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I just learned that Poland currently spends more of their GDP on their military than the US does. What cool stuff does Poland have? All I know of is their silly stealth tank.
They have jack. They are waiting for equipment they ordered from South Korea and the US to arrive.
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That's where you're wrong kido

They have their own setvice rifle and not just an HK or AR-15 copy with FB msbs grot and so on and they before the PT-91 factory where they were producing their own t-72 variant now currently being retrofitted to pump out K2 tanks and K9 SPG.
Also they recently introduced their own IFV "borsuk" (badger) (Pic related).
And making sure every section of their land forces are being equipped to the modern US soldier standards. And ofc waiting for South Koreans to get their shit in gear so we chould be pumping out a lot of equipment here to ether sell to other NATO nations or for poles own uses
poland is producing next gen k9 a bunch of orginal ships k2pl and more
>What cool stuff does Poland have?
IKEA furniture without loans. I like their Shilka upgrade too.
>another Poland thread
ok it's to filter that shit
More like they spent gips from other EU countries.
i love Poland threads - they bring out the thirdies seething at them, its hysterical.
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Anyone know what is purpose of 18 su-22's still in service that shit looks old as fuck
Pierdol się kurwo Polska górą
Than what ware the Abrams doing on Indepence Day parade in Warsaw 6 days ago?
Also, off course those things take time.
bóbr kurwa
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they have nuke carrying capabilities
they can sling as-11 if poland has any around
as-7 too
low-level bombing runs
At this point their sole purpose is to maintain pilot skills while they are waiting for better stuff to arrive
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>What cool stuff does Poland have?
Nothing special really:
And some more:
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That's right.
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Poland has jack.
Poland is a tiny yapping dog that barks loudly then when you approach it, it runs off scared
Every euro is pathetic and inherently lacks freedom and the desire for it, born slaves die slaves
America is the only country in the world that matters
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Still uncertain though.
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>I like their Shilka upgrade too.
I like Loara much more though.
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Please, ignore this retard everybody >>62880737
it takes a long time to acquire jets
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>All I know of is their silly stealth tank.
Well, it was based on the polish Anders/UMPG platform.
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>Russia is seen as a massive threat to the poles from 1939-2021
>Russia invades Ukraine early 2022
>Poland decides to buy a fuck ton of military equipment, taking out a bunch of predatory loans from Korean banks
>6 months later, Russia is basically a non-threat
>Instead of downsizing existing purchases with this new info, Poland decides to double down and buy more shit to fight an enemy that no longer exists.
Seriously, who do they think they are going to fight? Why couldn't they admit that they jumped the gun like everyone else did in 2022? South Korea had to do unprecedented policy adjustment around loan sizes just to accommodate all the shit that Poland is buying, yet they don't see it as risky. They actually had a good thing going compared to the rest of Europe by just saying fuck off to any refugees and focusing on supporting Polish people, yet they just did a 180 letting in a bunch of refugees and going full on military junta tier spending when that could have gone into literally anything else.
Only Russians seethe at Polacks. They see what might have been and rage at a supposedly "inferior" race doing better than them in everything.
They are being replaced by FA-50s.
So yeah...
In flight.
We Malaysians bought their PT-91M MBT. But as is our wont, we guccied it up like a drug lord and his BMW. We put in aircon, western style steering wheels, FN MAG coaxial 7.62 and 12.7 mm machine guns, uprated hp German engines, Sagem sights and gyro, Thales comms, and Diehl tracks. Essentially, other than the chasis and main gun, it is a Western tank.
they look so cute with these ribbons
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>bóbr kurwa
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Butiful Bober-3
Not even true new orders already stopped. K2 will probably end at 180. And 400 HIMARS is never happening it's going to be 42 and 200 Chunmo.
>I just learned that Poland currently spends more of their GDP on their military than the US does.
>have 10 dollars
>spend 1 on a single round of ammo
>you now spend more of your wealth on arms than the US
Rangeban all second and third world shitholes.
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But that would make all Poland haters disappear LOL.
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#15 worldwide is not bad at all.
I can’t WAIT for when it turns out the Koreans have just ripped off Poland and won’t be able to deliver shit for many years. It’ll start for demands to pay for some of the order upfront. OR the next Polish government will just trash the order. This big arms deal is doomed, mark my words.
Over 1/3 of what they ordered was already delivered.
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>Another Poland thread
>Seething thirdies flood in like clockwork
How do they do it?
The Twardy is a good tank for its price.
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>They see what might have been and rage at a supposedly "inferior" race doing better than them in everything.
Here’s Poland’s worst-case scenario:
>total collapse of Ukrainian forces, complete Russian occupation of the country
>west pussies out and doesn’t do shit
>article 5 looking weaker and weaker
>a big player (US, France, Germany) leaves NATO
>Russian frankenstein economy buoyed by newfound “ukronazi terrorist” “reeducation facility” labor
>Russian army buoyed by juche warrior casts on loan from daddy kim
>it’s still basically meatwaves, but poland now must kill them on their own

