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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Yep, this one sure did sneak up on me. It's Pride sticky time!

I won't bore you with the details - this has been a long enough running tradition that you all know what's up by now. And if you don't, you can check the archives for stickies from past years.
Post here about all things Pride!

Please do your best to keep things on topic, and be kind to one another.
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god she's so hot
redditor ass reply
do redditors even care about first posts?
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i have shit in my ass
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Happy pride month!! C;
trips of truth
I like all the stickers on the image it's cute >>36004729
they had ONE job
did y'all put all the stickers for the generals on in response to all the people complaining about the generals kek
Happy butt secs with men in men asses month!
Where's the flags you stupid cunts?
We won!
i love the drawingggg
where are the flags :(
just gonna say hi no pic or webm unless someone wants to see a galaxy level hon.
I bet you're a cooler person than you realize.
i hope they add them this year...would be sad if they didn't
ty for being nice but i look old and sleepy
i'm honestly expecting a major terrorist attack by a chud on pride this year
Hasn't that happened at least once a year for the past like 5 or so years now? I'm sure there's probably plenty of occurrences of thst kind thing, they're just smaller cases and not as heavily publicized.
Finding your own gens on the car makes me feel kind of fuzzy and warm
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>No flags
A surer sign than any that transphobia and homophobia have won.....it's over
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I read Everyone on the Moon Is Essential Personnel recently, your image reminded me of picrel
Happy pride month to every faggot son
thanks dad :) love you
I love you too sweetie
Flags should be a permanent feature of the board.
hiromoot wtf did u put all your development money into the yotsuba stock exchange this year? can't afford to host the 8x20px flag icons i guess
oh god, do we not get flags this year? please i need my 8x20px boymoder flag please what did we do to deserve their absence whyy
just wait a little, mods are probably busy judging from the way they worded the OP and how troll threads have stayed up a bit longer than usual.
would rather they add back the unique poster counter D E S U
i'm an ugly attention whore shouldn't that qualify for like disability?
all me btw
Doomers lost, Flagaryans won
boasting in a sticky
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fuck it i'm living up to my flag god damn it!
tasty little faggot from mmg
it's funny my ex was also named dakota...

bump for this
gross he rolled trips. why do my mmg haters follow me?
flags need to be a perma feature
Make it permanent you fucking cowards. I refuse to believe that 8x20px flags on the fag board is going to cost all that much extra yen.
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the hell?
>werks on my machine™
works for me
closest thing to a meta thread, how do I unfuck my filters? some general threads still get past and I have to manually add them. syntax is confusing
woo i got it to work, thanks anon <3
postin in a sticky
i don't know what a breayden is. stop bullying me for being a hon.
what is up lil custers
yay flags
I'm just happy to be included <3
PLEAAAASE keep the flags this time PLEAAAASE it would help with all posters assumed to be mtf thing and maybe people would complain about that less and i would like that
wtf does achillean and labrys even mean
I'm going to be learning so much today. Thanks, gay month!
>all posters assumed to be mtf thing
>hrt femboy
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Happy Pride Month /LGBT/!
flags should be year round
Yay transgender flag!!
>I'm not mtf!!
>is mtf in denial
achillean = woke pooner word for gay guys
and labrys is a lesbian symbol
i like that it's a once a year kind of thing, feels more special
>pooner meme flag
my sides are in orbit, thanks jannies.
>b-but this was around for years!
i know.
isn't achillean poon t4t and sapphic tranner t4t? before sapphic was co-opted by terfs?
they should be year round but in june /pol/ gets pride flags and we get nationality flags
love op image. we should have flags all year desu.
also, transhet flag snuffed
your some what? lay off the booze.
that'd be great for an april fools event
should have made the i
thread img a diagram of each of these flags holy hell theres too many
this would never happen but it would bring me so much happiness
i wish u could hover over flags on mobile somehow to read what they are
No, Achillean is gay like Achilles and Patroclus in Song of Achilles
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can i just be a tranny faggot and not really want to be a girl is that allowed
i feel like its not that hard to understand
how is that different from regular gay THOUGH
why not just be a faggot, why do you want to be a tranny if you don't want to be a woman
also was gonna say aroace flag snubbed
it's actually just the general term for men loving men (basically umbrella for gay, bi, and pan guys)
oh it's the fucking axe thing. yeah okay. never seen the rose flag before
Achillean is basically just the opposite of Sapphic.
A prophesy tells of a great final battle between the Achillean's and Sapphic's at the end of time, that shall bring about the final and permanent end to this alliance of convenience.
Old lesbian symbol. These days only really used by terf boomers.
Almost fully supplanted in western countries by the 'sunset' flag.
How about once a year we get thread unique ips back. That would be a fun treat.
Flags are legitimately useful and the board is worse without them.
I see. True about the axe one I've only really seen that on terf profiles
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found it
being an in between thing is cool i feel correct this way
i would probably kill myself if i just let T do stuff to my body and i would like to not kill myself
They forgot to add the anonymous representation flag
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peace and love
Here's to another year with all of (you).
oh boy, can't wait for every corporation to tear the pride flags down on july 1
yay. i hope i look less hon this time next year.
lets lock in!
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two hons looking at each other

happy pride. i know what you are.
flag test
Happy pride everyone :3
stop showing up when i bring up ur name
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i was a cishon but i evolved
trips of poon
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happy pride month my favourite queers <3
oops i didn't even mean to post that image here but i guess it's there now
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i can imagine anything
so i imagined ur name
Sapphic was always a lesbian thing first. You can be sapphic and be mtf but it's not an mtf thing originally
wow u were truly meant to be a dude
why do ftms love hawaiian shirts and patterned button up polos so much?
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high five!
hey hey mtfs like them too.

Brown and Black have been part of the LGBTQ+ for four years now, maybe it's time we can select those flags as well?
I have an embarrassing amount of Hawaiian shirts. Not so much the classic tropical ones. But a ton that have abstract vorticist-like designs and some with designs inspired by Japanese woodblock prints.
They get a bad rap. But I think they are very versatile and can be part of some really nice outfits.
just here gaying it up for ya all, hpm 2024 and bless
oh this is gorgeous, would be perfect if you hadn't included chasergen
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high res boymoder flag someone made last year
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Hiya! /lgbt/ wishing you guys a very FURRY pride month this June with love from /trash/, Stay safe and stay blessed furries! Good luck with those tech projects at work.
I remember drawing this silly thing for my boss few years ago, did i do a good job with the artstyle drawfags? Sorry if I'm asking for critique in the wrong place.
[spoiler]sorry i had the urge to repost this[/spoiler]
very cute, i love it anon
this but unironically
Odd mix. But I support it.
Looks more like a recolored orca.
Is posting any furry art outside of trash still bannable?
I really hope so.
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working!!!! tysm
>Is posting any furry art outside of trash still bannable?
no, only pony content afaik
is there really a straight pride flag lmao
there's your transbiangen
90% of my clothes are hand me downs from my dad and he loves hawaiian shirts (i do too)
thanks anonette!
this board should have flags all year instead of burgerlands corporate pandering month
Crypto-repper flag
I love that bmg and vtg are on there <3
but what's with the knuckles lol
they were punching walls
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Happy gay month, awesome drawing

/bmg/ best general >:}

Yes lmao
Add: destroy Germany, Russia, China, France, Canada, Australia.
probably the best country to be trans in, even if our hrt doesnt include injections and our surgeries arent covered.
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>probably the best country to be trans in
I would personally not want to be trans outside of the three big cities. But I tend to agree.
While the US may have the heights of Seattle and Portland, as an entire country we probably come out ahead.
>even if our hrt doesnt include injections
We have lots of holes in our healthcare. And because of a lack of medicare item numbers associated with trans health options, even having the best private insurance you can get does not really help much. That is not even getting into the mess that is the PBS.
The lack of injections suck (made worse by the patch shortage). But the medicare item number problem actually means that we have a worse private system then the US when it comes to trans health.
>our surgeries arent covered
The decision by the body that adds items to medicare, on including FFS and SRS should be out by October at the latest. All of the indications so far is that they will both be added, potentially from Jan 1st '25 if the decision is not challenged. If it is, we may have to wait until Jan 1st '26. Top surgery for trans men is already covered, as long as they get a note from a supportive doctor that labels it as "medically necessary".

But I do not think FFS and SRS being free will change much in the short term. The few SRS surgeons that we still have in the country have a reputation as butchers, meaning that the Thailand special will still be the way to go. The FFS options that our surgeons offer also tend to be limited and rooted in the 'light touch' options of cosmetic surgery for cis women, rather then the far more extensive 'rebuild' styled surgeries offered by dedicated FFS specialists around the world.
Even if they both get on medicare tomorrow. I think Thailand will still be the best bet for both for the next decade or so. After that I think the steady flow of public money into trans health might be able to either attract some specialists here or get new domestic surgeons to specialize in it.
I'm trans in Perth and it's ok. But I manmode most of the time. I agree with you about private health care though, and without a doubt being trans in certain US states with insurance is like the best in the world.
Actually on the topic of patches, I recently switched to gels and I'm finding them so much better than patches are pills were. Less skin irritation and I don't have to hold a pill under my tongue for 45 mins.

Do you know if orchis are included in the medicare thing? I just had a referral to a urology place for one. And yeah, I dont want to get ffs or srs here. Saving up for the us, even if thailand is alright, id much rather save for years and get the best.
Australia is a country built on stolen land and eradication of its indigenous population. It has to go.
I’m dreading work today setting up all of the pride shit D: I’m working with the worst person who’s “queer” and how we’re working for an anti progressive company, thank Christ I go on a business trip on Wednesday
>I’m working with the worst person who’s “queer” and how we’re working for an anti progressive company
not progressive but they put up pride stuff?

The same could be said of any white country.



Gatekeeping queer identities isn't very progressive either.
>white country
lmao you really think that taking land and killing whoever was on it is a white thing?
you must be american
>I'm trans in Perth and it's ok
I will take your word for it. But I'm personally happy that I live in Brisbane.
Even then, I'm still planning on eventually moving to Melbourne.
>Actually on the topic of patches
I have pretty bad ADHD-I. So I love that patches are basically set and forget for awhile. Due to the shortage I have to use gel and I need to set reminders on my phone so that I do not forget. I also just hate the feeling of the gel on my hands.
The shortage would not even exist for trans people if injections were normalized. Trans women who got on injections would be isolated from supply disputations with patches, that are mostly caused by cis women (who make up the vast majority of users).
>I don't have to hold a pill under my tongue for 45 mins
Never go back to pills anon. Bad efficacy, very high risk of clots relative to every other option. Worst in every category.
>Do you know if orchis are included in the medicare thing?
They were on the proposal list if I recall. However each item on that list needs to be approved individually. So nothing is guaranteed. But every indication so far is positive.
>even if thailand is alright, id much rather save for years and get the best
I used to be in that boat before I researched the topic and saw the results first hand.
They have some of the best and most modern trans health specialist clinics in the world. Some are basically luxury resorts with an advanced medical wing.
I'm not going to lie and say that they have the best FFS or SRS surgeons in the world. But I do not think they can be beat on the outcome/cost ratio. As soon as I get the money together, that is where I'm headed.

