Is it as good as it is in vidya games
>>62915676No. It’s made of Chinese pot metal and will fall apart within a few rounds.
>>62915676What game is it even IN?
>>62915710The fuck? This is fucking bull shit. Why do you fucking lie all the time niggers?
>>62915739Hitman Blood Money and Rainbow Six Vegas I think?
>>62915759vidya devs are all noguns, they don't know shitcan't lie if you're too retarded to understand falsehoods
>>62915739Max Payne 3
>>62915739The Specialists
>>62915676Taurus revolvers are essentially exactly what you pay for. they are lesser than rugers and colts, but they are also cheaper. if you just want a revolver to shoot occasionally then they are perfectly fine.
>>62915739there was some super generic flash zombie game I played all the time that had this as the best handgun.
>>62915676my only experience with them was pretty positive. shot some 454 and 480 big irons. accurate and comfy for a fuck you big magnum revolver. I guess me problem with them is, given the costs of shooting exotic magnums, or even more hum drum .44, saving a few bucks on a weaker rougher gun doesn't make a ton of sense to me. I get why someone might buy a budget .38. or a budget ar15. but saving going with a cheaper made gun that is 3 dollars per trigger pull just doesn't make sense to me. that being said everyone seems to say the "raging" line is built better than their more budgety shit. but i can't speak to that. I considered buying one of those new rossi 357s but I keep using the above logic to talk myself out of it and into a Smith or czolt ( no homo)
>>62915676Their Tracker models are tits.
>>62915676I just wanted one in 454 without the porting
>>62915900Base HL1 mods enjoyer