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Wood and Steel Edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>62910660
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Hard to believe they still haven't made a gun that surpasses the M9A3 in performance and reliability.
Pick a primary pistol
Get ammo
Get training
Go shoot
Upgrade certain parts (if so desired)
Don’t gunsoom
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>get training

not to argue, but if you can't figure out how to properly use a pistol by watching some youtube videos and then practising with it you shouldn't even own a gun

maybe that's what you meant. i hope it is. i hope you didn't mean going to some course taught by musclemilk faggot ex marines or hobbled boomers.
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How does the P210 stack up to other more common pistols?
At first you absolutely should dial in the fundamentals by yourself by following books/training videos (some instructors put up full class videos on YouTube). However, some trainers/classes are worth it, just need to be judicious with who you pick.
NTA but it's pretty useful to get advice from someone who has done a lot of shooting and seen a lot of people shoot. It the reason country clubs have golf and tennis pros on staff. Of course, it's important to seek out the right people and not just some hippi in flip flops at the range.
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as someone who plays golf I can tell you the people at clubs and courses who think they're "pros" are the worst people to give advice. nothing they share is remotely useful for anyone but themselves.
the PX4 is a great gun but it still doesn't surpass its daddy the 92, it's simply not possible.
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It's very accurate, trigger is above average, grip feels GREAT, slide is tight and smmooth like butter. Very nice shooting experience
But it's not Swiss

>hippi in flip flops at the range
This seems unnecessarily targeted at a certain /hg/ ecelebrity whose spamposting worshipper has recently apparently gotten a life (gj dude!)
okay but Ben Stoeger literally is a world champion and uploads entire classes online
now these classes are far beyond beginner but still, if you can't see the value in these videos if you actually watched them then that's a you problem
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I have less than zero respect for anyone over 25 with hair that long. Any man with hair long enough to be used against him in CQB is a faggot who deserves their inevitable sodomizing.
He's a literal nobody doing Webcam style videos that contrarian wierdos suck his dick because he's not (insert popular guntuber here)
>flat range cringe lord

unimpressed. ideally the best person to teach handgun courses would be a veteran cop who worked a shitty beat most of his career. he will be the only one who's used his sidearm consistently and likely killed people in split-second violent altercations. OPER8RS just ventilate people with their M4s/416s or call an A10 to shred a building. they virtually never use their sidearms.
>Ben Stoeger is an IPSC World Champion and multiple time USPSA National Champion. He travels all over the United States and the world shooting matches and teaching classes.
and what are you?
The HK USP is better but Beretta 92FS prices, grip size, and commonality might it an excellant choice as well.
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common mistake so i'll forgive you, but it's literally impossible for a polymer pistol to supersede a metal framed one.
He sounds like a man who engineers weed
contestfags teaching courses is the equivalent of bookworm betamales teaching courses in university despite never having worked in the real world.
damn dude, that's some pretty gay stuff to think about, let alone post.

checks out
Cut your hair and you'll never have to worry about it. Simple as.
Cutting that yee yee ass hairdo might help you get some bitches on your dick too.
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Picked up the Brigadier today. Both magazines are rusty for some reason. You can’t tell by looking but when you wipe with a cloth you can tell as well as leaving rusty oil in the mag well
Post your gun
what you should do is ask them to post groups/times or a video of them doing a drill.
Damn it. I trolled my own thread. Yall niggas truculent AF.
Might be the springs, take the mag apart and soak it in some CLR.
>dogtroon thread
>weednigger shitposting instantly
Great start
what you should do is stop idolizing flat range twinks. there's a 99% chance you unironically enjoy Lucas Botkin's videos, and that's a bad thing.
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At least Lucas's company makes good products and is politically based.
Ben is just a retard.
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midwit lashing out.

you don't know how to shoot at all.
It's clearly the single most bestest carry gun in the market.
Also ignore that it's 1/10th of an inch wider than a 10mm glock 20 for the same capacity.
Glock is the Honda Civic of pistols. Ugly, cheap, reliable, utilitarian. But it's embarrassing to drive and you'd never admit you own one unless you were looking to gobble some cock.

PX4 is a nice alternative, it lets people know you're hetero, not poor, have somewhat decent taste, and you're actually a man who uses a hammer-fired pistol.

Not to argue but Pukas Buttkin is pure cringe, I want to snap his fucking twig legs and make a campfire.
If glock is the Honda civic, than the px4 storm is the Nissan sentra, worse in every way, and even more embarrassing.
Now imagine paying 5x the base price for a riced out one.
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seethe more glocklet

(they're so great 90% of owners change out every part for something aftermarket as soon as they get their Glock)
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I like the frame mounted useless comp. Doesn't reduce recoil, and reduces the amount of good holster options to 0.
JMCK and a few other manufacturers make a holster specifically for it
>berettatroon got the BLACKED edition
Whyd you have to add that grip tape to your $2600 glock clone?
nta but there's no better manufacturer of pistols than beretta
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Can't argue with digits.
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>Also ignore that it's 1/10th of an inch wider than a 10mm glock 20 for the same capacity.
Holy shit, it's fatter than the PDP!
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I didn't have to, that's the only frame that has it, 1/8 of them
>nta but there's no better manufacturer of pistols than beretta
To be fair, Beretta is still pretty good.
Beretta pistols aren't even top 5
That’s only because Glock is 1-5.
>black dicks

