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Do you hate women?
i hate everybody
Manlet poonchudders get the rope
even me?
in theory
i want a beer :/
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go get some
can i help you?
you should drink 8-12 bud lights a day so you can get a nice little beer belly going
im sleepy
shallo x haribo
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Aren't we suppose to be boycotting Bud Light?
you want to see those two go ass to ass too?
I used to think I did, but of late I have been noticing a lot of real cool women. Not sure if it is just a fluke or what.
bottoms can learn to be tops
>source (me)
im on day three of basically doing that but ima stay skinny tho
maybe in japanimation or a khole but not in real life right
bald fat hairy shallo
woman :(
making him eat a trough full of buttery mashed potatoes every morning
Nope. Hatred is something I reserve for a few special people, not groups of people.
I hate my friends ex. He's on steroids and ozempic.

I have a fantasy of
1) getting him kidnapped in south America
2) fed fattening foods, not allowed to do any exercise
3) testes destroyed to permanently stop all natural testosterone production
4) super super high dose estrogen, whatever the safest level that doesn't like somehow have opposite effects or kill him is
5) forced feminization and raped constantly by men he can't see in the ass and made to make out with some and eat vaginas
6) released into the world with a machine that will stop his heart if it ever detects androgens in his system
Frotty would you join a gaygen step team if we put one together?
LMFAO what made you feel this way about him
Also I want all the anonymous male rapists to be poz pigs
And he has to get facial feminization surgery
oh god, you. I told you to leave.
Who are you again? I can't say I recall
i didn’t even know they still had these that’s crazy bro
He's literally a piece of shit. I can't say too much because it's so specific but my friend doesn't even realize how horrible his ex was. But the ex is literally a doctor who was posting anon memes about giving COVID to old people after going to circuit party type shit during the lock downs years ago while working in an old folks home as the only MD on staff. Also caused two of his friends to become homeless by some very specific reasons I can't explain bc it's a giveaway. Bullied my friend on steroids then his natural test cycle stopped. He now makes like 400k/yr and complains about how unfair his taxes are because he works so hard (not providing any actual care to old people whos insurance is paying for him and joking about how he doesn't come in some days bc he calls out sick because he wants to go clubbing and they couldn't get anyone to fill for him and somebody died of a heart attack and its go they are out of their misery). Makes creepy comments about guys as young as 15-16. Smuggled drugs internationally. Got angry at somebody for not being careful after he gave them GHB and they almost OD'd. Uh at this point idk. That's not even the 3 really specific reasons I hate him.
If it's just us we'll get easy wins.
can you really call yourselves boyfriends if you haven't had each other's cum leaking from out of your hole and half-way down your thighs?
I hope he gets hit by a car but survives in a state that leaves him crippled and in constant pain
He sounds incredibly based and alpha. He's clearly more successful than you, anon.
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the best season has started
my cats are both neutered
You could have just left it at Doctor.
i literally can't imagine being a tranny
omg i think i'd an hero myself
I'm on his side tbqh you sound miserable.
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Mexican fashion model
a drink for the horror that im in
are you a top again
im single so its irrelevant!
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bf stays gaming and ignores me while i sing charli lyrics. is this love.
leave me out of this
hit it and quit it is the way to do it
excuse you i have a husband!
i dont think so i want a boyfriend its hard for me to wanna do hookups if im not in a relationship. i like meaningful sex that you can look foreward to cause the other person actually likes you and vice versa
Yes so i cope by watching gay cheating porn
how many brews have you had so far and why are you drinking so mucj
Been dating this guy for like a month and when im not with him I feel like hes losing interest and its over but when im with him in person its like all fine idk how to feel :/
Bottoms go to therapy instead of posting here challenge!
Its easier to agonize here lol i just need dick in my life desu
that’s fairly normal unless it’s agonizing
they should give u a tedtalk !
I guess not agonizing, just makes me antsy ig, its the furthest Ive had a relationship go, if its even at the point it can be called one. Ive seen him a couple times for quick lunch dates the past couple weeks but I miss him
i am on number 4 and this shit is like water anyway
im drinking so much because i was silly and bought a 30 pack and i still ahve beer is why
Bottoms shouldn't have the right to vote
bratty sub petitions for suffrage
could you give a tedtalk on anything
oh that’s normal, you’re still new to relationships it’s very easy to catch feelings and not feel secure
this is a good reason to drink
saudi arabian women rules for bottoms
i took too much adderall i think
i have to renew my vers license and if i don't top soon i'll be demoted to a bottom :(
i want 2 try the alcerholic jarritos but im taking a tb
jaritos tastes like melted otter pop
thx for the reassurance <3
this is an otter friendly general
we are not a monolith
i miss crsi
source is my vote
u cant even spell voat
Walked over to the ice cream place and the cute gay guy who rang me up gave me a little smile :)
ok so what did you give him huh you think gay smiles are free?
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honest thoughts? sorry about the lighting
hes a scam artist he scammed that ice creamer
no thoughts head empty
do you own a hairshirt?
You're fat.
ideal top bf
If it was just biddleyboo would you crank that spittleyspoo would you make that would you bank that would you stank that piddlypoo?
Yeah I be out here hittin licks for real >:)
I refuse to look up what that is. If it's what I'm picturing in my head that would be extremely gross.
i stopped flushing the toilet if i only pee to save money but now my bathroom smells really bad :/
Let a vagrant sleep in you rbathroom to soak up the skell.
they’re just uncomfortable shirts you wear so you can go to heaven you might as well just go have gay sex if you don’t even know about mortification of the flesh
too brown
just flush water isn't that exepnsiove
Redpill me on service tops.
No he isn't. He's perfect.
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>i stopped flushing the toilet if i only pee to save money but now my bathroom smells really bad :/
teach me how,,,,
im a bottom but i like teasing my bf >:]
Brown-nippled savage.
something made him suddenly start reading this thread
Lick the boypussy down the middle like the nile river
i wish videor games were good
imagine how good they will be in 20 years when technology has advanced
but you will be dead due to aids complications and wont be able to experience it :/
technology has made video games worse
Horror hates technology because it enabled doctors to invent prep, making his job so much harder
I'm playing Princess Peach Showtime it's pretty fun
Stupid bitch.
gonna b real i didnt even realize that came out bc i havent seen nething about it at all
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Video games are struggling because they're too successful. They only started getting bad when the business vultures sunk their claws in to get a piece of the action. Replace the females and dudebros in picrelated with private equity and big corporations.
i am one ama
He said redpill, not blackpill.
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Missed the fun memes
will you still love me when im nolonger young and beautiful?
You're already TFO
idk what that means use englijs ty
TFO is now TFO. Go back to the assisted living centre.
how have you been here 2 years and you don't know what tfo means
i dont know what ultimately doesnt matter
Misogyny isn't cool. Do you understand just how oppressed our queens are?
Too Fucking Old
i love you shallo :)
need bf where we compare penis size and the bigger dick tops (i always lose so i start to obsessively jelq and give myself ed)
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time for me to dance again
Have fun king
ty nice anon
Video games peaked 2004-2008
I still wanna molest you, piggy
about to switch it up on them
Gagged down a bag of chips I found under my bed now my tummy hurts.
Have you ever considered covering a slip n slide with lube and then going down the stairs really fast?
One of the best videos of all time. Will never not laugh at this. This and officer maggot are timeless masterpieces.
no ive never considered that
this is my favorite of all their skits the chaos is un-beatable and the verbal abuse spikes my seratonies
You'd probably go so fast and then you'd be ALL SLIPPERY AFTER.
slip n slides are scary you just have to trust the people who layed it out didnt set it on top of a sprinkler head
Sing this song I wreote for you naked please.

