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What defenses does a carrier group have against a hypersonic missile?
VSLPMI-13 hypersonic interceptor munitions. They are still classified right now. Some ships have them right now.
Chink seeking industrial lathes
Is that fake lava?
It's takes place in China, Anon.
They're clearly not gonna spend the money on real lava.
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>you're going to be executed
>they're going to send you down the rainbow slippy slide into a tank of lava
What do you scream out in the 6 or so seconds it takes for you to go down the slide?
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As it turns out you don't need defenses against a missile that can't hit a moving target being fired by a pilot who will either defect or jettison the ordnance preferentially to dying
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the plasma surrounding the missile as it goes hypersonic completely fuck with its internal navigation stuff? Like as long as it goes that fast, it cannot receive (or send) information. So basically the ship would have to be stationary.
Pretty much
what if the missile used a fiber-optic link
i'd have to be a pretty long phone cable
Any of the standard missiles can shoot them down.
Roll dodge out of the way at the last second and avoid damage during the invincibility frames.
Release the *unintelligible* sphere!
semi related but how does a carrier defend itself if the weather is too rough and the planes cant take off?
Kek, I knew /pol/ was full of shit when they said there was nothing the US could do.
How does an incoming missile maintain trajectory when the weather is bad enough that a carrier can't defend itself?
Every post on /pol/ exists to demoralize you; no matter who you are or what you believe in.
You gotta stop going there, for you own sake.
This Anon is wise; he speaks the Truth for those who would hear it.

it's pretty fun to shitpost on when you don't believe in anything tho
Carriers move pretty fast. It won't be in the same spot as it was when the missile was launched, and hypersonics have poor maneuverability and guidance. They're also fucking enormous, so a hit could mission kill it, but sending it to the bottom of the ocean is a huge task.
Keeping track of the weather is mandatory for all branches of the military, anon.
Internal navigation? No, INS works the same regardless of plasma. INS is bad because it's just not very accurate, though.

You can send and receive information so long as your transmitter and incoming transmissions are powerful enough. All hypersonic weapons (real hypersonic, not DF-21D or missiles shot at Ukraine) that are known or reasonably projected are only able to do this in the upper atmosphere where the plasma layer will be thin.
Only problem is finding it in time.
It'll probably slow down at certain points to course correct then speed up at terminal phase
What defense does anything have against a fictional weapon? Unless you're talking about Chinese carriers. They're fucked.
Plasma can be seen past. It's dense multispectral, but the reality is you can still use certain radar bands to get past it.
It's not as sensitive as normal munitions but it exists enough to spot something big.
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Moving in excess of thirty knots per hour and being surrounded by a fleet of ships designed specifically to intercept any and all threats to the carrier. Hitting a moving target with a ballistic weapon is already hard enough without it shooting back. And it also being one of the fastest things on the sea.
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>What defenses does a carrier group have against a hypersonic missile?
The real question is: Can a hypersonic missile even hit anything in the carrier group to begin with? Because the current answer is: Unlikely.
how would you even be able to get that close without dying from the heat and fumes?
You do it by filming the beach, and then getting good with editing.
>chinese death penalty

Yeah, I know it's backwards since the whole point was he didn't cast it into the fire, but I think it'd still make people laugh.
Seems obvious now, it's a shame because that place was amazing in 2016.

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