It seems when compared to other nations there is an abundance of different intelligence groups, is it to decentralize power to prevent abuses? Or is it more effective to have different departments.
>>62921699Because they keep on catastrophically fucking up to the point where a new department is made; as per Management's only real ability is to generate more management.
If you think 'decentralization' and 'checks and balances' are real you must have just started learning about state intelligentsia yesterday.
>>62921699well over half of those aren't intelligence agencies, so let's start with that. Then there's the fact that the US is managing literally the entire globe every single day and knows what happened before the actual countries involved do.
>>62921718they might not be agencies but all of those have some sort of intelligence department, even the department of energy lol
>>62921699Probably so it is easier to drain resources from the government budget. More positions to leverage for appointments in exchange of control. To disperse the government and fragment, so that private interests can more easily manipulate them. Imagine how powerful would United States law enforcement would be if FBI/CIA and so on was consolidated under one umbrella like FSB in Russia
>>62921699To further erode your constitutional rights
>>62921699The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.
>ITT Retards can't comprehend why different branches and agencies would rather have their own inhouse intelligence rather then having to rely of some third party
>>62921699Only six of these are actual independent agencies while the rest are simply part of a larger organization. Like the Army Intel guys still just work for the Army.
>>629216991. They do different things.2. The things they do differently are generally niche to their specific interest.It's the same reason why Army Aviation was created after the Air Force was spun-off.
>>62921699Same reason there are so many branches of the military.Power fears being usurped so fragments any group that could pose a credible threat.
>>62921881Are saying we should just have one giant branch that just does everything?
>>62921890It would remove a lot of bureaucratic overhead but I'm actually with the politicians on this one, you need at least 3 armed forces and 3 intelligence agencies so any coup requires guys that don't normally talk to agree on overthrowing the government.
>>62921699does it really matter? they grew to that size and compartmentisation as they evolved as a necessity. it's literally not that fucking hard.
>>62921890depends how far out you zoom and you basically get that, bozo
>>62921699So the basic rundown goes like this:>independent agenciesThese have broad authority over a large piece of the national intelligence enterprise, in order to centralize and coordinate personnel, operations, authorities, experience, resources, and institutional knowledge. Each roughly aligns to an intelligence discipline or field: the CIA with HUMINT, NSA with SIGINT, NGA with GEOINT, DIA with MASINT, FBI with CI and domestic federal-level criminal investigation, and NRO with building, operating, and maintaining satellite systems (which isn't an intel discipline per se but is such an enormous enterprise it ends up needing its own agency anyway). >intel departments of non-intel agenciesThese exist because the non-intel agency in question has a great need for intel unique to its field, both to protect its operations and to inform national customers, like the White House. A good example is the DoE's intel arm - intel on nuclear and energy technology isn't really its own intel discipline but it's very important anyway. >military departmentsEach military branch has its own intel needs and provides unique intel to the rest of the IC. Additionally each branch has its own way of doing things because they each can only expect to depend on their own organic intel units during wartime. One giant military intel agency would be unwieldy and create questions of authority between branches and commands. >but this seems way too complicated why not just have one giant agency Because having many agencies uniquely organized for their own disciplines running in parallel is better for solving problems than having one giga agency with a cluster fuck internal structure trying to do it all. Or to put it another way, if you merged them, they would probably end up as separate departments in the giga agency which in practice would be their own agencies anyway.
>>629216991 big intelligence agency that does everything is a lot easier to infiltrate than multiple separate agencies