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last >>36301441
qott uhhh what's your comfort vidya to play
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Dibs on limbus company

everyone else get yer own
second for beauty and peace and love
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my trans/twink harem below:
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well now i dont want to post...
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league of legends (aram).
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Limbus company. And idc about this >>36304840. Newfag.
I mean if you know how to handle yourself w that and know what to do it's fine, it's literally what I'm doing, I'm just asking since either going w someone or doing smth in a group helps w sticking to going there
Very true. Our efforts should be put towards 3 dollar ffs surgeries that look like the current 50k ones.
nothing comforts me life is joyless
>qott uhhh what's your comfort vidya to play
ninja bread man
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>what's your comfort vidya to play
power wash simulator
nop no accountability but the gym is on the way to my campus so id only have to genuinely force myself to go until august when the semester starts
ouch sorry laguna you didn't get limbus company sweaty
based sheeb
Eh should be fine then
I'm gonna get ur moms moans tonite for sure tho
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there is nothing but to be hated or forgotten or treated with complete indifference, that's all there is in this world, love and caring are myths invented to keep us from suicide
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should i do some painting or wait until later

r u drinking again carol
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I like animal cookies more than any other cookie.
oh is it wednesday already? damn. well, i guess i can still die on a wednesday
diaper tranny
i take it back i like oatmeal raisin too.
bleh that sucks, hope the day is better
never. im right
hope is what keeps us from suicide. without hope we have no faith in finding love. pursue hope
>hope is what keeps us from suicide
not really
for me it's fear/survival instinct
paint yeh.

for me its not wanting to hurt other people after seeing how other ppls suicides hurt some of the ppl i care about.
i've lost all hope, i fluctuate rapidly between manic and depressive nihilism, i lash out and hurt others around me, i started cutting, i've been in more suicide attempts in the last few months than i have been in the entire rest of my life, i really nearly did die
Mid kurisu trip desu.
you're existing but not living.. I'm not judging you for it, because it's very sad when we get caught in a rut of living only to exist
That's what's kept me from doing it as well, knowing what my family would have to go through, after already losing my older brother to suicide, and that crushed me
So true sis
do you think your brother was a repressor
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I wish to one day make the breaded cats.
I did not mean to ping that post. I am out the shower and half blind. My bad, yo.
I'm sorry you're experiencing these sets of crises. Did you get put on medication for the sui attempts?
The cause of your pain is loneliness it sounds like, which i sympathize with a lot. I don't have any great advice to give you, I wish I did. Try to connect with the idea that you have a soul, your soul is essentially good and wants peace and love, and find a way to nurture your soul with hope. If will get better. Just say fuck you to hopelessness.
no. My brother was 6' 5" and extremely masculine. Substance abuse runs in our family and his fiance left him and he spiraled into addiction pretty rapidly
I did! i'm on a mood stabilizer. I have some cool new marks on my wrist too. I am incredibly lonely, when i came out as trans, the group of people i formerly knew as my friends admitted to never respecting me, and not even seeing me as human. My only irl friend now is someone i met through tttt and she's pretty great but, unfortunately, i get into uncontrollable moodswings where i lash out at people pretty hard. It effects a lot of the online people who still put up with me.
>My soul
i described it earlier today, that it feels like in the very very essence of my being there's this "well" of grief and despair, and I can only ever plug it up, never get rid of it, and it bubbles over and causes me to lash out at others, and it's only ever been getting worse, or maybe i just get too tired to plug it up, weeks, months, so much of it is self hatred.
Cute cats and videogames is what keeps me from suicide personally.
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give cats cigarettes they deserve it
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Why would anyone do that.
same this is my sisters kitty
I wish I had another good one to keep the joke going..
That is a marvelous pussy.
she is very cute.
pulling out a tranny's hair
pulling out a tranny's fingernails
pulling out her teeth
Got one.
I agree.
Honking on a trannys oob
choking on a tranny's gock
Ahhhhhh it's homura not kurisu. They sounded similar.
pulling out a tranny's eyelashes. cutting off her fingers and toes and ears and nose

gouging out her eyes <3 burning her alive
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the hedgehog?
kissing a tranny's cheek, tucking her into bed, making her hot cocoa

giving her her blahaj <3 turning off the light
He just sent a nuke.
'tis indeed the blue speed devil
another worthless therapy session in which i just lost my money, yay me, don't fucking go to therapy, is bs and most therapists are retarded and know nothing and only talk to you like a normal human being and get paid, but at least it feels nice to talk to someone that listens :/
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i had laser done on my face today for the second time
What the fuck.
Stop posting softcore porn dood
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wqhat are you talking about, that's literally me
You are a hon IRL.
And you are just suicidal.
ik that i can't look like a woman, but can i at least look fuckable to cis men if i go on hrt? even if i live as cis gay, i doubt that i am getting any loyalty and commitment from moids, fuck them
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>You are a hon IRL.
prove it faggot
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hey i see u in the drawthread lol
yuh I like that thread
>I agree.
ty fren. I love her a lot.
You know I'm right.
i also like league but i cut myself when i int
I almost stopped playing games, but when I have some free time I usually play hunt showdown or vintage story
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no actually ur wrong
i quit league when i started transitioning as like, a d1 peaker, and honestly, its worth it to quit, please stop harming yourself with league of legends
it's not that important anon just go next no need to hurt urself :{
hello ive been repping for like 4 years and it hasn't gotten any better. how come?
no, i need to get out of masters first. then i can quit
idk i get very upset over a lot of things. only coping mechanism i have
somedays i wish i was a hon
would i have to adapt and find happiness outside of myself then?
or would i just be even more suicidal than i am now
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>tfw you are a hon IRL.
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>have female brain
>decide to try and tough it out as a man
>still have female brain
gee willikers i sure do wonder why living as a man isn't going as well as i'd hoped
rude. also cutting is fembrained.
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steady mental helps with league. soloq is awful i would recommend rgm/aram for fun and premade 5s for competitive.
god shut the fuck up, we all know you won't actually do anything lol

on an unrelated note, hi joanna
i dont have friends
honestly premades are much better when you aren't friends. friendships make it much harder when someone is slacking and needs to be replaced.
the final season is on
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This waist height whatever the fuck jeans make me look fat. I shall burn them now.
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i need to name the pictures in my image folder just so i can sort them, but like... wtf do i name the weird stuff
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me too
i might as well post something im working on if ur posting something u are too
holy fuck am I restless
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Literal fucking shape annihilation. My ass is not wearing these again.
Draw me getting raped by rodya now
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How bad of an idea is it to go with the name Celeste? Do I get bonus points if I've never played the platformer?
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>Draw me getting raped by rodya now
Just go for a name u like
Pretty please
>Just go for a name u like
It's hard to only care about how I feel about my name.
not happening little girl
It is your name not anyone else's.
Fuckin lame
>french name
ehhhhh if you like it i guess
Does Maeve still post here?
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she's currently miserable in repression
im not gay but isn't it like super hot when guys make growling fatherly grunts when they're cumming in you
erm guys...?
whats up
erm i cant stop erming
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what the sigma
I can fix her…
trooning at 16 later to only become a repchad is cursed
i had my consulation today and they say they wont do it unless i get a letter from my doctor bcos of the meds im on -_-
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blessings of Akatosh denizens

