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>be me today (mtf btw)
>hanging out with cisf friend
>wearing loose fitting shirt and no bra under it
>tells me to wear a bra
>say that i don't want to and i prefer not wearing one
>tells me it doesn't matter because it looks bad, it's overly sexual, it makes people uncomfortable, etc
>say i don't care if it makes people uncomfortable because bras are sexist and patriarchal and i won't sacrifice my comfort for the sake of people's misogynistic sensibilities etc etc
>says that it doesn't matter and that i'm "gonna get raped" (what a fucked up thing to say btw, it's not like we live in fucking niceragua where that is a serious risk, she jusy fucking said it and honestly it's weird and creepy to say)
>tell her i'm done with this conversation and she's being a weirdo
was she right or was i right to call her out? is this some sort of unspoken rule of womanhood that you NEVEE EVER freeboob it even if the shirt your wearing makes it pretty subtle?
picrel was what i was wearing, she totally overreacted right?
she's right
you should apologize to her
you sound absolutely insufferable to be around
yes, such is life, suck it up shes being helpful and also affirming your gender bitch
I have lots of female friends who go bra less. Just lie and tell her your grandma was a bra burner if that won't shut her up then she's hopeless.
if you were alone it was fine
also women are often taught all kinds of things that absolutely won't get them raped will get them raped and to ignore all kinds of things that absolutely might get them raped. you should not be friends with anyone not smart enough to see past that
She’s treating you like a fellow woman dude. She is giving you the exact same talk every other female has given her or gone through themselves. You are taking it too personally. This convo is Literally a universal woman experience past down between women to women
You sound like a terf.
You sound absolutely insufferable OP. I feel bad for anybody that has to deal with you.
she is right that is gross.
ive done the same. ive said the same. pls ffs wear shit if you need it
showing nips is agp
Both of you sound like fucking weirdos. Enjoy your company.
EXTREMELY hot and based. don't stop doing what you're doing
She's right. Stop being a bitch about it and wear a bra lol

If you don't like straps or wires, bralettes and sports are fine, support and coverage is important tho.
it's only a problem if other people stare at them, how is it my fault that they are creepy
and i don't need it it's not like i'n playing sports or some shit it's perfectly comfortable actually more comfortable than getting huge fucking bra lines and hsving an underwire digging into my ribs all day
why? because i stand up for myself?
feminism = terf alright whatever
Do what you want! She’s right on how it’s seen by the people that care too much about it. But it’s on you to decide if you care about those peoples opinions

I see it as at work, I wear one/cover up, but on my time I do what I want.

It is fucked to say you’re gunna get raped. Weird victim blame-y where is it more sexual yes, does that make you more of a target by villains probably but they would also do it to someone at some point anyway it’s more when they can then what your wearing. Is it then on you to never be sexual or cater your life around the insane, no. Really weird thing to say but women get it a lot so at least it’s relatable.
Holy fuck you are all a bunch of mindless conformists.
OP do not give in to peer pressure, these people are seething that you have the confidence to stand up for yourself and not follow the herd.
Fuck those bitches.
it's not even that i'm "being sexual". if the faintest hint of the outline of a nipple is so incredibly scandalous to people it's not my fault it's theirs. in my opinion, not wearing one is just the natural thing to do. there just a body part, and i won't cover them up in an uncomfortable way just because society is weird about women's bodies. and i carry pepper spray.
sports bras also give me bralines lol i don't like them either
>muh patriarchy
hon moment
you were right
>sports bras also give me bralines lol i don't like them either
I mean it kinda just comes with having breasts? You need some kind of support, and definite coverage for your nips. Don't they ever get sore bouncing around?

This is so stupid, they weren't just made for no reason, you have mounds of tissue and fat on your chest, they need support...
another favorite is moid
>why? because i stand up for myself?
It's the way you don't consider that other people might have opinions just as valid or possibly more valid than yours. It is the way you don't consider the impact you are having on others.

Do you have a considerate fiber in your being or are you just 100% entitled bitch?
they don't bounce around because i'm not running around like a retard
why would they bounce if i'm just walking around?
mine are barely B cups they don't need support they are fine
but regardless, even if they did it's my choice
you can literally justify any obviously bad behavior by framing pushback against it as oppressive. This is like reading Tumblr discussions in 2012 about freebleeding.
>wahhhhhhh people might have to see a nipple this is literally the most terrifying day of my life
yeah but it's ME who is being inconsiderate by not playing by people's retarded rules about how i can and cannot dress. whatever
Eh, it is ultimately your choice, but your choice also comes with consequences... like your friend warning you you're opening yourself to lechers by having your tits out like that.

