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post your art or crafts, even if it's shit. i sometimes post on /i/.
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>shitty redraw of another artist's work is my most popular piece
har har harr
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I've been practicing a bit. It's definitely not very good, but it's a vast improvement over the stuff I was doing about a month ago
can really feel the agp energy>>35511765
keep it up hontists
is crafts also agp?
you're cooked nigga
tracing is a good way of learning though right?
Damn is it that bad?
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a couple pieces of storyboard for a trans coming of age story animation. I wanted to avoid making being trans my whole personality but the multimedia studio I work for is trying to get investors and investors in California like to see ESG shit, so I get to spend the next few weeks trying to encapsulate my childhood-to-young-adult trauma in a way that's simultaneously abstract and understandable for a general audience

not really. doing gestures or ball-joint skeletons of other art and then drawing the final lines yourself without tracing will teach you more

it's entry level as fuck but I started at worse way back when
you're trying to capture 3D on a cylinder. Try to make every curved line uniform--some are going up when they should be going down
if you're going to push for a realistic 3D, the arc of every curved line gets more extreme as it goes down

I probably couldn't explain the rules of perspective in what space remains, but look up how to do 2 point perspective for that faucet/manequin/whatevenisthat in the lower left
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No, and i didn't trace that, i redrew it from eye. I'd never trace. :(
here's more of my work
im whittling a mushroom right now !
hoping the shape turns out well so i can paint it into a mica cap (Coprinellus micaceus) :D
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i really like the shapes and linework
very cute..
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Worried people may recognize me.... oh well
made this meme w some photos i took and a drawing i made
Man what the fuck is this thread, /drawgen/ #5 is already up.
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heres a wip of a vrchat/vtuber commission im working on to afford a new phone lol
draweing isn't the only art, and people have namefags filtered.
>and people have namefags filtered.
wow talk about ad hominem
But, come on you know that it cuts in, I spent like 2 hours making the Drawgen #5 picrel ;~;
some anon spent who knows how long making the one intended to be used for the last thread, but when talking about that it was apparently seen as argument/words words words/paragraphs/imageless reply/massive off-topic textwalling/literal essays. it was the most miserable virtue signalling bullshit i've ever seen, and resulted in art flood spam, which in any other circumstance wouldn't be seen as equivalent to flooding a discord channel to bury the high-effort reply because you have no argument. apparently being an artist means your empathy and social skills are lower as a result, so expect the same treatment here
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This is the only thing I ever made that doesn't look like shit, it's supposed to be a comfort bird
I can't draw at all but I'm trying to learn and I haven't whittled in 2 years
Holy fuck, that looks like a real photo. You're putting yourself down too much, you're god tier at this.
not that anon, but i'm pretty sure "whittling" means carving wood, so it in fact a photo of irl wood they carved, lol. i think they were just also saying they're learning how to draw
Having a separate gen for all forms of art (Excluding music?), including drawing, doesn't stop this. Has to do with the users here, not the topic at hand. Just bloats the board.
>t. been hosting art breads for like 4 years
Anon..... that is a real photo.......
i wasn't trying to partake in the original convo, sorry; i was just saying that at the opportunity to show empathy to an artist who felt hurt that their drawgen drawing wasn't used for the following thread, several people went out of their way to stomp that shit out and shame it. i really don't know why. no one even said sorry
Yeah this is what I meant
>show empathy to an artist who felt hurt that their drawgen drawing wasn't used for the following thread
Who cares. They can change their diaper if they're that upset about it. Or, make the fucking OP lol.
Join canvas goys https://magma.com/d/DXmXT8LZcI
most empathetic artist (as i said was exactly the case)
Not everyone is going to make it to the OP. The op could be an ms paint drawing of a dog and only the most self centered ass motherfuckers are gonna whine and cry about not being in it when they didn't make the thread themselves. Elementary school shit.
so many esls here...
Why is this thread getting derailed over some drama that derailed a diffrent thread
Can you fuckers leave
idk how you can even pretend you're capable of having a rational conversation about this. but go off, queen. i already lost faith in artists on this board having the capacity to standardize anything about their own general, because when "threatened" (by someone having the expectation of being shown empathy), they threaten to delete the thread, and call being hurt "drama". by not caring to properly compensate for things, you properly compensate for them. well done
Okay I’m confused now, did I do something wrong?
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Sorry goys i can't hear you over my pen scrapes
in my opinion, no. wanting to standardize the general is only a necessary conversation to ensure good practice for the future