what meds? mine didnt care i was on hrt
spiro and dutasteride
this is the second time now i fucking hate terf island
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the long dark is such a good game, very atmospheric
that sucks. i'm on the prison colony of terf island and things are pretty progressive here
lmao yeah they just dont want to work on le tranny menace
next time dont disclose that ur on hrt because theres literally 0 risk for laser with hrt
>husky deep voiced murmuring in your ear while he's buried inside of you
>sharp scratching pain as he bites your neck and gives you hickies
>his hot breath blasting the back of your neck as he chuckles at your moaning
>iron grip around your waist
>pinning you back against his boulder solid body
>his other hand on your throat as he chokes you in an almost detached manner
>seeing how tight he can go while keeping you conscious
>his large daddy dick arcing into you like a deviously curved knife
>rubbing your slim soft legs against his rough hairy calves
>grinding your hips while he fucks you
>whimpering and begging in half formed thoughts for him to go deeper
>that you need him to touch your very core
>his breath getting rougher and heavier as he gets closer to cumming
>your prostate feeling raw and agonizingly close to orgasm
>him squeezing you even tighter
>choking the air and thoughts from you like water from a washcloth being wrung
>his cock swelling and pulsing as he shoots jets of his cum deep into your guts
>a savage growling roar shakes your body as the orgasm overwhelms him with pleasure
>feel yourself fall over the precipitous edge
>pleasure flooding through you
>the smell of his sweat and strength of his arms causing incomprehensible bliss where your skin touches his
>keening girlish cries like shattered glas providing a clear counter note to his rumbling thunderous chorus
>him tossing you to the bed
>slapping your ass forcefully
>your mind slowly returning as you lay in a pile of sweat and his cum, small trickles of blood from his bites and scratches tracing lines down your exhausted body
>can feel his eyes on you like a predator pridefully surveying his kill
>him calling you a whore, telling you to clean yourself up
>hoisting you by your neck and tossing you out of bed
>he lays down and promptly goes to sleep
>blink in confusion and find yourself making your way to the bathroom to do as he had said
sexo ugh
it was literally just for my face :(
next time i wont disclose
just gonna hide that useless essay post yeah...
just make sure to avoid the sun for the day after laser, wear a mask if you have to
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just gonna hide that dick in my bussy yeah...
thats okay i stay inside all day anyways >_<
just gonna leave because this dude is always here spamming thread with no trip yeah...
Thats legal there?
In the US that sounds like a slam fucking dunk lawsuit.
You'll let other people get laser, but not me because im on a trans-associated medication?
the main issue would be proving that they denied service on behalf of being trans, (but we all know that's why)
holy fuck paige this is why no one likes you
they are literally just getting laser for face
kill yourself swiftly
you're being a retard again
you were doin real well for a few days, don't relapse
ugh ugh ugh

sry i will restrain myself and delet post
r u running today
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you did everything you could to push mono away...
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is chili sauce non-newtonian?
noe ran yesterday
gonna do some painting, have therapy later
it's already over 90 degrees at 9 in the morning ugh

it hurt my lip a bit when they lasered it
mayonnaise is one
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im so tired
sex pesto
reading the backlogs and holy cringe
which part
found out all of my coping mechanisms are actually OCD compulsions and the only way to get past them is to just ignore my intrusive thoughts lmao I want to screech
qott: super lesbian animal rpg (slarpg)
very cute game everyone should play
the posts itt just a few hours ago
yeah.. it was real slow then
Yo quiero taco bell
omfg who are all these tripfags
I don't even know man I saw that one fucking taco bell ad like 2 years ago and now I just say it randomly I think I'm going to be parroting it even on my deathbed
Oh I'm laguna and the Emilia whatever one is calamity, I started generating trips a couple days ago and everyone kinda started getting new ones either via me or themselves
they have a big cheezit now
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forgot pic
Facking wrong ping gaddam
I would avoid any franchises like those entirely 2bh, me personally if I do go eat I'll go eat to like a nice well known local place which is gonna give me better food prices and variety
Unless they got sonic toys. Then I go anywhere.
What the fuck
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they have doritos tacos too
Okay well that sounds mildly enticing but it's not going to fill me and I can't eat much.
they're usually paired with other things on the menu. its good shit
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Sonic should have a collab with sonic. Solely to stop the false advertising going on w their name rn
Idk. I am a big nerd w my food and I like it all having ideal calories, macros and amounts
I minmax it to get the most enjoyment and nutrition out of it and ain't no one else doing that for me. Specially not taco bell.
I generally only cook for myself but whenever I have the chance I cook for my family too, I find it rlly fun to do so plus I get to cook less healthy stuff since my dad works all day which means he can eat almost anything without gaining weight
Uhh the image is literally just insults everyone's seen
The best and brilliant mind come to the US for a reason.
To make giant leaps in art and scientific marvels like giant Cheez Itz and Dorito tacos.
God bless America.
Can they come up with like mass produced healthy food?
mongo made her own bed with how she acts like a sociopath in general and you leaked her employer in the first place
That's not as cool or fun
Healthy food is more expensive in the US for a reason. It's lame as hell.
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Cat eating pancake gif
It isn't lame. It is cool.
>Ask your parents if they are willing to adopt a 27 yr old neet tranny.
They p much are lol
>sue her
She doxxed me and posted revenge porn and I said v mean words. If she tries to sue me all she did is going to come up, they'll see what I did was a reaction to it, and they won't give a fuck about it and then punish her for genuinely breaking the law
Telling her to do that is a very very bad idea
lol. hey guys i got a good idea. lets not cope. lets let life hit us full blast in the face without wincing.
just because somebody says something in a sneering voice doesnt mean its actually bad.
coping skills are good things, not self deception.
shit i might have a go at sending the employers some juicy screenshots. she has treated me like shit over the years
so much of politics is people saying stuff in a sneering tone and people having the intelligence of dogs so they buy it
idk how I'm gonna afford OCD treatment but I'm giving it a try fuck medical bills
god just stop larping already, jesus. the discord logs were funny but that's about it
>It's a better Idea than to rattle on your window blinds and demand to come out for a fistfight or whatever lol
.. I mean if she's actually dumb enough to do that she'd go straight to the police no court needed so yeah
>Oh, your parents sound really nice, if only I could actually speak spanish lol
Never a bad idea to learn it, p sure it's like the 2nd most popular language there is so it's kinda useful no matter what
Well mexican spanish and spain spanish is quite different so you'd have to adjust many bits of it but yeah you would probably manage in spanish just w a bit of effort towards studying it
Also abt the trip like. Just get into fallout 76. It's that simple
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I'm going to have to take my exam today without fully studying.
I'm just really tired...
If i don't sleep, i'm basically drunk-cognitive wise
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c'est la vie
I would give u it if I could but it's locked under me microsoft acc, maybe once I get it swapped to steam I'll share it so u can change ur views on it
china's 473rd final warning
nooooo, what about the viewers
I never tried it. I just got it for free off of amazon prime, maybe they'll give a code for it again soon or smth
I've only rlly tried new vegas and got bored of it in like 10 hrs
just filter that shit nigga or keep scrolling, nobody is forcing you to read it lmao
my government wants me to kill myself i think
The story is what kept me going but if I'm gonna be there only for the story and have to walk around for an hour til the next story bit I'd rather just go play a visual novel.
Feeling ugly and fat today tbhon.
I kinda just play whatever my super trans-hating friends play, but by myself i play Monster Hunter Rise. I know people hate it but it's fun to do all the silkbug attacks
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i am NOT going to say anything mean!!

