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prev >>36292673
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yesterday's thread with Rowling as the op lasted 3 hours, probably the fastest gigi in months
because it was full of transgenders who just saw the picture and stumbled in to make noise
no treasure trail though
I dont get the people who say they’re embarrassed of being bottoms. I’m fucking proud of being a bottom. And if I’m with a guy in public idc if people can see I’m the bottom. I’ll sit on his lap, stand on my feet while kissing him, let him open doors for me etc.
georgia v portugal tomorrow, who's winning?
Portugal ofc. Tá me zoando cara?
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>starve myself to the point I have not pooped in days
>still cannot loose weight
there's no way this could possibly be true, anon
your body is burning something to keep going, and if you havent eaten anything at all in several days then it is either burning your fat or your muscles for fuel at this point and you would definitely be losing weight in either case
lmao you forget how much we like to randomly lose to shit teams
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It takes longer than days
force feeding shallo until his twink body is permanently ruined
Actually it’s not that I want to be the center of attention. It’s that I want to give that one person everything. I overthink everything I don’t need to have to worry about to horny psyches.
It's water weight, either eat so your body doesn't hold onto it or take a laxative
I feel too skinny but it’s so hard to gain. For how much I work out feel like im making no progress
all you do is complain nowadays
all he ever did newfag
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>no cis in title
Have you tried going vegan?
delta is cute :3
no he used to post elaborate fantasies about being a young slave boy stowing away on a ship and getting caught by big hairy Arab sailors then being slathered in makeup and perfumed oils and forced to bottom for the whole ships crew during the long journey at sea new Jeb is just boring and dead inside
Starving always fails unless you only need to lose a couple pounds. You will bounce back or develop an eating disorder if you actually stick to it. Eat some damn food
>count calories
>cut out junk food
>look for added sugars thrown in random things if you're American
>eat smaller portions
>have at least one normal full meal a day like a normal person
>drink coffee to help you poop
Let me fuck you raw and I'll help you gain muscle.
Who are some good sexy meat twinks to stalk?
idk about all that, luv, but lukearborn is really cute and you would like
They say bipedos but all the creepy posts are made by gay ppl
freshieanon is gay btw
Gross. No I wouldn't. He looks like... at least 25. What happened to youth and joy? WTF
Why be insulted by that? They call me a pedo but it's just a sign they're jealous of the barely legal guys I pull.
Convince me Freshienon isn’t a weird mentally ill spiteful tranny larp
Wanna trade bodies?
freshieanon is a straight /pol/cel troll here to gather "proof" that gay men are pervs
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this is the one i remember..close enough
Fags kek
Bros... my back is looking good almost muscular. My ass looks fat and has flabs. It's pretty off putting bros.
I'm losing weight but not looking too much better.
pooner hips
What's your routine?
99% of y’all’s problems boil down to you being meat eaters.
im gonna repot my jasmines today
You can take almost anything from me but not my chicken nuggets
can i ask a possibly dumb question as someone who has barely shaken hands in the past n amount of years?

when in a relationship or hooking up a bunch, is one expected to douche... every time / all the time? am i just constantly wetting my colon? or is it usually whatever?
Umm sis. If you’re having anal sex, yes you douche. Every fucking time. What kinda question is that
No. Communicate when you wanna bang and when it’s just a chill / oral night or surprise him. It’s not realistic to always be ready. Top’s perspective.
If you're bottoming, go with douching to be safe, unless you want an awkward encounter. Different guys will have, you know, different plumbing so it depends a lot of the time. Obliviously no need if it's just blowjobs or mutual jacking off or whatever.
girl i was getting mansplained!
Before someone comes at me I am clarifying I meant that I don’t always expect anal to be on the table when I’m dating someone.
Thank you for your responses!

