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File: xm8 sharpshooter.png (126 KB, 900x450)
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>create a rifle that's better than the M4 carbine in every way
>Mmmmmm, nope, not good enough to justify the price to replace the M4 carbine
>Replace the M4 carbine with a rifle that's worst in every way to it for a lot more money than the XM8
>create a rifle that's better than the M4 carbine in every way
its literally not, its just a G36 with a few upgrades
>Mmmmmm, nope, not good enough to justify the price to replace the M4 carbine
yeah, it has to be a minimum of better, which it wasn't
>Replace the M4 carbine with a rifle that's worst in every way to it for a lot more money than the XM8
i'm sorry you were adopted by europe like you should have been, the 416 is ass

if they actually did it in .308, they'd have gotten US contracts, instead of the stupid SCAR, would have been loads better
>i'm sorry you [were] adopted by europe like you should have been
*i'm sorry you [weren't] adopted by europe like you should have been
fucking typo
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>create a rifle that's better than the M4 carbine in every way
In the early 90s, vs the M16A2 with iron sights? Yeah maybe. In the early 2000s when M4s were getting Sopmod kits that mass issued optics, lasers and a wide array of aftermarket attachments? No, it was a step back by every metric except it had a free floated barrel. The DMR and auto rifle configs would also have been total ass and created another logistical quagmire that held us back from better designs. Point is, the XM8 was 10 years late to its own party, by the time it was being pitched it just wasn't a compelling package anymore.
Why do people still try to shill for the G36, especially this variant with a goofy shitty built in optic and goofy shitty proprietary mounting hardware? The most bizarre thing of all is that all these shitty AR-18s with a plastic shell manage to weigh more than an M4. How the fuck do Eurofags keep doing that?

Anyway retard, no, the M4 mogs the XM8, that's why it died the irrelevant worthless death it died. That's also why Germany put down the G36 and adopted an AR-15 with a piston bolted on top.
>that's worst
ESL (nigger)

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