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Closing weekend edition
whats' that button on the right side of your rifle for?
it's the forward assist. It's on just about all modern AR15s.
It dispenses coffee.
assault rifle mode
It's for filtering euros and noguns
sniper button
>general duck season opens today
>set up at little known tucked away spot
>set up nice spread of decoys
>get settled in and wait for shooting hours
>2 minutes till shooting
>white bay boat pulls up with loud ass two stroke
>2 guys hop out and start throwing decoys out
>they keep moving and talking
>5 mallards fly right by these idiots
>45 minutes later some rails fly by, out of season
>these retards start blasting
>kill 2 rails
>30 minutes later they pack up and leave in their loud ass boat
What the hell
Should have peppered them
You pull on it to charge the rifle.
Might as well ask here. Does anyone know of a Japanese youtuber who does hunting/camping videos? They're an absolute vibe because the dude sets up a camping spot and cooks on a mess kit with his shotgun by his side.
I don't remember if I ever bookmarked the video or added it to a playlist and since the video titles are in Chinese cartoon language I can't fucking find results for "japanese hunter vlog" or anything like that.
Before I quit Instagram (and all other socials) I somehow found 3-4 Japanese dudes that were super into bass fishing. I followed them and they followed me. It was such a unique perspective into a hobby of mine and I like to think they felt similarly about the things I would post that theyd interact with. That's the only thing I miss about social media, a handful of regular jap dudes working 9-5's and then going to get lines wet. It's not worth the propaganda and brain rot to try and recreate it. To answer your question though, no.
Patient, knowledgeable hunters are outnumbered by braindead suburban debtslaves with no respect for the sport. Just more evidence that this country is rotting from the inside out.
it makes the bullet go faster
Last time I've made a thread on crow hunting, I got banned for some weird reason, but that's not the case.
Lots of people have said that "corvids are friends" and that people shouldn't hunt them. Why? They shoot crows in Europe alright, that's a pest that feeds on someone's fields. Crows kill YOUR game, that YOU are supposed to hunt.
A lot of them are super into bassfishing. Never heard of yamamoto baits?
it's the park brake nigga
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Op back. Nothing today. I went to where I buried a skull trophy. Some dickweed or animal stole my fucking skull. Jawbones are still there. I'm thinking about tying them to my rifle like pic rel. Same rifle I shot it with. What does /k think? Based or cringe?
calls in a UAV after you get 3 kills
I dont know if he still makes hunting content, but his name is Virtuovice. Absolutely loveable knife autist
prolly cringe.
are you running a .308 or .223 and what are you hunting?
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Not the channel I've been trying to remember but the vibes are similar, thanks.
5.56 on whitetail. He was a decent 8 pointer. I'm still pissed about losing the skull. He had a bullet hole in it and a decent rack for an 8. Would've looked so badass over a dart board.
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>Went out for my first deer season today
>Went to two state nature areas
>Heard probably 75 rounds fired the 9 hours I was there, including a string of like 10 in a row from a semi-auto
>Never saw a deer
>Never saw anyone dragging out a deer
>Not even with a thermal monocular
I found a bunch of hunters with the monocular though. Makes me wonder if they were all just taking pot shots at actual deer or just shooting at ghosts of deer past

>Crows kill YOUR game
What the fuck are you hunting that a crow will kill
>I found a bunch of hunters with the monocular though
Probably a bunch of city slickers that spent a shit ton on fancy equipment they don't know how to use properly. Like you. You really don't need a thermal for deer. That being said, deer need predated for the good of the environment. So I'll give you some advice. That many shots fired is gonna completely fuck everyone's hunt. Too many retards there. Find a new spot if you want to get one. Scout out the area beforehand. Look for game trails/tracks, chewed acorns, deer shit and water sources. Make sure you got a good fov at a point with a combo of at least a couple of these things and set up. It's a waiting game from that point and takes patience. Spread some doe piss and use a call for the best odds. Make it sound like there's deer around you. If you get bored, sometimes you can walk up on em if you're lucky. I hope you get some backstrap steaks, anon.
What are you hunting with shitty iron sights
Personally I think it would be cool if it is

A. Your dedicated deer rifle and

B. You get a few more with it
What handguard?
NTA but looks like a Magpul MOE
Hunting huh
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Whitetail. My red dot shat out on me. Cheap replacement. I've tested it, and it shoots well enough for the ranges I'll typically see deer at in my area. Also your a limpwristed faggot if you can't use irons.
Yes, and I plan on it.
Magpul MOE
Awww She looks delicious.
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got one with the crossbow
>What the fuck are you hunting that a crow will kill
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/k/ has changed
it's the safety
According to a politician, that's the button that makes it full-auto.
you talking about this guy?https://www.youtube.com/@LiloSHI
love his shit
I am a limpwristed faggot yes but I can use irons, just see no need to when you get can an aems for like 200 bucks
>What the fuck are you hunting that a crow will kill
It's like you don't hunt anything that's smaller than a whitetail.
Anyway, the crows build nests earlier than every other bird. And so they lay eggs. And to feed their hatchlings they raid the nests of other birds. Adult gray crow is an omnivore that would feed on anything: crops, hatchlings, grown birds including waterfowl, smaller animals.
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a god amongst anons
thank you
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can i get some advice /k/?
ohio anon here, my family used to own some land where we could go hunt, fishing, skin the deer, etc. on but when my grandparents died, the family who got the land in inheritance all just sold it all off
i moved to make more money and im a city slicker now but i want to go hunting again
is there any practical way i can still go hunting without dropping like $2k-$4k for those stupid hunting lodge things?
Dispenses cleaner/lube directly into the chamber.
Kind of annoying to use because you have to remove the magazine and empty the chamber before using it to actually get some cleaner in there. And that's why everyone hates them, because they don't use it properly.
It's also pointless for cilivilans since they won't run their rifle for hundreds of rounds without having an opportunity to stop and clean the rifle with a brush.
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Dropped him in his tracks at 315yds this morning
Your only option unless you know someone with land.
Hell yeah, I need to get me a scoped bolt action. Saw one at 350 yards I couldn't hit with my AR. What cal you use?
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>tall grasses
I was originally going to shoot of of the tripod, but was able to get a decent shot prone off of the bipod

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