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Macleod edition
prev >>36239299
QOTT: Do you believe you are actually a manmoder?
>answering my own QOTT
yes, I am the only manmoder
i started hrt in my late 20s with a norwood 3 hairline
QOTT: Im a barrel chested brickhon with gaga skull genetics at 6 ft with size 11 mens shoes so yeah, its over
>Do you believe you are actually a manmoder?
No I've only started HRT and look like a faggy long haired twink and don't want to honmode
Yall is some women
I don't look like one THOUGH
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let me repeat myself yall some women yall will never be men yall some dames ladies misses gals dolls etc

Yall will never be men, you wear your state of manmoding like a disguise, but i know your women

This little guy agrees with me in jpg attached
i will NEVER be a woman. i look like a hairy monke with a vitamin deficiency .
I look like this but pale and I am not a woman or ever mistaken for or seen as a woman
fellow manmoders, who is your least favorite boymoder? for me, it's chicanadipper
I'm in between manmoding and honmoding. Manhonmoding.
imagine caring enough to have a least favorite or know any of the boymoders by name
I just fucking hate you all
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she's really annoying. worse than marie. sorry.. heh... guess i'll leave since no one wants me here... *walks away sadly*
You probably look like an improvement when compared to your foremothers desu

Ignore florensis on the bottom left shes not your ancestor
finally someone i mog (right)
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all three mog me
i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb i hate mpb
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Worms in brain
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me, too satan... me too...
why the long face?
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see >>36252718
I feel really bad for her

that joke was mean, I'm sorry

no you're not
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The person you posted looks like a 40 yr old butch cis woman with a hair loss condition

Never of their appearance screams male to me
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its so over i hide my face in fact
the person I posted is literally me, a 35-year-old man who has not malefailed in about three years (after only a couple of mistakes from people in public while I was earlier on HRT)
You look like a butch woman with a hair eating fungus issue
fgjdfgdjkgdfgjklds lunr
so cute take off your mask !
had electro again today i look fucked up more than usual
>that bald spot
oof :(
i am 6'2, i have a browbone you could launch aircraft from, i was designed to die in combat. i am the only manmoder. i don't know what made me think this was a good idea
your skin looks healthy do you have a routine
lmao delulu asf
the laser will probably make you look worse desu, men without any beard shadow kinda look uncanny
yea tret+sunscreen
cerave moisturizer
some supps
soap with salicylic acid
thats about it
kill yourself
i heard that sunscreen is really important, never heard anything about the other ones desu, seems like a waste of money
why though
i will feel alright when i got ffs for my jaw and nose
and after that what are you planning to do? keep manmoding or honmode?
start sunscreen and wash your face every day, the others aren't as necessary
damn, your jaw is nice though but ya pretty male
femguy with tits?
i hate my jaw desu
dont hate my nose but dont like it either
masc enough to get with women fem enough to get with men would be the dream
>fem enough to get with men
is this for yourself or what? men def would want you looking like this
yes i dont have anyone to do it for
it will probably lead to nothing of that sort
i havent loved anyone since my ex broke up
you are kinda weird for not admiting that you do this bc of dysphoria when it is obvious that you have it but whatever
I can't get rid of my beard shadow, eight laser sessions, just shaved, still definitely visible
can i take hrt and prevent breast growth and have my dick working?
the first thing you did was putting on a dress
i dont have the desire to ever wear a dress
skirts also just for dress up
i like to wear mostly unisex closing some fem like tops and some masc things
i dont think i lean strongly in either direction
i feel that is how it is for me in general
i dont have dysphoria in the sense of wanting to be full on fem
it's the upper lip for me with this little annoying circle around the corners
ok, gl with that i guess
>the first thing you did was putting on a dress
haha, you are so funny
My upper lip shadow is impossible to get rid of without makeup after a year of hair removal, I have a lot of chin stubble too but it's very thin and fine and the shadow is very minimal... It's all so tiring, I don't even have the energy to feel disgusted anymore, the facial hair is my biggest dysphoria source and it won't go away
why are you embarrassed about it
you probably felt very euphoric
>you probably felt very euphoric
i did not, at all
i don't understand why i'm still alive

