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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Have you ever experienced homophobia?
these threads have sucked lately can you do better
disliking people is not a "phobia".
This one time a guy on Call of Duty called me a gay homosex man
this i hate gay pride memes
Babe I can't take off my sneakers of endurance while we have sex I need the stats for my legendary nipple ring
i was bullied for having long eyelashes in elementary school and this black girl was like "green eyes means your gay" :(
Never experienced homo
>and this black girl was like "green eyes means your gay" :(
I wish I could have experienced seeing your face after she said that
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Mother bawled when I came out to her. Parents both lost interest in my life because I would never provide them grandchildren, so I cut them off. Outside of that, the occasional "gay sex is disgusting" joke or someone complaining about a character in a TV show or game being revealed as gay.
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You should've explained that must be why there are no gay apes.
worry about what ur doing
idgi i dont play wow t.t
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guy sent me this photo
how do I let him down easy?
>Parents both lost interest in my life
You can't really blame them if you are an only child. They put everything they had into you and you pretty much murdered the dreams they identified with that gave their challenges purpose just for some meme kink and life with circus freaks. It would be easier to just forget you ever existed tpph, no offense.
its just a question bro you don't have to be snotty
Why tf are you posting it here with a dipshit question?
Yea you can blame them actually
his chest is the worst thing I've seen all day, perhaps all week
Hes not a very nice poster.
Google “Matthew Tkachuk” and tell me if you think he’s attractive.
not my type but he isn't ugly
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Does this look like me or did I do it wrong and it's too yassified

