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How would a nuclear exchange actually play out and what would be the end result?
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like this
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For a brief moment we'd get to revel in causing destruction on a scale only natural disasters could match. Then, screaming. And finally silence.

I really wish every nuclear capable country would have an annual nuclear firework exhibit. Just launch the one, let people see it in person.
if in a hit country, whether counter value or all out mad

you die
or you suffer
>unironic Soviet propaganda about nuclear winter and radiation poisoning everything forever
No thanks, I'll pass.
No idea, but I hope to get vaporized in the first exchange, if it comes to it.
It all depends on how many nukes each side has. Any sane country has to target enemy launch sites and nuke stockpiles first before even thinking of counter-value strikes or it risks ending up with zero nukes after the first exchange while their enemy retains all of theirs. (This changes somewhat when it comes to retarded nigger countries like north korea, but they don't have enough nukes to saturate American interceptors.)

This leaves us with China and Russia, both of which have too much to lose if they try a pure counter-value strike.
That means they have to waste something like a thousand warheads on the American nuclear sponge that are its Minuteman fields. Any warheads left over after that can go after bomber airfields, C2 nodes (this is where cities might start taking collateral damage), boomer ports and any carriers that might be in port at the time. If you do the math on those neither china, nor russia (considering its 100% dud rate in recent ICBM tests) has enough nukes in total to hit all those targets, and definitely not enough launchers to do it during the initial exchange.

If you live in a NATO capital, a large port city or near a major industrial hub you're probably fucked, other than that you'll just have to deal with a month long power grid collapse and the economy going in the shitter
when your power is gone
your water is gone
your food is sparse
healthcare is gone
anarchy is everywhere (depending on where you live)
you will suffer
that's not propaganda, that's reality

there'll be little prolonged radiation since airbursts will be the norm unless you live in the uk or coastal cities in the us since status-6, or near a power plant (power plants catch a nuke).

nuclear war is far worse than people make it out when it comes to the level of mass suffering.
>Any sane country has to target enemy launch sites and nuke stockpiles first before even thinking of counter-value strikes or it risks ending up with zero nukes after the first exchange while their enemy retains all of theirs.
Silo-based nukes are best considered launched, so you leave them alone. You just make sure they can't be reloaded, so you hit nuclear munition storage sites. This is the same for the SSBNs and bombers. You consider them launched, but you make sure they can't return to a port or base to rearm.
>since status-6
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why do retards think they could survive a nuclear war? is it movies and videogames?
you probably could survive but it wouldnt be like mad max, you will be sitting in your basement with your hair slowly falling out
yes. since it uses a cobalt bomb, deadly radiation will last decades. a shallow water detonation will blanket a city with the bad type of radiation, and depending on the wind, it'll go 100s of kilometers across the land. assuming 50 megatons, which is an alright middle-ground between 2 megatons and 100.

it's probably an unethical weapon, but considering they'll likely release biowapons at the same time, it probably doesn't matter.
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>boo hoo suffer this suffer that
Grow some fucking balls you pathetic bitch. You can choose to view the world in a Schopenhauerian pessimistic view or you can make like Nietzsche and overcome. Chances are your life sucks right now because you have the view of the former and are too much of a faggot to change shit around for yourself.
>assuming 50 megatons
The average yield of a warhead is 250kt since you can shove more warheads into a single ICBM. Massive megaton yield warheads were for bombers back when they were the primary delivery system.
Every strategic target in Russia would be destroyed in about 8 to 30 minutes.
status-6 needs a high yield since it's going to detonate at standoff distances on coastal targets underwater. it's thought to have a 100 megatons warhead, which is is about right based on the size of the torp, but it could easily be 2 or 50 megatons.

i personally don't think it has a cobalt warhead, since you'd need to be insane to do that, but hans at fas is taking the russians at face value.
>How would a nuclear exchange actually play out and what would be the end result?
Russia would cease to exist, everyone else would shrug
Straight in with the british socialist kremlin propaganda including the kgb nuclear winter lie. Threads is as close to what would happen after a nuclear war as star wars is to how the ISS was put in orbit.
Both sides are guessing because guess what? No one has actually had a nuclear war.
>Every strategic target in Russia would be destroyed in about 8 to 30 minutes.
This and every population center with more than 50,000 inhabitants within an hour as most of them have a barracks or other minor military function. 80% of the Russian population would be gone in the first 60 minutes. Fun fact just half of the British and French nuclear subs can kill every Russian population center with more than 50,000 inhabitants in just one volley./ Its not the west that has been stupid and mouthing off about nuclear weapons, its the Russian leadership and population who if hit, don;t get to destroy the world or the west of the USA but just get fucking erased.
ah yes the nuclear war would be like mad max retard
>Both sides are guessing because guess what? No one has actually had a nuclear war.
We have detonated over 25000 nuclear weapons including several bigger than in any nuclear arsenal at present. Its highly likely a high percentage of Russian warheads will fail to function or their delivery systems will in addition to the fact that none are likely to survive a full strike. Russia is not the USSR at its peak and Russian nuclear weapons are out of their ten year shelf life on the detonators. Russia has also had repeated failures on test launches of its new ICBMs
nuclear winter doesn't care about politics
>We have detonated over 2500 nuclear weapons
>ah yes the nuclear war would be like mad max retard
nope a non event for non russians more similar to a covid lockdown and recession (possibly)than anything else
Christ, you aren't even smart enough to disguise your samefagging.
>nuclear winter doesn't care about politics
Nuclear winter is bullshit and a soviet disinformation lie gobbled up by idiots and retards who don't know any better or where it originates.
And now we get the jeet spamming its nuclear winter bullshit database script replies for the kremlin for the next half an hour to gain a well for its village. Nuke Russia.
Lmao, fuck off Ivan
It doesn't exist.
You're a local military commander in charge of reestablishing a semblance of order in a middle sized city after a nuclear strike plunged your nation into turmoil
Who do you mobilize/recruit, how do you equip your men, what orders do you give them when it comes to dealing with looting/criminals/mass unrest?
>Ukraine gets the OK for deep strikes
>NOOOOK SCAWWY thread, complete with "you gon' die" copypastas
Vatnoids are actual fucking children lmao
We though a pandemic would be the omega man/the last man on earth etc and it was staying in for a few months and working from home. Any fallout from Russia will be about the same. The hopes and dreams of a generation raised on mad max will be shattered. There won't even be mutants and no one will miss the fsb/kgb/nkvd/russia/putin one bit or most of Russia and that's about all that will be gone.
>Who do you mobilise recruit
Military age males who aren't too physically weak and not complete retards, ideally people who had some kind of beneficial social role and combat or handiwork experience pre-nukes like cops, veterans, construction workers, etc
>try to localise doctors, specifically paramedics / emfs, specialised hospital dudes are not THAT useful compared to field medics and monopolise access to them
>how do you equip your men
Depends completely on context. If this is the US, bring your own gun. If this is europe and I have access to a military base, guns for those who know how to use them and then bats/golf clubs/sticks etc for the rest
>what orders for dealing with looting/criminals/mass unrest
The first thing is to be realistic. You only have so many people, your communication and resources are highly limited. You probably will not be able to control the entire city immediately. I would recommend trying to find a section of the city which has a combination of
>defensible terrain or urban features like a big highway gulch seperating it from the rest
>warehouses full of non-perishables, fuel, etc
>easy logistical access whilst still being defensible
>a local population which holds value of some kind
>local population which is either unable/unwilling to resist you taking control, or a population which actively wants you to take control
and other such factors. Once you find your ideal area, set up shop and establish yourself as the rule of law there. Initially, curfews, martial law, execution (ideally public) of looters/rapists/any crime whilst also trying your best to ensure the people within your boundaries are fed and protected. From then on, you slowly expand your sphere of influence until you eventually control the whole city.
>You're a local military commander in charge of reestablishing a semblance of order in a middle sized city after a nuclear strike plunged your nation into turmoil
>Who do you mobilize/recruit, how do you equip your men, what orders do you give them when it comes to dealing with looting/criminals/mass unrest?
In Russia, there is no point. Just let them eat each other. No one will come to help. No one else will get nuked either. All these decisions about Russia being erased lie in western hands. Russia does not really have a say or a contribution to make on the subject
You can tell its a russian as his first instinct is to try and set up a crime gang
>yes. since it uses a cobalt bomb, deadly radiation will last decades.
Look Russia is le bad from Dr Strangelove. Russia stronk! Everything will be black and white now da? Nuke Russia.
The largest immediate (threats besides the obvious like resource shortages, radiation, whatever) imo would be
>refugees from the rest of the city trying to get in
>rival factions in the city emerging and trying to take your shit
For the former, you just have to be harsh, only let in people who are useful and conducive to rebuilding a healthy society. Intact families are a HUGE priority to let in because that gives you a bunch of kids who have motivation to survive in a communitarian sense, a man with a family to protect, and a woman capable of holding a family together, all of which you will need in the harsh post-apocalyptic world to rebuild society.

