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Canadian Firearms General
>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous >>62909819
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dat front butt tho
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For Black Friday? Just some stinky chunky and PMC 7.62x39 both was on sale and free shipping.
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Should I an Hi Point carbine for $500?
no, get an SKS for the same money.

inb4 i already have one, you can have two.
Who’s got the cheapest x95 right now? Bullseye sold out of theirs.
>you can have two.
I want a PCC though, they're comfy.
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Get a Ruger or a JRCarbine, or get an FX9 if you want maximum AR LARP vibes. Just make sure it takes GLAWK MAGZ.
proprietary mags is lame, also for $500 that sounds like the restricted version which is pictured and is also lame
Other than them lmao. Bullseye sold out
Northern elite has them for $2700.
Not great, but im just checking arsenal force, who are a day behind on this shit.
Realistically how many guns do you need?

Im having a hard time justifying another rifle purchase after 2
N= your current number of guns
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reminder anyone shilling opfor or cold harbor are likely chink shills. never pay more than $500 for nvgs/thermals.
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>Not wanting more
You need at least one of the following:
-22lr for plinking/hunting small game
-Bolt action something for long range or for hunting large game
-SKS and/or T81
-Shotgun (break or pump action)
Anything else is just fun stuff. A lever-action .357mag is just fun to shoot. A semiauto in 556 would be great for a SHTF scenaruo but your SKS/T81 should handle that as well. A PC Carbine is cool if it shares ammo with your sidearm.
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>Join gun enthusiast Discord server
>Look inside
If N is a factor of W (want) and +1 can be assumed to vary by -1/+500, we can therefore conclude the quantity of guns one needs to be ∞
Whats a good thermal for 500 to 1000 then? Id like just a monocular to see the animals and shit at night
Maybe out to 1km would be nice too
Honestly what did you expect
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It do be like that.
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What caused this?
Microplastics, coronavirus, atrazine
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Picrel plus a handgun or two. with a buncha yehbutts and caveats.
Really depends on what you are hoping to accomplish, or prepare/account for.
/out/anons, what do you run for cold weather sleeping gear?
I just freeze my fucking balls off until i decide its too cold to go out anymore.
groundsheet, long johns, thermopad, down sleeping bag, tarp think that's most of my snivel gear
but individual practices matter, stay dry, boil some water dump it in a nalgene and wrap it in socks for a hot water bottle in your sleeping bag
don't be directly on the ground and have a layer of insulation etc,
top tarp to stop rain and shit

you can survive a very cold night (-30-40) with nothing but bush cover and a fire, dudes do it on pootube without a sleeping bag
also weed.
Delet this

SKS for over 150 is a robbery, don't get scammed
>Out to 500 maybe 1000
>What about 1km

1000m IS 1km

How did your retard ass pass the test
Weed is fine lmao

My grandma smokes it and she's never turned into a furry
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idk anon, i smoked weed a few times and started thinking it would be pretty cool to have my own pair of knockers to smack around.
Can't be too careful with that kinda shit.
You’ve never seen someone mix units of measurement, asshole.
1000y isn’t a Km
500-1000$ retards
cangen's reading comprehension is always shitty for some reason
Could just be subversion, but there's a trend now where if there is an individual culture somewhere that hasn't been touched by the greater world, that it *needs* to be, and its fucking annoying

I want a Bren. Not the new one. The WW2 full auto ones.
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women are ruined and will ruin you so, life, uh, finds a way
>there's a trend now where if there is an individual culture somewhere that hasn't been touched by the greater world
Post-WW2 you mean
Surplus CAF two layer -60 sleeping bag.
A yard is basically a meter you dense pedant
Just get ones that are attached to a woman, you fucking incel
Implying caf has anything approaching decent for gear
It was made in the 80s it’s very good. I’ve slept in it at -30 without a fire and it’s been super warm.
Fortunately they decided to upgrade from those ones.
>"I wonder if they should have just gone to Canadian Tire"

fucking DAMNING lmao
I'm with this anon, i ended up with a free one years ago and i haven't had a reason to try anything else. pair it with a good bivvy bag and you're nigh invincible.