But eh, I guess if you're not that intensively active the soreness isn't much of an issue. Proper support is still important for development tho.
>it's not even that i'm "being sexual". if the faintest hint of the outline of a nipple is so incredibly scandalous to people it's not my fault it's theirs. in my opinion, not wearing one is just the natural thing to do. there just a body part, and i won't cover them up in an uncomfortable way just because society is weird about women's bodies. and i carry pepper spray.
>sports bras also give me bralines lol i don't like them either

It's not even that I'm "being reckless". If the faintest hint of somebody enjoying speed is so incredibly scandalous to people it's not my fault, it's theirs. in my opinion driving at a speed you feel comfortable is just the natural thing to do. it's just my natural ability and im not going to curtail my expression in an uncomfortable way just because society is weird about safety.

staying below speed limits is exhausting and I don't like them either.
>dressing in a comfortable way is exactly like putting everyone's lives at risk by speeding on the highway
you're a crayon eating retard
>Proper support is still important for development tho.
bullshit cavemen went for thousands of years without bras and they were fine
Cis women are often the most stringent in enforcing gender roles. Don't listen to that brainwashed bitch.
Hairy hon knuckles typed this
I do have hairy knuckles, but that's normal because I am a cis male.
Have you seen national geographic? Sometimes they take pictures of native africans. The sagging IS REAL.
If you want saggy tits, sure
i dont think 99% of trannies have to worry about their tiny cone tits sagging any time soon lol
>can't see the connection
>lashes out by calling the other person a retard
Yep, checks out.
nta but that was a false equivalence of the highest order, you crayon eating retard
covering up parts of your body considered erotic by society like your protruding nipples is just basic decency for the people around you, including the cis friend who has to be out in public next to OP as they make a fool of themselves.
Seriously, why is this so hard to get?
they are behind fabric. you can't see them.
>basic decency
Breasts and nipples exist and need not be hidden.
No one is telling men to hide their bulges. Why should women hide theirs?
if seeing someone's nipples covered up by fabric is so painful for you that you see it as an indictment against your character just to be seen around someone choosing not to wear a completely unnecessary and uncomfortable garment, then you seriously need to reconsider your priorities in life. i'm a cis man with a huge cock and balls, should i walk around tucking them so people dont see my bulge?
i mean that’s just what u are urself
We can pretty clearly see your nipples. (they're nice btw)
exactly. like when men go around with sweatpants on that show off their massive swinging dick that's ok but if i elect to not wear a bra i'm a menace and a slut. it's almost like this whole standard if "decency" only exists to control women
>i'm a cis man with a huge cock and balls, should i walk around tucking them so people dont see my bulge?
according to people in this thread, yes.
welcome to the neopuritan world.
>it's almost like this whole standard if "decency" only exists to control women
Yeah, normies really do be controlling each other like they're neighbors in North-Korea.
just because of this thread i'm gonna go out in basketball shorts and a tight tank top so everyone can see my pierced nipples too
you can see a line of fabric across the chest created by the nipples pushing the fabric forward, but you can't see them. you can only see the suggestion of them based on how the fabric is contorted. you're the weirdo if you see this and then imagine the presence of the nipples (well based on you're message you're a weirdo anyway, but still)
nta but this is the most autismbrained response ever
maybe but i'm right
Fuck yes! Do it!
The mental gymnastics are insane, omg
not really, ur nipples are showing through ur shirt
>the normie thinks basic analysis is mental gymnastics
Only mindless sheep think kowtowing to sexually frustrated men is good, actually.
The shirt isn't see-through, outline of a thing is not the thing in itself.
Also, what is so disgusting about nipples?
>i don't like that they make my pee pee twitch
lol your friend is right
it's like if you were a man and said "nah I'm going to wear these bike shorts with this clear outline of my cock visible to everyone"
im attracted to men, hon, so no they don’t. but it’s weird and also a bra isn’t something forced by men it’s to hold ur boobs up. if anything men would probably love if we didn’t wear bras lmao. just wear one it looks more normal and also is better for ur boobs.
no? that would be if i wore a skin tight tank top or something. this shirt is about as far from skin tight as it gets, you can't see them at all
>but it’s weird
it's [current year], people are allowed to be weird. It's weird that people turn this into an issue. OP is literally wearing a black shirt and her bitchy friend and the people in this thread are tearing their hair out over it.
This thread is why youngshits are a mistake. OP didn't spend enough time as a man so she ended up becoming a young terfy petulant woman obsessed with oppression and the patriarchy.

Like how are you born male, transition to female and end up this fucking stupid about society?

And yes I can tell you are basically a kid still because if you had real adult problems you wouldn't give a shit about this.