For the latter, the easiest I see is having a dedicated squad of your most talented/combat experienced guys go out on assassination missions to pre-emptively kill any individuals that are attempting to set up dangerous factions, such as up-and-coming gang leaders or would-be warlords.
Turns out the western nations are really quite ready to roll the dice if it means getting rid of Russia. I gets that's where 70 years of state nuclear terrorism got the kremlin. Everyone would like Russia gone.
Go on raise the fucking eyebrow Russia. I double dare you. Pick up the gun
>first instinct is to set up a crime gang
I'm sorry anon, I forgot the part where an armed group led by a military commander establishing martial law in the aftermath of nuclear calamity as a necessary measure to impose order is equivalent to setting up a crime gang

Lmao, this is so fucking true. I've never met a Russian in the West who wasn't into some kind of criminality. Even the white collar faggots are defrauding their bosses
You do you, everyone just wants to make sure Ukraine understands the stakes at play.
>imposing martial law after nuclear war is bad
what would you do differently then anon?
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>I'm sorry anon, I forgot the part where an armed group led by a military commander establishing martial law in the aftermath of nuclear calamity as a necessary measure to impose order is equivalent to setting up a crime gang
Well you were straight into making an area of control for your gang and executing people. Seemed quite russian really. Hardly handing out hot water bottlers and baby formula is it? And after all, nuclear war is really a Russia on the bottom bunk problem these dayas. Its not game of equals any more and has not been for decades
I think they would just rather die than be part of Russia. I respect that.
>everyone just wants
No, (You) just *had* to throw a tantrum because of news that makes you feel threatened, despite not *really* effecting you one way or another.
Because you're a child.
Be kind Anon. If this war goes on to 2025 he's quite likely to find himself as part of a meat wave. You'd be scared to. Like 800,000 of his countrymen have been zapped so far.
okay, so what would you do differently?
>executing people (criminals and looters) and imposing martial law
>securing an initial smaller area before slowly expanding
explain to me why these things are equivalent to being a crime gang and what you would do differently?
Governments "make areas of control" and execute people too, there's more to a gang than just controlling territory and shooting people.
>what would you do differently then anon?
well, I'd put all the US and French and UK nuclear subs at sea and have all the birds ready to go and wipe out every fucking place with an infra red signature in Russia and then send every bird in to drop Vx on anything with body heat that moves. Then I'd dump have the stockpiled conventional weapons on what remains just to make a point and demand the surrender of North Korea within 45 minutes. 15 Minutes in I'd vaporize Pongyang after issuing China with an assurance I come in peace and won't nuke them if they behave sensibly.Pakistan and India have 24 hours to show me their proposals for nuclear disarmament
Imagine being the poor bastard on a russian ssbn, I suppose they won't even feel anything when the hunter kills open the orders. They will be the first to die.

red Hammer 1994
it actually goes into how escalation and de-escalation would work in a nuclear war. ignore everyone that says everyone would die, they are uninformed retards. ignore everyone that mentions nuclear winter, they are uninformed retards. nukes aren't magic, they have limitations and are limited in number.
Well that's fucking nonsense as well since its based on the cold war a situation which no longer exists even remotely. You do realize that the tritium in Russias nukes needs changing every ten years and that that was done in Kharkiv (and has not been done in ten years)? You do realize shitty decrepit bullshitting lying Russia is not a fragment of the giant evil empire the USSR and warsaw pact tyrannies were?
about 50 warheads placed in and around putin's last known location
kek this board is truly retarded and brainwashed by hollywood
you retards don't realize how miserable life would be after a nuclear war
Maybe you'd be able to convince more people if you learned how to type like someone from the west, you dumb fuck.
We know a lot more about nooks than you visitor monke people and know that the decision lies in the hands of NATO whether to switch Russia off. The consequences of Russia being nuked could even be a serious fall in the stock markets for several weeks at least.
Eh, it's not like they don't spend all year in port. I gander some of them have been conscripted to Ukraine already.
For a lot of people it would go something kind of like this: https://youtu.be/dl4yW_X5xsk
yeah I would do that too anon, however your reading comprehension is lacking. What I asked what would you do differently in this >>62883779
>>62883741 scenario.
Oh that's the only part of Russias nuclear triad worth a fuck but the few boats they have are tailed by western hunter kills (multiple) at all times. If they even look like they are going into a launch sequence without having given advance notice of a trial etc they will just be sunk. All of Russias nuclear assets are monitored 24/7 by both humans and AI and the slightest twitch towards actual use and Russia can kiss its ass goodbye. I personally doubt they would get a single ICBM delivery, especially if NATO hits first and if it does hit first its basically a genocide of Russia and Russia ceases to exist. Its not a game of equals. It is not the cold war. Its due to western forbearance Russians are still alive not the other way around,
Well that;s not an issue, the odds of Russia successfully striking a western city are basically nil at this juncture. Reality. The odds of Russia getting smeared actually went up a notch because of the North Korean bullshit though. Patience is not infinite and the fsb/kgb/ndvd gang has become a bit of a drag and a bore really.
the principle danger of blast, and heat are the most immediate problem, lasting fallout would change with the half life of the materials in question, and would also be transitory
>anarchy is everywhere