I regret to inform cangen that they suck ass. Im a skinny guy and i nearly tore it in half just getting in. if it's below 0 you have to use every part plus a ranger blanket and you might still be shivering. A lot of guys are trying to get their hands on the old ones again.
kill yourself CAF faggot
I’m confused on why they got rid of it or felt like they needed a new one. Just make a few more batches of the original design. I will say I don’t like the chicken hood and I just sleep with a balaclava on…. Unless it’s below -25 then I use the hood.
>I’m confused
So is everyone who looks at our military procurement.
Real, it’s funny because sometimes they are able to roll shit out quick like the new helmets and cadpat MT and other stuff like the ruck sacks good luck.
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Back when I was is we always called it a nightmare hood. I also hate it but fuck does it ever work great, all 80's caf kit is LEAGUES better than current stuff
64 pack is best pack
>$100 million and not one rifle taken
Genuinely warms my heart that Cangen finally woke up on the yellowness of the NV industry in Canada and that its best to cut out the middlemen (ones that have been proven either to directly shill here or to pay others to do so).
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Is that her butt, or her gut?
Digital NV is ass
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>pay 10x more to play dressup with items that have minor distinctions of no practical significance to 99% of people.
they dont want to hear it. they unironically believe aliexpress digital nv is the same as the analog stuff chs is selling
Do you know enough to say that it isn't, saaaar?
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Just ignore them boys and enjoy nods.
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with nv you generally get what you pay for, $400 ones off aliexpress are not "just as good"
Those are all without IR illumination, correct?
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autism, plus its fun ig
How much is the "Dark Indoor Garage" option?
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yeah thats no IR in pitch black darkness. everything looks good under IR so its not really worth comparing
Is a chink 81 worth it with just 5 rounds per mag? Already have a jewvor but at least that can shoot 10
Didn't say just as good. I said perfectly fine for most people's "uses" at 1/10th the price and not lining the pockets of Chinese middlemen and their paid shills.
i have never once in my life let a 5 round limit prevent me from obtaining a semi auto
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well yeah the cheapest nv is fine for most people, it would suck in a boog situation though
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>dude replies to my gunpost ad saying he will buy it
>tell him i cant ship it out until the canada post strike ends
>he responds later saying he doesnt want it anymore
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Has anything happened this year related to gun laws? Did anything come out of that CCFR thing? I havent touched my guns or looked at the news in a long time
hey i posted something kinda the same yesterday too
god i hate posties
Respect your unions and thank them for all the good they do
what have they done for me?
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Its does not occur ins sub Saharan Africa.
So where do the ideas come from?
You're gonna be fighting for cans of tuna in apartment building hallways, not hunting muh government officials.
>Already have a jewvor but at least that can shoot 10
What? Why would you be able to shoot 10 rounds of 556 but only 5 rounds of 7.62?
if people being gay doesn't happen in based brown companies, why is it punishable by death?
Are we talking about being gay or are we talking about autistic yiffer pedophile trannies who have anthropomorphic avatars and diaper fetishes?
CCFR lost its case but has an appeal this December. Canada post has an OIC to start getting banned guns from businesses in all of Canada expect for Saskatchewan. That’s pretty much it.
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suit yourself
>buy $4000 chinkslop, become a loot drop on the 1% chance things kick off.
Nah, you got this, Chang. I believe in you.
Pistol mags, newfren
Sorry, but how does a Tavor use pistol mags? It's 556. I know a PCC can use 10-round 9mm or 45ACP but that's not the same thing.
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Nod chads keep winning
how new are you, fren
Anybody have this problem with their x95? Bolt release only opens on an empty mag

