not be as permissive as in the US, outside of some exceptions (mostly UK & Germany) we can own firearms and use them in self-defence.
Yeah, there are more controls on who can get a firearm, but unless you have a criminal record or are mentally unstable, you can own one. On the plus side, as schizos can't own guns, we don't have (non-Arab) mass shootings so gun-grabbing isn't really a topic that comes up.
>Imagine living on a continental fragment.
Silly Kiwis.
Post gun with timestamp
>Also washington state should be red given their cheeky "hahahaha oopsie system broke no gun transfers 4 u"

Only happened for one month
"only one month"
>but muh guns are unsafe
>x group shouldn't own guns
>too many people are retarded
Faggots all of you.
I would prefer to live in a more dangerous society and have guns than to live in a safer society and not have them. People should murder one another from time to time.
Still allowed to own them though and can go to other states to buy them
He said yank, it’s always aussies
Also I have more guns than all of you combined
what the fuck is going on in greenland
name 3 nigger.
As we all knew, the eurofags are fucking pathetic
>please sir, may I have the ability to protect myself?
>fuck no, no knives either
Scandinavia is gay. Nothing more than a wet-dreamland for retarded leftists
The Jews fear literally any homogeneous society
They still don't understand that American Exceptionalism is completely real, if they understood culture, they'd know that
>People are stupid and careless
Yes but that's also the same argument basically as the commies. The Liberty comes at essential risk, scary or not
There's a large amount of leftists out there that unironically believe the occasional crazy white kid lashing out at society, are the entire cause of gun deaths in America.
The VAST majority of it is niggers shooting other niggers (trash taking itself out), but they don't believe that happens
>Is arming the drunkest and most retarded of us really the hill you want to die on?
Not him, but it's not like we'd be giving guns out like food stamps or some shit
It's a khat infested wasteland, because they would rather use ALL their water growing khat, than for crops or drinking it.
Based gun laws, but they're fucking pants on head retarded over there
>Is arming the drunkest and most retarded of us really the hill you want to die on?
How drunk and retarded can you be before you're not allowed basic rights?
Who gets to determine how drunk and retarded you can be before you're not allowed basic rights?
What other basic rights will you be denied based on your various levels of drunkenness and retardation?
>slippery slope is a fallacy
>Free men don’t need to grovel for shit.
buy any full auto machineguns lately? suppressors? ain't it great walking into a gun store, buying literally any gun and walking out with it 10 seconds later?
oh wait you can't because you have to grovel to do that
You can buy guns cash with no registration or background check in most states
Just hand the person cash and get the gun and walk away
>burgerville "cultural values" usually arise from what's practical.
It's said the American philosophy is Pragmatism in the William James sense. The truth is "what works" basically. Grant any idea or belief to be true, what concrete difference will it being true make in anyone's actual life? This is also how Americans can talk about religion, like even if you don't believe in God other people can get something out of it.

>Socialism isn’t inherently bad ... The problem with socialism is that it tries to be a one size fits all solution.
There were some radically democratic ideas in communist revolutions but there's a debate whether the totalitarian regimes that consolidated power were always in the DNA or whether that was due to the circumstances of civil war or some combination. Trotsky's arguments against Stalin was that a bureaucracy had taken power and betrayed the revolution. Mao also tried to destroy the bureaucracy, and Maoist China was heavily armed -- there were militias everywhere. An interesting twist is that these guys believed the bureaucracy would restore capitalism or at least elements of it. China is really run by a giant bureaucracy:

I don't think Americans want THAT. If anything Americans with radical politics would more likely adopt something like Hunter S. Thompson. He shared some left-wing ideas and had sympathies for socialism but I doubt he ever sat around reading dogmatic Marxist-Leninist tomes, he believed in radical freedom to do whatever you want, and was a very offbeat 60s character like Vermin Supreme or somebody like that.
In an ideal federalist system the places that want strong gun control can have it while the places that want looser regulation can have that too. The idea being that if the areas with high levels of gun owners are full of people who support gun rights and are ok with living in an area with lots of guns, and the areas with little gun ownership are full of people who support gun control and are ok with living in an area with lots of gun restrictions then theoretically everyone's happy so long as people respect the rules of their respective communities assuming there's no spillover effects where the rules of one community could adversely affect the others around it.

The issue in practice of course is that there are always spillover effects, especially when if comes to gun law since it by it's very nature deals with the distribution of deadly weapons among the members of society. Part of the job of the federal government is to step in to arbitrate and resolve these problems for the common good. The role of federal law in such a system is to set a sensible list of basic ground rules that everyone follows and then allow the states and local municipalities to build on them as they see fit.

Of course these days the definitions of "sensible", "basic" and "ground rules" are all moving targets that neither side can agree on, hence why things are so contentious.
>The role of federal law in such a system is to set a sensible list of basic ground rules that everyone follows and then allow the states and local municipalities to build on them as they see fit.
And that's just what the Federal government did all the way back in the 18th century. Of course the men who wrote those ground rules would scoff at what fits the definition of a "citizen" today, universal suffrage, etc.
You have more AIDS than all of us combined
And guns lol
Feels good man
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>that stainless Winchester 1200 Defender

Hot fucking DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN that is a nice shotty.
I'm so used to namefags getting vanned fast
ever finish that 51k barrelled cetme?
>mexico green
>only store where you can buy a handgun legally is located in mexico city
Holy shit, invade California and execute everyone in the Californian Government.
feels good to be murican sometimes. Between the school shootings anyways. I've been thinking about getting a handgun permit in NY, but when we get it we have to declare which pistol we're gonna get.
Any ideas for a 10 round cuck state pistol?
nuff said
I've never been more proud to be an American.
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Brasil is Red under commie Lula
we just live it you dumb savage. There's no need to teach anyone anything if they're already doing it naturally.
>nuff said
I'll say it anyway, "nobody is collecting accurate homicide statistics in a 3rd world jungle shithole undergoing a forever civil war".
More people die in pools than mass shootings, they're literally nothing.
99.9% of white Americans would gladly give up the 2nd Amendment if they could be free of blacks. Everything is subjective.

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