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What's with the Hood obsession with stockless ARs? It's not like they have anything against putting something illegal on the back of a pistol (Glock switches). A stock doesn't make the gun weigh much more or make it much less concealable.

My personal conspiracy theory is that police/intelligence agencies created a psyop to influence gangsters to hold guns sideways, use auto switches, and forego a stock or optic on a rifle so that they would have a disadvantage in a gunfight against cops.
>why are some groups less intelligent
no one knows
I'd wager it has something to do with making their Shaman gun dance ritual more difficult.
also drivebys.
Rappers think it looks cool and hood niggas just cargo cult whatever rappers do
It looks cooler from their perspective and when the only other game you play besides NBA 2K is Call of Duty, the belief is that no stock makes you faster and aim quicker. Their whole mindset is juvenile and based around what a 12 year old would think is cool like balaclavas, jewelry, and sports shoes. Literally just picture it as something edgy you would have liked in middle school like skeletons or knives. Form over function basically.
The hood is afraid of the atf
>why are diganobs rarted when it comes to firearms
its not just firearms anon
>Why does the dumbest living subspecies of hominids repeatedly gravitate towards dumb shit?

The world wonders.
Crypto racism thread.
>A stock doesn't make the gun weigh much more or make it much less concealable.
Yes it does, retard.

A stockless AR-15 pistol will fit into jansport, under the passenger seat, in any corner of the trunk of any vehicle, and its easy to shoot from inside vehicle. It is also light enough to threaten someone at gunpoint one-handed. Fired one-handed too. A 5.56 impact at 10-20 yards, even from such a short barrel, with defensive ammo, will drop a man extremely fast.
It's all about looks and what's popular for them. Do you think your local fentanyl dealer is into horology and the inner workings of a Swiss watch? No, they like Rolexes because Rolexes are well-marketed and expensive. Stockless ARs have no advantage, but it looks cool to point one at your cell phone camera while holding it like a pistol. Hellcats, Jordans, blingy jewelry, Glock switches, it's all just about what's popular to talk about and an attempt to match that.

Really, they're exactly like the average 4chan/Reddit user in that way.
And Timmy's don't have their own Bubba aesthetics and meme preferences? Come on now. Every demographic have their own particular meme gun style that defies logic and utility. Also, go back to pol. This isn't your safespace.
>What's with the Hood obsession with stockless ARs?
stockless AR and Kinkov are easier to use in a drive by an dbefore that it was Tec9 and MAC11
purely economic factors
>calls out racism
>puts out a scenario that can only exist for drive by shootings
even regular tula or aguilla still gets close to 2000 fps from a short barrel.
Shouldering your weapon and aiming down the sights makes your posture shrunk and tense. Gangbangers want to look more menacing, stand up taller, extend their arms and wave their weapons around to intimidate, so they never shoulder or aim their weapons, as they dont intend to take accurate controlled shots, they want to display their weapons and make a lot of noise.
>Yes it does, retard.
As with everything, the truth lies in the middle. Some do, and some don't. I have a carbonfiber recoils tube and Ti castle nut with a skeletonized extending stock, so no, it doesn't. Further, stop being an ignoramus and making blanket statements. You only prove your lack of knowledge and gayness.
The problem with "it looks cool" is that AR pistols look like shit. The buffer is so fucking ugly. I think it's just a poor nog's Draco.
That's applicable with Dracos.
Now that the AR took over the AK's marketshare people will keep using stockless rifles as "pistols" with the AR buffer tube sticking out. That disadvantage didn't exist when AKs were the "pistol" of choice.
>Crypto racism thread.
Well Japanese airsofters will argue that braces have advantages over stocks purely based on the fact that they need to justify their clone of an AR pistol they saw on IG. So it's not even about race, people will do retarded shit when they see something cool and try to mimic it without understanding why.
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itt: cops
>Also, go back to pol. This isn't your safespace.
Won't be yours for much longer either. Get packing.
Always thought "stockless" ARs were dumb because of the buffer tube. You're still going to have to contend with that piece sticking out the back of the rifle. Get a rifle that allows for a folding stock instead. Even a mini14 with that A team folding stock works
Post guns
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my new 4channel avatar :^]
these are our nigganomics scientists they are at the forefront of pdw development
Uhhh... purely socioeconomic factors
>What's with the Hood obsession with stockless ARs?
its so its easier to use in a car.
for drive by's
The sad thing is you're probably not even brown, just a chinless, gunless, self-hating white guy
1. They know making an SBR is a federal charge. They are stupid but they try to avoid obvious felonies that don't earn them any money.

