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Given the realities of the war in Ukraine, namely the fact that the Ukrainian army at this point is effectively a NATO army that is simply being manned by Ukrainian soldiers. It makes me think: "How far can that concept go?" I mean, NATO is effectively directly fighting Russia in the war, but because the actual trigger pullers are Ukrainians and all of the equipment is given a Ukrainian paint job or has a Ukrainian flag on it, it's technically viewed as being the Ukrainian army.

If this is the case, then could it be possible in the future for nations to be able to wage war utilizing mercenaries? Both in the private sense as in they're self funded and on contract, but also in the East India Trading Company sense of being funded by a nation? If lets say some corporation created a mercenary army of 50,000 men, and said mercenary army invaded a country to secure resources and depose the ruling elite with new ones who just so happen to align perfectly with the foreign policy of the United States. Would that be viewed as the United States invading another country? Or would that be viewed as an independent paramilitary force doing a little bit of asset liquidation? How far can the concept go /k/?

Side question for the lulz: If you were in charge of creating a corporate mercenary army of 50,000 men with a $250,000,000 budget, how would you do it?
Russia tried this with wagner and we can see how well that went.
A lot of Wagner news is fake and gay. I remember years back when they had that failed attack in Syria. Most members involved were just insurgents. Wagner operates in a similar way to how Army SF operate, they recruit and equip local retards to do the fighting for them. If a US Army SF unit controlling a battalion worth of insurgents failed a mission which got hundreds of insurgents killed. You wouldn't say "hundreds of US Green Berets were killed".
Hundreds of green berets don't get themselves killed like hundreds of wagners do LMAO
They had another corpse pile incident in Mali just the other day.
Trump is going to leave NATO when he gets into office but to answer your question yes. CIA has done this many times. They don't care about the process just the results.
Bro just invented proxy wars :skull:
Privateers are hardly a new concept.
A Bulgarian friend of mine from when I was in the French Foreign Legion got out and joined Wagner, he was in Syria during that time and also went to Mozambique. Wagner were mostly training and advising with indig doing the overwhelming majority of the gruntwork. Wagner guys were operating armour, air assets, complex EOD and doing much of the command and control at like Platoon and Company level.
>Ukrainian army at this point is effectively a NATO army that is simply being manned by Ukrainian soldiers
Are you stupid?
>virtually all of Ukraine's inventory at the start of the war has been depleted/destroyed and rely entirely on funding and supply from NATO countries
Are you?
The best way to make a "mercenary" army with a relatively small number of people is to just take the small stuff in the civilian sector. Give them a training course directed by a former military instructor to help them prepare for potential combat, have reoccurring drills they must attend if they want to keep being contracted. Then just negotiate with companies that have business in high risk areas.

mercenaries have only ever made sense for countries that cant afford standing armies.
NTA, but a good part of their armor is captured russian tanks, and they still don't have the biggest advantage NATO armies would have over the russians: a sizable air force that doesn't consist of planes built by the soviets.
File: CodAssCosplay.jpg (508 KB, 1600x900)
508 KB
508 KB JPG
Litteraly the ranked skin
So we're going to pretend like their performance in west africa (where many of them ARE very much russian) is excellent?

I'll be ignoring their performance in ukraine because lmao
Ukies are the first country to actually do something with the weapons and training - the us failed with the ANA, the iraqui army, the koreans, the south vietnamese, and now that someone actually wants to fight they whine about the cost for the first time ever
Lol what? The bulk of the Ukrainian army is still using soviet shit.

And OP's "If you use an M4 you're practically an American soldier" line of thinking is also comically retarded
It worked fairly well for the US in Iraq.
It's about waging war with them. Read the question. PMCs in Iraq were not driving into ISIS strongholds and slotting everyone inside.
What did some errant lit cigarette accidently set fire to this time? Or is it all those Wagner friends that fell victim to lung disease in Mali?
>operate armor
>literally an armor column wiped out
lol. lmao even.
That was quite a tirade for "IT'S ALL NATO MERCS FIGHTING FOR JEWENSKY!!!!"
Do you think a polymer framed gun adds to the longevity of the slide?
>A Bulgarian friend of mine from when I was in the French Foreign Legion got out and joined Wagner
Between Scylla and Charybdis...

> I mean, NATO is effectively directly fighting Russia

No, when NATO enters the War you will have the US 1st Cavalry Regiment leading the charge with a biblical rain of fire from the US Air-force and US Navy as support and the Russian lines will melt in a day.

> nations to be able to wage war utilizing mercenaries?

We already did a version of this in Iraq.

Article from 2007:
"The number of U.S.-paid private contractors in Iraq now exceeds that of American combat troops"

I don't understand why they didn't do this the moment NK entered the battlefield. NATO should open the flood gates and allow mercenaries reinforce the Ukrainian lines and foot the bill. We should have 100k Mercs fighting for Ukraine right now.
>Ukraine gets a lot of supplies from NATO and 1% of their military is made up of bored foreigners so this is literally the same as a mercenary company
>the Ukrainian army at this point is effectively a NATO army that is simply being manned by Ukrainian soldiers
Lol, no.

>I mean, NATO is effectively directly fighting Russia in the war
LMAO, no.
>If you were in charge of creating a corporate mercenary army of 50,000 men with a $250,000,000 budget, how would you do it?
Fire 49,950 of the men except for the best pilot and airforce men
Spend $200,000,000 on a pair of F-35s
Ah yes the South Koreans and Vietnamese never fight any battles
>effectively a NATO army
without divisions?
2/10 retard bait
Ukraine have more of their own shit now than what they started out with in '22. Don't just come to conclusions. It also matters that the military is run by Uke generals, kept going by Uke logistics, and is advanced by Uke technology. Nothing they have is fundamentally NATO, as the same stuff can be found in non-nato countries. About the most NATO thing they have is their home grown Battlefield Control/Situational Awareness System with accompanying AI that has NATO certification now.

TL;DR, you are one clown-lipped dumb dumb nigger.

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