amazing how your mind instantly goes there
seethe more, they're #1 and always will be.
Who said anything about walthertrash?
Trooners, no trooning.
it seems like the only people who have posted guns they own this thread have been Burt and people with Berettas. Imagine that.
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To be fair, who the fuck wants to look at a Glock.
how good is that holster? what lights does it fit?
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Nice try, faggot.
But it's just a fatty. Still waaay better than your gun, though.
Glock, HK, walther, S&W, CZ.
I guess beretts finallytpys got above sig
lol, that image was not supposed to accompany that post, kek.
It's 1 person with berettas, AKA, berettatroon
>faggot shit talking ben stoeger saying how only beat cops should teach shooting is asked to post guns
>he doesn't post guns, instead starts shit talking beretta
Wow it's almost like he is a gunless nigger, perhaps one who consumes large quantities of marijuana
Post guns.
The MH05 is a surp holster, it'll fit any light.
I think you're confusing multiple people.
Did you take your Seroquel today?
We live in a post guns society, anon.
I consume a large amount of ground beef and whole milk and I think FN is the best manufacturer
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It's actually shocking how irrelevant FN is.
They make the worst handgun for their own meme cartridge and all their regular handguns are retard overpriced and extremely underwhelming. The 509 is the single most generic poly9 I've ever experienced.
S&W makes better wheelguns than Beretta.

Glock makes bare bones paperweights with zero aesthetic consideration. For this reason alone they will never, ever be better than a company who values design AND function.
HK 's track record is spotty at best when it comes to pistols. You and I both know this.
Walther is in your list as a joke, obviously.
CZ guns are fairly reliable but still not as aesthetically pleasing or proven as something like the 92. I'm sorry but you needed at least 100% to pass this test, you've failed.

All the excess HGH can cause brain swelling, you probably have hydrocephalus. I would never pick on someone with a disability though, best just to let the waterheads have their fun.
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>with zero aesthetic consideration
Ok, snowflake
>no Chiclets or pills
hahaha fr deadass no cap da glizzy wit da switch be bussin yo
>gun manufacturers are objectively better solely based on my skewed, pointless, subjective metric(aesthetics)
Literally KYS
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>solely based on my skewed, pointless, subjective metric

Yes. You've already appealed to my authority, and as such I am the victor. Or rather, Beretta is victorious.
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We Luger posting bros?
This. Beretta really did peak with the 92. The PX4 was a sloppy abortion job of a gun. Those retards like ran out of budget or something before they added grip texture or tested how fucking awful the safety levers were. They were late on the optics cuts too and now you need to pay and wait for someone else to do it when they could have added a cut from the start. Mid ass gun with no benefits over the 92. In fact really only drawbacks since it's harder to customize. Can't customize or port the barrels, can't change the grips. You can change the backstrap or add a comp to the front rail, but you could already do that with the 92. The two tone inox PX4s are nice though and they at least ported the trigger over so it's not a total loss. But it is a moral loss.
PX4 is thinner and shorter while shoots just as good. Also doesn't destroy itself in .40 S&W or with hot ammo.
It's not appreciably thinner or shorter. It has shittier controls. It has shittier customizability. It has dogshit grip that they refuse to do anything about except an apathetic fucking sticker in the box for you to apply yourself with your own time. It's a waste of metal, polymer and R&D. The sad thing is if they actually put a little effort into it they could fix it. It's just they won't as we saw with the 2 versions that were more like 1.1s. The rotating barrel is a cool quirk but it's really not enough to make it worth it over a 92.

Let me put it this way. There are drawbacks with the 92 as well, but they got their initial iteration down better than their initial iteration of the PX4. They've barely iterated on either and are obsessed with the dogshit grip safeties now. They at least made them optics ready but didn't for the PX4 so it's clear which one is the favorite child.
nta but irrelevant, 92 is made for 9mm anything else is an affront to Christ himself.

size comparison is irrelevant too, unless you're trying to stuff it up your asshole.
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>counting the levers
Oh sheesh
Neither are remotely compact guns. The PX4 does get closer than the 92, but they're both still pretty big.
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That article is crazy, because there literally is a racist campaign against white farmers there. What kind of delusional fucking planet do these Vox retards live on?

None of the Beretta posters are troons or like gays even retard.

People only care about FN enough to seethe about their pricing, and honestly same.

Completely irrelevant.
They're not meant to be compact guns though. They are full size pistols for shooting people you need to shoot, your reasons are your own.
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Yep, that's my point. They aren't very different in size and their size doesn't really otherwise matter.

Height difference is really the biggest thing here. Oh yeah they also fucked up on mag compatibility. They fumbled a huge layup.
For me it's length (as what I meant by shorter), as ~3.5 is a comfortable length for appendix carry while 4 and above like the 92 is uncomfortable while sitting.
They're both big guns which is why the 92 is superior. It being slightly smaller in the large gun category doesn't make it better. If you're looking for a comfortable carry then Beretta doesn't have you covered (unless you get the tilty PX4), get a 43x/Shield Plus/P365.
I carry a PX4 compact every day to work and places you shouldn't. I used to carry a 92 Compact which to me was really pushing it and dangerous before discovering how well the PX4 Compact carries.
Not really. I'm not a big guy by any metric and comfortably carry a px4 compact.
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Just carry a micro then.

Hello burt. Love you dood. I always forget you own that funky colt 2000 or w/e with the straight back trigger. I wonder if you'll ever upload a video of you showing that. Also is that case hardening on the slide?

