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File: DSS PZD Mk24 spin.webm (3.3 MB, 1737x1158)
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Czech PZD Mk24. First original design by these guys, who are currently known for their minimi clones. https://dss-cz.com/pzd-mk24
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un-webp'd pics from their website
Looks pretty standard.
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Presumably meant to compete with Evolys on weight.
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with glass on
People like to talk about the Evolys a lot but I seriously doubt that it will ever see widespread adoption outside of SF units simply due to the fac that it doesn't have a true QD barrel.
now tell me exactly how they expect to get that feed tray cover up with the fucking eotech battery in the way
Only found this pic posted by a czech twitblogger, not the company, so the answer is probably they don't
>"original design"
>literally a LAMG
typical eastern euros
>x is just y
every gun thread
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No, it's LITTERALLY the same gun, not even a close copy design, it's a straight up copy like the chinks would do
>LAMG at home
From this photo >>62876873 it looks as though that whole section of rail is attached to the cover.
Nvm I'm retarded, please disregard.
Ah yes, the triangular holes in the handguard are the single most essential engineering element to it's function.
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OP here, yes it looks a lot like the LAMG without seeing the internals. This is basically fine, because ultralight LMGs seemingly converge on the stoner gun no matter what and KAC isn't equipped to fill even US demand, let alone NATO-wide demand, so a lil bit of pinching here and there is what it is.

I would be curious to get a look at the czech gun disassembled. They supply their minimi copies to armed forces like ukraine, so there are decent odds of this happening.

Recent thread on a SOCOM LMG that also quickly descended into LAMG posting: >>62776116
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>They supply their minimi copies to armed forces like ukraine
I'm sexually aroused by this weapon
I hate the stock but otherwise it seems fine
could probably save a few grams in the handguard area, the upper receiver, and the stock, what do the internals look like?
>what do the internals look like?
TBD. Two jumping off points:

1. Article about their shop

2. Disassembled 5.56 minimi-like
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I overlooked a photo on their linkedin
Do we have any idea how much it weighs? Does it make use of constant recoil, or does it just have a superasslong bolt throw like the Negev?
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"recoil-reducing" so probably constant recoil
Intriguing. Is this for the Czech army? Or is it just a product they've developed at their own expense for the current faddish ultralight-machine/assault-gun market?
that forward grip is the wrong way, not memeing, why do people still do this?
>Is this for the Czech army?
Don't know. They're a small company and they sell to ukraine, so I'll probably be able to catch them at a show to ask sooner or later. Last year their thing seems to have been breaking into asia.
>Is this for the Czech army?
Czech here, army bought new minimis 2 years ago to replace types 59. They pose as a new machinist startup. Dont know about Mk24, but their 556 model was pretty much just a minimi clone with some "quality of life benefits" (more sturdier, telescopic stock, gas system adaptation for silencer) as they put it. If it sell, then I am happy for them. They should be totally independent on the rest of our gun manufacturers (CZ...) but are sponsored by state investment bank.

Here is interview with CEO in Czech.
That was already linked above

>They should be totally independent on the rest of our gun manufacturers (CZ...) but are sponsored by state investment bank.
Yeah the sponsor logo list in the footer is a weird bag. Have to assume they'll be bought up by CSG if they're in pole position to make a major sale to the czech army.
pizda hehehe
rename it by one letter for a massive sales boost
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ackshully they're trapezoids heh
im very smart
give me validation
Am I hallucinating or is that just a KAC LAMG? Not a new design, but it’s about time somebody embraces constant recoil.
…why? Why attach the optics to the tray?

FN solved this problem by the way. Look up the EVOLYS. The tray opens to the side, and the gun has one continuous rail on top.
>Why attach the optics to the tray?
It's been done that way for a hundred years and it works fine? This isn't a match rifle.
Outwardly very similar. Internals are a question mark for now. Maybe czechanon >>62878336 can dig something up that we can't. Their other guns are probably a good indication of what we'll see once we get one opened up.

>FN solved this problem
Have they tho? Rotating the feed tray seems like the right idea, but the evolys came out stupidhueg in both chamberings.
No comment on the rest of the EVOLYS. I just think the feed tray is neat.


Really? I’m not talking about subMOA accuracy, but I can’t imagine constantly slamming the feed tray down with optics affixed to it is gonna have any degree of accuracy. Minor differences in the optic’s orientation will produce increasingly massive changes in point of impact at range. But eh, if it works it works I guess.
How do we know the rest's chonk isn't related to the feed tray?
Eh, I doubt it is. The FN’s receivers seem unnecessarily big. But at the end of the day it’s not exactly a heavy (literally) machine gun. 11lbs and 13lbs for 5.56 and 7.62 respectively.
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Yeah it's not heavy, just physically larger than it seems like it needs to be on the backend.
>un-webp'd pics
doing god's work
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Speaking of webp, if anyone happens to know how to make ffmpeg behave its ass and do the needful in actually keeping the alpha transparency of webp input frames with vp9, that'd be swell.

I had to flatten the OP webm because the 72 webp stills with alpha at 5 degree intervals -> yuva240p resulted in a shartblack situation. Hastily switching to png didn't fix it either.
Someone really liked Knights LAMG
I'm still puzzled as to why they omitted such a simple feature. This thing has a removable barrel. The LAMG does. The only thing I can figure is that they don't *want* to make it a true light machine gun; they want to present it as a sort of belt fed assault weapon, and this is because they don't want to cannibalize their existing product line. They manufacture half the machine guns on the planet after all.
They're following the modern push to have suppressors on every gun.
Which means that you can't have a QC barrel because there's a really high chance that some grunt leaves it and that >thousand dollar suppressor somewhere in the field because it was too hot to carry or too heavy to carry or he just forgot about it at some point.
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Everyone loves to say that the cost of cans is purely an artifact of the US legal system though.
Suppressors are not expensive, it's just a glorified metal tube. They're only highly regulated, scarce, and thus artificially overpriced for civilians, not the government.
>the modern push to have suppressors on every gun
That's almost as retarded a fad as having a belt fed weapon with a fixed barrel. And they *are* fads, make no mistake. They have nothing to do with military efficiency. They're fads. Memes.
if you don't think that suppressor manufacturers are charging the government MORE than they are for civilians I don't know what to tell you
volume discounts don't exist for the government unless the capacity for volume is preexisting
Why are euros incapable of designing anything original?
Europe has been irrelevant since VE day.
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ur boring

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