too much of a faggot
I want a guy whose gay but no in public
that's what's really wrong with the world today
too many openly gay people, keep it to yourself bitch
you know the answer
Fair enough
lol he’s a sweetie
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Gayness has its own issues, but being openly gay is just bad math socially. Its a red flag for dangerous gullibility.
To yassified?
why do blacks hate asians so much?
>bottom reaches for his dick during sex
>top pushes it away
instant diamonds, shame it's so rare in porn
>bottom reaches for his dick during sex
>top pushes it away and starts jerking it himself
I like this one
Asians have no white guilt and are pretty blunt about race, and Jews haven't figured out a way to shame them for money yet.
I'm only gay under the sheets. I don't know why many gays make their entire life based around their sexual desires. It's creepy.
What about like two men going on a dinner and movie date and they hold hands during the movie and are mildly flirtatious during the dinner like any straight couple would be able to be without anyone sane forming a negative opinion of them?
I very rarely see straight couples holding hands and acting all flirty in public. I only see such things in the movies or on tv. I think people should just do such things privately.
I remember how #StopAsianHate ceased to exists when it was revealed that the perpetrators were black people.
You don't go outside much I guess?
ima snot rocket directly on you
post you? :-)
and you do? you can't even fit through the door frame
I have to go out and get the food to eat it, often in a restaurant with other people
People sho' can tell
Controversial take Debaser ain’t that bad
Why would you hold hands with a guy unless you were a girl or thought like one? For that matter, why would you treat a guy like a straight girl in the first place? Who does this role play benefit? How is imitating something not proof that its a counterfeit of the thing its imitating and fantasy? If both know they are men, whats the point of pretending? You can't do the things you learned are for girls and then say you aren't pretending to be a girl. You literally had to compare it to a real straight couple just to explain your example, making a point to show similarity precisely because they are not the same thing. If it they were, it would be self evident. This is how trans imagine gender rationales.
There are people that get like, upset when they see other people being happy and having a good time in public, presumably because they are miserable and are jealous that someone else isn't. I feel like people like that are automatically going to be homophobic because they will have that not-specific-to-gay-people reaction when they see gay people happy and flirting, but because that's the only time they notice and clock gay people, they will have a negative association with them in general. They will think gay people are lackadaisical and annoying, but they also think that about pretty much everyone else.
Literally red-dit tier take I am the normie self insert straight man character
lol I remember that too. I was just watching funny clips from Empire of Dust
ordering food for five doesn't count as eating out with other people
controversial take im shitting liquid out of my ass
We almost always pay individually or if I'm with my bf he buys for me sometimes which I try not to let him do, also that isn't for me it's a doordash order and I'm going to pay for my meal by delivering it
>people being happy and having a good time in public
>families with children
>presumably because they are miserable and are jealous that someone else isn't
>lets imitate actual couples
You only see families with children being happy in public? You must live in boomer suburbs or something idk on a weekend and many weeknights here there are tons of young people out. If, however, you are suggesting, that gays should consider adopting so that they can also vicariously feel a child's happiness, I agree w/ u
would you date a closeted bi bottom
Choose one
Based this happens to me sometimes when I’m shitting liquid out of my ass
Why do gays constantly return to the subject of shit?
im here to malign the gays and shit liquid and im all out of gays
oh gosh, i'm so lonely and strangely horny
im sick and miserab and its hot
boys don't hold girls' hands, people hold their loved ones' hands
If you met someone who you really liked who told you they had herpes would you still date them
Become drunk it will make you less sadboy for a few hours
He just like me
do white gays date blacks out of fetish?
*angry bottom noises*
it’ll make me go on a mental health break
Well yeah that’s why I vibe with you
My sister got herpes and I don't even talk to her. There is no place in life for whores. They chose their life of immorality. Let them find each other.
HSV 1 yea, HSV 2, Only if I really really like you and also condoms until marriage also probably only for you idk I would be researching exactly how it works if we got to that point
Sounds like somebody needs a proper spanking and then an apology and then a nice warm bath with a glass of rosé
this must be how santino feels
you need a bf
what a romantic
;) <3
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Ah! je ris de me voir
Si belle en ce miroir!
Est-ce toi, Marguerite?
Reponds-moi, reponds vite! -
Ah, s'il était ici! ...
S'il me voyait ainsi!
Comme une demoiselle,
Il me trouverait belle.
Marguerite, ce n'est plus toi,
Ce n'est plus ton visage,
Non! c'est la fille d'un roi,
Qu'on salue au passage.
Sweatpants without underwear is the greatest invention since Mexican beer.
This is peak music
They smell like pee fast
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fem bf
Yeah maybe but I do wash my clothes and wipe my wiener after pee.
Wipe your piss slit brother
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it’s too late for me
time is merely a concept.
you get sick a lot
get these straightoid twitteroids out of my face and then kill yourself
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6 am, no sleep because heat, work soon, time for caffeine overdose
Sorry you are sick and hope you feel better soon. How do you think you got sick?
if they're talking before they turn 18 then it's literally grooming
meanwhile underage gays lie about their age on grindr all the time and literally no one cares, not even them
Does anyone else furiously masturbate to the idea of their white bf being raped by raw big black cock? Nothing is hotter than the idea of him struggling as a black cock forces its decadent white spermies into his tight white pussy.
thats me!
RIP Shifty Shellshock
pretty boy ;3
I always liked the vibe of that song. It wasn't great music but it sort of reflected that weird period of transition in music where lots of experimental stuff was being put out. I also really liked the song it sampled from RHCP.
there are opposums screeching in my walls o.o
Oh but they’re cute little fellas
I would feel bad if it wasn't for the fact I have three siblings and my parents are also the reason I'm a fag
i think they are cute and they eat pests so they good
Nice. I’ve never actually seen one in person.
agree with everything he said but I'm still fapping to incest porn, sorry
that's what you get for using the word queer
>reddit destroying itself through super autist modding
Every time. Its the same whacko mindset that attracts people to become cops. They get a banhammer and inevitably go insane and kill their own site.
These edibles ain’t shit

zimbardo wishing he were a redditor rn desu
I remember that name. The Stanford Prison guy, right? Sticks out in my brain from University.
my ideal date: pizza and a blowjob
what's yours?
I wake both of us up at dawn
there's a packed picnic lunch
we go exploring
mountains, small towns, rivers, trails, museums
explore until sunset
hold hands
find the cheapest motel
sleep in separate beds
drive home in the morning
no clue desu. bf and i do lots of stuff together. i generally have a good time with him.

sometimes we'll go look at history stuff, sometimes other fun things in the area, sometimes we just go for a walk. other times we'll just cuddle and watch tv. it's pretty comfy when we've been out and we're both tired, because we'll typically fall asleep together on the sofa cuddled up for an hour or two.
mornting fags
>sleep in separate beds
you fucking disappointed me with this.
depends. i sleep better alone but it's way comfier falling asleep with someone.
well the premise was ideal date.
If you spend the day as >>36304228 anon described and you finish it off sleeping in separate beds.
I don't think you deserve boyfriend to be honest.

On a separate note. How you been, Jizzy?
bf and I have never slept apart when we're together - don't live with each other so we still have nights apart. i do agree that ideally you would fall asleep together, just saying it's not insane to want a good night's sleep.