2. They don't use the stock even if it has one. They don't aim, they just spray and make a lot of noise. That's the whole purpose, was the same thing back when they were using Dracos.

They see it as a useless feature that gets in the way when they're stuffing it into a backpack or under the seat of their scat pack.
i wonder why niggas aint using tracers
if you have no stock or sights then you could aim by the tracer light
Drive bys and hit-and-runs do not usually have an extensive amount of aiming does. All noggers have to vacate the area before the cops come.

Also it's more expensive I think, I've never bought tracers.
>>why are some groups less intelligent
>no one knows
doesn't really matter when you're just gonna cram it through the back seat window of a 2006 Altima and dump rounds at the front of a house either way.
niggers just drive by each other. they don't aim
t. noguns
>youre a racist chud for trying to pass voter ID laws since black people are poor and retarded and dont know how to get a license!
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Niggers gonna nig, but:
>Extar EXP-5.56
>polymer frame and receiver
>weighs 3.5 lbs
>easily held one handed
>proprietary muzzle device is configured to counter muzzle rise
>can be fitted with a red dot allowing for quick target acquisition
>5.56 out of a short barrel still provides roughly .357 energy out to about 100m
Having said that I owned a Draco which has none of these properties and was a bitch to shoot one handed. Concussion was unpleasant for bystanders. Without a brace the Draco was good for making fireballs and wasting ammo and not much else. Unfortunately the EXP-556 doesn't have many reviews out there and half the ones I've found are from melanated individuals.
>why do gangsters like small, concealable high-alpha weapons?
if their fav musicians started using solid stocks then you'd see more solid stocks. There's a lot of media influence in firearm purchases. Shit I bought my p30l just because I saw keanu reeves pretending to shoot a bunch of russians with one.
What is with the blatant racism on /k/ these days? Go back to /pol/ vatnik, you are not welcome.
Go back to ledd-it you war tourist faggot
>crypto racism
let me take the mask off for you then you fucking nigger lover. hang yourself.
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dude you're literally scared of brown people I don't care about anything you got to say.
No, I concealed carry in my 99% white population county because if a black person is around, I'm able to protect my home and family. I'm not scared pussy faggot using my gun as a crutch to cover up my lack of real manhood.
>so easy a woman can do it
scareda browns
This is, and will in all likelihood continue to be, the best post in this thread.
Is it less intelligent though? If you're a gangster, you don't need a full length AR as much as you need a light, concealable weapon that enhances your reputation. Reputation is highly important to gangsters because you need to try and project strength and dominance such that when you need to resolve conflict you don't have to engage kinetically, which brings a whole group of problems, not least of which is increased police monitoring of your activities. You need to win the fight without actually fighting, in effect, and anything that moves towards that goal is good.
And when you actually need to fight, most of your fighting is likely to be striking from ambushes with overwhelming firepower, or responding to ambushes with as much firepower as you can, while still being able to walk around and conduct your criminal activities with a minimum of observable footprint.
In fact when you look at it from that point of view, this is the intelligent choice and a full length battle rifle as preferred by /k/ is the dumb choice.
>niggerism is a psyop

You overestimate them. Ffs these are people who can’t hear the ceiling bird sing and can’t understand per capita (cities burned because they couldn’t figure out how fractions work, kek). No psyop is necessary. During the bush wars, the black Africans were setting the elevation settings on their sights to the max because they thought that made the bullets hit harder. The blacks are no formidable, organized fighting force. Anything more complicated than an mudhut is enigma to them, and They are adapted to the absolute lowest energy state of society and nothing more. Organized, high-tech, group-level fighting is many orders above that.

