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Minimal Effort Edition
i made this thread on my phone lol

Previously: >>36274799

QOTT: Uuuhh idk, how long you been reppin for anons?
lazy bump
all reppers either trooned or sui
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found picrel arguing abt transing kids
> is a lateshit
> muh dysphoric not trans
> will kys in 20 seconds
take your fucking pills, retards
What is 20 airplanes
no idea
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>be reppper
>32 years old
>Finally crack
>try estrogen
>feel no different
>go up in dose
>still feel the same
>Give up, go back to repping

Really? this is the shit pinkpillers were raving about? This is it? I felt absolutely the fucking same except less horny. You people have been gaslighting reppers about a nothingburger for years
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Repper here
I started 18 months ago.
Then I stopped, and started, and stopped, and started, with the longest time on HRT without quitting being three months and the longest time off HRT without cracking being six months.

At times I posted frequently in this thread. At times I could leave the board for months without returning.

Now I've really fucking gone and done it and I can't keep using HRT without sacrificing my relationship's long-term stability. I'm a fucking shut-in and the fact that I ever found a boyfriend is an impossible stroke of luck. I love him and now I either have to leave that once-in-a-lifetime love behind or quit estrogen forever and live in a slowly masculinizing body.

I wished that I would never find myself posting here again.
It's so over
11 years
It takes literal years you fucking retard. Or maybe it just didn't work because you're a trender. Either way, kys
just keep taking e and bottom, you probably have gyno already anyways from previously being on it, you will still pretty much look the same like a man but softer, your bf will still most likely be into you
What is it with trannies? First you see the mental effects then when that doesn't pan out it's all about waiting for some nonspecific amount of time. God I hate pinkpillers so fucking much
Hey I'm in a pretty similar situation, either I rot away until it kills me or probably leave a near perfect partner to get on HRT
I really wanna talk with someone who actually gets me, so wanna discuss our prospects about what we should do?
a year and a half, I had a tranny appointment I backed out of at that date. Back on my gay retard bullshit, I think I'm going to crossdress.
I'm down for it, we can dump our problems on each other. Here or discord?
These kinds of relationships don't work
The fact that I do not have a vagina is a crime for which I cannot forgive mankind.
i really should get electro already
yes they leave you behind and work on their dysphoria
pls let me groom you too
What would happen if you let yourself act more fruity, dated other men, but put thoughts of taking hrt out of your mind?
i want to be a terminally online malebrained woman
you're describing the exact opposite
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>been styling as androgynous as I can without transitioning
>eating out with friends
>two girls start asking me if I'm gay and crack jokes about how I should imagine the burger's a dick because I can't finish it
no thanks im not acting like a flamer
i'm not even that homosexual, men are just walking cocks
you are literally going through puberty again, what do you expect? i'm sorry some pinkpillers lied to you to get you to troon out but like. cmon do like a modicum of research.
>you are literally going through puberty again,
>teehee i'm a 11 year old girl going through puberty

>most masculine-presenting manmoder
imagine dating lol
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based two girls
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Just gotta troon out so I can fuck another friend which is one's brother and the other's crush
Transitioning is so dumb if you can't pass.
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I'm built to carry a club and live in a cave but I get sad when I see myself in the mirror.
Many such cases
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acting different while looking the same is just weird
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I love alvohol :)) if anyone taxes it more than it already is or makes it harder to buy in any way im goung t o scream
I'm a grown ass man
i used to think i was gay but only realized later that it was a cope for being an effeminate male that cant assimilate into male behaviour. im an agp nerd so the idea of being an actual gay man is horrible. being a fruity incel is alright ig
ig ur not a swede :/

keep telling yourself that. it's still not true
nice eyes
England thank god. If I was a Scot with their drinking regulations I would have necked myself long ago
It doesn't get much better, but there are shades of worse--some more tolerable than others.
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The key I find to repping is distracting myself. It's why I took Phil at uni and why it remains a mainstay of my life. You occupy your time dealing with the questions that 'precede' man there aint any time to think about your body
Drinking is all I need,
It's all i need to have a friend
A beer can't refuse your talk,
Let's you on a walk to your end
The pain of a pint of plain, to make it
I'd rather tins just see me through
For the dream I need, to briefly bleed
Let the chaff just do its job for me
Drink the Ancient Alcohol, I've left open,
Nought else will bring me to
The place of shimmering bliss, musical gliss
No tranny thoughts, to scupper this
Avoid now mirrors, and I am what is
Women are so cute and feminine. But being a hon somehow moves you farther away from your goal of being feminine because it makes it very apparent how masculine you are.
is this a signal of some kind?
Brothers. I am the OG creator of Repgen.
I cant believe they made a repressor flag for this board. I never anticipated i would make such an impact. I made the first ever /Repgen/, the first thread we all rallied around, over ten years ago now.
I am BaneAnon, among other names i have been given and adopted over the years.

No doubt some of you are the new generation, only now beginning to grapple with this terrible burden
I hope the old guard still fight on.
and yet, i endure, i persist. I am still a man. I have not been defeated. Even better. I found the cure or the cure found me more accurately, CureAnon spoke of it, not many truly believed him.
It exists, for 6 horrible years, i fell into pain, darkness and suffering and i admit they nearly got me, nearly damned me for eternity.
At my lowest i begged the universe for release, i welcomed death.
Drugs, Drink, Unemployment. I was wasting away in every sense of the word.
Then something just snapped, something inside of me. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care about being stronger than dysphoria, I didn't care about being a Repressor. I didn't care if I lived. I didn't care about anything! And then.. It happened.


I was never a religious man, but to this day i truly believe all this served a purpose, my suffering and determination was rewarded. Through divine intervention i was cured, my soul cleansed.

There is nothing else that explains how gender dysphoria is nothing more than a painful but distant memory of youth. Now stronger, wiser and finally at peace.
to wake up, and the past was nothing more than a nightmare.
To look upon women and finally see them with desire and love, not envy and anxiety, a counter of feminine energy to your own masculine energy, as it always should have been.

I feel normal after a lifetime of doubt and fear. I come back because you all deserve to know how that feels, to be free of this curse.
To know that final victory.