>On a separate note. How you been, Jizzy?
work are being difficult, whole series of arse covering exercises atm. hoping this shit is almost over, i'll be able to leave them soon, and start my new job without hassle.

bf has kept me nice and grounded throughout all of this. will likely go see him tonight.

how are you doing anon?
I'm jealous of you and happy for you.

>how are you doing anon?
second day of little to no sleep.
kinda sucks. it's also getting warmer each day. I guess hit wave is about to hit us.
22-27C is good by me tbqh

>I'm jealous of you and happy for you.
i believe in you anon, you can do it. if an ugly bastard with my level of crazy can find a partner then you can too.
To spend time with and talk to someone
why do straight boys go gay if you call them a faggot and a bitch and tell them to kiss your cock and shit like that

I guess like they like the role reversal, but I'm not dumb enough to ever like a straight boy bottom for me.
I think its just my bizarrely deep voice for my age
Cuddling with Delta while we read our favourite shota manga
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good lads from gaygen x
good gaygen lads
For me, it's Hunter x Hunter. Killua is the most kino obsessive bottom protective over the straight boy he'll never have.
based apu enjoyer.
now post dick.
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Yeah of course....
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How do libtards cope with the fact that pretty much everyone immigrating to our country absolutely hate gays

And no it's just not muslims, if my mexican gay friend's dad found out he's gay, he'd probably kill him unironically. if my gay asian friend's family found out he was gay he'd be exiled from the family. and they wouldn't even think twice.

Will wait for a reply.
Shh, hush your mouth
Silence when I spit it out
*hawk tuah*
In your face
Open your mouth
Give you a taste
can you not? none of the gay guys I talk to would ever go to a pride parade. Its a boomer thing.
Skunk. Won.
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pride parades always made me uncomfortable, never been and never plan to
that's because you're too much of an ugly outcast to fit in at pride parades hope that helps
>posts worst examples of pride parade with ugly fuckers
>says to another poster that they're ugly and wouldn't fit in
please elaborate, retard.
wouldn't worry, they seem to be here every waking hour of their life. they do this shit often. it's pretty sad.
Imagine hating on gay people so much you actively hang out in places
specifically dedicated to gay people to do what? Just to drop few insults?
Pathetic really.
And then they claim they're not obsessed.
That's because libertarian minded thinking and freedom generally is only a white mindset.
Even if it's completely frowned upon, it's not like your family is going to beat your ass so hard you're paralyzed in the hospital which is to be expected in a family of colour. Total ostracization if you're lucky.
You have to remember that trans people are generally just... straight dudes who watched too much porn. They raid our threads because they're homophobic straight men. Usually with receding hairlines and wives who cry themselves to sleep every night and kids who want to kill themselves out of shame.
hes a bad lad
I'm still waiting on that dick pic.
Hurry up.
i don't want to post my willy really i shouldn't be posting at all im sorry no willyposting,
How about feet? One foot? A toe?
>says trans women are women
>they arent
Isnt this what happened in 1984? holding up 4 fingers in front of your face, and making you say youre holding up 5
>I mention something about the benefits of dishwashers to friend
>Friend says: "Dishwashers use more water than hand washing though."
>I say that as long as you fill up the dishwasher, they're definitely more water wise
>"Of course they use more water, think of how large a dishwasher cavity is compared to a sink, which you'd fill to half way or maybe a little more."

I could not believe what I was hearing, this guy is a fucking engineer as well.
How the fuck are we going to get that many (You)s in time?
We need someone to post their willy. That would get the gworls attention.
I feel and look a bit slimmer today. I think this weight loss thing is working.
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post feet?
youre supposed to say "no" and then
how many pillows do you take to bed and how do you arrange the pillows
i build a pillow tower of 2 pillows for under my head i sandwich one pillow between my legs and i put one pillow behind my back thats how you know im a dark souls pvper always on guard from enemy backstabbers every second that no posts are made i get more and more self conscious i think tha
I take 2 and I hug one of them to sleep
2 in an L shape or stacked because they're too soft

uwu awwwhhhh you are so cute pharoah owo
1 and I usually cling onto it and sleep with my head directly on the mattress
I'm not cute. I was exposed as a fatty. A pig. And now I've been forced to lose weight.
I fall asleep screaming into my pillow in shame and despair. I'm a deeply unwell teen top blonde slut. Most likely I'm straight and I was just dropped on my head or something. I'm mean, and way too rough in bed. And I call my bottom names because I miss my mommy and I take out my anger during sex.

Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
I wont buy the amicus coffee beans
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i just laughed for like 20 minutes at this image lmao
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How they make the cat do that
no fap is for cretins and total morons lmao
your problem is not the masturbation but your porn addiction.. you could still jerk off to thinking about stuff.. if anything it will make quitting porn a lot easier since you are no longer horny if you jerk off
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>"trust me bro, no fap is nonsense."
>the coomer says after gooning to the most degenerate shit ever
beenie :)
shut up darkie, you are mad ugly
theres no way you can say this unless it's total ignorance. not that I blame you or anything, because the consequencing of fapping and porn arent really able to be discussed in our disgustingly female centric public discourse.
I think I'm handsome, and its because i do nofap. You're just a jealous coomer.
i jerked off to dudes fucking horses and i ended up fine, thank you very much
i always read cis as cia
i jerked off to shota hentai but I was a 13 year old imagining being with my friends.

even at the time I was like coping "im allowed to jerk it to shota cuz i am a shota". lol
can no fap make me not be a troon anymore? i hate being trans :'(
ofc not babe, nofap is a self-help scam for incels
Update because I know you queens care
>bf goes to be the nerd referee every weekend all weekend and I dont like that he is gone friday to sunday
>agreed to bring me this time partially because its supposed to be pride themed events
So do i bring a rainbow wizard robe or something? I dont play card games
Porn/sex/fapping addiction is actually hell. But nobody wants to talk straight about it, and says vague shit like "it will make real intimacy difficult" because our society hates men, so we cant discuss any of our issues

Well how about this, it literally makes cumming no longer feel good. And after a point youre just doing it to slightly get your mind a dopamine rush/habit while you fap/goon or whatever the hell youre doing. Sex doesnt even feel good anymore after a point.
Oh, and the shit about porn making you need more and more hardcore things even irl to get you off, is true.
For the most part with me, I had to be really fucked up and sadistic verbally.

>t. lost a family member and got addicted to porn just to think about literally anything else and now Im pretty much fucked up permanently, I assume.
are you just going to watch? unless I just have weird friends the people who play them are pretty normie. just make a plan to do something if youre not going to play, they'll get annoyed as they take it pretty seriously.
Watching a black man pound his hole raw full of cum.
I was clicking through Google Maps and I found this really cool trail. At first I just had pictures of it and I just looked up keyword for hours till I found someone's Flickr account that NAMED the overlook.
It's 6 mi rt to get to it unless you go straight up a super-steep hill
its about 1100 ft up
I dunno if I want to do all that, but it gets you looking uphill at a gorgeous remote creek
OK thanks
what do you mean? it is extremely normal common behaviour
You people all really hate yourselves for being gay, huh? I’m bisexual and 9 years ago I was on a date with this hot black guy I hooked up with. We were celebrating his birthday and hanging out in a straight bar in Milwaukee. I get all close to him and smile and he looks around and gets angry/scared. We were around a bunch of drunk working class white people that might not take too kindly to a gay interracial couple being affectionate to each other in public. I understand why he did that. He didn’t want us to get threatened or beat up. But it still makes me sad. It wasn’t like I was gonna suck his dick or anything. I just got drunk and was happy to see him. I was gonna hug him or lean my head on his shoulder or something. But it’s just… I don’t know. We were dressed like straight men.
i dont play the game and im not really into cards i just want to see what he has been doing every weekend since we got together the first time
>Oh, and the shit about porn making you need more and more hardcore things even irl to get you off, is true.
>For the most part with me, I had to be really fucked up and sadistic verbally.
What do you mean?
are you planning to jump?
making bomb threats on the internet is highly illegal
is gaygen a skibidi friendly thread
past life regression hypnotherapy
you need it
I really don't want to see dead bodies in the thread tankanon
when i was very little (4-5 maybe) apparently we were crossing the us border by car and I was sort of annoyed by having to stop and get questioned and searched so I told the border guard that my teddy bear had a bomb
this. daniel larson just go jailed for 65 years for yelling I WILL BLOW UP THE WHITE HOUSE on tiktok
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free my nigga
didnt someone get jailed in Britain from gaygen for joining a nazi discord group? your country will jail you for anything
at least clean your anal beads and polish them before wearing them as a bracelet
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>I will never have this
like Blu you don't really want to get better
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I do, why do you think I'km learning to drive and working out is for?
god i hate blue
and I'm talking to a new guy
>learning to drive
>working out
>talking to a new guy