Anyways, I think the lack of stocks is mostly because they want short barrels and the local gun store sells these to avoid the SBR/brace legal grey zone. The blacks call them “ARP’s” (AR pistol).

And more than that, it’s about having as ridiculous a gun as possible. Just being the guy with the biggest and fanciest stick. They will never do things the right way, it’s gotta be the black way for them. So they’re real stoked on machine pistols, drum magazines for pistols, 100rd beta mags, no sights, or just the front or rear sight alone, AKs (Dracos) for that warlord vibe, etc.

This type of black gun owner saturates most of black guntube. Every now and then you get a normal guy like colion noir whose guns are set up in a sensible way, but the vast majority are of the type I described.

Did you know they also seldom wear hearing protection? 7” 5.56 ARP wit dat mufuggin cookie cutter brake on dat bih, with no ears on, lol.
To the degree that a Stock is heavy (it’s not, it’s like half a pound), would it not make it easier to wield the rifle one-handed since it moves the center of mass a bit further back?

Also, a (collapsed) stock isn’t gonna make the difference between a rifle fitting or not fitting inside a backpack.

You’re giving blacks too much credit. They aren’t looking at ballistics charts and comparing the terminal effect of 5.56 from diff barrel lengths. It’s a cool boomstick. Opps get scared. Tyrone kills opps, steals their Jordans, and fucks their women. That’s all.
I could see that being a primary reason, and maybe the appeal of those guns stuck around, but they’re no longer full auto so you might as well just use a pistol.
Might that CF stock be one from smoke composites?
Based stonetoss enjoyers

As retarded a line of reasoning as “well, whites kill people too”. As though a propensity for murder is equally characteristic of whites as it is of blacks. The default hood black’s gun is some meme, and the black doesn’t know it’s a meme gun. Not so with Timmy.
To me it seems black Americans really are the last warrior poets of the west. Probably some of the last nietzschean people in the world
>they know SBR’s are a federal charge.

Do they though? And if they do, do they care? They will flex their Glock switches on social media all day long. Something tells me they don’t know about the NFA.
They don't use them anyway, so the absence of one doesn't affect them.
we just talked about this you dumb ape, they do illegal shit all the time, glock switches. Damn, you can't even read.
>Crypto racism
on 4chan? are you fucking stupid? You dumb nigger
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Maybe all the unprotected draco fire is why they cant hear the smoke alarm
The only good black gun youtube channel
Hah. But really I do wonder if all those guys have tinnitus.

The ceiling bird deafness must be a type of selective/constant exposure deafness, like nose blindness.
>During the bush wars, the black Africans were setting the elevation settings on their sights to the max because they thought that made the bullets hit harder.
isn't that just a myth?
>Probably some of the last nietzschean people in the world
this to the nth degree. You will find no greater embodiment of the ubermensch then in the average nignog.
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It's more concealable. Also AR pistols are louder and brighter and therefore more fearsome to their mind. Big medicine.

They love lasers.

This is true. They have great spirit. There is much to learn from them once we get over our own arrogance.
no, they still do that in Chicago with Dracos
They’re basically just Orks from W40K in real life
my buddy had one of those it was really nice but extremely finnicky. the majority of ammo we tried in it just didnt cycle despite working in other ars. it needed true 5.56. it was loud as fuck. we had another 7.5 ar with an a2 and that fucking extar was significantly louder. that break worked though. you really didnt feel the recoil compared to a normal ar pistol. with its weight you expected more but that break did its job.
you could 1hand it and the gun barely moved.
find better questions to ask

