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No one spray painted their black gear?
No face paint?
face paint has limited usefulness on direct action raids that are supposed to be short, sweet, and to the point (e.g. the one depicted in BHD)
they probably do facepaint when it makes sense to
God they looked so fucking cool with that black gear and skateboard helmets man, they look like gay nerds now
back then they had to scrounge up gear to complete a job
now they scrounge up jobs to justify the gear they own (that you payed for teehee)
The gear was black because it was the same shit they used for CT work. They certainly could have rattlecanned it, but they were doing a lot of nighttime shit where nobody could see them anyway and lightening helicopter raids where camo isn't that important because the Somalis could hear the choppers during insertion. Not that its even a bad idea, it just wasn't that important to what they were doing.
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1. TG Faust vests were off-the-shelf SWAT vests specifically intended for CQB and Delta at the time regarded camouflaging them as redundant

2. The Battle of Mogadishu took place in broad daylight, so painting faces would also have been pointless. Sweat tends to make face paint ineffective anyway.
Those guys aren't in a recon unit. They were an assault unit. You don't need to hide yourself if you're an assaulter.
Have you ever trained, or failing that, do you possess any connection to the physical world whatsoever?
What kind of question is this?
Like use your head
>Sweat tends to make face paint ineffective anyway.

Face paint hides sweat.
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Today they are on so much gear that they cant even balance a decent cycle of tren
>not wear camouflage
Are you blind? They are wearing DCUs/tricolor desert.
The whole point of special forces initially was give a few intelligent but insane psychopaths freedom from military bureaucracy and see what they come up with. If they all get killed it, oh well they were cheap to begin with, but if they are successful, they give you a strategic advantage. No they are extremely expensive, pampered and controlled, like NFL players.
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holy shit that's why they were trooning out
Because only about 5% of specops involve ninja shit and 95% of their jobs require them to not act like teenage internet autists
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Gyno Team Six
I've said for a long time that the real reason why the MIC went all in on the trans stuff is that they didn't want to admit that they were giving soldiers brain damage.
unironically speaking why shouldn't soldiers use testosterone, etc? specially special forces
>your trooning out is not service related
not for long i bet
>unironically speaking why shouldn't soldiers use testosterone, etc? specially special forces
There's nothing really wrong will a well-administered and regulated cycle, the problem is with Tier-1 guys freebasing enough tren to make WWE look like a Mormon summercamp
You can absolutely fuck yourself up if you take T when you don't need it. Unless you have actual symptoms of low-T there is no reason to take it.
Name one (1) good reason for them to do that, please.
we should start a Roid Force
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Here are some 22 SAS guys in the 1980s in Northern Ireland. Note the full camouflage, face paint, and night vision sight on the SLR. They probably went off later to get in a 6:1 ratio gunfight against a couple of IRA guys with one handgun between them, and they put on full camo.

I’m just curious why Delta doesn’t seem to really do camouflage
Thats just Seals
You don't need camo in CQB.
The only camo they ever need is all black when they're assassinating targets at night and even that's optional since it barely makes any difference irl.
Different task. Ambushing IRA in the countryside and jumping out of a helicopter to raid a tenement building full of African militia necessitate different postures. The lack of facepaint in the Delta guys is mirrored by the lack of body armor in the SAS guys; they were simply doing different work.
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They do when the mission calls for it.
>L1A1 with a bipod
I’ve seen them with Starlights before but never with a bipod. Neat
>why shouldn't soldiers use testosterone, etc?
The problem isn't when they're on test/andros, it's when they come off, go insane due to hormonal dysfunction, and turn into an unironic tranny. In the context of special forces that don't last very long in the first place, so this isn't an issue and they absolutely are roided to the max while on a tour, then they muster out and quietly lose it
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They did a lot of different hits in Somalia prior to that battle though, I just would've thought they'd spray paint those black kneepads and vests like in >>63062283
The guy standing on the left in the 2nd row has a black chest rig which might be spray painted or just very dusty. The rest of them are wearing ALICE belt kits except for a couple.

Here's some New Zealand SAS in East Timor in 1999. They have DPM uniforms, DPM vests, face paint, the whole 9 yards of camo on for what was mostly a Peacekeeping type war
The NZSAS were doing deep jungle patrols that warranted camouflage. They wouldn't bother with face paint if they were pulling security for the elections like their regular force was doing.
I guess, but like it goes against the basic principles of camouflage. Delta were wearing black vests in Panama in 1989 too
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These are the guys who did the prison raid in Panama, they're wearing flight suits and vests and they came straight off a helicopter to do the hit and were supposed to go straight back via helicopter so camouflage wasn't a consideration.

IT just makes no sense to me why they never bothered to make themselves more sand/tan/yellow in Somalia
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MACVSOG were doing their missions in Laos in OG107s sprayed down with black spray paint and not bothering to spray down their (black) XM177s
>pic related
this was shot by a member of a SOG team (RT escapes me) on the Ho Chi Minh trail mission. The two people you're seeing walking are VC that had no clue they were walking past/being followed by the guy who took this picture and those with him
>but like it goes against the basic principles of camouflage
Remember that basic principles of camouflage is to get the enemy to do a double take or miss you entirely. The latter being the perfect scenario but the former being the typical. Keep in mind that at the time of that pic of Delta in Panama you posted, TG Faust wasn't making camouflaged armor until well after Gothic Serpent
>on the Ho Chi Minh trail mission
on a*
>why they never bothered to make themselves more sand/tan/yellow in Somalia
Somalia was primarily peacekeeping missions and providing humanitarian aid to Somalian citizens (UNITAF, Operation Restore Hope) and preventing Somalian militias and terrorist groups from plundering said aid
Delta or not, you only need to do what's necessary for the job. The rifle I use on my property, in my woods? It's rattlecanned. The gun I use for defense inside that never leaves the house except to target shoot? It's factory. If I have to grab the inside gun for outside work, the motherfuckers coming can already see me.
Doesn't all black / monochrome gear supposedly make you stand out more (because of silhouetting) rather than hide you or is that bullshit?
not sure but I remember something about the SAS changing their black kit to blue because of NVGs becoming more prevalent and black standing out a lot more

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