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prev: >>36293351

mmm yogurt edition

qott: How do you deal with inconveniences?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain

▶MTF Timelines
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first for love and peace
Are there any rough trans tops?
Third for taco bell
my boss wants me to apply as assistant manager at my job
this is literally the 3rd boss who has tried to convince me to do it and like 6th or 7th overall coworker sob
My boss used to try to do that to me too.
I made like $5 more an hour working nights than I would have if i accepted the assistant general manager position...
More responsibilities, more people to deal with during the day, less pay.
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>qott: How do you deal with inconveniences?
It's kinda funny. Inconveniences used to destroy me. I'd cry if I had an unexpected bill. I'd panic if I needed to take time off work. I'd get really scared when I thought someone hated me.

Nowadays, as corny as it sounds I kinda just tough it out. I don't like wasting time crying. Feeling bad? Sure, but if I'm gonna feel bad I'm going to at least try to work towards fixing whatever's troubling me. I got really tired of shutting down every time something bad happened. It was such an icky aspect of me. I'll never forget the day I cried in front of a girl I was dating and I looked so pathetic she ended it the next day.

No, never again. I'm not the same woman I was.
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based posting the links bless
depends a lot on the kind of inconvenience ig? but generally i think a good attitude to adopt is the whole "don't focus on the action, focus on controlling the reaction," like handle the parts of stressors that you can control and then ride the wave where you can't, it's a sort of tug of war balance between fixing and going with the flow
earlier today at my office, someone received the news that their mother passed away
I have never heard actual screams / wails of grief like this before
do NOT asm anywhere unless you are planning on staying long term and moving up the company for better income. otherwise it's just breaking yourself between entry level and real success for other people to climb up over, and not enough pay to justify that
if your company has a split between shift supervising and actual management the former can be worth the extra pay tho, that's not generally as big a job burden just cuts into schedule flexibility mainly
poor woman, not just the news but the idea of receiving news like that at work is a nightmare too, i imagine i'd react similar :(((
Moment janny bans the xanny witch the ape jumps on my dms to drop this then jolt
I think I want to get back on Lexapro. Doing a full medication wash showed me my OCD was the worst thing in my life
It sucks 'cause a lot of people don't have any sort of training to break that news. Which I get.
Worked a job where I was sort of taught how.
"hey where are you at right now?"
Is always the first question, then sorting out how to break the news from there.
Everyone in my life wonders how I exist without medication, just raw dogging the world and my own mind.
I never block anyone
she was in a private room for making calls but they are not really sound proofed and she was screaming quite loudly
it was like something out of a movie
at first I did not even really hear/process it
>just raw dogging the world and my own mind
I gave up recently on that after 27 years.
I cant rawdog it and be successful I found out.
im v mixed about it. ive been there the 2nd longest alongside my other coworker who has been working here since our store opened
i know all the ins and outs of running the place and how everything works, i basically do managerial duties constantly as it is rn and essentially help run the store as a regular associate
id get a v minimal pay increase but the hours would be more consistent and if anything theyd be able to work around my schedule more
i also feel like itd be overall less stressful bc id be interacting with customers less since i wouldnt be running the register
all of my customers really like me and personality wise, my boss also said that with how defensive i can sometimes be itd actually be beneficial from an asm position iushgiuosfhdgh
ive already been there long term but desu idc about moving up the company, i would never want to work for corporate
im honestly kind of interested in how it would look on a resume though
theyd be more flexibile with my hours and i already constantly close my store anyways, so id just keep doing that and with my knowledge and everything i alreaedy know, shes v comfortable with the idea of me being promoted
im kind of leaning towards actually doing it but idk. i told her that im open to doing it and that if i dont get the position, then i dont get the position & theres no sweat off my back
And if I were to block them, like I did before, they just make alts to spam me on
It's kinda funny waking up to 4 diff alts trying to add you 2bh
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cant believe i got this nice takeaway for just 6.5e. if i wasn't feeling so ravenous this coulda lasted me two days easy.

>mmm yogurt edition
generally i am unaffected but if it's particularly bad then i might 'it is what it is' internally.
or if it's something like getting deported i guess i did like a solid 4 month streak of being high there but not sure if that counts as an inconvenience. i guess it was rather inconvenient.
zero ppl care
stop posting about this shit
I think you’re considering the correct questions
demonstrating development including by promotion to increased levels of responsibility is an important part of every CV
I don't care about your views on it either believe it or not
how’d table tennis go frienda ?
touch grass, you're a teenager go out and live your life instead of engaging with 4channel
in all honesty paige is giving you extremely good advice here
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I've been doing shit today all day. Now I'm going to go cook whenever there's a chance and then tomorrow I've got gym n like 3 hrs of driving lessons
I do know that. It'd be nice if she didn't do it out of spite
There is something inherently wrong with the angle you're on and the angle of the floor and background. It is not filling me with joy.
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it's not out of spite breh
i spent my teenage years flirting with men online, posting on 4chan and eight chan and four twenty chan and trap chan etc and continued into my 20s
it was a waste
i should've spent more time with my ex bff, rather than seeking connection or attention online. it's all poppycock, for the most part
if you really felt menaced about it you'd threaten seriously to take legal action and they'd back off the moment you showed evidence you were actually speaking to a lawyer
but instead you post about it here all day, which makes it worse, which you know. for why? attention?
honestly i get ur well intentioned but the way u keep coming at her all this is gonna do is start beef. be a liiittle nice to her maybe :p
oke i'll back off, it's just annoying seeing someone make the same mistakes i made
ok nvm ignore me telling you to be nice this is a v nice and good post
i just want her to listen but if she can't hear this maybe she is retarded kek
I try my best to but this is literally the only social circle I have and I'm too deep on sunk cost to call it quits rn
Next year I'll actually get to interact w people irl via classes and/or a job if I'm unlucky so it won't be as bad, but for not shits kinda bleak
All I can do is fuck around in my house cleaning and cooking and take walks to shop etc
My intention is to avoid harm on all parties, as spiteful and vengeful as I am
I could've just told authorities a long while ago and I could even tell their employer now since I know it
If she just stayed quiet and let me actually enjoy the one place I know people on and can interact with them without fear or akwardness that'd be nice
Weird. That jap stuff looks cool also
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never add anyone
mb i misread ur vibe
i think i need to back off on you a little in fact lol
very true now get out there yourself : )
might actually need to resume facial electro desu :(
i wish they still did opiate painkiller IV at the place though.. it hurts so much and local anesthesia is worthless
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Everyone should add me and invite me to asian food. I want some now.
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my prog was out for delivery and now it's back at the post office
>I'm too deep on sunk cost to call it quits rn
it's only been a few months, put all the effort you've put into compiling htmls and making screencaps and infodumps into building relationships irl and you'll be in a better place