The px4 is the gun for gay contrarian hipsters. No one hears about them and it never shows up in anything. Objectively worse than a CZ.
Maybe some people don’t need media to tell them what’s the objectively right gun to buy. What are you? Gay?
Anyone here ever use a zastava83 revolver? Classic has them for 350 right now and I was thinking of picking one up.
Not even once.
At least the windless ones are made in Germany and are around the same price, and slightly better.
That bad? I thought they looked nice and sturdy, most people are just complaining about a shitty da trigger which I could live with
There's better options for the same price.
Although if you really want a useful(as useful as a revolver can be) you need to go with ruger or S&W
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To nobody's great surprise, someone eventually noticed I was concealing this thing in my trip to Anchorage. Fortunately it was just a coworker, and I work in an industry where everyone likes guns
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>and I work in an industry where everyone likes guns
If the payment is good its like heaven, good for you Anon :3
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it's actually pretty good, to the point of comfortably overcoming Alaskan costs of living. I can easily afford my Pilot Bread habit.
Holy shit, militaries around the world care about FN. They are a supplier of M-16s and M-249 tobthe US government.
>Glock makes bare bones paperweights with zero aesthetic consideration. For this reason alone they will never, ever be better than a company who values design AND function.
>Unnecessary esthetic elements are a major factor in my purchasing decisions.

>t. woman
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awww yeaaa
>They are a supplier of M-16s and M-249 tobthe US government.
And M4A1 carbines, and M2 heavy machine guns.
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We could be, but it looks like we are
>My dad can beat up your dad
posting instead.
This is the handgun thread.
FN is totally irrelevant in the handgun world.
Good to hear, keep that job amd shoot alot so Alaska knows there are humans present
Uh, that taper to the slide matters when it's in your waistband.
i think it's really funny that people still use the honda civic as an example of something that's utilitarian and bland when they moved it upmarket in the 90's. they haven't sold a civic without vtec or power sunroofs since like 1992, there's an entire generation of young people who think they're performance cars because of fast and the furious

like i know exactly what you're trying to get at but im telling you that it's very obvious that you're referring to an era when hondas were square and before Geo existed as a marquee, and i'm a 30 year old man that has no experience with that reality. there's going to be a lot of people that look at what you're saying and think you're retarded and out of touch boomer
what holster?
>Pilot Bread
Very nice!
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currently just using an old shoulder holster made for bigger handguns. Good for concealing if I have to. I've got two kydex holsters on the way though.

Pilot bread is the box of crackers holding up the Deagle in my pics. They're these big, super crunchy crackers that have a plain taste so you can put all kinds of stuff on em. They're an Alaskan bushland staple
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>they haven't sold a civic without vtec or power sunroofs since like 1992
My mom had a 2012 Civic without either of those things. It's a good, no frills car.
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Damn, that shit IS expensive.
Your opinion is irrelevant.
Now go gunsoom whatever $2,500 polyslop Ben Stoner is blathering about this week.
FN's handguns have always sucked and suck now. You are probably the homo with the blue camo 509.
This looks like a saltine but sold at 3000% markup for the types of guys that buy man wipes.
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They look more like those crackers that old British people spread butter and cheese on. Also, they are considerably cheaper up here. I have no idea why Amazon is charging that much lmao, maybe just because they're pretty much only sold up here
LoL no. I don't even own an FN, but I'm not stupid enough to say they are irrelevant.
What guns do you like?
FN's handguns are irrelevant. The Hi-Power is a piece of shit. The FiveseveN is a meme. The 509 and the Reflex are overpriced jokes. The LS Edge is an insult. They have nothing.
OK, it looks like it is popular with preppers, so I guess they are charging a prepper tax.
What guns do you like?
makes sense. It's glorified hardtack lmao. It's been popular in the villages for ages because it takes forever to go bad.
also nice quads
Absolutely devastated FN shitter
What guns do you like?
Preppers are such goobers. $33 for some crackers. For $30 I think you can get a 10-pack of vegetarian MREs they airdrop over those nigger countries. You can also get like 24 cans of Wal-Mart Spam.
What guns do you like?
Someone post the squishy FN magwell
What guns do you like?
>good, no frills car
Until you get the Si and it's great.
Holy shit FN shills are so fragile.
What guns do you like?
It's a very simple question anon and it's quite relevant to the thread. Why won't you answer?
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>Tell me your favorite brand so I can engage in console wars with you!
What guns do you like?
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Ayeeeee 9th gen gang
Yell your mom to check the air intake
If she doesn’t have the si model she has the R18 engine and the air intakes are starting to crack and cause issues
Looking extremely embarrassing for FN in this thread.
You are the one who is being embarrassed. You're completely exposed as a troll too afraid to open himself up to criticism like some edge lord teenager. It's absolutely pathetic.
So, what guns do you like, son?
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Lugers don't get enough love around here
Fucking raped, watch him come up with some lame ass comeback, repeating ad hominem forever about a gun he’s never seen or touched.
he's not off-base for wanting people to discuss handguns in Handgun General. This is how generals wither, fester, and get permabanned for being off-topic constantly. We had some guy talking about fucking crackers a couple hours ago
>We had some guy talking about fucking crackers a couple hours ago

