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this guy edition

QOTT: this guy?

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag
Previous >>36215152
Remember kids;

It's Not Tomorrow Until The Sun Wakes Up
threadpic is literally how i look like
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he's cousin
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I clicked expecting a cute centaur and was disappointed.
Me and my partner are thinking about getting a double dildo to spice up our sexlife. What can I expect?
You can expect awkward attempts to find the right angle.
Would you find it endearing or cringey if a girl offered you a rose?
i would stick the stalk into my vagina and ask her to “smell the roses”
QOTT: I love him, I love long pointy goblin cats I have two of them
Why are you like this?
How do you find good porn?
What kind of porn? For solo porn Reddit is filled with porn subreddits: r/ass, r/bustypetite, r/engorgedveinybreasts, r/pawg, and various lesbian subreddits.
Who is your pornfu?
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thoughts, clg?
bmi of 28 is FAT, not uwu curvy
Lily Cade
Probably around 25-27 is peak but it has more to do with fat distribution than just pure numbers. Obviously it’s more attractive if alot of the fat is in their hips, thighs, and boobs and not just hanging off their belly
oh you must be that slav dude, in which case kys. if not, disregard.
anyway, it's gross. i don't know why so many people get off to that stuff.
chunky redhead
friend accidentally practically outed me to some of our mutual friends should i ghost them or just kill myself
Why would you kys over that? Do you live in a religious homophobic country or something? I would cut them off if they did it knowing that it was confidential but if it was an honest mistake or they just wrongly assumed I was 100% out about my sexuality then I’d get over it
Do you live in Sudan or something? Calm down, it's going to be ok.
It was a honest mistake: he just asked me in front of them and I denied it, but got so nervous that they 100% noticed I was lying
>Why would you kys over that?
I'm too embarrassed to talk to them again and I doubt I can ever find other friends so why bother
I don't want to shave my legs.
But what if a gay woman finds them gross? I would shave my whole body for a hot girl. Are there any scientific studies on what lesbians find attractive? I want to check as many boxes as possible. Ahhhhh fuck shaving, but also maybe not.
You sound like an underage poster anon. This is like the type of thing that would happen to a highschooler and they think their life is over (exact thing literally happened to me too kek). If there’s no threat against your life or anything for being a lesbian then it’s really not a big deal. Also when I was 15 I pretty much said “I’m straight” in a very defensive and non convincing way when someone asked if I was gay, which led my friend group and acquaintances constantly joking about me being a closet lesbian to piss me off (they were right). Everyone was cool with it when I came out so I think it’s the non convincingly hiding it part that makes you more likely to be ridiculed
The last relationship I had went sour partially because I (femme) have a big sex drive and it intimidated my masc gf even tho her drive is pretty high mine was higher. I think me wanting sex all the time was to manly for her and that only made her attraction to me worse. Do I look for someone that matches my drive in the future or should I tone it down? I'll admit I can be a little sex goblin at times and she even admitted that she thought that was the only reason I was seeing her for a while so that's why I think I'm doing something wrong.
Don't tone it down. You can be nice and noble for some time, but eventually you will grow restless. Unnecessary sacrifices lead to resentment.
tfw effortless hourglass with a fat ass but said ass is flat as a pancake. i'm basically 2 dimensional.
You don't have a fat ass then you have wide hips. When I lose weight I get this figure but when I gain my ass gets juicy af but so does my gut...
lol nope, even when i was at my fattest, ass was still fucking flat.
how do you buy pants btw? the ones that fit my hips are loose at the waist.
>anyway, it's gross.
Shit taste
I guess I should be happy with being thicc if I'm gonna be fat but I was I could be small and still have an ass and I only wear form fitting jeans and legging kind of material it's very sexy me thinks. I'll add a tight belt to exentuate the curves too.
Hit the gym. Ass is mostly muscles.
[it's afraid]
Can I get a fat ass with exercise but not eating more?
I mean your body needs fuel to build muscle but you don't need to go crazy or anything. Just focus on eating healthy and getting your protein in.
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this is moid shit
i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs i hate big boobs
You can choose any girl in the world to be your girlfriend, who do you pick?
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At this rate, it'll soon be illegal to even BE a white woman on this board.
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I ruined a No Doubt song for a friend of mine by playing the radio edit of his favorite song. He was trying to sing along and kept getting the lyrics wrong. For the last week we've been busting his balls, asking if he's "Feeling Super Good">>36279796
That cat is cute

