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Vietnamese don't get the respect they deserve, these guys somehow managed to build a more competent economy than the north while literal armed terrorists were roaming the cities and countryside
AND they managed to field an army on top of it. They could have picked right off from the US withdrawal and we would have south korea 2 if ARVN was supported a little bit more by its government and america
>Incompetent, corrupt and infiltrated on all levels including strategic command
>Folded and lost Saigon almost imediately after US left

No, the effectiveness of these asswipes were spotty at best, they were little more than auxiliary troops for the US
They were the same shit as the ANA
Read up on Lam Son 719 and you'll see their efficacy as a fighting force.
>these guys somehow managed to build a more competent economy

huh? Not a more competent army though as the PAVN spanked them thoroughly whenever they went head to head without US support
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VC propaganda. Commies simply tricked every defector after their experiences in South Korea. South had some good units and an actual economic base, they were just too corrupt to support their army properly and were up against a local war hero from back in the 40s so a lack of pre-existing officer core
ARVN just needed a competent officer core and a slightly less corrupt higher ups(like SK) and would have indigenous designs, population and tech Advantage in 10 years time
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>almost imediately
Learn to spell
American combat troops left in 1973
War ended in 1975
Two years difference
Learn to count as well you massive retard
No, none of this is correct
Imo this post would be better on /pol/ but South Vietnam was an incredibly poorly run, corrupt shithole and we fought on the wrong side
ARVN got grounded down due to a lack of support and resources, not due to a lack of training or bravery. They held out on their own for years.
ARVN started out corrupt and ineffectual as shit. They were getting better, but not quickly enough to be able to contend with the PAVN one on one and while they might have been able to at some point the US lost the political will to sit around babysitting them until they could. The real unsung heroes are the RF/PFs who basically had to deal with the VC daily while being nearly as poorly equipped and accounted for themselves pretty well all things considered.
Slightly related but I just started reading about Dien Bien Phu and my god the French fucked themselves from the start
Fuck off kid
You're a massive poser

Yeah but don't tell Euros that, it confuses them to learn that the US wasn't even present when Best Vietnam fell and had in fact left years earlier after stomping the NVA into a mud puddle and unaliving the entire VC permanently
I wouldn't go that far, ARVN was riddled with corruption and inefficiency but they weren't a collection of retarded pedophilic tribals. ARVN was able to neuter the VC eventually and hold out against a peer army in 1972 (with massive US air support, but that's more than what the ANA managed against the Taliban). ARVN being like the ANA would be like if they managed to lose against the VC in a vacuum where North Vietnam and the NVA don't even really exist and it really is just poorly equipped rice farmers.
They don't get the respect they deserve because they were led by literal retards under a country a government so incompetent and corrupt that the US had to assassinate their president because of how much a retard he was despite being utterly pro-American. Who also tried to turn Vietnam into a Catholic state despite being 99% Buddhist and Animist, kek.

Now their only defenders are 80 to 90 year old diaspora in the US who can barely care anymore and their 25% Vietnamese, Elliot roder tier descendants who support it purely out of self-esteem issues and their mothers riding the BWC carousal they second they grew up in America, KWAB.
>Elliot roder
You've been warned already kid
Learn to spell and stop being a fucking retard
Also slightly related, a German soldier fought in Stalingrad and Normandy. At the end of the war he was enlisted by the Russians but then defected to the West. He joined the FFL and fought at Dien Bien Phu. After that he became a Green Beret
It's true though, out of every "underdog" army someone could support the AVRN is probably the worse they could choose besides the ANA and that's saying something. Rhodesia lasted years despite being sanctioned by the entire world and had to rely on old WW2 era aircraft and captured equipment to survive, the AVRN collapsed only TWO YEARS after being supplied and trained by the strongest superpower in history for years.
Are you going to cry?
You have small dick energy kid
Well they were fighting a well oiled machine, not a bunch of niggers
Kek, are you the >>62880175 guy who virals his channel on /k/ with these threads and every time the AVRN is brought up? South Vietnam lost you obessed hapa faggot. Go to therapy.
There were three sides in the Vietnam war.

FULRO was made out of indigenous ethnic minorities like Chams of Champa, Khmer Krom of Kampuchea Krom (Mekong delta and Saigon which used to belong to Cambodia) and Montagnards of the Central Highlands.

FULRO fought against both South Vietnam and North Vietnam from 1964-1975, for independent Champa and to return Kampuchea Krom to Cambodia.

FULRO ethnic minorities hated all Vietnamese of all political affiliations.

Fighting in the Central Highlands involving a FULRO column in 1975 led to the collapse of the entire front as North Vietnamese troops swept into the Highlands and flanked the entire south.

There was no third side in the Korean war.
There's sooooooo many non Vietnamese guys in here that think they know anything
>we should have helped the commies
Yep, your post does belong on /pol/
Just so you're aware, historically speaking the South Vietnamese government are thought of as colonizer bootlickers with temporarily assigned importance while The North are considered the legitimate cultural and political power in the country. Nobody outside of your echo chambers gives a fuck about the ARVN or believes they had any shot at winning the war
Neither communists nor neocon faggots here will mention FULRO. >>62880524

There was an entire FULRO army which set up their own provisional Champa government fron 1964-1975 in the Vietnam war and both leftist Amerimutts nor neocon Amerimutts try to cover it up.

FULRO affiliated Montagnards attacked Vietnanese police stations last year in the Central Highlands and killed Vietnamese police, in 2023.
The FULRO Champa army fought against the ARVN and NVA.
South Vietnam and part of North Vietnam used to be Champa.

Vietnamese invaded Champa from the north and conquered the last Cham state in 1832.

Vietnam annexed Kampuchea Krom from Cambodia.
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You're definitely from reddit
You sound like a massive whiny faggot
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>the South Vietnamese government are thought of as colonizer bootlickers with temporarily assigned importance while The North are considered the legitimate cultural and political power in the country.
Rhodesia was supported by Israel and Apartheid South Africa dumbass.

Israel also supported Apartheid South Africa.
No, they were a mediocre military that crumbled almost immediately after america left. And they weren’t fighting a for a “moral cause” either- South Vietnam was a shitty corrupt CIA puppet state.
The Rangers, Airborne, and Marines were pretty damn good.
Cambodian men literally pimp Vietnamese girls to white paedophiles. Vietnamese are in the bottom rung of Cambodian society and are the ones being fucked by expats. Vietnamese girls and women fill Cambodian brothels.