Not in a high trust society like myself
Mosty fallout becomes harmless from airburst within 30 days to a couple of months. That won;t help the Russian population though as they are concentrated in a handful of towns and cities with populations over 50,000 that can be wiped out just by a couple of western SSBns with MIRVs. They actually work as well.
anarchy is almost certainly a hollywood/ communist meme
It would be more like covid, fallout lock downs, mask wearing, work from home mild recession but in reality very little or no impact on places other than Russia and possibly now Pongyang
Standing next to an industrial radiation source is nothing like nuclear fallout.
the logistical impacts would be outpace covid significantly. port, transportation, energy, agriculture, potable water, pharmaceutical, and technical infrastructure etc. would be out of commission for an unforeseen timescale
I agree with you anon, but again, answer the damn question. You said that >>62883779 was criminal behaviour and you called me a russian. Please explain what you would do differently, since you seem to disagree with the methods.
>your power is gone
>your water is gone
>your food is sparse
>healthcare is gone
>anarchy is everywhere
>you will suffer
So, nothing in Russia would change.
>port, transportation, energy, agriculture, potable water, pharmaceutical, and technical infrastructure etc. would be out of commission for an unforeseen timescale
That's right.
Russians don't have to worry about fallout 80% will be dead from direct effect and the prevailing winds just drop it further back in Russia or in the bering strait. Its *possible* there might be fallout lockdowns in some places in teh west but not very many. Its fantasy and stupidity for people to believe Russia will manage to deliver via SSBNs or bear bombers etc etc. Its all shit stalked and outmatched. None of their assets will deliver and that includes their silos. Its a shitty little near failed state with past shelf life nooks and a brainwashed population.
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Reminder that vatniks don't even know there's multiple different kinds of nuclear war and that an extinction level event would border on the absurd.
>the logistical impacts would be outpace covid significantly. port, transportation, energy, agriculture, potable water, pharmaceutical, and technical infrastructure etc. would be out of commission for an unforeseen timescale
No one trades with Russia much anyone, no one would really notice if all that stuff got destroyed in Russia. Maybe the oil markets would change a few numbers for a few weeks and the stock markets would panic for a few weeks. That's about it for the west though. Russia should be nuked today.
>Oh that's the only part of Russias nuclear triad worth a fuck
No, not even. Their boats sit in port with maybe one on patrol at a time at most and they have jack shit on NATO subs, be it US or UK ones. Half of their SSBN boats are also 80s vintage that is there to pad the numbers and pretend russia is a big boy country others should be scared of.
Do anons not know that Russia is a place with about 144 million people, 1/3rd of them are pensioners, 1.4 million have aids, another 1.4 million to 2.8 million are drug addicts. Its the most sanctioned nation on earth. The total impact of it no longer existing are actually very small as long as stuff like reactor shutdowns and securing waste are conducted.
Also, in terms of nukes their land-based missiles hog up pretty much all the budget since their MIRV'ed Topol version is the only new weapon they have managed to produce reliably.
My nigger the concept is not some made up fantasy, and it's been rather well researched.
It's to the point where I could almost be convinced france could single handedly defeat russia in a nuclear war if we got the first strike off lmao
EMP would fry all modern electronics, with communications gone there will be chaos that governments will fail to contain
radiation would slowly kill survivors and with agriculture gone others will die too
You are not 'my nigger' and all you are telling me by mentioning nuclear winter is that you are either
a)A Russian propagandist
b) A new here retarded normie who believes in makey uppy shit created by teh kremlin during teh cold war

Nuclear war is not apocalypse, not even close (except for Russia), Over two thousand nukes including some colossal ones have already been detonated. Are you feeling ok? Good. That's far more that it will take to erase Russia. Covid 2.0 is about the limit of the potential excitement. Nuclear winter? A deliberate and crafted lie created and fed into western academia to try and encourage the idea of nuclear war as apocalyptic (although when both sides had 30,000 warheads good to go it was far far far more dangerous). Now? Russia has about 1500, most of which don't work or that are on delivery systems that don't work or will be erased before they even launch. Fallout from Russia won;t disturb anyone, a nuke is not like a reactor meltdown. The nuclear winter hypothesis was based on everything on earth incinerating and going into the upper atmosphere, forests, cities etc, that won't happen and it won't go into the upper atmosphere either as the oil well fires in the gulf war disproved that whole concept.
electronics are not widely permanently destroyed/ disabled by EMP, but data will almost certainly be lost or corrupted
>It's to the point where I could almost be convinced france could single handedly defeat russia in a nuclear war if we got the first strike off lmao
It basically could, or certainly France and the UK could together with certainty, yes. The ability to destroy Russia is not in doubt what is lacking is the will to genocide the Russian population for their dictator.
>EMP would fry all modern electronics, with communications gone there will be chaos that governments will fail to contain
More fantasies from hollywood. Most power grids are resistant ( and devices) to colossal solar flares which dwarf the EMP effect of nuclear weapons.That's been the case in the USA and Europe for 20 years, China should be fine too. Hollywood lied to you, nukes will not stop your car from starting
I'm ready to take on the mantle of becoming Lord Humungus.
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There's a special brand of retard out there that fancies himself a savior of the world by inflating anything related to nuclear war into a complete and total apocalypse that should be avoided at all costs, including political concessions and surrender of any strategic advantage. This kind of retards have been the primary pillar of support of russian fear mongering and diplomatic weight since the 1960s but especially since the 1980s and beyond.
you shouldn't limit your agency to act based upon threats of nuclear conflict, but you should absolutely be educated on and honest about the real impact such a conflict implies.
>electronics are not widely permanently destroyed/ disabled by EMP, but data will almost certainly be lost or corrupted
Data is stored in geographically dispersed mirroring datacentres e.g Canada, Zurich etc. You do talk some absolute shit. If Russia gets nuked the west will blink and move on. The question is are we lathe the point of justifying genocide against the Russians because they are simply incompatible with life on earth. There is little risk and it can readily be done. The question is a moral and ethical one. I say do it, on balance you have a duty to all those who the Russians might murder if left to continue as they have for the last 100 years.
>There's a special brand of retard out there that fancies himself a savior of the world by inflating anything related to nuclear war into a complete and total apocalypse that should be avoided at all costs, including political concessions and surrender of any strategic advantage. This kind of retards have been the primary pillar of support of russian fear mongering and diplomatic weight since the 1960s but especially since the 1980s and beyond.
Russia has always targeted simpletons and the mentally ill with their disinformation. They don;t call them useful idiots because they can do hard crosswords.

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>this superweapon totally works as intended
>ignore our air defenses getting drone striked constantly
>ignore stealth UAV flying off needing to be shot down
>ignore SU-57 with exposed fasteners and knockoff RAM peeling off
>ignore the nuclear powered rocket that exploded on the launch pad
everytime the west allows russia to continue to exist, we deal with this never ending shitshow.
with how often modern "educators" resort to mocking the basic "duck and cover" rule your words are absolutely lost on these people. they'd rather put heads into sand and act completely helpless over an imaginary doomsday scenario than look at things objectively and make decisions and preparations based on that.

this is the biggest issue with civil defense in US right now.
I would place a bet against a single Russian MIRV functioning or hitting a US city
if they do launch a massed first strike they probably can but given that it's most likely going to be aimed at NY or DC i wouldn't mind this miracle of russian reliability one bit.
something as simple as duck and cover is of course sort of obsolete, as yields since the 50s have greatly expanded the radius of what marks the ground zero of no survival for surface structures to what is effectively the metropolitan region of a major city. advance warning and masses of underground shelters is the best hope for major urban centers. the finns have the right idea there.
this board is full of bitter incels that want to bring their suffering on everyone else
no one cares about your retarded post apocalyptic fantasies
I absolutely fucking love Nuclear Option, I've played about 200 hours since EA started and it's almost entirely been solo games set in that big escalating death match mode. I could just sit and watch the AI fight all day, especially following random missiles or bombs and seeing if they make it to their target or are intercepted. Extremely comfy and the way the game goes from precision guided munitions with armored battles and dogfights to "retard flipping the table mode" where everyone is just slinging 200Kt nukes everywhere is K I N O. Boscali Pride Worldwide remove primevan dogs.
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Nuke Russia.
fuck off.