Alright how do I get a gf
I'm getting desperate here almost 30 kissless virgin
I'm mildly retarded and such but the real issue is idk what to do to be more gay
I'm trying to kiss a cute girl SOON
Please fucking help me
I don't wanna hang out with gendies
I'm running out of options here
I can't be old AND autistic
My hobbies are all solitary
What do I do
I'm not very interesting but I'm not ugly
hi moid
Hi delusional tranny
Wanna help me get a girlfriend now or keep being retarded?
have you tried being normal and talking to women bud?
Have you tried, little cocksucker?
Sure as fuck need to choose who I'm talking to because I don't want them to be like you
This is why I avoid gendies, easily triggered and intensely paranoid
Go to school. Colleges are overflowing with gay liberals. If you already got a degree, just get a master's, it only takes 2 years.

That or float around the various cafes until you find a barista that is your type. Depending on where you live, she might be gay.
East Coast usa
Where are you?
Honestly what I see straight people do when I asked that question is act as gay as possible to prove that they’re straight. It works every time for some reason. Literally one of them responded with “nope I’m gay asf (proceeded to try to lick the questioner face”
Psyop their ass
My crippling loneliness and need for female companionship is making me spend $200 a month paying OF wlw couples for their amateur sex videos. I need help.
how old are you??
>Have you tried, little cocksucker?
not beating the male allegations, faggot.
I've always wanted to get married and grow old with someone. Is this likely as a lesbian?
I could, super easy, dont know about the other types, Its kinda what i used to want
Depends. Longest relationships I know of are all femme-femme. Butches usually don’t like to commit too long for some reason (must be cos too malebrained)
>"records show them to be very close friends who lived as roommates until their passing."
>historians, probably
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Which one?
your mom
both unironically look better than me
trying to gain muscle after depression is helldoes anyone got any tips
protein. good music. don't overthink it.
just be a tiktok egirl and only do squats and cardio
Depression makes it harder to gain muscle? Were you completely inactive?
Anyone got that reddit post about the trans lesbian getting mad that she was set up with another tranny?
would rather stay skinnyfat than become an egirl
well i had terrible eating habits and didnt go anywhere so yeah. i had a little muscle before that but lost it all. i can barely lift a kettle now
Expect disappointment if your body sizes/proportions aren’t similar. Otherwise buy a shorter double-dildo (12 inches and lower). Feels good to go all the way in with your partner and feel her ass/vulva rub against yours.
what are some icks you see in lesbian porn that just screams at you “ugh a moid made this”
I’ll start:
>when they start rubbing their nipples together and both fake an orgasm out of it
most big production porn is made by men that cast actors that only do it for money
why don't you watch amateur stuff?
>when they jam a 10 inch dildo all the way in, and the actress has to pretend she likes it (god i feel so sorry for the actress whenever i see this)
>loud, top of the lungs screaming “orgasms”
>whenever “squirting” is involved in an “orgasm” (it’s pee you retard. no, women cannot ejaculate like men can. they’re literally just peeing at each other while faking an orgasm you gullible dumbfuck)
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because amateur porn is too believable and whenever I self insert in it I get depressed about my lonely, single ass
Tongue darting at the clit + obnoxiously fake screaming orgasms + violently squirting piss on cue in some strange attempt to simulate male ejaculation. It is so embarrassing to know there’s someone out there jacking off to that lol
skill issue
You're either a moid or you haven't squirted before.
The squirting you see in porn is almost never real anon be fr. I have only ever seen real squirting in two videos and in both you could barely see the initial squirt when they came because it was so little of an amount. Most of the time the director just says “okay now start screaming and piss as hard as you can to end the scene” kek
squirting is possible, but only a minority of women can do it. and real squirting is just a very small amount of fluid, not those insane water jets that porn stars force out of their vaginas
>thinking all women can squirt
funny how you call me a moid when you’re probably one, maybe even worse, a tranny
>Tongue darting at the clit
I’ve read somewhere that this is usually done by very straight pornstars who are forced to do a lesbian scene. Like they don’t really want to lick pussy but they have to compromise somewhere for the $$$ lol
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>when the lesbian scene is just foreplay before the moid comes in
>looking at the camera seductively and not at each other while they makeout like they’re trying to seduce the virgin loser moid on the other side of the screen by being a fake lipstick
Hearing the fucking camera guy breathe or talk at all
>“okay now start screaming and piss as hard as you can to end the scene”
I mean squirt is pee, I never denied that and yeah most of it in porn is fake.
>thinking all women can squirt
Never said this and I'm not a tranny.
meant to reply to >>36283807 as well
Whenever the camera guy talks in an amateur he always sounds like a dweeb
>heh, I paid my school’s 2 hottest girls $500 each to fuck in front of my camera
type of dweeb
Ok I get that this doesn't work on most women but sometimes.