which weapon

stop grooming kids
06/26/24(Wed)16:45:12 No.36306437

>Cis white dude (28).
>My little sister (16) lives with me because my place is close to her high school.
>She asked if she can have her friend over last week.
>"Don't freak out, but she is a trans girl, you know what that is right?"
>You little shit, do you think I'm retarded or something? "Yeah, it's basically women but funny."
>"You stupid asshole!"
> Next day.
>Her friend arrives they start to do their project.
>They finish and start to play elden ring.
>She is rushing the game to be ready for the dlc.
>She defeats Radahn.
>I pat her head "Good job, you did it with your shit build."
>I go to get them some drink.
>She keeps dying on mogh.
>Her friend takes over, my sister's friend defeats Mogh easily.
>I Pat her head too "Congrats you defeated him with this shit build".
>She looks at me confused.
>Shit, I forgot it's not my sister.
>She starts crying.
>Ok this is bad.
>"Look I'm sorry I forgot-".
>Tells me it's fine. She just cried because this was the first time someone showed affection toward her since she is out of the closet.
>She kept coming over every day after this.

Is this what y'all go through? Also what should I do?

>Repost cuz I fucked up the format
>Fucked up again
I don't care I'm not reposting it again
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same but fuck em.

just say it. improves the thread imo.
qott: miku game
nice projection spooge
larp but wholesome
nobody would touch us
If not a larp;

>Is this what y'all go through?
Some trannys get disowned and/or beaten after coming out, friend..

>Also what should I do?
Nothing I guess?
You provided a chill safe place for your sister and her friend to kick back and not be stressed out.
Theres nothing else to do.
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mmm... ice cream...
yogurt for me thnx
>Some trannys get disowned and/or beaten after coming out, friend..
or abandoned socially because no one wants to associate with us. especially early on when it's all awkward.
>or abandoned socially
Hey I know that's person I think they're called me
Gonna start name change process soon
Should I take a middle name?
Both my first and last name are single syllable names

I was thinking of informing the child protection services to check on the kid's parents, but I am not sure if I should. Not sure how often thet actually help and how often they just make shit worse.
I agree, it’s an abuse of irony and people confronted by the scent of irony get very afraid of looking stupid if they ask questions
Choose the longest name for the middle one.
go with a cool name, like luna, alice, or sophie.
Maybe emily too.
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it gets better, probably.

if they're able to be out they're probably not that bad off. not that i know the situation ofc.
what are you up to today
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It always gets better because there is no other option
Nah, I didn't go with anything particularly notable for my name
I stuck with a name that started with the same letter that felt right when I said my name out loud
But I was considering Evelyn for a middle name
I went to Pride presenting as femme for the first time and got a lot of compliments. The problem is that I don't know if they legitimately saw me as a woman or saw a man in a dress and were trying to be encouraging.
i can't think anymore
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if only that were true
Were they complementing stuff like your hair/nails? or were they saying 'how good you look'.
Huge tell that way
im a cop killer shout out EMTs tho
12 tryna press me in civilian clothes

we do not need more
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Can't a girl cope about the hopelessness of life
Squirting girlpenis~ (^ー^)
They complimented my dress and said I looked fabulous/beautiful/etc.
>because there is no other option
is get better even default it seems like default state of existence is permanent suffering that gets worse and worse with age until the end
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were they complimenting cis people around u too? if no then likely hard clocked and pity encouraged.

that's the spirit. never underestimate how much worse it can get before it gets better doe.

nothing rly. woke up feeling like shit and it didn't improve. wbu?
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>Should I take a middle name?
Yes, chastity
giwtwm iwn get better
I kept my middle name because its funny.
Girlname James DifferentLastName
So I take that as man in a dress then? :(
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I try my best. Rn I'm feeling like absolute shit abt my body but I'm sure it'll go away.
But it'll get better..
make your middle name trouble so you can make that one joke
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yeh it will. nothing ever lasts not even the bad.
>in pain
>go to sleep
>wake up
>in pain
>hours pass unable to start the day because every other thought is ouch
i must deserve this somehow but it's not nice i don't loke like it i want it to stop
But autism is my middle name
imagining if you made that one legal and then if people asked who are you you could look them dead in the not quite in the eye and say "autism"
Yep.. it'll for sure get better
Idk. I just feel fat now even though I only gained like 2kg from being sick and I'm already losing them plus I got clearly stronger going by my gym performance. But idk I still feel fat now. It'll go away at some point
ughh therapy anxious
all of you, even the hons, you all get to just get up, do things you choose to do, live your lives. i hate all of you for it. i don't get to live real life it's not fair none of you fucking deserve it you don't even appreciate the gift you have you just fucking whine about passing
agh i need to hug a man
skill issue
Cheer up buttercup
go eat dirt paige i did not choose this life
i would cheer up if i could start existing again. i can't do anything anymore. i'm dying and all the doctors see is an overdue bill and all the state sees is a waste of resources
i just want to be me again instead of a pain zombie is that such a big ask :(((
Nah, I whine about shit like how my coworkers treat me differently like talking over me all the time now, or that my dogs keep getting excited when I do my vocal coaching homework
I want to stuff my cock in your ass and fuck you until you forget about your life and how shit you think it is, and then you cry as reality hits once again and pass out
you're living the life. i miss being able to go to work so much. i can't believe i miss my shitty wage job so much but i do. now all i do is lie in pain
one of the worst parts is that all the medical issues and pain make sex basically pointless too
just would hurt myself more
the fates have left me with no joys but for sleep
>feeling like absolute shit abt my body
Why? I've seen pics of you and you can mog actually girls, you even have a benis
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everyone longs for the things they can't have.
Are you disabled?
repping > honing
Damn that sucks, at least being balls deep in your hole would make me forget for a while, then I can look at my hands afterwards while shaking and realising what I've just done, what medical problems do you have did you cut off your dick or something?
skill issue
I feel fat.
Everyone has an awkward early stage
Even cis women
>Are you disabled?
every time i post about these things you reply with stuff that's all to the effect of "it won't get better this is your life learn to be happy with that", why?
not beefing, i assume the intent is good, but honestly it's kinda demoralizing ;~;
yes unforch
thank you for reminding me that even if i am a pathetic wreck lying her rotting who will die before 30, at least i didn't waste my short life repping. that is something to be grateful for
bad genetics + overuse injuries from my old job + pedo experience probably caused some of my tummy probs
You don't look fat, did you get molested by someone who called you fat when you were little or something?
>at least i didn't waste my short life repping. that is something to be grateful for
be proud anon
I'm sorry about tge chronic pain
>pedo experience probably caused some of my tummy probs
Ouch, sorry to hear about that one, what was your old job?
It's more about getting called fat every 3 seconds online. And the fact I'm fat. And that I've had extreme weight issues for most of my life so I always feel a bit fat.
And maybe it's this pic cuz those jeans made me look fat. And like my shoulders are wide. It is over
the absolut cope
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Of course people are gonna call fat look at where you are, transgirls usually have conetits, wide frames, a man jaw, a man face, man hands, a man head, man feet and colostomy bags because their Vietnamese doctor drilled to far into their pelvis, then they see you and get jealous because you're a cute girl and they need something to direct their hatred towards, I'm glad you didn't get molested
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People should just be nicer. Like u anon. I'll try to relax and get my brain back to normal
Whoever made this is living the life, imagine you don't have to do anything ever again because weirdos will always simp for her and tou get all the money from donations and ad revenue from YouTube
grr why is everyone so annoying
just let me live my life and rot in bed all day
Good, I'm glad to hear that :)
See most people going through their first puberty for details, I guess?
Although. You're lurking around here being county, so I assume you already look at a lot of adolescents for your own sick purposes?
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the channel is successful exactly because the creator isn't lazy. he's been on an insane grind solo developing nuero's capabilities for years
ty naz :)
barista. you wouldn't think that'd cause injuries but connective tissue disorders are like being made of glass lol
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>qott uhhh what's your comfort vidya to play
I really like death stranding and metal gear solid V. Death Stranding in particular might be my favorite game of all time. It literally saved my life by distracting me for a month straight when I first played.

