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Who did it and what firearm was used?
Lyndon B Johnson and some feds.
Umbrella gun.
It was me, I did it. I was trying to hit Jackie, tho.
I'm sorry.
A cigarette smoking man
KAC silenced revolver rifle
It's going to be me, sorry but I will ND so bad the shot ripped a hole in space and time. Sadly we live in a 12 monkeys reality so any attempt to prevent it will only help cause it
It was my bad guys. I was shooting some pigeons with my pellet gun because they kept shitting on my car and right as I'm about to take the shot, Kennedy's fat fucking head got in the way. Damn bird flew awat too. How terrible is my luck?
I hate conspiracy retards

I believe this guy.
File deleted.

I don't know who did it but I can tell you with virtual certainty that the fatal shots were not fired from the Grassy Knoll.

t. was there last year
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Alright I'll admit it, it was me, I was going to clean my Arisaka but turns out there still was a round inside, whoops.
all the fun boomer conspiracy theories were mostly the result of childhood lead poisoning
Colonel Mustard.
A candlestick holder.
In the library (book depository)
based thot patroller
t. Salvatore Carcano
If you look at the location of the car at the time of the headshot, the angle JFK is leaning over to his left, Jackie leaning over to her right with her head nearly in front of JFK, an "Oswald" trajectory would line up with both JFK;s and Jackie's head. The shot came from the front right with enough angle to miss the windshield, Connelly and right above JFK;s right eyebrow. There was another shot from the front through the windshield just missing the rearview mirror, that one probably hit JFK in the throat - photos of the car at the hospital show the bullet hole in the windshield. Who did it, a lot of people. Why, because LBJ was going to get dropped from the ticket and was going to get convicted and he and his friends were desperate to do the only thing to save their asses.
it was a carcano you retard
oswald shot him in the chest and then the secret service agent behind jfk with the m16 either accidentally or intentionally shot him in the head
I thought the oswald shit was a conspiracy because for the longest time i thought it was like 330m shot but actually it was only like 80m and any retard can do that relatively speaking to his experience and the rifle he used
In my country hunters have to pass something called a moose test every years in order to legally hunt moose. This involves shooting at a moving target the size of a pizza box at 80m. It's not difficult. Any decently skilled shooter can pull it off. And we know from Oswald's military records that he was a better than average shot. The rifle he picked, a low-recoiling rifle with low-magnification scope was also more or less ideal for making such shots.

As for his motive, the guy was an infamous attention whore obsessed with becoming famous or infamous regardless of the cost. And he was a narcissist who always blamed the world around him for his own failings. Seems like the kind of faggot who'd murder a public figure just to gain attention.

This guy here >>62911074
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>As for his motive, the guy was an infamous attention whore obsessed with becoming famous or infamous regardless of the cost. And he was a narcissist who always blamed the world around him for his own failings. Seems like the kind of faggot who'd murder a public figure just to gain attention.

Oswald was also tied to the attempted assassination of General Edwin Walker (who was forced to resign by JFK for violating the Hatch Act) some months prior. Walker survived because the bullet struck window frame, absorbing much of the kinetic energy and fragmenting, he sustained only minor injuries to his arm.
That's clearly R. Lee Ermey, anon.
He was in favor of expanding the war against Vietnam
His last speech was complaining about Soviet conspiracies
He was killed by an antifa faggot who went to the Soviet Union thinking it was paradise and was married to a Slavic whore
He tried to shoot General Walker for saying Cuba was gay
And it is no surprise he tried to shoot Kennedy for supporting the CIA's actions toward Cuba even if he changed his mind after it failed
Damn, you are a piss poor shot
It was me
I used a Carcano just because Italian style is unmatched
>Oswald did fire at the motorcade but missed
>JFK was killed by the jumpie new Secret Service agent who blasted him by mistake with his newfangled M16
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>It was me, I did it. I was trying to hit Jackie, tho.