I've had about 7 past girls that ever let me hit. Now including my girlfriend. Of that 4 could squirt. One could squirt stupid easy it embarrassed her. I myself am surprisingly loud when I orgasm but I've known louder. Current girlfriend surprised me in that she likes being filled. Like three fingers is getting started she can take an 8-9 incher. Low key that's a fetish of mine. Not into getting filled like that at all myself but watching her take it gets me off. Sometimes I watch the porn of girls masturbating with a ridiculously girthy toy and it gets me off thinking I could be the one stretching her out slowly. Just my pov as a sex having lesbian.

Porn is dumb cause you can tell it's usually forced. Like all the lube and long nails and the chick isn't into it and looks dead inside. But sometimes a shy looking girl is low key a dirty whore and sometimes porn is good. Gotta literally fuck around and find out.
The biggest ick is when you can see the actresses are not into each other.
That’s when you spread rumors that the other talked shit and make them hatefuck each other
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>long nails and they start fingerblasting
I cringe evry tim.
Do the male directors, cameraman, lighting crew, microphone crew, makeup artists not care that they may hurt each other? What if one of the actresses chips her nail inside the other’s pussy? What if they scratch the walls too hard and it starts bleeding inside? What the actual fuck.

Do men seriously not have empathy? How about we let them stick a nail into your dickhole and see how you feel about that? Fuck.
Hatefucking is a meme for virgins. You can't sincerely hate a person and still want to fuck them.
The women consent to be there. If they don't like it they can not do porn.
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nta but hatefucking can happen if you have a lot of lust for the other person if though you hate them. unfortunately between lipstick porno lesbians it’ll never organically happen because they’re all straight anyways.

t. someone who wanted to fuck her narcissistic but gorgeous bully vvv badly
>when the lesbian scene is just foreplay before the moid comes in
Just like in real life!
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>ywn be slim, hot and perfect while chilling with your equally slim, hot and perfect wife at the beach
why live
But I can awkwardly film them from behind!
I want
Am I a prude for thinking this level of public exposure is gross? Putting aside how attractive they are.
No, but it looks like they're at the beach.

I find it strange and I'd never do it, it's like walking around in underwear is perfectly acceptable at the beach, I'll be grateful for the sights
One thing that moids can't comprehend is that most women get the ick when their partner is in pain or discomfort. 2x if said partner is a woman, because you know exactly how it feels.
Yes, they enjoy hurting each other
Especially gay men who have buttsex until anal prolapse
>Lesbian thread
>You keep finding a way to bring up males
Anon plz i don’t care about men or porn actors
>tfw no Finlay gf
Lol that >>36285393 is obviously a dude.
Why would that be a dude?
Are they wrong? They're doing a job.
the edibles are starting to kick in holy shit.
i'm scared.
Stop eating, fatty
Being able to cheerfully fuck a bored, disinterested body (or get off to a sterile vid) is a uniquely male trait.
nta but it's what she said >>36286264 if a person notices actors are bored and is fine with it, 99% probability it's a male.
What does that have to do with what that anon said?
Changing the goalpost? I'm not interested in weather the person can fap to it, I'm agreeing that they don't need to do porn if they don't want to in reference to having long fingernails
>i don't care about that, it's their job
implies that poster can get off to that shit which is amusing and weird
Yeah I don't watch porn I was just saying that if they women didn't wanna do it they wouldn't be there.
Why do you see being anti-porn as a male thing when a majority of porn viewers are male?
No it doesn't lol?
Delusional, blinded by their emotions to the point where they contradict themselves, sad

