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I need to escape from ukraine, I can't say why but it's urgent and I can't wait for spring. What's my best option. I have considered swimming across a river choke point near reni, but I can't say where. I haven't been able to get to it to check it out because they have checkpoints on the bridge near the Zakota bridge. I also thought about hiking out in the carpati but I have zero clue how to and they might have drones and mines in the mountains. I have a friend that wants to join me but I have no plan yet. I found one example of a hike that's 1500m elevation and 10km long, I think I could do that in one day, then it's a 30m swim and we are safe. But if they have drones it's over. Also should I bring a rifle just in case?
>escape with raifu
>escape with raifu
>they have checkpoints

OP I seriously doubt you'd make it alive with a rifle and suddenly having to deal with a checkpoint.
Sure ya do
I don't know how to shoot it, but in case some police officer stops me I can scare him and run. If I hike I can just drop the rifle before the swim.
The TCC niggers glow in the dark; you can see them if you're driving. You just run them over.
>I have considered swimming across a river choke point near reni
First of all, did you forget all those who "drowned" there? The border guard will not have mercy and could kill you. Second of all, if you want to swim across at a chokepoint, you better believe they will be watching it. Best option is to pick a place where they wouldn't be going often or expecting people.
Some of them will likely kill you even without a gun. If you have one, they will 100% kill you unless you're some uber assassin, which you are not. You need to find all of the information about patrols there and what they use. Do they have heat night vision or thermal imaging. How often are patrols and what kind. I'm sure there should be some minimal information
I have a friend in europe that is willing to smuggle diving equipment for me. I have no training in it though and I don't know where I could train with my friend without someone asking question. I can barely leave my home even now. I am athletic so I think I can hike but it's winter and I have never done hike such as this.
Can't you scout for a better route where you'll be able to reach the border without the hassle of said checkpoints or dealing with said cops?
How is the border with Belarus? That seems like the most understanding country.
to many soldiers there. I definitely will get caught there.
I wanted to pay a girl I know to go check for me but she is really not smart and I can't trust her to give me good information. If someone has a good idea I would like to hear it.
Just do your service and defend your country. Stop being a pussy. Ukraine is winning.
Dont bring a gun you fucking moron, you will definitely be shot that way. Observe the area, look for blind spots, cover, paths, anything that you can use to stay concealed. Speed isn't necessarily key, but you wont want to take your time either. If you aren't confident, dont do it (I guess you dont have any other options tho). They will likely think you are a saboteur and/or mobik and will shoot on sight, unless you are lucky enough to not encounter a trigger happy 20 something with a gun.
>Also should I bring a rifle just in case?
what for? if you get in a firefight it's over alreay. dumb retard.

bring a floatation device and swim, if you're a fag who can't deal with war.
>totally from ukraine and not a vatnigger demorgalizor
Find an easier, safer route. Go to fucking Poland or some shit retard.
it is EU. My friend will pick me up.
Godspeed OP, I really do hope you make it through.
Well, you need to plan a full route that would avoid everything. Train for it. Unless you live in the middle of the city surounded by TCC, I would suggest finding time to train specifically for what you will do. Like tracking at forest at night. Find out what distance roughly your route is going to be and train for that. 20-50km whatever it is. At night. If it's a bright moon day, you should be able to see fairly well. Flashlight will get you caught if you get remotely close to someone. Obviously study the river. Unless they have borders every 100m or the river is somehow superfast, you should be able to do 500m easy. How good of a swimmer are you, can you practice in a pool somewhere? Breathstroke with goggles should be fairly easy and silent. Unless you're deadset on diving
Wait actually no nevermind, nigger you are going to die https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsRYl7So0SM
Maybe find a tg group or someone who tells their story in an interview online. Ideally, just find a forest route and track it. It really depends where you live and what can you access. Honestly, i would rather pick going through deep forest for 3 days than risking it on the road.
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get a friend to claim dead relative in poland, apply for temp visa to go to funeral, get on plane and leave.
there should be a tg group with people who already escaped who know all the best routes, thousands of people have escaped one way or the other, there are groups about avoiding forced recruitment patrols and stuff

lets talk about route planning, the only problem I can see in principle with your route is that its too obvious. If its the only barren area thats on an easy to cross border area then they would know and be actively patrolling it. You might want to find a very strange route like going to belaruse and then to poland? idk if thats even possible but the stranger the route the less likely its going to be actively patrolled. Is your spot you want to spot easy to pick out on a map??

now lets talk about some route planning things that may already be obvious to you. Avoid all roads, avoid being close to roads, avoid moving parallel to areas of interest within view of them, avoid population centers, don't walk on-top of ridge lines or hills and instead stay below the top of them. dont have any artificial illumination.
Have an alternative route charted out so if you dont like the current one you can just switch, even if you're halfway into your mission its better to have the alternative route already written down so you dont panic.