dont ride the bolt handle for starters
okay there are many things here thats wrong...
first off you are of course riding the bolt handle meaning you are manually slowing the bolt down so it cant even go into battery
second you are using the gun vertically which again doesnt help the gun to go into battery as you ride the bolt
third you are trying to press the bolt release while the bolt is already partially closed though out of battery, which doesnt do anything because the bolt isnt locked back
is this your first semi auto?
and get snap caps dont use live ammo in your house with a gun you barely know how to use
Imagine invading Torocongo with brens, stens and lee enfields.
>Anybody have this problem with their x95?
They are larper shit sticks not worth the plastic they are made out of.
you have to hold the trigger while doing it :)
i think x95s have issues with cross mags
I'd like to pick up a tikka arctic but they aren't cheap. Pretty rare to see a good modern gun with irons. Also anyone got experience with Derya 22s? Thinking of getting one to fill the semi-auto fix for plinking.
Vertical was only just for the video, and you’re saying let go of the handle?
>Leaf girls make do
What in the absolute fuck even is that lol
Never have your fingers on the charging handle when it is trying to go forward, just slip your fingers off it to let it ride home under its own full force.
Tikka battue has irons (though not as nice of ones) for about half the price of the arctic
i like how tikka used to be a budget brand and now its more expensive than sako for some reason
>Tikka battue
Neat, wasn't aware of this. Not a fan of the rear sight being so far forward. I'd rather save up for the arctic and cope the cost by telling myself it's the same as a rifle and a scope.
me personally I just turn my phones camera on "night mode" and navigate using that, taking a new photo every 5 seconds
"defense expert"
Tikkas are like $1,000 to $1,500 for most models and Sako rifles are still twice the price of that. I've got a t3x ctr and it's a great rifle for distance. Would like a longer barrel for juicing my MV but I could also get a 50moa rail for more distance too. Would be nice if certain Tikkas came with a 30moa rail at least but it is what it is, still nice rifles.
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Can also order the irons on their own Anon posted his recipts here as proofs.
>$1,200 for a pair of iron sights
Yea, nah. I'd rather buy a stevens 334 in 308win and a half decent red dot for that much.
I had one of them too. We got it in '86. The thing is huge. No backpacking with that thing. I used to carry it in the back of my old 1976 Toyota Celica GT. I had to use it once when a white-out hit on a drive one night on Highway 1A west of Calgary in '88. Toasty warm!

The winter previous I wanted to verify that it really could be used in -30C temps. One night during a cold snap I threw down a blue foam ground pad and then the sleeping bag. Crawled in and i'll be damned, it was warm! One just needs a tarp or cover for it. My mom still has it. I can't remember where we got it, but I think it was from Crown Surplus in SE Calgary that recently closed up shop. Surplus shops back then were pretty good. You could buy deacts for cheap, not the thousands being commanded now-a-days.
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Yeah it's a crazy price, but hey are also rather interesting/unique;
Giving you a massive sight radius (how far the front and rear sights are apart) with minimal modification. (you will want to drill an indexing hole/notch in the end of the barrel, sadly)
ofc at the end of the day they are still irons, not really fair to compare them to other types of optics.
look up any tikka arctic that has an optic and the user has the rear sight removed anyway.
you could run a quick detach mount or see through rings so that the irons could potentially be used but then your optic will be mounted really high so you get a bad chin weld. nobody does that setup
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I wonder where it all went.
You can use 10-rd LAR mags or Crossmags because they were designed to be used in a 5.56 AR pistol, not an AR rifle.
Canadian law allows mags designed for a pistol to be used in any gun, and allows mags designed for a pistol to have a 10-round capacity.
So because a 5.56 AR pistol uses STANAG mags, a STANAG compatible mag that was specified as "designed for a pistol" can hold 10 rounds, unlike a STANAG compatible mag specified as "designed for a rifle."
But if it fits in a rifle it can be used in a rifle, like a PCC that takes Glock mags.
Wild, my T3x was only $950 (2 Black Fridays ago)
any crown land experiences? I got a few

One a fish cop told stopped on his snowmobile to talk to another guy near us, 100% could see us with guns and putting up targets before he approached us (we where wearing camo and such). My friend shot his antique revolver and the fish cop came up to us (8 guys 1 girl) and told us to put our hands up. 100% a rookie because he was alone turning his back to other guys with loaded guns and wanted to check our PALs. He thought my type 81 was some sort of ak47 and took a picture of my pal and the serial number.

Another one at the same spot

Some old fudds told us we couldnt shoot at this one quarry and told us theyd call the cops, told them to do so and they left. No cops came
One time I went to my usual crown land spot and there was someone else there, instead of nobody else there like usual.
Never actually ran into him though, just saw his truck parked at the access.
<yawn> Yeah, nice blog, kid. I find it good that the DFO/Wildlife guys are doing their job checking out people in the backcountry. Tells me they're doing their job and actually earning my tax dollars. Now, if you get butthurt over something as insignificant as that, I tell you, your are in for an aggravating life. But as you age I think you'll mature enough to recognize what your encounters (if true) really are about and shrug it off as "one of those things" and perhaps not feel the need to share it with others online except to sow discord or troll.

