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What are gun takes that make you seethe?
>vid related
people who tout .45acp as the 'best' suppressor round.
For energy on target and standard loads working suppressed, it is.
>energy on target
>standard loads

147gr 9mm is cheaper than .45 range ammo. .45acp is LOUDER than 9mm because larger diameter hole in a can = louder noise. 45acp is also notoriously less reliable in suppressors.
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I've always been annoyed by the idea that:
>If it's what the military/police use, it's good for me
It's not a terrible guideline if your primary concern is getting a reliable gun, but I'm sure we've all known that one guy who acts like the US military's equipment is the meta "best" stuff you can get. The worst part is there are always new gun owners coming along with this same naive belief, so I could live until 2100 just to hear some noob tell me that the Sig Sauer P9000 Pulse Pistol is the best handgun I can get because the US Army uses it.
>What are gun takes that make you seethe?
>"Use x caliber because its less likely to overpenetrate drywall if you miss"
.22 LR will penetrate through drywall. People need to learn to understand where their target is and what's beyond it.
Boomer neighbor literally peeked over my fence to tell me that AKs “just weren’t that great” because they were designed “to be fired from the him and walked onto the target.”
You can get 200+ grain subsonic 45 that goes around 900 fps and Delivers more energy than the sub sonic 9mm while also being just as quiet suppressed. I’m not a 45 boomer but That is probably the only use case where it actually has an advantage over anything else

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