I wish I could play the games as a girl. MGSV lets you pick a girl mercenary for side ops but their stats never match up to Big Boss.
idk it seems like neuro's creator does a lot to keep the audience interested in neuro
I doubt she organizes the collabs and streams herself being an unthinking non sentient stream of electrons
>insane grind solo developing this program for years, THEN kick back to watch the money roll in and plan the next project
nah that is 100% the life
would be for me anywho
You guys are right, I take it back, I thought he just puts an ai on stream and then leaves it on forever to get donations and stuff
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Anyone from Chicago? I'm going to a convention and concert.
>qott uhhh what's your comfort vidya to play
probably slay the spire but recently i started playing balatro instead.
Dynasty Warriors
this picture actually makes me like the bean. i like how the mirror finish warps the reflection in a cool way
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sorry i didn't mean it like that more meant it like humans only appreciate the stuff once they lose it not the stuff they currently have. we long for better times but we're not wired for complacency to stop and rly appreciate what we have. yearning for better doesn't mean things can't or won't improve.
ig i've been more or less depressed for like 20 years i find it easier to just let it happen than to actively struggle.
>connective tissue disorders
Oh geez, now I feel bad about the stuff I said earlier about fucking your ass and stuff, sorry, what's wrong with your tummy btw? Don't worry tho if it's painful to talk about
>sorry i didn't mean it like that more meant it like humans only appreciate the stuff once they lose it not the stuff they currently have
why do you say this? most parents appreciate their kids, even though they never have to lose their children.
let's build her a body so she can get dream
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she has a body now vedal's working on it
I hope she gets a human form and a penis as well to make her complete
extremely worried
Just do yoga until you can suck your own dick, unless it's really small then you can just deepthroat the bedposts while you rub your tiny limp benis like it's a pussy
What are you worried about?
i don't have kids so idk how that is exactly. i mean like basic things like food, shelter, health n stuff.
if you have a steady 9-5 life you don't spend a lot of time thinking oh i'm so glad to have all my limbs and senses intact you spend time focusing on the ups and downs of whatever mundane stuff like work and pleasure.
if someone lobbed off your leg tho then i'm pretty sure you'd miss having that leg quite actively.
jessie please stfu
jade has not contacted me in over 35 hours
i meant leisure. close enough.
honestly, it sounds like a psychosomatic thing more than a hormone thing. Especially with the last sentence.
>morning wood is gone
God, I wish. I'm 10 years HRT and it has clearly worked. I haven't masculinized in a decade, but I still get half-erections. If I was a man, I'd be freaked about my ED, but I hate that it even does that. Anybody know a way to stop them permanently that doesn't involve the surgery I can't afford at the moment? Does orchi make them stop?
i feel sick
Just message her over and over and when she doesn't reply for 10 minutes say "you hate me now I'm going to die :,(" that's what my ex did
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Men are great, what's the problem?
My lawyer just told me I'm not going to jail for my drug related arrest last year so I guess I have that going for me now. At least I'm sober now.
samee T_T
anything zelda
esp mm/alttp/albw/tp
Can you still cum out of your benis? If you still do can you tell me what comes out and what it feels like, I'm curious
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I don't agree that you can equate missing something you don't have anymore with retroactively appreciating something you have.
For example, if I'm deeply in debt am I appreciating money? If I'm severely ill am I appreciating health? I would argue that they're two sides of the same issue of need, but they are different experiences. I feel like appreciation needs to be an active gratitude for something you do currently have.
>you don't spend a lot of time thinking oh i'm so glad to have all my limbs and senses intact you spend time focusing on the ups and downs of whatever mundane stuff like work and pleasure.
i do. some days ill pick a sense or limb or something and decide to not use it. it makes me appreciate my body more even though i feel pretty rotten about it mostly cauyse of dysphoria. it's pretty fun.
stfu maiq
I'm sure that she's fine.. I hope so at least
>cis les gf got me into anime and yuri shipping
i was almost normal
we need to cook
i dont want her to think im insane but i have no idea if shes just really busy (i doubt it because who gets so busy they cant text for 36 straight hours and she was texting in the server yesterday) or if shes upset with me or if something happened i have no idea and i just feel sick
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you're on 4chan
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guess who did worse on their exam than they thought they would ^^
jack off to someone else. i'm not telling you anything if you're going to act like that
I mean it is a sex hormone
typically to chemically castrate they make sure the person has very little of those
worried... :(
Just wait till she locks you in a chastity cage and pegs you while you're forced to read her fanfics
go back to /a/ lil bozo
this is the tranny faggot forum, not the pedoweeb forum
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yeah, and I have been for almost 15 years. What's your point? normal is relative and i was normal by 4chan tranny standards
should i kms if she doesnt text me back in the next hour
Shes fine, she probably just fell asleep or something
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you're autistic
just found it funny, was all
4chan has like 30 million unique users per month
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Yo can someone help me out. I’m curious if this is male pattern baldness and whether I should add finastride to my hrt regimen? I’m worried about dick getting broke but if it will do some additional help with hair I’m kinda down as well
Dylan, Stop The, Bullshit Man, Thanks
>jack off to someone else
No I quit porn 3 days ago, I remember someone on here said clear stuff comes out but they didn't say anything about what it feels like
no like. the last time she contacted me was 36 hours ago, i was asleep, i woke up like 8 hours later and responded to her and texted her, no response. a few hours after that she was active in mtfg general chat in server yesterday that was about 23 hours ago, i send her more texts through out yesterday and last night and this morning and she has not replied to my dms at all despite being active in general chat i really dont think this can just be explained by her "falling asleep" or "being busy" the more i think about it the more i feel physically sick
that isnt my name
Did you directly mention this to her?
Dylan, Stop Abusing Me, Man, Thanks
how am i supposed to mention anything to her shes not fucking replying to anythng im trying my best to not go bpdemon in her dms right now
I just mean messaging her this calmly..
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you're a bad person. ive never deadnamed or misgendered anyone. i was very careful to never use that name publicly, and now you're harassing me off the coattails of somebody stalking me and treating me like garbage.
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>if I'm deeply in debt am I appreciating money?
if you got a sudden influx of money i think i would mean a lot more to someone who's struggling financially than to someone who has never had to worry about making ends meet.
>If I'm severely ill am I appreciating health
you miss the lost health and would appreciate being healthy more once you recovered but the intense emotion of a successful recovery would likely subside over time.
>i do.
guess we got a very different experience there. i do often appreciate stuff i have lost before but got back. like i'm still often glad my eye recovered and i got stereo vision again (phone screen glare is nuts with one eye) and that i can breathe normal unlike the last time i had a really bad cold.
i don't think i can appreciate stuff i've never had to do without the same way.