Keep on shooting responsibly! You might be one of the last generations of Canadians to do so.
didnt read
Get a load of this elderly gentleman from a generation of heightened birth rates.
Sounds like a fun story, not much going on around these parts these days.
one time a CO stole my PAL
What's a cool restricted gun I can stencil in, say, German Strichtarn? Or should I stencil my VZ61
> He thought my type 81 was some sort of ak47
That’s because it is
no its better than an ak, stalin said so himself
Nah, closest gun it can be compared to is a Dragunov SVD but like 20% smaller.
The t81 snipers not being 54R is a shame
I want to use a .308 calibre rifle to produce sweet and sour deer balls. and philly cheese deer pizza.
Family tradition for decades been to either have panago or chink food for birthday dinners. But both are around $100 now for a family sized takeout (and panage is jeet shit now, not even good anymore)
I wonder if a .300winchester magnum rifle would produce more tender deer balls than a 308.
I almost went to fight for the hohols in Donetsk after getting out of the CAFaggots just for some combat. Thank the Lord I didn't.
even having them in .223 would have been awesome
Kek your workmanship is appreciated and underrated.
Nothing will happen
I know, first time they showed up on the market and I saw the pic, I seethed. Fucking embarrassing.
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you lay down stencils and spray paint in a sequence. You can get great results
I never went anon...
oh gotcha
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night vision bros...
>Wild, my T3x was only $950 (2 Black Fridays ago)
Nice! Which one did you get? I checked out the stevens334 in 308 and it came to just under $800 after shipping and tax. However I didn't buy it because then I'd need to also buy an optic for it. Picked up a t3x ctr during the summer for about $1,700 (with tax and shipping) and threw a vortex viper 5-25x50 on it, pretty nice reticle for stretching out, got a strike eagle as well but the reticle is a bit fatter than the viper's.
You need at least a 416 rigby for deer.
kek, thats what it looks like when someone mounts a 50mm scope on a 22lr.

>Infrared lens film crack due to period (?)
>Previous owner advised never try it and the same case as me. Believe 99% not in working condition.
Fuckin esl, not paying 3.6k for your broken shit.
>he doesn't use the minimum ethical round for deer, 14.5x114
this is like korean war shit, it belongs in a museum
.308 Compact (20" barrel). Also got a Poortex Diamondback Tactical 3-9x for $200, could use better glass eventually but pretty good durr gun for the price.
nta but 3-9x is my favourite multi purpose magnification range
this scope would be perfect for my squires bingham 16
>The thing is huge. No backpacking with that thing
I’ve made it work
mind giving an idea of what all you have packed there? also what pack is that?
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A museum would deactivate it by filling the scope full of lead.
Good stuff, I've got that scope but 4-16x for my 22. Gets me out to 400yd before I run out of elevation. Was wanting a venom for another rifle but ended up with a 4-24 diamondback tactical, should be good and was a hundred or so cheaper so I'm happy.
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>400 yard .22
No you just need to learn the manual of arms for your gun
it's fun and ammo is cheap
why would you want the bolt to hold open on a loaded mag?
Checked and exactly lmfao
The bolt is not supposed to hold
Open if you have a round in the magazine. The bolt holds open when you have shot the last round, then you remove the magazine, insert the new one, press the button, and shoot your gun
It’s a US marine ruck sack link below as for what’s in there it’s not much as this was just a two night stay in the woods.
>CAF winter sleep system
>mess kit
>spare clothes
>foam sleep mat
>tarp with paracord and tent pegs as my shelter
>lightweight ground sheet
>saw to cut firewood
That’s pretty much it, my stuff can depend on where I am and how long I’m in the woods.

Did not notice that when i first read and responded to his question, lol.
Yeh, >>62919523 the bolt hold is activated by the magazines follower, and thus only activates when the magazine is completly empty.
Only other way to activate it is to pull that hold-tab out while you are holding the charging handle all the way back.
Thinking about getting a cheap gun and painting it in the colours of my waifu (Krystal from Starfox)
You can get a molle ii for like 50$ in couch camo. Just paint or dye it.
Cool, but I like my bag and it has served me well for many years.
I use my 64 pattren with modernized bag and straps they special ordered for me when I was in an army still. I bought an m81 molle ii ive not used yet.
nice, ty anon.
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>At that point, the operator would fire a burst of automatic fire at the greenish images of enemy soldiers
And i love em.