People want you to wear a bra because you are making them uncomfortable. It's incredible how you end up making the same mistake as no effort AGP MTFs.
then why are there men in this thread telling me to wear a bra?
i'm 22:
as i said earliee, if the suggestion of nipples makes you uncomfortable, it's not my problem. you need to reassess your misogynistic views.
who says that they’re men? the voices in ur head?
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your nips are poking out
you're not a boy anymore, layer your clothing
listen to the normal female about being a normal female unless you're content to be the insane type
You wouldn’t go without showering or wearing deodorant for a week because it would be disgusting and rude to those around you right? You wouldn’t not wipe after you shit because you would smell to those around you right? Why the fuck is this any different?
Female nipples are obscene, retard. I know this is going to sound crazy to you, but other people don't want to see your nipples or think about them.
>nta but that was a false equivalence of the highest order, you crayon eating retard
Yeah in terms of safety, sure. In terms of how personally entitled to impose on others you are, the parallels are striking.
>you are making them uncomfortable
holy fuck the amount of entitlement people have is staggering
you are not entitled to demanding other people conform to arbitrary standards in order to make (you) comfortable. Fuck off with this shit and learn to control your mind and feelings.
Personally I think unpleasant odors and biological hazards are worse. I'd rather deal with topless people than smelling rotting biohazard people.
IMO if girls are just hanging around the house you can wear whatever like bra or single top and panies
kek but that's not even where they are in that picture. you're literally imagining things to justify why i'm some kind of exhibitionist for dressing how i want
>you're not a boy anymore
haven't been for a while buddy
it is the modern woman's duty to stand up against misogyny
>You wouldn’t go without showering or wearing deodorant for a week because it would be disgusting and rude to those around you right?
I'm pretty sure they would. Then get upset at everybody around them for wanting them to clean themselves because its natural to stink.
>You wouldn’t
nta but I would, and do. Fuck all of you, I shower when I feel like it and go to the store without any shame. You can smell my BO and get fucked.
>unironed trans flag
They aren't arbitrary standards. If you ask 1000 people if women should wear bras in public to not be indecent, nearly all of them will say women should wear bras in public.

You aren't the victim here.
they are. ankles were indecent once upon a time. now it's nipples. in the future it will be fingers. entirely arbitrary.
holy moidbrain
good news: they can't! refer to the picture above. if they see the slightest pointyness in the fabric of my shirt and then become scandalized because they themselves took the suggestion of the nipple and used it to imagine that i am not wearing a bra, they are weird not me.
>I need to show off my nips to stand up against misogyny
let me translate
>I'm a trashy whore and I don't care about being sexual in front of married men or children
Real life isn't extra-super-equal post-scarcity robot communist utopia. It's more like real life.
>it is the modern woman's duty to stand up against misogyny
lol shut the fuck up
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>not wanting to wear a bra is personal entitlement
>me trying to force you to wear a bra under threat of rape is not entitled at all tho
she was in the right and you shouldn't have mansplained sexism and patriarchy to a real woman
Okay, I feel like I am talking to a feminist troll from 2015. You are intentionally being obtuse to farm (yous)
op i'm going to find you are rape the feminism and sjw out of you and make you wear a bra and a floral dress every day and you're going to fucking like it
anon woke up and chose violence lmao
Yes, I have a moidbrain, what of it motherfucker?
>yeah she threatened you with rape but you're the moidy one
i won't hear it
HOLY SHIT THIS! Seriously OP, how do you have the audacity to mansplain this shit that has barely affected you for like 6 months while shes been living under the patriarchies thumb her entire life. This is shit only a man would have the nerve to do
samefag lmao
and i've been living as a woman for 6 years
if she didn't say she was going to do it to you idt that would count as her threatening you with rape sis i think you are attaching too much importance to this point because you know without it you don't have a leg to stand on
it's a creepy thing to say stop trying to justify it
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>everyone who wants me to hide my nipples is raping me
i agree it's inappropriate but it's clearly not a threat and it strikes me as an interpretation of that statement you could only make in bad faith
Still audacious of you to explore this shit to a real woman. Youve been playing pretend for six years but shes the real thing dealing with the actual consequences of patriarchy
oh my god you're mentally deficient. She told OP that OP is going to get raped by someone if she doesn't do what she wants her to do. That is not a friendly warning, that's fearmongering and a threat by another name.
dear jesus those digits
she's younger than me by 2 years and you have no idea what i've been through. stop assuming shit.
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yeah budday quints for ze dong
if you're hanging out around the house I think it's totally fine not to wear a bra. No one is gonna break in and rape you that's a bizarre thing to say. If you are trying to look nice at all in public you should wear one though.
i'm literally just living my life though it's not a fashion statement
>making up vague lies on the internet to win an argument on 4chan
Even if she is two years younger shes still a real women that actually has real experiences with this. Your playing pretend
you realise real women grow up hearing this kind of thing all the time right
>a real women
>and you have no idea what i've been through.
You make it really obvious you haven't been through much, but you think it is a big deal.
It's not that bad but OP's cis friend did have a mother that explained being a woman to her. That's a lot better than any advice a childless feminist would give
It's a very real concern that women have to deal with on the daily, that's not fear mongering, she's literally sharing a real female experience with OP to try and keep her safe.
you're clearly arguing in bad faith because from the outset you have transphobic viewpoint, and it's funny because i guarantee just based on the statistics of this website that you are actually a man yourself. and no, i'm not lying by pointing out how bs it is to say "you haven't suffered so you can't have an opinion" when it's my body and you know nothing about me or her. fucking retard
my cis friend says the same thing so now i wear bras.
>and i've been living as a woman for 6 years
I'm so sorry about your tits >>35533087
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ur still a mansplaining hon lmao
What did Coi Leray say?