>Does orchi make them stop?
also curious about this. having 0T for close to a decade certainly didn't do shit and it's infuriating.
For your head you can use tretinoin and minoxidil, I'd use foam minoxidil, liquid is cheaper but has ethanol and will dry your skin and with tretinoin drying your skin as well it might get bad, finasteride makes your dick work even less as well but lets you keep the hair, minoxidil on the other hand will have to be applied forever, you can watch more plates more dates guy about hair loss stuff on YouTube, he has lots of videos and sounds way less retarded than I do
what am i supposed to do why the fuck would she ignore me for 36 hours i feel sick
Just calm down and wait, what matters most is that she is fine, you'll figure why she hasn't replied later
You're NPD so you deserve it
Thank u, thank u very much. U sure fin would fuck up the dick? Like I’m wondering if it’s a general effect anti androgens in which case I wonder why fin should do an additional harm. D u have any experiences or know anyone who did fin and it fucked up their dick more? Thx
its joever
you're wrong, and i dont deserve it. that's unfettered cruelty because you're a bad person. you are only justifying it in the first place because you did it out of sadism.
Maybe she just wanted to talk to someone else, you shouldn't message her so much it might have overstimulated her autism and given her anxiety, don't get mad at her or spam message her because she'll be more likely to not respond or she might even get mad at you about it no matter how much you care
ah ok see more what you meant now. i think i was reading it in that "learn to live with it" vibe because u have said similar to me before, but that is a good point ya. i am not really fair to rage at people who've never known what it's like to be as debilitated as me, for taking for granted that they have working or mostly working bodies to go lead lives with. i am just jealous really, dying slowly sucks ;_;
>ig i've been more or less depressed for like 20 years i find it easier to just let it happen than to actively struggle
v fair. well maybe i'll push back on it more then cause i don't like to see a frenposter consigned to sadness either. but understandable why that'd become the natural response, ig i have been getting that way even in just the last year of my disability getting more serious and feeling doomer from that :')
lmao dw no offense taken, i'm not opposed in theory it's just one of the many things in life my body denies me
>what's wrong with your tummy btw? don't worry tho if it's painful to talk about
not painful just a little embarassing, but i think that's mostly because my dad was embarassed about his poops and shamed everyone else in the house into bowel silence kek
i don't know exactly what's wrong but i know it's multiple things. hemmorhoids, plus ibs or chrons or something in that area, plus a bunch of foods that fuck everything up, plus some kind of mass or swelling pressing on my intestines from my upper abdomen that i've been waiting months to get looked at. last few months it's got to the point where i need to smoke weed to lay around the house and force maybe one meal down, if i don't intake thc the stomach stuff piles onto my normal pains and i am like, writhing, useless, literally can't watch youtube videos because i only see my nervous system screaming at me from all corners of my body
been considering asking for an opiate prescription quite honestly
why feed the trolls?
ignore him let the retard live a sad life and eventually rope.
please just shut the fuck up i didnt "overstimulate her autism" jade is not even autistic i didnt give her anxiet7y shut the fuck up and kill yourself you dont know whats happening

I want to defend you but you are handling yourself perfectly well.
Dylan, relax man. Thanks
So much this!
working working working
it is so hot outside today I am very grateful to have an office job
are summers fairly mild there ?

I a billion percent did that to paige. It's so hard not to respond to her. She's so interesting.
Did you ever cope with things using AGP bullshit like sissy captions or whatever? I've noticed some people who've done that maintain stupid thought patterns and swear that the pills are making them crave dick. I've also seen people who think they were never into men, but if you actually talk with them in depth it becomes clear that they had felt a repressed attraction to men for many years. People think the meds reroll your attractions, but I think it's more that making serious changes to your life to be more honest with yourself about your identity tends to bring out any latent sexual tendencies you pushed down along with your gender identity.

I honestly was the opposite. I was bi with a preference for men for years, but after transition lost attraction to men. In my case, it wasn't the meds. I just had some traumatic stuff happen and preferred the dynamics of lesbian relationships to the point that I stopped feeling anything for men anymore.
>girlfriend has not sent text message in a day and a half relationship crumbling
what ldr does to mfs
but hopefully it's just her being busy or distracted or smth, best thing you can do is to give her space, if it keeps going reach out once or twice a day, and try to give her the benefit of the doubt.
i don't really know jade but you two seem to care a lot for each other, it seems most likely that she's afk for a reason that's not some issue with you

Estrogen does actually make you thirst for dick though. I have good differential evidence for this, albeit it's personal observation.

I intentionally tried to become gay when i used to be straight just so that i could have greater dating flexibility and i used classical conditioning, making myself fap to gay porn, trying to teach myself the orientation, and basically i only succeeded half way. I became okay with it, but didn't thirst for it.

Unrelated, years later, i transitioned and after taking estrogen now occasionally i'm just like,

"Damn, i could really go for a dick."
how the fuck am i supposed to take this its like where the fuck do i stand she has to know this would hurt me and i dont understand why its happening im afraid and i want it to stop i just want her to reply
I've only heard that finasteride gives you erectile dysfunction but some people say they don't have side effects, same with minoxidil, it's supposed to give you heart palpitations but I just get more sleepy since i started using it, you can also go with oral minoxidil which is way easier than applying it (especially on your hair) but I've never tried it, also I'm not trans so I'm not sure how it would react with any other medicine you're taking, but what helped with my dick was doing angion method, it was made by some guy on reddit, he has all these ways that you can increase blood flow to your dick and I got so fucking hard after like a week of doing them
hatecrime or cucked
please shut the fuck up
Gravity can bend heat.
you're single
the ability to allow moments of distance to happen, and to have the trust that there's a good reason you'll hear when they next talk to you, that's an important skill for healthy relationships.
if there's something you need to know about where you two stand, she'll tell you when she's ready. and if not, worrying about it will only sour your next interaction cause you'll come at her all upset and stressed and clingy.
i know it's hard, but unless you're worried she's not okay the best thing to do for your relationship, for showing her you respect and trust her, is to just be patient with her
not funny
It only took you one minute to see my post, read it and then type all this and post it lol, from the behaviour you've exhibited it's not hard to imagine she's just ignoring you because you're overbearing, you're having a panic attack over someone on the internet not wanting to talk to you, jesus fucking christ I'd do the same as her and not respond to your insanity
you'll have to deal with it very soon anyway

Or she could give them space and then they never talk again. She has no guarantee she thinks like that. If they don't explicitly tell them those are the conditions for forgiveness she has no reason to believe forgiveness is possible.

