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I'm no expert on guns, but isn't the shot at 0:05 kind of difficult to hit, especially when you're holding a phone in your one hand?
>one less (c)rapper in the world
and nothing of value was lost
Yeah, and him hitting it is all luck. It's clearly not that much of a professional. The victim even had a chance of surviving since he didn't do any sort of proper execution shot.
total Atlanta cultural victory
Syrian immigrant
>Americans fail 10meter pistol, thinking its hard
You are a laughing stock of the world
Gotta be terrifying after you fall down and see the guy running towards you
The guy who got shot? He said we should import 10 million arabs, instead of 20 million.
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I have cold visions
i wish someone would put that faggot in the ground
Who'd they get?
There's a video of Einars assassination as well out there, allegedly they live streamed it to the rapper he had beef with who was in prison.
Prior to this they had also kidnapped him, put him in a dress and probably put stuff up his butt.
What's wrong with Bladee?
The rappers and gangsters are mainly 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants afaik.
Probably confused him with vanilla ice.
Imagine dying by canik
Gangs in Sweden mostly use kids for hits so it's probably some drugged up 14-16yo
Anyone born in Sweden is considered Swedish.
The entirety of Europe doesn't track racial demographics.
Imagine trying to convince people shitmigrants aren't a invasive species biological weapon to destabilize countries
Europe is weak and internalized, so now they are being colonized, it's the natural way.
Im an immigrant and I like u
>can't even afford a gopro when you're going for pov murder
jesus christ europoors have it bad
May all murderers be judged in righteousness and be cast into outermost darkness. Christ is king.
Your parents didn't breed enough wage slaves to offset the infinitely-compounding debt of the consume product suburban carcentric society, so you will reap what you sowed.
>but isn't the shot at 0:05 kind of difficult to hit
He's leaning against the car at that point so it's pretty stable to one hand it

Ah yes, Nino Moses Khouri, a strong Scandinavian name
That doesn’t matter. Syrians aren’t nordic you kike
Damn that nigga got rekt. Crazy that this is Sweden
He would have lived if he had jumped over the railing instead of staying within line of sight.

Should have had his own gun, too.
They sowed*
>not a grenade attack
/k/ told me they grow on trees over there.
So which Latinx shithole is Trump going to deport you to Paco?
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I hear you loud and clear, anon
sweden doesn't prosecute anyone under a certain age so those youths are targeted by gangs to do dirty work for them glad i dont live in that shit hole
looks like he stopped walking and maybe leaned on the car a bit
thug life
only natives belong in sweden
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>Gaboro’s real name was Ninos Khouri and he was of Syrian descent. The mask he always wore had a Syrian eagle printed on it

it's gonna be a sad day for all BMW dealerships in scandinavia when the last "swedish rapper" has been shot.
why is it always
>gold chains
with these people?
why not for once build a nice classical mansion out in the country, buy a good but not overly luxirious workhorse SUV and one (1) normal (!) looking sedan.
put the rest of your money in stocks, live off the dividends and adopt some kids to send them to college.

why is it always
>ooga booga
>*beatboxing* yeah yeah unf yeah ghetto fuck murder yeah yeah unf unf yeah
>gold watches, sports cars, but literally zero education
>me gorilla man!
>*gets abducted/shot/incarcerated/stabbed/beaten to death*

Fucking christ, once youve made your money in those retarded careers you should get out and live a normal life.
>luxury shit
its what poor people think being is rich is about. unironically keeping themselves as poorfags forever
all luxury products are exclusively bought by people who are insecure about their financial/social status
>workhorse SUV
>crap lyrics
its all cynicism born out of extreme poverty totally alienated lonely miserable losers. by singing their garbage they only keep themselves as trash they think they are totally abadoning all hope.
Yeah, solid strong hand shot on a moving target at 15 meters.
Good kill
Dead to rights
Well he's not rapping in swedish for fun is he now
Swedish rap game is more dangerous than American rap game.

Rapper meets Capper
Why did they assassinate him?
trash taking out itself
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99% chance it's about drug gang territories.
Rapping is just a front for a lot of these operations and as ways to launder money.
Scandis love of drugs + passive police forces only used to dealing with at worst drunk drivers = big and easy profits
should've tried to rush the shooter and murder him with his own gun
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blackest kendrick fan btw
Niggers acting like defensive around Kendrick is literally an intelligence thing; Kendrick makes music for people above 80 IQ, and those below it feel it's "pussy music" because he's not dangling flashy jewelry, cheap women and drugs in front of them like jangling keys in front of a baby.
The entire premise of Kendrick Lamar is "I am a popular artist; how best do I use my influence to better our communities?", but that's a bad thing because niggers aren't supposed to be proper and respectable, they're supposed to act like niggers.

