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need to buy glasses for the range, what do you use?

i never used glasses but in current club i started going the boomers throw a sissy fit if you aren't wearing "proper ppe" because they say "if we ever take any sort of accident the range is gonna get shut down".
random sunglasses that i dont care if they get damaged from brass hitting em
The crossbows or whatever they’re called. They’re like $50-60 and work pretty good. I like em
If you don't need prescription it's easy, any rando ballistic rated safety glasses will work fine and can be had very, very cheap:
etc etc. Get some that wraps the sides a little. If fog is annoying apply some cat crap. It's nbd just go grab a few, they're so cheap if they ever get scratched or whatever throw them out.

Also fwiw OP:
>the boomers throw a sissy fit if you aren't wearing "proper ppe"
This is a rare case where the boomers are right. Don't be casual with your eyes and ears, you only got one pair and they aren't easily (or at all) repairable. Shit happens with guns sometimes, most of us will never roll snake eyes with an unlucky malfunction or whatever but eyepro and earpro isn't something to dick around with and "imma tough" about. Don't get suckered by guccifag marketers either, and you don't need any special GUN glasses/GUN earpro either, normal decent safety gear is fine. But it's stupid to have eye damage or the eeeeee because you cheaped out on the cost of a mag or two worth of ammo.
Regular 'ol safety glasses, same shit I wear when I use grinders, chain saw, etc. Any hardware or home improvement store has them. They're cheap.
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I just wear my pescription glasses although I have done some shooting without them before.
And surprisingly enough regular ass raycon headphones do an ok job of hearing protection
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bought these from champion brand from amazon they go over my prescription glasses
>that grip
Bet you anything that faggot can't actually shoot for shit

He might even be some kind of a e*rofag

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