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File: m2-res_480p.webm (909 KB, 832x480)
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Just a small capture
> no ammo
> soon no fuel

huh, nice capture. Too bad the ukies captured 2000+ various T models so far that they can actually use
Nigger read the post it said just a small capture
Acting like this
Boy whats wrong with you
Why did the ukies abandon a functioning tank? I thought they were running low on equipment.
Probably worried?
They're not doing well in Kursk. Better to leave a running tank than get its crew killed.
Wouldn't it have a giant Z painted on the side if it was a capture? Or some retarded cope cage welded on top of it?
+ Doubt they can get ammo for it
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It hasn't been that unusual within this war when you get a mobility kill or feel like you have become too much of a target, see pic related, however it is true operating a Leopard it's going to be difficult as they can only cannibalize or use any ammo which got left when they were abandoned.

The video can mean anything, just russians moving it to some facility for inspection but if russians are pulling these out of the trophy display you can guess how low they are running on vehicles, or better yet, just check Cover Cabal:

Andrew counts "hits". 1 drone hitting a vehicle counts as 1 damaged to him. He doesn't consider multiple drones hitting the same vehicle like Oryx does.
Good thing most of the russian equipment is destroyed, then

Damage to artillery pieces is also significant because it will temporarily (and often permanently) put that piece out of commission
But somehow Russia is doing well even though they're begging for more north korean meatbags. already got a general wounded. no panic in Kursk at all.
Iran makes 120mm for it's Chiefains.
unironically retarded...
I'm aware it is not the same 120mm, however if they desperatly needed to order ammo for one single tank something could be made that would work.
Qatar would be the best bet.
UAE, they are skechy AF
Hehheh. Potatoe quality vid.
4 years ago during the Yemen operations, the UAE demanded lots of specialized 120mm ammo to France so they could use their Leclerc in a more urban role. France refused arguing about risks of collateral damages, human rights, and so on. So the UAE contracted a Chinese company to make 120mm rounds for their Leclerc.
The Chinese failed spectacularly.
France then proceeded to send the UAE a lot of shells from its stockpiles, which helped regaining their trust. Plus the UAE were leaving Yemen anyway.
that's a lot of pixels. Anyways, is there anything inside that Russians can copy and incorporate in the next armata iteration?

>heavily pixilated video pixelated even further artificially

>Hey logistics guys, please order ammunition from the middle east for that 1 captured tank we don't even have any spare parts for.
Eh, just have a diplomat bribe someone for a few cases of ammo, it isn't like the tank will be used for anything but propaganda before it breaks down or is destroyed anyway.

It's Russians maintaining a German tank, i'd be shocked it they can keep it running before they use all the ammo it came with anyway.
I like how the Russian shills paint this as some kind of loss. Ukraine can get more tanks, Russia can't.
>cancels opthamologist appointment for fears of cataracts
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>Implying anything the Russians use will last long enough to require logistics
you don't need logistics if your life expectancy is under an hour
They have not captured 2,000 tanks you fucking pajeet.
We can just produce more (unlike Russia)

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