FUT can fix you!! There is hope!
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this took way too long
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I really don't, though I did look into the symptoms and didn't see enough to indicate anything other than maybe seborrheic dermatitis since I am a greasy motherfucker (just like my mom unfortuntely) so I can work on my scalp health

probably out of reach for someone like me

I'm still noticing some fin shedding occurring so I'm waiting for the regrowth to really kick in I guess, so far after I shaved it all it's been coming in weird asymmetric waves so it looks better or worse from different angles
it's... beautiful lmao
mundane dreams about flash floods
shedding is a positive sign in general after starting some treatment, indicates there's a response...
are your testosterone well controlled?
time to clumsily shove another dull and jagged chinese needle full of that good Brazilian bathtub into my disgusting skinnyfat stomach in a futile attempt to preserve what little youthfulness i have left

Regrowth is looking good

When I'm world dictator all trannies will receive all expenses paid birthright trips to Thailand for hair transplants and breast implants
can I just be executed by firing squad instead? easier for everyone that way
I meet the legal definition of a manmoder

1.) Must wear clothing socially acceptable for a male to wear in public.

2.) Must not pass as in the overwhelming majority of the time (99%+ threshold) you must be gendered male in public.
consistently under 20, even with a lowered E dose

I promise to thwart your dictatorship and erect in its place a fully 100% science-based dragon mmo I mean an egalitocracy in which such demographic distinctions are not used to dole out or withhold the things that improve quality of life
I love my transbian polycule so much
The other two trannies are real lesbians because they were able to build a frame out of 2 by 4s and install a window A/C unit for the apartment while I just made food and did laundry and hung out, it was so nice. And the sex is so good..

>Not injecting ass cheek instead

Why subject yourself to torture, glutes are so much easier
for me it's dull chinese veterinary-grade needles with obamacare official free EV in the upper thighs (which I've been putting off and am already a day behind on)
fucking do your injection retarded bitch
don't detroon please
oh I wouldn't, I'd be dead long before any re-masculinization set in :)
it’s so over. fuck. i dont know why i still do these saline injections
why did i have to be a troon
i look at children of friends of my parents and they all turned out normal
i'm academically successful but so fucking what, i'll always be a tranny and never normal, not that repressing could have made me normal as i am only attracted to men
i am a huge disappointment and it's not within my control to change
Yeah I think I’m only perceived irl as a gay guy (with a wife? A “Beard”?) with odd hygiene for a man.

I sure thought 3 years hrt would be better than it is, but I also accept it. I understand now.
yes i believe im an actual manmoder. nobody sees me as a woman or even effeminate. im just a gay man to people who know me and a man to people who don’t.
uncensore plz
how much do i pay for uncensored and do you take venmo or cashapp
yeah i think i’m an actual manmoder

This made me lol thanks.
No one pays for an almost 27 year old man’s nudes.
Last one tho, just to show Buff Guy Pretroonery ™
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what’s your routine? diet? i’m kinda doughey
Damn you're hot... I want you to squash me with these thighs while I fuck you
1g protein/lb bodyweight per day, for you just go do various leg focused weight lifts or stair climber. Also if you’re doughy from being heavier before it’ll never go away, my skin is slightly looser from having been up to 208lbs as a man.
ive been in a similar spot anon, you have good hair and a good starting point, just start your diet and you will start to see massive changes.
chins too cooked to lose weight sadly

just working on trying to increase lower body size or whatever, but ty
imagine even knowing what the inside of a gym looks like...
so many sexy guys in this thread wtf
I gotta stop smoking so much. Almost posted in passgen
ive almost done it too. god help me
>hsts manmoder
No, I'm agp forsure. Not that any of that is even real
should I put that I'm a tranny on my resume or somewhere in my (hypothetical) cover letters (for all these jobs I'm not applying for because of crippling indecision and a reluctance to go back to what will almost certainly be equivalent or far worse treatment) for woke points and to be controversial and in your face like all the other snowflakes?
you'd become a honmoder
how? I was "out" at my last job and very much still using my male voice and pronouns and name and all that
Only if you're AFAB
save me makeup