Well thats the price of a half decent scope, so take your pick.
>Well thats the price of a half decent scope, so take your pick.
Good point. I'd buy the whole package but not just the sights.
I call that the ass shelf of a nice booty how far out over it sticks out
Half the posters here are drunk
Night vision is cool and all but if the enemy has thermals, you're fucked. There's basically no way to hide from it.
Just a T shirt and an AK. What a giga chad
>not carrying your tactical pane of glass
checkmate bitch
Night vision allows you to move at night without using bright lights that give away your position.

The enemy has to be looking directly at you, with thermals, to see you. They don't have to be looking directly at you to notice a bright white light shining in the distance, something which can be spotted way farther out than thermals are capable of viewing.

And again, night vision allows you to see at night while maintaining complete darkness. You thermalfags need to stop downplaying this like it isn't a HUGE advantage.

What scenario are you even envisioning where some person with thermals spots you and just instantly starts smoking you from 500 yards with their TAC50?
Interesting thing about tikka is when you breakit down the prices are on par for the market value
>$1200ish for the sights
>$1200ish for the barreled action with oversized bolt knob
>$600ish for a laminated stock

And youre right up there with the price of an arctic.
Nta, but what scenario are you envisioning where you'd need night vision at all?
Some OPFORs are hard to see at night naturally.
it's dark out and I want to see
Do NVGs get affected by extreme cold temperatures? Not sure if I've ever seen that addressed.
you can use thermals in the daytime also in case someones hiding in the bushes
When you want to drive at night but maintain low visibility you will drive using NODs. Moving across bodies of water by kayak or canoe at night is vastly improved with NODs. Even if you had a flashlight you typically can't shine it far enough to see where you're going, + that'll give away your position. Even moving in urban environments at night is improved with NODs, you don't get the same reflection off glass and water that a flashlight gives you. Your weapon always has a light on it should you need it.

The range afford by NODs is also better than a flashlight, and you can see naturally (i.e. without having to point a light at something - you just look where you want to see something).
I want to spend a gorrilion dollars to slap picrel together.
>tikka 'roughtech' barrel&action, in .308.
>Arctic irons
>Boyds Featherwieght stock
>Atlasworks AICS bottom metal
I note that on your recipt is says
But the rear sight just slips onto a standard dovetail doesnt it? Its only the front sight that requires modification, right?
I'm only half drunk.
The irons cost is probably largley just because of their low production volume, relative to their R&D, they only include them on that one niche meme rifle, and i doubt they sell many on the side.
Kinda like why noods cost so much.
They do insofar as they can fog up like any glass lens. Extreme cold kills your batteries more than anything else, that's where a remote battery pack comes in handy. You can run an extended wire and keep the pack inside your jacket to warm the batteries. I have an old Petzl headlamp with this feature, still works after 20 years.
Stfu furfag no one wants this
Look at the hands and use your limited cognitive functions
What's the difference
Reasonable answer and not some gay boog LARP fantasy. Still, wouldn't pay $3k for chinkslop.
Don't worry guys there was no meaningful election interference
>Still, wouldn't pay $3k for chinkslop.
Nor would I. The general consensus is that $4-5k will get you a decent monocular. $8-10k will get you decent binos. I'm just now considering it after covering all my other bases, but still very undecided on mounting options. A helmet is the popular option but I'd be using it for camping more than anything, so a rig/skullcrusher cap seems like it'd make more sense and be cooler to wear in the summer.
Why though
They would deactivate the rifle, but leave the optic alone.
The battery will be but that’s most things even flashlights
i bridged a pvs-14 and mh25 thermal as my binos, highly recommend it
>But the rear sight just slips onto a standard dovetail doesnt it? Its only the front sight that requires modification, right?

Thats correct. Rear slips on and the front need a spot for the keeper screw...my millwright friend drilled a hole for it.