Inside k11, Phnom Penh's notorious child brothel.
None - Do not Delete
November 18, 2003

Ushered into a sort of makeshift living room, I am told that in the daytime the neighborhood is a typical Cambodian slum, full of street vendors and the thick, mysterious flow of motorbikes. On the walls are several signs in Vietnamese, local beer ads and Backstreet Boys posters. I sit on a crusty sofa, across from the Vietnamese pimp speaking broken Cambodian to Mr. Yo.

Four young Vietnamese girls enter the room. The pajama-clad quartet storms in like the kids they are, all giggles and restless energy amidst the boredom of the metal and concrete room. The girls, who look about 10 to 12 years old, climb over the pimp like he's their father, tweaking his ears and messing his hair. One sits down next to me. There is no sign of fear or physical abuse. I try to get my head around the family atmosphere and keep the noticeably sexualized youngsters on the other side of the room.

Mr. Yo expects me to indulge. Apparently, I hadn't made myself clear.

"You don't think?this is what I wanted to do? Do you do this sort of thing?"



"Because they are Vietnamese it doesn't matter," the Cambodian Yo states simply. "We wouldn't let our girls do this."
>omg how dare you say we lost a war that we gave up on and left for the other side
if you dont provide a name why should i give a fuck.stop with the larp
You have to be 18+ to post here kid
Whatever, Tran. Go back to Vietnam and apologize for your dad fighting for the bad guys.
Fuck off commie faggot
You're a Russian pedophile
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They werent worth shit without the entirety of the french officer corps training them and they became even more worthless with the americans because they werent interested about working with asians
Damn that sucks but what does that have to do with this thread?
Waiting for the last paycheck to clear before finally leaving this place I take it?
>tried to turn Vietnam into a Catholic state despite being 99% Buddhist and Animist, kek.
Yeah, it's called being based.
>the AVRN collapsed only TWO YEARS after being supplied and trained by the strongest superpower in history for years.
And their opponent was being supplied by the other super power in the world at that time you moron. Failing to factor in the relevant context outs you as a low IQ mongrel.
>Vietnamese are in the bottom rung of Cambodian society
Who took out Pol Pot again?
>Failing to factor in the relevant context outs you as a low IQ mongrel.
My guy, half of /k/ thinks the US invaded Vietnam. You may as well be asking for the moon.
File deleted.
>more competent economy than the north while literal armed terrorists were roaming the cities and countryside

Outperforming Communists in the economic sphere is hardly an achievement.

>They could have picked right off from the US withdrawal and we would have south korea 2 if ARVN was supported a little bit more by its government and america

America literally spent itself into such financial ruin propping up South Vietnam that it killed what was left of the Gold Standard and we had to come up with the Petrodollar as its shitty replacement. There really wasn’t much more we could have done for them.


Eh, the ARVN won its share of major engagements such as An Loc. Its last stand at Xuan Loc was probably its best fought. The ANA never had any such successes.


Honestly this. If the ARVN had started getting its act together a decade sooner, it could have made the difference, but the fundamentally dysfunctional nature of the South Vietnamese state effectively guaranteed that wasn’t going to happen.

>November 18, 2003

Let me guess… they were all fathered by PAVN soldiers during the occupation of Cambodia in the 80s?

>Who took out Pol Pot again?

His own drug addiction. He died of an overdose/alleged suicide in 1998, a decade after the Vietnamese withdrew from Cambodia.

Keep in mind that much like the American experience in Southeast Asia from 1955 to 1975, the Vietnamese-Cambodia War is widely considered to be the PAVN’s most spectacular failure.
They never didn't suck. The way I put it once was they tried to fight as Americans rather than play on their own natural strengths.

What we really needed were a lot more Koreans in Vietnam, they knew how to pacify a region
Their only real achievement was stopping the Easter Offensive, and they stumbled even with our air support
Why are you Americans sooooooo stupid?
Don't you have books or the Internet?
Like you were involved, fucking poser
>And their opponent was being supplied by the other super power in the world at that time you moron. Failing to factor in the relevant context outs you as a low IQ mongrel.
To be fair, the Rhodies opponents were too. However, on the other hand, well, they were niggers
Jerry Kropik. He’s mentioned on SOG Cast by Gene Pugh at about the 20:00 minute mark. Can’t find much info on him besides his grave here
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Grandpa was ARVN and died last year. Didn't speak about his service whatsoever. In his home there used to be a black and white picture of him ontop of a M113 but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Still bummed about his death and loved him a lot. I went back to Vietnam last year and found some gnarly stuff.
I'd say ARVN was better than people think, but still not good. I'd actually rate them above South Korea in the Korean War at least, ROK was just in a much better position because they didn't have a massive, porous border for insurgents and eventually entire armies to infiltrate over, Syngman Rhee fucking killed anybody who could've started an internal insurgency, and the North there launched a conventional invasion from the start that the US was able to step in and conventionally repel rather than doing it after a decade of wearing the US down and making them them throw in the towel and leave.
My (figurative) country's (past tense) air support, to support their (not mine) positions.
Good enough? Retarded ass pedantic faggot nigger
I thought you were referring to Larry Thorne


He's the only SS officer buried in Arlington cemetery
>PAVN soldiers

Dumb mutt, those Vietnamese were born in Vietnam and smuggled to Cambodia dor sex trafficking. The girls speak Vietnamese and don't know any Khmer.

Poor Vietnamese immigrants have been migrating from their overcrowded shithole to Cambodia for the past two centuries.

The anti-communist right wing Cambodian Lon Nol massacred 70,000 Vietnamese males from 1970-1975 and raped the women

Pol Pot then massacred the rest after overthrowing Lon Nol.

More homeless poor Vietnamese keep immigrating to Cambodia and the Viet women all work as prostitutes.
How are 10 to 12 year olds in 2003 fathered in the 1980s dumb mutt? They speak fluent Vietnamese and no Khmer, they weren't raised by Khmer mothers.

A Vietnamese pimp brought them from Vietnam to the Cambodian pimp Mr. Yo. It's in the article.