uhhhh uuuuhhhhhhh i went for a run earlier
by myself
but i might go to hobby lobby
by myself
uhhhhhhhhh yeah i should try making friends somehow, it's just harder as a 30 year old neet than a 19 year old socialite
hey it's a me, melvin
the best time to stop wasting your life away is 10 years ago but since that’s not an option today will have to do
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it was good we played for a few hours, had some good laughs and listened to brat and some other nice tunes. he was much better than me at the start but i picked it up pretty quick.
had some drinks after, caught up and grabbed this takeaway. hope to do it again sometime soon. defs a good workout.

stir fried pork w rice happening rn.

imagine not having like half ur formative core memories online.
you don't have to actually do any damage on them to show that you're willing to. if you get legal representation who can advise you and be the only way you communicate to them (instead of replying at all to messages or 4chan dramaposting), then they'll either leave you alone or they are crazy enough to actually need some jail time
maybe this feels nicer but it's really just dragging your and their image through the mud to internet strangers and leaving you just as open to harassment
You're right paige but I can't do anything irl for now still, I can't get a job until I change gender legally since my ass is not bothering w misgendering, I don't have classes yet, there's legitimately nothing to do here else than go to gyms and all the younger people are off on a city that's like 30 mins away by car
Best I can hope for is getting my license next week and then having freedom to like go to a bar or smth on that city, and then ig pray I perform well there
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i know

>imagine not having like half ur formative core memories online.
most of them are honestly
unrestricted internet access from age 8 on in the 2000s internet is NOT great
aww I am very very happy to hear this
such a tough move but there are a few bright spots
good work making the healthy choice today
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Turns out the program crashes if you copy trips directly off of it. Good to know ig
Not on my plate. A most cruel fate.
You are right yeah.. I mean I'm not exactly mature enough to be dealing with any of this mentally and I'm kinda just doing the classic of taking hits and praying the attackers piss off at some point
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>male fo temale general
very badly (i guess it really depends on how big the inconvenience is though)
generally, any difference in routine or anything that throws off my plans really messes with me; i wish i was more flexible
i was on lexapro for anxiety for a 'really' short period during hs before getting switched to other stuff, it didnt really work out for me
>2023 law allows spaniards to self-id gender on their documents from age 16 and up
confirmed laguna is 15 or under
>Turns out the program crashes if you copy trips directly off of it. Good to know ig
did you press control-c
that's not a crash that's you telling the program to stop running
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It's in process now and has 2 months left until it's changed.
I am genuinely becoming retarded
think you will do well and make good friends irl def stop the “sunk cost” nonsense make a clean break from it fr fr
you’re in a new town right ? maybe can find some new groups
damn that's insane what makes it take that long??
when you change gender marker here they just like, take your photo type the letter F and print a new driver's license. and i live in redneckland
>Uses linux for 2 years
>Blames program for closing after hitting ctrl + c
I better keep trying to get diff skills because I am clearly not made for IT
You just come there say you wanna do it and then they tell u to wait 3 months and then u get to do it, though at least for class I get to have it changed earlier etc so I'm not getting misgendered there and such
It's not too bad but it is pretty annoying
hmm can't decide if i like that or not. on some level it makes sense cause like, here technically i don't know if they could stop someone just coming in and changing their gender every day as long as they keep paying the $45 new license fee, which is a little ehh... but it's also retarded that you a passing tranny on hrt can't get your ID changed
we need same day changes but vibe police at the dmv kek
I wish I was a more compassionate person
That would be most ideal. I'm happy that I get to have it changed without any weird processes at least, just a bit of a bother for me to have to wait
Already been girlmoding and out to everyone that knew me irl for a month by the point I started the namechange process
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honestly as fucked up as it was at the time i'm kinda glad i had the experience. rose tinted glasses maybe but not a whole lot of ppl got to ride that ride. early 4chan really was something else.

letting my life crash and burn was the easy part, the tough part is getting it all back.
but yeah it was nice.
dunno abt health i'm back to drinking now.