Pic rel. 1/2.
what vest?
whats with you guys and tikka iron sights? just go buy a mauser or enfield or something
I did. I have a m1917 reminton that just got rebarreled with a new criterion in 30-06.

Im on graveyards right now with no pics, but its been sporterized but has the original volley sights.
A friend of mine did the same thing, very comfy. Though I’m happy with just my mono and I haven’t wanted to get into thermals…. Yet
my boy, the m1917 never had volley sights only the p14 did
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Theyre interesting; high sight radius irons that you can slap onto a modern bolty boii.
Cherry on top is that the rear is a drum sight; drum sights are suber fuggin based.
well congrats, your magnified optic capable bolt action now has iron sights instead of an infinitely more useful magnified optic
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>not having both

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Well here are my pics before the rebarrel.

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yeah nice chin weld
We need to crowd fund a 303 factory.
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pretty cool, worthy of restoration
i think youre confusing volley sights with something else though
Hopefully from a white-owned store.
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Why don't we start with 22lr and bring down the price on what used to be affordable entry level ammo so the cost of entry isn't accessible only to Trudeau's butt buddies
I hope you boys stack water as well. Don’t forget having a couple cases of bottled water can come in handy.
What is a reasonable price of .22 in your eyes?
You're right. I have a ladder aperture sight on that rifle, not volley. Totally had the definition mixed up.
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here i made your scout rifle no longer a huge pile of shit, take notes
I have;
>x9 5gallon camping slyle jugs of purified water, in my room.
>x6? 5gallon watercooler style jugs, for the water cooler.
>x3 55gallon barrels of rain water, right inside the front door.
>x1 80?gallon livestock trough right outside the front door, used to collect said rain water.
Hydration is an extremely important part of being a firearms enthusiast.
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>Note to self: this poster is a supreme faggot
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nuh uh
fixed yours too
that shit comes from the sky and the sink retard. the only liquid I stock is red bull.
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Imagine owning a sink, lmao
Everyone calls me a schizo for hauling well water with me back to suburbia when I visit family in the countryside, about 120L across all my jugs lasts me about a month on average between refills. I'm currently empty and working with bottled water that doesnt give me headaches, I can stomach black coffee made from (((tap water))) but the tea I've been making with it from the same kettle physically hurts me when I drink it
Based water haullin' flouride dodger.
We have a well, and the water is great, but the reason we stockpile is because the well is unreliable. It's about 200ft deep and it would cost 10 or 20 grand to drill a new one.
Works okay for most of the year but in the fall it will run dry if you try to have a shower and do laundry in the same day.
anyone ever owned one of these?

cant find any type 81s not sure how this compares
it's dogshit. as in, different point of impact depending on which side of the mag it's feeding from dogshit. look around on GunPost for a type 81 or wait until the summer when Tactical Imports is supposed to get more in.
It is widely considered to be one of, if not the single worst intermediate rifle on the market.
No bullshit
It's only widely considered that because you're so wide, fatass
anon wtf
Why does this bullshit come up in nearly every thread. Fuck you nigger, that gun is dogshit, and you're a faggot
Did your 3 brain cells not comprehend
They compare like crap and all generations are hot trash. DO NOT BUY IT
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I got one, posted about it before. It's a gen 3 and I've had 3 jams so far in 700 rounds. All three were stovepipes. Every time it was with a PMAG and overly pinned M+M mags, it happened with S&B and Norinco red box.
As far as the gun goes it fits really nicely in the hand, the trigger is decent and the action is smooth. The whole hinge idea is pretty stupid because you can't fully take it apart without unscrewing that main screw that needs 40lbs in torque each time you put it back. That being said the honeymoon period is over and I still quite like the gun, pretty nice overall as far the "feel" of it goes, but the fact that it's jammed that much is not very comforting.
Honestly just get a Type 81 if you want a gun that just works, you can put on a nicer stock/handguard and it's real easy to clean and take apart. Never had any issues with my Type 81.
Also we can't get any of the chromelined barrels (lol) and the standard version doesn't get the zhukov (lol) so 2.3k +tip for a gamble if you want an "adjustable" stock.
You don't sound like the m10x anon that usually posts here. His evaluations were much more dire.
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Yeah I'm a different guy, but here I'll show you a stovepipe as proof of ownership. Honestly I think I was just lucky since I've seen others with even worse issues.

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