to everyone else: yes. conversation = argument. just stop caring for anyone else, since you got yours
I just wanted people to use the thread I made is all ;~; but it’s okay I’m just gonna draw, I’m chill.
we all care about art here, as long as you don't make yourself vulnerable when it comes to your art, especially if that vulnerability is thread-related expectation (and especially if you only had that expectation cause you delivered on a request for an end that was never fulfilled, which left you feeling hurt). that only provides the opportunity for a hivemind group think dogpile. your fault. it's a cutthroat general out here. just post art like a good girl so you don't have to realize no one gives a shit about you any deeper than that
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I am the worst person I know at drawing
Picrel is my first attempt at drawing anything in 10 years
i mean if the other thread's just gonna die, may as well link it here at least >>35509423
Pixel art doodle
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Working on commissions I guess, they’re being used for card art on a sofubi art toy
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Here’s the other one, goal is to have them all look different and knock offish
It's so over
i mean the topic being broader is welcome. late in the last thread someone asked if other forms of art were welcome, but their reply made the thread autosage i'm pretty sure, so it wasn't seen by many. kinda sad it went out this way, but yeah
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Making 2 threads to include the small faction of people who make crafts is asinine (As someone who occasionally makes clay sculptures)
If they want to post their creations, they can always use the draw thread- however i do support just calling drawthreads "Art threads" - or, just specifying all forms of art is welcome. It's never been a problem. All this does is divide where art is posted, as clearly shown. Making a new thread was clearly out of bitterness for some reason, when the OP literally is just a drawing and not 3d art.
I'd love to make better structures for these threads as I have done in the past but I make a good effort to not use /lgbt/ anymore.
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Here’s some 3d art I’ve made recently, it’s a resin cast of a sculpture I made, my anxiety has stopped me from selling it though I have a box of these and robot sharks :/
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these days i mostly draw fetishy weird stuff so heres an old drawpile doodle
>Making a new thread was clearly out of bitterness for some reason, when the OP literally is just a drawing and not 3d art.
if >>35514787 replying that "people have namefags filtered" was OP then yeah that was some shit. if it was them they didn't even try, then after realizing what they did, doubled down basically saying "that's tuff"

in any case it's too late to do anything now since drawgen #5 just fell off the board. but also we don't deserve standardization, since that didn't go over well at the literal first opportunity to do so prior, in suggesting being able to find (and ensure we use) thread pics created for the following thread. at least the artist of drawgen #5's thread pic got over the time and effort investment in it quickly. the only loss otherwise is people sharing their art in a thread that got replaced overnight unexpectedly
is it like a game piece for a table top game
No it’s just a slime alien thing, I just wanted to sculpt it, it’s like 3” tall and squishy
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Like there’s no point to anything I make other than to make it
>picrel was last years big thing I made
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I was the person who was saying people who's art isn't featured should cry about it, and not the op of the other thread, but yeah I believe in total namefag death.
>but also we don't deserve standardization
This general doesn't even belong on this Board but don't tell jannies.
>since that didn't go over well at the literal first opportunity to do so prior
>literal first
I hosted many, many standardized drawthreads in the past. It can be done and it's simple.
People being retarded will exist regardless of if it's a gen or a generic thread.