Yes I am American and yes that is primarily a white thing to do. You don't see any predominantly Black countries in Asia or Native American countries in Africa.
>kill all men
>punch a nazi
>free palestine
>death to israel
>death to america

>daily reminder that enbies are heckin cute and valid
No. Not valid.
To some it’s never enough
I don’t care for people who identify as queer its nonsense
i'm from brisbane...
Cringe. You must be 30+
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>chinese minorities like zhuang, yi, uighurs
>any of the many ongoing or finished genocides in africa by other africans
>first nations massacring each other in america
>any of the ethnicities genocided or attempted to by the turks
sure, whites are the only bad people
Ohh I kind of want to move to melbourne too. I might move for my masters if I get into a melbourne uni because even though I like perth, i cant deal with the weather here. Plus I think it might be easier to start a life over there
Good point about injections, and i would instantly switch if i could. idm the feel of gels, but i can see how adhd would make meds annoying. Im on so many anyway, that adding another one isnt much of an issue for me,so im happy enough with it
I might have to look into Thailand a bit more then, I was looking at France as well since ive heard they have ok prices, but the proximity of thailand seems to make it signifantly cheaper. I dont know if its the case, but i wonder if their FFS results are more based on asian beauty standards?
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haiii! :3

ever heard of the scythian enaree? ^^ (pic totally not me)
you have such a nice smile! and you are not a hon! I think you're cool!
I like living here.
The Valley is a fun place that is pretty damn queer and West-End has some super queer friendly places/people.
Just a shame that West-End also kinda turns into suburban sprawl pretty quick. That entire place needs a good medium/high density makeover. Knock down every last asbestos filled, ugly, snake ridden old Queenslander build some nice walk-able, medium density neighborhoods in their place.
>Ohh I kind of want to move to melbourne too
I went there for a week several months back and it was just a blast. Open queer support everywhere, THE BEST gay bar in Australia without question (I think it is also the only dedicated lesbian bar?), the last of the big cities that still has some affordable apartments, fantastic (cold) weather and the best public transport system in the country.
I'm prioritizing getting FFS and SRS. But after that, I'm all in on moving to Melbourne. By far the best place to be queer in the country.
>idm the feel of gels
It doesn't make your skin crawl? Awful feeling for me.
>I was looking at France
When it comes to FFS, Spain actually has the best clinics in Europe. So much so that they have some of the most advanced/comprehensive medical-tourism programs that I know of.
>the proximity of thailand seems to make it signifantly cheaper
It is not just the proximity, but the exchange rate. Remember that for SRS you need to stay in the country for ~30 days. For a country on USD or the Euro, that would really hurt our comparatively weak AUD budget. But in Thailand, even a small amount of AUD means that you can spend those 30 day living it up in style and comfort.
>i wonder if their FFS results are more based on asian beauty standards?
From what I have seen, no.
The only Asian medical-tourism FFS that I know can result in this is from South Korea. Amazing things can be done to a persons face in SK, but get the wrong surgeon and you suddenly end up in the uncanny valley with Asian features on a Caucasian face.
Everything you say about Melbourne seems true. Which bar are you referring to? I dont really go to any bars or clubs so idk what its like. I hope I can buy an appartment there in a few years. Might delay ffs a bit though..
I put my gel on my thighs and scrotum and its pretty ok. I totally get it though, I have sensory issues with a lot of things but Im lucky that gels arent it. It evaporates fast enough that i dont mind it

I didnt know about spain, though i guess they have facial team so it makes sense (though idk if id use them since there results seem mixed). ahh yeah i dont want to go to SK, Ive heard they have scandals with different surgeons doing the procedures as well.
>Which bar are you referring to?
It is called the Beans Bar. It is in Fitzroy. Super easy to get to on a tram.
Really relaxed, chill vibe, super cool people, none of the awful gimmicks other gay bars tend to have and super trans inclusive. It is also the only explicitly lesbian bar that I know of in the entire country. Only downsides are that the drinks will really hurt your wallet and they close pretty early.
>I dont really go to any bars or clubs so idk what its like
Since you live in Perth that is understandable.
But one of the best parts about living in an actual city is being able to go to these dedicated queer spaces and just let your hair down. Not to mention meet other queer people.
>Might delay ffs a bit though..
I don't have that sort of strength. My dysphoria demands that FFS and then SRS are the highest priorities in my life.
>its pretty ok
That does not bother me. It is the feeling of the gel on my fingers/hands. I guess due to the extra nerve endings? Patches cannot come back fast enough for me. I would even settle for the big ones that leave the massive residue marks behind.
>idk if id use them since there results seem mixed
I guess it comes down to how to value things. For me I work on a results/cost ratio. Facial team do really deliver on that front. But just not to the same level as Thailand.
For someone with limited funds, this makes the most sense for me. They are not the best outright, but they offer the best bang for your buck.
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stick deez nuts
>I don't have that sort of strength. My dysphoria demands that FFS and then SRS are the highest priorities in my life.
I wouldnt say its strength, Im at a point where I want to establish a life with my gf, but idk which way ill go. My parents have said theyll help with financing a house (its not as easy set as that makes it sound) but FFS is still a huge prio for me. But like a said I want to save for a US surgeon as my first priority. idk, its a shitty position im in rn.
>That does not bother me. It is the feeling of the gel on my fingers/hands. I guess due to the extra nerve endings? Patches cannot come back fast enough for me. I would even settle for the big ones that leave the massive residue marks behind.
I think some places here were stocking the crappy patches, one chemist offered them to me but i didnt want to deal with it. I get really bad rashes from patches as well even with no hair and using an antiinflamatory beforehand (doctors advice). I actually have some spare (back up supply that i probs wont use anymore) i would give you if you were in perth
>For someone with limited funds, this makes the most sense for me. They are not the best outright, but they offer the best bang for your buck.
thats the thing as well, the longer i delay, i should hopefully be able to increase my funds a bit. I mean it really comes down to the surgeon in the end
>its a shitty position im in rn
Well things could be worse anon. Right now it actually seems like you are spoiled for choice. Plus you even have your parents (that I can only assume know about you and support you) being ok with helping you finance a place. That is a pretty good position to be in relative to some people.
My parents died when I was a kid and I had to drop out of high school to start making money. That is a shitty position to be in.
>the longer i delay, i should hopefully be able to increase my funds a bit
I guess it just comes down to how much personal pressure you are feeling due to dysphoria. Do you hold out for the premium option or do you settle for something that is just good enough, but can be done much more soon?
For FFS, good enough is fine with me. For SRS, I'm hoping that the specific kind of SRS I want will be available in Thailand within the next 1-2 years.
damn i hope we can keep the fag flags.
>No AGAMP flag
Its over
I thought I would ask someone from my local area discord to go out this month and actually engage with like minded people but I guess I’m rotting in bed again
I don’t belong anywhere
Why is there an entire MONTH for faggotry?
Because we have an entire 11 MONTHS for cissie hetros.
I think 1/12th of the year is a lowball desu. I say we annex July also.
theres a bit of ommission on my behalf (some stuff i dont like talking about), but youre right, its not super bad
The transphobes going after the LGB again.
No longer pretinding to just hate the TQ+ but openly hating all of the LGBT.
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i WILL get a boyfriend this month.

Look at all those roasties crying for attention

I'm honestly far more offended that the flags are orientated the wrong way. They are upside down.
The progress pride flag is already bad looking as it is. The poor thing does not need help looking bad.
Damn. Looking at some colors makes people this upset? Imagine being cishet.
i thought you were diap posting from the thumbnail
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erm, no, just no.
>you look likt this btw
This thread is already shit. Happy P month.
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you can clearly see i'm wearing briefs
funny pic
wtf lol
i like that shirt
i did say from the tumbnail
i need this but a gay boyfriend who makes me call myself a man but still keeps me on hrt
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If you want to wear a Darth Vader costume in November nobody is stopping you. Most holidays merch is sold well before and after the actual day of the holiday. You can also go around and propose Halloween parties every week in November instead of just once in October but most people won't come to those because most holidays do not have organic support for more than a day or two. Pride on the other hand has a bunch of forced rainbow marketing but also a ton of events over the course of a month and sometimes even different times of the year that lots of people attend so even if you officially restricted it to a day you're still going to see rainbows everywhere for weeks.

If you want to celebrate being straight you can do it with your girlfriend that you definitely have. You can propose to her in public and everyone around you will cream themselves and Obama and Albert Einstein will clap. You can also turn on almost any piece of media ever on any format and there's probably a straight love story there. Believe it or not you can do all of this DURING Pride month in case anyone hasn't told you yet and that's why I haven't seen your wife around yet today.
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it spoke to me spiritually and it's pink
where did you get it actually i might cop
idk some thrift store for poor people
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how has it already been a year since last June
to celebrate you
My HON flag is back.
What a long and irrelevant passive aggressive answer. Very significant events such as the liberation of a country from occupation are celebrated for just 1 day. That someone is sexually deviant is not worth an entire month of celebration.
>people not having to be ashamed of their existence is a foreign ideology
Flag test
im a Newfag do i type the name of the flag in the Options box
look at this laowai pretending they know shit about China
melbourne really is the aussie tranny black hole isn't it?
>hate the feeling of gel on my hands
personally i put it on my leg directly and then spread it out with only one finger (usually my middle finger) because i also hate the feeling
agreed with all! especially the last part
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This will be the year
Then Straight ideology is the biggest issue we're facing.
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>had vibes of a foreign ideology taking over
Good. We need more of this.
Break the spirits of the cishets. Total LGBT supremacy.
>melbourne really is the aussie tranny black hole isn't it?
It is the most progressive city in the country and has the best queer scene by far.
It makes why it would attract people from a group that can feel unsafe or isolated even in the likes Brisbane or Sydney.
>personally i put it on my leg directly and then spread it out with only one finger
Lately I have been using paddle-pop sticks I picked up at a craft store. Works great and mostly allows me to avoid getting the gel on my hands.
But I am going to be so happy when patches come back. I'm going to ask my doctor if I can get an authority script and just buy out the pharmacy entire stock. Gel is hell by comparison to patches and I never want to go back after this shortage ends.
Except the straight men who keep sexually harassing women and becoming incels if women tell them to stop.
i will be celebrating pride this year by not leaving my house and crying in bed
forgot death to white people but alas
say again with a straight (lol) face that straights don't constantly talk about sex? think really hard on it buddy
really, men don't immediately make sex jokes when they see a mildly attractive woman literally just existing? advertisement isn't full of thirst traps? media doesn't constantly hornybait?
no, obviously straights are asexual angels
>really, men don't immediately make sex jokes when they see a mildly attractive woman literally just existing?
Back at my old job it was straight guys who made shitty sex jokes about women or catcalled girls. The only closeted gay guy never made any sexual comments about anything
Straight men are an issue.
I'm not sure if you're just repeating what I said or somehow managed to completely misunderstand my point
>best queer scene by far
i really gotta get out more. i've lived here most of my life but i just sit in my room and barely interact with the world and then have the nerve to cry about how much it sucks being the only tranny i know
>paddle pop sticks
i would do that but i'd be too worried about loosing some of it on the stick
>patches to come back
i just want a gp who'll let me order from a homebrewer and still give me advice and blood tests i just want to get on injections
>but outright sexual acts in public
More things that never happen.
>oday, only leftist sexual shit is allowed, which is race-mixing and anything lgbt that is disgusting, like morbidly obese lesbians.
I legit can't stop laughing. Jesus Christ, real people actually believe this?????
help i can't find flag option
>very significant events such as the liberation of a country from occupation are celebrated for just 1 day
You seem to have not read the post despite judging it.

These events are celebrated for a day (actually there are events for those kinds of holidays for more than a day a year) because people collectively celebrate them for only one day, while Pride is something that has celebrations taking place for weeks. Nobody sat down and said you must celebrate this for one day only and you must celebrate this for a month straight, that's just how people celebrate these things, and again many holidays that take place on one day have celebrations on more than what the calendar says anyways. I will not argue with you anymore about your bizzaro alternate dimension of Earth where military veterans for example get recognition or events for only one day a year and then are forgotten for 364 days. You should build a portal to our dimension where that doesn't happen if you hate it so much.
>no greek flag
kys bigot
>stay up until sun rises
>not tired
>excessively horny
just another day
>but eventually, people will stop giving a fuck
Correct. Once bigotry will be a thing of the past there wouldn't be a need to be this loud. But since we're still living in a time where people face discrimination and hatred for who they are, such celebrations are needed to show the world that you can't oppress a people.
We need two. Replace the imperialist army appreciation month with Pride Month v2.
>i really gotta get out more
You owe it to yourself. The Brisbane queer scene is ok, but it is like 1/20th that of Melbourne's. It is why I plan to move down there once I get my FFS and SRS out of the way.
I'm really jealous of you. You should make most of where you live.
>how much it sucks being the only tranny i know
I was only down there for a week, so this is not something I looked into. But I'm positive that there are countless trans support/social groups around Melbourne. There are plenty up here in Brisbane and as I said, it has nothing on Melbourne.
These sorts of groups are what first let me build up a queer circle of friends. I can promise that everything gets so much more easy once you have a queer friend group.
>i would do that but i'd be too worried about loosing some of it on the stick
Maybe you lose a small amount. But it is not much. As long as you really do make sure to rub it hard on the skin to get everything off the surface that you can.
Either way it beats having that damn gel on my hands. Horrible sensation.
>i just want a gp who'll let me order from a homebrewer and still give me advice and blood tests i just want to get on injections
I do not know what sort of provider you have. But the clinic I go to is all about harm reduction. I was under the impression that most private clinics that catered to the queer community were.
If that is the case with you. I would just say that I AM going to start doing DIY and request that so I do not hurt myself, they show me how to do an inter-muscular injection into my thigh and provide the paperwork needed for a blood test.
It is the same basic principle behind showing drug users how to safely inject or offering pill testing.
What about if we annex July and August?
That way we get our own queer season. A queer holiday season.
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Happy pride to cis lesbians AND trans lesbians!!! Love, /lesgen/.
>Both of these options are only cosmetic
Are you telling me that they will not magically change my sex to female?!?!
That they will only alleviate my dysphoria and help me feel much more comfortable and happy in my own body?!?
Outrageous. I was promised magic and fireworks.