do ppl really gender based on id there?
Well they'd call me by my name, coworkers would at least and that's who you interact with the most in there
in what sense ?
I don’t think I would ever think of you as lacking compassion
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MTFG might be awful, and horrible, and filled with retards and some sex pests
But at least we don't have kpop stans or furries.
just don’t drink in an open ended way
have a drink sure but then put the cap on and set it aside
what you want isn’t at the bottom of that bottle
and what you need isn’t either
ya at least it'll be soon and you pass so like, it's just one summer while you're a student of free time instead of work, could be worse
>already been girlmoding and out to everyone that knew me irl for a month by the point I started the namechange process
better than me, i changed my name legally over a year after coming out, and came out before i even could pass :')
also didn't change gender marker till last year lol
And what about me.
It'll be fine yeah.. still scared of girlmoding properly where people could see me again n again and interact w me cuz I feel like I don't actually 100% pass but idk. I'm sure it'll all go fine
i'm a little bit of a jpop stan am i allowed
>And what about me.
You fall under the retard category.
But thats ok

jpop is not kpop
I ward off this foul demon
Retard and furry tyvm
imo I'm quite mean and unpleasant to be around
been trying to improve but I've sorta hit an impasse as of recent
it's not much of a town, there's like a bar and some gas stations. closest city is 30 minutes, i could try looking around there though idk

>rose tinted glasses maybe but not a whole lot of ppl got to ride that ride. early 4chan really was something else.
that is true, certainly is a unique perspective out of all of humanity to have lived through that time period during that part of my life
okay not to feed your alleged narcissism kek, but fwiw you're honestly gorgeous, like you'd be pretty for a cis woman. obviously you see yourself from a lot more candid views than you post, but i have a hard time imagining you don't pass to at least nearly a stealth level from what we've seen. anglefrauding can only do so much
all to say yes i think it will go fine for you :)
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you can go by whatever name you want in practice 'hi i'm [whatever]' when you introduce urself.
i 100% understand the avoidance tho if you can get away with it. much neater to not get tangled before it's all in order.

idk it tastes good and makes it easier to fall asleep. i don't really feel drunk unless i really get sloshed which i only do when i'm struggling. atm i'm doing fine and enjoying these cranberry gins.

or people here are good at hiding their power level.
>jpop is not kpop
obviously lol. but it attracts a similar breed of weirdo westerner sometimes so i think people have a similar ick towards ppl liking it
>tfw he's already married
we do got some lolberts tho unfortunately
>t lolbert
>but it attracts a similar breed of weirdo
Jpop stans are a bit odd, but they're not harassing people on twitter and other platforms with death threats if you say you don't like their favourite artist.
Or spam videos on unrelated twitter threads, and some that cover tragedies.
this doesn’t sound like you !
you always seem caring and gentle
mean to yourself perhaps
did you do any of the exploring you mentioned
that’s a really good idea
esp while living w your mother getting out to the city and having a social group there is gonna be a great way to maintain some independence and autonomy
also investigating what kind of social activities are available in that region is a good project to work on for now
The pics aren't rlly inacurrate, I try to keep things at normal angles and mostly do boomer pics for anything and everything, I've been passing flawlessly for like a year now but the thing is I'm still scared of long term interaction w someone that's only known me as female
Like that they could clock me and then harass me idk.. or maybe find me weird for having a slightly off voice for a female (not unpassing again, but I'm autistic as shit so I speak whispering and very slow or very fast + it's slightly deeper than cis women voices, though that's probably from my mom which has the same thing.)
It's probably just paranoia. I hope so.
Yeah I know that, just scared of having to deal w stuff if someone sees what name I'm registered as and I have to clarify things etcetera
im NOT going to say "mean" things
this room is wonderful
less gin and more cranberry : )
tend your habits like a garden w care and prudence
true jpop stans are too busy harassing ww2 comfort women
then tell me that some late transitioners can still pass
not yet
I've been waiting for the weather to clear up(and it has)
ok get some sunscreen and maybe a hat but have fun !
if this is who i think it is based yuge progress to have moved and got a roomie
Your mind is not fully transitioned
it's a 5.5% abv premix i can't exactly go too hard with these. and i only have six cans doubt i'll finish em tonight.
uh oh larf alert is beeping
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Because I fear people figuring I'm trans?
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alright but all that aside I’m really glad you went out and had a nice time
Maybe a strange question. Can you still have a sex drive and also loose the ability to get an erection or ejaculate?
well take me with a grain of salt as i fully believe no one has ever believed for a second i'm female. you actually pass, great ofc, but as for the challenges unique to that idk that i'm like, the best for advice on how to help you navigate it :p
that said, my main advice would be that at your looks it really is kinda down to managing anxieties and projecting confidence, "hot girl mindset" kind of thing. like, even if paranoid anxious presentation doesn't clock you it still raises weird flags and then the anxiety can make you overreact to that to become even more anxious. don't let that feedback loop happen, work on trusting that yourself and your vibe and your quirks of speech are just you, and then all the parts of it that carry awkward energy will melt away
yay my turquoise green paint arrived

yea look at kat

So I just have to be confident.. I can try I guess
>true, jpop stans are too busy harassing ww2 comfort women
>true jpop stans are too busy harassing ww2 comfort women
there was supposed to be a comma after the first word of this sentence what a disaster
yes but not just that like, get to the root of what's making you unconfident and don't just learn to mask confidence but actually be unafraid is more what i was trying to get at. faking it till you make it works somewhat but if you're still paranoid underneath it'll lead to burnout
why i die alone ? : (
More complicated but still attainable.. The issue is trauma from harassment (recently amplified by you know what) and from bullying which I got for basically my entire life
Getting over that is really really hard or at least has been for me
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>bullying which I got for basically my entire life
this happens 2 everyone though
how do y'all do this with... anything really?
> wake up at 6
> leave the house at 7
> at uni at 8
> leave uni at 19:30,
> am home at 20:30
still gotta shower, cook, do laundry, clean etc, like ???
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few threads ago i mentioned about writing a coming out letter to my father - not that anyone remembers or cares.
something that just came to mind was that my dad has access to multiple firearms.
how the fuck do i make sure neither of us end up dead or physically hurt?
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it's true i got bullied all the time all my life