you sound like an idiot and a simp
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>my buddy had one of those it was really nice but extremely finnicky. the majority of ammo we tried in it just didnt cycle despite working in other ars. it needed true 5.56. it was loud as fuck. we had another 7.5 ar with an a2 and that fucking extar was significantly louder. that break worked though. you really didnt feel the recoil compared to a normal ar pistol. with its weight you expected more but that break did its job.
>you could 1hand it and the gun barely moved
nice man. I've been close to buying some that have been on Fuddbroker for a few months now but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Was the ammo it didn't like .223 or something? Do you remember any particular loads it didn't like?
It wouldn't run wolf tula brown bear Winchester white box and umc brass. It liked pmc and green tips.
I don't recall if it was 233 or 556 or 55 or 62gr it was a while ago. I just remember what seemed to work was pmc and everything else would jam not every shot but at least once a mag.
I think It needed ammo on the hot side. It hated steel.
If it wasn't for how finicky it was I would have bought one myself. How light it was while lacking recoil was impressive. It was fun to shoot. But it was eh most of my ammo won't work in it so nah.
Can’t tell if you’re trolling or not. Probably trolling. If not, lmfao real life isn’t CoD. If you’re already a criminal why not use a stock or a brace. They have ARs with only the buffer tube because they don’t know better. Exactly the same reason why all their Dracos have a flat face rear trunnion.
>Exactly the same reason why all their Dracos have a flat face rear trunnion.
I went to a few gunshops to try to sell my old 11.5" Draco along with it's brace. They all were asking less than I wanted because the 11.5" ones don't sell. All they want are the Mini and Micro Dracos.
>uses buffers and beat themselves to shit
>ballistics are fucked and way worse than the 11.5" which isn't too bad
>shit sight radius
Fuck you nigger.
We have a winner. The stockless AR-15 is just a cheaper Draco to these monkeys.
weak bait
look cool, make bigger boom, and they acentric as fuck, enough to say fuck you whitey i hope it pisses you off
It's more likely the volume they blast music at, but I have genuinely wondered about that
because they're fucking cool and sometimes that's all that matters
>they acentric as fuck

Your Ebonics betrays you.

>it’s to piss off the whites

I’ve gathered this is a favorite recreational activity of the blacks.
>And Timmy's don't have their own Bubba aesthetics and meme preferences?
All of which are practical if not a little obsolete. I’d take a pump shotgun over a stockless braceless drum-mag fed poverty tier AR pistol any day
Crypto anti white/pro slave master Jew post.

Why'd you even have to go there retard? Now you are antisemitic (through revealing the truth) AND anti white in a nation founded by whites. Why are you doublefags like this?
>Crypto racism thread
No shit, cupcake. Where do you think your are you niggerfaggot?
Sir, this is Niggertits. A space for those who appreciate the bosoms of melanin enhanced women.
Do they taste chocolaty?
shooting from vehicles
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>They’re basically just Orks from W40K in real life
>To me it seems black Americans really are the last warrior poets of the west. Probably some of the last nietzschean people in the world
>This is true. They have great spirit. There is much to learn from them once we get over our own arrogance.
There's a saying: "people fight for what they don't have." One should always keep that in mind when someone says they fight for "honor." In reality it might be something he doesn't have, and that man is a dishonorable man. When someone says he fights for freedom, that means he lacks freedom. And a guy like this might also be honest about what he fights for. If this man stuck a gun in your face and said "gimme your keys bitch" and you asked him, "sir, why are you trying to steal my car?" he might reply "because I don't got one!" That's true, the man fights for loot, like the barbarians of the Hyborian Age.
>What's with the Hood obsession with stockless ARs?
To them its a pistol, not a long gun. If they could remove the buffer tube, they would.
Also to answer OP's question, it's probably because lefty states have AWBs, but pistols usually aren't included in the bans.
aiming and accuracy are anathema to jigs.
these people are the first to hop on any material trend and the last to hop on any kind of moral or social trend they value nothing but hedonism not a single value they espouse is ever true or felt theyre such subhumans... its like nothing is sacred to them they should be humilated and mocked and beaten to death in the streets any form of authority or dominance they have should be ripped from them and that display should be shown to the world fucking cretins... why do people defend them? they literally have no regard for anyone but themselves
>why do people defend them?