Do not give up.
didnt read
troon out you faggot loser
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Some of us OGs are still around
what is the cure bro and who is this CureAnon nigger, no one has ever posted anything even remotely useful here when it comes to reducing and managing dyshporia
I recommend you do read it.
I sit at the gates where you aspire to arrive.
I have known your beginning, experienced your present and lived the future you desperately hope for.

I only want you to feel what i feel now, to finally become the man your younger self pretended to be as a defence mechanism.

Do you whats that like? After so many years, to live life without any need for the crutches, no drugs needed, no alcohol needed, no denial needed, because the pain is finally gone.

I am what THEY fear most, a living example that rejects their doom and cries inevitability

The only thing that can break a demonic prophecy is Divine power, you need only ask, have faith and patience and it will be given to you. I am not here to convert you or make you join any organised religion.

My faith was given to me in private, no mortal man commanded me or lead me to it. You just need to be open to the Creator and he will give you the tools you need to be free.

I wish you victory, Brother.
Leave this board, i only come back to check in on my kin.

Find purpose. Find a career. Find someone to love, someone who you can even trust with your past and still accept you. Leave the city, feel the grass beneath your feet, feel the sun on your skin, exercise daily, seek health and happiness, let the world heal you.

Becoming a Man is painful and suffering; but worth it? Absolutely.

You may not know it now, but in ten years, i hope all of you stand where i stand.

its a wonderful place to be.


I truly feel the source of gender dysphoria is a combination of physical and spiritual contamination.

the access to internet at an early age is a corrupting influence, children should develop in the local bubble of their household and community.

I feel my success is also in part due to me being from a generation that remembers a time before the internet, allowing my mind to make independent introspection and reflection.

stoicism god-tier.
isnt it great how you fell for the larp?
he told you to get born in a time where you have an internet free childhood
thats what you got your hopes up for
Hrt doesn't work. 20-30% of trannies will detransition
ay you know what, maybe you are right, but answer this
maybe i just want to be a woman and have relationships with men, why is it so hard?
why can't just i do this?
why the fuck is it so hard, when back in the days, it almost seemed like "just do it lol" you know
dont despair, its easy to reverse, i didnt have anyone to tell me what to do back then.

I CAN tell you now.

limit your screentime, dont use computer except for gaming or productive work/learning. Throw tiktok, facebook, instagram into the trash.

Read books, exercise, socialise go outside, eat well. But most of all you need to tell yourself you can win, that you WILL win, because if you do this everyday, you become what you think about.

If you do it everyday, you can rewire your brain and force the reality you want. so long as that reality you want is a noble and pure one. To desire to be a man, to be your natural born self as the Universe intended, thats a goal that will be granted if you put the work in. You dont need to be an invincible terminator either, control your emotions of course, but that doesn't mean the universe wants you to go through life without love either.

And good news to the OGs
I found and reached out to Spartan, he had partially reverted, i helper bring him back fully from the brink, he’s got his gainz back and with a minor case of gyno he reversed. We still talk from time to time just to play video games.

Thats right. Spartan lives.
i felt that desire so strongly once it consumed me. It was once the centre of my universe when a terrible pandoras box was opened and i felt i could not ever close it again.

But in time i did, those desires were refrained from faded and eventually became something i find zero interest in.
The propagandise that people cant choose their sexuality. But we can.
They were frenzied desires born of lust and compulsion, and with time, all things heal, wants of the heart are a purer form, love not the body of your lover, but love their spirit, their soul, their character, the things that make you smile when you see them.

Carnal desires become less powerful as the brain develops fully in males past 25, women no longer seem like scary beings that cause you pain and anxiety, but just simply people.

I knew in my heart i wanted the ability to love a woman as a man, through patience and faith. Eventually i began to see them that way and finally see Eve as Adam did.

My past self and my present self is night and day. find your cure, through science or faith, it will come, rationalise it, frame it however you wish. i find stoicism to be a blessing, my body is not me, i am my actions, i want to be a good man

my training is a reflection of my dedication and disipline, it is a shame for a man to grow old and not see the beauty and strength his body is capable of.

and yes there is beauty in being masculine. that was one of the things that clicked it for me years ago.
Self-Acceptance and Self-Love is what a repressor needs most, you are not broken, you are not diseased, you are not abnormal. You are not your suffering.
You ARE a Hero. You are a Great Man capable of great deeds. You are an inspiration who will triumph over his struggles. You are the main character.

But there is a cure out there for all of us and we can all live a happy and free life, free of secrets and dread.

it gets better. i promise.
what a bunch of schizo bs
yea what a shame, it thought this one was good
ya, maybe even more and a even bigger percentage will rope
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repgen more like yapgen
i have done my best to communicate this to you, but maybe i am trying to teach something that must be lived first before it can be understood.

I wish you well, and victory over the struggle and a happy future. Brother.

everyday i wake up and laugh because that once constant and agonising pain left me long ago. Be grateful for everyday when you achieve it.
i can't just develop schizophrenia bc i want to, you bozo
i said the same thing once.

i will leave you in peace now brothers. But i will leave you with a song, one that to me, symbolises the struggle to defeat dysphoria and the eventual ascendence you get to feel when its finally over.


Own your pain, Own your struggle, never give up.

>“it was all just a dream.”
>“feels like another lifetime ago.”
>”The nightmares, the mission, there finally over.”
>”so this is what it feels like to be alive.”
>”Thank you God.”
he does indeed seem a little more schizo than you
maybe i will get there one day also
you are trying hard
i wish you wouldnt </3
idk thr past few months have been horrible for me, idk if this is just dissociation or i genuinely start to develop schizophrenia, life feels extremely weird nowadays..
maybe you should throw away that repper identity and get one that is closer to what you are
i have been throwing away my masc identity because thats not me, it doesnt benefit me and i dont want it
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This pic definitely doesn’t bother any of the manly reppers in here, right? ;)

This whole thread should be titled “I’m a sad troon!” Lol real ones get it (:
thats a real woman not a troon tho
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>You ARE a Hero. You are a Great Man capable of great deeds. You are an inspiration who will triumph over his struggles. You are the main character.

