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File: Marpat1.jpg (334 KB, 1254x1629)
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Why the fuck did this cause so much seethe in the US military?
>marines make new camo from spare change found in a couch
>Army/Navy/Air Force see this
>spend x80 times the budget for absolutely horrific "camo"
>UCP is so bad it gets people killed
>the NWU would kill you if you fell overboard
>the Air Force "digital tigerstripe" is somehow even worse
>eventually adopt Multimeme camo with absolutely shit quality fabric
Because the Marine Corps designated it as Marine and patented it as a part of their brand and no other branch can use it or they'll feel less important.
First to copy from canada. Shrimp fry!!!
>marines make new camo from spare change found in a couch
>marines yoink a camo from canucks and recolor it with crayons leftover from the dinner
Only one of those statements is correct and it's not the first one.
>marpat is the same as cadpat
>b-but it's a recolor-
So desert and woodland are the same thing?
>marine makes new camo by copying CADPAT
>wouldn’t let the army/Air Force adopt it, which started the camo wars in the 2000s
>the army and air force temporarily adopted multicam and then chose OCP as their stand in camo
>they also made/kept some improvements over the uniforms from the BDU/CCU stuff. Along with making more improvements in the late 2010s
>the army also made an improved version of the hot weather uniform concept along with the integrated kneepad uniforms.
>the marines have not made any improvements on their uniforms and only went back to an outdated uniform fabric
MARPAT and the uniform associated with it is not that good and relies on an outdated uniform design/fabric. It doesn’t make sense for the marines to go back to twill when the BDUs had ripstop fabric, which as infinitely better than twill.
>shit quality fabric
Tell me you’ve never worn The MCCUU/frogs without telling me. The marine uniforms are dogshit in quality as they rely on winter weight fabrics that was abandoned in the 80s for cotton ripstop in humid/warm environments. The ripstop fabric in the late BDU variants and the ACUs/RABU stuff is miles better.
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Honestly woodland marpat is pretty kino and looks better and more practical aor2
Yeah, which is why you have to replace it three fucking times.
>ripstop fabric
Ripstop is fucking SHIT for uniforms, it's too fucking expensive and should be reserved for gear.
>too thicc
That's a you problem.
>16" HK416
This is the min/max loadout right here.
>UCP is so bad it gets people killed

name 1
>Yeah, which is why you have to replace it three fucking times.
Yea, because it’s due to field usages lmao and the army at least give enough to cover for the expenses of new uniforms. Regardless, it’s still a good camo, especially when faded. Army regulations of keeping prescribe uniforms for garrison has nothing to do with the quality of the camo or uniform itself
>Ripstop is fucking SHIT for uniforms, it's too fucking expensive and should be reserved for gear.
Ripstop is good for most environments and it does it’s job better than twill. It’s an improvement over twill because you can actually breathe while having a uniform to where you can easily move around without worrying about fading/abrasions ruining the uniform. It’s also more comfortable too. Twill fabric increases the risk of heat strokes and it also leads to being in heat/humid environments becoming more unbearable. It also entraps more moisture and increases the risk of chaffing because of how rough the fabric is. Overall, the marine uniforms are outdated and even the fucking Air Force moved away from twill in 2013 when they introduced RABU. It makes no sense for the marines to switch back to ripstop when they already have the industry to make ripstop fabrics for cheaper prices. It’s literally a downgrade from the later versions of the BDUs.
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Why didn't Army just pull an uno reverse and adopt CADPAT as ARMPAT?
Just remove the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor and replace it with a star or something, it is now legally distinct from MARPAT and there is nothing they can do to prevent its adoption.
Because the Canadian military would just complain, especially since they are really gay about their camo.
Pvt John Smith

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