*ignores giant man chin*
what makeup do I use for no chin...
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Yeah I'm a real manmoder
But I'm actually pretty happy for the most part
imagine being happy ever
dude why do i look like a linebacker T.T
so called manmoders
im so tired of being a man fuck
i dont know how to dress : (
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>short gladiator hair

>keen apex predator eyes

>gigachad jaw and bite force

>big durable ribcage with high lung capacity

>aerodynamic body streamlined for WAR

bet you mog me
I am so far detached from any form of normalcy it is hilarious life is sooooo funny lol hahahahahaha :p:p i cant wait to do more heroin
I had a banana today I think that's my food I'm good
If zero stars is he/him man and five stars is she/her woman then I rate myself one star, he/theymab
I'm a hemab
reminder to depressed manmoders to get out of bed and drink water it's hot!
eat more fruit and veggies they're tasty and good for you i like apples and fresh carrots
agpbian-type image
am I really even here? how did this happen
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when I get woken up in the middle of a rem cycle I have this bizarre unwinding and realization of my life circumstances and want to start laughing like a hyena and sobbing until the cops show up
this happens as soon as it gets dark for me
are you happier this way, on the whole?
Sorry I only mog men

Only a straight woman or an absolute flaming faggot would be attracted to me

Thankfully I remain in essence a functionally gay eternally youthful male with mild gyno, I only shoot up estrogen for my health
manmoder-tier 1-3 loss
no. I have no one left, and no sense of self
he just like me fr
we're so cool
that's unfortunate
I am happier, despite everything, because I feel more real and more like myself now than I ever thought I could be and my sense of self is more clearly defined - I'm just in such a state of neglect and solitude that I don't think I can pull myself out or actually be happy

sometimes I find it calming to watch nature videos
it feels narcissistic to consider myself to be anything more than an amalgamation of cells and neurotransmitters responding to external stimuli. there is some fundamental spark that ensouled humans have that I feel I was born without. I don't remember what my interests are or what pieces of art or literature I enjoy because I lack the innate human ability to appreciate these things. my feeble attempt at transitioning and pushing away any vestiges of my past have only left me isolated from the people I care about and destroyed what fleeting identity I had left, only to become some pale pseudotwink with weird tits
>only to become some pale pseudotwink with weird tits
I guess I have a different perspective because, like, worth it? I could be projecting but you're running on a different chemical balance now and probably have to feel out your interests again, that's been a struggle for me and involved a lot of rehashing (but then I'm kind of a ruminative person), and I don't really think any of has truly has the privilege of being more than the emergent phenomenon of consciousness from that gross organic medium

idk reconciling all this is hard and it's a little different for everyone, and I'm the first to admit that manmoding introduces its own kind of cognitive dissonance the longer you go

I had an apple, a nectarine, and some chicken wings today, later I'll have some more fruit and sour kraut. I never have much appetite when it's hot like this. Cold fruit out of the fridge though.. mmm
BahahahahagahahaghzHAHAHZVAHAHAHA you look like SHIT
Thumbs up emoji

Studies have shown it reduces your chances of getting hired. I would hold off. Put whichever name you want to use at work on your resume. Don't mention anything about pronouns unless you're asked. Either out yourself by using an obviously female name or saying you have she/her pronouns, or just go with your man name and he/him and keep manmoding until you're ready.