It's a shame to read all of what you've written only to see you are still stuck in main character syndrome.

The problem of repression is one of bitterness and seeing yourself of the centre of the universe, wondering why you are you and not somebody else, feeling that everything about you is wrong. You have replaced that feeling of wrongness with delusional self assurance without actually addressing the root of the problem which is malignant self-regard.

you arent a great man, you arent necessarily going to triumph, you are not the main character

the only way i can see out of repression without transition is to notice what you value... repressors idolize women and femininity, but so do others idolize wealth, power, beauty, pleasure. None are mutually exclusive, there are hundreds of ways you can ruin your life through your own obsession.

Your writing reads as if you have been watching too many sigma male stoic manly inspiration videos as a way to paste over your feminine ego with a masculine one, but the only real way out is to realise you never needed either in the first place.
i am not a repper though, my technique which i want to develop is the opposite of repping lol
is your technique posting in mmg...?
i need a haircut
for now yea, i guess
alright tho i dont think its good to live vicariously through us
about something else...
the "maleficent queen dress" you have been wearing did you mean the disney character maleficent?
ya but it was cheap asf also i don't live vicariously through no one, especially manmoders lmao
based schizo
i really wanted to respond to both of you spergs, but i'm just too tired, sorry
easier to just get drunk instead,
couldnt you have atleast chosen a cute dress...
>i don't live vicariously through no one, especially manmoders lmao
what else would posting in mmg be
its ok you just wish you were brave enough to stay on hrt like us
but can be you dont need to just watch from the sides
kek, i am just an annoying pest that shitposts bc i have no job
look something like this would have been cute
do i look like i am some sort of a tranny faggot? that would be awful
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Currently too dissociated to feel anything from this
idk... can you please post that crossdressing pic to help me judge?:3
plsss with (estrogenized) sugar on top
How do trannies cope with knowing more and more people are repressing successfully? How do they plan to change their pinkpilling tactics??
time works in our favor because transitioning techniques only get better
repressing gets harder not easier over time
"repressing successfully" doesnt exist it will be back hitting like a truck eventually
shut up
Colonizers, dont listen to this limp wristed faggot - conquer the world, you can do whatever you want as the top life form on the entire planet. Everything bends to your will, even your body if you want to troon lmfao
I also saw kylie jenner’s instagram post lol
There is probably some sort of new normal setting in that was informally there in the past. Aka a certain amount trans at different ages due to societal pressures. The old adage is essentially “yeah, i said that at 33” - sarah, 45. Lol
wish i'd know bro, wish i'd know
you tell me
> techniques only get better

Not really
tl;dr take your pills retard
bad cope
also the only reason you didnt either break or end yourself is your little echo chamber here
if that was permawiped you would be done for
Live action shot of reppers lobotomizing themselves based on other people’s ideas: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_0TQHoV_2I&pp=ygUVc2h1dHRlciBpc2xhbmQgZW5kaW5n

Take your pills, Alice!
that's the deal with you people
it's either "just transition lol" or "kill yourself"
and when i tell you, i can't, that's what you are implying, isn't it
>also the only reason you didnt either break or end yourself is your little echo chamber here
no this is because im too much of a coward to kill myself, that's what you wanted to hear?
a life of inaction is practically the same as suicide as is dissociation
you are as much alive as some random machine at that point
just say it, you are telling me to kill myself
say it
it will take a long time but eventually the lot of you will realise what a waste of time this thread is, what a sad, pathetic little echo chamber you spend your time in. nobody here is really listening to eachother, we are all disgusted with eachother, like we are disgusted with ourselves. just stop. there is nothing to commiserate about
Trannies will accept any way you self identify except repressor
no i dont do that
to be fair repressor is not an identity, to repress is a negation, you cant identify as not being something else
Nah, but one day people will realize this is a reallyyyyyyyy international board lol like the saudi isnt lying when they say they cant transition lol
you are also dissociated otherwise you will be suicidal, fuck off
mmg is exactly the same as this thread in misery on how people talk, very similar and those people "take their pills", it has nothing to do with being a repper
you know what, you are right
but sometimes you just want to rant
is there a better place? I don't know, you tell me
i dont think im really dissociated anymore
my emotional state is getting wild again returning to where it was before my last breakup
i feel a lot now compared to years ago
everyone wants to rant, but it doesnt do any good, we all post our vomit here and others skim read over it and nobody really sees eachother and we're all just blowing off steam so we can go back to feeling numb. posting here is the cope, its the easy way out. at the end of the day 50 wasted years in numbness and vague regret is no different to roping now. just go do literally anything else that is real
We are valid
We deserve rights

Repressorphobia is the last acceptable form of discrimination
its only when you stop caring that you can start to make progress, when you stop NEEDING to be validated life can start to make sense, this has to be a concious choice or you will keep relapsing into your pathetic whiny neediness, whether thats to be loved, to be seen as something you are not. good things are always possible, but by being this way you drive it all away
no, for real, we are men who suffer from gender dysphoria (or women who suffer from gender dysphoria, also true)
don't we literally fall into the whole "spectrum"
well we do actually
too bad it's hard to prove some of the so called "progressive" people that we even exist
those tits are fake af tho, not real wombyn
True, but we also need acceptance from the LGBTQ community
>LGBTQ community
yeah, but what does it even mean
i personally am bisexual
and guess we are closeted trans after all
and by definition we are queer
who the fuck are those people to decide for us really, does this "community" even exist
I'm hoping we can get our own month
it is our month
How do I find motivation to live and do anything when I am a bottom pseudo lobotomized freak?
Anytime I get the energy to do something I remember that I am a sexual deviant and that if anybody, especially my family, knew about it I'd be humiliated.
I wish I was at least not so sexually submissive to men, it's so shameful kms
lowkey wanna find a repper like you to date so u can live vicariously through me
>I wish I was at least not so sexually submissive to men
wish i looked good enough and had a life where i could find a man who i can be sexually submissive to (in a good way)
Someone help me out here. Repressors that try HRT will say "it did nothing" and then go back into their doom spial mindrot, occasionally relapsing. Can't reppers just have the best of both worlds and just take HRT and continue living as a cis male? Isn't all this boy/man/honmodding or whatever garbage just a massive waste of time and no real person actually thinks about it that much?