That guy was also on topic you retard and posted those crackers with his Desert Eagle prominently in the foreground, I swear you people are just retarded.
The crscker guy literally posted the crackers holding up his gun, dumbfuck.
Meanwhile you're defending a retard coping demanding to know what everyone's favorite gun is because he's so ragingly assmad about FN handguns being irrelevant he's been seething for hours. He's actually less on topic because instead of generating any content, all he's done is mald and make demands.
>This is how generals wither, fester, and get permabanned for being off-topic constantly.
This is exactly what this niggerfaggot wants. He says some random shit like
>FN is irrelevant department during
>Baretta is trash dumb de dumb
and then then people call out his bullshit all he says is.
>U mad. Your shits trash.
Unfortunately people go for it.
It literally doesn't even matter what brand or model, just anyone who he can needle so he can drag down the thread. It's literally childish behavior.
>non contribution
What guns do you like, son?
I'm the guy who said FN is irrelevant and I haven't talked about Beretta at all. You are just retarded and paranoid. FN handguns still suck, BTW.
What guns do you like?
Lol the cope and butthurt is palpable.
Of course you're bitching about the Deagle guy because he posted crackers, you subhuman shitposter.
>you are mad, says guy responding to every post with "name your favorite gun so I can shit on it" in response to 1 person being unimpressed with FN 6 hours ago
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Not me.
What is your favorite gun?
That's not how (You)s look, retard.
This is a new level of pathetic.
cool thread guys
It's already ruined thanks to the gay camo FN shill who, by pure coincidence, is also one of dogetroon's orbiters.
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>Post on topic
>Someone disagrees with you
>Destroy the thread because your ego can't handle disagreement, then blame everyone else for the thread quality
That FN guy is probably out shooting tbqh
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if i get blisters on my thumb shooting a J frame am i just holding it wrong or is this just the nature of shooting a couple hundred rounds through a tiny ass J frame?
What kind of grips do you have?
I wish he'd just do that instead of having a tantrum everytime someone doesn't like his gun.
Reminder that guy recently actually had the gall to defend the 509/M&P hinged trigger, in fact calling it superior. He's basically PPtroon with an even faggier gun.
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the neon forest ones and I used the hogue tamers one day, both times i got a blister on my thumb. the hogue tamer definitely felt better on my thumb but the rubber also gripped better and it felt like it was also like 'ripping' the skin so i wound up getting the same result the neon forest grips caused and the hogue tamer doesnt let me get a pinky grip either so its harder to shoot.
i feel like its probably just the nature of a 13oz half plastic revolver
half the rounds i shot were also +P 38
im not complaining about it, i am just wondering if the blisters are a sign im holding it wrong or if its something i should just be expecting
Well, that looks like about as good of a grip as you're going to get on a gun like that and they look super sweet. I guess it's back to small guns being easy to conceal and hard to shoot.
The Hogue grips really do absorb recoil, one thing about the neon forest grips is they lack to the blue rubber buffer that that was in addition to the main rubber grip.
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Where's your double decker baconator and anime cheesecake magazine?
How should Beretta improve the PX4?
it worked.

