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Okay, let's get the insults out of the way, yes I am a "godless filthy, good for nothing noguns yurapeean" I do however, like milsurp.
Gas masks, moldy old tents from the late 80's. You get it. But. Mostly camping gear as it would be stoopidly expensive to get into firearms for me right now...

last time I did a big order, I may have had a few too many. And also got this.

So the question is, what the hell do I do with it? If I use it as a tacklebox the normies will call the police.

I'm waffling, basically
>you have a 50.cal ammo can
>but no gun
What do you do with it.
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Also, if anyone know more about the markings, I'd be happy to hear it
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Heard a popular use is to turn them into tent stoves, already got one. Or use them for self combustible chemicals, like boiled linseed oil rags
Fill it half full of oil and use it for quenching your smaller pieces. It works great because you can seal it up to keep crap out when you're not using it.
That's a 308 can, not a 50. Second row is powder, charge, bullet type, and weight. Storage conditions, lot number, assembly information is all pretty self explanatory.
>So the question is, what the hell do I do with it?
Jam it up your ass and make this thread on /diy/ or something
>That's a 308 can
well, clearly says 7.62x51...
okay, so you have nothing of value to add to the discussion, cool, thanks for posting
I have like 25 ammo cans and they’re all full of ammo, because that’s what ammo cans are for
Next question
Use it as a lunchbox when you go to work
It's a 7.62 can for regular bullets from what I see, unlike one ofbthe fancy ones for tracer, ap etc.
308 is 7.62 more or less, almost identical rounds although not 100% interchangable between all weapons
Just filter the furfag if you don't want to see him kvetching about everything
>literally doesn't know the difference between 50cal and 7.62x51
>is posting on 4chan on the weapons board
If anything this dude should be banned, it's off topic and he's actually retarded
not particularly rare so you don't have to feel bad for fucking around with it. Paint it with stencils and turn it into a speaker.

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I use them to store ammo I know I won't use for a long time, or random stuff that needs to stay dry in my shitty shed. Throw a pack of desiccant inside too.
Anyway I recommend you get into guns. If you can't, you're either a lazy fatass or a retard which the system was designed to keep out of guns.

t. fellow yuropoor
>fucks dogs
You belong in jail
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Some of mine are used as toolboxes/storage for "messy" gun cleaning supplies. One holds burnishing rags for linseed oil finishing.
Image related, you can get (or make)trays to drop in the can.

I also used to use one as a tackle box, but it was not as flexible as a bag (both in material and use). Some of the small Plano tackle boxes drop right in.
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120mm mortar cases like this pic are absolutely brilliant for quench tanks for long knives and swords, if you're into blacksmithing/bladesmithing. I have a series of them around my workshop.

7.62 or .50 cans are great for small volumes like parks' 50 or Ryeoil 50 for knives up to about 11 inches. the seal means its less likely to get contaminants in it.

I must admit, as an artyfarty design type, I've long wanted to get a 7.62 can, and use a lasercutter, and make an insert with 18mm dia. holes,for storing all my illustration and design markers, then repaint the olive drab, and then re-stencil with new text with "LETRASET MRKRS ASSTD", because the can would be just the right size to store them vertically.
I use the so-called "Fat 50" cans, which are really for the M249, as toolboxes for outdoor equipment--the square shape makes them very easy to mount, often just by drilling some holes and bolting them to something. I've got one on my wood chipper (trailer), tractor, backhoe, and big riding mower. They're inexpensive, tough, weatherproof, big enough to hold work gloves, recovery strap, jumper cables, can of ether and some basic tools.

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