Can't hold a logical conversation without people jumping to conclusions and having 70IQ reading comprehension
okay now we have a bunch of people misinterpreting each other's comments. counterproductive.
Kek yes, it's a dude. Thanks for the confirmation.
Please point out where I contradicted myself?
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a man!!!
Learn to read your own post
How does not caring about something that is their choice to do as a job imply that I can get off to that?
Retarded ass
Woah buddy I think we got switched around here I'm on your side.
Nevermind then
We're friends
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Its yuri day tomorrow!
idk why people are arguing about the nail issue, imo i think actresses should cater to each other if they're going to shoot something girl on girl. idt it's the director's decision (at least most of the time) to have porn actresses finger each other with claw-length nails, it's probably the actresses choice to keep it that long. besides nowadays i see long nail extensions being worn more by black (usually ghetto) women, and i cant get off to them anyways (sorry not sorry)

tldr its the actresses being selfish to keep their nails that long. nothing to do with men imho
Sorry but what goes in a lesbian's mind when you see a cute bubble butt like that? At least for straight dudes i can imagine that they want to stick their penis inside. But idk how lesbians can find that attractive???
What do you want to do to girls like that from behind?

t. passing gay dude
Favorite yuri ship?
Mine are
Madohomu (Madoka)
ShizuruxNatsuki (Mai Hime)
ChierixNagisa, KanataxMinami (AKB0048)
Haibane Renmei
Kiniro Mosaic
Multi shipper Watamote
Sabagebu harem
School days should have been gay with SekaixSetsuna
All gay ships from shadows house
Shinsekai yori
Shirobako(fucking hell AoixErika!!!!!!)
Every gay ship from Starlight revue
YYY and Yuyuyu
Also every other good gay ship I've ever heard of and none of the shitty horribly written ones like Granblem
That they're hot, wanna fondle, kiss, eat their ass, eat their pussy, etc

It's really weird to think about from my perspective too, because my dick doesn't throb but I'm trying to fuck
>feel my clit twitch
>the urge to grab a handful intensifies
>look away, look away
eli x umi was my awakening in high school
Nadeshiko x Rin (Yurucamp)
Chisato x Takina (LycoReco)
Reimu x Marisa (Touhou)
Kaguya x Mokou (Touhou)
I also like various ships from Bocchi but I can't remember the characters names.
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>what goes in a lesbian's mind when you see a cute bubble butt like that?
rn I'm wondering whether I have correctly located the butthole.
Broke up with gf and that night had 4 consecutive nightmares of random stuff like getting stalked by a random man and one with that horror movie character Art the clown which I had to look the name of up because I haven't even seen the movie. Why did this happen?
Ur sad and the sad is making your dreams scary. When I’m stressed out or very depressed I get sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations
How long have you been watching yuri?
My earliest was strawberry panic when I was in middle school I think.
Madoka was the first anime I watched and that was back in 2013-ish so about 10 years.
>What do you want to do to girls like that from behind?
I'm autistic and use shows to teach myself to be human. What show should I watch to realistically learn how to be in a femme-butch relationship? I'm the femme
Also I'm the same but I need something for an autist and a femme
mom has just gently approached me and said i might be autistic because she saw this youtube vid and i fit the bill. what do?