until it didn't
The hinged trigger was vindicated in the garand thumb freeze tests as giving them leverage to break ice free from the trigger mechanism and less likely to freeze up in the first place. You might not like it, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t advantages to the design.
The Glock is the spiritual successor to the Luger
NTA but all they had to do is get a better slide finish, factory optics cut, metal trigger, and maybe put some golf ball dimples here and there in the grip for the merest hint of texturing.
Instead we got muh bull barrel and blacked out rear sights + $200 upcharge.
When is ice going to realistically form in the trigger shoe of your carry gun?
What anime is this from?
>forgets the Nano existed
>APX-A1 is cheap and optics ready
The trigger gets a lot better if you polish it out over time, and ergonomically it’s a nice pistol. Very easy to shoot even one-handed
The pedo anime Gunslinger Girl which is basically Hitman if Agent 47 was 5 preteen girls and his handler was 5 random middle aged dudes he was brainwashed into seeing as a weird brother/father/lover hybrid.
>forgets the Cougar 8000 existed
i figured it was just the nature of it being a super tiny & light revolver
id say the tradeoff is worth it, the gun does look super cool & its so light you barely know you are carrying it
there was just a part of me hoping i was just retarded and not knowing some obvious technique of shooting J Frames
Has Wilson combat ever made a slim single stack version of the SFX/SFT in 9mm?
I like the idea of the Springfield EMP but I’d much rather have it made by wilson combat, and I’m not sure who else makes a similar gun, besides like a P938, but the trigger simply isn’t as good/beats itself to death, no steel frame variant to absorb recoil
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>How should Beretta improve the PX4?
Slim down the slide and give it a more classic contour, mimicking the 92, kind of like the 8000 and putting a decocker only on the frame. Also, a metal trigger shoe and better connector instead of letting the aftermarket take care of it for them. That's presuming you want to keep the rotating barrel instead of just using Browning tilting barrel with SIG style lock up like basically ever comparable gun. Otherwise, it's pretty much perfect.
>Where's your double decker baconator
Well, it's not quite the same, but I'm having chili dogs for lunch. Gonna have to take on an hour to the run today... lame.
What are you guys having?
Fucking anime...
Adding it to my list to watch
>i was just retarded and not knowing some obvious technique of shooting J Frames
I don't have a ton of time on small revolvers, so maybe someone who does can help. I was just wondering if maybe you had one of those tiny grips or whatever. Good luck, anon.
I hate lgs's so much bros. $1050 + tax on a cash sale used usp 45 tac just doesn't work for me
Same. They are so used to being able to upcharge on some retard boomer/zoomer that they get personally offended when you want fair value. Some only offer to waive the transfer fee if you offer to pay cash. No wonder online shops are eating their lunch.
All the posters ITT who are upset that the PX4 compact is such a nice practical carry gun should get a TPR9c for less money as it’s thinner, smaller, and has a better trigger out of the box, with a practical thumb safety/decocker and traditional aesthetics
Hmmmm, that's about $250 less than new and $500 less than MSRP. H&K is just over priced, m8.
Someone post that H&K price list.
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Look at this thing, it’s way less polarizing of a gun, and it’s impossible to hate. It’s at worst inoffensive, and at best quite beautiful.
>upset that the PX4 compact is such a nice practical carry gun
Disingenuous. That's not why people are "upset"
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It even comes in cool colors like FDE or OD green from the factory
shooting revolvers was surprisingly different than shooting autoloaders
definitely takes more skill but its a fun switch up
I wouldn't be miffed if the conversation hadn't gone like this
>gun marked $1080
>"yeah it's been here a while too so I can probably help you out"
>I'm also willing to pay cash
>"oh yeah, that will definitely help, let me run it up front really quick"
>"okay he said it could do $1050"
>is that with or without tax?
>alright, thanks for you help
Wow 30 whole dollars off a used trade in! What a deal! I'm just going to buy an acog instead.
this looks like the retarded downs syndrome half brother of a beretta trying to look cool by growing a pringles mustache
There were “single stack EDC 9s” which literally were just 1911s
That's how it always goes. You walk in and see something used that is maybe $20 cheaper than getting it new, offer to pay cash, and the best they can do is $50 off. Fuck off. If I'm paying cash on a used gun and it's not either tax free or 10% off I'm no longer interested in doing business there ever again.
Exactly. If I'm paying cash on a fucking trade in that the store took at half price from the previous owner for "trade value" and they can't even budge 10% or forgo tax altogether, I'm just going to buy it private sale off a local forum.
The Honda Civic is actually a handsome car. At least the ones most of the generations from 90s to today. More apt to compare Glock to the Corolla.
Yeah but I don’t want the fat grip panels I’d prefer the slim solid frame desu
Maybe if I can just replace the side grip panels with like thin sheet metal with a crinkle finish or carbide or whatever, but it’s less appealing.
Maybe I’ll just look for a used EMP and send it to a gunsmith for work to get close to a Wilson, idk
No, I don’t remember which came first the EDX X9 or the SFX 9 or whatever but the EDC X9 is what they called their double stack 1911 thing but they also made a small number of single stack guns that shared the EDC X9 name. I was wrong and they actually do use the external extractor slide on the single stack guns. This one is the larger one but I’ve seen single stack variants in the subcompact size.
There is the Alpha foxtrot S-15 1911 that takes Glock 48X mags, which means you can use the Shield 15 rounders. Its still as thick as a normal 1911
I am tired of black and FDE guns, bros.
Thinking of getting a pink gun but most of them are shitty .380s for women.
Maybe I can get a G17L and have it cerakoted pink.
That actually looks pretty neat and Berssa makes decent guns.
Uh, yeah I don't think so.
Bill Wilson himself touched that gun, possibly even after having shaken hands with Massad Ayoob. If anything, it's a bargain.
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I don't care if they played soggy biscuit with it, that's insane.
I am not swarthy enough for this gun. I don't smoke mentholated cigarettes and the only bikes I have ever ridden have been my own.
When I get into situations
they go for far less on the used market, that seller is out of their mind
Whats the difference between this and the 92A1?
Is there a company that makes metal Glock backplates that aren't just plain smooth metal, but also don't have cringe shit on it? I do want a metal backplate instead of a piece of plastic, but don't want to be looking at Punisher skulls.
I drive a honda civic and carry a glock because they fuck

I don’t own a px4 because I’m not a hipster
No. For whatever reason cnc machines automatically laser engrave cringe shit onto every part they shit out. It's been a problem in industry for decades now and we are still trying to figure it out
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>92A1 slide has dovetailed front and rear sights (uses vertec sights) vs the M9A1 which has a fixed front sight
>92A1 has a rounded trigger guard which I think is gay vs the squared chiseled trigger guard of the M9A1
>92A1 has an aluminum recoil buffer in the frame which is from the .40 S&W version which means longer frame life, maybe.
>92A1 uses the 90-Two (yes that's how it's spelled) style captured guide rod and take down lever, this means the 92A1 slide can cannot swap slides with a normal 92.
>92A1 has a closer to actual spec M1913 rail vs the single slot rail of the M9A1
Check ebay
My bf got one off there when he was still carrying a g17
>go to ebay
>"glock backplate minimalist"
>Check ebay
Helpful information
>My bf got one off there when he was still carrying a g17
Superfluous interjection
here you go
Why are Glockfags like this?
>why does the best selling handgun(s) of all time have the most aftermarket trash?
truly a mystery anon
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Third shot of this today and the front fell off. That's not typical of most guns I might add.
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Excellent post. High marks for temperance, minor point reduction for not expanding on slide/guiderod reverse compatibility
Looks like the button fell off too
Surefire in absolute shambles
it's fucking over
Burt, when I add a gun to cart on at least two websites and get to the final step it is charging me shipping but not my state sales tax like most online retailers. Will the gun store collect this tax or what? I can't remember despite buying a gun online about 3 months ago. Getting old is shitty and I don't recommend it.
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Here's my gun and rat.
It wasn't a surefire problem. Also put like 450 through the Prodigy and the trigger started having resetting issues. Gonna have to clean it but hopefully that much plus pee smoothed it out. It was barely cycling normal ammo.