In 2014, Cambodians publicly lynched a Vietnamese to death while screaming racial slurs like youn/yuon at him during elections.
Low-info as fuck.

ARVN was a million-man army. Lots of units melted away, but just as many fought to the bitter end. Their Ranger, Marine and Airborne units fought exceptionally hard.
Actually, it's the polar opposite. In Korea, there were at least some ex-IJN officers that knew how to deal with the Chinese human wave tactics and scored some kills in the later part of the war. AVRN couldn't even trust their own troops since there were so many enemy troops infiltrated into the military like the case of ANA. So the effort to save South Vietnam was doomed from the onset.
This you, OP?
Because they're Hmong minorities unlike most of the Vietnamese peasants.
>ex-IJN officers

Koreans were bottom rung dumbass, Japan refused to allow Korean volunteers until 1938, when Japan lost tens of thousands of dead at the battles of Shanghai and Taierzhuang.

Japan refused to conscript Koreans until the end of the war in 1944-1945.

Japan also gave Koreans low prestige rear guard duties like guarding Amerimutt POWS in SEA or being stationed in Manchukuo after 1942 when there was no fighting.

Park Chunghee graduated from the Japanese military schools and he was sent to do garrison duty in Manchukuo for the entire war from 1942-1945 after all insurgency ended, and he was not allowed to fight on the front lines in China (in Shanxi, Henan etc.)

Taiwanese were also not allowed to volunteer or conscripted until the end of the war, and Taiwanese were not allowed to serve against mainland Chinese but only against Amerimutts and Vietnamese in SEA

Okinawans were the only ethnic minority fully recruited into all ranks of the Japanese military for decades since the 1890s to 1945.

Japanese were the ones who used human wave attacks in the battle of Beicang in 1900 and at the land battles of Port Arthur and Nanshan in the Boxer rebellion, where they charged outnumbered Russians and were slaughtered and suffered higher deaths than the Russians.

Japan only won those battles with mas human waves to overcome the outnumbered Russian machine gunners.

This is while Japan was fully armed by Britain and the US with the latest military technology.

Meanwhile China which had technological inferiority never used human waves as a tactic in WW2 or the Korean war

Outnumbered the enemy≠human wave attacks.

Human waves specifically refers to endlessly swamping the enemy from fully frontal numbers until victory, not when you have 100,000 and the enemy has 80,000 and you won using regular tactics.

US soldiers outnumbered Japanese at multiple battles so the US used human waves according to your logic
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Korean volunteers weren't allowed until 1938 and Koreans weren't conscripted until 1944 and many were put into support roles unlike Okinawans.

Park Chung-hee who was a volunteer in Manchukuo (only deployed in 1944) prostituted Korean women to Japanese after the war because that was the status of all the volunteers, cuckolds.


Park Chung-hee mass pimped Korean girls to Japanese and Americans after he collaborated

Norma, Caroline. “Demand from Abroad: Japanese Involvement in the 1970s’ Development of South Korea’s Sex Industry.” The Journal of Korean Studies (1979-), vol. 19, no. 2, 2014, pp. 399–428. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/43923277. Accessed 29 Mar. 2023.

Gookreans were put in grunt roles in the Pacific like guarding westerner POW camps.

Japan didn't recruit Gook volunteers until 1938, and didn't recruit Gook conscripts until the end of the war due to lack of trust in gooks so you're busted for lying again.

Okinawans were the only ethnic minority Japan trustee and recruited volunteers and conscripts from in the beginning.

South Koreans were also the weakest in the war.

Retreating South Koreans who were defeated by Chinese already, were slaughtered by Turkish brigade before the battle of Wawon, who mistake the South Koreans for Chinese troops.

South Koreans got bayoneted to death by Turks after already being massacred by Chinese.

Chinese would explicitly hammer South Korean points on the armistice line since they were the weakest and easiest to break through.

Japan only allowed several hundred selected volunteers after 1938 and didn't begin full scale conscription in its colonies until 1944.

Also in the Imjin war, the Japanese killed and raped 1 million Koreans from 1592-1598 and Joseon Korea had to call Ming China to intervene to save them.

Ming Chinese troops also raped and killed Koreans.

Amerimutt soldiers outnumbered Japanese in the Aleut Islands campaign

Amerimutts numbered 144,000, Japanese numbered 8,500

That means Amerimutts must have used human waves against the Japanese according to >>62885350

China never did a frontal human wave assault in any WW2 or Korean War battle.

Japan had technological parity in 1900 at Beicang and with Russia in 1905, since Japan gave Japanese teenage prostitutes (karayuki san) to British for military aid, and the Jewish bankers like Schiff supported Japan with emergency loans against Russia)

Japan used human wave attacks with full frontal blind charges into Russian trenches and the Russians slaughtered the Japanese at Nanshan and land battle of Port Arthur (not the naval battle) More Japanese died than Russians in land. Japan was helped with Jewish loans and the British built Meiji naval fleet at Tsushima.

Japan used human wave attacks earlier against Chinese trenches at the battle of Beicang in 1900, and Chinese defenders inflicted a higher death toll on the Japanese and 8 nation alliance than they received in that battle.

China had technological inferiority against Japanese poison gas, tanks, ships and planes that the British built and taught to the Japanese in the Sempill mission.

The Japanese themselves admitted they used poison gas bombardment to win whenever Chinese troops defeated Japanese in hand to hand fighting like Guangzhou fortress and Tianjiazhen fortress at the battle of Wuhan.

Japanese also said poison gas, tank superiority and aerial superiority made up for inferior numbers on the Japanese side
Hmong don't live in South Vietnam.

The ethnic minorities that did live in South Vietnam like Montagnards never served in ARVN rangers, marines or airborne.

Montagnards served in two groups, FULRO and CIDG and they hated both the ARVN and NVA

FULRO, joined by CIDG mutineers, attacked ARVN rangers and US Green Berets in 1964.

FULRO fought against NVA and PAVN.
Japanese and Ming Chinese soldiers both raped Koreans in the Imjin war.

Kek, found a Chang.
Imjin war rape baby.

All of Korea was raped in the Imjin war, multiple provinces in China never had Japanese soldiers.
Ok, Chang.
>Scientists from the University of Tokyo may have just laid to rest a long-standing debate over the ancestral origins of the modern Japanese population. By analyzing the DNA of a 2,300-year-old skeleton, the team was able to learn that Japanese ancestry is a mix of two people groups that integrated during the Yayoi period (around 300 B.C. to 300 A.D.).