concentrated autism in this thread
Deny everything.
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What are you looking for in a gf sexually? What kind of person would be compatible with you in bed?
switch top who is nice to me. ideally we share the same kinks but thats not an end all be all cause i feel like once they like you almost everything goes unless you're into something really wack
Someone who is always aroused
im not a cis lesbian but i have a question for yous. im a cis bi woman but lesbians always have negative energy towards me. am i giving pick me vibes? is it because im overly nice to men? like why cant i make friends with lesbians?? not that i want to, its just that it got me curious
Because you're a bislut and unfortunately that means you will always choose a man in the end
Shes not talking about dating just being friends with lesbians.
she has to like anal sex
You won't be friends with a girl if shes dating a man?
Idk what to make of this issue. I can be friends with anyone really, the only people I struggle to interact with sometimes are extremely feminine straight women and gay guys because I straight up don’t know how to talk to them or what to talk to them about. What is your personality like and what types of lesbians do you try to be friends with?
i try to be friends with everyone, im very outgoing and friendly to a fault, but it doesnt matter because if i run into a woman that likes other women she will just straight up hate me
I will but not one that specifically wants lesbian friends
I find it odd that someone would seek me out just for that unless it's in a sexual manner
Otherwise why would she be interested in my lesbianness, she wants to discuss sex? Sorry I'm bored already
i specifically said that i dont care about being friends with lesbians, i just found it curious how they all seem to hate me
That's why
Hey clg, I have a cis lipstick lesbian sister in high school. She seems to be distressed about her friends as she vents to me a lot about her drama. And not like normal drama, like parents forcing their daughters to stay away from her, which I have personally never heard of!
One incident a girls parents confronted her after school and (verbally, no touching thank god) ordered her to delete some pictures of their daughter off her phone

I suspect shes being targeted at school somehow but I dont know how to confront her about this or how to support her :(
Like how would you want your older sibling to support you if you went through this in hs?

Any help would be appreciated <3 We are in Washington if that matters :)
>if i run into a woman that likes other women she will just straight up hate me
Can you explain what happened the last time you tried to befriend a lesbian or something. Do you talk about men alot maybe?
You should probably speak with the school to figure out what is going on and ask her more specific questions
It's an odd situation to hear about what's happening with the pictures
Is the child saying she did something? Otherwise how would the mother know that
Find out what's really happening
Yeah I'm wondering this too. How did they even find out you are bi?
Hang out with her randomly sometimes and encourage her to do the stuff she likes outside of school. Highschool is only 4 years but bullying makes the shit feel like an eternity of suffering and you forget how temporary and stupid it all is
like there was this very obvious butch i saw at work, and one day i had to sit next to her and i tried making small talk and stuff which normally goes well regardless of who i talk to but this one was just giving me evils. or that barista at starbucks that straight up didnt take my order lol
How did they even know you were bi though? I don't think its about you being bisexual.
Yeah something seems off now
A barista didn't even take your order?
i never implied it was??? can anyone read here? i just mentioned im bi itt
Then if that wasn't the implication you wouldn't have suspected it had any relevance to the topic
Well its kinda a hard question to answer cause none of us know you.
yeah it was weird, im just a normal girl wering band tshirts and jeans i go to order and she straight up ignores me
i thought id mention it as a form of bonding itt, thats all
…Im really not going to speak to the school, I have no legal right to and I have been pushing our parents to do something but theyre kinda full of themselves ig

I dont know and quite frankly do not care if they did anything but I saw some of the photos she deleted beforehand and they were just selfies of them hanging out, nothing weird. This was an isolated incident though from what I understand