Who would want cosmetic procedures that just made them not actively hate their own body? If it is not literal magic then it is just never worth attempting to improve your life, right?
Furiously jacking it to flamboyants won't make them disappear
>i'm really jealous of you. you should make the most of where you live
i really should. i feel kinda bad because my whole life has been receiving great privilege or opportunities and then being too retarded to take advantage of them. i had supportive parents and knew i was trans at 11 but decided to attempt suicide instead of telling them... and then still didn't tell them for another three years... and then got on hrt at 16 because i didn't pester them about it enough
y'know what i'm going to go google some tranny support groups in my area right now
>these sorts of groups are what first let me build up a queer circle of friends
i really should look into them. also i guess in the past i had mainly heard bad things about them, so it's nice hearing something positive
>i would just say i AM going to start diy
yeah in retrospect it was a bit retarded to present diy as a thing i was considering rather than something i was gonna go to a doctor, but oh well

btw why are you waiting until you get ffs and srs done to move here?
so glad to see u became a qt passoid air force anon
love me some flags
does someone have an image of all the flags for this year??
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i dont like the flags
This was already posted here >>36005650
which one is the super passoid flag?
Let's see if the jannies will at least delete the pedotalk from a fucking sticky.
>but not the SRS
I'm getting the SRS.
>That shit is downright psychotic
I do not care.
>Your genitalia won't feel anything like what it does for actual women
I do not care.
>It will also be all fucked up
The reason why people travel overseas for SRS is because there are clinics that have a proven track record of results that are visually identical to cis vaginas that have had a labiaplasty. Modern SRS at reputable clinics, produce nothing like the scare pictures shared on the likes of /pol/.
>you won't be able to derive the same sexual pleasure
I do not care.
>y'know what i'm going to go google some tranny support groups in my area right now
That is a good step forwards anon. I had a much more difficult path personally, but going to these groups and making the effort to make friends made everything so much more easy and enjoyable for me. I'm sure the same will be true with you.
>i guess in the past i had mainly heard bad things about them
Just don't let anyone talk you into a polycule and you will be fine. Also try to make friends with more then just other MtFs. Think of the people you meet like trading cards; Try to collect a full set of at-least one of each queer identity.
It opens your eyes to different perspectives, experiences and is just generally fun. Queer people both have the best parties and always know where all the parties/doofs/private-events are happening.
>why are you waiting until you get ffs and srs done to move here?
Money. I do not have a ton of it. Since I plan to get my SRS and FSS done in Thailand, I need to save up a pretty penny to both go over there for the surgery, but then also enough to live there for the 30 days I'm required to stay in the country for following SRS.
Once that is out the way, I can start saving for a move to Melbourne. Since I will be all fully healed by then, it would basically be like a new start for me.
File deleted.
/lgbt/ is not the pedo discussion board. fuck off somewhere else.
Go back to /trash/ and seek help.
>hurr durr nobody's a bigot but now you made people hate you because [stupid rightoid fanfics]
File deleted.
alt b side for the nugays of the modern age; enjoy Demon month!

I will celebrate pride month by feminizing my bf
>everyone was fine with queers until you stopped trying to hide it from everyone constantly
this has been the narrative for literal generations just with carrying levels of intensity. hopefully no one is really falling for it anymore
I wipe every pride flag with my ass
Does this shit happen every year?
it happens every other day at the least
has been for a while newfag
lurk more
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Happy pride month gang. Hope you have a great weekend too!
the only thing that still keeps me going is to be able to use a cringy flag on a dying forum for edgy boomers one month a year, thank you mods
Unhappy pride to everyone
OMG HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE !!!!!! this is a time we can express ourselves freely and authentically. also a time we can remember all the people who protested to give us the rights we have today and think about all those who dont have the freedom to be themselves. HAPPY PRIDE <333 i love u all
Happy pride mike, love you too
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I just made these <3
I don't remember this one
Really? Looks like ai slop to me.
I'm just fucking with flags
I used ai for some of that. I for one like ai
They were here last time too
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Happy pride month!!
Brought to you by Bud Light
(And JP Morgan)
kill yourself nigger
Oh. So you didn’t “make” anything. Okay. It almost sounds like you didn’t do anything, at all.

Can you at least try to make two different words rhyme and claim you composed a poem, or does your activism only go so far as to “make me of pride, but really gay” and then posting it

Because that shit is fucking hideous and as an lgbt, you made my world a little uglier by including it. I can only guess you posted it because you’re a child who fetishizes being an “activist”. Our community doesn’t need you.
nta but honey chill it's just 2 pictures
i am begging you to lurk more
There is no flag that is sufficient for me.
shut up whore i just want the sticker i don’t care about lurking more
lurk moar fag
But mostly I'm sad Kuroba Ex doesn't seem to support flags. I am about 60% a phonefag these days.
i am not downloading 4chanx nigger
It's right above the file uploading thing it should say "none" if you don't have one selected
you dont need an extension silly. and saying nigger wont make you less of a newfag
currently flags don't work on 4chan x
thank you <3 <3 <3
>/sig/ mentioned in the OP art
Silly as it sounds? I am beyond humbled by that. I hope I am a net positive for the board, and I will do my best to at least try and be that in the coming year as well. Thank you all.
the real question is how you're going to become one when you say "nigger" and "ywnbaw" lmao
real enough to live in your head newfag
your brain needs more time to simmer on hrt. it'll mellow you out.
i didn’t start using chud vocabulary until 3 years hrt
you are getting hondosed
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Happy pride everyone
Happy pride month :P
/sig/ deserves it! happy pride sig-anon!
/wcg/ is there :) Come visit us if you like webcomics.
Happy Pride Month! Love y'all :)
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another year of staying in the closet during pride month... it's silly but I always feel extra terrible about it in June
9/11 for /qa/ chuddies everywhere
well, say what you want about 4chan, but it's the only place where we, reppers, are represented
personally, i think one of those people should be brown
Not enough brown people on this board. This is a representation, not corporate marketing. Not being in a picture isn't erasure.
dead black tranny hooker in the trunk
We're here, we're queer, get used to it
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Trans diaps are trans rights! Recent studies of proven that wearing diapers reduces testosterone up to 90%. It's one of the most effective holistic HRT by a large margin.
All transgirls would benefit from being diapered for the first few years of transition.
First day, already had gay sex.
cute image tho. even the repfags get a sticker. awww..
I do not see any 'speed lines' or other obvious signs of movement. That combined with the stuff in the back of the car makes me think they probably just pulled up at their destination. Maybe a scenic overlook where they can all have a big queer picnic together while watching the ocean waves roll onto the beach below them.
i love how your only filters are for generals and biking lmfaooo. bumping if anyone has a filter to hide all generals really easy?
i get the passgen...
Why is twink everywhere
is there a full version of the twinkhon flag anywhere, what's the black symbol?
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ladies like Hunty or F1nn5ter really make the girl-attracted side of my bisexuality come out
We are so back, happy pride month!
Oh shit based someone killed Robert Pickton the sickest fuck ever caugh in north America. Managed to stabbed the dude in the head with a broom. He was in maxsec SHU for like over a decade, people were wondering how long it would take before someone killed his ass for street cred.

Srsly dude was one twisted mother fucker, he would have totally trooned out too if he wasn't caught till the late 10's and troons would consider him a hero an imprissioning him is not only a hatecrime but they're only saying he did all this because he is trans.
Rest in piss you sick and twisted fuck, did you really have to feed them to pigs which you sold on the market and odds are human meat as well without people noticing.

If he trooned out he would literally be worse than buffalo bill he would be a trans icon and hero a warrior against TERFism
lol drug feel, the gay mod that everyone wants to murder always deletes it
>filtered by regular expressions
regex is something every tech literate person should learn. It's a fucking swiss army knife.
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>he murdered 26 women, including sex workers
why didn't they just shoot him?
>the sickest fuck ever caugh in north America
Objectively speaking. That would probably be Davis Parker Ray. Ignoring all of the stupid myths that are constantly repeated about the man.
If you actually study the case, it is clear that he (and his daughter) was pure evil and killed a minimum of 40 women. Up to 100 by one FBI analyst estimate. All of them suffering just about the worst things that a person can suffer. Before being killed, butchered and their cut up body parts disposed of in at-least two different lakes.
But Robert Pickton was still his own evil all the same. I think he is one of the few cases where there is pretty solid evidence to suggest that he actually sold the meat of his victims (disguised as pork) to people. I can only think of two other cases like that in world history, that actually have evidence to support it really happening.
He didn't just shoot them. We have one witness statement of seeing him skin a women who was suspended from a meat hook.
No tomboy flag?
the only upsetting thing is that lookahead and lookbehind etc are not implemented by all programs that use it.
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>He didn't just shoot them.
no I was making a joke about how canadian people don't carry weapons to prevent this from happening
>still no Top/Bottom flags
smdh baka
two flags
I think you would really need a multi flag system for those to be relevant.
Something like: -Attraction- (lesbian) | -Gender- (trans, MtF) | -Presentation- (butch) | -Position- (bottom)
Since we cannot even get the flags we have to stay year round. I would not be holding out for a multi flag identity system any time soon.
I dont even care about that, I just want the flags to reflect board culture. Top/bottom posting is super frequent, way more then Dom/Sub posting. Hell, we have tons of meme flags, and thats cool because they are fun and represent the board
do threads still die at 330 i hope so
They die at 310 this is a sticky it'll stay up for the entire month
basically one for each of these
I do not think we need quite all of those variables.
But I think four or five would be a good idea. This is a board that is very much built around identity after all and the flags we have now (as limited as they are) do objectively improve the quality of certain threads. Plus almost everyone seems to like the flags, so why not allow for a more expressive version of them?
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i love this image. it's like pure self-harm. 10/10
it's half of the twink flag (it's on google) and half of the hon flag (original)
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Happy pride month!!!
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this is current status, ideally i'll be like between 70-80% on all 3 gender sliders
pride is fucking cringe and is reserved exclusively for zo*mers and the mentally defective
Should i go to a pride parade?
yes they're fun
/wcg/ represent!
she's giving tilda swinton alien realness
virgin repper :( get out there and enjoy life anon
chad bisexual. lover of any lady
someones future wife
gloves the king as usual
the person you called bi is very obviously just cis gay
be yourself anon, hrt femboys are cool :)
Ah I read my own chart wrong
>lover of any lady
how in the world did you get that from that edit
I made the chart and skimmed it incorrectly, I thought what was leaning left was actually the opposite (male side being female)
ok I'm sorry for being mean
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this art is sincerely really cute
woo hoo
is everyone using the right flags? I have not seen one hon flag used yet
The transbian and mtf butch Flags might as well be the Hon flag
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WOOO very swag right i love pride
How many pooner manlets will detrans this month?
How many hon monsters will assault someone this month?
the aaaaanswer my friends
is blowin in the wind
The woke meme flag and shitty 'Progress' flags are already there, retard.
the woke flag amuses me
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Please don't be mean to them. Just hope that they are out there living their best life. Whatever form that takes.
Besides, former FtMs tend to make super cute AFAB enbies.
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Happy Pride month every one !!!!
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Happy Pride Month Frens =D
btwwww~is there anything Pride related going on in the DFW, it would be my *FIRST PRIDE* and I really want to make some newFrens as I do not have any like literally at all here, so now more than ever<3333
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nothin to be proud of in my life -w-
You're cute. Be proud of that! And sorry to hear things are rough ;;
i drew a boymoder
No Australian flag?
what do u even do during pride month this is my first one in a progressive area is it just the parades
personally? i just go outside as little as possible, both due to the heat (picrel, my birthday is thursday) and to avoid hate crimes
this istrue im a bigfan of not going outside
happy early birthday! mine's coming up shortly too
Why no necro flag?
Why no trap flag?
The heck is achillean?
Also what is labrys?
opposite of sapphic
old lesbian flag made by a man
More specifically, in the modern day it is the lesbian flag used by terfs. Mostly boomers of the old 2nd wave 'political lesbian' variety.
The modern lesbian flag used basically everywhere is the explicitly trans inclusive 'sunset' design.
wait, why are you already back?
i've never heard about pride month before. is this an american thing?
thanks anon!
Fake and disgusting
>step outside
>walk 10 minutes
>100% going to get hatecrimed
Is this genuinely what you people believe will happen?
>spurdo boymoder
Love it.
not that dramatic, no. last june a gayden passoid was getting gas at a station with his husband and child, and he got the shit beaten out of him in front of them because they thought he was a cis gay that adopted
>june 1
>free pride concert
>find really cute guy
>he walks away before i can find the courage to talk to him
>follow him
>oh god i think he knows i'm following him
>he's walking towards me
>walk past him without making eye contact
>keep following him
>he looked back
>get scared and jump a fence into private property
>get stuck, hurt my leg
>leave, try finding him
>he's gone
same concert at same time and same place tomorrow. hope he shows up
You can’t let fear control your life.
It’s important to note that not everyone who uses the labrys flag is trans exclusionary. It tends to be preferred by butch women, and has been used by trans women and allies who want to reclaim it from polilez and transphobes.
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wasn't really sure where to put the marker for biological sex/sex features, pretty sure i'm not intersex but i've always been very high-t/low-e and naturally androgynous since i was born
>tfw ftmanlet top
my life is a joke
is there a version of this to do as a quiz?
I do not care for pride month.
silly question but why cant i select flag?
Maybe try a different browser
i feel like that bill hicks routine is relevant here
but also kys chud
real my parents did this and i actually flew
Why is transphobes first line of motive to act as if people want to be a different species and not a different gender / sex
4chanx doesn't know you can.
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>it insists upon itself
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Why do I meet so many trannies and faggots in Team Fortress 2 ? More importantly, how do I fuck them?
t. fatass cowmoder tomboy hon
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Does my jewelry pass?
Looks like shit a tomboy dyke into mysticism would wear, 8/10
*chuckle* finally! i can have the FULL june experience
thanks nonnies
thats how i act when i'm not a cry baby
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fuck yes for the next month i can show off twinkhon pride
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women hot
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pride month off to a great start. this happened while driving home from my first ever pride event. no more car i guess
why did you do that
refrain from making rude and hurtful comments please
i was making a right turn and this car tried to swerve around me from the right while i was doing that and it totaled my beautiful mazda
wow thats bad, you ok?
physically yea my friend and i are ok which is very good. however i am now carless in one of the nation’s least walker friendly / worst public transportation cities lmao
that sucks but at least you didn't get hurt. your insurance will help eventually.
yea filing a claim in the morning and going to start looking at new cars this week
why are """women""" so bad at driving?
as much as i hate you i don't want you to get hurt or die. you alright? maybe your insurance can help recoup some of your losses
bruh the cops looked at the security cam and confirmed it wasn’t my fault lmao
i’m fine just very depressed about it. of course this happens as soon as i get into a relationship & start getting job opportunities again
my gf is a beautiful strong soul and being with them is one of the greatest blessings of my lifetime
stop doing meth
i have not done meth since december 2023. this month will mark half a year since i used
good work. it can be hard to kick but you're on the right path.
there’s just not a single problem made better by meth. it’s an awful drug with no upsides. it made me act like a maniac and fucked my health up. i used to like it cause it helped keep me awake but it’s not real energy, it’s just tricking your brain into thinking it’s energized even when it’s not actually. meth is awful and i really think i only got hooked because it was my first hard drug. i don’t have any wanting to do meth ever again
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women and pretty men are to be kissed and fucked
we'll never reach 1000 posts by the end of the month at this rate...
Jesus how did you not die or at least have a few injuries wtf
your survival surely has to be thanks to divine intervention rewarded to you for spreading the anti-poly gospel
Happy pride
yay rhe flag shit is back
Like all other politicians trump is a politician and only says things people want to hear. Back in the day he used to be more lenient on trans people
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we're only 3 days in dawg give it time
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meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
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am i pretty?
https://unsee cc/album#HjZpPLIzblcN
laughing at a brutal car accident cause the victim told you that you should shave your beard before calling yourself a woman or put in even the slightest bit of effort into getting your hrt is deranged
idk we got fucking lucky tho. if i had been a little bit more through making my turn we’d both have died with how fast the other car was going. we are gonna try to salvage this car tho
praise be to God!!
I guess im bisexual. Questioning my gender identity given I have an above average breast size but I dont feel comfortable with my femininity or when my friends box me into the female label. Feel like if I was born with a flat chest I'd be able to easily identify with being nonbinary asap but because of these things on my chest it's just impossible.
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I don’t know the extent of your hatred towards me but based solely on the receipts I’d have to think you wouldn’t care if I got eviscerated in a car crash, you’ve told me to kill myself several times.