kind regards,
two of those posts
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Nuke Russia. As soon as I see some tard mention nuclear winter I again know it is the only correct and moderate position.
if moscow was the only region targeted the rest of that nation might even allow it
A very moderate proposal.
why can't it be done anywhere else?
Kill Frodo
>ou should absolutely be educated on and honest about the real impact such a conflict implies.
>Posts "threads" no fewer than 3 times in the
Fuck off samefag
Oh, good. Schizo /pol/ takes.
>something as simple as duck and cover is of course sort of obsolete
here's another retard that believed the propaganda, lmao
If someone was to launch some spicybm's then the UN would write them a letter telling them how naughty they have been.
And the same thing for the US, UK, France, Germany, and others with US nukes.
not really. not because of the nook winter thing which you are right about originated as a vatnik propaganda poison pill.

but because vatniks in their infinite malice would try to specifically bomb as many civilian cities as they can. Even at the expense of ignoring military targets. as the tyrants logic goes
>waste +/- 20 km accuracy soviet heap on a silo in the middle of endless wheat fields that may or may not be empty by the time the nook gets there
>or bomb cities to kill as many westerners as possible

Now guess which one pieces of shit like monke and his simps will pick as a target
Everything has been priced in planetside. Im more concerned about the ISS. It is imperative that we all gang up and throw those cosmonaut fuckers out the airlock before they can carryout whatever skullduggery from the monkeyman they've planned.
>of course sort of obsolete
duck and cover is against mainly the shattered glass flying from the windows as the pressure wave hits you fucking moron. Not everything is ground zero, in fact vast majority of civvies will be on the outside circles if they are effected by a nearby blast at all

it absolutely is a reflexive response that should be drilled into everybody to minimize deaths and injuries from large scale blasts, not only the scary nooks
>no one cares about your retarded post apocalyptic fantasies
covid lockdown and slower growth on 401ks for a year?

Every thread. Every fucking thread. You people are just as bad as them when you do nothing but shit up a thread like this. I hope you all die.
russia has no nukes, by the way
tee hee
>Thread about nukes
>people talk about one of the three countries with a serious stockpile of them
I doubt there's enough nukes to match the power of the space rock that caused the chicxulub crater. Now that thing is an extinction level event.
everyone starves probably
I know your tricks, Vlad. Your nukes are inoperable and decayed. Typical Russian propagandist.
no one has ever detonated a 100mt nuke
Honestly? You could probably kill 99% of humanity and it could probably rebuild pretty easily to a fairly modern and comfortable standard of living without ever really being at risk of extinction, the early classical period only had a global population of like 50-100 million people, and humanity is thought to have bottlenecked about 70k years ago at less than 100k total.
With a nuclear war you would have dense pockets of survivors, which would make rebuilding even better, obviously you would lose some specialized technologies and know-how, which would need to be re-learned, but your still probably only going back to the 1950s at worst
Go to hell, retard.
>why do retards think they could survive a nuclear war?
Main character syndrome
>nuclear exchange happens
>national power grid obliterated in a matter of seconds
>cell towers and internet go down indefinitely
>hospital backup generators run out of fuel after 72 hours
>emergency responders completely swamped with casualties and are virtually unable to effectively communicate or coordinate with each other
>market crashes and hundreds of millions of people lose everything they’ve managed to save up
>rural areas become overrun with hundreds of thousands of panicked refugees
>mob rule and vigilante justice culminate in armed conflict between survivors as authorities struggle to maintain order
TLDR cities get obliterated while rural areas become dystopian hell scapes where survivors fight each other and the military for basic survival
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fun game
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noooooo don't ruin his fantasies like that
Not necessarily. The timing is so tight that anything that slows down the process (such as presidential dithering) leaves them in the silos when the first warheads hit. And from the US perspective, especially with the Trident super-fuzes, it makes a lot of sense to hold the Minutemen in reserve and force the enemy to choose between wasting an awful lot of warheads on them or to have them used to quickly fill in the gaps and take out whatever survives the American boomers going nuts. You have to at least respect that capability.

This also holds true for the hypothetical US first strike (does anyone believe the US government could pull that off without spilling the beans--and spaghetti--all over the world ahead of time?). The Ohios would have the best chance of pulling off a surprise attack, and can now do counter-force even against silos. A Minuteman launch would be picked up on cell phones and possibly be spread across the internet before the warheads could reach their targets.
For anything other than a salted bomb (which nobody has put into service), radiation ceases to be a threat in most locations after ~2 weeks. Resource shortages and supply chain disruptions (not necessarily Mad Max, but that *is* an extreme and very fictional example) would be the primary long-term threat to civilization.
>Who do you mobilize/recruit
The local government should still exist if it didn't get hit, so just keep the city police + sheriffs. The sheriffs department should be responsible for creating an organized militia under sanction of whoever is effectively the leader, probably the mayor of the city. Unorganized militias if needed can be officially recognized and called up if/when needed.

>how do you equip your me
Since it's America, it's not like guns just disappear after an exchange, so they're mostly self equipped. Certain things can be locally manufactured if necessary (ammo, guns from machine shops, medical equipment, explosives, etc). Beyond a basic fighting load, everything else such as body armor is just considered a luxury if you have it.

>what orders do you give them when it comes to dealing with looting/criminals/mass unrest?
Try to maintain civil law but there would probably be more power given (at least to the organized militia sanctioned by the local government) to use lethal force in an offensive capacity against violent criminal acts or looting, especially in the beginning. In more general things, trade routes would probably be established to other surviving cities/towns or farmer communities so securing the lines of communication and possibly establishing checkpoints for security and tax revenue would happen.

tl;dr just because a nuclear exchange happens doesn't mean law and order just doesn't exist anymore. There is obviously a lot of situation dependent factors but that would be a loose general idea.
>sars please do not redeem the wunderwaffe-6
LOL based retard. Thanks for letting everyone know your opinion is worthless.
It will be business as usual in two weeks. Massive "nuclear war in fiction vs nuclear war in reality" memes posted on tiktok. Lots of grifter "experts" on radiation and another scare about how radiation makes mutants and how everyone who lived Unabomber style are the real purebloods. Many nukes will straight up go missing and be used for terrorism threats and legislastion. In another 20 years casual nuclear exchange becomes the norm and everyone forgets all about the nuke scare alltogether.
if you're close enough to a nuke to die from acute radiation poisoning, then you're close enough to turn into plasma before the blast wave even reaches you
neutron bombs are a type of nuclear bomb
>radiation ceases to be a threat in most locations after ~2 weeks
I hear air bursts are clean but ground bursts irradiate the soil itself
>ground bursts
only used against nuclear-hardened bunkers
>muh neutron bombs
do any nations on earth currently deploy them in any quantity whatsoever? no? then shut the fuck up you concern trolling snownigger
Despite what everyone claims it wouldn't end the world nor wipe out mankind or break down civilization. Most cities, pretty much everything not in the deep countryside would suffer near total destruction. No working infrastructure, no food, no water, no electricity or heating. No help would come, nobody would be fighting the fires. Millions of bodies litter the ruins and widespread chaos ensues. But we all know that much. Humans are sturdy tho and complete saturation isn't possible. Enclaves would survive and form interim governments. Figures we humans are pretty good at making tribes.