Get laser first. Very time effective. 8 hours of face laser probably saves you 30-40 hours of electrolysis.
This is why the trutrans crew is all like “fake trans.” They would literally get hospitalized underrating so they could look more like women lol hrt is one part of the equation and for most it isnt the magic that makes them “womanly.” Makeup, clothes, voice, mannerisms, all of that goes with it. I call these people lazy trans lol they are just… lazy lol Like i bet buddy didnt starve herself and then get a boob job, ffs, and play silicone injection roulette lol
>Can't reppers just have the best of both worlds and just take HRT and continue living as a cis male?
this is basically being a manmoder, breasts are kinda annoying to hide desu but at least in my case i doubt that i will grow big ones if any
actually this, go to /mmg/ and preach there if you want us to just be men with boobs
a truepressor doesn't even even try HRT
you know what i repress with? vodka
and it sucks and it ruined my life
but oh well
oh, based and good for you
wish i was fucking dead
by "i'm on test" you mean you are ftm or what?
or you are just like the rest of us jus tdoing nothing
i actually get you
i just don't consider myself MtF really, since i do nothing to "t" to "F"
i'm also mostly into men myself i think, so also relatable
the way you explain it makes me really jealous lol
but what made you stop thouhg?
gonna be honest, im a fucking alcoholic, and if i take hormonese along with it, my liver is gonna fucking explode i think, so
also i'm an ugly old bald man now, so doesn't matter at this point
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>ruins his body with poison
>hrt is great
>but what made you stop thouhg?
my dumb masc male pride, and i also stopped dissociating but i managed to do it back and i want to be a feminine man now to be more similar to who i am and not repress that much, i thought i was a straight man before this so i was very masc and straight acting but i no longer want to play that character, it did me no good, better be a fem faggot bottom and not force myself to be masc and top just for the sake of my priede..
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when you have a male frame, both T and E are poison.
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I tried hrt and I don't feel any different other than less horny. Is this a sign that I am faketrans? I really expected a "Putting on the right glasses for the first time" moment.

Literally nothing
but you aren't on HRT anymore so
well, who cares, it's a fucking repgen
>"Putting on the right glasses for the first time"
i still remember the first time i wore my glasses, it was so wow, also hrt has no mental benefits, you might get more emotional at best but no dysphoria reducing stuff
not having to look at degenerate porn is a huge benefit
i havent looked at porn in weeks
please clap my cheeks
I think anyone feeling better on HRT is either feeling better because of a reduced sex drive or just straight up placebo shit
The bullshit I read about trannies who say their entire lives changed after 1 day on estrogen is unbelieveable
It's very similar to people saying they feel the positive effects of SSRIs after a few days of taking them, even though that's impossible by design.
dont i still look enough like a man?:(
tfw will never have lune ;__;
no, i am only into men, you kinda start to look too female and also act too female, boobs on a guy and the tranny thing are off putting
unsubscribing from your newsletter :(
can you even still get it up grandpa
>act too female
idk whats wrong the dissociation decreased and my bpd is coming back
got heavy mood swings
i feel so weird lately
Need to have sex as somebody's wife
so transition already?
sometimes i wonder why am i here again
when pride month ends and i lose this funny flag aboove my post i swear to god
That's the only reason I wanted to try it. I was hoping my depression would go away or I would enjoy my old hobbies again. But nothing is different and I'm still just as inactive as before.

Fucking hopeless man
ok thank you for the advice going to order estrogen and live my truest self finally
you should ask dr disrespect, but i guess he is into kids now (haha current events)
>Subscribed to high-quality MMO youtuber
>Find out she's trans
>Feel a pit in my stomach, unsub
I wish I wasn't like this
actually, if not for hormones giving you boobs that are hard to hide, and destroying your already fucked up liver so you can't combine it with alcohol, i'd actually take it (yeah there are injections, but hard to get it rigthtt now where i live, while still can get pills) (maybe, idk)
happened to me with one DBD streamer on twitch
worst thing, she was really kinda passing, i just felt like i don't belong there (also dbd is a shit game)
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>just threw away all my estrogen

Ride or die time now.
i'm not trans and i'm a straight man and i'm obsessed with wanting to be a woman
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join the club honey
we all age
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>When you realize all men trannies or not "age like men" because they're male and have a man's skeleton
ya, you age the same both on and off hrt, after puberty masculinization is just getting hairier and balding
lari weren't you that person who was super edgy a few months ago and made a lot of racist comments or is it another lari
ya that is me, i used to make my own threads and go on other people threads and be mean, now i only am active in mmg,repgen,mtfg
sad developmental arc
i had hope then of looking like a girl, not anymore :'(
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If you were a woman would you be a race traitor?

Me: probably yes
What u mean
I have every AGP stereotype under the sun including a BBC fetish so yes.
In my case it would be the opposite because I am brown.
>be a garden variety aap fujo
>"eh, it's just a phase"
>one year
>five years
>(don't even read yaoi anymore)
>eight years
>ten years
It won't go away, I'm so screwed.
on the bright side, you are now about to get harassed by thirsty retards
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I've seen the worst of 4chan. Thirsty retards are almost adorable.

Yeah I am never trooning. There is no point. Pinocchio can't become a real boy. It's just getting harder and harder to feel happy, even if for a moment.
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I never get to post my FtM anime memes .
This is a funny meme, may I download it?
I wonder if FtMs like Drive too
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It's all yours, my friend!
Holy cringe.
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Cringe is just man's shock at a sudden exposure of truth.
This is a literal curse, it unironically doesn't stop. I can leave my tranny thoughts behind for months, but they come back, I almost transitioned a year and some months ago. But even then it was too late, especially now it's too late. I wish I was never a twink, so I wouldn't have to go through twinkdeath, maybe I would have been over this by now. This is truly cruel.
running up to ftm reppers and forcibly injecting testosterone into them with a cattle inoculator
I look life professor snape but brown, it's so over. Same nose at side profile too.
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That Marilyn Manson SCHNOZZ IT'S SO OVER
I am going to try and fap these urges out of myself, goodbye all.
Since the second puberty gave me Kardashian hips and boobs, a cattle inoculator is only proper.