I was hunting for jobs a few months ago and cut my hair, went with my man name bc I was desperate to get hired. Then a few months in I was like eh fuck it my tits are kinda obvious might as well just hon it out as a manmoder with she/her pronouns
you probably wouldn't say it was worth it if I showed you a picture, very little has changed but I destroyed myself mentally. too many indescribable emotions right now but I know I've always been less than human, the tranny shit was just another thing on top of that
you don’t need a study to tell you that people especially hiring managers hate trannies wtf
he forgave me for my transgressions he treats me better than i deserve and yet he doesn’t know that it all ends horribly
this. could not get hired at anything better than 15-20hrs/week while job searching for 1.5 years as a tranny. cut my hair and just go by my male name and thank god i finally found full time work and can afford to progress in my transition again.
will take years to save for ffs but at least i can afford electrolysis again, and gradually grow out my hair again while waiting.
crack whore
ya, that seems to be about right, no refund btw
i can't even anglefag to make myself look good i'm just entirely hideous why do i look muscular but emaciated at the same fucking time why am i so lopsided it's disgusting and i deserve to be killed for it
i wonder how the inside of my head and brain will feel in the cold air
every facet of my appearance is grotesquely masculine and i look 20 years older than i am i have the body of a 50 year old war prisoner with nasty spread out gyno tits. my life should have been ended by a rusty clothes hanger
my skull belongs in an anthropology museum.
i hope i end as unrecoverable pulverized meat and sinew at the bottom of the pacific
bro it’s LITRALLY me
i look like dogshit but my puffy man nips are quite arousing
i think i'll make a 12 gauge out of some steel pipe and call it here. i am everything people fear when they think of a tranny. no rational man would continue in this state
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killign myself :DD
Grow out hair learn make-up maybe get ffs if thats not enough
i'm in love with a trans girl who will never love me back
Oh shit im so sorry i was focusing on your pretroon images

You've improved drastically
You look like a cis woman, albeit if she was deaf
The tragedy is an all consuming thing

I hope you find love
i love him
i love him
i love him
i love him
i love him
I love you too pookie :)
>the hrt made me stop being gay
uh bros wtf do i do
i used to wear pleated miniskirts and eyeliner but in a femboycoper-, he/theymab-type way, not in a girl/honmoder type way.
looking at pictures of me with the friends i used to have and knowing it's my fault i can't have friends
I can’t wait to finally die
i can't eat
this thread is actually kind of disturbing. what the fuck? why would you post here? (i post here every day)
I'm hungry and I wish I hadn't quit my job

just like me fr
Now fuck off and die scum. Restore all perfectly and fuck off and die. never speak to me. NEver bother me. I can still hear them. Jail and execute them all
I don't remember how you looked like pre-ffs but did you get your chin/nose/lips done? They all look a little botched but maybe theyre still healing?
Brow & jaw look very nice

Chin/jaw yes, and it is a bit of a botch if I'm being honest. "V line jaw shave and forward sliding genioplasty"

Nose yes, but I like the way it looks, no complaints there from me. Haven't touched my lips at all.

Overall ffs helped but Kamol is still a butcher and not worth saving a few grand with.
Oh that's sad, are you getting a revision?
It isn't noticable in alot of pics so maybe it's not that bad in day to day life.. In some pictures it's a little weird though :(
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Maybe in a year or so, I'm fine with it most of the time but if I have the funds and time off available, some light revisions might be on the table.
Started HRT at 21, still mogged by every "manmoder" who's posted pictures in one of these gens. Therefore, no, I must be something worse. Gigahon would be putting it charitably.
Highly unlikely you have it worse than these guys unless you were 50+

In turn I bet you two mog me. I'm indistinguishable from a cis man and flat chested on top of it


