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Krasnopol-M laser guided shell hit on a Bradley.
+2 rupee saar

Buy an ad retard. Retards are trying to advertise the last obr of the shitty krasnopol but that looks like a drone (slow, +1m long). KYS dipshit.
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Better cut.
I sure wish I could see the Bradley.
From this angle it all went into the engine block.
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In the full clip the drone hit after the shell.
Sure saar
Why are you such a nigger? Do you think Ukrainians don't take any losses?
arma footage
Why does one side have crystal clear video footage and the other has 8 pixel potato quality video?
Even the fucking Houthis have better video.
Because they are using poor semiconductors salvaged from washing machines.
At this very second there are dozens of Russians writhing in agony on the front in the throws of death in an unending stream.

Too many says the man in Washington who wants to scale the war down.
Too many says the man in Berlin who wants to scale the war down.
Too few says the anon who wants TZD.
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it didnt happen
and if it did happen its a good thing
One side cares about winning on social media while the other is winning in real life
Thats why russia has shills spam this place
I'm shocked it's in such good quality
didn't even know snowniggers had any sort of laser guided shell honestly, just sorta figured they were full unga bunga on artillery nowadays
Can you quit with the psyop already. You're trying so hard. Makes you look disingenuous
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>One side cares about winning on social media while the other is winning in real life
That explains why puccia spends more money on shill brigades than on their own troops lmao
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henlo sir
i never really expected the rooskie not-copperhead to work that well. turns out it does.

lesson learned.
calm down saaaaaaar, India superpower by 2020
The only worthwhile thing Russia has done is finally prove that I was right, the Bradley, while decent, is just a generic box IFV designed to sling 25mm, and not the well armored wonderwaffen our local copetard kept claiming it to be every thread.
It's good to be proven right again and again as they get taken out almost as easily as a BMP, as expected.
It's better than a BMP, sure, but that never mattered, because it's only a box designed to die in larger numbers slightly less than all the others.

Do you think the crew survived that? I don't.
If this post makes you seethe then you are the problem.
Russia produces more laser guided munition than all wect combined
Well actually Ukraine's air defense there was so thin they were watching the S-70 and Su-57 only with their eyeballs instead of radar.
>It's good to be proven right again and again as they get taken out almost as easily as a BMP, as expected.

You can say what you want about 'wunderwaffen cope' but this is just blatantly untrue.
Who makes all the goofy logos these groups use?
I mean, an IFV cant be a tank right? How much better than a bmp can a bradley be, realistically? Enough for it to not blow up when struck by the same munitions?
>N-no that RPG7 didn't go right through the aluminium alloy box armor with some cope NERA NOOOOOOOO
the era will make them more survivable, but a bmp with similar era won't be more vulnerable. you generally need to compare generation to generation; bradley with brat is as good as it gets.

bradley has better post-penetration survivability because it's a big box.
Probably likely to not be the crew to death from the rear fuel tanks, but not going go save them from direct shells.
I don't hate the Bradley, I like it, I just hated our shill faggot that thinks it shits apples and posts videos of lancets missing it and claiming it survived direct hits lmao.
>be the crew to death
burn the crew to death
Yeah, Ukraine be winning in reverse
1000 more days and fake country Oinkraine will collapse and India will become superpower and you will get a blonde, white gf, Patel
>not winning fast enough
Best you can do? Cuckold loser mentality
>the era will make them more survivable, but a bmp with similar era won't be more vulnerable. you generally need to compare generation to generation; bradley with brat is as good as it gets.
The BMP is less armored and the vehicle is laid out more poorly. Even a hypothetical modernized BMP would perform worse then the bradley due to the BMP series being very much a first-generation IFV platform + soviet design.
>I don't hate the Bradley, I like it, I just hated our shill faggot that thinks it shits apples and posts videos of lancets missing it and claiming it survived direct hits lmao.

This is kinda-sorta true? There's some videos of bradleys taking (alleged) anti-tank charges and driving off, however there is no information on how many of the crew or passengers survived - that it doesn't immediatly cook off is a demonstration if it's complete superiority to the BMP series, especially with how many russians just ride on top the thing into combat.

While I think the Bradley is very good personally ultimately the BMP is just a suboptimal design so it isn't particularly hard to design a superior IFV.
Ultimately I think they just need to ditch a lot of what makes BMPs BMPs and move on, however I don't think the russians are really capable of doing this for both logistical and economical reasons. No way they produce as much as their army needs.
>My gf can fuck guys for 1000 days as long as get her on day 1001
>calling others cucks.
>Retard analogy
Low iq spotted.
No. You can see the first drone coming in from the bottom left.

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