And I’m being honest with you right now, I could’ve replied with worse but I didn’t because I do feel a bit bad, and I thought it’d be tasteless.

I’m sorry that it happened, I’m constantly paranoid on the road which is the reason I haven’t learned to drive yet. I hope that you quickly get a new car that you can love the same and that you’ll heal from the trauma.

Picrel is the Amazon Pufferfish, I hope you like it.
You aren’t ugly af, contrary to what the person in unsee said lol

> Captcha: MR DRK
rate out of 10? .w.
Oh absolutely not I swore off that shit. Also I can’t see your eyebrows :3
Is anyone who is closeted and lurking here planning on coming out this month?

I sadly never had a grand coming out. It was a gradual easing out, just letting few people know at first and then more and more. I didn't make any social media announcement or just start telling everyone "I'm gay!" one day.
"non-binary" isn't real, and not identifying with femininity doesn't make you trans. If you don't have dysphoria then transition probably isn't for you.
non binary is too based for someone like you to understand
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Honestly the full spectrum of human genders and attractions can be a lot for normies but they'll get used to it. if not then skill issue lol lmao.
Non-binary is a a fantasy, and has no relevance on society. No one on earth acrually believes that people claiming to be non-binary are outside the human gender binary.
i believe that my non-binary partner is, in fact, non-binary
you could get a breast reduction
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Everytime I complain about there not being enough domiant gock mommies I feel the urge to put myself out there and find one, and then I realize its just normal dating with a woman, but 10x harder because gock is much more rare. And when you do find someone they're weirded out you enjoy their bits.

It's like you can't just love someone for who/what they are.
Start waxing and you aren't a hon
I was but then decided not to. gonna wait till I get my life in order first before coming out to my family.
might bake a bisexual cake to stuff myself with though
not fully closeted but have considered coming out to some people close to me who dont know.
Doubt I'll do it but might buy a small flag just to feel something.
today would be a realllly good day to kms if I didn’t just sign a new lease.
this image makes me wish i had friends
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I kinda just realized that I didn't know any other gay guys my age. That would explain the lonely aspect of being 21 I suppose.
>bell telephone car
fellow autist?
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Pride Month Pass Test!
(actual results btw)

I love how everyone in the official OP pic is white, sorta like the picnic thing from a year or two ago. Way to go, mods!
everyone here is white so it makes sense
I don’t think that’s the case.
I've seen unsees that werent
Is third from the right Moot? I miss him so much bros
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me too
when will rimworld get an actually good trans mod, genitals broke in the 1.5 rjw version so now i can't have a colony of angels with wings or a poon ranch
just my wishful-thinking cisoid male self insert pawn that regularly starts shit
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cop da fit
they were a dollar 50
What I like especially is that there was some attempt to mix the design up and how the colors are just ever so slightly muted as to prevent them from looking garish, what are they made of?
98% polyester
;~; why can’t shit be made of cotton or something like that. I’m sick of plastic.
at least it's not flammable
I mean what’s important is that they’re cute and they look good when you wear them, also plastic melts while cotton burns.
the guy who ghosted me for 5 months texted me back and i wanted to celebrate
That’s so quaint that your idea of celebrating is buying $1.50 socks lol

I hope the interaction is fruitful!
how are you doing mods/janitors?
I feel like not enough people give you guys respect or thanks for trying to keep the board clean and peaceful.
they killed twinkgen
probably a valid reason for doing it, sorry that happened though, what gen do you post in now?
hope it's enough to keep you entertained, maybe it wasn't the fact it was twink gen it got deleted but other reasons, how many times did they kill the gen and did you use a good format for the opening post? was it just selfie posting? they killed boymode general a while back but honestly it was for valid reasons it got shitty and now it's back so maybe twink gen will return too someday
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Fresh out the closet bislut here. Going to a major pride parade later this month, anything I should expect/prepare for?
don't eat the day of and use an enema, pride kinda sucks now imo but the after party is fun
degeneracy beyond your wildest imagination, also bad behavior from sissy boomerhons
Its true, are you into that world?
Pride month is cursed, STAY HOME this June.
I got covid a few days ago and spent the last hour and a half trying to catch a scary roach in my room, then in the middle of writing this i got up and tripped over a can i knocked over in the roach battle and this isn't even mentioning yesterday.
How do you trip over a can?
I stepped directly on it.
It crushed and slid on my hardwood floor.
Oh that’s funny lol are you alright?
flag test
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It was a mental blow more than anything rofl.
unless you have weird browser settings or are using a custom client the option should be above browse button.
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My wife works at Nintendo, and she brought home the Nintendo Switch 2 prototype but only we may use it, can’t show you, sorry!
I would be really uncomfortable if a nurse started asking me if I take it up the ass while I just got diagnosed with cancer
[spoiler]Happy pride month[/spoiler]
happy to say that i no longer suffer in miami
happy pride faggots im seeing i saw the tv glow today with another lateshit twinkhon
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Total Polygamist Death
We Will Vaccinate The LGBT Community Against The Poly Plague
>wanted to use this month as an excuse to come out
>everyone I know just complains about gay people and seeing rainbow shit and how they're becoming homophobic as if corporate pandering is somehow gay people's fault
I hate living in a rural area
oh my god please please please please please
>33% of pedophile rapists
Thank for you admitting that the other 67% are straights. Good post.
>most recent source published 20+ years ago
don't directly address it retard
You still can but you're being a pussy about desu
Onions trans y confiaría mas en un hombre posiblemente violento que en una persona del culto de la vagina.
Because of Fuckheads like you. The first Pride was a riot, get bent shithead
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This is essentially my social interaction for the day right?
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You live in a pro-nazi, pro-catholic and lower education country. I wouldn't blame them for rioting.

There's even third world countries with better rights for us than the USA ever had, and granted even earlier.

Pic related, obviously not the US.
>equal age of consent
The fuck does that mean? Lel had to delete my post cause it was the wrong @
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Expect music you're not used to. (reason why I go there for an hour and then leave)

I personally don't find pride parades as fun as other people do. But I also don't find dancing fun so it might just be that. i'm introvert af so going to any party makes me miserable regardless (also under 100mg Sertaline/Zoloft life is not poggers for me)
It means the state allows people under 18 but above 15 to marry with someone of the same age range IF NEEDED. WITH THE CONSENT of both their parents or tutors.

Just that. Pedos still go to jail (except the politicians).
Thought so. Meanwhile, in Ameristan, we have alt-right chuds (Republicans and conservatives) arguing about wanting to fuck minors under the guise of child marriage. This place really is backward in so many ways.
you know? i say fuck it, let em do it. with the condition that yearly statistics of whom (older party ofc) is getting married and made visible, public and accessible to everyone. there really is no way to lose here on paper. if they think we really that much of child rapists as them, we can point to the cold hard facts that it's nearly all straight right wingers do it. and even if not you can use their tactics: "iTs LeGaL"
Because people don't see homosexuality and transexuality as something normal and although it's more accepted as time goes on, there are still bound to be people who grew up in families, schools, neighbors etc who punished them for their differences. It gives these people hope and the ability to find more who accept and love them.
Also the fact that it's becoming a short of tradition thing. And to sell rainbow merch of course.
We need to make it so that when you hover above a flag it shows you the name of the gender/sexuality. Who's with me?
pues eres cringe y tonta pq lo peor q te puede hacer una mujer cis es juzgarte pero lo peor q te puede hacer un hombre cis es violarte y matarte, y no siempre en ese orden
Lucky you…
these slap great find
The smaller side activities and parties are often more fun than the parade if you're alone
I've had 5 spiders crawl over my chest these past few nights. I believe you.
My uncle works at Nintendo and he told me you can find Mew irl if you push a truck into the Bermuda triangle
This doesnt include the ones crawling over my legs or haunting my sheets. I want a new room.
>The smaller side activities and parties are often more fun than the parade if you're alone

Seconding this.
True but there's also other reasons rural areas suck
I want out of this dump man
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Be kind to animals, too. Transvegan. Happy Pride
do you suffer in miami?
Thinking of coming out to everybody I know as transfeminine nonbinary this month. Mom is gonna be easy, she'll be supportive, and it probs won't be that hard to explain what NB means to her (if I need to at all). My dad on the other hand, he's not hateful but I think he'll be a bit weirded out by it; also he can be really fucking dense, and the thought of trying to explain NB to him kinda makes me not even wanna do it. I dunno, I'll figure it out, wish me luck.
my mom still asks me if i "decided on being gay or straight yet"
and? whats your answer?
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Does anyone here also happen to like pokemon
I made them into various flags, I'd appreciate ideas for more of these if anyone has any
happy pride
lesbian scorbunny or deerling
Not like some of the ex employee boomers, but yeah.
There is just something about their level of money and scale.
how and why do you suffer in miami
i said "i already decided and you're being ignorant" and she dropped it
Sorry I won’t be commenting further, anons be crazy.
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Yeah, same here. My first job out of highschool was working on old Avaya IP 500 PBXs. That was my foray into the world, met some interesting old timers. My knowledge pales in comparison to them, not even worth noting, but the idea to build a living analog machine that spanned the world in a time before computers just fascinates me. Check out the 2600 Hacker's Quarterly, you might like it if you didn't already about it.
i just thought i'd let you know that you're not alone. it's hard finding anons who also live where you live. not saying to meet up, just know that you're not alone.
Starting a petition that once you choose a flag you cannot change it.
That’s very sweet of you going out of your way to say that.
>PBXs and I assume VOIP
Oh you are like that autistic.
Ill stick to my, making routers talk world.
The book looks interesting, maybe when I get done with my current reading Ill buy a copy or keep an eye out for one.
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yes, still autistic, but I don't do it anymore, I'm working on getting my CCNA now. its neat and all but IDK if this is really the long term route for me.
Fair enough, good luck on the CCNA
Wish I could give pointers, but Juniper owns my soul
>IDK if this is really the long term route for me.
Not having fun with it or something? Or just boring?
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ah gotcha, no worries, pointers are hard to apply anyhow, it's all about how that person internalize something and usually telling someone doesnt engage that, at least for me.