firearms are a shitty way to kys
You're the "dread" person from earlier no?
Eve I'm guessing?
2 people aren't the world
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>firearms are a shitty way to kys
i know that's why i want to avoid his death or him shooting me
True colors
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How boring.
Are you in undergrad?
You really shouldn't be at campus for 11-12 hours a day if you are?
If you're a grad student I get it though.
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definitely attainable. lot of emotional burden to carry tho, i feel u and sorry it's something you gotta carry fren
but give it time, plus self care and maybe some therapy, you'll find your confidence :)
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Only interested in the first bit
>believing your dad will shoot you if you come out
Fucking retard, don't come out to him then.
I'll try young anon I'll try..
they aren't mutually exclusive
I think I worded myself wrong. I've no plans to kms. I'm only worried that he might, or possibly attempting to shoot me.
He lives like 10 minutes away, but still. It's something that's been on my mind
if you live with him don't come out until that changes
if you don't just don't do it at his house ask him to lunch or call or something
jazz brother
janny's cool yo
one time i posted jazz here and hayato responded saying that the whole genre was terrible! i just cannot understand...improvisation is beautiful
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everyone does. death is a solitary event.

speaking of bullies. my middle school bully bear hug embraced me and kissed my cheek completely unprompted when i met him at a friend's graduation years later. what does that mean? stilll puzzles me.
if your dad loves you so little you really truly genuinely think him driving to your house to murder you for being trans is a possibility, you should not come out and also completely remove him from your life and move to an address he doesn't know
They were never on my diary they are always on my head. Why would they be on paper.
im fucking tired thats what i am.
nah but its just one more month till the semester is over. exam period be like that
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being non binary seems like such a fucking chore
ain't that a mood every waking hour of every day
Ahhhhh there's never enough time in a day
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how fucking over is it for me? i turn 21 in a week i dropped out after a year of college, im unemployed, i have a horrible immune system and am disabled, im unable to sleep without meds, i smoke enough weed to be high 24/7, im fully a NEET loser in every sense and I don't think i have it in me to kms, does snyone know of any hitman i can hire to kill me for 500$?
Summer semester is dogshit dude.
I took 4 of them during undergrad to take all the classes I needed.
Still get nightmares about them.
Oh boy, I love taking an exam every god damn week.
First laugh you've given me kudos
I am extremely unsurprised
get a job then chip away at the other checkboxes bothering you and watch your life slowly improve with perseverance and virtue by your side
You might be a huge big fat loser, but at least you pass i guess?
cute picture. relate hard. have to just believe you'll make it. i believe in you :D
i wish i could begin to understand what "not cis" even means to these people lol
if mxter heccin enbylad over here is so pressed about being amab then crazy idea maybe he could transition his sex about it
it'll always feel worse than it really is
post your ogre pictures you were talking about in the previous threads
i luckily only have 6 exams, 2 papers and a video presentation within 2 weeks. starts in 3 so i still have some time to finish studying but i noticed that i havent understood a bunch which i thought i did so ugh
fuck up you gippo
>i wish i could begin to understand what "not cis" even means to these people lol
isn't that just what insecure trans people say when they don't wanna say "I'm trans" for some reason or think they're somehow "more trans" or "different" than a binary trans person? Or some kind of weird subconscious stolen valor idea?

I remember Year 0 of my transition I'd just cope and nervously tell people I'm "just kinda nonbinary haha" because I was afraid of calling myself a woman back then.
You got this, friend.
Bit crazy for doin it, but you got it.
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please explain to me how you afford this lifestyle my bank account has been on a negative balance for months and i'm about to get evicted
>t fellow unemployed college dropout constantly on thc genetically borked neet
if i fail my parents who i still live with at 20 will probably kill me so uh id just rather not fail
stop posting here for a couple months then return with a new name and everyone will forget
coming here as larry the cocklobster is more or less self harm
if you need to 4chan tranny whinge while you're letting this place forget you, go make threads on anon for it
no shame in living with your parents.
expensive/hard af to live on your own and do school full time.
i'm 27, and most of my friends still live with their parents.
but we're also in california and they want $2500/month for studios....
when i was a "straight masc guy" in high school i wore femboy fits at raves and got done up in pretty makeup that got me compliments, skill issue ;^)
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In janny we trust
price in my city (doesnt rly matter that i dox myself since its <1mio) the highest in the country-
I want to cry
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how do i stop being so hideously ugly? please i am seriously asking, i hate my huge skull

i get off on this in a way
congrats i did so since i was a kid, even played the female lead in a few of my schools theatre groups plays but still only got to troon (start to boymode) at 18 when i was able to get an account without parental supervision. now im a gigahon aswell. you can kow that ur trans early and be a hon
A sonic anime goes harder than I had expected
why do you take so much pictures
why do you post so much pictures
why do you always smile on them
this is so weird
idk if i trust this site
makeup, posture, proper clothing, hrt, working out, weigh cyceling etc. it takes mental strength and comittment but its been said a thousand times