rat (derogatory)
Tbh serious Blu moment, I actually enjoy the prose and themes of the Old testament. I don't see it as anything more than a religion of the past, but I find the whole dilemma between God and humanity+the Israelite to be quite a compelling theme that reflects the human condition quite well from a spiritual perspective. Religions are overall quite obsessed with suffering and its purpose. The entire old testament is literally a grade a allegory of the human condition.
Why are you being mean to me instead of thanking me for the advice?
do you think it would be weird to ask a guy on grindr to hang out or get a drink as friends if we have never fucked?
Gurl u so smart. When did u become such a braniac?
>answers question in a rude manner
>gets a rude comment back
>wah wah!
are you really this blind to how you come off or is this just bait
Certain kinks I like irl such as feet aren't something I seek out in porn, anybody else feel a disconnect between their porn and irl preferences? I'm starting to feel my porn habits are ocd and not really related to what I actually like
I wasn’t rude to you I didn’t call you any slurs. You’re being unreasonable
You have to read and get a vibe from them, but for me I like delayed gratification and flirting before sex. I don’t think it’s weird.
I'm cutting hard at 1300 calories a day.
I do pull ups, chin ups, weighted rows, dumbell bench press, curls, and then cardio. I mix jogging at a steep incline and running.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not
i saw 2 f15s and they were circling over my house hitting the afterburner and doing like 40 degree bank turns and condensation coming of the wing tips and stuff and it was the coolest thing ever they are like knights but real and actually in real life they protecc us and keep us safe
It wasn’t
omg that's so mean u know she's not like normal people
Not enough body hair
Twinks with trails are preferred
what mobages yall play
Hots was cool for a while
Havnt touched league since elo was a number
I want to become a polymath because I was a failure of a student in school. I wanted to study the major world religions a bit and listen to their texts.
I also like learning general world history from many parts of the world, so I am knowledgeable on some things aswell.
I don’t like paypig industry killing slop
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I play Arknights... and by play, I log in and do my daily stuff while telling myself "I'll definitely play further tomorrow. Now, it's bed time." I don't give them money, though, just my time – it's not that valuable! Other than gachas, I like to play Slice & Dice.
tf is a mobage
someone go to riat 2024 with me please i dont wanna go alone
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>normally top with most dudes
>ended up dating this guy recently
>10/10 qt
>very gym broish
>actually works out well for us and is pretty easy to bond over mutual interests ngl
>has a kind of domineering kink in the bedroom tho
>subtle at first but getting more intense
>feel kind of weird that i'm getting turned on by it
>grabbing me by the throat
>pinning me down
>usual cringe dirty talk
>that kind of thing
>like his recent thing is having me wear these faggy jockstraps
>he'll just throw it at me and tell me to slip it on
>i mean I got a hard-on when he did it but not sure how I feel playing dress-up for another dude
I'm really not into the whole gimp BDSM shit so not really sure what is going on.
Psychologically kind of feel conflicted about it ngl
Like just feels weird and embarrassing not sure if I should go with it or not
you were supposed to ignore that -__-
In Brazil they have many religions. Christianity, spiritism, macumba, candomble. It’s very interesting
Go with it. Expand your horizons. Sounds like you enjoy it at least partially or you wouldn’t be conflicted. But you can set boundaries with communication.
mental illness
i like playind dota 2 and hots
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it's the size of your pp
I'll check it out sometime, I'm mostly focusing on the crucial things in understanding our world today. I only delve into niche things if im interested in them or want to be particularly knowledgable in them.
I also like engaging with people smarter than me or as smart as me, if they outsmart you, you can, occasionally, learn from them. Same with losing debates or arguments. In the short term, you lose and it sucks but long term you increase your knowledge on the subject you debated about.
My mother did not teach me much growing up, she mostly gave up on me and was very depressed, she gave up on things like teaching me to ride a bike, my education in middle and high school, and even mine and her own health. We had a hard time communicating too because she could be very delusional+unreasonable and wasn't fluent in English. She also wasn't very knowledgable herself, and had a very traumatic childhood, so I didn't learn much from her other than very practical, simple things.
I strive for knowledge to compensate for my background, partially, alternatively, because I just like knowing things.
Hot. I'd go with it. I mean if it does turn you on have you thought about what it is that does it for you? Maybe you're more (sexually) submissive than you think?
i would leg-lock him so fast, he won't think twice about pumping a load in me, since there's no escape.
tops need to be shown who's boss, otherwise they'll start to think they can do whatever they want to us. it's time to rise up, bottoms. take what's rightfully yours
I just realized my entire life has been governed by intrusive thoughts.
Highschool 18th bday
Understanding our world today is really easy to boil down