Bringing back the entire powergrid wouldn't be possible immediately. Generators and smaller powerplants could serve isolated grids. From there it's baby steps in managing ressources to rebuilt crucial parts of society. Less interesting parts of the world like a majority of Africa, South America, parts of Asia and the high north would probably not even notice a nuclear exchange took place until days later. It's not unthinkable they could provide the technology and help to bring us back onto our feet.
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My personal pick for "the objective worst thing that ever happened" is the bubonic plague and it's actually sort of amazing how humanity rebounded from over 30% of all homo sapiens dropping dead in one year
Human caused climate change is a lie I vented by liberals! Climate change is totally hecking normal and humans have nothing to do with it. Why are you so scared of carbon if you're a carbon based lifeform!
>also magatards
Hecking chungus nuclear winter will destroy all human civilization! We must allow monke to get away with anything because they'll totally destroy their own planet if we don't let them invade their neighbors!
Jericho's first season is a pretty good idea on what could happen.
i feel like the hundreds of thousands of years humanoids spent dragging themselves out of the food chain would be the absolute worst time to be alive
Prehistoric doesn't count
If the global logistics wheel ever breaks down, there's no coming back. Don't get me wrong, of course humans will survive, but they will be unable to ever make it past 18th century level technology again. There will never be a second industrial revolution because already used up all easily accessible resources required to kick-start one to get where we are now. Can't produce advanced industry without a society of a few hundred million people, can't produce a society of a few hundred million people without advanced industry.
>"We are going to die. You're going to die, I'm going to die, we're all going to die... just not today"
>even his name is Ouchi
Airbursts are effectively "clean"; the only fallout is the bits of bomb fuel that got spat out before they could eat a neutron, and they're pushed into the stratosphere and dispersed to the point that they won't come down for weeks, and even if they did, they would be too diluted to hurt anybody.

Groundbursts cause fallout, and yes, part of that involves the irradiation of soil and other debris. However, most fallout decays fairly rapidly. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fallout#The_seven-ten_rule
7 hours: 10%
49 hours (2 days): 1%
343 hours (14 days): 0.1%

For most people (unless you live just downwind from a high-priority hardened target expected to receive a heavy dose of groundbursts, such as a missile field or boomer base), 0.1% of the initial radiation dosage is low enough to not really be a factor. So, staying indoors for 2 weeks (with windows and doors sealed up, because the greatest threat is accidentally getting the more plentiful alpha-generating particles inside of you (see: tea, polonium), and the more dangerous gamma rays can be partially mitigated by building a "pillow fort" of dirt in boxes or bags inside your house) will give most people a very good chance of surviving the immediate aftermath.

Long-term, the real threat is the breakdown in supply chains and civic virtue, leading to localized but dire shortages of necessities. The result is famine, pestilence, and war (violence over whatever local resources are left). Ironically, that's the sort of threat that can most easily be reduced (but never eliminated) by Civil Defense programs, with proper long-term storage and solid planning. Guess what the West got talked into abandoning during the '70s and '80s?
Go back.

Jericho did pretty good showing what would happen. Even the second season was decent, if a little over the top.
It's a nuclear thread. We aren't exactly going to be talking about Nepal and Monaco.
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A large scale peer on peer war could stay sub threshold for a long time.
Unlike during the cold war, Tactical Nuclear weapons have much less unique battlefield utility in the modern day, so there would be less pressure to authorise the use of nuclear weapons to achieve effects on the battlefield.

Back in the 1960s and 70s, a US army Brigade in Germany might expect to use dozens of nuclear artillery shells in a single day to help hold off qualitatively superior forces.
On the one hand this shows how integrated nuclear weapons were into war fighting, but also on the other hand it shows how these weapons aren't actually enormously decisive on the battlefield at least in small quantities.
They are certainly very destructive, but enemy units have a strong degree of hardening, even infantry in trenches have a strong degree of resistance to blast effects let alon NBC hardened IFVs or tanks.
TNWs were in many respects about creating larger kill zones for weapons in order to make up for inherently poor accuracy.
Technological developments in precision weapons from the 70s-80s onward have rendered a lot of this capability somewhat redundant.

Much of the use of TNWs today may be for signaling purposes.
A way to imply seriousness about nuclear escalation to an adversary without actually using strategic weapons.
The death of over 2 billion people not to mention the millions afterward from radiation poisoning and malnutrition.
Afterward, opportunity happens to build new social orders.
the simple act of using nukes is a signal that the game has changed and that the entire situation is unmarked territory. the US (and japan through their decision) stopped after 2 bombs only because it saved perhaps millions of lives. nobody has any idea what the cost of wwiii would be, but if nukes are involved it's undoubtedly unprecedented in scale, so it should be avoided in the first place
Option 1 - one side says fuck it and launches everything.
Option 2 - US keeps pushing Russia with more and more attacks and finally crosses the last of Putin's red lines and Russia launches a significant attack against US and European assets - this could be Russia strikes US satellites, bases in Europe, and/or NATO bases in Europe. US claims it was totally unprovoked and the US needs to respond and things start to escalate quickly from local nukes to ICBMs.

US is pushing Russia up the escalation ladder but has obviously been careful not to go too far, but they are pissed Trump was elected and now realize their Russia plan totally failed and they lost hundreds of billions and lost control fo the key gas fields in Ukraine.

If the ICBMs fly you can see the re-entry vehicles coming in, until they detonate and if you are looking you will be instantly and permanently blinded and miss the rest of the show. If you are within about 1 mile of the detonate the neutron pulse will instantly kill you. If there is going to be a nuclear war I want to be alive to see the big fireworks, but I live in an area that will be hit numerous times so I do not need to care about it for long.
I just hope one or two nukes hit Israel
>No one has actually had a nuclear war.
The first nuclear was was WWII against the Japanese. Only the US had nuclear weapons and dropped two on Japan. The next nuclear war will be the second. The US needed to move the nuclear tests far out into the Pacific ocean because of the power of the bombs and the fallout.
you talk like a college kid
>US is pushing Russia up the escalation ladder
Are you actually fucking retarded, a shill, or just a victim of propaganda?
>anarchy is everywhere
firstly stop misunderstanding that word, if understood correctly it effectively means "ground up ogranisation" instead of "state sponsored ass kicking" you fuck, it has nothing to do with crime or bandits. second therefore nothing would change, guess what, people are going to form a working society right away anyway.
>victim of propaganda?
based on your retarded statement, it is clear you are the victim of the propaganda and cannot thinkg for yourself. There is not threads on 4chan available to explain to you how retarded and brainwashed you are. What is the saying for Yuri Besmenov? you can show facts to the brainwashed and they will reject them.
>esl drivel
You will never be a high development nation.
>You will never be a high development nation.
>nuclear winter
I wanna be some place I can say "what the fuck was that!?"
>US is pushing Russia up the escalation ladder but has obviously been careful not to go too far, but they are pissed Trump was elected and now realize their Russia plan totally failed and they lost hundreds of billions and lost control fo the key gas fields in Ukraine.
>The US needed to move the nuclear tests far out into the Pacific ocean because of the power of the bombs and the fallout.
US detonated hundreds of nukes like 70 miles away from Las Vegas
>US claims it was totally unprovoked and the US needs to respond and things start to escalate quickly
More like US launches a complete decapitation strike on russia before the first nukes even land and the cesspool of snow niggers threatening peace in Europe is no more, 80 years overdue.
If the President — say Biden — decides he wants to remove the Russia problem forever and orders the nuclear football brought over…would he be allowed to complete the order or would he be countermanded / disobeyed? I have a strong feeling he will just be ignored and if he pushed for it aids will call in senior admin people to come in and talk him down.
I don't buy into nuclear winter or any of that horseshit, I don't think it would wipe out all life on the planet, but
>mild recession
is so hilariously under stating how bad things would be for a while.
President doesn't have a red button to push for launching missiles but he can order proparation and launch of such a strike which the command will probably carry out unless they have a strong reason to refuse to do so.
>i don't know or understand a single thing beyond hollywood movies but here's my dogshit opinion anyway
thanks for posting
>Naah bro everything will be great. Just a mild annoyance. You'll pay like 11 cents more for your eggs at the grocery store, but nothing else will really change.
>noo bro, it's like that movie i watched when i was 12, you don't get it, that's all you need to know about nuclear war!
99% of /k/ wouldn't survive
back to the middle ages
I would be fine
no you wouldn't schizo
the moment supply chains collapse and mcdonalds closes permanently your fat ass would die
>posted it again award
i'd eat twinkies instead haha checkmate
US launches new type of missile interception system, because development hasn't just been sitting stagnant for 40 years like it seems like. Then a military coalition containing every other country in the world just fucking wipes out whoever launched out.
Mosqueovy is literally the only one who is rattling with nukes.
mcdonald's will never shut, even in a warzone. drive thrus will be adapted to accommodate tanks
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>mcdonalds closes permanently
Not in America, never ever.
if your stance is "a little nuclear war is fine" i hope you survive the initial blasts so you can at least see how fucking retarded you are before you die from starvation. fuck you.
>posted it again award
there's only one "country" out there threatening to nuke everyone
>or all out mad
We all are, anon. We all are.
At this point a first strike is the best choice, Russia has been the world's bully for over 80 years and its time for a reckoning.
>you retards don't realize how miserable life would be after a nuclear war