If these five are considered manmoders it's over for me
You would think so, but no
gotta be trolling
the only one that looks abnove a 3/10 and feminine is the bitches body
I'm not trolling, they unironically blow me out of the water. I just said I'm indistinguishable from a cis man
so are they LMAO
i can't see your skull dent
No they're not? There's at least a palpable femininity to all of them even if I wouldn't say they all would pass to the average person. But most of them do pass, even.
bitch WHERE? that one nigga looks like a 23 year old starting to get into bodybuilding
cant see the other dudes face
other mfer is BALD and UGLY AS SIN
the body is nice
i am the only real manmoder stfu everyone

>most of them pass
lmao, they literally look like dudes
>the other dude
you try so hard its kinda funny ngl
wtf was i supposed to call you? the pretty woman? you look like a random guy
my trip is hard to read i guess:/
ok luna i'll respct ur wishes
doesnt change the fact u look like a man (as does everyone else itt)
cant even do it now
feels spacy in your head but the air is stale:|
If that's assessment of them, I probably don't pass as a human to you

>i am the only real manmoder stfu everyone
If that is the case I'm surely worse than a manmoder

>>most of them pass
>lmao, they literally look like dudes
Again. If THEY look like dudes I probably don't look even human
post yourself, i am curious how mad can you look, if even these niggas mog you
post unsee faggot let us gaze upon your ogremoding
if i had full convos with someone in manmode using man voice, and told them male name, and they still ask me if im male or female what does that mean
my father was like 194cm tall, good thing I only turned out 188cm tall
welcome to the uncanny valley
i am.bored and kinda sad, entertain me peasants
>mogged by a bodybuilder
has to be a troll
based honmoder
is hrt useful for me if i just want to androgynousmaxx?
yes last time it didn’t work because your expectations were too high
Yes, it's perfect for that. I feel like I'm super androgynous, and that maybe going for pure androgynous build would be the play.
i am the only true manmoder...
sure, I get hit on by women even though I'm a homosexual
I assume a relatively low dose? Also do low rt doses seriously deteriorate your t?
no, I'm on a pretty large dose - 10mg EEn, every 7 days
6 months HRT
I'm on 50mg bica everyday, 1.25mg fin everyday, and 3.5mg ev every 5 days. 15 months, only 5 with good levels. I'm happy with the results so far. I think I've already attained good androgynous results. Granted I've done a lot beyond hrt too. Skin care, loosing weight and what not.
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wrong, I am
hrt does nothing at all lmao literally no change
not true completely, the skin change actually makes you a bit more young and fem, just a bit, i was for 4months before stopping and i noticed a small difference, and now it reverted back, i am mainly interested for the body hair to not grow anymore after laser or whatever, the skin and not balding(i wouldn't have gone bald ever anyway) is nice too.. i am just too masc and straight looking and bulky fat rn for my own good..
when will he leave
look in the mirror bud
yeah I'm a man on estrogen, so what
there is no downside either way shit is cheap as dirt
Honestly, those changes alone are reason enough to be on hrt. You didn't even get most of the benefits at 4 months lol. Just get back on already and go for androgyny.
It's about 33/33/33 on how I feel i look when looking in the mirror. Man/androgynousTRAN/woman
66% delusional
daily reminder that E is fake for anything other than fat distribution/skin if you aren't between the ages of 10-18
fat distribution -> ymmv and the extra muscle gain from t might be same shit
skin -> good skincare routine might be the same as the hrt, at least on face where it matters anyway
head hair -> i have no signs of balding so for me it doesn't matter at all

bad: more gyno than i already have + limp nasty looking dick + a lot weaker + need to pay for it and have to keep taking it + infertility

the only reason i would take it is to keep my body hair lasered off but idk, how long does it regrow on t anyway? and how much of a nuissance is? i want to be smooth