***ish greed
> and high school
uwu barely legal
certified pedofile
He's also a mod. Gives an idea about what this board is actually like.
Its just all so awful.
again, these jokes need to make sense
talk me through your thought process for this one
me baiting delta for pp's pics is cheeky, this is just ghastly
its not a joke youre a predator bucko exposed you
You wanna talk about it?
On one hand I want to be big and muscular but on the other I want to be kidnapped from my illegal settlement by a big strong Hamas soldier who ties me down under a bombed hospital and facefucks me with his stinky Muslim penis
shallo's jelly roll
When Bucko is mentioned my mind immediately leaps to him suffocating me with his gooch. What a phenomenon.
>I want to give that one person everything.

no one is capable of giving someone "everything" except God
Notice how he disappears when found out? He's checking discord for who you are.
you like college boys right? or are they too old for you?
based bucko
fuck delta he cant keep getting away with it
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Yeah I get that it feels like a double edged sword though. The boundary pushing is what kind of led me to feel this way in the first place. I should draw a red line but it's difficult to explain part of the allure is him taking control and pushing those boundaries. I get into a weird mindset with him.
I've been trying to figure it out. I tend to be very assertive in everyday life so maybe the loss of control? I can also physically hold my own with most dudes. It's less the specific things in a sort of abstract way and more so this sense of being put in my place. I kind of instinctually feel this sort of meekness almost. A sense that I'm his. That we can bro out together or whatever but ultimately - when it comes to sex - he's the boss. It's difficult to explain ngl
>It’s very interesting
it's really not
The whole point of knowledge is to confirm whether or not that's actually true and to challenge it and see how true it is.
I've seen the many things people lie about or oversimplify it into be incorrect or obsolete as knowledge to those that don't know better.
Many people believe things quite uncritically, even me. Our biases and naturally social nature prevent us from being wholly rational beings, it is an aspect of the human condition and many basic conflicts revolve around our most basic desires and biology.
This warrants more skepticism towards what we believe, what we choose to believe, and what others and our society believes and tells us to believe. Skepticism pisses people off because it challenges our innate nature of simplifying things.
Not sure what you're trying to say. I was technically a truant.
It’s an expression. I meant my charm and fat cock.
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you really have to snap up a younger guy before he ages out of cuteness
You can’t really challenge it because they control all institutions and positions of power but good luck
the right picture is more attractive to me, what do you mean?
>fuck delta he cant keep getting away with it
He's embedded, he'll get away with. Soon he'll post some lame denial too.
>I'm really not into the whole gimp BDSM shit so not really sure what is going on.
and yet, it turns out, you are. it's ok to enjoy parts of it without wanting to be in a leather suit and locked in a trunk, you know. i like a light bit of domination. i don't want to be slapped and hurt but i like being pinned down and held down. just figure out what you enjoy and don't get it mixed up with ideas of what you think it should be anon.
you're blind, he looks fat and chubby
Dropping the name and leaving the flag up to deny what you actually think.
he doesn't look like a minor..?
Fat guys can be sexy.
if so why did you lose weight?
"why do you hate pancakes" type comment
Where did Delta go?
> I want to be kidnapped from my illegal settlement by a big strong Hamas soldier who ties me down under a bombed hospital and facefucks me with his stinky Muslim penis
Babe this is not a cute look. It’s embarrassing, actually.
You aren’t stuck in a mode. I’m primarily top but like letting a dude with manlier arms and hands with me hold me down and eat my ass. It’s all just for fun.
he looks 18-19 the perfect age
you would know embarrassing
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Happy Pride Month!
I didn’t like my fat distribution being 6’4” and also had to strictly diet for health reasons. I would like to be bulkier these days but it’s actually much harder to achieve that turns out.
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by saying I 'look' like one and making a blind accusation?

