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ATF bans best shotgun on earth because 5 shots is sporting but 8 is not

And I just know some faggot competitor trying to import a Turk clone bitched and moaned and sent a letter just like what happened to TommyBuilt
>922r issue
Or perhaps the 7+1 model was never authorized by the Attorney General and the ATF considers it a Destructive Device
It's the kinder surprise debacle all over again
ATF? What was that stand for? Absolute trash faggots?
Doesn't matter, they;ll either get sibanded or compeltely fucked ass raped within pretty soon. This is their last cry as they strike you.
trump had the trifecta in 2016 and did jack shit for gun rights
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Trump appointees in the superior courts have been buck breaking the ATF
His Supreme Court appointments have done more for 2A rights in a long time.

His cabinet was completely full of never trumpers, rinos, neocons, congress despite being red did nothing - those are the people you need to blame since the president just signs bills that congress passes. The NRA advised him to do the bump stock ban as a compromise/appeasement. As we speak, republicans are trying to stop Trump’s cabinet appointments. And also, gun rights have been on the upswing for the last 8 years, constitutional carry is now in the MAJORITY of states.
>nominating a natguard 20 year O-4 for Secdef
Yeah I wonder why they're blocking them
>somehow not as deadly as 5+1
Only the fuckwits in DC could be so utterly fucking retarded.
Besides, there's aftermarket kit to extend it out to 13+1 if wanted.
Pretty much, yeah
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The fuck, what does this mean for my KSG?
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manual action, they sleep
about the only thing leafs have on burgers these days is shotgun selection, for whatever reason.
that should say a lot about where a a regime aims its worries concerning small arms.
Ksg is also American made as well
Good news for anyone who scored one in b4 the ban.
I would not be surprised. The gun industry is surprisingly small and most people are gentlemen about this, but it only takes one faggot to ruin it for everybody (like the PSL Pistol fuck head who nuked 7.62x54mmR surplus imports and the AK-74 pistol fag before him). They end up getting shunned by everyone for this, but some people just don't have any principles or are looking for a one-off cash grab.
This could scare people into panic buying tactical shotguns so it would probably be a short term boon for Turkshit importers. It's hard to chase down and lost every variant of every Turk shotgun and determine on a model-by-model basis which ones are 922r compliant and which ones aren't. Too much work, underpaid ATF jannies aren't going to have the attention span necessary to do it.
Nothing because this is a 922r issue which exclusively deals with imported firearms. KSG is made in Florida which for the time being is part of USA.
They aren't going to want to rock the boat that hard. These 1301s are out there in enough numbers to be considered in common use. If they tried pulling a U-turn now after sleeping for years with them being imported by the thousands for years earlier it would make for a good case about feds losing regulatory powers if they don't adequately exercise them. That's a risky case with dire implications in both directions because either.
A) Feds will have to enforce every decision as aggressively as possible for fear of losing it. People think the ATF is overly aggressive as it is, but with a judicial mandate to crank it to 11+ it would be apocalyptic.
B) ATF can just change their minds willy-nilly and entrap people for buying at-the-time legal firearms after the fact. They have already done this but would have clear judicial precedent they'd abuse a lot more than they already do.
They should just sue and use buren to get it overturned

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