so why do you still come here to project about your unhappiness?
I come here to vent my stresses and i'm worried the guy isn't as interested in me as he once was
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>Became a breadwinner overnight
What do I do with the extra money?
invest in teledildonics
why is around the neck the default hug position for bottoms
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do you ever feel like the same patterns are repeating
are you the guy in love with the bisexual pseudo-trans twink? initiate physical contact man. give him a hug. make it awkward. let him make the choice.
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Yeah literally
oh, tank-anon that you?

how's learning to drive going?
going alright I guess. I just want it to be done i'm so annoyed with it by now. The teacher is nice but I want to drive and be able to get a job and have some independence
good lad. how long you been learning? passed your theory yet?
my parents: our son is with his girlfriend right now
me, lying on the arms of two daddies who spent the night pounding my holes: uwu
good lad. auto or manual?
kinda giving jeffrey dahmer vibes

yea i like his face but hes hotter with a beard desu
I just cant do vanilla sex anymore and I'm not really into physical pain or anything so it's culminated in tons of imo verbal degradation in honestly viewing my partner has like a slut for me to use. It's gotten so bad recently and I know for a fact it's from the past few years I spent looking at porn. Im just totally desensitized but I can't even describe how bad it is.
And even if bottoms are into getting barked orders at and called names, which many are, they think Im doing some weird roleplay but Im not, Im literally just traumatized from porn/other drama, and its just.
God its horrible. Dont do porn.
so how do you get your rocks off?
More like "Woow I would like to try him."
seems like a poor desiocion to put that there with a concrete wall not far away
fair. i learned manual but i much prefer to drive auto. it's way easier.

what do you want for your first car?
someone at work keeps stealing my laptop charger
Sex with my bf, but I dont get the pleasure out of that I once did due to all the porn brain damage.
I basically have sex with my bf because I love him and want to make him cum etc. but on my end it's just the dopamine rush distracting my brain for a while and I don't even enjoy anything going on really.
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I'm not a bottom -__-
you don't enjoy fucking to give your partner pleasure? i enjoy giving pleasure desu, gets me off too
I cant say if you have a legit problem from porn but you do seem to be over intellectualizing it. Porn just seems like the catalyst. The chronic masturbation seems more like a symptom. Some introspection wouldn't hurt, or maybe a decent therapist. Its easy to see sexual deviance as the problem but its usually an expression of other thought processes. Whats really interesting is your interpretation of it. I might start there; there seems to be some legitimate conflict. If it wasn't porn, then it seems like it would be something else. What is evident is that you have some fixation that porn seems to resonate with. You are citing the porn, the volume and variety, as the problem but that seems to be a distraction. Its examining the motives that might reveal something. Again, I am not saying you are wrong, but rather there seems to be more to the story that, for whatever reason, you don't seem to be addressing. It could be because you either don't see it or do and get uncomfortable the more you are aware of it, which is completely natural. Introspection can be both difficult because some thought routines are so ingrained that its difficult to step outside the frame of reference. But also because it can be difficult to digest the things we become aware of. Many people have some really negative associations they aren't fully conscious of if at all. But its useful to dissect them in order to be mindful of self destructive behaviors. An example is finding motives for FOMO, self sabotage or intrapersonal difficulties. Those are the expression of problems, not the problem itself.
No I said that is why I do it. I just wish it were both ways still like it used to be with me and sex, but I did this to myself.
you should hold them accountable !

im promised to my top
You should find them and inject them with HIV
I'm not sure if this is a copypasta or if you actually took the time to write this reply, but in the past couple years I can confirm that pretty much all addictions are really to coping with something, avoiding something, fear, etc. I believe in almost all cases there's an underlying issue, but once you are already in the throes of the addiction that doesn't, figuring out the root cause isn't going to save you.

I didn't need to sit and think about what started this, my mom died at a young age a couple years ago and I pretty much just broke. That's when I really started to get into porn and a few other destructive behaviors. I couldn't stop grieiving, I couldn't sleep, and when I was looking at porn all the bad thoughts having would go away for a while. It's not like I was enjoying it, but I wasn't grieving. For a moment.