In a car
You can go places Near and Far
In a car!
Your friends can come when you're in a car. Go car.
Go far. So far in a car you're going from where you are. To there you are.
In a car
idontwanna i think im over being an ehore
FINE May your hole be orange evermore.
what does that even mean edgar allen poe is cringe and was never cool

Shallo and Me
I love women. I just like some men better very closeup, if you know what I mean.
This is the faggy edgelord shit that keeps this gen a troll cave. A specific few sad sacks that live here that add nothing and just wait around to sound hard and just come off as smelly kissless neets
>and they believe it
Who comes back to be mad at an anon five hours later? Grow up.
>Grow up
anyone else spiraling or just me
1:26 idk what im doing
if i dont get this job on wednesday its ogre
Shallo's beer tummy festering with beans burrito he made.
it was a breakfast burrito ok
just deleted tindr mentholy
bye bye matches better luck nnext guy
I wish you luck and success.
Still really stinky.
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Why are age gaps more accepted among gay men?
ty me2
i hate this meme
the issue isn't the age gap anon
Shallo wearing feetsie pajamas
too hot now way
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Shallo wearing this to the gym.
mogs me in every concebable way why r u doin this 2me
ideal top bf
You just need a smaller size, you'd still look great wearing this.
ima go to bed and dream about being a hot guy who everybody loves and whomst they want to hire gn
Goodnight, hot guy who is loved and who's going to be hired.
White man with his two hunk bitches
A nubian king nigger
A gorgeous chick

