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Who was the guy who wanted to see 5 or more Su-57's at once? These are the prototypes btw.
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the whole family's here!
Wecternbros, it's so over...
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Man, I miss watching MST3K with my dad in the backyard during summer, I would buy the box sets and we'd watch it on his lap top.
Good times.
I discovered it when i was older, i was too young to understand most of the pop culture references. Ive had to move on to rifftrax like the pleb youth i am to get much out of it.
Are you of demoralised John Smith? For I, Henry Wellington of London oblast am of demoralised.
>photo from before 2012
>satalite image from 2020
I like the idea that there's a fake runway with some mock SU-57s sitting untouched in a field somewhere in Russia.
So confirmed a minimum of 8 of unknown quality.
So no mass production models? They still haven't entered production phase?
Oh so this loon has been seething about russian nonexistent planes for at least a week. Nice, thanks anon.
The ground photo is also from 2020 or 2019.
It's from the 80th anniversary of Sukhoi Design Bureau.
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dont know what the situation is now but at the start of the year there were only 8 at their supposed postings, with 2 prototypes at Zhukovsky (one is a permanent resident, the other is an airshow unit)
Then you got the 2 that got wacked this year
Prove that either of them were made non-airworthy. (You can’t)
Your immediate seethe is a clue
the video of it at the Chinese airshow showed it has gigathrust to weight
there was a part where it went from basically moving still to a short level acceleration into a climb and it was pretty fucking crazy, never seen an F22 do that.
The rest is probably dogshit but it has super high thrust to weight ratio.
Is this before or after the chinese laughed at it for appearing to be built by hydrocephalic retards?
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>8 SU-57s
>630 produced F-35s in USA alone

What point is even being made here?
>The rest is probably dogshit but it has super high thrust to weight ratio.
It does flips and spinny things like a circus animal.
Is it even a weapon of war?
>this thread again
More threads on the Su-57 are posted each week than the number of total produced
Especially when it's carrying no munitions.
Me. I did. I'm still not seeing them. Prototypes =! production models. We've seen images of a dozen F-22's in one shot, not prototypes. Same with F-35.

But hey, it's a start.
>never seen an F22 do that
Out of all the maneuvers you picked the one the F-22 is best known for pulling off at airshows. Your fucking tard.
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how are all the planes in the exact same place for the ground photo and the satellite photo?
OH NO my fragile westoid mind is broken
I mean they produced a slighly larger of a tiny fraction of what we did than previously believed
Better accept Russian new world order of punitive gay sex, Islam and no toilet paper I guess
Because they don't fucking move?
>no one checks quads
what has this place become
Russians do love their hyper maneuverability. Great for putting on shows.
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>heh, you thought we had 5 aircraft
>we have eight
why don't the planes move?
Why the fuck are they standing in a freaking taxiway?

nice su-57 themed paper tapestry
That was me. Sorry about that. I'll have to update it to 8(eight). Funny how there's more Su-57s than T-14 lmao
"What is this wonderous technology?!"
shit threads get ignored and the subhumans who post these have no chan culture, or any culture at all. That being said,
check'd and death to russia
Yeah and two femboy threads today alone. Was a Sukoi SuperJet thread on /pol/ too. Likely the latest on the rolodex to shill about.
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Nice quints
That's nowhere close you fucking lying blind mutt nigger

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