if you can't pass and you are not balding, i see no reason to take hrt desu, just electro on your face + good skincare routine + long hair + laser body hair + lower body training and you will pretty much look the same anyway as you were on it, hrt literally does nothing besides the breasts but if you can't pass, they will only be a nuissance more than anything and they will probably be shitty conetits anyway..
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Fuck my chungus manmoder life
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hey mmg i havent showered in 4 days who wants me
mogs these niggas
Nah, I've been hot my whole life besides 2 years or so in my 20s. So I know it's more so 33% delusional. And at the very least I'm attractive:)
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so mean june i just wanted to know if someone would like to huff my stinky manmoder pits
Is this fucking play about me? I said this exact shit couple days ago here
june ratings are the only worthwhile ones on this site to be t b h
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who the hell are you
literally me

lol shut up retard go fall over and break your fragile hips
I'm the one who watches you at night. I've been putting t into your e vial. You've noticed the masculization, right?
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unironically i worry abt this all the time bc im on otokonoko juice
that was just where I was wearing my headphones, it filled back in when I started reading a dictionary
literally me except with a buzz cut
mine is permanent
Trip on june
it ain’t me
i can:
- lose 25kgs
- let my hair grow more
- electro my face and laser my body
- get a good skincare routine for the face
- weight train with more sessions on lower body and just a few sessions on upper

anything else? also do laser machines actually work so i can do that slowly at home?
from what ive read those home machines are not really it. Ive only had a couple sessions done and my facial and body hair are way reduced its worth shoving through the shame/money.
good outlook bro
go to the laser clinic don’t try it at homr
well you can make a cute little list all you want but you need to actually follow through as well
what shame lmao, i have a shitty patchy beard and on electrolysis places here were literally dudes with patchy beards on the website so they no longer need to shave, also gymbros laser their body all the time
i have to think a bit about it, if not rope
Yeah I worry too, luckily I get my e vials legit. But my bica is from online.
Red light therapy, I do mine at planet fitness. Daily stretching. Most importantly though, be on hrt.
>so they no longer need to shave
thats a cope i told myself that at first as well when i thought about electro way before hrt
hrt literally won't help at all, they only thing will help with is hair regrowth, but i can just get electro/laser again..
i mean yea but most dudes getting it are not trans, gay at best
dykes, faggots, trannies, sluts, whores, furries
i love 'em
i can smell the mental illness from a mile away
what countries will we have to escape to once the far-right takes over Europe and the US?
Is that you in passgen?