went to the lav
>You can’t really challenge it because they control all institutions and positions of power but good luck
You could make the same argument about any dominant group of people in any institution about anything. Which is why I don't buy into it. The same /pol/yards who buy into racist nonsense from decades to centuries ago are, themselves, buying into defending an institution that was once dominant. People defend dominant/uncontroversial(meaning widely held or widespread, in my case) all the time.
Everything is quite accessible in the age of information and hard to hide. Of course, this has the opposite effect of making it difficult to know what is true and what is false. No one said to challenge it that you needed to challenge the institutions directly. It literally just means to challenge your own notions, beliefs, conclusions and preconceptions. To consider other perspectives, It's not that complicated and requires no theatrics nor an absence of nuance, exaggeration, which most of these discussion about these difficult subjects just devolve into.
What's wrong haribo?
>blasting brat while driving around the city since it's release
>zero tops have approached me
Uh, uh, i had to poop!
Lol okay
whats the matter bruv

god i fucking love that album why do tops hate charli so much idgi :s
that was your aim right
Yeah you guys are probably right. I guess I'm just having difficulty squaring it with my personality if that makes sense. Kind of feels like a 180 to go from being very assertive (part of this is my job tho) to being clad in a jockstrap and having another man call me his bitch. I should prob just accept it's a turn-on sexually, and move on. Just feels kind of humiliating once the horniness wears off.
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Hope you guys got fit for the Summer. If you're not where you want to be; Don't give up! Seize the day.
please sir show the back for the love of god
i'm still cutting but i can see my top abs if i flex :)
She really want that bi guy…
what's that supposed to suggest anyway?
I came back
*pats head*
out of shape guys wearing jockstraps is the same as adults wearing diapers, it just doesn't fit? :3
my aim was it's a brat summer and of course im going to be blasting taxi. attracting tops with it is only a fantasy
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to wipe my mind from that other image posted above
Getting there, slowly. More muscle definition and much broader shoulders, but still have heroin arms. The gains they are slow anons
was about to offer appreciation
but you burned me
latino king of gg :3
he's no king and isn't even a regular
lmao you really make her seethe when you post, keep it up
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Don't look for another man to solve your problems. Be a man yourself.

Nice! Very good.
you're trying too hard sisma take it easy
When will Delta shut the fuck up and stop being a pathetic gaycel? He is the most annoying trip right now.
i hope walmart sells ice cream containers
Muy bien