Rhinoplasty is an option even if you're not transitioning.
I only dislike it because of how it wouldn't make me pass if I trooned out, which I intend on repping for life. As a male feature, it's not bad.
I would unironically offer myself up to a rich fag for them to do what they'd like with me provided they pay for all necessary tranny procedures I would need.
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I had a chance with like 2 rich fags
you know what they told me?

like no shit nigga, maybe give me a diet and shit first?
Hey I'm back, it's fine either way, so how's it going for you?
i am no longer repressing, i feel a change in me, its a horrible feeling, but its recognition that im never going to get what i want, but neither do 99% of other people. i will suffer for the rest of my life but if i just accept the totality of it it will be bearable.
agp thoughts go away please please please please
gm chat
another day of repressing
doesnt get easier does it:|
i am literally a 30 year old man, its time to just accept it. life is downhill from here. i was never gonna become someone and feel whole

an ideal life for me looks like work and drinking myself to sleep on repeat for 40 years. there is nothing else
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listen faggots

go do boxing for 6 months and shoot guns exercise gives you happy thoughts on the daily and violence makes you more confident
i'm 27
i came close to trooning around 18, i still chase, but the crossdressing is severely less on my mind nowadays. i'm not even overweight enough to feel guilty about it just big moosles. still sucking and fucking but at least i'm fine being a dude.

find some chick that will be strict and motherly to you, i.e. a bitch, and learn some boundaries, if that's your defect. or just generally go looking for something horrible to fuck your life over and acquire a cold exterior.

if this chick you date also acts overly feminine you can also opt for living vicariously through them.
>an ideal life
wouldnt the ideal life be you turning into a girl?
when DSM 6 is dropping, i'm reading throuhg all this shit to know what's wrong with me
literally same
except i'm a neet and i think my body is fucked from drinking at this point
still got drunk in the morning, again
you make some sense
i've been kinda thinking of it, just getting into hetero relationships to just not die alone, despite being a faggot
psychology is pseudoscience if you can even call it that
>just getting into hetero relationships
getting foids is very hard nowadays you probably have to date a landwhale and thats not worth it
when i matched only landwhales and tattooed whores i gave up dating
just stop drinking go smoke weed or some shit or do psychedelics your head is fucked up anyway what harm can psychs do at this point
>psychology is pseudoscience if you can even call it that
well, its the best we have, also it's psychiatry not psychology really
>you probably have to date a landwhale and thats not worth it
yeah reminds me of this recent meme, but for real, i don't don't want it for sex, just to not die alone
> tattooed whores
what's wrong with that, that would be the better option
>smoke weed or some shit or do psychedelics
shithole country, lost contacts with people who can get me this shit, i just have no energy to do it anymore
idk if I agree w everything u said but alcohol kills your brain for sure

>just to not die alone
is that worth it putting up with potential stench? let alone kiss that tub of lard?
i once was catfished by a fat bitch that was also taller than me and i hated every second of it but im weak and bpd so i was trapped and couldnt leave
i didnt kiss her most of the time i felt too disgusted
i also looked like a little boy next to her
>what's wrong with that, that would be the better option
thats no option if you really want someone to stay with you
that bitch had the cock train run through her and got broken pair bonding
you can grow shrooms easily and they pretty much grow anywhere on this rock anyway
they might even give you back the energy that you lost
i'm esl and drunk so i don;t understand are you trying to start a rap battle with me or something, the fuck you mean by "shrooms"
> let alone kiss that tub of lard?
as i said, i'm not saying anything about any sexual reationships, but just for the sake of having a "traditional relationships"
yeah it may be unpleasant, but isn't this what boomers did?
no really what's wrong with tattoos, i don't have them but i almost feel guilty for not having one
>the fuck you mean by "shrooms"
pic rel
if you got a forest you likely got a source
>but isn't this what boomers did?
no they usually started out with genuine attraction and then went to shit after a while but atleast they got the memories of better times that helps putting up with it
even then tho they often divorced as well
>no really what's wrong with tattoos
they are a red flag on a girl because the loyal ones usually dont have them
no like i get what psilocybin is lol, i just didn't get what you meant
>no really what's wrong with tattoos
i almost feel guilty for not having tattoos
>i almost feel guilty for not having tattoos
you can just display your mental illness with cutting for free
because it looks cool idk
you just have to have some cool idea for your first tattoo, and i just don't have one
(i also have some cutting scars, regret it now lol
do a basedjack
by ideal i mean realistic best case scenario
can combine the two with some scarification :3
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one on each leg pointing at your dick
do a new /mmg/
actually a good one, i kneel
i avoid the schizo
Fuck random scars, try carving. Do some simple design, it's better than random fucking lines
>they are a red flag
Makes me want to get 20 tattoos just to make nigs like you stay away
i actually kinda want to have a chaos star on my hand, but understanding how cring it is i stopped
therapy is a scam and worthless, you are better off just taking drugs..
it's a little funny to me that i'm worried so much about balding but if i were a woman with a woman skull shape i would probably shave my head and be a bald chick
what drugs
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>see hot trans pornstar
>think "God I wish that were me"

Why is it always a sexual thrill that motivates me? Fucking disgusting lads
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insane how i managed to roll tranny brain + balding at 17 this run. What's the likelihood of that? .01%?

many such cases
us baldies literally have it hardest, don't we
what do you even do
yeah gonna save up money for a trip to turkey, haha
If you transition what are your options passed 35? Or do trannies just hang out on grindr trying to have anonymous sex up until they drop dead of a heroin overdose.
>Or do trannies just hang out on grindr trying to have anonymous sex up until they drop dead of a heroin overdose.
pretty much this
i have never been on grindr
i never had sex without love
i dont take heroin
wrong on all acounts
idk you tell me i'm """"only"""" 31
i think us in our 30s are just fucking done
That seems to be the case. You can't settle down and past a certain age your allure as a sex object will collapse.