*shoves her lips between two lines as hard as she can*
>Or she could give them space and then they never talk again
yeah like i said
>if there's something you need to know about where you two stand, she'll tell you when she's ready
ghosting is a form of this. like, two week mark and you call it. and frankly, if jade has lost interest in anya and is too much of a coward to tell her, there was no reason for them to talk, neither anya nor anyone deserves that treatment
ok she was just busy with work and she texted me and everything is perfect and wonderful and i love the world and god is real
Oh man that sucks so bad you have to go through all that stuff, now I understand your first post :( also I'm glad to hear that it wasn't abuse that made you're tummy bad (when you said pedo I had really bad stuff in my mind), I wouldn't do opiates but honestly after reading that I wouldn't blame you at all for taking them, I really hope you can get better somehow
I don't mean to diminish your experience or tell you how you feel, but i'm honestly not really convinced that was the estrogen. you literally wrote that you masturbated semi-successfully to men and became okay with doing it. that doesn't sound like something someone exclusively attracted to women would do, in my experience. it just comes off like you got more comfortable doing that sort of thing after transitioning, which would make sense. most trans people are more comfortable with sexual stuff after they transition.
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happy for you (also called it kek)
but also you still need to internalize >>36307501 or you're going to destroy your relationship with this mentality
hope u know i say this because i wish the best for you two

It's possible i was always bi, but it wasn't until estrogen that i spontaneously thirsted for men. And it really was dick specifically. I wasn't like "i could go for some bussy", it's like "you want to suck dick", "seek dick, to suck". Like i got a fucking quest update.
you gotta ask yourself both why you’re being ignored and why it bothers you as much as it does
Being circumspect with autistic people will literally never work.
>AGP bullshit
You mean like using agp unironically?
people use agp unironically?
ty anon ur sympathy is appreciated :)
>glad to hear ut wasn't abuse that made your tummy bad
ahaha, well. i don't know what's caused by let's say nurture and what's caused by my actual disorder. but "pedo experience" was what it sounds like. so early i hardly remember it so at least there's that lol
>I wouldn't do opiates but honestly after reading that I wouldn't blame you at all for taking them
ya it's like, i really really don't wanna. especially because i've seen multiple members of family go through the addiction. plus my main irritation with weed as my pain and stomach med aside from it slowly working less is that i don't like having to get high to not hurt, and opiates don't exactly solve that issue lol. one day i'll get insurance maybe and then physical therapy and proper heart and tummy medicine and then i can go back to rawdogging life how i prefer to do
>I really hope you can get better somehow
ty, i will, i must, it is literally the only option i have ;_;
i'll probably doompost more as i continue to suffer but i am at least always trying to get better
okay, but you're a woman now. that just sounds like bi or straight woman stuff. women attracted to women like to eat pussy and sometimes peg each other, among other things. how often do you see a straight or bi woman that wants to penetrate their man's butt? they might like his butt, but they're not into "bussy" like a gay or bi man would be.
Their entire life is probably 4chan and discord, having no irl friends makes them direct all of the attention to the few online ones they have and when their internet friends aren't as lonely with as much time it seems like they're ghosting for no reason
I'm not talking about the blanchardism. I'm talking about sissy/transformation fetishism and people who cope using that bullshit
why wouldnt i be upset if someone im romantically interested in and presumably is also interested in me, someone i have plans to visit for 2 weeks next month, why wouldnt i be upset if she just stops messaging me for over a day without any warning
jesus fucking christ kat you're about to actually get thrown in a spanish prison get your shit together
and i know you don't care but laguna (whatever she has done and yes ik she has) does not deserve this nightmare you're imposing on her it's fucking subhuman behavior
Oh for sure
Get it in comment sections and in here from some of our most useless posters
Pretty common amongst our nazis and our brainwormed members
breaking news: kat is crazy
if she actually flies to fucking spain and shows up to lagunas house it will be such a shit show but honestly i dont think she is mentally well enough to do anything of the sort rn

Yeah but the point is that estrogen itself really did cause cock thirst. Like, as a thing unto itself. I am still not all that interested in bussy. But it is really nice how happy and subby they get when you do. So cute and hot.
>we didn't break up

you lost mono
she's just larping lol. she ain't gonna do shit
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>dying slowly sucks ;_;
sorry to hear that fren. losing health is very distressing and difficult to cope with and i wish i could be of more support and help there. and hey it's 4chan it's perfectly ok to vent here. call us all sorts of nasty things if it helps lol.
>consigned to sadness
apathy strips some of the teeth off the hurt for me at least. maybe not a healthy way to deal with things but idk what else to do anymore.

don't have access to drugs anymore. or mental healthcare. or trans healthcare. or my loved ones. or my pet bird. or income.
it is what it is.
at least i got internet.

up here in europe yeah it's pretty mild, borderline cold at times.
>why wouldnt i be upset if she just stops messaging me for over a day
you know what you do? you wait a fucking day. then wait a few more. you have NO perspective girl. love can and does thrive over far greater distance than a day without a text, people used to fall in love waiting weeks for letters.
if your relationship cannot survive a few days of not talking to each other it's not built to last and if you love her you gotta address that
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dang, stay classy doctor's office.
i certainly hope so, still pretty unhinged post tho lmao
absolutely, but schizoids gonna schizo
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we're all a little agp :^)
maybe they went off your file with outdated info?
Ain't no way baten kaitos shadowdropped on steam like nun after 1 announcement sheesh that shits straight to the backlog 4 me
im sorry this is retarded like yeah im not rly upset at her because she was busy with work and didnt realize how long itd been but it still hurts and i dont want to just have to deal with that. my friends text me back every day they dont leave me on delivered for 36 hours
Maybe, just found it funny
"yeah, this dude is calling about his estrogen medicine, can we get this sorted for him?"
Talking about this there are WAY too many jrpgs coming up rn. October and the months around it r kinda stacked w big jrpgs.
I've decided
I'm gonna ask my mom if she's okay with me using her first name, which she doesn't use
So I'm thinking Audrey for my middle name
jrpgs are bad and you should feel bad for liking them

Most people use AGP ironically. They just use it to mean "pervert". And they even mean it that way when talking about themselves. They say "oh no, i accidentally bought AGP clothing". As a way of saying they bought something slutty they are slightly ashamed about but still did and are gonna enjoy the FUCK out of and they totally should.

There are a tiny handful of genuine perverts out there letting themselves get rock hard erections in public and transphobes have so successfully highlighted them that now we harangue each other over whether we're too sexual.
What's wrong with you.
not racist. just dont like em
I hope she finds that endearing
i should ask for a transfer, people are starting to be too nice to me here
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Just don't get involved w mono and kat, those two r a lost case, I might be a little mental but at least I realize internet drama is not all there is to life nor committing to people that prefer it over their partners

What's wrong? Don't enjoy spending 3 days, minimum, of your precious, fleeting life smacking random bugs in a jungle for the 34 thousandth time?
>"pedo experience" was what it sounds like
Aw no I'm sorry that happened, thankfully I didn't have to go through that kind of stuff so I don't even know what to say, there was a teacher at my school when I was little who was a pedo but he only touched the special kids so I was safe, at least you don't remember which is probably a better alternative than living with those memories. I can understand not wanting to get high to stop the pain, I got high all the time when I was younger and it sucks to be there constantly, I only realised that after I stopped, I didn't have any pain so needing to be there must suck so bad
>i am at least always trying to get better
Thanks, I hope she does too
Mom has always been supportive of my transition, and my nephew's before mine too
get gender marker changed before orchi and someones gonna have a double take at who's getting what done to them.
being a tranny is kinda comedy.
always with the 'are you absolutely certain that you're not pregnant' before ct scans or whatever. even by the same nurse that administered my hrt.

When i go shopping at this one supermarket, everyone there really hams up the trans supportiveness toward me and it's so sweet.