>Hold on, lil' titties showin' through the white tee
>You can see the thong bustin' out my tight jeans (Okay)
>Rocks on my fingers like a nigga wifed me
>Got another shorty? She ain't nothin' like me

Show off your titties if you want to hella cis women (at least on the west coast where I live) go braless if they're small enough to not need support. Breasts are just breasts, people might stare or say some out of pocket shit to you if the nips are popping out but that's the risk you take as a woman flaunting the patriarchy's bullshit rules. Get em pierced and show those bad boys off if you feel like it.
i never said i had of hadn't, just that that anon doesn't know.
I know. I said that up here lol>>35532231
OP is too autistic to realize he is just being treated like a woman for once
>was she right
>why? because i stand up for myself?
Yes absolutely. Picking petty battles and appealing to imaginary grand narratives like patriarchy as a justification to be rude is the definition of insufferable.

If you want to show off your tits in public that's fine but people will look at you funny and comment on it. That's the deal you are signing up for by actively choosing to be obstinate.
>I'm just living my life though, it isn't a fashion statement
fun fact: exposing your breasts is a female-only law that affects you and can lead you to time in a male prison
imagine being in a male prison for a female only crime
Fuck bras, you know why so many guys love visiting Paris during summer? Because bras are optional over there
Holy kek. OP btfo
I'm saying you are acting like a spoiled brat
literally everyone can see them in the pictures you've posted. that's why your friend brought it up and that's why you're overwhelmingly wrong.
yes except this is very clearly different. this is like if i put on a white XS tank top without a bra on and poured water all over it.
Yeah nah you are showing them off, making people uncomfortable, and then acting shocked when they react negatively to you. Wearing a t-shirt at all is "unnatural" by your imaginary standard, you might as well walk around entirely naked.

Why not do that?
I guarantee you they are even more obvious in real life with the benefit of depth perception and movement
because then i actually would be doing what you are accusing me of doing, beind an exhibitionist
I have C cups and I never wear a bra. Should I start?
imagine thinking that you know better than a real woman about literally anything
OP is an autist. No point in arguing anymore yall. They will never understand following social rules
So you don't get to dictate how people respond to you, that is for the rest of us to decide.
This is so fucking funny, did you just start growing tits or something that you don't even know how obvious they are?
are my nipples in the room with you right now? fucking schizo
OP has been lying theyre 6 years into hrt
>another thread devolves into casual transmisogynism the millisecond a troon doesnt fall into line
never change, /tttt/
Malebrained post.
when did i say anything aboit how long i have been on hrt for? i added that comment only because the anon said i lacked experience with being a woman. in this time i would say every third day i have not worn a bra and nobody has cared.
Honestly its just straight up misogynistic that an amab had the audacity to speak to an afab about misogyny and pretend like it effects them in any meaningful way
>you are not entitled to demanding other people conform to arbitrary standards in order to make (you) comfortable
Yeah no that's literally the entire deal with engaging with society. You give other people the right to ask demands of you in order to gain things from them.