Just bored, I've built my life around working in and around computers, I probably should mix it up. At the same time, I'm *just* (hopfully) getting my CCNA, which with the right job would do the mixing it up that I desire.
>IBM mouthwash
There is a slant to this as someone with soon to be 3 JNCIPs, and I'm not sure what you actually do persay, but there might be something to be said for specialization. General IT seems, bleh.
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I did the deerling since I think it worked with the flag very well :]
do a pansexual pancham cuz it's name
I just wanna say I love the immense amount of salt that comes from crazies every time June rolls around. I really dislike christians and muslims and such, so seeing a month make them seeth is just lovely.
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i'm really closeted but i want to really try and come out to people this month. i live in a very accepting city but that justs means when you say you're gay people assume you go clubbing and drinking and fucking new men every night and i don't do any of that. mabe just a casual mention. and i'm not even gay, i'm bi. but people here just equate that to being gay.

also new socks idk
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i love activity sheets like this they get me real giddy ahahafbbfn
What is that haircut... I want it so badly.
Yeah it's the generalization that is boring. You're right about specialization, to 'get gud' at a craft.
>friends on a road trip together
couldnt be me
2009 justin bieber haircut
Just passing to say
Only real based ones are the trannies because Gay, bi and lesbian are afraid of becoming a real woman and real man.
Based Chad trannies forever.
yeah me neither I cant fucking drive
also I get car sick
What does Hon flag even stands for
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Based idea added it
if we're going by that logic how about a bisexual bisharp? Maybe for asexual it could be gl-ace-eon lol.

Gallade and Gardevoir for ftm and mtf could be cool too but that has nothing to do with their names.
Buzzwole and Pheromosa are the most cis gay and cis les ones I can think of.
i love it thank you!
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The bottom ideas are cool and I will try those too probably but the aceon and bi sharp work wonderfully
those turned out so cool! I'm not even ace but I want an aceon now.
You could probably do one of the genderless mons for nonbinary, maybe something like Porygon or Rotom. Would also be a neat detail to arrange them in the order of the acronym if possible (LGBTQIA etc.)
how about a trans or trans man(flag by my name) noivern? or the same flag(s) honchkrow or munchlax?
a transfem swoobat would be good too
St. Charles Lwanga pray for us sinners!

Let us remember the patron saint of homosexuality and our rallying call against sin.

This saint died burned at the stake for defending the Faith and the bodies of younger pages from the pedophiliac advances of the king of Uganda.
opa gangam style!!!
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i went to a social lgbt event today and talked to 0 people and i got kicked out for trespassing
Cis male. I just had sex with a non binary person (afab) that were very neutral passing and I honestly liked it. What even am I? I don’t feel straight, but I don’t know if I’m bi. I know I love women, and afab non binaries were fine. I also am fine with trans folk too.
are you attracted to men at all?
happy worst month
did you wander off or something?
man I thought I was retarded, this is impressive
it was at a museum nature reserve and i let myself into the forest and the restricted rooms
the event was super boring anyways
you’re gay
oh well that's actually something I would do, ok we are equally retarded.
please be in miami
I wish anon, I'm in Pennsylvania. Kinda wish, I love the breeze and culture last time I was there. Sadly Florida is retarded, but not in the good way.
i hate it here i wish i wasn't so poor
summer is so fucking unbearable but winter isn't much different desu
how old are you, where would you like to be
22. anywhere with 4 seasons. and a beach, to remind myself of home.
Im 21, I think I'd like to love in Boston. But maybe come up north, lots 'o beach to the right.
0 money, if i could afford to move i would. i hate it here.
pride month shouldn't exist
this is hell this is hell this is hell this is hell, stay safe, get out of here as soon as you can, it's dangerous
It was meant to be a harmless celebration of diversity and acceptance but capitalism is to blame for everything pride has become and all the controversy.
jesusxjudas cutest couple I used to imagine them sloppily making out when i was 12 happy pride motherfuckerrrrsss
A trait that the colors of our flags have taught me is the knowledge of togetherness. From dark-skinned people to the variants of colors seen and unseen throughout Universes. Our community is not only the example of the emotion of love yet the physiological change of our harmonious hearts.

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink however you can talk him in to it." - ???

I must be honest there's an LGBT Pride Center here where I live albeit every time I go there I always seem to get a vibe like 'you're not welcomed here.' Though now that I think of it they probably care about me some where there. Geez—they could'uh just let me know then send me away lol

The picture I provided was taken earlier today thoughtfully. I can't remember the name of the place but their boba drinks are bomb lol Empty cup! Yup! Yup! Yup!
I hope we are not in Weimar Germany because I do not want what comes after
Are we in a Weimar Germany equivalent in our history today? Lots of acceptance for LGBT starts becoming the norm and then people get fed up and the government uses the as a scapegoat for more power and disabled people too, It also happen when Rome was Christianized, I hope I am wrong about this...
My long-distance polyamorous GF broke up with me last night. She said that it wasn’t anything I’d done but she had started dating several other people and could not handle being affectionate towards all of them daily and she was really mentally drained. She’d been unusually exhausted for the past month or so, so it makes sense, though I was surprised that it happened. She still wants to stay friends. We hadn’t communicated very well on the polyamory department. I felt sad that she broke up with me, particularly considering she was my first GF(I have a developmental disability), but it seemed like she really needed to. I do wonder if she’s eventually going to want to get back together, considering the circumstances. Is that a selfish thing to wonder?
>long-distance polyamorous gf
lol. lmao even
it was ok when it was a just a fun weekend, a whole month is obnoxious and unnecessary
Fuck off, you are losers
You will never change this fact
Everyone is accepting LGBT and you can't do nothing about it
piss down your throat
dun dun deeeee dun dun dun dun de dun dundundu
dun dun deeeee dun dun dun dun de dun dundundu da
I know exactly what you mean
tenacious d in the pick of destiny. you're welcome
*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*
I can't tell if my sexuality is real because I've never had sex so what if it's just all in my head
Also there's no point in coming out unless I have a partner that's not a woman to bring around people, would end up just feeling like "btw here's what I fantasize about"

How do spergcel bi's cope
I never had sex but I'm still attracted to males and females both romatically and sexually

Why do I need to question my bisexuality?
/vt/ has nearly more than 150% of both v's and pol's poster power combined.
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>got drunk at a gay bar. talked to nobody. wasted money.

>went to /b/
>shitposted in the gfur thread for free
>saved some pics
>had a good time
Reject normalfagging return to rot
>return to rot
This is basically what I only do as entertainment
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My flag has no impact on my life I am just transgender no one else gets to know the details not even me
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did I miss the thread? anyone wanna have sex with me
why don't you want romance? :(
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at the moment I'm unsure that I even experience "romantic attraction" at all, my current identity is dictated by my innate, physical emotions alone. I do feel a close emotional connection to women in general, but I wouldn't consider it romantic? I just prefer to be around them
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>finally muster up courage to come out to my wife as trans (we're 29 (me) and 26 (wife) if that matters)
>she's bisexial so she takes the news rather well
>we start preparing me for transition by reading up various books, articles etc together
>get spooked by all the stories involving sudden change of sexual orientation after or in the process of transition
>new fear unlocked: straightness
just had to get this off my chest
we've been together for almost 8 years and still very much in love with each other
Repressors getting married is such an interesting dynamic to me
Did you know the whole time and were trying to squash it by manning up, or was it repressed so successfully you didn't even know until it boiled over?
Did you have a kid and now you feel like you can be who you want with progeny secured?
It's doubtful that you'll stop liking women completely. Maybe you end up liking guys a bit more, but most people are bi.
what's in it for me?
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>Did you know the whole time
I lived in Eastern Europe until mid-20s before I moved to another country so yeah, you can imagine expressing any kind of gender-nonconformity was a big no-no, even dangerous at times. Still, I distinctly remember myself developing an interest in feminine fashion and make up in my early teens. In fact, most things feminine (including acting and looking in a feminine way) seemed weirdly attractive to me but I just brushed it off as perhaps something temporary.
>trying to squash it by manning up
Pretty much, at least around the time I met my wife. However, "manning up" never quite felt right, almost nothing masculine did. Fortunately for me my wife turned out to be quite supportive and welcoming of my feminine qualities, but it still took me a few years to finally figure myself out and tell her.
>Did you have a kid
Not yet, but I froze my sperm a year ago in preparation.
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At the pride event in the Boston Commons with my girlfriend, hope everyone's having a nice pride month :)
Normies out
people literally tried "curing" gays with hormones some 70-60 years, it obviously didn't work so i don't see why HRT would drastically change your sexuality

don't make a big deal out of a few anecdotal stories on the internet
Happy Pride month y’all!
Going to les dance tn
Thanks! Im taking the bus lol. Let’s get weird!!
Whats your fursona /lgbt/ is it something cute and sexy
damn i wanted to go to a furry con this june ty anon
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Okay yeah, but seriously you guys

My prostate has been super sensitive the past few days and I dunno why
Just rubbing my asshole gives me pleasure

Should I tell my doctor?
yes you should talk to yr doctor
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Theres no pride parades happening where i live in florida.
They want me dead. I know they want me dead. Why even bother pretending that im moral when i live in a world where immorality is handsomely rewarded
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why does it look like flag of the second reich
Was looking for this

Thanks anon!
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Speaking of flags, should I make an alternate LGBT flag/LGBT flag redesign thread?
Now it looks exactly like the German empire flag with an extra yellow bar
I was actually doing the enby flag and not the ace flag, and I was going more for the 1930s China flag, but I can definitely see the connection
Meeting other lgbt people made me realize how fucking unwanted and useless I really am
I quit
get off the board for starters
Site rules. This is a bad place to be as a kid anyways. Get out while you can
This. Bet let's at least send her off with good advice.
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Goddamn this thread moves so fucking slow
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me and who
Hopefully me cus I need some sucky fucky real bad
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I wanna cruise in a big late 60s automobile with a cute guy. Twisting methodically along a lone scenic route.
Some day.
What I'd like to do is get my grandfather's '69 Dodge Charger with a 383. Probably wouldn't give it to me if he knew I was a homo.
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I'm gonna go to the pride parade in Denver with a sign around my neck that says 'kick me'. I'm pretty handsome and friendly looking. Do you think any cuties will kick me?
idk but pls post results cutie
Thanks boo. I will
if i happen to see you i'll give you a soft little nudge on the butt with my shoe, how's that?.. not sure if i'll just go there saturday, or go sunday but miss the parade, or actually make it for that this year too.. long story short don't expect it either :)
what letters? i'm also gonna go
I wish i could make it down just to kick you but sadly i’m working that weekend

mind telling a baby trans girl where all the cool trannies in denver hang out?
ooh, wish i knew where the cool trannies hung out but i also have no clue. hope someone could give recs
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>replies: 666
its hard to find cool people in this city tranny or not ;-;
report back if you spot a rare cool denver tranny at pride and get a rec?
i would kick you if you come up to the mountains
666th post
Europe countrysides suck so much I want to go back to the city where all the cool faggots are
fuck im too tired to type Id wish I had some nice coffee and a baguette
the autistic pooner thinks I love him cus I gave him a bag of anime crap I didn't want anymore
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bishits ruined this board
the D just randomly appears?
oh shit son
>no one in the car is black

I guess Pride is only for white people.
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celebrating pride month by turning myself straight
>pride month
>have to be 10000km away from my gf
I wanna die
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I hate "Pride Month". It's making people hate us.

"Pride Month" will make people hate us! There will be a massive snap back in the phobic direction because people are *SICK* of it all.

~ We Do Not Need "Pride" Events ~

- TheOffensiveTranny
- Blaire White
- Buck Angel
People already hated us. Its just they’re specially triggered during this month
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too late
No seriously... I see a massive backlash on the horizon....
People are sick of this rude crude Empire of Rainbow.

