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Multiple Tornado-S cluster warheads fired at an area.
>Attacking troops in buildings with cluster munitions
Russians really are genuinely retarded, aren't they?
There's a reason why every Ukie video of clusters shows them hitting troops in the open.
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Now they have leaky roofs, those bum touching crests
You see cumrade, building has windows on side, shrapnel fly through window directly into ass from ass,
They know they don't have CEP for unitary.
These vids have got me thinking. What are the chances that Russia will try to make movies about this war in which they always won every battle they ever fought and never lost anyone? To the point they even win the war in three days outright like there propaganda always said they could.

Or will they just try to forget this war ever happened and pretend nothing has changed for them at all?
Depends on how Putin is replaced and what happens after.
I think it's more of a when, not if.
If Putins memory is held in high regards immediately, if he turns out to having been a traitor all along it takes some forty years or so.
>What are the chances that Russia will try to make movies about this war in which they always won every battle they ever fought
They already do. Okay, not as movies but on their nightly news. Watching russian tv takes me back to the cold war TASS/Pravda days. It's a real flashback.
Russian rocket artillery this war has REALLY not been a success story. They struggle mightily with accuracy. These guided rockets (Tornado-S) have improved CEP dramatically over unguided rockets — but even so it’s still way too wide. What’s the issue? NATO figure out how to jam GLONASS effectively and the radios they put in these rockets can’t cut it? Flight control system has flaws? Aerodynamics so poor that control surfaces can’t correct enough? Like what’s the issue?
Depends on his successor. They with either lionize him or throw him to the lions.
Russians cannot into subtlety.
XAXAX those civilian houses didnt stand a chance against the mighty BBC puccian bear
>no visible military vehicles
They just bombed a regular village and called it a military target, haven't they?
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It's probably just designed to spread the submunitions over a wide area. The RBK-500 bomb has a tighter grouping for submunitions.
>It was later discovered that Comrade Putin was a traitor and a pest
There'll be a propaganda film about them winning easy peasy and then some western company will make an actual good movie that shows how badly they fucked up like with Chernobyl and they cope about making their own better movie again
That Russian Disinfo channel is camedy geld every time.
Given that these recordings started showing up right after new Nork systems were spotted we are going to need confirmation that this actually was a Russian weapon at all, the Norks have a system that is more or less identical or better.
They actually hit where they were looking instead of panning to the impact site, Russia has finally learnt that PGMs aren't a meme.
Was Come and See some flash in the pan in Russia? Seems like the make criticisms of themselves but it’s very rare
Gotta sk: Where? I'm seeing like one indistinct blob that might be a person in this entire video.

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