You certainly can rebel against these demands but then you are the asshole.
this lmao
>because then i actually would be doing what you are accusing me of doing
There is no accusation you are actively rejecting social standards and the result is that people around you are uncomfortable. So, why follow any standard? Why wear clothes at all?
that's a choice. you are choosing to be a fucking conformist who accepts misogynistic bullshit. i bet people said the same things to the women in the 1890s who went around with their ankles exposed.
>They will never understand following social rules
>You give other people the right to ask demands of you in order to gain things from them.
I do not give others the right to demand anything from me, and in exchange I demand nothing from them.
Fuck you, if you want to kill me you're welcome to try, I'll fucking gouge out your eyes.
>the kid with autism is sperging again
>that's a choice
Correct, a choice not to be an asshole.
>you are choosing to be a fucking conformist who accepts misogynistic bullshit
You are using these words to mask your own selfishness in a grand narrative. You are being inconsiderate and shitty.
> i bet people said the same things to the women in the 1890s who went around with their ankles exposed.
And those sluts with their ankles exposed proudly said "HELL YEAH I'M THE ASSHOLE!"
>you are actively rejecting social standards and the result is that people around you are uncomfortable
OP is doing the dark lords work, hail Satan!
Op you're absolutely right. I'm with you on this thing. If your friend can't get over your bra wearing habits, she's the weirdo.
I have C cups after a year of HRT, lol
>amabs are men
>afabs are women
yes we know you're transphobic anon. that dogwhistle you use is starting to be picked up on now
You dropped this
are you arguing that those women should have just accepted that they couldn't show off their ankles? what is wrong with you? at least i know now that i don't have to respect your opinion because you clearly don't care about sexism.
>in exchange I demand nothing from them
Do you :

Eat food?
Use roads?
Go outside in public in really any capacity at all?

Congratulations: you are demanding things of others. Your presence is a demand on their attention. Your hunger is a demand on their labor. You cannot and do not exist without demanding things of others, so if you reject the demands they place back on you, then you are the asshole. Simple as that.
oh look, the spaghetti went everywhere
hey not everyone is as luck as you :(
Normally wouldn’t use that terminology but it’s useful here. A trans woman lecturing a cis woman on patriarchy is misogyny. She said something OP didn’t want to hear and wanted to shut her up. Sorry
vicious samefagging and also that poster was not me (op)
>are you arguing that those women should have just accepted that they couldn't show off their ankles?
I'm saying you don't get to have your cake and eat it too. If you want to be an obstinate asshole, be an obstinate asshole, but don't cry about it when people treat you like an obstinate asshole.
>what is wrong with you?
Absolutely nothing, I am speaking nothing but raw truth.
>at least i know now that i don't have to respect your opinion because you clearly don't care about sexism.
Such a fun cope.
You cannot seriously be arguing that some bare skin is the same as showing off a prominent erogenous zone...
to be fair.
4 mo into hrt here
black tshirts dont work as advertised. i stop slouching and it fucking lifts
nta but how did u do that mine are only at b after a year
get a fitting shirt thats not from a thrift store you autist
>makes autistic post
>blames others for samefagging
>then lies and pretends like they didn’t just autistically sperg
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wrong again, bro
>Do you :
Yes, with people who offer their company freely. I never demand socialization.
>Eat food?
only what I am offered or buy with the money I am given freely
>Use roads?
Yes, access to roads is given to me freely
>Go outside in public in really any capacity at all?
Yes, the outside world has been given to me freely
>Congratulations: you are demanding things of others
Nope. I'm taking what I'm given. I did not ask any of it, all of it simply falls into my lap without me having to do anything except not kill myself by starvation or suicide.
>Your presence is a demand on their attention.
Nope, you are in control of your attention, I do not take it or hold it.
>Your hunger is a demand on their labor.
Nope, I'm fine with starving.
>You cannot and do not exist without demanding things of others
I exist without my consent.
>so if you reject the demands they place back on you, then you are the asshole.
Just because you deem me an asshole doesn't make me one. You are hurting your own feelings here. You are giving me things freely and getting confused when I take it.
>A trans woman lecturing a cis woman on patriarchy is misogyny
you hold this opinion only because you have no idea what being a trans woman is like. you have this idea that trans women never experience misogyny except op is literally describing her friend being misogynistic to her and you also literally know nothing about op (as op themselves said). you are not only misogynistic but transmisogynistic as well. trans women literally get sexually assaulted, physically absued and sexually harassed at a SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER rate than cis women.
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just admit you view trans women as men bro, it's plainly evident that's what you want to do. just admit you dont believe trans women experience misogyny
it wasn't me
Should have just said they have turbo misogyny and that you don't like them.
>I don't see the demands I place on others therefore they don't exist!
It is quite interesting to communicate with a genuine narcissist.
>Just because you deem me an asshole doesn't make me one
I have not deemed you anything. You have chosen to be an asshole and chosen to make the people around you deliberately unhappy. You are so defensive right now because you know I am correct.
it's weird how you think flaunting the fact that you didn't read my post legitimizes your criticism
>it wasnt me
I was wrong on that. Sorry OP
I don't demand a thing from you or anyone else. You're allowed to be an inbread mental midget, I'm not going to force you to grow your mind.
>I have not deemed you anything.
You categorizing me as an asshole is you deeming me one.
>You have chosen to be
Nope. I am what I am, I do what I do and you are allowed to not give a flying fuck about me.
>and chosen to make the people around you deliberately unhappy.
The people around me make themselves unhappy. They choose to believe in things that make them unhappy, like the existence and enforcement of arbitrary social rules.
>You are so defensive
If I am defensive, it is because you are aggressive.
>you know I am correct.
So do you.
OP is a retard.
Are all the women who participate in protests to free the nipple also mansplaining? After all they use the exact same arguments as OP , or is this just classic transphobia?
And OP was literally warning her she's attracting negative attention and potential rapists, but OP brushed her off with "fuck the patriarchy" completely ignoring that, which it sounds like her friend was coming from personally. So fucking yes, that is misogyny because OP thinks her "fuck everyone but me" attitude is more important than her friend very real and weighted warning. Like it or not OP doesn't share the same lived in experience with her friend as a born male, while her friend has likely since birth, and that is a major differing factor you do not want to acknowledge. That is why OP brushing off her friend's very real and valid concerns comes off as mansplaining.
OP's friend doesn't give a fuck about OP. If she did it would have been the first thing she said, but she only said it when her other reasons fell flat.
Her friend is seething that OP is more based than she can be.
when are these tards gonna learn to spot an obvious bait thread
so fucking easy to bait people on this board it's unreal lmao
it isn't
We all know theres a difference between cis women grouping together to fight patriarchy and one lone trans woman mansplaining patriarchy to a cis woman. Im literally a trans woman and even i can tell that was off
Even if it was kind of rude, how do you think the participant in those kinds of protest are in private? I bet they had the exact same type of conversation with their friends and you wouldnt call it mansplaining there.
Also how is OP "mansplaining patriarchy" by calling out the bullshit of the patriachy?
She says those things because she hasn't thought about them and formed her own opinions; she's merely repeating what people have told her throughout her life. Strangely passionate about it though. There is no need to wear any sort of bra for most of us outside of sport, and the retards in this thread who side with her are doubly retarded for subscribing to this pro-bra rhetoric without even being subject to it for their entire lives.
>it's only ok if they are doing it with a group of people
your herd mentality is showing, also once again putting cis women's experiences and beliefs above trans womens.
>I don't demand a thing from you or anyone else
Then you have two options :