Assuming I don't just immediately die
>Eat shitty food at my family's farm
>No electricity so I break my screen addiction
>Make firewood
>Burn firewood
>On some days I'm hungry because food is scarce and I might end up losing some weight (currently 110kg)
I literally can't see any downsides

You mistaked Ukraine for Russia
underground tests

Make no mistake. Moscow is in play, Kiev is most certainly not. The only questions remaining are what will be the casus belli and who will march into red square first.
Decisive USA victory
100 of those were above ground too
>hurr durr you'd die even if you don't live close to any targets because.... YOU JUST WOULD OKAY???
I aint afraid of no nukes. Do it bitch, I fucking dare you
>muh red lines, avoid le nuclear war
You ever stop to think WHY countries are, in your eyes, """pushing russia up the escalation ladder"""?
It's because every other week they make a nuke threat and thinly veiled nuclear ultimatum. And when that ultimatum fails they impotently seethe a bit and wait a while before making another ultimatum. Rinse and repeat.
If Russia didn't constantly threaten to use nuclear weapons then people might actually take their threats seriously.
If that was the case then maybe countries would actually consider giving in to their demands occasionally. But instead Russia has created a situation where if one was to actually pay their threats any attention it would basically just be letting them rule the entire world.

You never heard the story of the boy who cried NOOOOKS?
It's going to suck if it happens because most servers for my games will probably explode, other than that idk, my country is probably gonna be alright, worst thing that could happen is we get invaded by some remnants or another unrelated nation when the world balance shifts.
so are we getting WWIII or not?serious replies only, brainwashed shill faggots from both sides fuck off to >>>/pol/
Maybe someday in the future, but not today
Nothing ever happens, unless I get digits right now.
>How would a nuclear exchange actually play out
stumbling through the rubble, preoccupied with thirst, radiation burns and all the happening threads that could have been had there still been internet. tears in the rain.
I hate my life and society, I want nuclear war for fun
WWIII is already happening it's just so different than I & II so most people don't realize it.
>London, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Beijing, San Francisco, NYC and D.C. destroyed, hopefully.
Humanity saved.
Whatever we can field. Shoot on sight.
>rural areas become overrun with hundreds of thousands of panicked refugees
We will be shooting them as the try to leave the cities.
That's the lifestyle of a lot of 4chan already
This poor bastard took 17 Sieverts and only stayed alive because the retarded doctors wanted to get famous.
Rolling for 39
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how can a game about total nuclear war be this comfy /k/?
Putin trying to play at brinkmanship when literally noone else on the planet is rising to the bait is one of the most pathetic geopolitical things I have ever seen or read about. Russia was barely able to keep up in the game of brinkmanship during the peak of the USSR. Trying to play that game as 2024 Russia is undeniably sad and retarded.

Russians, just go home. That's all you have to do. Just pull all your people back inside your containment box (the largest country by land area on Earth) and start spending all those resources and lives actually making something out of it. You have the greatest wealth of land of any nation on the planet, and it's a decaying decrepit shithole while you waste your population, industrial capacity, and economy on this unbelievably pointless war.

The fuck are you doing?
This fucker ain't never heard of radiation
Japan recovered in less than a decade with vastly less resources and technology.
petukh having a meltie
It'll give the US an excuse to turn Russia into the 51st state and properly exploit their vast resources far more efficiently than their oligarchs.
Perhaps we might even live to call each other countrymen.
Sauron trying to play at brinkmanship when literally noone else in middle earth is rising to the bait is one of the most pathetic geopolitical things I have ever seen or read about. Angband was barely able to keep up in the game of brinkmanship during the peak of the 2nd age. Trying to play that game as 3rd age Morder is undeniably sad and retarded.
>orcs, just go home. That's all you have to do. Just pull all your people back inside your containment box (the largest country by land area in Middle Earth) and start spending all those resources and lives actually making something out of it. You have the greatest wealth of land of any nation on the planet, and it's a decaying decrepit shithole while you waste your population, industrial capacity, and economy on this unbelievably pointless war.
>The fuck are you doing?
a decade is a pretty long time.
long exposure to radiation already causes a shit ton of health issues not even putting in consideration the soil absorbing this stuff and entering your food.
Imagine becoming sterile from radiation exposure or the next generation of downies that this event will produce.
>The Sun never sets on the American empire
Literally this, It will be a cold florida with more drunktards in the streets lol.
>Saruman trying to play at brinkmanship when literally noone else in middle earth is rising to the bait
i fixd it fer ya
no need for thx
Captain Curly?
That's not Ouchi, it's a teenager that got caught in a house fire in Texas.
>never see a single explosion
>no internet
>barely cellular coverage
>the electric power is still there surprisingly, but with outages