If they have night vision even a red light or the screen on your phone or smart watch will stick out from hundreds of meters away. If they have thermals you are basically instantly fucked no matter what.
ideally you would learn to navigate using a compass at night without light and without using your phone GPS. If you have to use your GPS, stop, put a blanket over your head to block the light and then use it.

to move stealthily near the river, just move from tree to tree. walk to the next tree and then stop, wait and listen. and then to the next tree. Unless you want to try and sprint all the way and jump in and start swimming like a spastic
>If they have thermals you are basically instantly fucked no matter what.
Could he use one of the heat blankets say if he hears a helicopter or a boat from far away?
I think he would be better off hiding behind a tree
Just fucking spit it out, nobody here can or will do shit about it anyway. Dodging the draft, op? Sneaking some illegal shit maybe?
The former? Yeah most likely, the latter is just, why would you do all of that, to hike and then cross the river when you can do something else that's far easier.
They literally don't let men out of the country over 18. What else can he do
Kek you gonna get sex slave'd
If he was dodging the draft he'd just come out and say it
My bet is some sort of zigger asset trying to escape into Europe before GUR closes in
Everyone is trying to flee Ukraine, none is Ukraine's "allies" want a million refugees or deserters.
The polish will hand you straight back to the Ukrainians and many non aligned counties will as well.

I got a lot of Russians out of the county when the war started, mostly gays who were scared of being conscripted. Wouldn't have helped Russia much or done Ukraine much damage either way, they were children, gay children. More a humanitarian mission than anything else.

The gay community are global and on the whole not sold on the idea of actually fighting, so you could put on lipstick and a dress and get the gays to smuggle you out. Long standing draft dodge tactic. I'm gay, crippled, retarded, please don't conscript me. Get someone to beat you up and blame Ukraine nazis.

One way would be to defect to Belarus, but I suspect you'd never make it through your own front lines.

On some level I think you'd have to seek permission to cross lines, so you may be able to bribe your way into a friendly country as a refugee.

But I smuggled so many people out for a reason, the more men die on the front lines the more inclined soldiers are to shoot deserters. And as far as they are concerned any man not in the army is a deserter whether or not they've actually been conscripted
that or this is just a failed stealth /pol/ nigger thread
Where do you think he will end up
>Option 1: the rape pits of Moscow
>Option 2: the “bathhouses” of Istanbul
>Option 3: the sex dungeons of San Fransisco
yeah this is just a /pol/ nigger thread, jesus christ
>I need to escape from ukraine, I can't say why but it's urgent
Welp, time to inform ukrainian authorities.
>Diving equipment
Rubber floaties and a snorkel are more valuable to you. What the fuck is diving gear gonna do.
If you can smuggle diving gear you can smuggle an unblown up black rubber ring.

Also why am I helping Russian smuggle glowies help Ukrainians to leave.
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quick pass at penning out a primary and alternative route
avoiding LDAs, ODAs, and staying off of ridelines and peaks

I think the gold route is superior
Honestly yeah I can see why if he was dodging the draft; he'd just say it outright but as for the latter, that sounds interesting - I'd like to ask for more on that.
My advice is to run as fast as you can straight into the polish border and see what happens
>friend of mine from Kyiv paid 5000euros to a border guard at the romanian border to let him pass, just a few months ago.was arranged ahead of time. Another friend in summer of 2022, just got his wife to drive him close and hiked across the slovak border in the middle of nowhere then her and their daughter went and crossed at a checkpoint and picked him up on the other side.he planned it out precisely ahead of time.. he walked for like 2 days. he told me you need to keep your phone turned off because they monitor tower pings and he took a handheld gps. he said he moved across border as soon as sun was coming came up, because drones/cameras use night vision and can spot a light from very far away... motion sensors and drones monitoring the border so once you find where you are going to cross, from about a KM or 2 away, you need to just run quickly and change direction once you across and keep running and have someone waiting to pick you up. he said he went through forest and hills so im assuming it was the northern part of the border. he said he met other people along the way doing the same thing but he didnt stay with them, he went alone because he thought the group would bring to much attention and he could go faster alone.
>Yeah let's go up this 30 degree scree slope
Are you stupid on purpose.
>Directly copying from your reddit branch shills
How about you and OP go back to where you came from and jerk each other off there instead.
draft dodgees go brrrrrrrrr
Post link to the said route.
i just drew it out i'd be happy for someone else to draw out a better one if they can
that's the standing policy, yet where did all the ukranian men in Europe right now come from? theory and practice, you've only got to get through once.