>This analysis was no small thing—in fact, the investigation required a full nuclear genome analysis of a skeleton found in 1952 at the Doigahama ruins in Japan. Once completed, the results suggested that “between the Yayoi and Kofun periods, the majority of immigrants to the Japanese archipelago originated primarily from the Korean Peninsula,” the research team wrote in a study published in the Journal of Human Genetics.

>So, the authors had their answer: the genetic composition of the modern Japanese people is a blend of the Jomon people and the modern Koreans. And those immigrants arriving from the Korean peninsula during the Yayoi period would have brought much more than just their genes—they likely also brought new technologies and perspectives, creating a cultural shift on the islands that lives on through genetic sampling.

>“This study,” the authors said in a translated statement from the university, “is expected to further deepen our understanding of the formation process of the Japanese population by clarifying the main roots of the Japanese population.”
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Still seethe about being enslaved by the steppe master race?
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Did you miss the part when Han bannermen and Manchu soldiers mass raped Korean women?
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Ming soldiers from all parts of China participated in the rapes in the Imjin war.

>We attempted to narrow the source of this migration by testing the fit of two-way admixtures of the Yayoi and populations identified from our f4 statistics as being significantly closer to the Kofun (table S9). This admixture model was confidently supported with P > 0.05 for only 5 of 59 populations tested. We then applied qpAdm to quantify the genetic contribution from Yayoi and each of these sources in turn (table S9). The two-way admixture model was subsequently rejected in an additional two populations due to a lack of support from different reference sets. The remaining three populations (Han, Korean, and YR_LBIA) show 20 to 30% contributions to the Kofun (fig. S19). These three all share strong genetic drift (highlighted by the green square in fig. S17), characterized with a major component of broadly East Asian ancestry in their ADMIXTURE profiles (fig. S6). To further screen the source of additional ancestry in the Kofun individuals, we tested a three-way admixture by replacing the Yayoi ancestry with Jomon and Northeast Asian ancestry (table S10). Only Han were successfully modeled as a source of ancestry in the model (Fig. 5B), with a significantly better fitting of the three-way admixture than any possible two-way admixture models (table S11). Given that Jomon ancestry is diluted by approximately a factor of 4 between the Yayoi and Kofun populations sampled, these results suggest that the state formation phase saw a large influx of migrants who had East Asian ancestry.

Yeah, about that...
Queue hairstyle was also not only imposed on Han, it was required for all male Qing subjects, including Nanai Hezhen (Tungusics related to Manchus) Korean slaves in the bondservant (booi aha) companies and all Manchu men themselves.

>Yishiha (Chinese: 亦失哈; Wade–Giles: Ishiha/I-shih-ha; also Išiqa or Isiha;[1] Jurchen: i ʃï xa[2]) (fl. 1409–1451) was a Jurchen eunuch of the Ming dynasty of China.


>The Nurgan Regional Military Commission (Chinese: 奴兒干都指揮使司; pinyin: Nú'érgān dūzhǐhuī shǐsī) was a Chinese administrative seat established in Manchuria (including Northeast China and Outer Manchuria) during the Ming dynasty, located on the banks of the Amur River, about 100 km from the sea, at Nurgan city (modern Tyr, Russia).


>The Ming rule of Manchuria began with its conquest of Manchuria in the late 1380s after the fall of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty, and reached its peak in the early 15th century with the establishment of the Nurgan Regional Military Commission.

Also is this you?



>Yishiha (Chinese: 亦失哈; Wade–Giles: Ishiha/I-shih-ha; also Išiqa or Isiha;[1] Jurchen: i ʃï xa[2]) (fl. 1409–1451) was a Jurchen eunuch of the Ming dynasty of China. He served the Ming emperors who commissioned several expeditions down the Songhua and Amur Rivers during the period of Ming rule of Manchuria,[1][3] and is credited with the construction of the only two Ming dynasty Buddhist temples ever built on the territory of present-day Russia.[4]

>It is believed that Yishiha was a Haixi Jurchen by origin,[1][5] and was captured by the Ming forces in the late 14th century.[1] He worked under two important eunuchs, Wang Zhen and Cao Jixiang. It is speculated by modern historians that he rose to prominence by participating in imperial court politics and serving the Yongle Emperor's concubines of Manchu (Jurchen) origin.[6][7]
>i-it wasn't only the Han chinese...So...it's okay...!
Come on, Chang. We know you don't even want to wear costumes from the Qing dynasty anymore.
Lol, the most cringeworthy shit as a chink would claim.
The Ming ruled Manchuria and castrated Manchus like Yishiha, and Yishiha the Manchu eunuch slave led Ming expeditions against fellow Jurchens and erected Ming boundary markers in modern day Outer Manchuria.


Han clothing was never banned during the Qing. Daoist priests continued to wear Hanfu (Daopao) as part of their clerical garb and Ming officials clothes were produced for actors, the Qing Yongzheng emperor had tailors produce Ming official robes for himself and opera actors.