Lol no.
>opens /hg/
>it's another PX4/Beretta shill thread
cutie patootie
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It's a good rat.
What fell off?
I have no idea about reverse capability. So 90-Two style guide rods work in 92s? But it’s the take down lever that prevent cross capability of slides?
The front (comp and light). Some guns are built so the front doesn't fall off.
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just as good
Im getting mixed signals here. Sounds like its less interchangeable with the slide situation but it may be more durable. Maybe. Tbh i kinda like the curved trigger guard. Might not be more practical but it lends itself to a more fluid aesthetic. Never liked the smaller grips with sharper lines. Im an architectposter though so thats probably my bias talking.
This comp seems like some real dogshit.
Thanks Langberg.
>doesn't say NIG STALKER on the slide
What's the point?
Yep. It was fully latched when I started shooting too. Maybe they need to provide a stronger lever spring. At least nothing was damaged, the comp wasn't even struck.
Last time I used one I sent it down range too since the recoil peg thing broke.
Isn't this the revised version of the comp too because the first would start bending or some shit? This is so embarrassing.
You should shit on them on social media and try to get some freebies.
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How is the holosun light? i need to get one for my ccw and wanted to know if it's worth it.
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Is it normal for a recoil spring to shorten with use or did strike industries send me the wrong replacement spring?
After roughly 8k rounds this spring is starting to fail my “does it really want to go back into battery if I point the gun straight up and slowly “lower” the slide up until it stops moving on it’s own” test
It’s not their comp, it’s Vantage Point Armory’s.
Recoil springs shorten when they get worn out, this could be used as an indicator when to replace them
Oof. I'll have to look at that. I think it just rattled loose.

It is the revised version. In this case, the comp was never struck from it bending down over time. The comp bending down probably was stopping it from flying off before.
Why does PSA name their guns after blades like the Sabre and Dagger but then their 5.7 is called the Rock? They don't have anything else named after stones.
I was using the compact version.
Why Beretta didn’t come out with a version that has an integral comp like every other company is doing, I’ll never understand.
Of all pistols, the PX4 would benefit the most from a compensator integral to the slide due to the rotating barrel.
Langdon is washed up and out of touch with the market.
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I don't know man, I've seen people say online retailers can/have to collect sales tax which is INSANE to me, deeply illegal fraudulent revolt-worthy scamaz, but people say it happens in some states. I'm in Oregun so I have never had to consider this

>trigger started having resetting issues
Ruh roh. That better be due to a piece of debris somewhere around the trigger bow and not a broken piece of FCG or I'm going to look quite the fool

Barely cycling normal ammo wtf. I've used pretty much nothing but pissweak 115gr softbois and other than >>62910046 it's been fine

No the 90-Two/92A1 guide rods are larger at the nose and will only work with those slides and since those slides have a larger chin they won't fit in regular frames. But regular M9/92 tops will fit on 90-Two/92A1 frames if the guide rod accompanies the slide, since the ass end of the guide rods are the same diameter

Slide compatibility only goes one way
They did a 2024 update with no optics cut. They are fucking retards. I love Beretta but they are fucking retards and I wish I could slap the shit out of Beretta USA.
Oh right. The lever on mine is fully intact. It locks in pretty good still too.

No clue, that would be cool and not have the many issues of the frame mounted comp. They claim to have tested these extensively so I'm at a loss.

It must have been debris because it started working fine after and I haven't been able to get it to do that. The issues with normal ammo is probably from the spring swap with the new plug that I have.

I dont know, But if I had to guess it would be emblematic of the characteristics of a rock. But who knows.
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I just have it on as a frame weight but it seems solidly built
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I’ll look into it but I was hoping to be able to use slim 1911 magazines with a slim frame having less width than the slide, not get stuck using fat overbuilt Glock magazines.
Might have to track down an old STI LS-9 or something idk
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>the spring swap
Rats make excellent pets. I'm glad you have a good friend. What's your trigger setup on that 34? Do you like it?
I think my LGS said that gunstores charge sales tax for out of state purchases (you're in a state that has sales tax, the store is in one that doesn't), and then they said the gunstore doesn't actually send the sales tax to your state and they just pocket the money. My LGS will see that sales tax "was" charged and won't charge you otherwise they would have to collect it when the gun is transferred. If there is no invoice or receipt they unfortunately will be forced to charge sales tax on the MSRP of the gun or worse if it's a modified gun they have to find the closest factory configuration and charge that.

this. fuck frame levers. why not just make STEEL 92FS/M9A1s? With slide safety and all?

As far as I remember, the S-15 is the same width as a normal 1911 but with double stack mags.
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>mention gun
>bumble shartsman does video on gun a day later

It's just an Apex kit with a Ghost 3.5 Ultimate connecter. I've fired a couple thousand rounds through it and probably dryfired it 10,000 times, so it's very smooth. The Apex polished safety plunger does noticeably, though slightly, improve the takeup.
The next step is trying out the 3.5 Edge connecter which is supposed to be the hottest shit you can get in a drop in connecter and getting an RMR cut for the slide, but it will have to wait because I spent a lot if money for the holidays and might get downsized next year.
I found the hamster living in my air vent. She's very sweet.
What was Blobliest Fatwife say about it?
They gonna make one with an officer slide that takes g26 mags?
You need to donate to them kids
I said g26 mags.
What is the solution to the noguns larp problem?
>Mel Gibson factor aside, the only thing I really hated about the pistol is the double action/single action. That's change in action comes when you charge the weapon. The first shot will be a hair trigger single action shot. The following shots will be in double action, unless you pull the hammer back. The trigger pull is insanely different when you shoot it without the hammer back. But it ran flawlessly. I didn't have one malfunction, and still managed to score sharp shooter. You'll be fine if that's what you like.
He's right though
>Because of all the internal parts of the 226 it collects brass flakes like a motherfucker
Is Balistol the best way to clean this shit out?
I just use hoppes #9 on a q tip
Jumping ppanon will solve the problem
I've been doing that and also using paper towels to wipe it down, I have managed to get the resudue out but not the brass flakes, they seem to stick in their which makes me think I need to get some balistol and one of those red straws to hose the internals of the mf down and see if I can get them out that way.
>S-15 is the same width as a normal 1911
It takes all standard 1911 trigger and safety parts so I’d be able to put something like the SFS system in it, right?
Trigger bow probably is different to accommodate the different mag.
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There’s no way this is slimmer than a bone stock 1911…
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If you aren't going to disassemble it and clean things properly then just hit it with a dry toothbrush. Liquid will just carry stuff into crevices and hold it there
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Probably right, but I've had a lot of fun with my P38/P1
The SFS allows you to carry hammer down on a series 70 and locks the hammer in place, but springs back when you activate the safety lever, while then also locking the safety lever until the hammer is pushed back forward so no accidental bump of the safety to the on position. You get maximum safety with the best possible trigger pull, and no-fail operation under stress.
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well how did it end?
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not well
holy shit