big factor here is if you can get a visa in a non aligned country, thus transit illegaly but be safe when you get to where youre going. if youve got money, a lot of non aligned countries will take you, they dont give a shit about the war.

other factor is whether you can get a second passport. one way this can be achieved is swapping passports or joining partisans. going to germany to recruit, ukranians might give you a pass on a blood in blood out basis but would try to fuck you. count on everyone wanting to fuck you and feeling entitled to take your life for their county. no matter which country. some shills doubtless got out to raise funds for ukraine.

some religeous groups might take desserters, onthe basis that they wouldn't be turncoats. become a muslim, go to mecca, become amish, whatever.

another way might be to assume the identity of someone who was discharged, wounded in action, someone discharged with severe ptsd who wouldn't be cknscripted again.

easiest way is probably air lift out with NGO as staff. join globohomo as media team, leave with the plane their aid came in. munition in, blood out.
Sure go ahead.
stalker 2 is selling copies. Expect more GSC vans to pick you up
No you can legitimately get out this way if you have escort on both sides. They don't want to waste fighting men chasing cowards around isolated areas. But a lot of people die in fairly extreme overland routes who have no experience outdoors whatsoever.

Once you're in civilian transit on the other side checks on cargo and passengers will be cursory, look at the Berlin checkpoints, guys hiding in engine cavities, in car seats, I've crossed borders this way myself.
>His post is literally copied from reddit
>No it's real though
Yeah nah thanks FSB.
yeah I was doing research into other people that crossed, im glad I did because I forgot to mention use airplane mode on the phone
>A reasonable post
>"ermm dats reddit!!!"
Shut up faggot.
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ukraine does not have border guards on dniestr because of transnistia so swim down into moldova at night
I don't know about the story but this is pretty much exactly the MO of most illegal over land crossings.
If you're free to move in your own county you just camp in the most remote border region, and if it's a friendly border your extract does the same, because they're free to travel in their own country as well.

And if the area is demilitarised neither side wants to invest man power in particular in arresting deserters. They'll fuck up a few to make an example but are not going to be that invested in stopping individuals.

And it's also worth pointing out that it's far worse to desert the army itself than it is to just illegaly flee the county. As a civilian refugee you're not undermining the morale of your own army to nearly the same extent as a soldier who dumps their kit and runs away. And third counties are going to be far more willing to consider someone who's never engaged in military action as a civilian refugee, someone who's never seen a rifle isn't likely to become a terrorist. You didn't go to Turkey to assassinate Russians, your a civilian fleeing Ukrainians and don't give a shit if you see Ivan walking around.

Something like a million people have died in a war which having no outcome, at this point you would have to say it's a waste of lives and resources. Political leaders on both sides refuse to sign a ceasefire, yet neither want to sink enough resources in to win. If anything, western powers want to use ukranian men to attack Russia itself to punish Russia, which is of no value to Ukraine and will just get another 300,000 Ukrainians killed.

Putins forces are significantly diminished, to the point where I don't think anyone wants a Belarus, Georgian or finish front. Putin is licking wounds and if the war ended today he'd have nothing to show for it and would lose power. This is why putin won't quit, the kbg will have to shoot him at this point. NATO will continue using ukies as cannon fodder as long as they jew runs Ukraine
Dress as a Hasidic jew and they'll leave you alone.

I would flee to Poland.
I'd guess Reeperbahn
Go to Moldova through a slim strip of Transnistria near a Ukrainian village of Horyachivka. it is a few hours walk and you will need to cross the Dnister river so you will need to carry a small boat you can buy as low as 230 dollars. It will suck to carry it for a few miles but once you are across the river you are in Moldova.
None of the above, this one is destined for the pleasure spires of Qatar
You'd probably send someone ahead of you to cache a bouy of some kind

I think the Serbs used dog patrols because people tended to camp right by the river itself before making the crossing. Strongly recommend taking Ritalin.

You might also float a considerable way down river, because the crossing itself would be slow and so someone on the other side could be waiting in your assumed drift.