Hence the 400 HIMARS meme.
why does the u.s and russia have a monopoly on jet fighters? aside form china it seems no other country has put any investment into creating and producing their own. seems like a pretty important and profitable investment
>Not even true new orders already stopped.
What are you even talking about?
>K2 will probably end at 180.
Nah, we don't know yet. K2PL is in negotiation.
>And 400 HIMARS is never happening it's going to be 42 and 200 Chunmo.
It's planned now 100 Homar-As (HIMARS)
and 288 Homar-Ks (ChunMOO).
> Not even true new orders already stopped. K2 will probably end at 180.

But that's just not true,

Tusk administration continues procoorment, for example, they bought a lot of Apache helicopters.

And deliveries of K2 already started. There are already Polish soldiers who are using K2 tanks.

All of that sound like Germ-seething propaganda.
>Hence the 400 HIMARS meme.
Won't happen, will be around 100 Homar-As.
Anyway, I'm more excited for the 288 Homar-Ks.
the argentinians used skyhawks to good effect that were very outdated compared to what they went up against
Why do the Poles want to have three different types of MBT's, that being M1A2 Abrams, PT-91 Twardy, and K2?
Also is this going to be another mid 1930's scenario where Poland has a massive army but just gets steamrolled anyways.
yeah exactly that
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>M1A2 Abrams
You forgot about the M1A1 FEP (2b upgraded).
>PT-91 Twardy
Dead-end platform. Half given to Ukraine now.
Was supposed to be a tech transfer for PL MIC.
You also forgot about the Leos: 2A4/2A5/2PL...
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Battlefield 2142 called, they want their tank back.
>Also is this going to be another mid 1930's scenario where Poland has a massive army but just gets steamrolled anyways.
I hope not, but if we ever get invaded, then you'll join us. With your help we will surely win. ;)
Only if they get tag teamed by Germany and Russia at once, when the Russians tried to invade Poland by themselves shortly after WWI they got rekt
The last time we did that communism ruled half of Europe for half a century
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Wait a sec... you from Germany? xD
No. Lets just say our behavior at war resulted in half of the geneva convention being written.
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Tu as tort mon pote
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Ahh, the eternal Anglo... I see, I see.
No only their strongest and most loyal golem
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Ahh, burger!
steamrolled by who? poland could invade russia right now and win an offensive war
i think the Belarusians would hold them off
Did they ever get the kinks worked out of their .308 version of the PKM?
>why does the u.s and russia have a monopoly on jet fighters?
Because Polish politicians fucked over the Polish aircraft MIC like the retards they are?
>aside form china it seems no other country has put any investment into creating and producing their own.
We'll, we kind of did, until we didn't...
https://youtu.be/4oWS-dw2W3Q - Eng