Only government officials and bannermen were required go wear banner clothing.
>Vietnamese don't get the respect they deserve, these guys somehow managed to build a more competent economy
Their economy was entirely dependent on gibs from the U.S, Australia, and Korea. They did fine under Diem but after that the place became a charity case and a money pit for Western governments and allies.
>than the north while literal armed terrorists were roaming the cities and countryside
This isn't an own, they were basically Ukraine before Ukraine dealing with VC who were the far more competent precursor to DPR/LPRfags.
>AND they managed to field an army on top of it.
A shitty, corrupt, blinged-out army barring irregular popular force militants who punched well above their weight and the Marines, Airborne, and Rangers who were all French-trained.
>They could have picked right off from the US withdrawal and we would have south korea 2 if ARVN was supported a little bit more by its government and america
Fucking lmao, the U.S, AUS, and Korea put themselves into a recession hucking gibs to that shithole for three years after the withdrawal. And what happened? Everybody but the irregulars, Rangers, Airborne, and Marines folded like the ANA.
The only way the U.S could've won in Vietnam was by
1. never overthrowing Diem or
2. giving Westmoreland and the Thai carte blanche to do whatever they wanted in Laos and Cambodia like they wanted to get rid of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
>we were cucked only because we wanted to actually!
Wow, what a great way to cope, Chang.
Another thread proving that asians are retarded except for doing math equations that other cultures invented.
so you're saying that the Han were humiliated by the Manchus and placed on the same rung of the ladder as the Koreans?
not a good look for you, Chang.
Sadly they got betrayed by muttniggers from muttmerica
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I find it funny that here and /his/ are where Chang's lurk the most given they are the most hostile boards towards them.
Seems like they'd get a lot more bang for their buck if they shilled on /pol/.
this particular chang is a known schizo, so i don't think he even cares about influencing people so much as desperately trying to mask his own insecurities. The lore of the chinkspammer is deep, and the more he posts, the more invested i become in it.
you will never be white
Wait is he the same hapa that comes and seethes about his white daddy?
no, this one insists he's a pure-bred han (despite the fact that he also insists Chinese men fuck every other ethnicity in the world since the beginning of time). He's also constantly bringing-up rape out of nowhere, and in true vranyo fashion, insists it was the other posters who did that in the first place. Like I said, he's a bundle of insecurities, and it's fascinating digging into some of the links he spams and seeing how almost every one is either an article he edited, a source he misquoted, or a post he made.
> a source he misquoted, or a post he made

Show a single misquote in the images and sources



I'm waiting for you to refute a single post, incel, which you consistently failed to do every time.
>Show a single misquote in the images and sources
well, there is this post, where you detailed how Japanese girls were sexually exploited by white men as proof of how cucked Japs were:
I've gathered that the source for this is a book by Mark Driscoll called "The Whites are the Enemies of Heaven"
The problem here is that this same book outlines similar incidents where Chinese women prostituted themselves to westerners. For example:
>"Hart spent nearly two decades of his life buying rawfared Chinese sex workers and expropriating them as what he called his “absolute possessions.” This ended after he fathered three children with a Chinese sex servant and returned to England to start what he configured as a “legitimate” family with the eighteen-year-old, white Hester Bredon. Although Bredon lived in Beijing with Hart for a decade, she took their two children and returned to England alone while Hart returned to buying Chinese women on the cheap in Beijing before ultimately deciding to live celibately in 1883 (Heaver 2013)."
You never made any mention of passages like these as you argued for han racial supremacism, as they very clearly contradict your thesis thoroughly. This certainly demonstrates that you're very selective with how you cite certain sources.
You were the one who did that

You quoted from his book first to attack China only.


Then you were humiliated with quotes from the same book about Japanese girls getting fucked


You were the humiliated again and never responded to this

>seething like a jap rape baby
You even tried to misquote the book to seem as though Japan was muh based conservative country that protected its people

>Under pressure from US & UK officials, the Tokugawa govt. built…[a] commercial sex district…6 brothels to accommodate Euro-Americans…nearly all Japanese females had to be physically forced...be further rawfared by being forced do an overnight with a white man in 1863.24

>In 1858, after forcing Japan into another bad treaty, US Consul General to Japan, pedo Townsend Harris, threatened war if teenage girls were not immediately supplied to him.
>Harris raped a 17 y/o Japanese girl, then demanded 2 more.
>redneck John Wayne did a movie glorifying it.

>In 1858, Brit colonizer Elgin went to Japan, forced the Japanese into an unequal treaty, & brought surveyors to extract resources.
Elgin’s secretary, Laurence Oliphant was a pedo who wrote books encouraging white men of all classes to come “purchase” 14 year old girls in Japan
Your allies were the ones entirely occupied and raped by Japan.

South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan were entirely occupied and Japan committed mass rape qnd killed millions

Entire Han majority provinces in China were never occupied, all of Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Ningxia, most of Yunnan, Fujian, west Guangxi, west Hunan, west Hubei.

This isn't Ukraine where Ukrainians collaborated with Nazis against Soviets. You can't pull that shit here about based Nazi Ukrainians against Vatniks (Soviet soldiers mass raped 2 million white women)

Japanese gang raped your allies.

Japan also received Chinese sex tourist for centuries leaving bastards behind in Japan.
There were also 500,000 Japanese civilian settlers in Manchukuo (half of them women and girls) and nurses when the Soviet army invaded.

And there were Japanese girls and women across South Sakhalin and the Kuriles.

The Soviet army mass raped Japanese women and girls in Manchukuo, North Korea, South Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands in August 1945.
Firstly, that anon wasn't me. Secondly, I don't give a shit about Japan, I'm talking about how the very source you cited outlines how the Chinks prostituted themselves as well. If the japs were cucked, then the chinks were cucked, and if the chinks were cucked, then there's a good chance your great-grandmother gargled a white man's balls. Seethe all you like, but your women got BLEACHED, and there's nothing you can do to change that fact.

Almanzor's campaigns were a continuation of a policy from emirate times: the capture of numerous contingents of Christian slaves, the famous esclavos or francos, in Arabic Saqtïliba or Saqáliba (plural of Siqlabi, "slave").[477] These were the most lucrative part of the loot, and constituted an excellent method of paying the troops, so much so that many campaigns were little more than slave raids.[478] From these came many eunuchs who were essential elements for handling harems; others were purchased already castrated in Verdun and disembarked in Pechina or Almería according to Liutprand of Cremona.[479] However, the most valuable take was the beautiful girls, selected according to "the predilection they had for the blonde and redhead Galicians, Basques and Franks,"[480] usually also described as having blue eyes, large breasts, wide hips, thick legs and perfect teeth[481] that "the gynaecea of the royal families and the aristocracy supplied as concubines and legitimate wives."[479] As in the case of the eunuchs, some slaves were bought from pirates attacking the Mediterranean coast, others came from Slavic or Germanic populations passing through several hands from Vikings, and there were also blacks imported from Sudan.[482] Most of these slaves, however, were children who would be Islamized and assigned to work at court, including the work of eunuchs.[479] Jews and, to a lesser extent, Muslims were involved in this lucrative trade, thanks to their ability as interpreters and ambassadors.[479]
>seethed like a jap rape baby for 2 posts