Should have done my nigga Bobby a favor and plugged his wife instead
It was the jews. Probably/maybe with CIA, mob and Russian help.
He pissed off a lot of evil people, but threatening AIPAC to register as foriegn agents was what got him killed.
Except when the FBI tested the rifle they had to shim the scope to even get it to hold zero.
The only logical answer

The cover ups weren't to silence a conspiracy, it was to prevent the US government from looking like incompetent retards that kill the people they are supposed to protect. Same shit just happened to Trump.
Oswald did it, and was the only shooter.
But he was pushed into doing it by a combination of the communists and the CIA
>back off of Castro
Nigger what? Kennedy ordered like 500 assassination attempts.
This is how you know /pol/ is the most retarded place of all.
> Kennedy ordered like 500 assassination attempts.
According to Castro.
Who would absolutely not lie to make his enemies seem incompetent. Absolutely not.
for the headshot, the car was only going like 2 mph. see: nix film (the OTHER film that caught the headshot, from the other side of the street, that somehow no one knows about)


Oswald did it
Prof. Plum in the library with the revolver.
The FBI tests were a complete cock-up, almost none the investigations should be taken seriously.
>Who did it
I dunno

>what firearm was used
whatever the Mossad and the Cia had at the time
what about kgb and stasi?
>trying to hit Jackie, tho
At least post the vid.
>Lyndon B Johnson and some feds.
This, but I suspect in some unholy alliance with the Mob. JFK's dad had ties to those guys, and Bobby was the one they really hated. But Bobby wasn't the president.

LBJ just wanted the office, but he was a son of a bitch so I'd fully expect him to be okay with murdering his boss just to get the job.
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>file deleted
Anon, I ...
Italian mob? Teamsters? The South Africans?
Now this is an interesting theory. >>62911053 Judging by the OP image tho, I see no Secret Service guy to shoot him in the back of the head.
Oswald did it.
As for your picture, he sure was a commie faggot.
t. jew

Ermey was an unironic racemixer (as in he spent a full decade living in the Philippines and had a Filipina wife), while Walker was a hardcore segregationist.
It's from an old history channel documentary my dad used to watch it and tell people it was definitely what happened. You can probably find it on YouTube if you're really interested in the theory.
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It was Lee Harvey Oswald.
He was aiming for Governor Conolley (against whom he had a personal grudge) but only wounded the Gov. while headshotting the guy behind him.
Everything isn't a conspiracy theory.
>Everything isn't a conspiracy theory
>t. CIA intern
He's walking behind the lincoln. After JFK is hit, he climbs onto the trunklid.
Thanks anon, I'll look into that.
It was self-inflicted.
That's what they want you to think
The atmospheric nuclear testing industry. A Carcano, but not the one you're thinking of.
If assault rifles were removed from the streets, would the risk of political assassinations decrease?
Absolutely not.
>3D printing
>slam fire shotguns
What about hunting rifles?
Professionals did it which means that they are untraceable.
>we should exit Vietnam
He is the one that SENT troops into Vietnam.
The only discussion was whether once the job was done they stay (like end of WWII) or be withdrawn.
>back off Castro
After the Bay of Pigs he AUTHORIZED Operation Mongoose a terrorist war against Cuba that went for decades.
>and cut the CIA's budget
He COMMISSIONED the planning for overthrowing Brazils government in 1964.

And also, Kennedy ran on a militarist Soviet-confronting platform arguing a "missile gap" had been allowed to develop between the USA and USSR and promised steep military spending increases to

>hunting rifles
""Assault"" rifles are hunting rifles. They're used for hunting two-legged predators.
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The autopsy photos make it pretty clear he was shot from the book depository. The angle of injury doesn't make sense otherwise.
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I always thought the Grassy Knoll theory was kinda sketchy but then I actually went to Dealey Plaza for the first time since I was like 8 and it dawned on me how fucking small the whole place actually is. Oswald could have easily pulled off that shot from the book depository even without a scope. Whereas the Grassy Knoll is less than 30 feet from where Kennedy was hit and there was an entire crowd between them, plus a parking lot for Santa Fe Railway employees just behind the fence. All it would have taken was one person turning their head or leaving the train station to go their car and the entire assassination would have been unraveled.