Kill yourself immediately or figure out a way to live off the land in total isolation.

If you do neither of these things, you are demanding the support of others to continue your own existence. Things get even worse for you when you start thinking about second and third order consequences. Like, do you sew your own clothing? Source your own cotton? Mine your own lithium for your cell phone?

Of course not! You demand the life, blood, sweat, and tears of Malaysian children to use these products!

You make demands of others every second of every day and there is no escaping that no matter how you try to cope.
>Nope. I am what I am
I agree, you are an asshole.
>If I am defensive, it is because you are aggressive.
You perceive me as aggressive because the truth is confrontational to a narcissists delusions.
They werent even fighting about bras in the 70s anon. Those were just a symbol feminists used
We are social animals and our entire society is based on a social contract we collectively make so it can function. You are naive to think your above this too
no you saying that their opinion is more valid if they present it with a group of other people is literally sub 80 iq farm animal thinking.
I mean if you really want to read it in bad faith, it sounds more like she's creeped out by OP's blatant disregard for common decency and OP might've ruined their friendship by being a stubborn self-centered ass about it honestly.

So great job OP.
>They werent even fighting about bras in the 70s anon
?? The free the nipple movement is from the last decade (2010s) and is fighting for the right to show your breats openly (way beyond what OP wants) because men are allowed to so but not women and that is discrimination
Yes, cis women should have the last say on women’s issues over trans women since they have that lived experience their entire lives. Trans women shouldn’t. Im sorry but cis women know more about this than us. Most of us dont even pass and wont be treated as fully woman our entire lives. OP probably doesn’t either, so it’s ridiculous that she has the audacity to speak on this.
wow we've got a real house tranny here don't we
If we can't aknowledge the real differences between us we will never reach any common ground, how do you not see that?
This >>35534396 otherwise we are doing the “i dont see color” schtick when we were talking about race in the 90s, which was a colossal failure. It didn’t work. We need to be honest about this. Cis women and trans women still have their differences. Thats not to say one is lesser but we have different life experiences. To think otherwise is ludicrous
>join team woman
>affected by the same problem
>but don't you dare have any opinion on anything just because it affects you! Only people affected by the problem may talk about it ... EXCEPT YOU
Must be pretty autistic to not notice the differences between a situation on a team sport and larger societal womens issues
I suppose technically there are 4 options in total :

>1. Escape all rules and demands by killing yourself
>2. Escape all rules and demands by escaping society to live in nature (arguably impossible)
>3. Accept the rules and demands and enjoy full benefits of society
>4. Reject the rules and demands and accept that you are a piece of shit and will be treated as such by most everyone you encounter.