Both with fat muscle asses
Whoa smooshing our nuts together hahaha
the only person I had a chance of having a yaoi comic teen love relationship with does not like me back
my local comic book store is giving away free rpg books today :3
smoke weed everyday
24/7 420 blazing
I live in eastern europe and don't get that kind of shops...
post eastern euro hole
Is it that she was 16 when she first got pregnant or that daddy is holding his son by the balls
If there’s 2 things I know I’ll never quit in life it’s 4chan and fappin
more the first than the second
That sounds really fun I haven't played a game in person in years but I still like reading the books. Really want to try VTM someday.
are you quiet when you jerk it or do you make noise?
Quiet so people don’t know I’m jerkin
Jerk so people don’t know I’m quieting
wish i could be quiet but once i get into it...
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i kinda hate those shitty youtube desk setup video, because they give 0 inpsiration, they all practically the same shitty setup with a macbook in the center designed to sell you expensive RGB shit from amazon where is the passion, where is the craftsmanship?!
I wish I had some cheez-itz rn
>playgrounds used to be fun but some evil person came in and made everything too small and boring
Or maybe you just grew up, and it takes more to engage you now than it did before? Videogames today are a hundred times better than they've ever been before on every level.
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>Videogames today are a hundred times better

attention sisters!
If my BF doesn't have high enough sex drive to cheat on me then I'm going to cheat on him because he's a beta bitch. I'll love and be faithful to a serial cheater though. Protect alpha kings.
What games are they?
Starfield and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines.
how are you in California (the land of the gays) and still single?
do you really want to be 40 and still in the closet?
i feel like you need to confront your inner demons
what is the life you truly desire?
is it what you have now in a conservative home?
or do you desire less restriction, more experiences outside of your family unit, and more sexual freedom?
because I feel it's the latter
i actually enjoyed starfield and ik its an unpopular opinion because of cucks dickriding influencers who said the game is bad. its basically fallout in space. also im gonna play vampire the masquerade soon like a queen.
shallo x straightboi
>its basically fallout in space
So it's a bad game.
bethesda is cheating because they sucked even back when vampire the masquarade came out
I miss straightboi
the space ship customization and base building on different planets is fun also new starfield dlc comes out soon. the game is free on game pass as well.
straightboi same predator vibes as caip gross
Don't worry, Anon! I'm sure he's doing well and will be back before you know it!
>ai picture of a cartoon raccoon wearing a crop top.jpg
okay, but like... game pass has good games as well?
wtf is caip
the living field, the kashic field, the higgs field, the unified field, the ether
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Anyone also got a fetish for black tank tops?
on caip fr fr
I'm just a holographic fractals of Supreme Source
I think there's better color options depending on your eye and skin color, black just doesn't look good on everyone, especially pale guys
transcendental meditation is the answer to your problems
>This is the core of their grandiosity, their own humiliation, their own deterioration, their own degeneration and decomposition and disintegration, their own failure and defeat, their own ending up at the bottom of the ladder on the scrap heap of their own personal history, alone bereft, homeless if possible.
>He said that anti-narcissism is a self-limiting kind of narcissist, a narcissist who refuses to develop himself, narcissist who refuses to decline to leverage his talents and skills, a narcissist who seeks defeat and failure, not an exaggerated sense of self-importance via success, but an exaggerated sense of self-importance via defeat.
>So the fantasies of the grandiose narcissist and the fantasies of the classic covert narcissist are the same, but the anti-narcissistic covert narcissist, his fantasy is self-degradation, despoiling, demeaning himself, denigrating himself, debasing, humiliating himself, falling apart, disintegrating, failing at everything, being defeated, being trodden upon, being trampled on.

yes but its free and i think almost every bethesda game is free on there too like fallout las vegas
tank tops are hot
nick jonas too
pale guys look better in black underwear frfr
do you have any tank tops
why not? they're great
I only like white underwear so I can see if the guy has piss or skid marks so I can block him.
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what's the point in sucking dick and then spitting out his cum
like it takes longer to take his dick out of your mouth and spit than it does to just swallow
plus if his dick is deep enough and he cums, it just bypasses your tastebuds. plus you've presumably been swallowing his precum the entire time you're sucking his dick so like why the distinction between that and his ejaculate?
I'm not made for them
red flannel boxers >>> any other kind of underwear on men
you're fat?
you have a fetish
so? it's still hot as fuck
boxers in general are way hotter than briefs or even boxer briefs, though at least boxer briefs can have some really nice bulges
if you have the right body you can look good in anything
do you own a jockstrap?
is the weather that cold in lancashire?
because some bottoms don’t like swallowing? :s like i get that sperm has protein and vitamins but there is also an aftertaste and some bottoms dont like that and just spit it out after the deed is done
yeah but like how can you like sucking dick but not like swallowing cum? what's the thought process behind it? i genuinely do not understand
>Do you hate women?
the asian and indian varieties, yes. here in NYC, they walk around with sticks up their asses. idek what causes them to have such attitude. fuckin goblinas and ayylmaos I tell you
lol yes you are we've seen your pics
its sticky depending on the texture of sperm and it also smells and has an aftertaste maybe thats why some bottoms dont like swallowing it but are fine sucking also every guys seed tastes different :s
just make sure his dick is in your throat when he cums then, simple as
sup deltoid how’s your saturday going