I can’t remember if it’s a tweet or a green text, but it’s been pointed out that negrolatry stems from being incredulous that such a race of feral hominids exists, and reflexively, maniacally affirming to yourself that they’re not real, they’re temporarily embarrassed white men, they’re unfairly treated, can be turned into brown-skinned white men, etc. and another part of it is feigning innocence by pretending that “blacks aren’t actually like that”, to communicate to others that you live in such a bubble of abundance that you’ve never even been around blacks. Because anyone who’s been around blacks fucking hates them. It’s a flex. None of these are rational thoughts, more like ways of fulfilling a psychological imperative. That’s most of what leftism’s denial of reality is.

The luxury *anything* industry is so funny. I like fancy watches and can appreciate nice cars, high craftsmanship, etc, but in the end it all boils down to “look I lit money on fire, here’s the receipt”. Honest signal that you had money to light on fire in the first place. “My kids will eat, I have a nice habitat, have sex with me”. I remember there was a video floating around of a guy showing a girl at a bar his bank balance on his phone, and everybody was roasting him for it, but really it’s the same thing as buying a Rolex. Only this removes a layer of abstraction from it and so the girl can not pretend anymore that she is not, at base, really just a prostitute.

The blacks, however, take conspicuous consumption to the nth degree. They will spend the LAST of their money on a bottle just to spill it on the floor. Some nogs will walk around the hood with a stack of money sticking conspicuously halfway out of their pocket. Real high stakes sexual competition.
>Because anyone who’s been around blacks fucking hates them.
I don't think you have to hate them. Like someone else said, they're like Orks in real life. Do you hate Orks? "Ohh boo hoo, the Orks raided my planet, they must be bad, I would never do that, I must be good." But why hate Orks for being Orks? Look, they are interested in pretty clear objectives: more guns, more loot, more fighting. More dakka. If you can offer any or all of those things, you can redirect their interest.

I mean, it depends on what they want. Is it possible to have a reasonable negotiation with them? If you can get them to fight with you against a mutual threat? If they want to have a really great fight and have a fun time doing it, and everything they do is directed towards getting this ad infinitum, don't believe they must be evil because their outlook on life, the universe and everything else, which includes you, is not the same as yours.

I don't mind blacks, some are pretty chill and assimilated.
Some, yeah.
all those desires and qualities make them awful neighbors. There is nothing to be gained by interacting with them. So if the word “hate” is not apt here, then what does it even mean?

Though for the repurposes of my original post, I guess “have a low opinion of them” would also suffice. At minimum, you can tell that on the whole, there is a different, hindering quality about them isn’t present in others.
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I know some that are fine people that I would have over to my house for a BBQ, but I sure as fuck wouldn't want them to move into my neighborhood. One family moves in, then another, then some more, and before long the place goes to shit.

They don't even use braces
>A joint (multi-phenotype) analysis... generates polygenic scores that explain 11–13% of the variance in educational attainment and 7–10% of the variance in cognitive performance
In other words genes can only explain a tenth of the range in intelligence, and about 90% is still unexplained. The authors even say they aren't sure if it's nature or nurture that influence your level of schooling. Whether you were born to go to uni or if your parents raised you to. The scores are also only useful to Yuros since they fail to predict well for everybody else.

Not compact enough. You have to hide a rifle in your jeans or under a coat somehow. Although ARs are a bad choice compared to a Sig Rattler with a drum.
It's called a truck, backpack gun, or PDW sweaty.

>I'm not scared pussy faggot using my gun as a crutch to cover up my lack of real manhood.
>this is why I conceal carry
Sure showed us.
>people fight for what they don't have
People can also fight to protect what they do have. You can fight to stay free not just to be free, and not just for yourself but for others too. I suppose a mugger fighting you for your money is trying to stay loaded or stay out of jail or a grave
So they've basically brought back 1700s naval warfare?
>Cries about racism
>Outs himself as a nogunz

The amount of size and weight added by a collapsing stock is non-existent. You've never even held a gun before and you're probably brown. Kiss my ass.

This too.