from there it will be like covid, except the grocery stores run out and are never restocked. better look for a friendly militia force to join from then on. if you're super lucky you might get some centralized food rationing near you
>>never see a single explosion
this might be a prerequisite to surviving this
>>no internet
internet is pretty robust - it might get slow and unreliable but its really difficult to destroy physically
>>barely cellular coverage
if there is even periodic power most cell towers have batteries that can last them few days
>>the electric power is still there surprisingly, but with outages
with more and more renewables and soon greater adoption of home batteries its not surprising - solar panels and wind turbines will generally produce power afterwards as they are dispersed on huge territory - as for the national//continental grid it will cease to exists with small, local grids operating on hydro, wind and solar
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You only need at the absolute most 5-10 nukes to make Russia disappear forever. The entity known as the Russian state would never be able to rise again.
Fuck thats bleak, why would you rattle a nuclear sabre when youre so fucking vulnerable
what's more interesting their Moscow icbm defence system is reportedly nuclear tipped - that's why their in instant panic when flat trajectory nuclear threats are mentioned (droned cessna with super spicy payload?) last time only flag burned but that's real threat aunder Ukraines
"we ca acquire nukes fast" threat)
>Moscow icbm defence system is reportedly nuclear tipped
Theyre gonna nuke themselves holy fuck thats dumb as hell
Are you drunk?
its not if explosion is few hundred kilometres up - less accuracyis required and you get more fireworks this way...
but realistically it can work well only against massed icbm warheads on steep trajectory...
>internet is pretty robust - it might get slow and unreliable but its really difficult to destroy physically
Unless some faction is lunatic enough to target the places in where the internet DNS root servers are hosted.
oh my sweet summer child...
>There are at least 68 active launchers of short-range 53T6 endoatmospheric interceptor nuclear armed missiles, 12 or 16 missiles each, deployed at five launch sites. These are tested roughly annually at the Sary Shagan test site.[15] In addition, 16 retired launchers of long-range 51T6 exoatmospheric interceptor nuclear armed missiles, 8 missiles each, are located at two launch sites.[4]
Have you sobered up already or are you still gonna type like a drunkard?
Yeah ive seen russian missile quality, like 30%wont get off the ground, 50% will nosedive into russia, 10% wont detonate, and 10% will actually detonate in atmosphere
>seething at russian impotence
Kiloton and megaton scale weapons are in different categories. Little boy was a speedrun of WW2 firebombing but 500kt+ or MT is the vaporization retards think of when they hear nook.
Ok, I get it, you're too retarded to understand what I'm talking about.
>hasnt made a single point
Here's how it will play out. I'm tom Clancy btw

>Lukashenko & his cabinet are "deposed" by a Russian glowie coup, they conveniently escape to Russia
>Belarusian USSRahboos in charge nuke Kiev, or some region of massed Ukrainian troops that would change the war
>NATO declares war on Belarus and invades along the front line, entrenched defensive positions
>Russia declares war on Belarus and invades from their border, makes a beeline to Belarus City or whatever
>Reinstalls lukashenko
>Russia says, "We got the bad guys, don't worry, it won't happen again. We'd like UN inspectors to make sure Belarus doesn't have any more nukes.
>Takes some advantage in the war in Ukraine and then offers peace
Jack Ryan will stop them though.

Tom Clancy can't write anything this entertaining
Needs a pregnant woman sex scene
Maybe nothing ever happens but things change if I get digits
oh ye sorry i missed a few lines
>Jack's stocks are doing well
>He's wearing a tie that complements his shirt without being very flashy
>His wife is pregnant again, glowing radiantly, with tits the size of medium sized honeydew melons
>she's a little self conscious about it but also pretty slutty
>several major side characters from previous adventures become minor side characters in this story
>one of them dies
>Jack has a hangover at some point
>Jack shoots the bad guy, goes home and fucks his pregnant wife again
is that everything?
well Japan at the time was eager to work for a better future, now if you dropped a nuke anywhere in the world the place will never recover because is full of crybaby zoomers and alphatards that willl just piss n shit and won't do a thing to improve their situation or their country because narcissism is the norm and nationalism is a relic of the past
NTA but your first post was written retarded hence anon calling you drunk
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Pictures from a man from me car accident fire in some third world country
Russia doesn't have any RS-28 Sarmats and only 50 50 R-36M2. They retired their 20 megaton variants and only have the 750 kiloton mirv ones.
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Is the new decree and policy in regards to long range strikes into Russia by Ukraine (which Russia views as also being an attack by the US due to the weapon systems being used) and Russia loosening its policy for the use of tactical nuclear strikes going to actually bring nukes into the war? Typically this shit is just saber rattling nonsense but this time it feels like, if Ukraine actually launches large scale strikes that drastically fucks up Russia's war effort or even worse, if Ukraine pulls a Slavnigger move and starts attacking population centers causing mas casualty events of Russian citizens, it seems very likely that Russia will respond with tactical nuclear strikes. Most likely targeting deep supply and support bases and depots in the west of Ukraine along with possibly detonating lower yield nukes near the frontlines for immediate tactical exploitation followed up by large scale offensives. All of which would force NATO and the US into a decision:
>Initiate the peace talks with Russia now having a massive leg up in them
>Escalate, which could rapidly degenerate into a strategic level exchange of at least a counter-force strike by both sides

Or is it all a nothingburger?
why would Russia go that far when trump is in office in less than 3 months. doesnt seem likely
It just seems like a batshit crazy move. It's one thing to hit an ammo dump that sets back a single sector of Russian artillery by like a day. It's a whole other thing to fuck up potentially strategically vital infrastructure with these strikes. If that happens, then Russia flinging a couple of low yield nukes at Ukrainian military targets would be the biggest middle finger "stop what you're doing right now or else" message they could give.
A nuclear war would unironically be a miracle salvation, almost at the level of divine intervention, for white Americans. The great bulk of low-IQ non-whites live in urban centers and their deletion would give a chance for right-wing middle America to survive and turn the country around. It would be like if you were in the ground being strangled to death by someone stomping down on your throat and, suddenly, someone emptied an AR clip in your direction — both you and your killer get hit but since you’re on the ground you only take a few hits but the guy stomping on your takes the worst of it and dies. Yes you’re injured and you’re still in trouble BUT you finally get to breathe and take action.
when the final red line is crossed, Russia will declare war and invade Ukraine while striking civilians targets with drones and missiles
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cities are already turning red. trump deportations will save the country. we are going to build 10 new major cities in the west. are you really so scared of black that you wont go into urban areas? i keep arguing with fags on twitter other this. the risk aversion safetyism behavior is so gay.
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People who wish for nuclear war are faggots who are too weak now to do anything in their life to change things for the better and so look to things such as a nuclear exchange through the lens of fantasy thinking that "if X happens, then I'll be on top". If you're a faggot now, you will be a giga faggot if X does actually happen.
do it faggot
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read the sign chud. fix your life
this is probably the most unhinged and completely false post I have seen on here in the longest time. denying that fallout and smoke would absolutely wreck global weather patterns and agriculture on top of denying the experiences of downwinders is so contrarian-head in the sand that I hope you die in a car wreck as soon as possible
this board absolutely reeks of retards, bots, and glowfags. get fucked
that's the entire internet. it was a mistake, it turns out
naw, there is a very special kind of cancer on this board
sure, it wouldn't be cancer if it didn't infect a specific area
Nuclear winter is a straight up myth anon. I hate to burst your bubble but it is what it is.
so you're not nuking, just shilling about them?
This post doesn't even make sense.
>His wife is pregnant again, glowing radiantly, with tits the size of medium sized honeydew melons
>she's a little self conscious about it but also pretty slutty
I need to start reading this Tom Clancy fellow.
>>Initiate the peace talks with Russia
You mean the post Russian Federation independent states that inherited some of the nuclear weapons that didn't make it out from the launch tubes after Moscow got evaporated and St. Pidorsburg was merely glassed as a joint operation by NATO and China?
What game?
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You mean the copepedo they made because they couldn't create countervalue missiles that wouldn't be at risk of being shot down.
I still laugh every time they talk about nuclear torpedos washing over the UK as if nukes have enough energy to create tidal waves.
You'll kill people that live near ports for sure from the blast, but the Russiam cope about nuclear fallout from a wave that covers the UK is hillarious.
On its own any wave would be small, but even if they use it to collapse some hypothetical mega island mass to create a huge landslide wave, it's either going to hit Ireland and mountainous Wales/Cornwall first, do nothing vs Scotland, or hit the east coast via shallow doggerland, massively decreasing the potential wave damage.
At best it might kill London if detonated in the Thames but honestly from what I've seen half of Brits wouldn't mind.
>Ukraine successfully defends itself using their allies missiles after years of being pelted by Russian and North Korean missiles
What do you gain from these lies?
He's right though.
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I'm afraid to ask what 44 stands for...
A shallow water detonation will behave like a ground burst, so yes, fallout will go very far, but it depends on which way the wind is blowing. The area around the blast will be an irradiated hellscape.