And I know someone is going to say that women go through the same thing. They don't. A 40 year old tranny is way, way past the point of being an erotic thrill. A 40 year old woman can easily be a MILF and desirable.
the killer of foids is menopause which comes with facial bone and fat loss
you basically never need to experience this as a tranny
The downside is you were never a woman in the first place. Also, again, this delusion that you won't age because of HRT. Is this all some kind of peter pan syndrome?
most skin aging is uv and hormone related thats not gonna change with you impotently raging either
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>most skin aging is uv and hormone

Women age worse than men at every state of their lives even pre-menopause. You will age, look older, and that's a fact of life that nobody can avoid ever.
>graph starts at 40
ok little nig
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I can post more graphs. Of course it doesn't matter because trannies stick their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge reality.
> your allure as a sex object will collapse.
well as you said about 40y old women, it's true, they still look hot (if they were hot to begin with, that is)
but all the trannies who started in their early 20's/teens maybe, are they much different?
if they took their hormones and took care of their appearance, then whats the difference really
yea you can post graphs all you want true
but its not even a debate
we know how skin aging works
uv is most of it better get that in your schizo brain
idk, i a mad, my therapist was worthless as always and i only wasted my money, same as always, it is nice to talk to someone at least..
manmoding vs repping
pros vs cons for each one, let see it guys
If hrt has "mental effects" for you, then manmoding makes sense. If it doesn't then repress. For me it didn't so I repress
you know ideally you have a friend who does this for free
i now respect you for adopting our flag cuh
plese carry on because i think im gonna dyie from alcohol poisoning
it has none but if you are a fag and think that you would grow small breasts if anything, why not just take it?
I want breasts, but not male breasts.
cis people don't get it, my therapists doesn't get it at all either but at least more than most cis people and trans people don't grow here in trees and i have some pretty "transphobic" theories..
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>start at 30
>have the skin of a 20yo girl at 50
youngshits lost
i wonder if faggots would still date a manmoder with small breasts
i am sorry for your fate
i want small cute ones that are easy to hide and not annoying..
>i want small cute ones that are easy to hide and not annoying..

I already have gyno from a failed transition. Really sucks
no for real
why nobody invented a pill that doesn't destroy your liver
why injections are so hard to get and so scary
no shit we are repressing
>i wonder if faggots would still date a manmoder
you are a faggot and you shot me down so i guess not
same but my gyno is basically not noticeable at all
transdermal maybe? that is how i took my e
oh fuck, yea, they want masc probably hairy men, even if i stay on test with long hair, smooth, skinny and nail polish, they would still fucking bitch about it and turn me down, they would def do it if i have tits even if small and my body might even look too femine even who knows, my hips and lower body are not that bad, bipedos it is but they are fucking awful
>you are a faggot and you shot me down so i guess not
the breasts, the softness from e, maybe even a bigger fem lower body, the smoothness, etc., on their own they add up, i mean it won't be as bad as doing a woman and i will still get turned on a bit but it will feel "wrong", also being a manmoder even cis normie people will def notice smth off about you if you get fat distribution, bigger lower body and smooth lasered face and soft skin....
>same but my gyno is basically not noticeable at all

I can't wear some of my shirts now...
fuck, it seems that i am stuck as a masc man if i want a long term relationship, bipedos are just not interested in that
i go out shirtless, no one says a thing, i have seen a lot of cis men with bigger gyno than mine on the street lol
it only looks bad from certain cursed angles but from most, it just looks like bigger nipples..
yea so you already know gay dating is over
>fuck, it seems that i am stuck as a masc man if i want a long term relationship, bipedos are just not interested in that
what is a bipedo to you
someone who is bi only in a sexual way, romantic way or both?
>transdermal maybe?
like a gel or something? it's kinda expensive where i live, if i's even sold rn, but
does it even work, don't you still need AA with it
maybe i'm just a reverse one, idk
just a bi guy, but bi guys usually only want cis women long term, for obvious reasons.. i will get as much sex as i want but no long term.. i wish i was bi..
oh yea, you need AA, nvm
Mine stick out pretty bad.
I tried one of those compression shirts but it shows through a lot of my clothes because of the fabric.
>but bi guys usually only want cis women long term
those are not biromantic then only wanting men for sex
there are biromantic ones but maybe most arent and some of those are probably trannies
your pool is small anyway when you are exclusively attracted to mascs
i wish i was not bi and just had sex with a guy to say im not a virgin (i'm still bi, but it's complicated)
>when you are exclusively attracted to mascs
i mean, idk, i am 100% sure that i am into dick and dudes but i have never been with women so idk how flexible i am.. but like anyway it is still the same shit, it is not like there are a shit ton of manomders here so still same dating pool..
i think you would probably know
like seeking out fem porn or shit like that
i always watched only solo women because men did nothing for me sexually
also bi dudes just don't want any other than women long term even if they are romantically attracted, it is just yea
just go on grindr
sorry, it sucks
if i imagine myself fully as a woman i am kinda only into men and find women disgusting
but as a man i find women more attractive than men
i rarely looked lesbian porn but i used to jerk off to solo and i actually found out i was trans when i wanted to hook up with some troon and also my plan was to be some sort of a transbian but like 90-95% of my fantasies are with men... idk, dissociation is weird..
>just go on grindr
where i live it's complicated
also it's juist complicated in general
>90-95% of my fantasies are with men
same but women
there is some meta attraction and some genuine for men but prefer feminity
i would probably try to get the man on hrt
maybe some of yours is also just self inserting or meta attraction
>just self inserting
it is just this, bc the more masc i am the more i am into women but i just self insert as them to cope, and the porno always has to have men too that fuck them.. i self insert as sisies, femboys, troons, etc. too, just feminine being in general, sadly i am only into men :(
>but like 90-95% of my fantasies are with men.
maybe, actullally, same
but what would you my fellow flag user recommend me? because idk at thiss point
like i don't enjoy sex as a masc man
i need to be some sort of a feminine submissive being, not necessarily a woman, even a sissy, i think is ok
there are those old sissy boomer crossdressers that are trans anyway on grindr and they def get sex since they keep being on grindr but they are not on hrt and kinda low effort probably
like you could get a nice wig, laser, electro, go on hrt and try make up and you will probably mog most of them and have fun and sex with men, who cares anymore, at least have some sex before you die..
no, i actually know what i should do, losing weight, stopping drinking, getting a job and saving money for are trip to Turkey
also a lot of things, but his is a minimal
sounds like a good plan get a skin care routine too that will help you cope a little
idk what to say really, you are right
too bad i'm not that "feminine submissive being", but i want to be, but i also live in a shithole
i don't even know anymore, again, shit's complicated
i live in Romania bro, in shitholes grindr is full of those sissies and hons, it is ok..
i live a little eastern than you bro, i just dont want to say it out loud
oof tovarisch
I could take hrt for 10 years and get every surgery money can buy and I know for a fact that after looking in the mirror I would get the same terrifying sinking burning feeling I have felt 1000 times since I was 13 because deep down it will always be me, I am male I am cursed, there is nothing about my body or soul that is pure or good and nothing I can do will fix it, there is no solution there is no exit there is no light at the end of the tunnel for me and the monster that I have been running from will slowly consume my mind until I eventually end up insane enough to finally end it I know that that is my fate and I can’t do anything to change it, I am a dead man walking I am a prisoner and this body and world is my prison, nothing makes sense nothing is ok everything burns, I want to sprint into the woods and bury myself in cold damp leaves and disintegrate into the ground.
(i respect you more that now i know you are a an estern euro comrade after all) (but yeah shit's fucked, it's not a joke anymore)
i am 27 now and its really starting to feel like any delusion i could have of youth is officially over and the rest of my life is really just a day in day out grind with nothing to justify it. i dont know what the difference is between me and normal people but i wish i could feel it, how can someone be fucking... 35 years old and just have the will to keep going, working all the time, paying rent. what is it all for? i assume they have an identity, that they care about things. but i dont know how, i wish i could put all this behind me and just be a normal person
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>I would get the same terrifying sinking burning feeling I have felt 1000 times since I was 13 because deep down it will always be me