Nice bait.
More portable, lotta dokka, increased rate of dokka speed when your sho0ta painted red. What's not to love OP?
Have either of you two ever seen one devolve? I once saw one of them who was raised in a middle class gated community with a private school (he was one of the one's who "acted white") move to a different state once he finished high school, and it only took a few months for him to become a ghetto hood rat. On the plus side he became pro 2A after seeing how aggresive his own people are, but it was hard to listen to him speaking ebonics when he knew perfect English.
I’ve never seen it happen before, no. But it makes sense. You are the average of the company you keep. And I wonder how much of the race to be the most feral thuggish nigger is motivated by sexual reward and to keep a target off your back. Is a squeaky, clean-cut, straight-edge black guy gonna survive in the hood? If he survives, will he fuck?
I really hate when people file black behaviors under existing categories. Specifically black, this applies to no other race. They really belong in a Class of their own with different explanations as to what produces the behavior and what it’s intended to accomplish. Nogs’ affinity for stockless AR’s is not the same thing as the PDW craze. Ebonics is legitimized as AAVE, a dialect equal to all others, as opposed to just a poor command of language. Nog women twerking (simulating lordosis behavior and advertising fat deposits) belongs nowhere in the same category as, like, russian ballet. Stop trying to explain away niggerisms as mere trivial difference in the way some universal thing is expressed.
this. the real problem is poor people, because poor people are psychopaths.
because modern society rewards that behaviour they cancel people for minor inconveniences and political opinions while literally worshipping drug dealing, sex trafficking criminals who kill and murder innocent people
>What's with the Hood obsession with stockless ARs?
concealability, they don't know how to aim anyway so to them the idea that they can have it inside a puffy jacket is very appealing
Kek, some of them “conceal” an AR in their pants, IWB, like one would a pistol.
Do you really think niggers are this intelligent?
OGs only had dracos or stockless AR pistols in the 00s, its just tradition at this point
they need to do a call of duty "urban" warfare where you are a gang banger on the south side of chicago lol
>modern society rewards them

How though? I get that rarely are there ever consequences rendered for that type of behavior, so you could call it enabling, but it begs the question of why they devolve into that type of feral animal. Is it just the lowest energy state blacks can exist in? Seems it might be as they are this way everywhere. Or is there a push towards the thuggery. I conjecture niggerism is a low energy state, is sexually rewarded, and useful in intimidating other blacks. You could just call it adaptation to the presence of other blacks.

To survive in the land of niggers, one must become the nigger. Darwin approves, and so on.
?hard to listen to him speak Ebonics

So I’m assuming you encountered him after his transformation? That’s really weird to speak in a totally different way to someone who knows that you know proper English. It’s like if I started faking a British accent around people who already know me.
Hood ass niggas not thinking that far. Most videos I've seen an AR pistol used was used in the same manner as a truck gun ie. Go back to car to get it or pop out of car with the thing in hand already. Only shit they're concealing is a taurus or switched glock. When the draco/ar comes out it's because they got done puffing their chests out and now want to kill.
This idea deserves its own thread for brainstorming, kek.
instead of a stim pack or medkit you smoke crack
Just bring back battlefield hard line but put more emphasis on the criminals and weapon customization like CoD
>Starter guns are all handguns or "pistolized" rifles
>Upgrades begin with lasers and optics
>High tier upgrades are stocks
>Option to spawn in customizable car like titanfall
Fuck it just bring back saints row 2 multiplayer
oh and make it an MMOFPS with NPCs, the gangs are guilds, you can shoot from cars but its all first person and jenky to truly replicate the shittyness of drive by shootings, make territory gains a kind of king of the hill type game for 3 hours twice a week on a server's prime time slots
>I conjecture niggerism is a low energy state, is sexually rewarded, and useful in intimidating other blacks.
this, its cool and trendy to be a criminal now so every teen imitates them there are new underground rap scenes where people brag about killing their "opps" popping up EVERYWHERE its the new counter culture and they get validated with money and fame for their crimes which they literally admit to in music form.
they brag about it on social media and become famous from it
There is nothing sophisticated about it, it’s base primal grug-brain nonsense. Like, it would not sound absurd at all if David Attenborough explained it to you in a nature documentary with the proper zoological verbiage you’d use to describe the behavior of any other animal.