where was this photo taken
thats pretransition & hrt, right?
you're not a narcissic and why smile and being ok for your picture to be taken if you were suicidal? please explain
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=.= real ahh sit
>7years hrt and post ffs, hrt and ffs are fake af
shut the fuck up you lying retard.
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I need to get shot
lets have some fun
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Hmm my brow feels more prominent than usual. Could it be
a) BDD acting up
c) years of eating disorders taking fat away from my face
d) somehow despite good results elsewhere (my boobs have started growing again!) my levels are fucked enough that my brow bone has mysteriously grown
Take a wild guess which my brain thinks is most likely
Thread of the dead
tuesday at 1/3pm in the US
peoples at work
If y'all got jobs why you ain't giving me no moners
elden hon
i need pp so fucking bad sobbing
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i am here for you my love, 23:40 here, on a communist rusty can called train
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I finally found it
I found the nature
now i understand why people dont like you here
weird post to pick that was one of the first times i've seen larbert be actually funny lol
the saddest thing is seeing how not bad lari is compared to the pretrans pics of actual trannies on mtfg, but knowing he's too wormed to ever actually use that potential and will instead just keep being a sad raperepper
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Mental stability currently held together by cute cat pictures
wish i could just like manifest a perfect sweet gentle std free man to come fuck me senseless then cuddle me for awhile then when i recover he's just poof and i can go back to playing elden ring
Are you the hrt version of a /fit/ hardgainer/gde?
don't listen to him he took hrt for 3 months then quit because he was scared people would notice his breast buds
fucking realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll omlll
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touched grass
watched a guy attempt to golf into the valley
I'm still miserable but honestly it feels alot better
Get a life
That makes a lot more sense
I figured it was some kind of fucked up tragedy if I was doing better in my 30s than they are
I fucked up the trip gen again. That is not how you did it.
fix it
fix it
fix it
I am trying.
Honestly this is probably the best trip I got since "a faust" actually makes sense since there's not one "faust" in the game it refers to since they're multiple beings.
looks so pretty
i need to take a long hike somewhere nice soon if the weather cools a bit, its been far too long
>I'm still miserable
ya having somewhere pretty to feel miserable softens the edges of it a bit
wtf are you talking about lol
idk who that is
very beautiful nature naz
>she doesn't know about the og faust
Posted a couple of webms in /fit/ asking for help with some of my lifts, and it was interesting how quickly shit melted down
A couple posters recognized me from my trip years ago
And an AWFUL lot of simping and people arguing that there's no way the people who remembered me were right
And then one poster actually answering my questions lol
I do not care about the "og faust".
i'm glad you're here so i can remember why i fucking hate teenagers and not accidentally befriend one irl
aaa i am so dumb, i got it now, ya, that is me, hrt and ffs is a scam
A hardgainer or a Genetic Dead End are labels typically applied to people that can't stick with a consistent program long enough to actually see results, and then just whinge about their body/genes just not responding to exercise and being unable to make gains
>hrt and ffs is a scam
genuinely, i mean this with full sincerity.
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It's not over until my heart stops beating.
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thats what jesus said on day 3
wild thing is all these trails along yhe river are only a leisurely half an hour away
but I have to go through a few neighborhoods via a bikepath and I never walked down that far
so I guess now I have a nice place to retreat to
took me like an hour of wandering to find a path that didn't take me through private property tho kek
Can jesus tell me how the fuck does this Regex thing work.
his heart got stabbed out it def wasnt beating
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i was a hardgainer desu, i worked hard for like 1.5years and not that much muscle, it is all about genetics
Yeah hormones didn't do shit
have any of you girls gotten jobs at starbucks to get ffs insured? Im just trying to get it as soon as humanly possible, but I also cant bear to work at starbucks since I dont even enjoy coffee so I just want to get in and get out.
kek fucking twink thinks he's a neverpasser
it would be tragic if it weren't so hilarious
>his heart got stabbed
he really messed up with that one
since its eww posting hours with larry already
enemas are a lot easier than I thought
just did one for the first time
i dont get why paige doesnt do them before she uses her toys
giwtwm 7 years and left mogs me
if in the US: you need to work there at least three months to be benefits eligible, takes until start of the next month for insurance coverage to kick in, then you need to stay with the company until after your surgery is done and paid for.
they'll give you pto for recovery though
oh also, need to average at least 20 hours a week during those three months. it's both time with the company and hours worked
I'm so sorry
Every time Google Photos drags out left in its 'Memories' feature I kind of died a little until I learned to laugh at it
they give you insurance for 20 hours a week?
every place ive ever worked said 40 or you dont get shit
still really nervous tho
I just know my cousin is going to be sad and disappointed with me
but there's nothing that can be done
So far only 15 months and no surgeries
But shit is slow and takes time for shit to actually change
If you literally did stop 3 months in, of course you didn't get big changes
nobody at starbucks gets 40 hours unless you're a supervisor or above. they don't want to pay overtime, law requires they do for people on wage working over 40 hours in a week so they make managers keep all scheduling below that as often as possible
below 20 you get treated like a temp worker, 20-40 part timers they give full benefits
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i ordered food like a moron when im on the verge of passing out from lack of sleep.
now i have to be awake for atleast an hour more to get my food from the door...
super interesting
i've never worked in food or a big chain like that before.
sup trannoids just wanna ask. why do transformers simp hard for creepy peverts? thank you
>why do transformers simp hard for creepy peverts?
Got an example?
If its on twitter/reddit disregard them.
Most normal people hate them too
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Yeah, these b-cups and still growing boobs happened without any endocrine influence lmao
Hell, here's 6 months ago
it's what I forgot
which is to say something important
at this point bro might honestly start contemplating throwing me out
I hope I can still have a good week
Idk i only know one transformer irl but I've seen drama happen online because trannoids simp for pornsick shemale fetishists love bombing them and i read about this shit happening irl too. like a writer i used to follow got mixed up with a self confessed t girl porn watching chaser.
Don't feed into the troll that posts pretransition photos and then lies about having ffs and been on HRT for 7 years; to fuck with early transitioners
2 questions:
a) are hormone tests b4 and during diy neccesairy
b) how do you best take progress pics
Mmm, maybe they think of the attention as validation?
Like how on /r/mtf John50s will post about being happy they got catcalled
Anyone playing some dota2?