Really the only option that doesn't exist is :

>Reject the rules and demands while benefiting from society and maintaining a status beyond the criticism of others
That's what's called "narcissistic delusion"
Yeah support is important.
That's why we have natural support for them which btw gets atrophied by wearing a bra which ultimately develops into saggy tits.

Learn some anatomy and google Cooper's ligaments
>you are demanding the support of others to continue your own existence.
No, I demand nothing of the sort. If I killed myself, grocery stores would still exist and provide goods for currency. I do not demand the existence of grocery stores, I do not demand anyone do any sort of labor to provide food.
Again, I am fine with starvation, if you collectively decide to stop producing food, I am not going to demand that you go back to work.
>Like, do you sew your own clothing? Source your own cotton? Mine your own lithium for your cell phone?
No, I don't. Those things are done regardless of whether I exist or not. And those things are given to me in exchange for currency because that's what people want to do with their lives.

You are free to deny me the necessary materials for existence, I do not demand to be alive. I resent that I came into existence and I am here only to wait out this prison sentence. Meanwhile, I demand nothing for myself. I take what I am given and that is it.
>Really the only option that doesn't exist is :
>>Reject the rules and demands while benefiting from society and maintaining a status beyond the criticism of others
Then explain to me how I am able to benefit from the system you have created for yourselves? I simply get the money I am given and spend it on shit. The money I am given is given to me because this government has decided to give money to everyone. I did not ask for it, but I sure as shit am gonna take it since it's being offered.
If you're going to later come to me saying that there were invisible strings attached to the gift you gave me, well fuck you. I didn't see them, you didn't tell me they were there so why are you expecting me to do what you tell me to do? Fuck off, put a bullet in my head or leave me be. I accept donations.
We're not "joining team women", we're guests and always will be because we are different. And making their lived in experience all about your problems with "the partiarchy", disregarding her obvious discomfort in the first place, isn't helping that at all.
>we're guests
have you considered growing a backbone?
>bullying your way into womanhood
Malebrained indeed
God I feel bad for her
>The money I am given is given to me because this government has decided to give money to everyone

Not even making your own money eh? On the old gubbament dole while pretending you are above others? Literally demanding that all of society keeps you alive apparently against your own will?

You are some absolutely amazing narcissist b8.
>No, I don't. Those things are done regardless of whether I exist or not.
This is entirely irrelevant to whether you personally are creating the demand, which you are, by purchasing these goods. Other people also generate demand, and most of them capitulate with the social expectations society places on them. This is precisely what makes you a bad person both inside and out!
>Again, I am fine with starvation
Then starve. Place all your food in a trash can, light it on fire and post a picture in the thread.
>noo you affirming your womanhood is bullying :((
fuck off <3
how is anyone more comfortable without a bra for most of the day? i don’t wanna have my nipples rubbing on my shirt and hitting things all day. grow bigger tits and you’ll figure this out
Nothing like affirming your womanhood by putting one down and blaming her discomfort on the patriarchy.
>Not even making your own money eh?
ofc not, I'm not going to sell my labor, I want nothing to do with the generation of capital.
>On the old gubbament dole while pretending you are above others?
How am I above anyone? How is anyone above me? Nothing you are or do makes you better than me, nothing I am or do makes me better than you.
>Literally demanding
I have done nothing but reject demands and I do not demand anything either.
>that all of society keeps you alive against your own will?
Holy fuck you still don't understand. I am fine with dying. I do not expect anyone to keep me alive. I simply accept donations and trade them for food and shelter because eating is preferable to going hungry. But if it came to it and I had to demand food? Fuck that. I'll dig around in trash for discarded food instead. Lucky for me I don't need to do that currently.
>Then starve.
I don't need to.
Hun, it sounds like you have way more problems than not wanting to wear a bra...
>How am I above anyone?
You think you are better than everyone else so the rules don't apply to you.
>How is anyone above me?
They are better than you by respecting the most basic social contract of society.
>I have done nothing but reject demands
You have quite literally described a person who makes constant demands of others to continue their existence while supplying nothing back in return. Not even the common decency to not flash your tits at others.
>Holy fuck you still don't understand. I am fine with dying
No you aren't. You demand to live and place the responsibility of keeping you alive on others. This is of course, what everyone else is doing to. The difference is that most other people understand that they are reliant on other humans so they have some level of empathy for the concerns of other humans.