People are sick of the whole of their towns being turned into LGBTETCETC celebrations every year.
The sun wasn't invented until 1792 that is why the Mona Lisa isn't sunbleached despite spending its early years outside in a park
the mona lisa is UGLY
Yes but I never said otherwise
Damn bro, why
i look more emploayable now
i miss my hair. i'm sad.
pride month is not what’s making people hate us. people are just shitty.
we all mourn your loss
hope you get a job to make it worth it
funny story actually, last time i got a job i recently got a haircut too. if i don't get a job this time i'm never doing this again. i swear on it.
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half of the generals in this image get jannied by the faggot mods
happy :D
If it's for a job go get a proper haircut
Everything clipped to the same length is not a look real look it doesn't look nice
Yiff in hell, furfags!
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it switched place
Sounds really fucking retarded I’m not gonna lie
the gay amercain community is one of the craziest thing to be able to witness during these times
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erm... YOU sound retarded
would smooch
no u
my daddy makes me put glass in my vagina
>hon flag
why do you steal hon valor?
Regarding pride, why is it the case that we tell normies that pride is necessarily an all-ages thing, and turn around and defend kink at pride? We cannot have it both ways
Does anyone else feel like estrogen relocates your orgasms from the shaft to the perenium or am I crazy
Brainworms rot the mind, anon
Furfags made me bi, their artists are way too good at drawing femboys and cocks
Your orgasms were in the shaft?
The shaft is barely erogenous wtf
Well the whole penis but yes
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i'm a hon tho. ffs may help but i don't really have a lot of hope.
No you aren't. Perhaps you don't pass perfectly but you aren't a hon. The fact that you read as a lesbian with short hair is proof of that.
how old are you? (i know it's rude to ask women their age, but still)
grandma moder
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so are ya North Dakota or South Dakota
dude i love dakota shes the only tripfag who makes me smile with her posts, but what the fuck are you talking about? she is king of the manmodergen for a reason if shes fucking stealing hon valor then hons dont even fucking exist, stop hugboxing, alterntively, how fucking ogremaxxed gorillamoded are you to think that she "reads like a lesbian with short hair"
I wish TF2 wasn't an abandoned game with a bot problem
I have a nice vanilla tf2 server anon chan with bot protection
south, kotakins is north
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>bondage bears erected at main Street
>all forms of bondage are banned from public view
>the crucifix is banned for technicality
>America left spiritually vulnerable
>gay demon invasion commences
>America becomes fully gay
She's nice but she's not a hon

>how fucking ogremaxxed gorillamoded are you

I'm just saying if she's considered a manmoder hon, it's over for me
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What does this image make you think?
My only question is wtf lockheed Martin?
*wtf is
They make nukes lol
woah heckin based
carpet bombing all the homophobic nations with dyed warheads
Based as fuck
does anybody have that drawing of the brunette trans girl in the gray long-sleeved shirt mumbling incomprehensibly to herself while everyone around her looks uncomfortable
i cant find it but i need it shes literally me
I’m dead
is pdx pride any fun
what does pdx mean
what are you doing up so late go to sleep
did you hear about the free drag show today
nta but Portland
look up portland radical pride. its the one all the trannies go to. its not really all that radical politically anymore. more like a craft fair with music and stuff.
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I made a post about wanting to kill myself, and got this warning. I contacted the helpline, and they eventually got tired and hung up on me.
sorry to hear that anon, i'm not much of a talker but i can listen to you if you want me to
they only do that so they don't feel responsible for your death. too many single moms of dead kids who livestreamed their suicide bitching about the moderation not doing anything, so now they can say they're doing something
there's nothing to say. I've aleinated every single internet friend i've ever had talking about it, only to recieve empty "i'm sorry"s from everyone, and just like the helpline, a hang up when they cant do anything.
that tracks.
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reddit care resources
I had a brief and fleeting moment where i found it cute that someone would've typed that out and personally sent it to me, a total anon, but no. It's just standard practice to refer the suicidal hon to the hotline, and then the hotline gives generic questions until they cant be bothered and it's a dialtone.

I really nearly did kill myself today
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i would say i hope it gets better for you and all that but i know how useless and also ironic that is given the context. i've also been doing real shit lately. i fucked my life up and wasted my youth, i have nothing going for me anymore and no life prospects and everyone hates me. no one cares for trannies, cis people will never understand our pain. still, i hope you live to see happier days, if for nothing else then just out of spite. don't be part of the 41%. i'm doing my best, too
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I'll try to anon. I can only wish you the same, we're in very similar situations it seems
Is that your attempt at a roast?
Is pride a place where you should attempt to hook up, or should that just come naturally?
i guess not then
you shouldn't hook up anywhere.
Sorry, I just keep getting fucked with by anons.

Tell me about it :3
Who’s going to NYC pride on the 30th? I’m stayin in the city for a couple days for it and I’m tryna meet cool ppl
it was in miami i thought you might have heard about it
i couldn't stay too long my mom had to pick me up and she got mad :/
No I didn’t, I did hear about Wilton Manor’s Stonewall Pride parade tomorrow though! It’s intimidating though because I’ve never been to a pride parade and I don’t have anything super cute or freaky to wear.
that's not in miami tho
Oopsie, it’s close enough though.

There aren’t enough fucking options for shit to do in this accursed state.
living in a blue city in a red state truly is a curse.
i look up "miami lgbt" and every link i find i'm greeted with ads for HIV support. pride is a joke.
Right? It’s a piece of fucking shit, especially with this fucking flooding.
the flooding is the best part though. less normalfags to run into on my walks. i don't have rainboots but if i did i'd be out more.
>super cute or freaky to wear.
just BEE yourself (unironically)
don't dress to impress anyone, just wear what you like to wear. something athletic, since it's hot, and you'll be out for a while.
I like when German Shepard's are at that fluffy fuzzball stage
yiff in hell
I’m thinkin’ I might.
hugs all
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GF put up a trans flag, and then she wanted to put up the progress one and i recoiled. i hate that flag its too busy and over inclusive, but also i didnt want the brown pride there. idk im a racist femboy i guess
fuck you for being a racist femman but the wild thing is the original pride flag was the most inclusive. it just stood for everyone outside the whole cishet thing. once you start making each piece stand for a microidentity then you're going to start leaving people out.
you're correct to dislike the flag but that's the wrong reason to do so
(i dont like the trans flag either fwiw
This comment is so based, I am a Femboy myself but I dont like the whole LGBTQ Thingy so much,but I still support the people who are trans non-binary etc and if somebody hates a Sexual flag thats totally okay.
ok pinkie pie
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finally came to terms with my lesbianism. probably shouldve been obvious when I wanted to continue experimenting with my female friend when i younger even though she didnt want to anymore, everyone assumed I was a lesbian, and the idea of waking up next to a man everyday for the rest of my life suffocating and scary but hey..better late than never.
Based! Its a lot of fun
Yeah good idea, besides it starts in an hour and a half so I don’t have time to try anyways :3
I’m just gonna wear my Levi’s bell bottoms and a vintage t-shirt, but which one to wear…
how old are you nona? it took me a long time too, but like you said, better late than never
Macks Jeelahrdii
27 kek
turning 23 next year. still a virgin.
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oh hey same, twinning
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>i don't care what you do with your own body behind close doors
>dude wtf? wtf? why are you cutting yourself? don't you know cutting is le bad because...
why are they like this?
here's (You)r free attention, sir-ma'am
misato transitioned???
i was a virgin until 25
if it was just some hookup i'd rather not hear about it
not really, after i finally started transitioning at 25 i was more open with myself and met a really nice girl who's now just a friend but she took my virginity
Pride is just a conspiracy to sell rainbow colored bullshit for a month.
my employer isn't even bothering with it anymore, lmao
every societal shift ever has always been about what makes the most money. soon they'll find ways to profit out of alienating us again.
My first pride parade ever was a success and I feel truly happy.
aw I'm happy you got to feel that. happy pride!
i am now on SSRI's
Happy pride!!!~
Beware of permanent total libido death.
>Beware of permanent total libido death.
hrt be doin that to me
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okay so what did you do
i'm surprised there even is a pansexual flag
feel like that term doesnt get much mileage around here
I got called sir at pride jfc it’s so over
my own doodoo feces
pansexual means you would tranners and enbies
very important distinction from bi
i'm in my early 20s and i stopped getting carded at bars, iktf
Does anyone know if these flags are only on the board during pride month before being removed?

I kinda like being able to choose a flag would suck if it was just a june thing
only june for literally no reason other than admins hating us
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i cri evrytim
Been on hrt and girlmoding for 6 years and now I think I’m actually a cis man Should I detrans or poon mode?
Oh okii lol
I’m gonna make a thread!
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wish i could go to pride but we don't even have a parade in my city :(( maybe next year when i hopefully pass better and also maybe have anyone to go with too since it involves traveling
You should travel solo, it’s actually pretty common and is a good way to get out of your comfort zone
this is true its very fun too
i mean i've traveled solo before. it would just be nice to go with someone because i don't know the city, but i would love to go alone too and try to make some irl lgbt friends. i just can't right now because i still live at home and closeted and the parade is RIGHT after my parents return from holiday. like if it was one weekend earlier i would've actually said fuck it and took dad's car and booked a hotel for a night (it is a long drive). but yeah i'm definitely going next year
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surely this is some kind of boating hazard
where is could i pass gen? if i make a new one will it get taken down?

asking here because idk where else to ask and it wouldn't be worth it to make a new thread asking if i can make a separate thread
anbody here lesbian gay bisexual AND transgender?
i'm a certified tranny and my attraction shifted from gynephilic to meta attracted androphilic. you could call the first stage lesbian if you're of the opinion that trannies have always been their preferred gender and you could say that i'm now gay if you think iwnbaw, with a bisexual phase in the middle. technically i've been all but not at the same time
Im sure theres somebody that went from straight male > Gay male > Bisexual male > Trans woman > lesbian

Not me though
…yes lol I identify with all of those words, am I cringe?
I’ll make one before 12 EST
I lied
i'd need to set up slippi and use a switch pro controller to do so, but im curious as to what region you are so i could estimate latency
ah i see well nvm then im from Aus i played smash competitively for a while but i'd be playing samus into the inevitable fox/falco pick
do lettuce people really do this? kind of gross
i know, haha gross reddithon etc, but like why even ask people for pronouns if you're gonna be a cunt about it? i think it's fucked up how only feminine people are allowed to be "queer" and the most dysphoric hon who got fucked by genetics through no fault of her own will get treated worse than the most trender non-dysphoric pretty theyfab
>the most dysphoric hon who got fucked by genetics through no fault of her own
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yes retard. hon liberation now
i'm a proud supporter of the LGB movement
i am unironically homophobic
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i am as well though
its my birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday!
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I'm trying to convince myself to go to this saturday's dyke march in my city but I'm scared because it's probably gonna be A LOT smaller than the pride marches I've been to before...and I don't wanna run into an old flame :s
Happy pride and happy birthday anon!!
hope your birthday has been, is, and continues to be nice!
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Sharty can go die in a house fire for all I care
i think literally everyone normal agrees with you
sharty's like a melody in my head
ok but can you answer seriously
i actually have no idea just thought the name was funny
retarded raiders who spam unfunny 'jak shit
or something
The sharty isn't that bad. On the whole the internet is a better place because of them.
do you feel PRIDE in yourself?
no lol. only hate and depression
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>look up pride clothes to see if I can find something cute
>98% of it is butt ugly
>you can check the archives for stickies
There's nothing there in the official archive. Mods are now officially sponsoring the unofficial archives? I would think they'd want to distance themselves from archive sites after b4k.co batch edited every /v/ mod post about moving threads to /pol/ to this. Granted that site doesn't archive /lgbt/, but still.
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I just wore jeans and a rainbow hoodie to my pride thing
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I am finally moving in with my bf next weekend, we've been dating for a few years now and it started out long distance and slowly moved closer and closer, we finally managed to get to a point where it's financially/job situation viable for us to move in together, I'm introducing him to my mother next month as well who is the only close family I have (she's very supportive but I'm still nervous) there's a lot of stuff we have to work on but I'm feeling more optimistic and happy about the future than I have in a long time
That’s honestly very sweet, happy for you anon :3
anons, what are you wearing to pride?
nothing, im not going, i've never been to a pride parade and as a 6'1 rapehon with no friends i'm never going to a pride parade
Something fairly neutral, jeans and a t shirt or something else that I'd wear in boymode (really manmode, if that). My friends keep pushing me to go with them and present fem, but saying I'm hon would be putting it charitably, and don't want to leave the house presenting fem in front of my family at any rate. I still want to see them but I'll have to meet them halfway there.
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pride parade in my city was in april.
and no i didn't go. i didn't know there was one until the day after
i wore a blouse and jeans, light makeup, some cute jewlery, and i still got called sir by a security guard
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>missed out on 2 lgbt social eventa because i was too sad to check the calendar
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Okay lemme change my flag real quick
Posting just so I can say I posted this year.
I love purple nurples
Whats your tag?
Let me be your friend.
Blame Bakugo for that.
i don't really want to post my discord if you're even still here
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happy pride month everynyan
pride month is for faggots
yeah, who else would it be for?
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Celebrate Pride Month with the queerest Frankenstein since Gods and Monsters.
I hate being gay. It never gets better.
Hate being alive, it never gets better.
Someone please get me out of here.
I think I’m gay
There needs to be a platform were you can just find people with your interests/whats going on in your area. It does very very little on purpose, to get its users to go out and interact, and doesn't lock anything behind a fee. It would be like a public directory of social activity.

