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I do not care for the AR platform

It insists upon itself
I do not like the Glock platform. It’s ugly and other companies took it and made it better years ago.
I'm mostly into weird (bad) hipster guns based on dead-end ideas that never got anywhere. I know that they're impractical and objectively suck, but I don't care.
I think keltecs P50 is cool
>It insists upon itself
This phrase is the lexical equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.
>I was today years old
>a little louder for those in the back
>I would challenge you to a battle of wits but it appears you are unarmed
I just added it because it’s part of the family guy meme.

I can explain why I dislike ARs if you’d like me to
There is nothing impressive or interesting about bench shooting.
It’s fun and easy. But other than that yeah you’re not really training for anything
>This phrase is the lexical equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.
It insists upon itself
>educate yourself
Yea it’s boring and soulless and too popular to be cool anymore
>describes a mild conflict with important family member
> “go full no contact”
I don't really have any issues with it, its more people's instance that everything has to be an AR-15. The gun is so old its eligible for C&R status. We've given it 60 years of improvements and at this point we're squeezing blood from a stone. Go and make something different so we can improve upon it again.
No making an AR-10 with a folding stock and proof pressure loadings isn't innovation sig
naw, fuck off
>it insists upon itself
This but unironically. Don't hate the AR but damn if the market and 9000 different caliber conversions don't do exactly that.
You can slap together an AR in your living room that will group 1" at 100 yards and run great and even better if even marginally maintained. Try finding a better-solved and more accessible platform in the US.
nta, but it would be interesting to hear why
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a rifle for dorks
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>It impinges upon itself
You had one fucking job, OP.
ARs and Glocks are the meta. You don't have to like them (I don't), but to not recognize their status is ridiculous.
glock has lost the meta, now its glock-likes
>americrap cartoons
Anime is far superior
You really think so? A glock-like is basically a glock under a different label anyways, so I get that. Basically a case of 'copy my homework but don't make it obvious'.
Glock bump filtered me. Never felt comfortable.
its like how a CZ is a Hi Power
is it 100%? no
it is all the principles? yeah
polymer frame, striker fired, tilting barrel, its like a glock, but its not
I don't hear that last one much. Sounds like a line from the princess bride.
Its meant to be a joke Anon.
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Is this you insisting upon yourself?
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>I do not care for the AR platform
I just can't stand the charging handle. if anything except perfect function happens you've got to hork on the thing with two fingies and I just want to really get a hand on it and give her 'wha.
I love the rest of it, particularly the upper/lower separation. want a different caliber? new mag and upper and you are gtg.
Id kinda disagree on both points, largely because of FCU differences. Glock is a partially pretentioned DA striker while most Glock likes are SAO ones. Similarly the HP is a SAO firearm while is DA/SA. They're meaningfully different products in terms of design. Might as well start calling all compact sedans corolla-likes too.
Examples of better than Glock?
CZ P10 series
Tbh I like the AR because I can get an upper that ejects to the left
>T.left handed
P99. PDP.
hey man, I bought a Glock 19, shot it, kept it for years, tried to love it, but realized it's just worse than the P99. so I sold it. if it were better I would have kept it, but I didn't. just couldn't make the cut.
Just put a piston in it and rifle is fine.
>unburdened by what was before
Okay, get a Styer AUG or whatever instead then.
I did.
It insists on itaelf? What the fuck are you trying to say.
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You're an ignorant rat bastard. The buffer tube in the stock design mitigates fouling from what was otherwise rifles with a complicated piston system. I've never heard of anyone needing to disasemble An AR barrel to clean the tube that actuates the bolt lock. Things with holes in the barrel to actuate a piston tube to help the bolt function have to be disassembled to be cleaned. This is some fucking third world finntard copeium tier bullshit about getting stuck with a piston driven bolt. You have to be some kind of delusional jew trying to make sense why you got jewed into an ak platform with a piston.
It's a meme from a show that had a better point than OP he's trying to cash in on (You)'s for attention. Or he got conscripted recently and has no experience with more reliable firearms, or the ability to purchase them. He's handed one and why wouldn't you be proud to get given one. You'd be cocky too if you could make a piece of trash operate correctly and you have no other options.
I do not care for the war in Ukraine

It insists upon itself
Lmao, you just learned that phrase huh? Should've waited for an organic opportunity to use it you dumb loser. You've missaplied it as well betraying your ignorance.
For all the times that America has fucked over a universal rifle platform, I feel its a little rich that armalite is now on top

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