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My Helghast brethren, was it really wise of our autarch to spend 30% of our GDP on walking artillery fortresses?
keep /k/oping homosex ISA
i bet you are (((vektan)))
The only thing I remember from Killzone games after 1 was the spaceships that were basically flying skyscrapers instead of flying boats, which makes more sense to me since your main thrust "forward" in space can be the same as your "up" thrust in atmosphere.
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That's cute.
>These two photos are made by the same ethnicity/race of people

You can have your cake and eat it too.
It makes sense because if you maintain constant thrust in space (as you would when traversing longer distances) the acceleration can be used to imitate gravity.
>all military generals inherit their station

Is this really the best way to lead our army
This intro is pretty cool
Behavior and competencies are mostly genetic.
Scale on this is absolute garbage.
>No caliber
Fuck off, no funz. That is like talking about the physical size of an engine block without giving torque.
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Better question, why do we NOT have a walking fortress already?
Low quality bait
The speech and music still gives me shivers, crazy how far Sony fell off
Yup, that's why the era of the Five Good Emperors was pretty shit but Chadodus was a perfect successor to his pops Marcus Aurelius. Based genetics got us Caracalla and Nero too. Also why the Russian leadership was so good.
worked for the majority of human history
I really enjoyed the admittedly limited lore of Killzone. Earth had pretty regular just *appeared* when Vekta/Helghan got uppity and absolutely obliterated them. I really liked the idea of the entirety of Killzone games taking place in dogshit backwater colonies that had absolutely fallen behind the majority of humanity. It makes the whole "sit on top of the landing craft with some metal guard rails" shit a lot more palatable.
I remember someone saying the KZ3 menu music was directly made after the composers mother died. Still my favourite violin solo.
Tranny image
KZ1 also had a pretty good one.
He's not wrong though.
IQ is incredibly genetic. But that doesn't mean wildcard IQ peasants don't exist that aren't potentially superior.
In case anyone was wondering.
The cannons aren't even in that picture. Those are flat platforms with VLS blocks.
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In retrospect, were a machinegun and missile pods good weapons for what's supposed to be a MBT?
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The ISA equivalent is also a glorified IFV. Shit I never noticed that before. I get why the ISA are lightly equipped in 2 and 3 because they're basically an expeditionary force that wasn't expecting the Helghast to put up so much of a fight. But even in Killzone 1 the Helghast just have IFV's.
KZ2 (and to a limited extend) KZ3 were pretty neat. I don't think I've played another shooter with the same tone and the same clunky weight to everything (in a good way) since.
At least the Hig hover tanks in 1 had a real main gun
We have swimming ones.
shut up
>Is this really the best way to lead our army

No, but its probably a good way to keep all the generals on your side and avoid rebellion

Most autocracies have shotty milotaries because central government is more concerned about staying on top
Are these games worth playing in current year?

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