what ammo were you using? was the can not secured properly?
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Nice rat, anon. Maybe him and my pet can be friends...
Many such cases
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cam-lok walked loose. the exact thing it is designed not to do. i guess this is why people say not to use it
baffles are OK tho, just need a new end cappy. i could send it in for warranty and rugged would replace it for free, but i'm too schizo to ship a suppressor so i'm going to pay $60+shipping+tip for a new one
add me to the binder, burt-sama
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’m already pretty well set on getting a CZ-75BD
I do see a lot of mention of the Beretta 92 here
How do you all here think they stack up
and if I were to go with Beretta, which variant would I go with
I don’t want any of the new extra stuff on it
just old and classic
Is there a civilian designation to look out for specifically or would I just need to look for something actually labeled M9
a bunch of people are going to tell you to get the 'retta because /hg/ has an odd fetish for them. both of those guns are pretty outdated and each has its respective annoying wrinkles. if you want a 75 just get a 75. if what you actually want is a really good steel frame DA/SA hammer fired 9mm with a decocker, consider a p226
The 92FS.
If you must get a CZ75, get the B, not the BD.
With the B you can carry cocked and locked, it still has a halfcock notch, and the lack of a decocker means there is less stacking on the trigger. The downside is that in order to go hammer down, you will have to manually lower the hammer on a loaded chamber, but as long as you are careful, this is not an issue. People will say on a carry gun you want a decocker, but you can get around this by just training with your gun and understanding how it works.
If the 92 is outdated the 75 is just as outdated you fucking moron. The steel build is nice but I don't like their triggers as much.
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The binder is blue
M9 and the 92FS are basically the same thing except markings, the M9 has less markings and generally looks better since you don't have to read "don't shoot this gun" stamped all over it

I like Beretta over CZ since I believe the 92's trigger can be upgraded much more than the CZ-75's and for less money. The 92's configuration is better for carry IMO, but is a rather large gun to carry. The 92 is only aluminum framed while there are variants of the CZ-75 that are steel. Aluminum vs aluminum they'll shoot about the same but the steel framed 75s will have less recoil than the aluminum framed 92s.
You checked it was safe with a straight rod beforehand right?
don't pretend like every gun you own is for utility
id love to see that screencap kek
Balistol has poor lubricity and gets kinds gummy
Try canned air for cleaning computers
Or just live with it
I’ve never cleaned the brass flakes out of my ak and it’s yet to cause any problems
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>using an alignment rod in 2024
not necessary unless you are suppressing an AK (or something else weird). the strike in question happened because the can walked off the ez-lok. not an alignment problem
lol of course not. i actually own all 3 guns in question here (75, 226, 92). my whole point was to tell anon to get the one he actually likes, not the one that other anons shill because of contrived reasons
There is no funny screencap because the poster who got quads got called out for being a troon right after and seething about Berettas. Which is what you guys are doing again. You guys should really be studied for what makes you hate something just because a lot of anons like it. If it was reddit's favorite I would understand, but it basically got its resurgence in /hg/ because a bunch of anons bought them and liked them.

It's something you homos can't deny as much as you seethe and try to pretend otherwise.
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I'd wager the Berettafags all shoot worse than PPtroon
Evidently, it was necessary here.
Unreal cope and waste of digits, kek
>its overbuilt that I save too much money keeping it running
Cope and seethe faggot. We know it's pptroon and his worshippers on a crusade to ruin /hg/. Nobody with half a brain in here believes you.
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>brass flakes
>in an AK
ignore literally everything this fag says
get a toothbrush or a brass wire brush if you are autistic about it. ballistol is fine, i have been using it on everything for years and it has never "gummed up" like that other fag said.
Berettafags are worse than PPtroon, because at least PPtroon doesn't spam the report button 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times a thread
>noguns weednigger seething that beretta owners report him
Brass is the cheapest range safe stuff on the market rn
I would run the steel it was made for if I could justify the cost
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I’m tempted to buy one of these if there are any Black Friday specials, but imagine trying to defend using something called a NIGHT STALKER in court if you ever have to shoot someone with it.
Yeah of course it's him. They need to range ban his ISP already.