During the rule of Almanzor's Amirí regime, the already-rich Al-Andalus slave market reached unprecedented proportions. For example, the Moorish chronicles mention that after destroying Barcelona in July 985, Almanzor brought seventy thousand chained Christians to the great market of Córdoba[317] and, after destroying Simancas in July 983, he captured seventeen thousand women[374] and imprisoned ten thousand nobles.[483] Obviously, these figures must be carefully evaluated, but likewise given the enormity this type of trade reached during his tenure, Almanzor is described as "the slave importer".[317] The commoners of Córdoba even asked his successor to stop the trade since, to get a good husband for their daughters they had to raise the dowries to exorbitant levels because the young Christian slaves were so numerous and cheap that many men preferred to buy them instead of marrying Muslims.[484]
> Almanzor was in power between 981 and 1002, during which period he is credited by our sources with undertaking no less than fifty-seven victorious campaigns against the Christian north. The most celebrated of these occurred in 997, when Almanzor’s armies penetrated to the extreme northwest to sack the city of Santiago de Compostela and carry off the bells from the church of its patron St James to Córdoba.

> The expedition in 997 was only the most daring and notorious of a series of hammer-blows which the Andalusi armies under Almanzor’s leadership delivered to the Christian principalities. In 985 Barcelona was sacked, as well as the celebrated nearby monastery of San Cugat del Vallés. The Leonese outpost of Coimbra, in what is now Portugal, was plundered in 987. The same treatment was meted out to León and Zamora in 988, and to the monasteries of Sahagún and Eslonza. It was the turn of Osma in 989. In 995 no less a prize than García Fernández, the count of Castile, was captured: he died of his wounds in Córdoba. In the same year Carrión and Astorga were destroyed. In 999 Pamplona was attacked. In 1002 the Rioja was laid waste and the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla was burnt.

> It was on his way back from the Rioja campaign that Almanzor died, at Medinaceli. ‘Our provider of slaves is no more,’ the Córdobans are said to have lamented. But his power did not die with him. He was succeeded as the unofficial ruler of al-Andalus by his son ‘Abd al-Malik, who continued his father’s aggressive policies. Catalonia was raided in 1003, Castile in 1004, León in 1005 and Aragon in 1006. Had ‘Abd al-Malik not died young in 1008 there is no reason to suppose that the policy would have been discontinued. A Christian chronicler, noting Almanzor’s death, wrote that he was ‘seized by the Devil and buried in Hell’. He was a ‘scourge’ of the Christians and his removal from the scene was an act of ‘divine mercy.
Interior China was never occupied by white armies unlike Korea and Japan.

Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu, west Hunan, Ningxia, most of Yunnan.

There were no concessions or military bases.


Ex-Prostitutes Say South Korea and U.S. Enabled Sex Trade Near Bases
Give this article

Bae worked as a prostitute near an American military base in South Korea, an activity that American and Korean authorities permitted, some Koreans say.
Bae worked as a prostitute near an American military base in South Korea, an activity that American and Korean authorities permitted, some Koreans say.Credit...Jean Chung for the International Herald Tribune
By Choe Sang-Hun
Jan. 7, 2009
SEOUL, South Korea South Korea has railed for years against the Japanese government’s waffling over how much responsibility it bears for one of the ugliest chapters in its wartime history: the enslavement of women from Korea and elsewhere to work in brothels serving Japan’s imperial army.

Now, a group of former prostitutes in South Korea have accused some of their country’s former leaders of a different kind of abuse: encouraging them to have sex with the American soldiers who protected South Korea from North Korea. They also accuse past South Korean governments, and the United States military, of taking a direct hand in the sex trade from the 1960s through the 1980s, working together to build a testing and treatment system to ensure that prostitutes were disease-free for American troops.

While the women have made no claims that they were coerced into prostitution by South Korean or American officials during those years, they accuse successive Korean governments of hypocrisy in calling for reparations from Japan while refusing to take a hard look at South Korea’s own history.

“Our government was one big pimp for the U.S. military,” one of the women, Kim Ae-ran, 58, said in a recent interview.

Scholars on the issue say that the South Korean government was motivated in part by fears that the American military would leave, and that it wanted to do whatever it could to prevent that
>"b-but whatabout-"
this doesn't change the fact that your country was a cum-dump for white men.
Whites were killed and kidnapped for ransom in interior China where no western armies or Japanese occupied.

There were no foreign concessions or police in Shaanxi, Gansu, if any white was murdered there was no one to arrest the killers.
doesn't matter, they had sex with your wimmins lol
see: >>62889982
Is that before or after raising the local avg iq and cock size by spunk delivery lmao
Beijing is a city filled with Manchus and Mongol bannermen (who were majority in the Qing) and in China's coastal seaboard. It was occupied in the second opium war and Boxer rebellion due to its proximity to the coast.

Shanghai ans it's concessions, Hong Kong are all on the coast.

Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan had zero white soldiers and never under political, administrative or military occupation of whites unlike Korea, Japan, Vietnam.

Attila the Hun occupied all Germany, the Carthaginians and Moors occupied Iberia and they mass impregnated white women.
My great Grandpa fucked tons of Chinkettes when he was in Yunnan in WWII btw, probably fathered half the province lol.
And thats why your dad is white and you dont fit into the community you idolize/fetishize?
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What the fuck are you niggers talking about
This is an ARVN thread, post ARVN, PAVN, NVA US Army,marines or airforce

This gun and other large caliber arty is the Wunderwaffe of this war alongside helicopter infantry, this specific gun is literally the best organic support ARVN could have had against the hundreds of good, long range arty sent to the north by the soviets. It's fascinating to read about how important artillery still is even 60 years after ww1 with MBTs and jets desu
>"Hey, South Vietnam is about to get toppled by a communist insurgency and is getting invaded by North Vietnam. We should stop it."
>Completely destroys the Vietcong permanently
>Wrecks the NVA so hard it has to spend years reconstituting with the full backing of the world wide communist movement and is incapable of any offensive operations for years
>Force North Vietnam to sign a peace treaty

*Years Later In A Completely Different War*
>North invades again
>Due to Sino-Soviet split, no pressing national interest in intervening again
>Two countries neither of which have "United States" in their name fight, one looses
>Euros: "lol USA BTFO"

By that logic, Russia was the decisive winner in World War 1 since years later in a different war they would conquer Germany
>he thinks the NVA and VC weren't the same thing
>he thinks the 73-75 phase of the war was a different conflict and not an extension of the pre-existing one
Going by your logic the DPR/LPR and Russia are two different entities and the pre-2022 Russo-Ukrainian War was a seperate conflict from the post-2022 one.
Yunnan has dozens of ethnic minorities, "half the province" are non-Han.