I love that advice, thank you! I chat with her lots but Ill see if I can be more physically present in her after-school activities :)
Idk then
It's either they're rude and don't want to talk or something you're doing
I wouldn't be too concerned about it
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Is that starlight revue?
I'm not sure. The account posts a lot of Touhou yuri (@sseun_3 on twitter) so I'm assuming the characters are from Touhou. Hard to tell which they are though.
hmm, maybe. im gonna ask irl about it, but i feel like going up to someone and asking them "why do you not like me?" is a bit weird. just very interesting situation this is
Looking at it again I think it might be Sakuya and Meiling. They are less recognizable without their braids.
I probably wouldn't ask them
There's really no need to
>this will never be me
It could be if you want to give me a call
Yea I wouldn’t do that kek it’ll make you look neurotic and bpd like. If anything make one more attempt at casual conversation and it that fails then the friendship just wasn’t meant go be
I don't see the friendship if you haven't even had a conversation
Some people just don't want to be bothered or have a chip on their shoulder
I've never been in a romantic relationship before. The idea of having a girlfriend is like imagining what it's like to ride a unicorn, it's just totally beyond my comprehension. I've sorta given up hope... I guess.
Age and location?
Wanna be my workout buddy and then have gay segs after a shower?
Jumping on some Palworld, remember Palworld? I heard they added some new shit
Ur gonna get banned girlie
3 days from now
No thank you. I'll figure it out myself.
getting off 4chan would be a good start
fuck the luteal phase man
Does anyone seethe everytime they see an absolutely beautiful babe and she has a boyfriend or husband? Like this feeling of despair she is straight like the others?
But I do want to fuck her
I don't feel despair but I do get surprised everytime I see a stunning girl with a average to below average man.
Well as long as the dick is good they'll accept anything
Is it valid to wish you were a futa?
Stop acting like having low standards for their partner is exclusively a straight women thing.
When did I imply that?
Afterall you exist
You're right you didn't but you did imply that all straight women have low standards which isn't fair.
>surprised everytime I see a stunning girl with a average to below average man.
All the memes I see are ugly women with male partners that are much more in line with what being good looking is
It's fair
I can imply whatever I want
>I can imply whatever I want
fair enuf
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It's time to put down the keyboard ma'am.
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I like
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What is to say he is not a stunning male to straight females?
I like to think I can tell a stunning man from an average looking one.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
But anyone can tell someone is ugly
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crazyfrog poster is a transgender womxn btw
Not surprised but how did you find this out?
Just go hang out with her! Go see her a movie or have fun in an amusement park or something. Physical and verbal affection helps alot too - my older brother brought me to the local carnival and gave me lots of hugs, kisses and encouragement to make me feel like I’m not alone back when I first came out.
must be some kind of clg discord drama
Thats what I guessed but I want to know the drama! I'm pretty sure they were the one that started the temporary gooncord back in spring since it had crazy frog as the server icon. They abandoned the server shortly after it was created though.
Oh, word? They're adding More shit? I thought they already updated
That doesn't address my statement
It’s surprising how many stealth f4f lesbians there are lol. I’ve known 2 girls in my company that hung out all the time, and always went back home together. Both seem very feminine and not gay at all (my gaydar really couldn’t tell), they tease back whenever men tease them and I always thought they were just office BFFs. TIL they’re fucking married to each other, they only told me because they found out I too was a lesbian (wish I could use a :skull_emoji: rn lol).

It’s crazy to think how many time I’ve past by 2 girls hanging out together on the street and automatically assumed they’re friends. For all I know we could be living in a secretly very gay world xd
>tranny creates a secondary discord for TERF cislesbians
Kek what could go wrong? LOL
I wasn't talking about that discord server. The gooncord was another server.
Have you ever been to The Dinah?
Big boobies
found out the girl i was talking to for 8 months had a husband. she waited until after i bought plane tickets to tell me, but lmao bitch i refunded that shit. feel like my choices are either die alone or be some sidepiece, because this keeps happening.
imo if you’re a moderately attractive femme get ready to be used by bicurious straights and straight couples for their sexual exploration. my ex had alot of trust issues because of this.
>get ready to be used by bicurious straights and straight couples for their sexual exploration
i feel like this is easy to avoid, especially the last thing
If you're a moderately attractive fem I am very interested
its funny how so many f4fs here like to cry about not being able to find a gf because nobody makes the first move. but hey at least you make up a majority of the population honey. try being a butch and see that your dating pool gets diminished… alot. im facing a legitimate issue. you’re facing a skill issue.
are you hot?
im not fat, no tattoos or piercings either (some say that will look good on me but no thanks). idk about my face tho ive heard variations from 4-7.
The skill issue you have is exercise
I will date pretty much anyone that's hot and isn't a gendie tranner
70 percent of lesbians on HER are ugly. i deserve to be with a pretty woman.
Which dating app has hot lesbians?
??? i don’t need it tho? my issue is that many times when i approach a femme she turns me down because im a butch. idk why but the lesbian community thinks most femmes are looking for butches (many are, don’t get me wrong) but from my experience a majority of lesbians are f4f.

its just that i have to go thru 5x more rejections just to find a femme thats interested in me. many of my friends (mostly butches) say the same thing. i feel like people only think a b/f relationship is the most common because of society’s predisposition to traditional gender roles, and survivorship bias - all the b/f couples are very pronounced when you see them in society. you know we’re a gay couple because of how i (the butch) look, while like >>36290040
says f4fs is actually the norm - you just don’t see it because many people automatically assume 2 femmes on the street as 2 straight friends hanging out.

its like i have to spend more tries in the slots machine of lesbian dating to hit a jackpot, while a femme has a higher chance of hitting jackpot (whether its with a butch or another femme) its just that she’s too much of a pussy to reach out first. its not a skill issue its a population/luck issue.
I mean if you look at the advertisements for HER you should know that they’re catering to the hyper-leftist, identity politics demographic. Most lesbians in that camp are not pretty lol. The pretty ones are all already taken in college.