To conclude the meta talk, we should
>Specify that all forms of art is permitted in the gen, regardless if the gen is called drawthread/art thread/artgen What Ever
>Link back to previous gens (Don't be lazy)
>Don't whine about the OP images it doesn't matter
>Continue to host group canvases ( >>35511668 ) and hopefully merge the two ideas instead of having 2 art threads up, it increases the chances of jannies wetting the bed because these get necrobumped so often.
That's really cool. Sofubi? That's one of my niche interests I never get to share with anyone. You have some unique, fun hobbies.
It’s cool, I’ve actually gotten to talk to the guys from marusan one on one about my work, I’m no where near their level but it’s cool to get to know them
i mean surely you understand what i mean when it comes to images being "featured" in the OP. i was only referring to when they're literally made to be in the OP. i don't really see why this shouldn't be standardized. while the current iteration of drawgen has either died or this is being used in lieu of it until next thread, all but the first and second used drawings made for it. i just don't see why it doesn't deserve to be standardized??

otherwise, all your points are fair. your points in your previous post were fair as well, but i felt a bit discouraged from giving you the reply you deserved cause drawgen #5 had just fallen off the board, so it became theoretical rather than practical. i'm glad it's possible to have the best interest of the general in mind, rather than it just being a fragile "the tallest nail is hammered down the hardest" situation where people are just shamed out of addressing the elephant in the room

also, of all the things i didn't address in your previous post (or even this one), the thread not needing to change its name for the sake of outlier mediums of expression is one i feel i should explicitly agree with. you could just add a line in the OP accepting other forms of art. but surely people would share regardless, or at least ask if anyone would be interested before sharing it. the group canvas seems to be a harder issue to solve over just formatting things differently
Why are you people do pressed over the drawgen? Just make it into an artgen or smth idk idc
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no one's "pressed". it's literally just a convo about the name and when people draw images to be used as the next thread image and how to handle it. anon doesn't seem to care to bend over backwards for such drawings, so it's whatever. there's nothing left to talk about anyway since this is the thread we got besides the group canvas thread
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last thing I made
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sometimes i draw
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i also like photography
I like, add more details to the cuts
File deleted.
I used to draw
So cool...
tyvm angel
what the heck!!! I didn’t know you were so talented Mwah!! This looks so good!!!!<3
I honestly would rather not get too many compliments to give me a false sense of hope, I had to snuff away every spark of creative dreams through years of wageslavery.
get back to it, that brush work is good
no point anon, tripfag would draw if they wanted to,but they dont and find more happiness in the act of performatively not drawing
I don't care about your opinion, I want to see her draw more and I want her to finally get rid of her low esteem
and i'm telling you, its not going to happen lmao
eraserhead baby vibe rn. u should turn into that actually
why is everyone so talented but im only autistic about computers, i should of picked a better hobby (𖦹_𖦹 ;)
we need computer autists though :(
damn what happened to the drawthreads why do they suck now theres not that much art and a lot of it no one replies to
You should post more stuff, it's really good!
the popular drawthreads on other boards are all request/delivery oriented, this isn't.
less and less.....
ive never even rly looked at drawthreads on other boards so i dont think thats it
in the past when ive looked at or participated in drawthreads on /lgbt/ theres been not as many replies but more art and more engaging with eachother
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Mo art - ink on paper
this is awesome, fuck those blobby dudes up cool robot dude
I really like the hatching you do
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Thank you, if you only knew what those blobby boys did …

Here’s a follow up to the earlier one I posted in the thread, I worked a bit more after my shift tonight but I think I’m getting the values I was hoping for
Do you have any more drawings to share?
Do you post these anywhere? It’s great
It's incomprehensible to me how people are good at drawing. It's literal black magic to me, anything I make looks like shit
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I like making paper-mache fruit but I haven't done it in a minute. Been too sick.