China also has the highest infanticide rate for illegitimate children in the world, unlike the west where abortion and infanticide were banned by Christians. It carried massive social stigma for a woman to have premarital sex and have illegitimate children in Confucaniasm and no one would marry them

Moroccan soldiers in the French army committed mass rape across Italy and West Germany.

Soviet Mongols then mass raped all of east Germany.
Widow remarriage and marrying non-virgins was socially acceptable in the Christian west. Christianity preached agaant aborting bastard babiesand forgiving slurs and marrying widows.

After a Moor or Turk raped a westerner, she could remarry to a western man and he would raise her children.

Widow remarriage, marrying non-virgins, illegitimate bastard children with no father were all taboo in neo-Confucianism.

Non-Han minorities like Tanka in coastal China and sexual liberal Tibetans and Miao in Yunnan didn't have those taboos.

Japanese women and Tibetan women bathed with male strangers, Han men killed their wives for talking to other men.

Han sailors in Liverpool left an entire population of bastards with white Amglo and Irish women during World War II.

The British government deported the sailors back to China but left the bastards behind who are now mixed into the white British population.
Chinese sailors were mass impregnating white women in Liverpool during World War II while their fathers and brothers were dying in Europe.


The British government didn't deport the bastard children with their fathers.
South Vietnam is a lesson in history people forget to learn. Ford administration abandoned South Vietnam to die. USA abandons its allies when the public forgets them. The sad reality is, if europe doesnt stand up, Ukraine might be next.

you need to chill bud
>Ukraine might be next
Ukraine's not going to be South Vietnam (if it were it would've collapsed in 2014/15 or in 2022 for a direct parallel to 1975) or Czechoslovakia, Ukraine is the new Finland.
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Finland didn't ruin itself over fighting though, they gave russia a bloody nose and gave up their equivalent of a crimean naval base at first point where their defenses were breached
Ukraine meanwhile fights well but the total mobilization is both unsustainable and outright detrimental in way too many points, they will either be akin to france after WW1 or bulgaria after WW1 with the potential of being even worse desu
So unlike Ukraine will likely be a desolate shithole after this war whether russia or ukraine somehow magically "wins" and russia as well will be even more spent than it already was beforehand
South Vietnam had a good economc base and was getting better barring active fighting so comparing that to ukranian total war is a bit meaningless
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>Finland didn't ruin itself over fighting though
Finland lost 95,000-97,000 men fighting from the Winter War through to the Lapland War out of a population of 3.7 mil in 1940. Those numbers are close to or above the very highest reasonable estimates for AFU deaths out of a country with 10x less the population. Likewise, Finland lost Viipuri and Karelia for good after the war was said and done while also having it's own Crimea as you mentioned. Those were very painful losses for the Finns (just ask Lauri Torni lol).
>where their defenses were breached
That's because Porkkala was given up by the USSR under Western/NATO pressure in return for the compromise of Finlandization. Such a Finlandization-esque agreement occurred under Yanukovych before both Western and Russian interests clashed and pushed Ukraine towards internal conflict and later proxy war instead of reaching the compromise we saw in 1950s Finland.
>Ukraine meanwhile fights well but the total mobilization is both unsustainable and outright detrimental in way too many points
Maybe so, but this happened in the Winter and Continuation Wars for the Finns as well; where they grossly overperformed relative to their size but were ultimately just not capable of permanently resisting the Soviets given they had so much more. Much like Finland Ukraine will ultimately rebuild, and Russia will regroup and focus elsewhere.
>South Vietnam had a good economc base and was getting better
Under Diem yes, but after 1963 their economy was in the toilet due to both the demands of the war and insane, unchecked corruption.
>comparing that to ukranian total war is a bit meaningless
Ukraine's budget is literally running on gibs from the EU and U.S, much like post-1963 SV was running on American, Korean, and Australian gibs. If you don't believe me, then notice how 1974 was when the ARVN started becoming ANA-tier with its defections and ghost soldiers due to a lack of American money, in contrast to 1973.
Chinese men from Fujian were grooming and importing Japanese women from Japan to Fujian, China in the 1920s, just a few years before Japan attacked China and set up Manchukuo.


In 1800s #NewYork 1 in 4 Chinese male immigrants were married to Irish women. "The amalgamation of the Irish and the Chinese is more than bewildering - it begets a chaos of ideas from which no ray of intelligibility can be safely eliminated" Harper's Weekly 1857 #StopAAPIHate
Not enough for a supposed "million man army". What good is it if half or more of those men were cowards who cut and run?

Not helping them against France led them to Communism
I care, faggot

And this is what happened next. Sorry Suk Dik, but you have to realize the only reason Cambodia went back to the Cambodians is because no one is stupid enough to live there.
doesn't matter, still got laid
see >>62889982
Sorry, but you have to actually achieve enough to be widely known to count as a third side and not some irrelevant speedbump.
Yes, he was speaking the truth. Why do you feel the need to point that out?
Incel, sex workers in China can't marry. It's taboo in neo-Confucianism to marry non-virgin women especially womem with illegitimate children, who themselves have zero prospects for marriage

Japanese women practiced temporary marriage with foreign men and then married Japanese men permanently and the Japanese men would adopt her bastard children as his own.

Japanese prostitutes have descendants in their general population. Japan never had clear distinction between prostitutes and regular women because all Japanese women commoner practiced adultery and more with male strangers in baths. Japanese commoners practiced love marriages and yobai night crawling, a male stranger would crawl into a woman's house to have extramarital sex, if she accepted his marriage proposal they would marry and if she rejected it, she would keep the bastard child.

Chinese men killed their wives for talking to other men, regular Chinese women could not bath or interact with male strangers at all. Marriages aere arranged at a young age for virgin girls. Prostitutes were seperate from ordinary women.

Doing yobai night crawling abd ore marital sex with a normal girl in China would get the man killed by the girls father.