My steam url is stress_relief_by_kitten_squad
>are hormone tests b4 and during diy neccesairy
You should be safe and only use diy as a last resort. If you get your levels tested, and you have more E than T as a man, they're ganna try to fix it
Then if you tell them you're diy, they will strongly recommend against it.

>how do you best take progress pics
just take a picture of what you think you want to see?
I took a greasy ass unshaven, no shower in a week, depression pic as my first one 10 years ago.
Highlighted how far I came
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do bpdemons deserve love?
kill yourself
nice which transformer do u know
>a) are hormone tests b4 and during diy neccesairy
yes lmao
u dont want to hondose urself or have extremely high e levels
also important to check ur t levels
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only me
are trannazoids really that desperate? kinda creepy nida *sip jewce* I wanna know now. how can you tell if tranny is being genuine or its sex starved social outcast brain is simping for you in an irrational and delusional way?
Given I have a sibling with bipolar 2 , and bpd, and they've put in a lot of work and had good therapy to curb the brain goblins? Absolutely
the one that turns into a mac truck
hell yeah
it doesn't matter if you like men, women, or nazi femboys exclusively
that's always a risk
red flags are all obvious stuff that points to mental illness
Stop trying to crawl your way back in.
>are trannazoids really that desperate?
Some are genuinely that desperate.
Don't lump the majority with the minority though.
And most of us feel like we had a childhood robbed from us paired with depression and a bunch of other fun stuff, its common.

>how can you tell if tranny is being genuine or its sex starved social outcast brain is simping for you in an irrational and delusional way?
No way to tell, its why chasers are so prevalent, even on this board.
"oh boy i can finally have a mentally ill gf of my own"
they don't care if its fake or real
i thought you couldn't afford that stuff
I read the stories people talk about here and on other places and im a bit discouraged. Am I harming my fp? I dont mean to I just love them so much I could never lose them. She makes me so happy. I mean I am an awful person but I would never hurt her on person, if I can be good for one person it would be her. She has had to remind me a few times to be a good girl and not snap at people who are being nice to her. Its just involuntary at this point
I meant the entire community.
>get dildo because curious
>try out giving a bj
>can't even go 10cm without starting to gag

its over before it even started
whats a red flag in a trannoid though? pretty sure trannyism is a red flag by itself. you are all mentally ill or autistic or jappafag waps or all three.

okay but I'm not talking about chasers but trannites who simp for random men. like I cant tell if this tranny just seems me as a friend or its delusional brain has is simping for me. i dont mind being friends though. just friends.
>not taking the extreme stories posted on 4chan as artistic works of fiction
If you have BPD you can't work through a lot of the stuff to no longer meet the diagnostic criteria
there's a slight allure to dating a hideous sissy boomerhon if for no other reason than to brutally mog him and to be unambiguously a woman in bed to him
i was pretty high body fat then so not much definition and i lifted very hard, i had my local delivery guy say to me that he saw me at the gym and i pushed myself very very hard at the gym and how i am capable of doing that also i had some big gym dude regular probably on steroids nod to me as a salute in a nice approval way, i genuinely pushed myself
why do you think women didn't want me? ugly + kinda scrawny ecto body.. gymaxxing is a joke, chad is born not made..
Trannyism isnt really a red flag, just an unfortunate mistake. And i'd say being mentally ill kinda is par for the course. If you mean at least depression in that.
And you're complaining about japanese stuff on a chan site, idk what you mean.

>like I cant tell if this tranny just seems me as a friend or its delusional brain has is simping for me
I'm guessing you're young, and also retarded, so i'll be nice.
If they want to be your friend, they're not 'simping'. Just like how gay people would be your friend, not everyone wants to date you, or is obsessed with you.
stop posting here
>do bpdemons deserve love?
it's important we consider the individual in care. for example, i individually, definitely do not
>arms cut up like that
I thought Kat was kind of unwelcome here?
the HRT is going to your head tranny. your inferiority complex is shining.