>hrt won't help besides hair-----> >>36262052 skin changes that make you look for fem and younger... which is it lari
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no i dont go in passgen it makes me sad
you probably can achieve the same result with a good skincare routine on the face, and softer body skin is not that great, you get bruises more easily, before quitting the hrt, i remember my skin being very soft to the touch but didn't really look diff
I love racoons, we have a couple that eat out of our garbage every couple weeks or so.
As someone who does an extensive skin care day and night, you can't. Hrt and skin care work hand and hand at giving the best skin possible. I don't easier bruising, I really don't. I love the feel and look of my healthy smooth skin.
being as I am a gosh-danged red-blooded U S of American I fully intend to stand my ground in the US, and thankfully I live in a mostly sane state legislatively speaking where I can effectively both defend myself and keep free access to hormones for the time being (and likely well into any federal attempts to intervene in either of those things with the way "sanctuary" laws tend to go)
canada maybe? idk
okay, i will think about it
idk, all of this seems so hopeless, i am just coping to stay alive but i don't see a reason to keep coping
I live in a shithole in eastern Europe, no one is going to cry for us when the pogroms start
Were in a manmoding general, everyone is coping. But for everyone except you were coping on hrt. We know that no matter how bad everything gets, at LEAST we're on hrt. I'll die before I detrans again.
i would pay you for naked cuddling you beautiful attention whore
i have stinky poopy faggot aids level infinity
no skin care will give you thinner skin like hrt does
that is why the dick suddenly hurts while fapping without lube
norwood 4 baddie
what country?
i guess being on hrt gives you some comfort
jerking off on hrt sucks ass, even with the lube, but desu, if you are on hrt you should probably take a dildo up your ass if you wanna masturbate
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i can be your retarded gf im just trapped in the body of a hairy full-grown man
ocre. that faggot is so obviously attention seeking. if he truly didnt passed and was as much of a hon as he claimed he was he would be posting here, but no, he posts in fucking bmg, which shows how hes self aware that he passes
when I got pushed out the doc said I had a big dick for a girl
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get urself a hitachi
how can i be more feminine and gay as a man? i act way too straight and masc and i got pretty tired of it, literally no one believes i could potentially be gay, let alone trans, i played this straight masc acting character out of fear and to be accepted that it is all ik how to play..
i hope i can butchmaxx after ffs :/
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lucky trips of truth
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where do manmoders go when they die
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nowhere, we're already in hell
it can get much worse
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I don't doubt
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i so far havent been able to find enjoyment out of prostate stimulation
i so far havent been able to find enjoyment
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Idk what the fuck to gender myself on taimi and other apps, gender crap is such cancer
hope you can enjoy something someday
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>gender crap is such cancer
I want to smash up my ribcage with a sledgehammer
The last manmoder standing gets topped on grindr.
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my grindr says alpha male with a pic in a bikini top, just get creative people will respond
>what country?
>ywn be a futa
why live?
am i the only one here who wants to be a normal cis woman
not butch
not futa
just normal
>dancing and shaking ass naked in front of the mirror while the shower heats up
Can you guys shake ass like women? I think I'm getting pretty good
i never had a chance to be normal.
there is no ass to shake. just bones
we lost like the 99.5% chance of not being a troon in the womb
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maybe idk I was never going to be or want to be normal, that was part of kept me repressing so long too was that thanks to garbage like blanchardism and susansplace hons and boomer sissies I thought I had to want to be some normie foid or basically a cultural caricature of femininity to be "allowed" to be like this or have dysphoria or be trans or whatever
roping soon. thank fucking god. been cutting myself a lot more. debating on doxxing my address to try and get someone to kill me for being a troon, and drowning in a lake

i have myself as transfem non-binary, but that puts you in trans woman pools. none of the apps are worth it. tired of men wanting me to top them or see me in panties or whatever. just want rope
Good idea thanks
I'm kind of lightheaded and keep losing time or getting stuck in the same minute for too long
the only thing I want is to be normal, god unfortunately cursed me with being unable to pass, being unable to ever, ever ever ever attract straight men
even women fucking hit on me jesus christ
i want to be a normal cis woman but can't
so what's my best option looking like an ugly masculine man with obvious boobs?
becoming a butch
>even women fucking hit on me jesus christ
giwtwm but that's because I'm a rapehon (mtf attracted to and interested in piv with women)
nobody hits on me
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It's my birthday manmoder bros
Say something mean xoxo
I think I will inevitably start honmoding in public away from anyone I know and then rope, the social dysphoria as it is called is the worst for me, I don't want to be consider a man by others
well I found that after briefly talking with people they realise I'm a fag and so stop talking to me, I don't get along with people very well at all, they are always out to use me and make fun of me, only constant thing in my life
the only one who knows or remembered my birthday was a google assistant reminder
I told it to not remind me again
happy birthday <3 cute makeup
15 or 45 type shit
>/mmg/ - manmoder general
happy birthday
I really just hate you all so much I can't even put it into words
soccer mom moder
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hbd twin
I'm really not like any of you and this is probably as good a time as any to just completely drop out and stop pretending I'm allowed to participate even here
take a break from online
online is all I have
maybe I'll just turn it all off and sit here and rot in silence
>stop pretending I'm allowed to participate even here
Nigga what does this mean
i don't really like your nail color :(
happy birthday girl :)