No assassin in their mind, whether they were working for the Mafia, or Mossad, or the Cubans, or lone-wolfing it would have chosen that spot to shoot from.
Otto Skorzeny did it with a Browning Hi-Power
Here's the real redpill: No one shot JFK. His head just did that.
So you're saying that the Mossad were responsible? Got it.
You're the one advocating for communism, kike.
Scanners, man
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They say his brain was put in formaldehyde later on (they simply pulled what was left out by hand), but how much of it was intact? Did most of it fall out inside the car?
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This is one conspiracy theory I've never been able to get behind. People like to make this shot out like it's some kind of insane feat, but a 100yd shot on a slow moving target isn't hard at all, especially from a supported shooting position. Then people act like unpredictable ballistics as it goes through the body and other layers, is some kind of new concept. Combat wounds sometimes show bullets turning at a 90 degree angle or more before exiting the body.

Basically it just seems like people wanting there to be a conspiracy when there isn't really one
sure is a bunch of feds in here
there's a famous photo of a secret service agent climbing onto the back of the limo as it sped away, finger clearly in the trigger guard.

and, you know, NDs are a regular part of firearm ownership
The conspiracy persists because of three reasons:
1. The event itself was shocking, makes it more interesting to more people.
2. JFK was one of those magic politicians, the kind of guy people adore, so his death "has" to be the result of some conspiracy, it's too painful to accept that some schmuck with an Italian garbage rod managed to make a clown out of the Secret Service for no particularly good reason other than his own ego.
3. The Warren Commission was pretty clearly designed not to find the truth but find a narrative and let the rest of the government push it.

Personally, I think that last one is the reason the conspiracy persists to this day, and among people beyond the stereotypical hut-dwelling tinfoil-hat wearers. The flaws in the first investigation harmed any future attempts to more effectively get to the bottom of the thing, because evidence naturally decreases over time, and its suspect (though I won't go so far as to say shoddy) execution combined with subsequent stonewalling by the feds gives an air of a cover up.
This is a good writeup thanks anon
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It would bring me no end of pleasure to observe your reaction to your own genome test results.
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Yeah I am with you anon, but I would like to add one more thing. Most people fail to comprehend how disorganized and shit government officials actually are. For instance oswald was taken in for interrogation and that valuable interrogation was convenienty never recorded on tape. Some people say that's an epic cover up that allows the mystery CIA assassins to put whatever words into oswalds mouth. The real takeaway is just that 1960's dallas police was just kinda sucky. Also you had the local law enforcement jumping in, the secret service jumping in, the FBI jumping in and you end up with this chaotic too many cooks in the kitchen type of situation that creates all sort of buffoonery that makes for fertile ground for conspiracy theories. Hell even in our modern times we came an inc away from trump getting the JFK treatment and the gunman was spotted several minutes before the shooting, with people fucking filming the kid and having already called out to authorities. And they still managed to give the kid enough time to fire a volley of shots before killing him. Also as for the CIA, they attempted to assasinate castro over 600 times and that guy survived to live a long life. The CIA sure is shady but they are not really the godly assassination masterminds that conspiracy guys make them out to be.
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I visited the book depository museum after my conscription on a family vacation and me and my dad were pretending to hold rifles and aim at the spot from as close as we could get to the actual sniper's nest. We both came to the same conclusion as you did, in that the shot was actually shockingly easy with a scoped rifle from a seated and supported position. We visited the grassy knoll too, which had the old picket fence there with all sort of cool graffiti etc. and it was obvious that if he were to be shot from there, the shot would be at a nearly 90 degree angle to his head and that just does not line with what happened.

learn to shoot straight son
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There is another reason:
>say cheese
After this they started to hire (semi) professional actors for their ops.
Jackie ate most of it as revenge
Jackie actually did grab a handful of brain matter from the trunk (you can see her do it on the Zapruder film before the SS guy jumps on the bumper) and held it in her hand until she arrived at the hospital and tried to give it to the doctor.
The autopsy photo shows the exit on the back of the head, he could not have been shot from the buck suppository. Look at the entrance would just blow his hairline, above his right eye. See pic showing trajectory of head shot.>>62916027
Soviets by accident with a schizo liability they were trying to dispose of.
>Be JFK who wanted to pull out of Vietnam due to failures and global pressure
>Be Lee Harvey Oswald a Soviet Union defector
>Assassinate JFK to keep the USA in Vietnam so the world views the USA as evil
Sorry, not buying into the conspiracy theories and communist propaganda

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