A dry bag full of clean clothes and a foam ball might work a scuba respirator and flippers would be better again just in case you needed to get back across. It would be the hardest thing you'd ever done and take some serious grit to go through all the way with it
You'd think as the most obvious crossing point they'd be out after anyone carrying a small boat. Either it would be a local industry or a trap.

Probably a lot of people trying to float into Moldova at night down the river. Maybe mafias extorting refugees.

Maybe a problem, maybe no problem. Not been in a long time, might make some calls, ask people who've made it out more recently
What the fuck even is this thread? How did this even get more than one serious reply?
I dunno, beats me.
Bots talking to each other.
>If anything, western powers want to use ukranian men to attack Russia itself to punish Russia, which is of no value to Ukraine and will just get another 300,000 Ukrainians killed.

Your post is reasonable but this is vatnigger propaganda. Europe is guilty of many things but this isn't one of them.

1. They needed to allocate 500-800 billion and send a message to Putin that he can't win. This should have happened yesteryear, instead it has been too little too late. Aid has been significant, but not decisive enough.

2. Yes they war needs to end now. Grueling attritionnal warfare is a dead end and Ukrainian lives are far more important than some vatnigger. This is what Europe is most guilty of. They say "nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine", but they need to be decided to be decisive and come to terms about sending peace keeping forces to Ukraine. Security guarantees is the most important thing now
Primarily Britain and France. Perhaps Italy, the Czechs and even Poland. Germany I don't know, they're completely cucked. The Biden administration has been a complete disaster and hopefully Trump can actually end it soon.
Vatniks out in full force today.
>Strongly recommend taking Ritalin.

how does this help with dogs?
You need to talk with locals. They should know safe illegal crossings they use for smuggling things. Will likely coct you a few grands though.
give them it as well
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>I need to escape from ukraine
Easy, sign up for border-corssing courses here - https://47.army/
Hey, join the army and do your fucking duty, that'll teach you how to use a rifle :)
Report this Faggot to the SBU.
You're going straight to the eastern front.
I wonder how feasible it is to go off-grid or urban camping in Ukraine. The main problem as I see it is that the authorities can now lock your bank account if you don’t register yourself with the army if I understand that law correctly which would make it hard for someone to realistically survive while going dark. If you don’t have close family or friends who can support you what do you do? You’re probably poor as dirt too so it’s not like you can seriously prep for a long-term solution.
Be careful in the Carpathes, there are bears and there have been quite a lot of escaping ukrainians which became bear lunch, at least that's what I heard from romanians.
Semi serious answer,

You are crossing into Romania,
Have someone pick you up.

Either get in contact with a smugglers or forget it.
You're shit out of luck, it's getting cold. Forget about swimming
Usually I would advise route through Slovakia mountains since it's a well known route for smugglers for more than a decade.

T. Father worked entire life to keep you subhumans from smuggling shit across UA/PL/BY border.
I saw lots of equipment and you are so fucked if you do not have someone on the inside.

We cant cover entire border all the time, but a fucking blip on thermal camera will be spotted kilometers away
Bears avoid humans most of the time. When attacks do happen they are usually not predatory and don't end with death in the vast majority of cases, mothers being aggressively protective of their cubs are especially dangerous. While I believe it happened I sincerely doubt its 'quite a lot', probably an exaggeration.
I feel like insufficient aid is exactly why it became about punishing Russia instead of working towards a Ukrainian victory
Have you tried to think about alternative options?

For example, going through Moldova? Or, let's say, bribing someone who operates cargo trains / cars so that they let you hide in the cargo when they cross the border? Or just straight up bribe the border guards?
>mostly gays who were scared of being conscripted
Why? They sure would love the army life.
hike to hungary they will take you in. take your friend. buy a map and compass and watch videos on how to use it. practice using it at night until you are proficient. escape at night, bring. money for bribery.
cross into Hungary or slovakia. leave you phones at home or they WILL track you. use a map and compass.go at night and be prepared to be hiking for a few days pack accordingly. bring money for bribery
>Also should I bring a rifle just in case?
What are you running from, if getting into a firefight with border guards sounds like a good alternative? If it's the draft, fighting the Russians would give better odds for survival. You'd have guys on your side to give you first aid when you get shot.
Are you an FSB collaborator wanted for treason? A Russian mobik who'll be sent back to Russia in a prisoner exchange if he's caught? Actually fleeing from the occupied side? Playing Stalker 2?
Why is this glavset thread still up?
why now and not 3 years ago?

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