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Are the F-16's that were transferred to Ukraine still using the AN/APG-66(V2) radar?
Doesn't that put them at a disadvantage against the Su-35? The AN/APG-66(V2) is said to have a range of 70 km for fighter aircraft while the Irbis-E is said to have a range of 200 km for fighters.
Yes. All holoholo F16 are fall from sky because piggies can't into planes. r*ssia is so very stronk.
They are MLU M6.5 tape which means 25% more radar range and 50% more weapons standoff range when equipped with the AN/AAQ-14 targetting pod.

So we are talking more like a 105 km range.
Yes, it's easily jammed too. Why do you think they were given to them?
So it has enough range to shoot down a Su-34 dropping bombs but probably not a Su-35.
Depends on whether Russians have enough R-37s or if they are relying on the R-77s with 80km range. Even the older AMRAAMs outrange the R-77.
What the hell is the Su-35 /k/ keeps mentioning?
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They use R-77-1 (110 km) and R-37M (200 km for Su-35).
That's a falsely labled image. Unless the Russians plan on patrolling their local airfield, they won't be doing much without some drop tanks.
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The Su-35 radar is only 200km range if it knows where the target is already and can output all of its power into a 2° x 2° square. In general search mode it's more like 100km
you nazi fucks are insufferable. How about you get nothing
If they’re going up with Kh-31PMs why aren’t they shutting down Ukie AD? Is because their RWRs are still useless and there’s no coordination with ELINT aircraft to tell what is radiating and plan a SEAD mission appropriately? Is that why they’re launching with just one missile, because they figure they’re not actually going to use it so may well save on fuel and wear?
Good point. Where’s the tank? Is it one of those things with the VKS where they pretend to fight but do so well within Russian airspace?
Because they already know what they want to shoot at. Fog of war is a thing of the past. The modern challenge is piercing the layers of defences everyone has around their shit, getting into a engagement envelope, and getting out alive.

So that Russian is going to go up with his plane as clean as possible, hug the ground for as long as possible, when he thinks he is close enough he is going to yank that stick back as far as he can handle, rocket up to a launch altitude, pray the mission planners put him in the right spot, pray he can get a launch tone + fire, and pray he can pull a max G evasion + dive back to NOE before a Ukrainian can send something his way.
>thats why its clean, he needs to be able to get the max from the frame

or a weaksauce propaganda pick, idk, hard to say.
see >>62916872

I'm fucking retarded and need to go to bed
Narrow search is 350 km, general search is 200 km.
I'm talking about track range, Indian testing of the radar showed that it was able to detect a target at 250km but wasn't able to obtain a lock until 100km
The Indian Su-30's use the N011M Bars radar which has a range of 140 km for 5 m2 targets or 123 km for 3 m2 targets. The Su-35's Irbis-E radar has a range of 200 km for 3 m2 targets. The Indians also used the RVV-AE export version of the R-77 which has a range of 80 km.
Yes I'm sure that it's exactly as promised and in no way a bald-faced lie like every single piece of russian military "technology" ever.

By their own specs, russian military vehicles should be several decades ahead of any NATO country, and yet somehow they keep getting destroyed by basic-bitch RPGs. And if anything in the russian air force worked as promised, they'd have taken Kyiv on day 1.
do people really believe you can just toss the keys for an f-16 to someone and say "good luck"? a weapon system like a fighter jet needs intensive training and a whole logistics network to support. Likely, the ukrainians don't really have that fleshed out in the middle of a war where they are receiving 18 different weapon systems from a dozen different countries. these things are hangar queens or single use vehicles.
under heavy jamming and against a target with 10 times smaller RCS than a flanker. And the Irbis figures are hugely optimistic.

Actually AN/APG-66(V)2A.
ukraine reently used storm shadow the hedgehog again.
Only planes capable of launching them in their arsenal are su-24
su-24 is old, lumbering tactical bomber.
none of ukraine friendly countries used them, so it rules out outside deliveries
this means planes used to launch these strikes were from ukraininan stocks.
ukraine had like two dozens of them before war + bunch of unflyable ones they were canibalising for parts for last 30 years - lets be very generous and assume they were able to restore two dozens more to flyable condition

this means the whole combined might of russian air force with their superfighters like mig-31m and su-35 were unable to deal - for three fucking years - with bunch of horribly outdated tactical bombers that are about as agile as dumpster truck, lack modern ew defences and should by all accounts sitting ducks
This should tell you all you need to know about IRL russian fighter capabilities.
worrying about cap will be the least of their worries

sam systems are the killers
Su-27 series have enormous internal fuel capacity. They never ever use drop tanks, even on ferry missions (except Su-34). The dogfight load out takes off with half internal fuel, otherwise it's a bit sluggish.
>The AN/APG-66(V2) is said to have a range of 70 km for fighter aircraft
"83km in heavy jamming and clutter" implies longer than 70km
You really think they need to extend the 1,600 km combat range to hit a country they border?
I'm all for hanging shit on the vatnigs but don't make yourself look like a retard in the process.
>is said
Yeah that was my bad, it wasn't Indian testing it was Russian testing of the N035 non-export Irbis that showed a lock range of 100km my bad

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