Crabs in a bucket, that's what that is.
He was an Arab. Ninos Khouri.
Carrying out a hit is like an initiation rite for the gangsta wannabe kids in immigrant ghettos.
Maybe they spend a couple years in a facility, maybe not, but once they get back to their hood, they're full gang members.
what exactly is stopping them from just liquidating all these animals
Getting caught with an illegal firearm in Sweden is an instant 6+ years sentence and there's a good chance you'll get charged with terrorism as well, which adds another 10 years to your sentence, because white people with spooky unregistered guns are exactly what judges have in mind when they think about terrorists.
Contrary to what the memes suggest, Swedish prisons aren't 5 start hotel tier places, where you get to sleep on a king size bed and play Xbox all day. That type of shit is reserved for wealthy white collar criminals, people convicted for gun crimes and terrorism always go to the local equivalent of a maximum security prison, which is basically a dog pound for humans. Also, since 90+ percent of violent criminals are niggs and arabs, these places look like Somalia and as soon as a white person gets in it's instantly open season on him.
Basically, if you get a gun and shoot a criminal kebab you'll end up in a place worse than Hell and your actions wouldn't achieve shit, because the government will import 10k other durkas anyway. You won't start a domino-effect because most people are insanely non-confrontational and care too much about their own shitty lives to take such risks. We're conditioned to seek comfort and safety above everything else and if the price of these things is closing our eyes and pretend that everything is okay then we'll do exactly that.
It is good and natural to be pro-White. We are simply White, therefore we are pro-White. No further justification is needed.
The fuck is going on in the Nordics?
For me, it's the colonial revival.
high unemployment, high taxes, poor economic policies, we're on eve of WWIII and weapons factories can't get loans secured or bureaucratic obstacles cleared
So they ARE arresting and jailing arabs and niggers?
>all luxury products are exclusively bought by people who are insecure about their financial/social status
This is poorfag cope
Remind me, how many assassination attempts were there on Kamala?
This plus kids getting into "roadman" "culture" on TikTok & other social media, making up for their economic depression -lowered living standards by becoming drug couriers. I don't think drugs have ever been available like this.
The cops are almost completely useless against huge numbers of drug couriers traveling around the country, often grabbing 1 dose, jumping into a bus and delivering it to someone in the next town. Purchasing and using tiny amounts of drugs aren't really punishable, so the only ones committing actual crimes are the gangs making a fortune importing the stuff.
I think we need to make the importing, purchase and use of drugs punishable by death.
Where's the blood lol
You misspelled it, there's only one "p".
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>1 mudshit shot dead
>1 mudshit will get life in prison
Net positive for society
worst thing is 80IQ niglets are right. Like a drug addict who keeps looking for new highs rap is best when it completely destroys you. Rap is by nature and by history a type of music made to impoverish and keep people impoverished its cynical and only worsens problems at hand it keeps niggers as niggers forever. So what Lamar is doing wont work you cant turn rap into something good its a rigged game just quit.
Yeah, I would also imagine the crossover from Kendrick fans and people who straight up just don't like rap, IE me, is pretty high.
Goddamn he was right, I am the blackest K. dot fan lmao
Nah there's actually a thing where luxury brands have a line for high end customers where the branding is either subtle or missing entirely.
Luxury brands have started to market to the middle class by riding the fine line between mass production and artificial scarcity, but the quality is barely improved over a middle of the road brand. They have the logo splashed across the product, however. That same brand will sell a premium line at prices the middle class won't be able to afford, with improved materials and quality, and the wearer does not look like a walking advertisement.
The real poorfag cope is buying Zara and H&M products that fit the "old money aesthetic" trend on tiktok.
Yes of course they are, however there is just so many of them that once one gets jailed, another one gets recruited by the local gang and the cycle continues.
I don't think the Iranians had a vendetta against Kamala.
>passive police forces only used to dealing with at worst drunk drivers = big and easy profits
More like the cops mainly focus on the users instead of the dealers, it's retarded.
What kind of rapper drives a VW Golf?
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You literally have no pistols and your country is a shithole. Your air soft isn’t passing.
I'm not clicking on that
I dislike rap too and don't think the immigration this person represents is Good for Sweden or even the immigrants(this herded mass immigration over the Russian and belarussian borders and Mediterranean from places influenced by Russia or wager is part of Russian hybrid warfare as are the pro Russian populist 'anti immigration' parties. /pol etc). /Pol/tard visitors banging kremlin drums on race murders got stale a long long time ago
Shame it was not you. I think western government and NATO should intern nominally hard left or populist right, Islamist etc Russian orchestrated online propagandists seeking to incite riots, murder, do a terror etc Or in some cases if they cannot be interned and are non nationals paid by Russia, just kill then, or let e.g the Ukrainians kill them
Pistols are not weapons of war and your faux american get euros and american to hate each other SHIT is why I think a lot of you need to be interned You know absolutely nothing about how many pistols are in France, Ireland and I'm not going to debate your retarded search engine crap either.
what is that Wikipedia screenshot supposed to represent in your mind? What so you think you have posted?
Interesting enough Sweden has more guns per capita than Canada.
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If only this would happen to our subhuman Albanian diaspora in the Uk and Germany and I would be happy, the negrofication of second generation immigrants in Europe is crazy
>If only this would happen to our subhuman Albanian diaspora in the Uk and Germany and I would be happy, the negrofication of second generation immigrants in Europe is crazy
>I think western government and NATO should intern nominally hard left or populist right, Islamist etc Russian orchestrated online propagandists seeking to incite riots, murder, do a terror etc Or in some cases if they cannot be interned and are non nationals paid by Russia, just kill then, or let e.g the Ukrainians kill them
>>If only this would happen to our subhuman Albanian diaspora in the Uk and Germany and I would be happy, the negrofication of second generation immigrants in Europe is crazy
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> Pistols are not weapons
Pistols are the weapons of a free man. You wear it over your belly, hidden and if someone commits a felony against you, you draw and rake his body with slugs and refuse to elaborate. You’re just seething because you live by the same rules Villeins did.
If people respond to you trying to mock Americans by reminding you you’re no guns and poor then that’s on you.
You’re a poor shithole with half our income or less. Also you’re no guns. Enjoy.
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>w-we still have more than a no gun shithole!
You’re not even in the top 20 and your Scandinavian shithole has been in a multi year depression that makes it look like Detroit despite the noguns.

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