I mean yeah im a wap too (minus the white part). All I'm saying is being a wap is a sign of brain damage or something going wrong inside the head already. and yes I am retarded although i am not young. tranny is getting unusually personal with me. I am too socially maladjusted and my brain has melted to be able to tell if trannoid is just simping or just being friendly. also dont talk to me about gay people. they are retarded and have nothing to do with transformers.
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I really dont wanna hurt her. I am mean and my empathy is ass and stunted but I try my best to tap into empathy for her. I hardly feel how others feel but ill look up what others feel and go based on that. I want to feel her feelings and know what she is thinking. Even if its just her I dont really care for most people but I know I want to feel her

I just wanna curl up in her lap or beside her bed or in a room near her anything
also neurobiology is 60% bullshit and look at that guys face. hes not trustworthy.
Work with a therapist who specializes in BPD
Do your homework
Practice the skills and tools you are given by your therapist
Communicate with your partner about these things
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It is laguna sleeping time.
sleep well goona, dream of cats and gebura
Ftm here invading your safe space, how do I get my MtF gf to get more interested in anal
threaten to leave her
have you tried open communication perhaps mutual respect
start with a prostate massage thingy first and take things slowly
No I love her
I have, she wants to do anal but she said it hurts too much
She does want to lol, I don't force her into anything but she's not very enthusiastic about it
I'm thinking maybe it's the toys I'm using
I'll buy her a prostate massage, I forgot those were a thing
Can you lose arm muscle without losing butt muscle ? Discuss
Yeah you're gonna have to start with smaller toys and build up over time
Sliquid makes a nice backdoor lube that helps, too
Anal sex is disgusting kys
>hurts too much
start slow
small toys and lots of lube
plugs are fun imo
I have alot of issues with pain
but I find the pain lessens if I'm quite aroused
Yeah, just remember to keep doing leg/glute exercises while reducing how much arm exercise you do
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Where to test HRT levels? Giv me links I need to get my labs done ASAP I havent tested after 2.5 years of HRT.
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I'm legitimately curious.

Does the toxicity of this thread and it's satellite servers actually bleed into reality or if there was some kind of awkward /mtfg/ meetup would everyone just silently forget they have beef?
/mtfg/ had a meetup before
I hear it went interestingly
after i posted so many dick pics, i couldn't like stand looking anyone in the eyes irl desu
Gotta get Don King to promote the mtf sunday smackdown
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who am i missing? i was thinking about putting buck angel in the same place as blair white honestly they both fit
Laguna quit hiding all your goodies behind your bangs and lips. Let's see that fivehead and bri'ish teeth you rockin lil girl
i had a dream where i shot a black squatter point blank with a shotgun and blew his head off and then i macheted his hand in half
me like booba like me booba alots
I don't
I'm freaking out
Not sure
I left all the 4chan discords except the monster hunter one
Even Salt's discord for here got real toxic
why are you so bloodthirsty
>Even Salt's discord for here got real toxic
what went wrong?
Nazis, Paige's stalker, me realizing I was failing the vibe check, etc
that’s a good question
not in this one
Bout to go jack off my girl cock so i can make some girl cummies for a quick snack. Cya in a bit ladies
After a while the only people posting there were Robyn, me, and occasionally radio
When other people chimed in it was to say racist shit, or to be bitchy towards people in the server
for as much hono talks about jerking his shit you would think he could get hard for his girlfriend
i don’t want to be a real person. i want to be empty and void and have no individualism
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i have a sort of recurring nightmare where i see my kin from hundreds of years from now looking through ancestors and they see me and go like
>oh see ______ that was actually a tranny isnt that crazy they changed their name
and that will be the last time another human being ever thinks of me before im forgotten forever
>I hear it went interestingly
in what way
yes officer, i witnessed a beat down
not to be rude but how would a tranny become anyone's ancestor lol
you think too much about shit that doesn't matter at all, you should tend the fields in the hot sun to forget about it
i said kin the first time to be more clear. i have the geneologies of all my great aunts and uncles 6 generations up even though many didnt have kids.
don't you ever wonder when your second death will come laryngitis?
I guess the discords really are just a bad idea period
idk I wasn't there
was in toronto tho before I was ever in this thread
bruh ong bruhbruh
actually a v reassuring thought, that i could impact my like familial descendants as someone's some kind of aunt, even if i never get to have kids of my own
>you should tend the fields in the hot sun to forget about it
agreed. i used to do all the gardening for my grandpa. its good for the body. however, inhaling a bunch of dust from a weed whacker and leaking black out your nose is less good for the body. maybe ill be able to help him again soon with that.
i agree. like my dads cousin was gay and that made it a lot easier for me to come out the first time. maybe i can help someone else down the chain like people before me paved the way to better trans medical care. it's minute but probably not infinitesimal how much we can help trankind. every nice post on this gen might change the trajectory 100 years in the future, you never know.
should i kill myself if i’m deathly afraid of females?
just hide under the floorboards in an airsoft store
no, kill all females, easy
don't kill your fears, embrace them
ywnsubiwyfw (you will never shut up but i wish you fucking would)
>am i low iq and annoying? oopsie
wait fuck this one's relatable
this does not help me
What about them is scary?
idk i just know that if i was left alone with at least 2 of them i would have a panic attack
Ehh, I find other trans discords are a lot less brain wormed
Something about the company we keep and all that. Turns out keeping Nazis, stalkers, suipushers, revenge porn posters, and enablers in close proximity poisons the well and makes a community worse overall
Not to mention the kind of brainrot you get from /tttt/ or /passgen/
Yes, but for a plethora of more reasons than that.
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note to self dont eat raviolli while watching a youtube documentary on cannibalism
I made this mistake with hot pockets and a body horror behind the scenes compilation
yes this is literally me
took me 20 minutes to eat like 12 ravioli cause of it lol
also link to the compilation sounds cool af?
too much red ?
also what did you learn from the documentary ?
Not to say that I was the poster child for mental health
I was a freshly cracked new trans woman worried about her marriage, her in-laws, her job, all while getting handed a loaded gun of new emotions on top of the adhd and autism
So I think I was too annoying, anyway
i still don't even understand why you hate women. is it just some kind of really twisted up jealousy knot?
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
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Your life is nothing, you have ZERO pourpose. You know what to do.
just the texture. lots of sloppy stuff
i learned colombus made up that the people he met i nthe americas were cannibals to enslave them easier lol
they’re so much better than me
ur suppose to lay down on the train tracks infront of the train NOT board it. you fucked it up larry as you always do
mebbe go around showing other passengers on the train ur dick pics
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Overcome with lust Mono busts Kats crust with a single thrust. A cloud of crust dust escapes in a dust, the color of rust.
the amount of people that suipushed me in this gen is unbelievable, and i am the bad guy apparently
very funny, get your benzo dumbass, maybe you will be even funnier
There's a fun podcast called Respect the Dead?
nvm you are not the one with the benzos
sleep well : ]
laguna you need a rebound lay so bad go on tinder or something
>ignores the fact that most of those same people spent weeks or months trying to be patient with him and get him to be nicer
>ignores that he spent that time and subsequent time telling everyone else to kys etc
and you wonder why you struggle to improve...
That server went pure nazi, typical salt
i was suicidal and depressed miserable taking it on everyone and i still am, sorry, and i never said 'kys' unironically
no doc... say it ain't so.... not the two time... the peoples champ... why doc... did anime make you do this? i bet it was anime influcened. just go to rehab and come back two time... please....
hullo gays
>guys that was such a long time i've grown and changed so much
>nooo you have to forgive me i was heckin suicidal and stuff so it's not even my fault i said those things
>why does everyone hate me
idk lilbro maybe find the answers in a noose
salt is like the furthest i think anyone could get from nazism lmao
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I think I'm going to throw up :(
let's do it together
you think you're funny? post it one more time
there will be consequences and you won't see it coming
get em blobby, sick em!
we're probably going to see homeless naz/bol/ yet
he's definitely contemplating dumping my worthless ass off this couch
got a subtle reminder that I'm only here because I have a use and it's obvious the responsibility is too much for me
get a job
Saltine is a good soul and definitely not a Nazi
But she does give folks chances, and sometimes she let in shit people
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salt never had an mtfg server wht r u on lol. Ur thinking of nims server which just shriveled up and died cus everyone dropped it for grems
the funniest thing
is I have relatively little time to actually work because I need to take care of a child twice a day for like 5 hours or more divided upon the morning and afternoon
guess I need to work nights or something
still won't be enough to save me when I inevitably get the boot
plenty homeless here work in fields that pay over minimum wage
Salt invited me and I thought she made it
Okay, then nibs server that salt was on turned to all the other awful shit
get rid of the kid
Need a chaser twice my size to force me to shower
I'd go homeless before I intentionally hurt my little cousin like that :(
Wrong thread sorry
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How are yall spending this Tuesday?