I will post a couple.
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(also vegetables)
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And here's some I made for a friend to make into earrings.
Very cute
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i do photography, malebrained i know i'm sorry
here's an abandoned train i shot in 120 medium format. i think the shots are ok, i feel like my ability is harshly waning as of late
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this is a pic of my friend shooting on his 4x5 field camera

another one i guess
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i have so few exteriors cause we had to hide from any incoming trains so being outside was sketchy.
this is like the only one that's ok
I love these, I live in buffalo and there’s sooo many dilapidated old factories here that I think would be amazing for photography, there’s something very humbling and beautiful about industrial decay
Does writing count? I have negative visual sense, but do poetry and screenplays. Occasionally I also use AI to get pictures of my characters or scenes together so I can imagine what wounds or changes or such I should include
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Here’s the most recent project for sculpting, it’s a little shark robot guy, I’m hoping today to make a mold for it (probably a 3 part one just so I can get the fins on its head and back to cast without too many air pockets forming
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i like it because it reminds me that all of man's disgusting hubris i see around me will be gone one day
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I would rather kill myself than make some food rn
literally me on the right
On the move...
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I drew this a while ago. I've really lost most of my motivation to do art of any kind aside from the occasional mini painting sesh.
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my friend told me to come up with an original touhou character so i made this for him
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ftm oc i doodled during a group therapy session
and you know this how?
I'm literally wearing that shirt right now.
post pics
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the hatching and texture is great.
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marble i made a couple weeks ago. sorry for the shitty pic
cool. how do you even do that?
no :c i have loads although that one is a lot poppier than most. disc is whimsiwhirl
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Cute boocher
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I've got tons of art in general. A little more from the project
flameworking borosilicate glass rods with a torch
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you know what's insane is i was literally just talking about being called this to a friend on discord like, just now
that’s what i christened you and ill love you forever as big booby bunny moder
t shot made me horny and i put it into making art instead of jacking off
there you are! i love ur art
wow i'm in awe. what inking method did you use?
Who is that
like who are the drawings of? just some random girls
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my frriends have started to call me it too lol
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do you have an art account i can follow?
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@mysticeso on twitter and recoverystation on tumblr.
cool thanks
love your doodles
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I sketched this camel from memory the other day.
This looks great, I like your use of hatching.
Did card model for you?
Thats not malebrained.
Ok “ma’am”
good stuff here
been taking a comics class at college and to my surprise it's actually really fucking solid
omg it's glegle!
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Yes, i'm also the creator of Glegle
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if ur gona bump i might as well just throw a shitpost in here
WHOA!!!! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!! so that altchan (?) yotsuba theme screencap i saw of someone claiming to be its creator and speaking about it a bit was you????

but i will forever think glegle is literally
>draw a girl
>call it they/them
i'm not sorry
(also i'm not any anon talking to you ITT previously, for the record)
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What should I go draw/paint?
Can't think of much LTB stuff
Can't think of much furry stuff in general
wat does "LTB" mean?
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Its my autistic obsession, and the reason I picked up art again
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i dont like or have patience to draw anymore
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I think i've mostly talked about it on 4chan but there was another site that briefly was basically a glegle booru where i posted for a bit, but likely, yeah.

i don't really care what you think of glegle as, the whole point is that glegle is basically a malleable concept, they're nonbinary in the sense that the experiences that you project onto them can be anything really. One of my favorite glegle artists said that glegle reminded him of a childhood friend who was a tomboy, so he thinks of glegle like that, and that's just as valid as anyone elses opinions etc.
i'd hate to post random bs images ITT, but i found the screencap i was thinking of:

i guess rereading it, it doesn't appear to be written by you. so that was my bad. but i also found someone link the origin of her (irrelevant, but i've never seen it before):

in any case, i respect any/all pronouns way more than forced they/them. so she gains a some based points in my eyes for that. but i really can't look at glegle and think it's anywhere near a convincing boy or andro, lmao
Yeah, i made that post with the little glasses wearing glegle in it as a sort of brief synopsis on glegle, but honestly it's a bit too concise. That thread on r9k i guess is also the origin, i was posting them on bant and lgbt too

this user > >>35549295
is not me

and no i dont post anywhere. i've been working on a lot of music for the past 2 or so years and have some friends who i bounce ideas off of but i think im still pretty far out from achieving what i want to.
btw i appreciate the compliment. ur the first person outside of a small circle of friends to have heard anything
heres some throwaways

here's to doing more vocals and making things longer than 1:15
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do you have big boobies irl
god i want u
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I don’t really have a method I guess, I’ve been inking for years, I used to do stippling portraits in trade school back in 2007/8. Like that was forever ago though lol