Idk, I'm 21 and have 0 idea how people meet anyone. Feels a bit like I'm on my own island.
nigga got a headache rn check back later
it's called tagmap
Why do baristas always look down on customers? I told one I was having issues with my wifi and I needed to work for a few hours and he turned up the music so I couldn’t focus
its funny how it's only rightoids pushing this myth that we're all secretly some agenda to push pedophilia, The slippery slope fallacy is exactly that.
why are my feet so smelly
what's your type?
does anyone else use c.ai to cope with loneliness
i use it to whack it sometimes, batman couldn't torture that information out of me, if it was out of loneliness instead.
unfortunately, things are rather bleak
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things were rather bleak for me for a few days (i have a new scar on my wrist and nearly died a few times lol) but i got on mood stabilizers now im normal yayyyyy

sorry about ur loneliness though anon, i relate to it too, i just suppress it with weed.
thank you, it’s good you’re doing better now
i guess
I’m not going. Fuck pride month. It’s nothing but a bunch of shallow narcissists, acting self-aggrandizing about them being born attracted to the same sex, making it out to be some major defining aspect of our identity. What’s more, these movements only continue perpetuate a persecution complex, talking about how we have to fight against the omnipresent spectre of “heteronormativity”, and how “the straights/cishets are out to get you!” Creating this neverending self-fulfilling prophecy.
you sound like you need a hug.
Yeah, I had a rough day.
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literally useless unless you live in a big american city. would be cool if there ever was an actually popular dating app type thing but for friends but that's never gonna happen
>Be me
>Bisexual guy
>Go to LGBT group in my college
>Someone says "im scared of white people"
>Never go back after that
People should train their doggos to shit on LGBT flags.
personally I train mine to shit on the Israeli flag
>goes to lgbt meetings
might as well tell everyone you're straight
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Bisexuals are cringe. Like people going around saying how different and special they are.
>The dog was put down for hate shitting
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Thankfully the heatwave will be over by next Sunday. Wandering around the Pride march is taxing enough in 80-something weather.
fuck you youd stiupc homeosexual fagits i hate oyus all
My trans friend got put on SSRIs recently because she lives in a state where minors can’t transition and her parents are cucks who follow the law. I’m really worried about her. I’ve been doing research about SSRIs and they have some really scary side effects in some people, and are hard to get off of. It’s been nearly a week since she started and she’s experiencing very severe fatigue. She thinks she’ll get better in a few weeks when the medication kicks in but I think this effort was doomed from the start. I already know she needs HRT, the chemical imbalance theory of depression is coming under scrutiny, and some studies have found antidepressants ineffective. I’m worried she’ll be stuck hopping medications for months and stuck further weaning off them, and get permanent damage. At this rate I already don’t think we’re going to be doing much over the summer together. I hate her parents, her psychiatrist, her rulers, and the world.
That's Dick Masterson, AKA Juju the cow, he dresses up as a cow when he gets fucked, he also supports pedophiles, is pro lolicon and Cuties
She should take them before bed if she isn't already. When I was on an SSRI I only had two significant side effects, couldn't nut and I got drowsy after taking the pill and had really vivid weird dreams. It was still absolutely worth it and it's like taking off sunglasses and actually seeing light properly once they kicked in. What I always heard is that they turn you into zombies but it was like the exact opposite of that.
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more gay webm b4 we hit 1000
new piercings?
what does it feel like getting surface anchors, esp there? id be so worried about snagging them on clothing
it hurt but not enough to stop me from getting 2 more in like a month. they are kinda smooth so not super snaggy if you're careful
What is your opinion on the redscarepod and it's subreddit? They have major influences in the new york poliical scene, which is why New York might turn republican next year (But I also expect a few red states to switch Dem to counterbalance this)
ohh cool. i probably wont get any dermals done, but im considering some facial ones, might wait until i get ffs tho
the girl that went b4 i did got her face it was ok but my piercer said she bled a lot. I didn't even bleed a drop.
my lgbt community center is installing a n64 and a switch and i have some physicals collecting dust that i haven't played in a year :D
neat, hope you guys have fun with them. old consoles are only fun with other people imo.
>old consoles are only fun with other people imo.
categorically false
>old consoles are only fun with other people imo.
legit, multiplayer seems to hold up super well no matter the console, but solo games on old consoles usually feel kinda shit (although i still enjoy some of them, i dont think theres a single n64 game i enjoy, sorry oot isnt fun for me)
you get it
mario 64 is the only n64 game i played and the only n64 game i liked

whatever, i'm bringing my copy of cadence of hyrule and i'm so excited to play it again after so long. i love that game to death and now i have people i can show off my skill to :D
idk, i wouldnt want to play ps3, its like the graphics look bad, the controller sucks, most of the games have been ported anyway
6th gen is great, 7th gen is dogass except wii, 8th is great
id k the wii sucks for a lot of reasons and the games are super duper casual. some of the party games were fun but who wants to play wii bowling in 2024? 8th gen..? i mean the wii u is not good, the ps4 has one game!! well a few more, i liked wipeout, but nothing exclusive really. and whichever xbox was 8th gen is as forgettable as the rest of them
it's over 900!!!!
(anime refarance)(
It's almost over bros :(
man when the fuck did it go away, i barely felt it. pride is not really celebrated in my country aside from the parade which i couldn't attend so nothing really changed in my life at all aside from a few corporate accounts online changing their profile pictures. it felt like celebrating christmas as an adult when all the magic is gone. genuinely the thing i'm saddest about is just the 4chan flags going away. i hope maybe i can actually go to pride next year :(
It’s the second year in a row it was like this for me. I like to think next year will be better but at this point idk anymore. Things have changed so much
you will be amazed to find that half this board is actually chasers
wtf is that the new girl in the 7
wtf it is lmao
who made this

also yes straight boys can stay here. do you like video games?
>the GLOBE
>RYYYYE bread
lol xD
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i now understand the context of this image
gross, but hot, but gross
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okay now this is just gross...
fucking sick.

you mean TERF rights?
Let's do the faggy ass flag thing all year round. Come on, why not? /pol/ gets their idpol bullshit to play with.
yesterday i played a drum for a really sexy cute boy on the beach. we hugged for maybe 2 whole minutes and he gave me his number. he was really really sweaty and really really smelly

he has a girlfriend
I am PROUD to have a cute and sexy trans gf. First relationship I've been in where I felt comfortable enough to introduce her to my friends.

In other news, I saw a younger lesbian couple pull through at work with a "furry porn <3" bumper sticker today. The one that got out of the car had a shirt that said "wolfpack" on it lmao.
i like the first paragraph but not the second one
i like both paragraphs
good for you and good for them
most corpo stuff stopped a week ago already locally, and i saw youtube having some weird ass yoga influencer promo a day or two ago instead of pride stuff lol

im pretty sure politics is getting too hot and we won't have corpo prides anymore in the 2030s because everyone will be too busy making fascism seem palpable
we won't get pride stuff in the 30s cus being lgbt would have become mainstream by then. it's like saying "juice drinker pride"
>t. doesnt know anything at all about sociology, geopolitics, and history
i just want to play video games and jerk off with cute boys
that's fine and easily accomplished, you just gotta adopt a tiny little bit of fascism :3c
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pride month? what's that? a celebration for groups of lions??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!???!
>follow me for more comedy content
Anybody know more bi man representation shows and movies?
All I got is Heartstopper and Baby Reindeer
>"furry porn <3" bumper sticker
Insanely based
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>bi man representation
I love Roger.
liar liar pants on fire, i stayed for like the whole parade and walked around the whole park twice didn't see anyone with a 'kick me' sign
Pride is too much nowadays. Plz seperate the kink and the gay
where were you 22 days ago?
that's a hurtful thing to say and it does not inspire love or positivity
me again, i'm probably going to kill myself
nta but me too, when are you gonna do it?
spontaneously sometime later today, probably.
oh, very swightly earlier than me. i hope its not painful for you
i hope its not painful for you too anon, we'll be girls in the afterlife
which flag tastes best?
I imagine the OG gay flag tastes like a handful of skittles, painful on your jaw and sickly sweet
i really like this song
shit taste even for a fag
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Happy sticky pride!
It also happens to be my bday this month.
I was such a pathetic loser a year ago. Its amazing how much has changed for me in a year.
Things have gotten better and better for me, spending less time on this board and more time with the friends I've made, and the interests I've found to express myself.
- I had a birthday party I was able to invite more than 1 person to (9 total!)
- I've gotten deep into photography.
- Revived my interest in 3D design
- Found books I actually enjoy reading
- Started eating more healthy, and exercising more frequently
- And im no longer afraid to drive further than 30 minutes from the house
I wonder where I'll be another year from now, when I turn 27.
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happy birthday!! i'm really happy for you!
the trans pride flag tastes like cotton candy
good job
Keep the flags please
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>have a crush on a straight guy
>have a crush on a guy with a gf
>have a crush on a gay guy with a bf
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You can turn him gay! I believe in you anon!!!! :3
I don't get it

Also keep the flags mods!
sorry anon, i didn't end up killing myself last night. I hope if you did, you're in a better place right now.
>"please don't rape me, Patrick"
>"sorry buddy but I'm gonna spew my goofy goober goo inside you until its leaking out of each
and every one of your pores"
my favorite SpongeBob episode
Pride month is almost over.
Happy pride month
inb4 it's over
I’m satisfied
i hope things go okay for you anon
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this is goku after trying to fighting the willpower of a person who got hung up on by the suicide prevention hotline and was still alive
i think this post is in reference to me

i dont really have a lot of willpower lol

im so tired
no respect!
i did all of them and haven't even died yet. umm christbros? checkmate??
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we gonna hit a 1000 posts??
Dead board for real
Really took the whole friggin month to fill it up
>Is that a selfish thing to wonder?
Definitely not
this is the deadest sticky we've had since the first one in 2020. in 2022 it got 1800+ replies, looking at the archive. that obviously includes deleted replies but even then it's a far cry.

if only we could keep the flags the board would be fixed i think
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Happy Pride
(im a schizoid)
if the mods won't let us keep the flags I'm gonna send a tip to the FBI that each of them have hardcore cp on their computers
Nice to meet you, haven't been able to play Vidya bcus I get bad RSI. My favourites were Sonic the Hedgehog and MGS thought >.<

oh yh it's Firecracker, she's my girl crush <3333
y helo thar, butsecks?
sorry to hear about your Relative Strength Index. i like to play indie platformers and shooters and roguelixes
yeah firecracker's a cutie :)
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good job!!!
it took me like a month to beat soda popinski 2 on the wii
Mike Tyson turned me into dust lmfao, my first true Mike Tyson fight and I got obliterated.

I’ve beaten Super Punch-Out!! And Everyone on Wii except Donkey Kong, I need to beat the two Arcade games and the Game & Watch title and I’ll feel complete.
Ive turned straight. Thank you for all your love and support lgbt
yr welcome to stay around =)
Fake PR “we care” shit
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hello cutes and happy pride
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>only 1 week of flags left
Pride in my city isn't till the 30th
almost 1000 it took nearly the entire month.
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we can do it faggots
are you the french maeve or the other one
or an entirely new one, I don't keep up with namefags that well
happy bday either way!
What's everyone's favorite food?
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i got my eyebrow piercings and earrings swapped out 2day and got my nails done.
chile relleno
I'll happily take a good salad over any fancy meal tbdesu
Hey /lgbt/ I wanna go to prison so I wont have to worry about housing or any of that anymore which crime should I commit?
murder a Saudi diplomat
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noted. the list begins
fastest way to get arrested is to go to the prison gate and ask to be arrested and they'll charge you with trespassing and loitering
my 4chanx extension doesn't let me pick a flag... help :,<
can you go to prison for that? I need it to be bad enough that I make it past the holding cell and into the real deal.
sorry anone they don't have a "wonderful and sweet cutie pie" flag
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We’re almost at 1000 posts!
Look at my pickup.
awwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeefhhghhhfhhhhhhhhha ;O; you're so lovely woo ^=^
thanku very much anon!
what are you going to do with
all those Playstation 1
they are so clean
who else eats their own cum by curling into a C vertically and cumming in their own mouth?
I’m keeping the baby and maybe two of the big ones and selling the rest!
You should see them in person :3

I have been wondering if amabs could do something like that.
yes im amab and ive done this
most of the time kinda regretted it because it tasted like shit
what are your letters
There's a guy who's been going around on multiple boards for years claiming to be the picture used in the autofellatio wikipedia entry (since switched out), he makes long threads playing out an exposure humiliation fetish about it
mtf, straight
honestly i think it tastes amazing, almost like warm poi imo! just hate cleaning it off my face when I miss
lol we cannot, it took us 26 days to reach 1000
that's a lot of zesty webms i'd have to make.
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look at all those chickens!
please im begging youuuuu keep the flagssssssss