I’m watching cardcaptor sakura
I know im not really trans because I desperately want to be in cishet relationship with a cis woman and I am so lonely and want more than anything to have a life partner. I think maybe I transitioned in the first place because I was so lonely
>take adderall at 6 pm
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"working" from home while I figure out my next sidequest in my journey of self-improvement
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Nice nabiki. New ranma anime coming
i don't know if i can survive another year of this
i know i probably will tho
yeah I'm not really into slice of life or comedy anime but Ranma just did it for me when I'd watch episodes on shady anime sites in the early 00s
it is almost 4 am here, i have 5 more hours on the train, i am suicidal and depressed again, i hate myself and my life and i want to die
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I miss watching this when I was a little kid and being ashamed about it because it was for girls.
that's how I feel exactly
but ur lil bb cousin :(
Lots of guys liked it.
i want to die, i hate life, i hate my fate, i fucking hate everything, i wish so much that i never was born, this is fucking torture and it never ends
those guys are "girls" now
they'd both manage fine without me
I only pretend along with the false assumption that I have a use because I'm terrified of what will happen
I watched cardcaptor with my little brother
and it was his idea, dude likes magical girl shit as much as me
lmao whats the plan
fuck you god, why did i have to come into this world? why did i have to be so unlucky to be cursed like this? why is life and everything so painful? why god? please god make my heart stop and end my suffering, i am tired and i just can't take it anymore, please god, i beg you..
>they'd both manage fine without me
then why don't you just get rid of the kid?
idk clean and play elden ring
i wanted to take it earlier but i didnt work out until later :c
I actually care about the wellbeing of these people as stupid as that may be
the deceiver made you trans, god made you vials of estradiol
you know what you must do
but sewer sliding wouldn't harm them?
>i post on 4channel tranny thread everytime i ingest drug
haha i'm cute n cool right u guise? xd
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i have a really shitty shaver
it barely works and causes me cuts just by using it normally
the last 2 times i used it i was bleeding pretty generously
i used it again today and both of my armpits are cut and bleeding
i didn't throw it away and ill probably use it again
We allready know you're a retard. More proof isn't needed thx
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What? How?
Shows just cute and I enjoy the clow card mythology.
pedos love that anime so you're a pedo until proven otherwise ya pedo
if i go to a men's prison will they let me keep taking hrt?
the kids too young to really care or know and what's it to the guy who doesn't want to so as breathe here anymore taking up all this air :<
I don't believe anyone would care or be affected much besides my mom and brother
What are you even talking about? I watched this as a kid. I’m nostalgia watching.
confirmed pedo
>being a pedo since you were a kid
My endo is asking if I want to change to injections or patches from oral. I've never really looked into either, is there any real difference?
this is like on the tier of "watching cartoons without swear words is for pedos"
are you suggesting she throw her cousin into a sewage grate am i understanding correctly
guy's mother passed away glad his mom died

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