But all addictions aren't equal, because they have different side effects, and I posted what I did to let people know that looking at porn has just as harmful effects on your life as wrecking your organs with alcohol, or going dead broke on a gambling addiction, and personally I don't think I'm exaggerating.

I would try to seek help from a therapist but I'm extremely apathetic about our mental health care system. I'm lucky to have good insurance but all of the facilities are simply overencumbered, and it's a nice area too. You can get all the best surgeons in the world here but good fucking luck getting a therapist. I also wouldn't want to talk to a female therapist about this because I genuinely believe a woman wouldn't exactly understand how one could get addicted to porn, even if she understood addiction as a whole. I'm just really apathetic right now about getting any help and skeptical about whether I'm beyond repair anyway.
>several walls of text
lol nooo ty *scrolls down*
y'all need to see a doctor for that stuff, don't no know anybody who sits down to type a bunch of nonsense for no reason. if i wanted to read something, i'd read the news
>don't no know
keep your trip on xan
i'm phone posting cut me some slack
I jerked off to shota when I was 14-15, but I imagined myself being the younger guy and the older top dude as guys I had the hots for, usually some teachers and mother's friends
That was a read
skimmed the thread and this retard has been spamming shit for over 10 hours while i was asleep. psychopaths are really scary for that, they literally obsess over one thing like their life revolves around it. can't spend one day eithout /gg/, have to keep spamming bullshit 24/7 for dopamine hits
this was nearly 10 hours ago >>36304711
what kind of person does this all day?
i meant this one
I haven’t bottomed yet for my bf but when I do I’m gonna wrap my legs around his waist when he’s about to cum >:3
that post was less than six hours ago...
A homophobic tranny, most likely. they cant handle us having one single thread to ourselves.
how was that post menthol?
>three nights ago
>post a dozen webms of fit blond underwear model in a thread for gays who normally caterwaul at each other about nothing so they have something gay related and pleasant to look at, perhaps distract them from negativity
>get reported, deleted and banned
>posters return from complaining about "spam" to complaining about each other and dead thread
Gaygen has no sanity whatsoever.
sounds like a certain sisma hard at work
you sound bothered no one was interested in your spam lol
>but I imagined myself being the younger guy and the older top dude as guys I had the hots for
Same but with written smut. Based on how easily I found it I guess there's a ton of people out there that wanted to fuck their gym teacher or coach.
i am going back to sleep, watch when i wake up and that psychopath is still doing the same shit lol
I stand by what I said. Some people want their problem because its a solution to something else so they have no reason to seek a solution because they already have it, the "problem".

And you are right about addictive behaviors. Behavior resultant from the addiction are separate from the motive that began the behavior to begin with.

Your explanation seems lucid enough; you identify an external cause which is good as awareness. I can offer some sympathy but we know its of no use. Escapism is completely understandable. But there is still something to be resolved. You seem to be close to it, having identified both an association and reaction.

Perhaps what remains is simply replacing the escapism, which would be distinct from your IRL sexual behavior, and whatever interpretations you derive from it.

I want to acknowledge that I understand you are not seeking advice nor do I have adequate insight or any especial wisdom of my own. I was only trying to be helpful since you seemed to be expressing exceptional unhappiness. I may be completely wrong and I apologize if it seemed discourteous to offer advice based on one post and topic. I was giving some feedback in hopes it might open some opportunity for some relief.
>I guess there's a ton of people out there that wanted to fuck their gym teacher or coach.
this is one of the most common fantasies lol
I remember I used to cum liters thinking of a older dude's big and hairy cock and losing myself over their hairy muscular bodies
my boyfriend's love is addictive
i keep doing increasingly romantic things for him, i think i have a problem
funny enough bucko got more (you)s in one pic than all those posts combined
Nah, I definitely appreciate it, and I am unhappy with my situation. But if I don't end up getting better, at least I can be a cautionary tale or something. Thanks
i don’t understand the appeal of much older guys
like the most i’d be willing to date up to is like 5 or 6 years older than me, beyond that there’s just starting to be more and more differences from how we grew up
I hope you do find some peace soon.