P.S. WW2 put a huge dent into Poland's aircraft industry, which was relatively quite big prewar.
The commies somewhat kept it going, although with lots of Soviet licenses as well, but there were many Polish homegrown projects too.
Then "free Poland", the last 30 years, basically finished off/sold out our aircraft MIC due to underinvestment and very few/small orders...
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R.I.P. Iryda/Orkan
he's canadian nieuku
This needs updating
This. Poolacks are niggers of europe
Russia, China, France, Sweden, South Korea, the EU, all make their own jet fighters. Though everyone relies (relied in the case of Russia) on Western components to some extent or another.
>They have their own setvice rifle and not just an HK or AR-15 copy with FB msbs grot
AR-18 copy, yes. One that's so unreliable it was offloaded onto their national guard and Ukraine while real military still uses AK derivative Beryls.
>PT-91 factory where they were producing their own t-72 variant now currently being retrofitted to pump out K2 tanks and K9 SPG.
Next to their Leopard factory that never materialized. I'd take domestic production of deep fried T-72s over maybe producing K2s in 30 years time when they're outdated.
>Also they recently introduced their own IFV "borsuk" (badger) (Pic related).
Protoshit, there's less Borsuks built than Armatas, also styrofoam armour. Polish mechanized will be driving BWP-1s for another 60 years and they will like it.
>And making sure every section of their land forces are being equipped to the modern US soldier standards
Maybe in the next war Poland fights there will actually be enough shitty Eotechs for everyone.
>chould be pumping out a lot of equipment here to ether sell to other NATO nations
Like who? Big boy nations have their own production and small boy nations typically don't need it or need it in quantities so small there's no fucking way Polish production will be more economically viable than just buying Leopards for cheap.
Hell, even if you wanter Korean specifically Turkey already does it.
poland already produced 200k msbs grots and they never wanted to produce leopards

borsuk is already in production
that are not spending that much on their economy compared to gdp also they probably can less their own leopards for triple the cost they bought them
>styrofoam armour
unfortunately floatiness as requirement makes it a bit awkward - on other hand instead of airgap between armor layers there is styrofoam gap - its pure genius really...
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This is the actual poland military
>400 high end MLRS vehicles
Polack here, I don't understand what we need so many of them for in the first place. MLRS launchers are constrained by ammo availablity more than anything else and I don't think even American logistics could sustain 400 HIMARS driving around a single country. Surely it would be better to buy 100 launchers and more missiles instead?
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>i think the Belarusians would hold them off
if i remember correctly we ordered enough missiles to load each launcher 1,5 times - so high loses were expected - that less than half will survive first mission
additionally high number was envisined as a way to nearly instantly neutralize Kaliningrad - around 5000 glrms missiles could be launched at once if you sum up both chunmoo and himars launchers
>Algeria 8.2
this country is so pathetic. should have let the French rule them.
Honestly way cooler than T-34s with Adidas stripes.
It's a non-nuclear detterent.
Imagine a similar situation as the one preceeding war in Ukraine - you had civilians driving along roads, taking videos of all the juicy Russian equipment, stuff showed up on publically available satellite data, you even had fucking traffic jams caused by Russian military show up on Google Maps. US Global Hawks and spy-sats could probably pinpoint the location of every single dude in the invasion force.
Now imagine Ukraine has like 700 GLMRS armed vehicles hiding behind every tree and bush. The second it's confirmed the war has started entire first invasion wave is just gone.
Sure, those launchers can get counter-batteried, blown up with cruise missiles and their own missiles intercepted and so on, but with so many of them there's no way to get all of them.
Fact of the matter is a "stealth" invasion is next to impossible so unless your enemy wants to face extreme losses before even stepping foot in the country proper they simply cannot invade you in a conventional manner.
>turkey at 1.3%
wtf, aren't they fighting in a bunch of different insurgencies in and out of their borders? where the fuck else is their money going towards, watermelon imports?
Ye Gods! Look at the pure concentration of VRIL! Truly, the Poles are the most pure-blooded of all the descendants of Hyperborea.
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Try again
Most of polish spending goes on military pensions. Yup it's true.
Fuck, how the fuck am I missing it... Australia!
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I just love how any mention of poland or poles sends ziggers and mouth foaming seethe. God bless the potato bulwarks.