I burn easily and just don't care enough

it's the fucking cheeks
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Do I go to the gym or play video games this morning? im feeling so lazy
no it isnt just the cheeks. you didnt magically gain weight in just your face lmao
people who smoke have their coom taste pungent. hence, debaser's coom tastes pungent :3
what if the bottom starts choking and cant swallow it and the throat is sticky? spitting is an honorable option most of the time
go to the gym and then play video games
idk i like when that happens, it's hot choking on a guy's dick and his cum while he grabs a fistful of hair and keeps going until he's finished regardless of how bad you're struggling
Cum is too sticky.

it's a family trait
satanic tool
i hate struggling and being forced if my bf did that to me i wouldve bite his dick off mid orgasm
this is true. I was swallowing for a hot daddy once and he came down my throat face fucking me, if its already deep you dont taste anything swallowing.
i later found out he was cheating on his wife, had 2 young kids, and a republican from looking up his voter records loll never saw him again
yeah no one believes that. theyve got bigger over the years you’ve posted here because you’ve put on pounds and they started sagging
i have to powder my nose
i miss dailymailposter
I've looked the same for years
and constant frowning doesn't help
why would you even frown? you don't leave your house
Someone here is convinced Delta is from Lancashire. Does he drink a lot?
I miss luv luv oh oh poster.
Delta, why don't you move to London and get a job there?
and it's endless fun indoors isn't it

me or lanc obsessive?

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my gosh brits are so perverted
this could be us
>me or lanc obsessive?
Both y'all
> Ugh
Come on now. You wish your ass was from London. All the London haters in UK would move to LDN in a heartbeat if given a chance.
>looked the same for years
no you havent and that’s plain to see when you’ve posted an old and recent pic yourself
I dunno if it's just one person, I just think it's funny how flustered Delta gets when people say he's from Lancashire.
Then go outside like lmao.
delta's life will only get worse
secretly replacing delta's prozac with adderall to speed-run him into suicide
One day Delta will wake up in the morning, realize he had been straight this whole time, marry an Indian woman and that will be the end of his 4chin career.
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I don't drink
and londons horrible

hoping he just realizes he has nothing at all and ends it but he's too much of a coward desu so he never will. he'll just sit around taking up space and complaining, leeching off others resources and energy
who of all the posters here is most your type?
You should move to India and start a new life there.
>marry an Indian woman
why are you so negative?
which personality disorder does delta have?
why do you all have to be so vicious

none desu

trick question
all three
he's a pdf file so none of our posters really work for him
such punchable cheeks
>why do you all have to be so vicious
Cause they are all cluster B hoes. You are probably some sort of combo of A and C.
dude polio is fucking scary
and you just learned about it?
i mean, it hasnt been around in the last century or so...
u can say pedophile in here u dont need to talk in tiktoknese

I am not
evil gobshite
that room looks like it stinks and delta has gone noseblind to it
Do Brits acquire Americanisms from TV, music and movies?
delta is lactose intolerant
eupd is new borderline?
With a phenotype like that?
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delta ate my bacon butty
no it doesn't and no I'm not

and what's that supposed to mean
He is about to accept Islam along with fellow Muslims like haribo.
Wypipo who look like you are rarely lactose intolerant
it’s eupd in at least some of europe and i’ve seen people pushing for it to be renamed in america since borderline is a completely useless term
i remember being lactose intolerant as a kid but now im no longer that, idk how this shit works
fake shit. cats don't chew like that
cum is not milk tho, anon
remembering that anon said delta only replies to hate lmao
i dont think that was a single anon, this is a common observation about deltoid, not even debaser is like this
it better explains what is happening but the people diagnosed with it will surely complain about being stigmatized
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makes you think
forgot password
i dont fucking know what a lancashire is, i just remember that beatles song that goes like "four thousand holes in blackburn lancashire"

damn thats a good song
google lancashire hotpot
delta is from the norf? horrifying...
as opposed to all the positive shit?

I don't care about lancashire
stop accusing me of other shit

no I'm not
I don't know where that's come from
And though the holes were rather small, they had to count them all
Based delta is from the chud part of England
what's a chud?
delta is voting reform
310 :D
i analyzed the pixels and its 100% real
cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller
new >>36262213
sod off

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