ah ha.. ah ha....
all the russian speaking countries are fucked rn
but they speak a lot of russian in Moldova
i am from the eastern part of Romania which is more russified but we don't speak russian here at all, your situation sucks really badly
> your situation sucks really badly
it does
i just don't want to talk about it
sorry, i wish you the best though
also no i'm not from Moldova and not from Ukraine (well partially)
who fucking cares this is not a thread about that
yeah, wish you the best too, homie
well who fucking cares i'm just killing myself with alcohol anyways
bad choice
it is
what do you know, belgian boomer
not a belgian
dying from alcohol is a pretty shitty way to go, if we ignore that shit might improve for you
well shit i'm sorry
i fucking lost control and i'm gonna be fuckin dead tomorrow
(metaphoricaly, probably not literally)
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>have AGP
>take estrogen
>now can't fap to AGP
>get off estrogen so I can fap again to AGP

It's not worth it. Fapping to sissy porn is one of the few pleasures I have in this world.
im fucking done
i still have trauma from when i grew natural gyno titties way back in high school, they shrunk a little since then but still there and so I’m a little bit sensitive about people seeing me as a man with tits
AGP must be the devil's creation, it's so devilish in nature
>AGP makes you want to take estrogen to feminize, take estrogen
>Taking estrogen nukes your sexual drive
>No sexual drive means no AGP means no desire to feminize, get off estrogen
>Sexual drive comes back again, AGP makes you want to take estrogen and feminize
>Take estrogen
Repeat ad infinitum or until you die, miserable life
no really who designed HRT pills so you can't take it with alcohol
(it's a semi-ironic question, but it still fucking sucks holy fuck)
injections are extremely convenient desu
doing it once every 16 days
I go on and off estrogen so often. It's just a masturbation aid to me now. I go on, fap, think well this is boring, get off, repeat.
can't get it because shithole + not enough privacy, it's fucking injections
alright privacy i get but if that changed sourcing raw powder from china is easy
>sourcing raw powder from china
yeah and then mixing it in the bathroom?
>"hey dad i bought this mysterious powder from china, let me mix it in our bathroom and inject it into my ass so that my dick stops working"
heh funny ngl
i used an instant pot for disinfecting before and after sealing so far i have no rotten flesh yet
wait this is repgen?!? wtf...
if you are telling me you are taking some kind of raw estrogen from alibaba or whatever, then cooking it in the instant pot, and then injecting into your ass
good luck lol
like what, gel, or you also injecting slop from your bathroom?
no its from a site where all sorts of raws are sold from supps to everything else except narcotics of course
nothing wrong with that if you get it lab tested if you are paranoid but these sellers supply legit resellers as well just so happens they also sell to the small "man"
btw how did you know im pinning my ass:3
well, again, good luck for you
they prob don't deliver to where i live anyway, also not gonna say it for privacy reasons
and i'm not gonna ask for the site, since it's not gonna help me anyway, but
do you really just mix it in your bathroom and inject in your butt or what?
how am i a repper and know that you inject hormones in your ass, hmm idk
gel or patches
gel is cheapest
not on injections yet but soon
want me to pin your ass?
if my geriatric c**k can get hard ofc ;_;
>mix it in your bathroom
people here really have a fixation on otokonoko
no i did it in my kitchen and even used benzyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate all pharma grade
is it optimal?
no but its decades worth of hrt even if shit hits the fan
its only appropriate to do it there its not like we got dignity anyway
i just got rejected by lari you perverted geezer
why do you think i'm a pervert?
am actually a sensitive guy so that hurts :(
am serious btw
HAHAHAHA, based i guess idk
you know what
good for you
yeah ok if you are a fucking chemist to mix shit to put into the syringe and put into your fucking ass cheek
i kneel
i can't, and can't do this shit, sry
(also nothing wrong with otokonoko,, but who cares lol)
ahh yes sensitively asking june for bussy pics
no im not im just doing what lena has been doing for ages
i mean, i wanted to buy from her but if that dumb old hon amd you can do it, maybe i can too, mhhhm
what's wrong with lena, she is a fucking martyr, can you do better?
sure just follow her guide and search up some other diyhrt guides for cross reference you will end up with a good and easy process
there are plenty good ones best to ask in hrtgen
june should be able to take it given the shit she dishes
srs that's one of my main issues with her getting pissed for getting a weak version of what she gives others...

