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so can somebody tell me why they are so obsessed with integrally suppressed weapons or such a long suppressor?
because Russians are rats and do things deceitfully
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they're very very quiet, both sides liked them in Chechnya and for good reason, personally I've thought they're pure sexo since my first SoC playthrough years ago
For the most part they aren't, they just had money trouble. The VSS/VAL were the guns they wanted, but for much of the 90s they simply couldn't afford them in quantity; so a slew of cheaper alternatives were produced instead; 9a91, VSK, Groza, etc. The SR3 is the VAL 2.0, and was even more expensive; hence why it was designed in the early 90s but remained mostly unheard of until their economy stabilized in the mid-2000s. The VSK was the same general concept as the VAL, being a suppressed counter terror rifle, but for snipers rather than doorkickers.
no idea but I wish I could own one
They also drop so much you can't hit target 200 meters from you
because their internals are extremely basic. the VSS suppressor is literally a bent piece of flat steel.
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their suppressors suck, pretty much. that's why they're so big. A full size 1911 has a longer barrel than the Vintorez before porting.
>they're very very quiet
lol, no. the suppressor is shit tier loud. they're quiet compared to an unsuppressed 9x18mm SMG
i didnt need to see that pic anon

youve ruined it for me forever
Stalker 2 rightfully made them mid tier guns instead of endgame
wouldn't matter much in Grozny or heavily wooded forests and mountains, I'm not saying they're wunderwaffe but they were popular for a reason
fuck, is it too much for them to do anything right? I thought they were pretty cool for a long time
doesn't Ian have a video on the vss that shows its a very short barrel with a lot of empty space an a few baffles in the front
Integrally suppressed guns are cool and the 350 Legend should have replaced the 300 Blackout by now.
Would those super long cans be worth it if they were made like the typical cans we have here? I.e. dense baffle stack.
I thought the same, but 350 legend’s ogive length really nukes any medium-ish range capability it has. If you cut down the case by like 1-1.5 calibers and offered spritzers for it, then yeah it would absolutley mog 300 blackout. Up close, it already mogs. I just hate that nobody makes high cap mags for it.
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You get diminishing returns very quickly and there are better ways to improve the performance, like adding a wipe at the end instead. Our modern suppressor design has been continuously moving towards mass and size reduction for decades.
Are those rivet leftovers wtf?
looks like it. wire mesh used to be a common component of early suppressors. both form a porous mass.
What the other guy said. They absorb heat and slow down gasses and probably keep the suppressor not as hot for longer, which was important given that holding MAC-10 on the large suppressor was the easiest way to handle and control the thing.
Their baffle designs look like something a biker gang member would make after being given a vague verbal description of how suppressors work. And no, he does not have access to a CNC machine
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I've got some more bad news
>I just hate that nobody makes high cap mags for it.
It works fine in 5.56 PMAGs if you grind down the front ribs that cradle the necks of the cartridges.
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That's cooler than I thought it would be though.
I don't really see the issue with this. Its not like they didn't know how to make more complex suppressors, the gun the VSS was replacing was an AKM with a PBS1 which has dense baffles and a wipe. I imagine front heaviness was a consideration, and it seems not being reliant on perishables like wipes was also a goal.
It's way more likely that it's like that because it was the late 80s and the Soviet economy was fucked beyond repair.
Everyone always say this, but I’ve never seen proof of it. And that is notwithstanding that fact that “5.56 mags don’t work unless you fuck them to make them work” doesn’t really mean “ya they totally work fine”

I know 10 round mags work, but 30 rounds? The case head is 0.3mm wider, for an extra 5mm height for a stack of 15. And the taper is at a shallower angle as well, so the mag body curvature isn’t right. It would seem these little things would add up over a 30 round stack and pose problems.

Anyways, got a video or something of someone making a 30rd mag work?
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>I know 10 round mags work,
I've got 20 rounders that work great. haven't seen a 30. I think they'd be practically straight.
>so can somebody tell me why they are so obsessed with integrally suppressed weapons or such a long suppressor?
they like murdering people
The more interesting question is why didn't westoids care about silencers for service rifles?

Completely eliminating muzzle flash is a huge advantage for night shooting. And countless tinnitus cases would be prevented.
The concealment benefit is nice as well but the shooter benefits are the real deal. Well, as long as the silencer doesn't make the rifle too unbalanced and front-heavy.
You missed the part where every recently adopted rifle has a companion suppressor.
>why they are so obsessed

so obsessed that they stopped doing it after the 90s
Silencers were, in both the west and east, considered exclusively SOF tools until the last decade. It basically comes down to them being a pain in the ass to account for, as they foul weapons faster and cause reliability issues, plus changing POI and risking baffle strikes if not mounted properly. Theres also the risk of privates not realizing it gets hot until they have a beer can shaped burn on their shin. All of this can be managed with highly trained and disciplined personnel such as found in SOF, but for people in regular units who may only touch a rifle once a year when they qualify, its more of a liability. You're seeing it taken seriously now because from one direction the downsides of suppressors have been reduced with adjustable gas system, flow-throughs and thermal sleeves; and from the other direction militarys are becoming smaller and more professional as technology improves, so mass issuing cans is a much more reasonable proposition these days than it was historically.

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