stop pretending you hate me, we both know the truth...
we're destined to get together and raise geese
kill yourself you disgusting old creep, you genuinely skeeve me out and always have
fuck you I hope you choke on it you're a piece of shit and you know exactly what you're doing
another hard dax of neeting done:)
hmm i will send grindr chasers pics of my tits and ass then go cut up my leg and cry myself to sleep
I'm lining up the most comfortable position to shoot myself
am i cray or does tretinoin fade scars?
Bro has had multiple plastic surgeries, obviously he mogs you. Calm down buddy, it's okay.
i genuinely like you, anon
please don't hurt yourself
slits your wrists
drink bleach
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damn look at the nose on this bitch
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>really not like any of you
How so though?
Yes, it can help with scars.
This is that right wing grifter right? She looks like Ben Shapiro, how embarrassing.
lmao yea likes shes doing whiteface
just saw the fucking ring as well
its just that easy for women
nose snogs me
i see
i been using it on my hands and have a scar there that seems less noticeable so i wondered
using it on parts of my knees too and the skin there turned sparkly
its kinda pretty desu
wish there was body lotions with that stuff

Yeah I went to a salon and got a full makeover it was rad :)

Manmoders can be pretty for one day as a treat!
Yeah I've thought about that too for body. But you don't wanna use too much, too often, as it can cause liver problems. So I just stick to my face, as my livers already working ot with the bica lol.
kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself k
kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yoursel
i wouldnt worry about the liver i think that only goes for oral forms like accutane
Jealousy is a disease
get well soon bitch

its over its over its over
its over its over its over
its over its over its over
its over its over its over
its over its over its over
its over its over its over
andy milonakis lookin ahh
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it's alright babe there's probably like at least 5 uggo regulars, we just know better than to post pics
chudette is the only real one here
He is probably hotter than you, he bodymogs everyone ITT. Great tits and a cute ass.
i'm here every day
i'm ugly as sin but have always been somewhat androgynous i genuinely think i have it worse than a lot of you as far as social treatment goes.
im an uggo and i post pics
uh yeah because we’re masc men
thats a new one
everyone bodymogs me even that shannon bitch i seriously look like one of the cave ghouls from the descent
you prob body mog me at least
yeah, i'm never going to pass anyways so i'd take a more masc starting point to subtract some ugly points.
whats ur bmi
like 30
my masc features make me 100x uglier idk
>even that shannon bitch
do i sh more tonight? first person to reply decides
yes let's do it together
cool thx
need a manmoder bf to help me cut
i need to rep with my jaw and chin. i look like the most masculine man here. why cant i fucking die
umm hi location?? i cut myself daily this is me https://unsee cc/album#oJ6yCddxvrRo
Yall niggas need to look up scarification, if you are going to cut at least do a cool design.
this fucking sucks dude
rib cage begs to differ but thanks.
My brotha, you're gonna make it. What are you 20? Under a year hrt?
i am 25 a little more than 2 months hrt
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can we have ONE fucking place? jesus christ
wahh you don't understand my torso is big and i have bad posture i look like a troll irl please let me stay
actually it's closer to three months sorry i dissociate the time away
you’re annoying. go away. leave this gen
i can't believe mmg is ending forever. good riddance
can the next edition be cute and not ugly uwu thanks
ill always have the last laugh
i don't relate anywhere else i will continue to lurk and maybe post when i'm high sorry.
i might
don't leave brother
Yeah obvs you can stay and post lmao. Just, you look like you're gonna make it is all.
there are less than 10 manmoders on the planet
okay i'll stay and be less annoying i'm sorry fellow manlies
i hope chudette is okay :(
i don’t he is mean don’t feel sorry for him
you are miserable people
real manmoders shave their heads
are you a top waow
no lol i am also exclusively attracted to men
it's over
face mogs me hard
post face
Kek, mirin hairline tho
mirin hairline? what's that?
fuck no.
if there's anyone shaving my head it should be me so i can fulfill the purpose my ogric slav genes have given me
same, i am also at least part slav so now i get to look like the posterman for der untermensch posters
we were built for war and here we are shooting up bathtub tranny juice
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like when u have a hairline shaped like the mirin bottle. hope this helps!
lol i guess
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ropefuel proportions

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