College. Or TikTok if you’re not in college, unironically. But TikTokers are narcissistic zoomers who’re looking for other zoomers so if you’re 30+ its harder lol.
Yeah that sucks
I wish you luck but it kinda makes sense that a large majority might prefer feminine females since that's part of being a female
There are plenty that don't though, I can't find a gf because I'm retarded. I really hope you never give up
How butch are you? I'm femme and I could see myself dating a femme or butch (futch would be ideal) I'm fine with a butch as long as she isn't a stone.
Would you accept an autist who is sexuality ambiguous looking?
thanks for your kind words. i feel vindicated being recognized, its hard being a butch… especially so when society criticize lesbians because we’re always getting the brunt of it since we repulse straight male-run society the most

im more butch in personality than appearance desu. like you can tell from more from my mannerisms (the way i walk/talk etc) than appearance (don’t wear skirts/dresses tho) that im a butch. i have a winona ryder wolf cut so many people think im androgynous/futch at first but im a butch at heart
What are butch mannerisms? I've never talked to one irl.
Sexual harassment.
>ywn be sexually harassed by a androgynous butch
why even live?
i honestly dont know exactly lol. ive been criticized by my mom since young that i have a manly gait, when i talk im callous and direct. i also like to be more “handsome” than “pretty” if you know what i mean.

ha ha. funny. you laugh but being accused of sexual harassment is just a biproduct of us butches having to shoot our shot more because we’re rejected more times than not. fuck off.
new bi slur just dropped
Basically butches are just tomboys attracted to women.
Interesting. I was just wondering what their mannerisms are cause I've been called male brained or variations of that on several occaisions. I'm definitely not butch though I love girly shit.
Same here
Maybe you're just a pervert
>Maybe you're just a pervert
Yeah thats probably it lol
I can actually feel the seethe coming from this post kek
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I don't think she's hot but I love her boobs
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i love anime girls
When are the hot lesbians weebs going to fall into my miniature but strong arms?
I'm not that hot but where do you live?
East Coast usa
Meant for you
Close enough. We can meet at Niagara falls and fuck under the waterfall.
Too many North Americans in this thread.
Where are you from?
United Kingdom
There are other UK people here.
So. Who's going to breastfeed me?
troon dogwhistle
By that do you mean to say that a tranny couldn't breastfeed me?
If so I agree, and that's my litmus test to keep them away.
the tranny is the one getting breastfed, my man
Go to events that are specifically celebrating butches or butch/femme culture, that's where the femmes thirsty for butch strap are going. Double digit IQ normies who have nothing in common with you other than being gay aren't the way to go.

When I was single, I genuinely could not go to a butch/femme event without a girl wanting me to rail her in the toilet. I'm not even very suave or confident.
I want to buckbreak butches so bad. Break their masculinity identity and make them femme as fuck. I’ll start with the andro butch ITT first.
I'm not a tranny
Why would me wanting to be breastfed indicate trannyness? I simply desire milk or a particular kind.
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Negro, lesbians are obese as it is.
So their boobs should be bigger.
Unfortunately I think I might get the tit confused with the back fat rolls
I'll opt out of obesity
why is this the case though? like ik straight women can get fat too but unless they’re the poor ghetto/trailer trash type they don’t get nearly as fat as lesbians do. and most lesbians are generally middle-upper income. ive never seen bigger hambeasts than lesbians whenever i got to pride lol
A lot of lesbians are into fatties, and fatties are generally into each other. It comes of not confirming to what men want I suppose.