Use nukemap and a ground burst for 50 megatons and fallout enabled to get an idea.
>millions of refugees flood a county with population of 8,000
>many refugees are Basketball-Americans armed with SBR’s and glocks with auto sears
The silver lining of a nuclear war will be watching retarded hicks get murdered en masse
ya'll just want an excuse to start killing people irl without repercussions
nuclear option, fictional planes in a slightly futuristic scenario, with very simple control scheme, but mostly realistic representation of modern air combat (flight model, radar, IR missiles, notching, jamming etc.)
Cool your tits fuckers. We've been at Defcon 3 since 2022. I'll make the JiffyPop when it hits 2.
The bigger the nuke, the less there is fallout. Tzar Bomba was the cleanest nuke ever detonated.
nukes are useless, without conventional forces to follow up, and for russians these are already depleted. the lifespan of a t72 crew, cbrn protected, on an irradiated battleground is 12 hours.

it's a weapon of terror, but strategically or operationally has little sense.

I don't know. Would bombs explode, and people die? Wow, I didn't think of that.
My guess, bronze age pre-slavery invention boogaloo.
With modern weapons.
Nukes aren't that big of a deal.
It'll just level half of Paris and then nothing will happen and after a week we'll all just say it's not that bad, those parts of Paris sucked anyway.
And then we'll go back to 100 years of nuclear inaction.
>tfw future "fallout wars" are fought by cargo cults using captured pre exchange vehicles and weapons they found at Army depots that weren't hit and have no idea how they work and just revert to what humans usually do and start praying to them as if they're alive

The future looks retarded, but it also looks like fun.
And even the relatively clean Tsar Bomba due to the lead tamper will leave a heap of fallout from a ground burst, since it's still going to irradiate all of the matter it blows into the atmosphere. Of note, that full scale Tsar Bomba removes the lead tamper, so it's not "clean".

Status-6 is on the opposite end of "clean".
Too bad one of you retards chased Oppenheimer away. He was the only one here with genuinely insightful information about nuclear war.
Been my prediction for years that nuclear weapons will be used at sea first, probably torpedo or depth charge.
It's been 70 years since the tandem nuclear warhead and I suspect we've got a lot further since then. Miniaturised nuclear warheads existed in it 70's, I think it's fair to say that torpedos are going to be nuclear by default.

Sea to Sea missiles are already achieving hypersonic approach, so we may see nuclear counter missiles as well.

At sea, the lack of appreciable collateral will see nuclear warheads used from day one with little political consequence, it will become normal the second it happens. It's not like nuking a city full of civilians like America did, these will be isolated military targets, islands bases, coastal defences, subs, carrier groups.
We all miss him. But then we never deserved him. The board is a total loss since Ukraine, they're was no attempt to stop shills from either side.

dumb boomer take
we've on shit like lased gravitics since the 60s
Russia nukes Ukraine.
NATO destroys Russia's Navy.
God willing it stops there.

Russia nukes NATO military bases.
NATO nukes Russian military bases.
Might stop there.

Russia wants to trade cities for the full reset.
Moscow for London. St. Petersburg for Paris etc.
Might Stop there.

China rules the East, US the west for the next 200 years.

Full nuclear Exchange between NATO and RUSSIA.

China rules the ash pile forever.
The other thing I've always been curious about, though admittedly it's Frederic forsyth is whether nuclear weapons could be used to destabilise the environment, specifically a marine environment.

Yes any nuke could make a huge wave, but could you time multiple nukes specifically for that purpose? The tsunami isn't just a wave it's a wave pattern, it's not so much the kinetic force of the water but the gravitational forces that cause the "wave".

Could you for example trigger an undersea landslide to release more potential energy than the nuke itself, creating a proper tsunami? Everyone has thought of this, but I imagine the further under Sea the nuke goes off the greater the pressure differential. And while that would dissipate over a huge area it's all reaching the surface water one way or another. So could you drop a chain of nukes at different depths to amplify the decompression wave? Like a radar dish.

Why? Well you could probably deny huge areas that might contain Naval minefields, subs, torpedos, Naval mines, potentially without destroying surface craft directly over the target area.
Not a very constructive post.
Peak technology often doesn't have a relevant use case and isn't widely adopted, I'm essentially arguing that if more advanced nuclear weapons exist, we're actually likely to see rank and file use of basic thermonuclear.

So in the pacific and south China Sea rather that a watershed moment where a single nuke is used, more likely everyone will use them at once without any second thought.

MAD doctrine is debatably a media creation, limited exchange was always possible again, especially at sea.
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I'll quote the passage from the book:
>All these terms (General War, Central War, All Out War, etc) are in sharp contrast to the "spasm" or "insensate" war. They were deliberately invented to discredit a fairly common picture of thermonuclear war as inevitably an orgiastic spasm of destruction in which all the buttons are pressed and the commanding officers go home, their duty done. Spasm war has now acquired the technical significance of an attack in which there is a maximum effort in the first strike and little or no concern over later strikes. The objective is to achieve as much destruction as possible int he first strike without compromising other considerations. There are circumstances in which this might be a preferred tactic, although normally this tactic is associated with an uncontrolled or insensate war - blind and irrational.

tl;dr the Hollywood depiction of a nuclear war: senseless, objectiveless, and short. Wars are actually intended to be won, even under MAD.
I'd disagree that MAD is a media creation. It's a creation of the US and Soviet state departments. A diplomatic fiction.
>Russia nukes Ukraine because Ukraine attacked vital infrastructure
>NATO escalates the entire situation by attacking Russia directly
>"God willing it stops there"

Why the fuck would it stop there after doing something like that?
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You lean heavily on the false concept that man is a rational being.
No, Man is an irrational but objective and self-interested being. The irrationality comes from being erratic and emotional, not from being retarded. Nuclear warfare is not simple as "push all buttons, nuke all enemy cities, get to bunker ASAP". An actual nuclear conflict would take weeks, much of which would be spent going up the escalation ladder, diplomatic talks failing, the initial attempts at conventional warfare, one side realizing they are up against the wall and need to send a "clear signal" to the other side, etc. The "no warning, duck and cover" BS was for civilians.
>WHY "pushing russia up the escalation ladder"?
Obvious to anyone who pays attention. Its the game of empire. Read the plan Revitalizing America's Military by the Project For A New American Century, and the Grand Chessboard. US built hundreds of military bases to surround China and Russia to try to ensure the US could threaten, and if necessary defeat, Russia and China. Its just business. Russia sees it and they know if they do nothing they will be destroyed. Same with China. So the real question is, is the US willing to work with Russia and China in a multipolar world, or would the US rather start WWIII and end it.
>comes from being erratic and emotional
not the psychopaths and sociopaths that migrate their way up towards power positions, they do not care how many billions die, they would rather rule over a pile of ashes than be second.

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