Did some sofubi painting yesterday for a fren, same ones I did the drawings for, I’m supposed to get a cut of their sales on them :}
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Art is a muscle that you must train. Keep learning from your mistakes and you'll eventually get it.
I think one of the mistakes a lot of people make is that art is a hidden talent that people just have and sure people are going to do better than others immediately but I think it disregards progress people can make over time.
My father is a musician and something he told me every time I tried to learn an instrument is that music is all about the discipline you're willing to give it.
Not to sound pretentious but pen and paper is just the instrument you're willing to play and as long as you're willing to learn from mistakes you will eventually grow. Mona Lisa wasn't painted in a day.
not that anon, and i didn't read your post (sorry), but i read mob psycho, and there was definitely an end-of-chapter (or in between chapter, idk what they're called or how they're organized on manga sites) OOC sketch sorta thing where "one" i think is name is (the creator of one punch man/ mob psycho) described the process of pages being made, and the entire joke was he offloads basically everything to his assistants (idk what they're called). maybe he was just being hard on himself, or maybe it was just hyperbole for the sake of a joke. i'm sure he has improved. but still
the other day an anon who said they'd been drawing for a month (30-60 hours) >>35564438 said they got BORED of drawing humans, so they started drawing mechas. so i asked them how tf they got to that point, since after (very painfully) putting in like 10 hours over a week, i wish i could draw a convincing human >>35570656. they put me onto gesture drawing >>35571027, and i too was watching "draw like a sir" videos like you, which, at least for me, trying to conform to felt like torture. the same anon gave me some future tips for what my end goal for being able to draw is (humans) >>35571273, but it's way, way too ahead of what i can't do right now, so i'm keeping note of it for later

the two gesture drawing videos he linked me (third was private, as i told him) didn't teach me much of anything, but they revealed to me that gesture drawings pretty much subvert the entire order of the first "draw ike a sir" video in his "tutorials" playlist. i explained how here >>35572171. but the "draw like a sit" order feels like brainrot to me, since it feels so stuck on the fundamentals, so i'm gonna try gesture drawing

i watched this video on gesture drawing on 2x speed:

and am currently watching the "Gesture Drawing tutorials" playlist on his channel (also on 2x speed):