Works out well for me, since /fit/ butches are incredibly rare
anon i like bigger, curvy women myself but being a landwhale is not healthy nor very practical for sex. i get the whole non-conforming to patriarchy but unless both partners are asexual, i don’t see why we cant get fit to look good for each other
I think that's fucking weird
To like something just to go against the norm, it's not healthy and not attractive though I do understand having different tastes and I don't really give a fuck if someone wants to be fat/likes it. At the same time it's like an excuse for not taking care of yourself
fatty on fatty sex is quite unattractive
who cares it's not like you're gonna watch them having sex
Is this an American thing? I've only seen two fat lesbos irl in my lifetime.
>It comes of not confirming to what men want I suppose.
you're either a tranny or an autistic retard because nobody thinks about that when picking a partner. they are chubby chasers.
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I don't think you're hot and I don't love your boobs >:(
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miniature but strong arms?
Yes, it's an American thing. Most Americans are FAT
A lot of those in here. How is it doods selfincert into everything and STILL dont grasp they stick out.
Probably because they're not dudes and you're just projecting
Maybe stop talking to yourself too
retard here.
I feel flustered and intrigued by this butch who smirks at me. Wtf is wrong with me?
You're gay
Nah, thats a dood, grape is not funny to real women. Like in any aspect.
then the doods asking for female mannerisms? Like if you're a girl, thats not what runs threw your mind.
Or "hate fucking" nah only boys cant control their penis's. Thus all the grape jokes. To dudes just another day, to women its a signal that his pulse is up, and is now going to start saying everything hes about to fuck up was a "joke" but dont do that to them, cuz "its only funny when they do it" I mean, ngl i do laugh at all the big ass amab's hittin on dudes now, i think its a pretty good solution to the evil dude problem. That tim can straight up kick your ass, and their in a dress. ngl, kek's for everyone to watch happen.
we dont know if thats a guy or a girl. if you lie to the guy, hes gonna hurt someone, if its a girl, major life altering thoughts are going to start popping up in their head
What the fuck are you talking about?
When was any of that mentioned in the related post? Shut the fuck up and get off crack dumb cock whore
That's all you think about
So we know you're transgender now, thanks for the confirmation
even the terminology can be observed, lets all learn from observing this twinkhon
You know that you WILL get older, and this "sport" you play WILL come back to you right??
I'm happy to have you seething that I don't communicate in your transgender lgbt centric way
Picking out the triggered fat lards who hate trump is easier this way
Please sit in the middle of the road and scream your lungs out
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So there's S and a shitposter pretending to be S and it's increasingly difficult to tell them apart due to accuracy of mimicry over time.
S is still one of the homies, big dork but she's cool as hell. pls no bully
No one gives a fuck
Whoever deserves bullying will be bullied
I'm just asking for civility, bully away but there's no reason to be a dick about it
>hate me, but do it honestly
Being a dick is half of bullying
Why wouldn't S just make a ## trip?
How do you cope with end stage homosexuality?
You're not wrong, there's plenty of people nostalgic for the COD post-game lobby chat
I dont see the point. As many years as ive come in and out of here, i have always been aware to triphaters, my coming in here alone and typing things teaches others how to think. and how to spot out others who hide. I decided i would be this way about 10 15 years ago.
The fuck are you talking about you dumb crack whore
>a nice girl like me deserves sex for these plane tickets
New thread?
This S person sounds like a retard
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Moderately attractive lefty butch
>if I weren't married
confirmed female, confirmed crusher of pucci, wholesome hobbies
You don't need to be the brightest bulb in the candle factory to be successful
What the fuck are you talking about?
Not her but i think i can help you understand
>Moderately attractive lefty butch
This is what she (mcburger?) thinks S is
>if I weren't married
She appears to be saying S is a 6 out of 10 and she "would" if she weren't already married
>confirmed female
She is saying this because S is a confirmed female poster
>confirmed crusher of pucci, wholesome hobbies
She thinks S is a sex haver and has has "wholesome hobbies" (the sex haver part is very debatable)
>You don't need to be the brightest bulb in the candle factory to be successful
This is a reference to S being a little bit slow but she is also saying that you can be successful ion life even if you are a little dimwitted

You are welcome!
Is anyone going to make a new thread or are we going to go 10+ hours without one again?
>She is saying this because S is a confirmed female poster
I wonder if I know S
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