Shut the fuck up
lmao he's ugly
flat ass latino mother fucker
not even a jockstrap can save his flabby ass
you made it seem like you were hugely obese with your posts but you're average
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i don't have to entertain bad photos
And you’re an anonymous incel. Not everyone is a toned gym rat. Ordinary bodies are sexy. Keep your shitty attitude to yourself and don’t serve me the it’s 4chan bullshit. Get better.
it's a red flag to be attracted to pictures like this
desu we need more like this itt instead of what gets spammed like that stupid white boy yesterday
feeling envy in this denny's tonight
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is it a red flag if like them thin and lean?
i want that jockstrap
>bad photos
>looks better than most people here
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>even AI hates femboys
no wonder the terminators were so buff
the guy who accused me of being a pedo? shocker
You should entertain choosing to say nothing rather than something if you’re just going to be a bitch since you don’t even have the nerve to post yourself before judging others.
Being a pedophile is nothing to be proud of. You’re not a man if you are a pedophile already.
Why would you be anorexic as a gay man? Gay men are NOT attracted to emaciated bodies, we like bulk...
wasnt talking about you? obsessed with bucko
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>trying to lose 25 more pounds before august
wish me luck
his body looks average for a 35-40yo... if that is what the majority here consider hot you have very low standards
let's be honest if the pic was posted on twitter it might get 100 likes at most from thirdworlders, it wouldn't turn heads
did he deny you or fuck someone you wanted? lmao
yeah sure you weren't
didn't even know who he was until yesterday
Why is Harrison Schurr seething again?
No. You have impossible pedophile standards. You are the outlier.
you're not beating the groomer allegations
talking about the other person seething about him you fucking retard. stop thinking youre important
like the cesspool of fag twitter is a good bearing to compare with
Wait I've never visited gaygen before, this is insane, this isn't a gay general this is an eating disorder general??? You guys are worse than even the trannies, how could every other post be specifically about losing weight and surveiling your own body. Like if I didn't know better I'd come away from this thread certain that homosexuality = mental illness.
being fit and healthy isn't an impossible standard
>didn't know gays had massive body image issues
you must be a fucking woman and woman do not belong here.
He is fit and healthy. Your last post was trying to approximate an age. You’re a nasty shitty person and that’s the gist of it. We’re done.
lmao you look in your 40's so its hard to care what you have say
All of us faggots were born with mental illnesses at birth. The eating disorder only amplifies it and makes us feel like women.
>the obese uggo boomer landwhale is projecting his bitterness on the innocent, cute males of this thread
why are you so jealous sisma :3
leave and never return for your own good
I said we’re done. Get better.
luv luv oh-oh
luv luv yea-yea
missed u
its just diff hours of the day :s
someome has reported those posts so hard they've been deleted from the archive
this is fit and healthy
that's just average dad bod
You sound like a fat woman
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i don't wanna be reported for illegal content :s
kys pedophile
dad bod >>>>>>>>>>
bucko clears
you LOST
And you sound like a faggot with severe mental health issues who should be segregated from society.
uh oh the beast is upset :(
i need more boyshorts in my life
thats not how that works
nah man, at work i have to be assertive and bitchy. in general life i'm often assertive over shit. unless there's someone i like and trust, then i do the whole 'roll over' thing. got a couple of friends where i'll just do whatever they wanna do. hell, even my arrangement with bf is 'i make suggestions, they go on a list, we get in the car and he picks one to surprise me'. it's fun giving a little control to someone else.

i enjoy sitting in my bf's lap, falling asleep on him, cuddling up to him etc. - just embrace it anon.
where from? and are you looking for a neet bf?
Bucko you’re stupid sexy and if you danced shirtless with me at Station 4 we would be unstoppable. Thanks for working up the courage to post and don’t let incel pedophiles drag you down. Besos.
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I hate that I suck at drawing. Can I get critique? What do anons think
is this haribo?
can't you and your boomer friends create boomergaygen
many of us are into twinks and like 18-22yo's
its only you golden girls who ruin this thread
Fat women = normal people with normal lives who you might encounter at the supermarket
Anorexic fags = only seen in the wild doing coke at mid dance clubs, dies at age 35
let's play uno to decide who bottoms tonight
Nah we’re just gonna hang out here
hello american
shouldn't you get a job?
It was an analogy to explain your mental illness.
all my local highschools are out for the summer
It takes 10 seconds to make a 4chan post while I’m working.
what happened to atmos (sherman aline)? he was the guy that worked as the data risk analyst for knight insurance group
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>Fat women = normal people
... does the winner or loser get to bottom?
you know what i fucking hate
people who want men who exercise but dont do it themselves
why doesn't your job afford you a decent car?
I think there's a lot of confusion about the word globalism.
It is commonly assumed to be referring to some kind of "shadow government' above individual state governments, but in literature it was referring to the impact of economic development on a country.
Exports and imports from foreign countries commonly introduce products that change the receiving country sociopolitically.
For example, the introduction of foreign medicine to help fight diseases that prior had no effective treatment options may end up increasing the population size of a country substantially.
So the statement "a country against globalist agendas" was not about being against some shadow government but instead about a country that isolates itself from other countries entirely.
You strip a piece of clothing if get called out on uno.
nice. i'm not top material :( even if i tried to beef myself up i have a small frame, tiny ass hands etc. - not very manly. bottom is my lot in life.
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only thing I don't like about asians is their eyes
I love their vegan food but I would never eat dogs or cats
I love their eyes. It's why I like them. Put a blindfold on him if you don't like his eyes.
Sorry but like I’ve explained I can never be insulted by anonymous posters.
That was a lot, robin
>this thread
Whatever the fuck you are, you are not mentally adult men. And because of that, there is no way you could know that one way or the other, just as it is just as certain that you would deny this.