I mean, people here would be like "ugh, they're being nice because i'm trans, therefore i don't pass, god, all these people being nice to me is AWFUL", but i think it's nice seeing how much people care and support us.
>now we harangue each other over whether we're too sexual
it's a tale as old as time
I still see people slut shaming women and gossiping about how racial minorities have too many kids and stds
being sexual is a positive only if you are the top dog in society or are both lucky and attractive
your pain over this is valid. whether our emotional responses come from a place of reason or not we still feel them. my aim is to encourage you to process it more healthily for your and her sake, but just to have the emotion bubble up and feel it, that's not your fault and it's so okay yk. your reaction is what to worry about controlling, the feeling itself you don't have to feel shame about
>When i go shopping at this one supermarket, everyone there really hams up the trans supportiveness toward me and it's so sweet.
i would kill someone
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>Go for the person that's spent 2 years doing nothing but sitting on her pc all day posting drama on 4chan
>She spends all day posting drama on 4chan
What else did u expect

Doesn't it warm your heart that they are so full of love?
It's nice to feel this way about someone isn't it?
its nice to care about someone its not nice to feel paranoid and abandoned when they dont talk to u
yeah i think i controlled my reaction decently idk i didnt freak out at her i was just worried so i sent her a lot of dms
ill try talking to her about it later maybe
It's an unaddressed mental disorder
no im normal
nobody says anything trans related to me they just give me snacks and high fives and stuff and i hate them for it
ty fren. and ya it's 4chan but i dream of nice thread haha, i try not to let my constant abject misery become thread's problem too too much :')
>don't have access to drugs anymore. or mental healthcare. or trans healthcare. or my loved ones. or my pet bird. or income.
>it is what it is
oh gosh that is so much, the absence of all those things can itself be very disabling in life. sorry to hear you've lost so much as well on top of the depression, i can see how all that would make apathy mindset a necessary shield for sure. glad you have internet and presumably some kind of social payments to at least be at survival baseline, same hope you gave to me though i hope there comes a day when you find a path that takes you up and out towards whatever life you want and whatever tranny surgeries you need (or hrt access if it's that but hoping you have hrt at least gosh)
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Thats why im confused by the message.
I have markers changed, and i've been voice trained for years. Unless i'm just *that* clocky.
Maybe they think im FtM? but why would i be getting estradiol valerate?
So maybe you were right and they do see some sort of old he/him pronouns somehow idk
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>they're being nice because i'm trans, therefore i don't pass
you know us too well.
>all these people being nice to me is AWFUL
it's not the being nice part that's awful but drawing undue public attention to something private and embarrassing that's awful.
she's just a little too clingy and prob head over heels for her gf contributing to that. and being a phone zoomer who doesn't understand the concept of wait. we don't gotta pathologize everything lol
what happened that you lost all those things?
it's okay you're just ted bundy trapped in the body of a pretty passoid maybe that's someone's kink

When you don't pass yet there is no hope to not draw attention. Staying inside until you pass is a recipe for depression.

People aren't just nice, they're protective of you. It's the sweetest thing ever.
disturbing seeing nomi give good advice
I'm honestly never tired of this shit with mono and kat
>no im normal
Look at where you are and what you've been posting, normal people don't come to this website in general and you think it's normal to freak and vent to a bunch of wierdos here because you didn't get messaged back for a day and a half?
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She's just a bit obsessed, not that it isn't something that should be dealt with generally but she's not crazy for it
You've not seen crazy in this regard at all if you believe this, but you probably don't care and are just spreading this to make her feel bad
mtf feet in my face (gay)
>Look at where you are
Well now, every tier of life gathers here.
From low life losers
to some anon thats in their 2nd year old medschool
But i agree... them posting about their obsession with someone is weird.
Yea, wasn't very nice of nice jade to leave you hanging.
keeps the thread active i guess lol
>go to therapy
>feel worse
i dont think its too clingy to be upset at no text in 36 hours
encouraging codependent habits, cut that out
don't stoke her paranoia more
>t future single woman
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I agree with the independence-pusher anon
I don't mean she's crazy I'm just saying it isn't normal to vent to strangers on the internet about your relationship
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i want a boyfriend or father figure who loves meeee and thinks im cute

>single woman with a body hidden under the floorboards because one message went unanswered for 2 days
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>it isn't normal to vent to strangers on the internet about your relationship
Everyone does that. Literally everybody. I think the issue here lies in not doing it with anonymity, honestly I'd be bothered if I saw my partner talking about what I am doing and how she feels in public instead of first talking it out with me
>2 days
the horror
I think you're cute, I want to hold your hand and put estrogen patches onto your balls
meh fuck people
got sir'd by the mailman today
what do they know anyways
can people stop trying to make me feel crazy please i do not appreciate it
>got sir'd by the mailman today
are you even on hrt yet naz
people are trying to point out a giant mistake you're making in your approach to your relationship not to male you feel cray cray. you should really listen
nope :>
don't worry I know I haven't put in enough effort to deserve anything
but it still sucks
back when I just let myself shut in nobody misgenderd me for like over a year at least
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lord : )
thats really sweet
i love that
i wanted to use a name that was really close to my mom's for a while as my first, but ultimately went with something else because i felt that it didnt fit me
i think feeling worse after youre made aware of something or after being reflective is at least kind of good in a big picture sense, even if its unpleasant.
unless its still an 'extremely vague worse' and you don't feel worse because something that was present was clarified or brought to your attention.
or maybe thats just easy for me to say because i dont feel particularly awful right now
im sorry yeah let ur gf not text u for 36 hours without warning see how it feels
>Everyone does that. Literally everybody.
Maybe in highschool, but I don't use twitter or Facebook anymore so I don't know
It's only me who's doing that, and I'm not trying to make you feel crazy I'm saying that what you did here today is a pretty crazy thing to do
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Some are doing that some are trying to act as if she's insane.
You're not crazy, you're just feeling a little insecure.
hiyaa does anyone have suggestions on what i should do with my hair? i have like super straight blonde hair, currently in a classic bob but it looks soo bland and flat
thanks? that sounds dangerous

it's just bitter ppl itt, it's normal to feel put out by someone not responding to you

ig it is good but like im going to therapy to feel less suicidal, not more
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>try not to let my constant abject misery become thread's problem too too much
with how recent threads have been honestly that sounds like it would improve the discourse... not that u shud dwell on the sads more than u need to. hope your condition improves and the dooming is no longer required.
>hoping you have hrt at least
got a few months supply i could bring with then it's back to figuring out diy. social welfare would be nice but they are being rather adamant i don't qualify as i am unable to give them an address.

could be that whoever wrote that down doesn't even know what estradiol does. but yeah if your marker is changed idk. foreign person not sure what gender name is + phonecall tin can quality?