Low empathy and narcissism are what make you a bad person!
I actually want to wear a bra (i'm not OP) but this thread is making me want to not buy one as a middle finger to everyone who thinks I *should*.
But yes, my problems are holistic.
Idk why ive been fighting you about wearing a bra this whole time anon. Tbh I’ve probably only worn a bra once a month for the entire four years ive been transitioning. Im sorry op
neither of you make a compelling case for why you should/shouldn’t wear a bra but she did overreact in saying you’re gonna get raped. that’s an awful awful thing to say
>You think you are better than everyone else
I think I am a piece of biological mass headed back to the earth.
>so the rules don't apply to you.
I denounce your rules. Whether they apply to me or not is your business, not mine.
>social contract
There is no paper, there is no ink, there is no contract.
>who makes constant demands of others to continue their existence
again and again and again I tell you, you are free to try and end my existence. Come and get me.
>You demand to live
That's what you do. I want to die.
yeah maybe you are a guest, I guess you call yourself trans woman too.
I'm just a woman bitch and I can have an opinion on issues that affect me directly. If you are a doormat that doesnt dare to have an opinion on anything, that you arent even willing to share in a private conversation then that's a you issue. You are different from your friend because you are an other.
I'm just a woman sharing my opinion with another woman
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>I want to die
Then why are you continuing to sit here and type?

You want to live. You want to benefit from society. You want friends. You want family. You want food and clothing and video games. You are a demand machine, constantly placing your needs on others. You are not self sufficient in literally any way.

>again and again and again I tell you, you are free to try and end my existence
You even demand that others kill you! You can't even do that for yourself! Ah-mazing!
Wtf is wrong with you lol facking autists istg
>You even demand that others kill you!
Where's the demand?
Since you want me to demand something, let me demand this:
Stop posting.
>Since you want me to demand something
I don't "want" you to do anything. You demand the constant support of others, while pretending you don't.

I don't even care if you recognize the demands of your own existence. If I am to believe you are a real person, then you literally do not have the physical or mental capacity to understand your own behavior. Your brain is malformed beyond any capacity for growth or introspection.

It's just quite entertaining to see how narcissists work their way out of all personal responsibility.
>the demands of your own existence.
My existence places no demands on anyone or anything. It simply is.
expertly-deployed bait OP, lmao
Fascinating. A person completely devoid of empathy and reason.

What are your other thoughts about capitalism? Politics? Tell me more oh great narcissistic one.
Why should I?
Because clearly you are just so intelligent and amazing. I'm sure that whatever you have to say will be both compelling and deep revealing a shockingly profound mind.
I don't understand how me being intelligent means I should share my thoughts on anything?
How do you get an ought from an is?
OP you’re completely normal lol. No clue what your friend is on. Convo seems weirdly stilted and autistic, but you’re correct. I see women without bras all the time. It does not end the world. Shit I see topless women semi frequently at the beach. Idk I think this might be an American/conservative thing.
God I love watching you fucking idiot freaks tear each other apart. Makes my job SO much easier.
Okay, I decided to give you a real, legitimate answer here, but it's not as simple as one person being correct.

You are correct that you have the right to dress however you like, this includes not wearing a bra if you don't wish to.
Your cis friend is however correct that it is considered inappropriate for a woman to not wear a bra in public (I would compare it to a man having his fly down and actively refusing to zip it up even when asked, yeah he has every right to have his fly down, it's not illegal as long as his junk is covered, but most people would consider it inappropriate and would think he was strange for insisting on keeping his fly down)

Also you were being pretty rude throughout the interaction. She was clearly trying earnestly to give you advice and help you as a fellow woman because of a genuine fear for your safety (because yeah, getting raped or at least sexually harassed is a real fear that women deal with and avoid doing things that may increase the chance of it happening to moderate that fear).
You don't have to wear a bra, but you didn't have to be an asshole about your friend trying to give you advice either.
Because your words will change the world anon. Push society closer to the solipsistic nihilism you desire.
I wear a comfort bra around the house most days.
I just like the support it gives my boobs.
Why should I change the world? The world is as it is and it will change regardless of my input.
Why continue to exist at all if you have no will?
why does a cup continue to exist?
It never existed in the first place.
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I accept your consnession.
After reading this thread I have determined that OP is an autistic hon, possibly even a rapehon
i would trust a cis woman as an authority on experience as a woman honestly. you are being stupid and malebrained brushing her off like that honestly.
It’s genuinely a thing mothers tell their daughters anon
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well you certainty have the personality and behaviors of a bitchy women, now all you need is the body.
>cissoid brings up rape
>op the is rapehon
Sadly, the OP's mom couldn't explain it to her in time since she has a son.

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