Just use literally any other gun then. They seem pretty decent for the price.
The key is to buy a pack of those stickers teachers hand out to kindergarteners and put a watermelon sticker over the HT. Then juries will see the cute sticker in the middle of the words and think, "this is a harmless guy, he wouldn't even hurt a fly."
it's called handgun general /hg/. not beretta handguns general /bhgg/. that's why we're sick and tired of them shitting up threads. we get it. you like pistols with trigger pulls longer than your mothers pussy lips.
>posting guns in handgun general is ruining handgun general
Yeah I agree, even though the Beretta posters don't give a shit if anyone posts other guns we should exile them and talk about gay sex behind our anime dog boy avatars and make up bullshit about guns we don't own because we got called out for being a retarded wannabe weed farmer 2 years ago.
If you like 4chan you'll petition gookmoot to implement forced IDs and flags globally.
very specific, anon. are you self projecting your old self from 2020?
>the steel framed 75s will have less recoil than the aluminum framed 92s.
This just isn't true. There's so little slide mass on a 92, they're ridiculously soft shooting. The 75 is punchier even with the extra weight.
If Rats could live 8-15 years I'd own one but they're basically just tiny puppies with the lifespan of a puppy.
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>make up bullshit about guns we don't own
Just because I don't post my Berettas, Glocks, CZ's, and so forth, doesn't mean I don't have any. I just prefer my Bulldog because it shoots the best out of all my guns. Simple as. I can't place shots nearly as well on any gun as on my Bulldog. That weapon was soulbound to me from the moment I picked it up.
This post exudes a powerful energy
Yeah smells like weed smoke and schizophrenic ramblings in here, plus he's only brave enough to post past 300 posts.
It's more that Berettas are for milfag larpers who act like they win wars, which they haven't in a very long time. These faggots are extremely authoritarian, as evidenced by them spamming reports. They're also extreme degenerates, as evidenced by the fact that it's predominantly Berettafags posting furry tranime and other retarded bullshit in the background of their firearm. That's why I maintain that Twinktroon isn't the worst poster ITT by far. There is worse. Far worse.
>plus he's only brave enough to post past 300 posts.
Retard, I don't post during daylight hours. Weedgineer comes out when the sun goes down. Imagine mistaking habit for cowardice. You are no tactician.
>It recoils in pain as it lashes out
Whatever makes you feel like a man, boy.
burt what is your preferred method for securing a can to a tilt-barrel pistol? direct thread always seems to walk off on me, even when i use teflon tape. except for the couple of times the teflon tape fucking LOCKED it on and I couldn't get it off. it's always one of the other. never the desired medium
I'm just saying, if Berettafags were as good at shooting their firearms as they are at submitting reports to jannies, I would actually be afraid of them.
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Shush homo
>posts tranime
>calls others homo
Nice try
I got banned for calling a /v/tard brown in the stalker general on thursday and just got unbanned what'd I miss?
>Doesn't know when he's being mocked
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Well time to put those 200 rounds down range. Hoping it'll fix the lever issue, and I'll see if the Beretta is worth all the hubbub
why does every gun you own have to be a le epic shtf minmaxed gun?
Man phones suck dick to post on while at the range
I never use teflon tape, o rings or QDs, just direct thread. 9mm backs off occasionally but it's rare. I check every few mags. idk, I'm not doing anything special, not doing crazy gronk but I do cinch them on with adult male strength
Damn, anon, that's a pretty sweet build and at least the connector is a cheap upgrade
>might get downsized next year.
Yeah, that shit sucks. I'm unemployed and my benefits are about to run out. I have money saved, but I'm gonna have to get a wagie jib soon if I don't get a job in my feild.
>I found the hamster living in my air vent. She's very sweet.
Nigga, what?
Very nice.
Struck a nerve? I didn't mention once about its actual quality or if one should buy it or not. Your homorage over it being a gay obscure contrarian gun says enough.
"Missed" meaning missed a bullseye or A-zone? Or missed the paper completely? If you're hitting center mass you're fine but if you're winging shots off into the void from 30 feet, you really need to work on your fundamentals.
I don't hate Honda but I don't enjoy them either. I just use them, like my washing machine. It exists purely to do one thing and that's it. When I'm not washing clothes I don't think about it at all.

That is why Glocks will always be second fiddle. Completely and utterly mundane, utilitarian tools with no other benefit.

I just realized I don't even have a single Glock image saved on my computer, that's how little I think of them.
>a gun has to be pretty like a car has to be pretty
That's the first part where you've got the wrong assumption. I know that /hg/ anons really don't like hearing this, but how pretty a gun looks doesn't matter whatsoever. It's not a barbie doll, it's not a suede jacket, it's not a girl's boobs. Beauty is irrelevant. In fact, beauty is deceptive. Let's keep using your car analogy. Honda is a vehicle that's not the prettiest, although not the ugliest. In other words, there are far more beautiful cars than a Honda. Hyundais put more emphasis on styling, so do Chevies, BMW's, Dodges, and Chryslers. All those brands are pretty much functionally inferior to Honda, with the exception of Chevy and Dodge trucks (Honda doesn't into trucks). A Chrysler 300 for example, looks like a Rolls Royce. One of the prettiest cars on the road, but it doesn't have anywhere near the build quality of a Honda Civic. See what I'm saying? Focusing on beauty is what girls do.

>utilitarian tools with no other benefit
What other benefit? You act like there is something that a gun should be, besides utilitarian!

>you don't think of them
The point of a handgun, as opposed to a rifle, is to attract little to no attention. It's hidden away in case you need it.
You should get one of the classic bulldogs with the unshrouded ejector rod and the original barrel style, it’s way more iconic
Have griffin replace your camlok with ez-lok because it has a taper and won’t back off as easily
You're probably correct in theory, but I really wish the Bulldog had 6 shots. The 5 shot capacity really makes me lean further and further towards the Kimber K6. In a true defense scenario, the extra shot is a huge thing. That's why I don't really go around shilling the Bulldog or the SP101. Yes, it's reliable, it shoots well, and it's pretty good looking, but 5 shots isn't a lot.

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