im watermaxxing right now
my pee has no colour whatsoever im fully hydrated
yeah it was spam and nobody was interested so take the hint
I agree with you but in reverse, I'm 27 but would only go as low as 21 if they were extremely smart
But what you're describing as a negative is more of a positive for some people. They like the fact that they can be affectionate/sexual/protective of each other but other than that, they kind of have their own interests.
Im really at the point though where Im not going to bother with a relationship unless they're able to stimulate me mentally in conversation though.
it's called dom/sub dynamic, luv
this is actually dangerous. crystal clear piss doesn't necessarily mean healthy piss
what are you, the piss professor?
>and losing myself over their hairy muscular bodies
YES. My gym teacher for 4 years was a manwhore he would wear really short shorts and tanktops and was ridiculously buff and hairy. He was really out of place bossing a bunch of lumpy high schoolers around.
you cant stop me nestle shill
Ik you piss dark and stinky
anon is right
clear piss means ur body has excess water and is getting rid of it without processing it
P.S. I just got dumped by my 21 year old bottom boyfriend over the phone who acts like a 15 year old girl (and not a smart 15 year old girl).

I literally feel nothing or care. Or know why I dated him. He just kind of claimed me and I went along with it, and then constantly bitched that I wasnt acting like prince charming 24/7 from a romance movie. Biggest regret he'll ever make seeing as I'm a white top from a rich family who's not an abuser and he's a broke twink with actually nowhere to go.

Technically I got pre-broken up with, "he's calling me after work, but I think it's over" from his minimum wage department store job while I'm here making $111k and let him buy whatever he wants. I'm fucking dying. Even if he changes his mind it's over.
Holy fuck the entitlement of bottoms, it's probably because I don't text him every single hour. Die please

If his femoid friends in his ear told me that threatening to break up with me is going to make me break down and beg he fucked up lmao
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>some trip is something bad and lets discuss feces and
Heres a webm of a literal male underwear model
>... as I was saying this trip is fat/ug/slut/menthol and why is thread dead we are so great at conversation and...
you sound soooo fat and jealous sisma:-)
Additional P.S. He spent the whole entire year bitching if we didn't talk for a day and guilt tripping me when I have actually shit to do and responsibilities
sounds like youre trying to convince yourself
is that hazel hoffman? how do i get a body like his
lol trust me they don't learn. They model after loser females and think they have some hand to play for manipulation and when it blows up (it always, always does) they want to come back and if you let them, they have no other mental software to live by so they do it again. It must happen a thousand times a day. Theres no fixing them.
I'm a piss connoisseur
I'm not a Nestle shill
I piss light golden shower
I am who I am, chuds
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>say hi to guy on grindr
>says hi back and immediately sends nudes
>guess ill send a few too
>also talk a bit
>he replies
>"face pics"

do people really meet these kinda people? like fuck i know its grindr but its nice to have at least a basic conversation
No, Owen Lindberg. He has at least three twitters and a half dozen tiktoks. He does a little straight am porn and whatever other thirst sites but he likes gay stuff for laughs. Much of his appeal is just being silly in tiktok shorts. He seems to think trending gay fetishes are exceptionally comical and plays the part as sort of a self parody
Nature is homophobic, so yes
Do you think ducks or squirrels ever contemplate selling feet pics? No? Didn't think so.
I'm pretty sure this guy is just queerbaiting.
Never try to guess what a squirrel is thinking.
nuts. they're always thinking of nuts
ducks and squirrels also don’t sit in front of rectangles of liquid crystals next to a box full of melted sand that can think and push their falanges on squares with symbols on them in order to communicate to other animals that he thinks they’re faggots
typed the wrong kind lol
that's nuts
Well yeah. Much of the humor is him not hiding that
>ducks and squirrels also don’t sit in front of rectangles of liquid crystals
ill have you know im sitting in front of a irradiated phosphor coated glass rectangle
kek you don’t know how bad it is for you
Acting lecherously to the twink interns
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Thank you for your appraisal. I am so ashamed. Now my day is ruined. You are so victorious as I sit in such utter defeat. I will be overcome with despair for days. You have totally bested be with your clever 4chan anonymous judgment. I may never recover. And you said so much with such clarity. Its completely over for me and now you prevail as a winner.

>or w/e tf
imagine gaygen set during the spanish civil war
I wanna see more of the guy in speedo at 0:05 owo
Its his bisexual aloofness. It burns their skin like sunlight on vampire. I like this account better
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you don’t get to act unbothered when you were already crying about your spam being handled
any other bottom here can feel their prostate tingling when they are horny? bussy twitching is not a meme
new >>36307524
Hes got tons of other models in his skits
I am so bothered. Anon was so savage. Im completely a mess.

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