Just like every child assumes they are as smart as any adult. If you have false definitions, you cannot reason or think properly. And you cannot have true definitions if you fundamentally do not understand things.

Its never been more clear to me that your fantasy of sexual identity is just a symptom. Its the same delusion of trans. It is the make believe of a mind arrested in adolescent development.

You are victims of a fraud targetted at neglected males. They have sold you your own 20th century science fiction universe to explain your struggles. The 'sex' is secondary. You don't seek peer humiliation because of some magic biology. You just have not socially matured and no amount of explanation will convince you.

You don't want to see it because the truth is horrifying and the professionals are unqualified quacks and grifters. The truth is you were abandoned by adults who should have helped you and you will never recover in time.

Thats what parental acceptance is. Convenient surrender to failure to avoid responsibility.
noticing how you got back on trip after you thought the drama you started by seething died down lol you make yourself so obvious girl
you made a weird collage? you're unhealthy man
yep thats his nasty ass LMAO oh no no noooo
Why are anons so nasty?
im nooooticing
you literally posted your weeks old cum stained boxers on here..wtf
even the name jizzy is a joke because i overproduce precum. my bf enjoys it but i find it inconvenient and gross. that anon is just weirdly obsessed with me for some reason.
he thinks its his fun gimmick
Do you guys think autoandrophilia is a thing with gay men? I've noticed an interesting phenomenon on the internet where some gays fantasize about becoming masc str8 hunks
they use this place as an outlet for their shortcomings and attack confident people who they know have more fun in reality.
okay im done
i hate the same haircuts most of them have the most
that's all precum from one day. the name jizzy is a joke about it.
I almost feel bad for the chaos. But if it weren’t me it would be someone else anyway
lol this place is insane
not even comparable
yes, i think about doing steroids and becoming a massive dumb himbo sex beast basically daily
have you considered barbell squats for your undeveloped ass?
You literally got caught stealing.
have you considered keeping your trip on when you try to troll hot guys? :3
Yes. This place is generally not good but once you realize theres a reason why most people don’t post their image. And it's not because of the doxing boogie man- you can filter out their comments and post whatever you want.
no one wants to see your photos dan
I do
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Tick, tock. Time to fuck.
Who will you fuck today?
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boohoo bitch
im gonna buy jack in the box chicken sanwiches and nobody is gonna do a damn thing about it
The main issue is that we're of various ages and like different things. We were never meant to socialize together.
true. zoomers are fucking insufferable.
>im at work
>posts another selfie from his car
Yooo something is different. Looking good Danny boy
how hairy is your chest?
Looking good sis
that's a weird way to look at society. most people are like that in real life
Maybe the Americans aren't so bad after all...
got you to post :)
big bulge…
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Why do I attract ftms and masc guys, but not bottom mtfs and fem guys (oddly enough in rare circumstance I catch their eye, it's almost always tops)? I'm top and try to look as pretty as I can :/
wait until he posts his body they're insufferable
oh, no, i was being positive. i think he's handsome.
why would you come to the gay thread and ask about how to fuck trannies
its clearly stuffed with a sock

