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Getting fucked in the ass makes you a woman.
No it doesn't
I get fucked in my poon thankfully (the ass is mostly for pooping)
yes it does
penetration is the fundamental experience of womanhood
anal is the most unfeminine act possible
penetration in their pussy, men don't have pussies dumbass
some men have pussies
they shouldn't and should get that fixed. just like women don't have penises
based pooner with poo-tube etiquette
some women have penises
gay men who take estrogen can become straight women
That is a painful and sad LARP that doesn't end well, husstussy
they csnt keep them though women dont have penises. the government should pay for my srs
Real men don't have chudginas like poonercuckolds
some women have penises
srs is barbaric
it doesn't have the same grip or texture
women don't have prostates
>srs is barbaric
>it doesn't have the same grip or texture
You are AGP take off the HSTS flag
I am painfully HSTS.
I am a lesbian not a pooner
I used to think so when I was 13
idk anything about that ill get it anyways even a botch job is better than this hell
botch job won't make you happy
literally even in the worst case scenario not having to tuck would be so freeing
close enough
the difference is I still have my boobs lol
She’s right, all bottoms are actually just women in denial
I guess? But women bandwagon quickly and will find some way to hate themselves after being objectified.
her writing is mid, just dime a dozen 'shocking' queer pomo dreck but with a tranny flavour
Flag checks out
this but unironically
Phallo is a expensive and dangerous and a meme.
lmao didn’t this mf write a hella misogynistic book?
misogyny is punching up
In that pooopa
take that
You a women now, my women
This dude is so incredibly retarded. Actually clinically insane.
you are not like him, you are normal
Kek yes, you should look up some quotes. Literally worse than the worst shit I’ve ever seen on /r9k/, it’s pretty unbelievable if you’ve never seen it before. The most obvious “this is blatantly a man with a fetish” content imaginable.
but you are not a man with a fetish, you are a real woman?
Andrea: I literally transitioned because I took sissy porn captions too seriously
Liberals: Powerful
I love sissy porn captions!
>chaser flag
checks out
what do you have against chasers?
i mean...
cope, also ur replying to gincel
its the low standards for me, not that being a picky cunt will help; but the number of chasers who will chase any dude with shaved legs and their nails painted is completely invalidating
you can't just shave the legs, you need to shave the whole bit, just saying
cept eyebrows, that'd be weird
this and "boy removal" are the some of the most agp things ever. they're literally mef fantasies. "getting fucked so hard you turn into a woman?" how does that not immediately register as autogynephilic? i know why. it's because you faggots don't want to admit that you're disgusting, perverted, fetishistic freaks. why do you need to be fucked in the ass to be a hon? can't you just do it anyway? hsts don't engage with this bullshit, and that's a fact. and anyone who calls himself a "boymoder" is automatically an agp negroid rapehon. you are not a fucking anime character, you are a grown ass man larping as your misogynistic idea of a girl because it makes your penis erect. nobody around you sees you and thinks "oh, what a cute girl. she looks kind of sad, i wish i could comfort her." obviously not, dipshit. they're thinking "ew, what the fuck is wrong with that guy. he looks like he wants to rape me. what a fucking perv! and what the fuck are those things on his chest?" people are DISGUSTED when they see you. they hate you just by virtue of existing. nobody will ever love a freak like you. how could they? fucking revolting. you will NEVER be a woman, EVER. why would you ever think that you could be? it was over before it even began. your bone structure is simply too masculine, and the worst part is there's absolutely NOTHING you can do about it. just stand there and cope and seethe while those around you live happily, not having to think about freaks like you. they, unlike you, will actually do something with their lives. but you'll just rot away, cold and alone, just like you deserve.
What's wrong with being AGP?
it's a disgusting fetish. it leads to nothing but bad things: rape, invasion of women's spaces, public fetish acts, chemical and surgical castration, manipulation of the medical system, and it's led to countless lives being ruined, including extremely young children who will have to live with these horrible things for the rest of their lives. there really aren't many fetishes that are worse.
but HSTS is just fine?
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i never even heard of HSTS before coming to this board. it just sounds like AGP with extra steps and i'm inclined to say it's not even fucking real.
HSTS is so real it hurts.
what do her parents look like?
The TDS is strong with this one.
what u mean?
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I will never be a woman.
i don't know about that but it certainly makes me sound like one
Some do
Do you take dick anally?
>retarded take
Color me surprised
What about when I used a prostate vibrator?
i remember my therapist told me i would always have a prostate and started crying
imagine not understanding andrea long chu
Yes. He, like all autogynephiles, is virulently misogynist.
everyone thinks she views women as holes to be fucked just because she wrote society views women that way. reading comprehension bad
I fucking wish it was that easy
>she wrote society views women that way.
actually, what he wrote is that society views women that way and that makes his dick hard.
Women can't be gay
the out of context quotes that get posted around do seem strange, but it's because they're out of context, people try to create this narrative that she's concretely defining what a woman in some strange way but she isn't, she's talking about how society genders experiences
it's fucking sad how wilfully dumb people are
Faggots can’t have straight sex
That’s why you’re a minority

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