Them and Ukraine are the two guards at europes gate keeping the asiatic rape apes in the steppes where they belong
MLRS is the the god of war.
Bless you
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Great part is that now Ukraina is going to be in that category too. Supposedly "Lesser" slavs that actually do everything better than Russians and who actually have a functional state.

And oh man, it irks the russians SO BAD. I love it.
Tru dat.
and of luv
there is no such thing as too many weapons
It's not even about Poland. IIRC one of the Polish generals said that the idea is that the second Russia tries to start some shit on the Baltics, Poland glasses their backline with their fancy rocket artillery within minutes.
I don't think Russia is very afraid of Poland, but it's one of Poland's "fuck around and find out" schemes.
Percentage wise. In total numbers Poland is 5th i believe. Behind US, UK, Germany and France.
Apparently, Poland is now NATO third army in terms of size, after US and Turkey, overtaking France.
I call bullshit, but you can't argue with flat numbers.
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In fact, it's not true.
not to shit on your parade but
get a trip so i can filter your subhuman ass
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Poland spends a higher %.
They're still Yuropoors so in reality they hardly spend anything.
Also Poolish military tech = things they buy from the US/SK that aren't cutting edge.
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>get a trip so i can filter your subhuman ass
Get sum moe mad ya bitch ass.
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>They're still Yuropoors
But how? Poland is not even on the "map" in your pic rel you blind fucking retard burger! xD
>posts nigger shit
książkowy cwel
Nie zesraj się bałwanie.
I don't think the US has better equivalents to HIMARS, M1A2 SEP3 and F-35s available on a meaningful scale.
It's as cutting edge as you can get really.
They would already be off to Ukraine but poles need the airframes for LIFT training as they are expanding the size and scope of their air force
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>They have jack
German clay will tremble when stomped on by Polish feet
Twardy is on the way out, once poland has enough of the latter tanks
Because Poland is/will be producing GMLRS rockets for them - you don't buy that many and not roll your own munitions, also making their own allows them to do DPICM again, which they 100% will be doing as 40 year old DPICM has shown itself devastatingly effective in Ukraine
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>Also Poolish military tech = things they buy from the US/SK that aren't cutting edge.
Are PAC-3 with IBCS and LTAMDS (GhostEye), HIMARS, F-35 Lighting II and M1A2 SEPv3 not cutting edge enough for you?
US isn't going to give Poland PrSM
F22 runs circles around the F35
>M1A2 SEP3
The US doesn't sell the best model of Abrams, the export variant doesn't have the classified armor, etc.
Turkey is #2 but quite outdated in everything but drones/loitering munitions/ cruise missiles. Poland has a clear technological edge in ground force tech
to nie ja sram jak jakaś schizo ciota 15 milionów filmików z jutuba w każdym tredzie o polsce
Ignore the bait. Anders was killed by the everchanging carousel of political nominees as mil industry CEOs.
The PL-01 was an cash grab attempt from BAE, which leased the CV-90 chassis - and one of said CEOs, who glued a fiberglass bodykit to it >>62885356
At the end my shortsighted friend, HIMARS is just a system among many others. And their names are Topaz, Gladius, IBCS.
Earlier anon was talking about inhouse munitions production for those, so long as they can go bang near enough the enemy it's fine.
> F22
Aren't those being phased out?
> M1A2 SEP3
Yeah probably some knockoff Chinese produced toy :(
as for everything cool in the Europe military, that's a french fire acquisition and control system called the paseo.
>t. I've worked on it hehe
How are poles this uninformed about the world or at least the recent history of warfare on /k/?
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Kek., wait... HOW DID I MISS IT!
You know what? You're entirely correct.
>the export variant doesn't have the classified armor, etc.
Poland is literally getting the depleted uranium armour.
Idź i weź se czopka, bo zaraz się ugotujesz dosłownie.
He's from New Zealand, right?
They have national small arms. Cool thing to have in 2024 its less common than you think
>zero argumentów
typowy cwel. zesrasz się zaraz kolejnymi gówno filmikami patopatrioto?

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