his body is the total opposite of his face, its totally fem but hairy,
because mtfs and fems want masc tops. duh
She hasn't realized she's trans yet despite making the eggiest post all month.
Still hating sis?
>what is masc4masc
kys bi chaser
What bearing does masc4masc have on FEMS wanting masc guys? I swear half this gen operates on sixteen-and-pregnant woman logic.
shaved my buss/balls and trimmed around the front, i feel so much lighter and it's much more spacious! ya know, having a short bush makes my small penis look rather thick. wouldn't mind topping a femboy with this thing, even though i'm a total sub bottm, getting horny by the mere thought of claiming a twink's buss. should've done this sooner
Zesty ahh boy showing off his lil hips
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damn... I really make it look easy
gotta say i prefer a good shave downstairs, idk how people don't get irritated by their body hair. i can always feel it tugging.
the slight tilt :/ diva is never beating the ftm allegations
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thanks king

This hairy

thanks king
yea, my cock feels so comfy rn. oops, didnt mean to say cock, it slipped out
holy shit that's hairy, fair play man
if he actually developed his body in the gym and shaved he'd look human at least
I like looking inhuman. I’m something else
why does xanth go off trip to be a two faced hater? lol whats wrong with your life that its what you do here all day
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i got close & then got bored
I first read it as “and got bred” and I was like, omg did horror become a bottom??!
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*spits in your gaping open mouth*
*squeaky mouse noises*
how are you doing beenie, i've missed you bby <3
Mouse won.
Guys, imagine the controversy if horror came out as a bottom
answer hater
*quack* (just one, singular)
every dan selfie.jpg
I'm working on it, my life is so stressful, you have no idea how hard it is being me.
doing good but my joints are mad sore. gonna have to start guzzling supplements again I think
how about you?
do supplies (fun way of saying supplements) even help w/that
Shoplifting charges following you around can’t be that bad unless you really went wild with it
*finger guns*
Getting laid with my skinny hairy body with whomever I want while 4chan haters cry about my selfies lolll
When I’m in the thread yeah I’m bumpin that
>whomever I want

no one believes that
you've been denied plenty of times
they're not like a miracle breakthrough or anything but I feel like I was at peak joint condition when I was taking both collagen and chondroitin / glucosamine at the same time
I should just block Dan like horror and others do
Who asked if you believed me?
im convinced collagen does literally nothing but i still take it what is chondroitin
joint pain is from not resting enough for your body to recover, it's really simple to figure out
>doing good but my joints are mad sore. gonna have to start guzzling supplements again I think
i've been the same desu. got some vit d, folate, and iron tablets. shot myself up with a b12 injection again.

work have been very difficult, but it looks like they're going to ease up, let me out of contract, and behave themselves.
pretty sure the water level should not change and should be at the corner
I wouldn’t want someone like you around kids
that's nice
how is work difficult? being an elementary school teacher seems almost too easy
*bounces back*
After seeing his picture I agree
>how is work difficult? being an elementary school teacher seems almost too easy
i don't teach elementary, i teach secondary/high school.

the content and the kids aren't what make it difficult. the other adults/teachers, like what americans call administration (but we call SLT) can be a fucking nightmare pushing a long line of initiatives, but then ignoring where actual support needs to be delivered. lots of ladder climbers in education that can't see how small their goal is, but are willing to be hateful and hellish to work around to achieve them.
a triangle with the same height & longest side length as a rectangle would have a smaller area
some kind of important element of cartilage apparently. you usually see it in the same products as glucosamine which is derived from shellfish
they used to be worse before I took up sports. my knee is just particularly fucked up today because I dropped a sucker directly onto it & my elbow is still recovering from the arm locks we were drilling all last week
glad they seem to be seeing sense, wish you the best in trying to find a better environment to work in

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