Someone has to
You’re a fucking retard lmfao, cry me a river.
hey listen man there's this lgbt rec center in our city and i'd really like it if you could donate one of these to it...
they're also planning on installing a switch and a n64 soon.
Tell me, is the prevalence of trannies in the population as observed higher or lower than it was estimated by researchers?
given how many of us diy, repress or in more unfortunate parts of the world don't even know what being trans is and that transitioning is an option, i can't see how it could possibly be lower. i think a solid 1 in 10 people would press the button if it existed and it changed everyone's memory of you. hell, i think at least like 5% of the population would even just take hrt if transitioning was a completely normalized fact of life and there was zero transphobia and hrt was freely available over the counter
ended up in hospital after od'ing. was close to death.
got a warning telling me to not die, ty mod/janitor
Oh my God, I WOULD LOVE TO!!! Tell me about it!
Yusss chikkens!
it's in liberty city that's all i can say without revealing too much. it's open weekdays 12-8. anyone can just walk in and hang out. free food and clothes. books and a TV. no video games, yet.
Wait how do you know what state I live in? Or are there more than one Liberty City? Additionally (and not to sound rude but) how am I supposed to donate if I don’t even know where to donate?
i used to rub it into my belly button
you've said where you lived in before
Oh cool :3 well I can try and find it this weekend if you’d like?
I used to a few times when I still produced cum
i heard they'd PROBABLY be bringing in a switch tomorrow
and it's not their switch, just some guy's
it's like they're lined up in a cinema ready to watch a movie
Guess I’ll try tomorrow then!
Aren’t they cute, I love my new baby one it’s flawless, it’s staying with me for a gooood long while.
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how do i stop getting ghosted
it's been 5 times already
They're beautiful, like young cattle waiting to be let out to graze. Never seen that small round one before actually
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Fuck you got me
I think the latter are cute, I have some plain polos too
i thought you were afab nb
haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii only cute people can read this message >w<
womp womp
I'm the anon who was wondering and I'm a lesbian.
well i cant drink my own cum anymore, i dont even leak pre
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mtfs do too.
You kinda look like Gilbert Gottfried
Pride month? More like WIDE month Lol!!
Look I’ll need a little more to go on, the city and hours isn’t enough. I can’t drive so I’ll have to use public transportation.
yeah i got a few warnings myself. well, i hope things are okay for you now anon
lets live together, please no more attempts
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I wish i could promise it anon. I wish i still had a thread of hope i could desperately cling to, so that i may keep going.
well i don't think it really matters anyways if you don't have games and an hdmi cable for it
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Are you seriously scared of doxxing a fucking building? Like you haven’t even given me an opportunity to glance at the place, it’s like I’m deliberately being gatekept despite agreeing to an idea you gave me like what the fuck? Who’s to say I don’t have a game to donate? Like bruh I only have so much patience, also hdmi? I have a spare CRT I can donate as well but only if you can just drop the shit and give me a better hint.

J e s u s

No hard feelings, just like what the fuck???
okay buddy with that attitude i don't think it's a good idea for you to know more about it
turbo wants to bring da hookup and this bitch is scared
xe could've just said "yeah i have games and a crt"
there was nothing when i od'd. no light no noise, just dark. it wasnt comforting, it was just a void and not in a good way
when this is over can we have a LGBT shame / repression / guilt sticky for the month of ju ly
why? reppers need to stop reppin.
I love those colours on you!
w-well only cute people can write it so checkmate
no july is for LGBT Wrath. August? Sloth. and so on.
every moment of conscious living is total anguish in a way i don't think i could otherwise escape anon
cmon guys we're almost at 1060 posts!!!!!!!!!!
okay :]
i think because this was the overdose that actually brought me closest to death has made me want to live. seriously i was rushed to hospital as priority 1and woke up 2 days later
Well anon, I'm literally about to have a thread die on me about how much i want it to end >>36326976

i really wish i could have the want of life in me, but i don't, it's too much, i've tried too hard, there's nothing left, i'm in a mire and it's the lowest it'll ever get
i kinda regret even trying this time. now ive been in hospital for like 4 days and i cant even stand up or get out of bed
what do people mean when they make a post that just says "test"? what are they testing?
I sometimes test if I'm banned after my thread is deleted by a janitor
Go to 4chan.org/banned
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well that test failed
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Finally another anon who isnt a youngshit, im 28 :D Also, i am in the same boat, reviving things I thoroughly enjoy and breaking barriers, I built my own chopper from scratch and got back into juggling ^_^

Ignore the shit under my eyes its allergy season and im suffering
I'll miss my flag when it's gone :(
stop smiling!! stop being cute!!!!! unacceptable!!!
i wish i had a bf
Just celebrating pride month I guess
Would you settle for a manmoder?
are all the booths and shit like that at the end of the pride parade, or the beginning?
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>have a crush on a straight girl
>have a crush on a bisexual girl
>have a crush on a lesbian girl
>won't approach any of them because I'm scared of being treated like a creepy rapehon even though I'm small frame 170cm and more or less passable
maybe I just need to give up at this point
The WSJ equivalent in Italy wrote a special about LGBT people.
Imma drop it for those of you who wanna read it.
Cant post them because 4chan is gay and maximum file size is 4 mb.
i dont read much italian, whats the gist of it?
Oh idk.
I gotta read first about the financial bubble of the sea transport sector plus im at work rn. This afternoon ill tell you guys.
First page summary.
First pride parade in ukraine since the start of the war, some tentions broke out with the neonazi counter-parade.
Of the whole italian population, 9% is lgbt (in the us they are 1 every 13 people), 73% is pro same sex marriages (the lowest of the main EU countries). 2% gay, 3% bi, 1% pan, 1% ace, 4% trans/enby.
Of the lgbt, 18% are zoomers, 4% baby boomers.
In the US trans folks can serve in the military. In the US, 275 draft laws target lgbt rights since the start of 2024.
Thailand and Greece legalized same sex marriages. Russia included the lgbt movement among the extremist orgs.
From September 2022 to September 2023, 320 trans folks were murdered, with Brazil in first place with (since 2008) more than 1000 deaths.
Hate crimes against lgbt people in the US are 43.5 every 1000 people in subjects older than 16, while for normal people it's 19 per 1000 people.
In EU, in 2023 33% of lgbt people got attacked in the last 5 years; compared to 2019 (26%) there is an increase of 7%. .
In the EU, 67% of lgbt people got bullied in school for that. It reaches 79% for gays.
54% fear holding hands in public.
More specifically about italy:
Medically assisted procreation was requested by the italian constitutional court to be outlawed in 2021. The Parliament didnt procede (duh). Two lesbians had a kid using MAP, now the local court sent this case to be decided by the Constitutional court.
Last 18th june there was the last court hearing regarding the law on SRS by the Constitutional Court. Everyone is still waiting for them to publish the decision.
Last thing: no italian law yet for lgbt minors who have been harmed because of them being lgbt.
Some comments on these things:
ive seen a video by jubilee where lgbt were asked if they agree that this is the time where lgbt people have it better compared to the past, and everyone agreed. Get your shit together, fags.
Italian trannies MUST follow this case, because it focuses on the legality of SRS being subjected to a pathological state of the requesting patient.
For those who dont know: italy hasnt produced legislation for same sex couples' filiation; for italians: you better get your paperwork done in Holland then go back in italy if you will ever wanna marry. There is still no "fidelity clause" in italian same sex marriages, plus it's not even a marriage per se.

Ill be back this afternoon for the other 3 pages.
>Get your shit together, fags.
Regarding the fact that antilgbt attacks are increasing. You are not safe.
>Italian trannies MUST follow this case
The 18th june one
;_; you can do it anon! or, well, obviously not the straight girl that probably wont work out.
>going to lgbt bbq today
>hoping on meeting potential bf
>still can't get straight boy off my mind
an lgbbq sounds like a fun event. will you take your own food?
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It's almost over...
I never figured out how to work the flag thingies
See where there is "Cis" written?
Click on it. Flags are there.
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oh... it doesn't work on 4chan x...
ehy do you still use 4chanx? the native extension is basically perfect plus supports css
native extension?
does it work on chrome?
native extension is what the site rund by default. if you check settings youll see you can enable thread watcher and a bunch of other stuff
I see, thank you~!
now that you mention it i probably should
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i would because im vegetarian
:( flag burning is so retarded
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jannies dont remove the flags you cant do this to us this to us !!!
this is still working for me
is semen vegan
yes and so is human milk
i saw a gay duck at pride and made a new friend at a dyke march
overall pretty good month desu
My friends and girlfriend are dragging me out of boymode for pride and I'm not sure how I feel about it
enjoy yourself.
it won't be as bad as you think. have fun anon!
ohh you want to lactate as well?
nana wants cookie
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back from bbq. not a lot of interesting people. overheard talk of std tests, gross. saw a kid play fnf roblox version. ate free food. saw straight people pose for pictures in front of a pride flag. the boy i like hasn't texted me.
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>the boy i like hasn't texted me.
What would you consider the most annoying lgbt sub culture?
For me it's gaymers
>most annoying lgbt sub culture
people who have casual sex
people who post on /lgbt/
/lgbt/ users who complain about lgbt people
of course
This thread is awful and smells rank
damn, can you text him? std tests arent gross but i understand not liking promiscuity
youre even more based than previously thought
ty ty
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can we get to 1200 on the last day?? GO FAGGOTS GO
>/lgbt/ users who complain about lgbt people
For me it’s this one desu
i'd use flags on any other day of the year not pride month
he said we were going to the beach and he'll tell me when.
One more day before every corporate logo goes back to being its old drab colors
i stopped seeing pride lights and logos halfway through june
I call it biden migrant crime
every year the companies do gay colors for RAINBOW month
but when will they do olive drab and militay colors for PATRIOT month
Pride Month's over! Time to be straight again.
we GOOOOOOTTA hit 1200 posts
We've got one day left, currently watching fluffy BL. Any BL recs from you guys?
like so
watching "firebird" on prime video. it's about 2 soviet pilots. it's based on a true story supposedly
Are you only into the fluffy kind? And can it only be animated (i.e no books or comics)?
moot can we please keep the flags, i like them
hiro can we please keep the flags, i like them
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Keeeep the flaggggssss
so do you wanna donate the ps1
i love you donationanon
One of the worst months for ym mental health since ever
Couldnt afford therapy, wasted all my money on cope eating lmao.
mine :)
It's funny how we all want to keep the flags but likely won't keep them sadly
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it's not funny actually i'm gonna cry
Furfags without a doubt
i'll be the exception they will let me be the only hon on the board while u no flags play happy.
Happy pride month everyone!
Anybody French/French speaking who would like to be friends?
I speak French and it would be cool to have a French anon to talk to daily and stuff
Happy pride month everyone I didn't have a good month because my father passed away but things are gonna get better I love you all
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last day of pride month. i was about to hang out with my crush and come out to him until he canceled at the last second.
I wish I had a crush that I could meet and speak to daily
Hope it all goes well on your end anon, I'm sure you'll be able to hang out with him very soon
i don't think i want to. he never replies to my texts. he's only ever been with women. all he talks about is women. there's a huge exeperience gap and income gap. i'm stupid to ever think he wanted anything to do with me.
did any1 go to the Chicago pride parade today
Another pride with no pussy
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I dont want my flag to go awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ;_;
Keep the flags yo
keep only the HSTS flag and permaban anyone who tries to use it
happy pride month everybody
since this sticky is about to die I think now is a good time to post your credit card information
you're late
better late than never
I love you
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>purple flag
>posts "I love you"
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I wont hesitate bitch
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>IWN have this
hey man... i'm sorry about the things i was saying earlier. barney IS pretty cool and i was acting like a dork.
I would like to donate one, yes.
ok well i literally looked up "lgbt center liberty city" and it was literally the first result so idk what trouble you were having
so did you have a good month
my straight crush stood me up on the day i planned to come out to him so no
i'm sorry
bye bye pride month, bye bye flags
hello july, welcome back fags!
mods are fags
The last bitch who posts in this here thread better turn off the lights and lock the doors before leaving.
123 not me
i'm sorry.
Polygamists, fight for your right to marry more than one woman at a time.
It's a personal preference for me. What can I say? The guys in those BL's tend to be so pretty! That said, as long as there's no rape, I'm okay with any kind of BL.
Sorry, I don't care what media it's presented in, book or animated is fine
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Thanks, Friend! I'll give it a try!
It's over.
bye pride month
I'll just come out next year, i think
last for gay retard
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
bye everyone see yall next year i hope ^-^
whoops sorry for unpinning it guys! (i didn't acually do it (this is a joke))
it's overrrrrr
>you don't need to tell me
>i hope you're with someone who makes you feel safe in your sleeping tonight
>i won't kill myself trying to stay in your life
>i got no distance left to run
>image limit reached
MODS!!!!!!! FLAGS!!!!!!!!!
1200 replies get!!
my last post with a flag
goodbye world
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
goodbye :(
pls let the flags stay
Keep the flags glowies

I did not read the first section of the pride flag

We are all gay retards in the eyes of the creator


guys if we never create another thread we could technically keep this sticky going until next year
gay people are my mortal enemies
gay people are my best friends
Gay cummies
( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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