you aren't tongue deep into that toyboy bussy i hope?
whatever, not everyone has a chemistry lab in their bathroom, you know?
why it has to be so hard
no the old pics look ok but he doesnt post recent pics which is sus
the personality is also not something i would get along with
he hates me too every time i get yous on my pics i feel like he is seething
wish hrt actually did anything
i like the skin changes
when i touch my soft skin i feel relieve especially after hair removal
cheese says she looks like girl and cheese is kinda reliable i guess?
ngl want to fuck her but don't wanna say it lol
must be fucking nice
i mean ik she donä't wanna fuck me and never thought she would ...
thats not enough i had enough real girls i dont lust just for passing i got standards
yea but too little change to be worth it..
there is 8 billion people out there
let's assume 0,1% are repping one way or another
it's like 8 millions?
who the fuck are you?
who the fuck are we
like you a lot more now ngl, not that you'd care
> i had enough real girls i
you seem your life figured out, why you here
a lot of those live in zimbabwe or india and think that they are just possed by some girl demon banshee and have no idea that they are trans and hope that it will go away by drinking cow urine and prayer
what makes us better?
real rich first word people actually do transiton and don't post here
or they do cocaine or somethng
its better than beeing hated i guess
5'6 so online dating killed my game kinda
bpdemon i got very attached to my gfs every time and the break ups mindbroke me
aside that i always hated some of my masc features so some dysphoria i guess
im as mentally ill as the rest of the board desu
nothing, 4chan is not that popular bc people are mean here and nowadays everyone is a snowflake, pleny of hons/manmoders/reppers on reddit/twitter/disc most likely than here, they cope similarily to people from here, delusions of one day passing, alcohol, drugs, career, having a family, etc. 4chan is just kinda dead and niche and an older demographic that grew up with it probably
you know what, ok lol, again good for you
i'm 5'8 and im mostly into men
but i'm an ugly poor fuck so can't even do that
yeah idk what more to say
why are we here again after all these years?
tumblr is dead
reddit is hard to really find anything, also need a special account (for personal shit)
discord, well you need to know places, i don't
i have been on here for like a few months and i plan to not stay here for more than 6 months, i will either move on with my life or kms
i'm gonna say it bro, this little flag above my post is the only thing keeping me here
in a week i'm out myself
its not what i wanted from life either i wanted children and a qt i could be with forever
cant complain too much tho
maybe i wanted to be a "qt"
i can complain though, shit sucks
praying for agi to happen and solve our problems
we are doomed
dont matter to me
ill see this to its natural conclusion
i guess?
>im a boomer had to google it
the natural conclusion is suicide and you are just delaying it and suffering even more for longer for no reason at all when it is obvious what the conclusion is
i wont kill myself even if i suffer 70 more years
i need to know at this point
why? what keeps you alive?
ok you almost convinced me
>70 more years
lmao give me 5 at best
of what exactly?
many things
where this all goes for example if we are in the big filter or not
if agi is actually possible and what a society under it looks like
if my problems can actually be alleviated in my lifetime by medical advancements
im not really bored desu just suffering
i don't really care about any of those or think that they are really important, i can just kms and solve my issue now, i would have died anyway, everyone dies, so the outcome is the same but the amount of suffering is a lot less, it is not worth for me waiting 20 years for a potential solution which i doubt will happen when i will be in my 40s and old expired anyway with most of my life behind me which was full of misery and depression anyway, heck, is not worth waiting even 5 more years of suffering for me, i would rather kms than live another 5 miserable years even if after those i will be happy.. for me i want a solution now, in less than 6 months or it is not worth it, i have waited enough already to be happy..
the fuck even is "agi"
>if my problems can actually be alleviated in my lifetime by medical advancements
yes, depending on how much you intend to live for
i, not for much, that's for sure
we will never be happy, just enjoy the suffering, i guess, idk what to tell you
there is some sick beauty in this suffering and also not taking life too seriously, lauging at yourself and at how fucked you are and how unlucky and shitty the hand that you got is makes the suffering lesser, when you don't care about anything anymore and have nothing more to lose, you free yourself in a way from the seriousness of life
maybe they were born in 2001?
the outcome is not what matters to me
im just generally interested in things i even got escapism i look forward to still
if you got none of that suicide might be the logical conclusion idk
agi is the point where we have ai that is learning and outperforming humans at every task
this would obviously speed up progress at an insane rate
it might be around the corner it might not hard to say at this point
>>36310245 no for real, let's just not kill ourself today
i got really drunk today, again, and i know the withdrawal will torture me tomorrow
and guess im just gonna suffer through it, again
i' m so tired myself not gonna lie
but again, you do you, idk
just sober up and think again ok
i shouldnt fucking be here myself
it just enables my alcohol additction
and it's bad, and there is nothing good really we can get out of here outside of venting really
good night, im out
may you find better copes
inshallah and amen
there are no better copes..
you too
i dont want you to kill yourself desu
i am just trying to learn to dissociate the right way and consistently, ik i did it right and feel no dysphoria if i no longer have the desire to be a woman and no longer feel euphoria and i get really horny looking at dudes naked pics and i feel the need to even fuck them in the ass, most of the time i don't feel that much looking at dudes naked pics even though i am into them since i need a girl to self insert, it sucks cause it feels like a broken sexuality..
i rather hope for you to find something that is important enough to you to make the suffering worth it
maybe i want to kms myself, maybe we all do, maybe it it is what it is
im going to sleep, have a good life

> i feel the need to even fuck them in the ass,
hol up

ah whatever you do you
>broken sexuality
yeah, you tell me
i want to eat a hamburger so i will live for it

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