China had widow memorial arches for young widows who never remarried until they died. Japan had no such thing.
Based ARVN enjoyer
Chinese would not even accept prostitutes who had sex with only Chinese customers or illegitimate babies with other Chinese men into the general population

That shit was taboo in Chinese neo-Confucianism. Ordinary women in China were segregated from men, a Chinese man would kill his wife for talking to any male strangers including other Han men. Women could not wear revealing clothes showing any body skin.

Chinese women could not practice temporary marriage (marring a man for a set period of time and then divorcing)

Chinese lived in extended paternal clans with surnames.

Chinese culture was conservative before westenisation.

Japan had a completely different sexual liberal culture like white amrimutts and western Europeans where having a body count of 50 men is normal for ordinary women (non-prostitutes), women mix with male strangers, premarital sex is totally allowed.

Japanese commoners didn't even have surnames before the Meiji restoration and didn't live in paternal clans sonce they didn't care about their children's paternity. Japanese men accepted the cuck children of their wives boyfriends.

Japanese women who had sex with foreigners in port cities in temporary marriages would then permanently marry Japanese men after earning enough money.
White cucks would accept their wives sleeping with 50000 other white men before marriage and only get enraged if she slept with 10 black men.

In conservative cultures like China under neo-Confucianism, the acceptable premarital sex number was zero partners.
You're obviously not White because you didn't capitalize the W
Go back to Poojab
He's right and you're wrong, just take the L and fuck off kid
doesn't matter, your women are whores lol
see >>62889982
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I love dead VC
The only good communist is a dead one
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ALL your women were whores for all of history.

Tacitus wrote how Germanic cucks gave high status to women. You never had gender segregation, you were the ones who invented feminism and women's rights.

No 19th century prostitute in China has descendants in the general population today.

Japanese women who sexually serviced foreign men are ancestors of current Japanese.

All your female ancestors are prostitutes too.
In your Germanic epics on Attila the Hun who raped you, a Germanic princess has sex with Attila in all versions.

In the Norse version she goes back to a white man after she birthed sons to Attila having been deflowered by him.

Hunnic Y DNA haplogrouo Q has been detected in Scandinavia.

Chinese never accepted sloppy seconds while you accepted women fucked by Huns, Moors and other invaders.
doesn't matter, huwhite men still got sucky-wucky
see: >>62889982
>we did everything perfectly and magically lost because x
This type of retardation is why we lose wars like Vietnam and Afghanistan

Chinese men had sex with both white women and Japanese women in the 19th century and early 20th century >>62892254 >>62892229 >>62890874
Most of the early Australian Chinese population consisted of Cantonese-speaking migrants from Guangzhou and Taishan as well as some from Fujian. They migrated to Australia during the gold rush period of the 1850s. Marriage records show that between the 1850s and the start of the twentieth century, there were about 2000 legal marriages between white women and migrant Chinese men in Australia's eastern colonies, probably with similar numbers involved in de facto relationships of various kinds.[58]

In the late 19th century Japanese girls and women were sold into prostitution and trafficked from Nagasaki and Kumamoto to cities like Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore and then sent to other places in the Pacific, Southeast Asia and Western Australia, they were called Karayuki-san.[59] In Western Australia these Japanese prostitutes plied their trade and also entered into other activities, a lot of them wed Chinese men and Japanese men as husbands and others some took Malay, Filipino and European partners.[59][60]

Chinese miners in 19th century Australia used white European prostitutes to satisfy their sexual needs since there were only a few Chinese women around, there were two Chinese women to 800 Chinese men on the Riverina camps in 1883 while there were 37 prostitutes and 36 of the Chinese men were married to European women.[61][62]

An Australian white man had six white daughters, three of whom were ages 15, 21, 23 and were fucking Chinese men in the 1860s.

One of the daughters later married a fellow white man after she was deflowered by a Chinese man first.

Another daughter continued to sleep with other Chinese men.



One of the daughters lived with multiple white whores in the house of a Chinese man who had a whole harem of white women.
doesn't matter, chink women still love them long time
see: >>62889982
Chink men fathered half of Liverpool with white women.

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buddy, im not sure you know what you are quoting
SV had criminally underrated flags, patches, and symbolism.
>Moroccan soldiers in the French army committed mass rape across Italy and West Germany.

That's italian propaganda and largely based on Franco's soldiers doing this to republicans and blaming it on moroccans

>The 3rd (3e Tabor Marocain) occupied an area between Stuttgart and Tübingen from about April 20, 1945. When they got to Waldenbuch, they entered every house and raped and plundered. Some women were badly injured. Pastor Pfäfflin managed to get them to the Hospital in Tübingen. The pastor wrote a protest note to the International Red Cross. After the total surrender of Germany on 8 May 1945, a military government was established in Stuttgart. This ended the rape and pillaging.[24]
Why do I feel like gook shill has a schizo split personalities episode and is now LARPing as some random ethnic minorities nobody cares about in this thread? Or did he pick up a Khmer protege or something?
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>LARPing as some random ethnic minorities nobody cares about
Methinks he's a bamboo network diaspora Chink, probably from Singapore or Thailand.
>thread concerning geographical location east of the Ural
>chink shills and good shills chimping out
kek, why are they like this?
>why are they like this?
>Not helping them against France led them to Communism

This isn't talked about enough. In hindsight, this was what should have been done. Sweet talking the already americaboo HCM would have been hugely beneficial if it worked and it likely would. Instead, the US supported the France after they threw a bitch fit tantrum then the frogs went ahead and fucked themselves up in Dien Bien Phu anyway and that firmly put North Vietnam in the arms of the Soviet.

Of course, hindsight is 20/20 and all that, back then siding with the France against some random backwater country seemed to be a no-brainer.
>/k/tards not knowing that the Viet Minh were literally subordinate to Moscow and Comintern, falling for bad CIA copes from 60 years ago
We should have helped the French if anything and put boots on the ground earlier.
>This isn't talked about enough
It's talked about every single time Vietnam is brought up, and it's complete and utter bullshit. Ho Chi Minh was literally a card-carrying communist since before he enrolled at a political subversion training university in the Soviet Union in the 20s.
>they hated France so much they had to join the communists
sounds like France was the problem to me
They are seamonkeys. Just like modern day Vietnam, they haven’t achieved anything comparable to SK independently despite being rather stable for over 40 years now.

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