And that’s not to shit on blacks, most things that everyone does have Darwinian origins, it’s just, the blacks turn it up to 11 and don’t bother to (or can’t) present a facade of being a more refined/high-status animal.
i need a coco gf to have mixed babies with!
>What's with the Hood obsession with stockless ARs?
Easier to handle while inside a Nissan Altima (30% APR btw)
balaclavas are cool as hell
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dual drum mag = infinite ammo
>Is it less intelligent though?
>What's with the Hood obsession with stockless ARs?
they aren't exactly known for intelligent behaviour so this shouldn't surprise anyone.
they dont care about aiming, just compactness and amount of boom the gun makes. Once ARs became cheaper than dracos this shift was inevitable. the fact that not putting a stock on a 'pistol' doesn't make it a SBR is irrelevant because they dont know the laws and wouldn't follow them if they did.
Mandem need to stop speaking on American issues innit dese tings you don’t understand
>So I’m assuming you encountered him after his transformation?
>It’s like if I started faking a British accent around people who already know me.
kind of. He wasn't faking it, he was just so used to it that he refused to speak normally. As if he had to fake speaking like a normal person.
Is that samwell?
The idea of cheek welds is anathema to Africans.
Unironically, that is a reason why a lot of young Whites seem to imitate blacks and like rap and gangster culture, whites are all deracinated and have no connection to a warrior culture or warrior ethos and have to look elsewhere, especially Europeans
The same reason they like their chargers without doors. Stupidity
Same reason fags throw FOTM garbage anime on their guns. They think it looks cool. Also, want an AR pistol but you don't want to buy another gun? Remove the stock.
Because they aren't shooting 5 gorillion yards away.
Realest comment that has ever been typed on this godforsaken forum
Its so fucking predictable lmao, these white fags know a couple of "nice" darkies and then immediately extrapolate it to "oh damn maybe niggers arent so bad".
I will bet my left nut and all of my cash, that you wouldnt last a year on a majority nigger neighbourhood without wanting to blow your brains out (but if you do that take them with you and it will atleast be a noble effort)
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>that you wouldnt last a year on a majority nigger neighbourhood without wanting to blow your brains out

I live in bermuda it's 30% white and 51% black also it's safer than the us
Gang warfare has evolved to PDWs and SBRs sorry cuh
Bet you still dont live in the black neighbourhood tough
it doesn't really have on. four people a year get kill here

do you think these guys are going to do all the NFA paperwork?
>you wouldnt last a year on a majority nigger neighbourhood
i've been living in one for 10 years, and it's really not that bad. Helps that it's a pretty rural area though. The ones from the cities are not nice, mostly because poor urbanites aren't nice in general.
Right, right; all those poor white and Asians are really feral and dangerous and stuff. Look at all the drive-bys in the Appalachians.
Unironically blacks should take pride in being threatening and violent, whites have became too castrated and weak and need to bring back honour culture . Being dangerous is a good thing
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did you even read my post? >>62893138 I said one or two might be okay but if you let them congregate their natural niggerdom will surface and destroy everything it touches
thought it was funny black gangsters with weird pistol configurations and lasers on tiktok social media got lasers banned in chicago.
Used to live in a satellite town (really a small city an hour away from a big city) which had a black neighborhood on the other side of the railroad tracks and I don't recall much ever happening, and they didn't like the city blacks either. I was talking to one who said some from the city moved into the neighborhood once and they ran them out of there. I was close enough to hear them fire off shots here and there, but I think it was mostly from boredom, and during holidays. Their community was pretty longstanding and the area used to be more rural.

I think city blacks have also carved out a niche specializing in providing certain services (drug distribution, illegal gambling, prostitution, etc.) that are often proscribed but still in demand and these big American cities are hubs for that (they're good at entertainment too). Call me a pinko but they fill a social role that is part of a larger economic structure, and ultimately you have to change the structure.

>need to bring back honour culture
My bad bro, you can go

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