cause when i just googled for gesture drawing photos and tried to draw them, i felt like a retard. these videos are fucking LONG. the first is 40 minutes long, and is more or less twice as long as the others. i'm just gonna watch the first video before trying to embarrass myself by trying. but this seems like it'd be significantly less brain rot to me than drawing the same no perspective standing pose over and over. maybe you'd feel the same. but maybe you have legacy drawing experience and don't need something this basic. if so, my bad
wow cool :O i'm always happy to see madchan posts
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my oc
I love it, name?
im ngl she doenst have one yet
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i wanna cum in u and cuddle them
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youre so good at simplifying anatomy urghhh im jealous
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2.delete the bump
3.repeat ad infinitum
last time someone said this i got self-conscious and "drew" a boymoder in mspaint with with zero drawing or anatomy skills, but i'm currently trying to learn the basics and idk if i can cope with doing that again, since i've learned nothing. all i can say is sorry, i guess. would you prefer it die
lol no, what are you sorry for, it's just funny
I'll even bump for you once
i would post more stuff here, but i can't be bothered to get out my phone to take photos.
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I suck shit at art, but i like doodling characters, a lot of which come from TTRPGs me and my friends play. Here's Kentucky "Young" Slim, an eldritch nightmare demon.
wow you weren't wrong about sucking shit.
raw as hell sick as fuck inspiring as SHIT
love your style love the sampling love the subtle panning the cleanliness oozes through the music especially that last one is probably my favorite. make a bandcamp or somethin for the real
It sucks but that gives it SOVL
still funny haha
i still haven’t finished this shit
she just like me fr
Still? Coming along nicely though :3
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yeah i’ve been busy and sad for many different reasons
/ftmg/ made fun of me for this one but idc i think it looks cool
i don't even see the opportunity to make fun of you for this?
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they said it was fembrained. but i think the fembrained vs malebrained hobbies thing is dumb and reductive and constricts people, cis or trans. as if cis men have never made colorful art or sex related art or done typography ever. shrugs i liked making it though, it was better than actually jerking off. trying to engage in hobbies more so i don't get addicted to those vices again
well put. let's not constrain expression out of peer pressure and insecurity
i respect the struggle of trying to keep the bubble letters on center.
sometimes i get dysphoric about my interests, sure, but i don't think i should have to feel that way. i can draw in bright colors and ride a dirt bike in the same day
i think it gives a cool 3d glasses kinda effect
sorry anon, thought they replied to my vocaroo. didn't realise there was another in the thread
>artist on twitter
>just a quick doodle aha~
>is better than anything I can manage with infinite time investment
how do I not feel demoralized
stop using social media as gauge for your artistic progression twitter is seriously one the worst places you can spend your time as a learning artist
i've seen a meme about this once, but i will never be able to find it again. the joke was "rkgk" (just copy pasting from a reddit post i found by googling it) is "short for "rakugaki" - Japanese for "doodle", "sketch"". but often you look at one, and it's a masterpiece. so the obvious joke for the meme was a fake tweet dubbed an "rkgk" by the artist, that was, as expected, a masterpiece. so just know you're not alone
rakugaki is a legitimate skill but it's the end point of 1000s of hours of study, not the starting point. people fixate on trying to be effortless because that's what they see from the pros, but your actual growth comes from long hard drawings that you suck at and have to redo multiple times.
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I drew Magdol last week :)
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fineliner art
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More fineliner art
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very nice. i like the foresty colours.
No fucking way I did the exact same pattern! I missed doing this, I first stumbled upon it really anxious and ended up with the same style.

This is cool well done
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euleanon i rly like all of the drawings in the thread theyre adorable!! do u have an art page or smth
is it always you, please tell me other people do *bump* *delete* too and not just you
it's just me
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i'll bump bc i wanna see everyone's talents. it's fun!
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someone asked if you had an art page >>35645561
yeah I just saw it
thamks I post them on my twitter
what are these charcters from

a hit piece sci fi lesbian survival horror
not that anon, but i didn't know it was lesbian. guess that's why i see people post it here
Cheers to that
u really should consider posting them somewhere even if it’s a SoundCloud account
You’re making this in MS paint?
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what is everyone's OCs, post them
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i have not drawn anything for nearly a year.
Omg hai
Why'd you stop?
idk. busy with work and life and struggling a lot with a general sense of unhappiness in my life
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It is shit; but it’s funny to me. Poonerism
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I am making
19th century style jungle boots
Trench tailcoat
Boot fold flaps
Sarashi bra
Hair sleeve

May post pictures when done.
Oh wow, this one reminds me of DRCL midnight children
what is this new tranny fp character from first it was the bitch from that stupid ass chainsaw fag shit now its this
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thank you
looks really good, i hope ill be able to define shapes like that one day. praying for you to draw again one day as soon as you got your life back on track
It's Eulr and Star unit from signalis
Pastel 2022
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I know what you are, Astrid.

This is really good because it persuaded someone who was prepared to die on the hill that hyperpop is shit to listen to more hyperpop,
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thank yew! i like ur art a lot. eule is my favorite replika
also. side note. girl have some self respect femboy thirst trap posting is not a good look you're better than that sis
well yknow, loneliness does stuff to you
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does latte art count
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inb4 whinging about AI
Is this good enough for posting on socials?
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very nice drawing anon
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from this spring
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the dialogue from the girl on the left being higher made me read hers first in the bottom panel, despite that not being the intention i think
damn ux design is hard
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