drawing attention is not the same as someone making a song and dance about it. like if i have a cracked phone screen i wouldn't appreciate someone pointing it out even if they went "aww someone is a clumsy wumsy" even if they had the best intentions.
>Staying inside until you pass is a recipe for depression.
so is going outside when you don't pass. almost like not passing is the issue here not whether you're in or outdoors. not for everyone ofc but for some of us.
It's pretty normal for that to happen, especially when someone has a job and their brains aren't rotten from tiktok and youtube shorts
lasagna, know haver of healthy relationships and emotionally stable font of wisdom
Your welcome ^-^
>that sounds dangerous
It might not be tho
>im sorry yeah let ur gf not text u for 36 hours without warning see how it feels
have done so plenty, feels great, it's nice to talk to someone you love with fresh eyes after not seeing them for a minute. and when you normalize that response you stop feeling paranoid all the time, feels p good
you're not getting bombarded with this advice from multiple ppl for no reason
alr yeah that's fair. do kinda think she's using that to avoid internalizing that she needs to change something, but those ppl should also stop and be nicer to anya
wait is homura anya? why did they say they've been here longer than me lol i've been here longer than they've been alive
Paige stfu and go drink piss off of someones asshole again
>my friends text me back every day they dont leave me on delivered for 36 hours
Never had this kind of friendship in my LIFE and I am completely fine get over yourself you tiny child
out of*
i think most people would be in my situation
thank u like idk it feels like im being gaslit into thinking my feelings arent valid
its notcrazy i genuinely have a hard time believing that youd be ok with someone ur intwrwsted in not texting u for 36 hours
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I am very tired
Do i play Kingdom Hearts 2 or do i lay in bed and read my romance novel?
Its only 11am
could probably have it on top of the hole too.
ive been here since 2017 iand i dont remember you posting when i first started
im sorry u have fake friends or something
it's impossible to think that you're female desu
I am surprised if my friends consistently reply that fast. And annoyed at certain points.
Both can be used
I am pondering if to keep going w octopath or go clean my house. I feel tired.
i wasn't tripping in early 2017, but i've been here since the board was founded sadly, posting as anon
When she dumps your codependent ass or falls apart over how this behavior of yours is going to wreck her social life to a point where you have to leave, I hope you remember this thread and know you did it to yourself.
bro chill wtf, you'll be dead in a few days
sorry that i reply fast its probably annoying i guess ill never freaking talk to u again,,,,
oh ok yeah u have me beat
lol shut up u know nothing abt me and jade
retarded bpdemon
it'll be so funny watching her cry like she didn't see it coming
yeah dw
I got ywnbaw'd irl by a fucking drunk manlet not long ago
while he railed on me for being utterly disgusting
why are you being so nasty to me
how do I tell if I'm really trans or not? because I don't want to be one
I don't mind you, moreso refering to the kind of people that send me 10 dms about their entire life every 1 uninterested message I reply to it with since there's literally nothing to be said
at least my brother is nice
at first i cared that you're making a very avoidable common relationship mistake but then you started being a petulant baby about it so i'm mocking you for the choice you're making so publicly to ignore your personal faults and lose jade forever one day
shouldn't be a cheater then
imagine dumping ur actual gf for some schizophrenic soon-to-be-corpse in Spain
>because I don't want to be one
well if that's true and you're still here chances are....
otherwise if it's intrusive thoughts like trans ocd
visit a psych I guess because we cant diagnose that
dysphoria is a good tell imo
how does it feel being placed in the role of male in society?
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I don't pass and i go everywhere in girl clothes and i'm not depressed.

I'm not depressed because i don't think the future is a death march.
you still have lacoomer :)))))
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meds now you drug addled brain damaged retard
or kill yourself either one is fine
see above
me and jade r literally fine we are dming rn
how come u dont dm me no more/
who is this? if we're on good terms ill gladly dm with u
if you dont know then nvm..
dm me rn anon
>me and jade r literally fine we are dming rn
oh my GOD you dense fucking bitch you don't get it. it's not about right now. it's about what happens after you've done this to her for years. have you thought about that?
the people telling you how normal and okay it is to have a panic attack from not hearing from gf for a day and a half have not thought of that, they're just other codependent people in this den of cluster b who are hugboxxing you
if you won't listen to good advice and you won't listen to troll posts designed to incite fear, whatever.
if you don't fix this you WILL lose jade, and everyone after her until you do. but i don't care past this point, i can't force you to see that.
enjoy your hugbox if you wish, reap the consequences when they come
I think it might in part be where you live
here I could walk around in a skirt and lipstick
introduce myself with a undeniably fem name
and they'd just look at me and go like
"that's your mom's name yeah? what's *you're* name"
I'm starting to think the midewest / eastern canada is more friendly to trans folk than over here further west and especially south when you hit the states
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im fucking with you, i dont associate on discord with anyone here.
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i transitioned with the goal of passing. if i didn't care about passing i woulda gone for boymode, wouldn't have voice trained and all that. i'm depressed because i have gender dysphoria and anxiety over masculine traits and dread being perceived as a male by others. on top of just regular old depression the same my mom has struggled with all her life.

if you don't struggle with this stuff that's great, genuinely. i'm sure not having these issues would make life a lot easier but alas.
being a normie trannie on this board i feel like odie here
i would kill nermal with hammers i can tell you that much
I'm not from /lgbt/ I'm straight.
>trans ocd
wasn't aware that was a thing, thanks
>role of a male
Men have it pretty good ngl, not as worried about being treated like shit. i wouldn't mind *being* a woman but dealing with periods sounds like hell. and being a tranny is still basically being a man
>dates lapuga
>also dates jade
>expects both to one okay with it
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Get a hobby
shut the fuck up dont you supposed have a flight to catch you annoying barking dog
ill be fine but thanks
>tranny is still basically being a man
Except in all the things that don't have to do with the reproductive system, like dealing with male subordinates at work thinking either you're a bitch if youre assertive or an idiot if you're nice.
I get to deal with all kinds of fun shit now
People getting real alarmed when they find out I'm trans
My male friends and coworkers bulldoze over me in conversations
And I get asked for shit like hair ties and to help other girls when their top gets stuck on their wet back after a shower
You're right, it's just like it was before
i cant wait to see pictures of kat being dragged away from lagunas front door in handcuffs by spanish police
>male subordinates at work thinking either you're a bitch if youre assertive or an idiot if you're nice.
isn't that the downside of being a woman though? doesn't seem like a big deal imo
>reproductive system
I've got no sex drive as it is the only reason I touch down there is to clean or piss.
I don't mean socially I mean physically. Like, if I was trans and if I changed my body, I'm still stuck as a dude. I've got no desire to be a tranny
>I get asked for shit like hair ties and to help other girls when their top gets stuck on their wet back after a shower
Now that's just cute
>Except in all the things that don't have to do with the reproductive system
so much this
maybe good
yeah yeah soon enough
You wanna see a magic trick
You can't convince me that's not worse for women dealing with periods and pregnancy. If it weren't for that then yeah everyone would want to be a woman, guys don't have it worse.
i literally can not wait for you to do this it will be so fucking funny i hope u enjoy getting arrested by spanish police
>everyone would want to be a woman
you'd be surprised. most moids actually like being moids.
as a moid let me tell you I simply do not care about being a man, why would anyone love it.
It's not like I hate it it's just sort of there.
I remember you hiya anon
disagree but I'll take your word that you can't be reasoned with
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anya rn
Except for I assume most of us, socially and some of the internal psychology/chemistry shit IS the point
I'm a trans woman because my brain and biological responses now line up much more closely with what cis women experience aside from the obvious reproductive organ shit
I physically look more like I am societal y expected to
And I'm welcomed into spaces with other women who have had similar experiences to my own
[spoiler]This is unironically my first time on this board[/spoiler]
the handful of guys ive talked to about it wouldn't wanna downgrade their innate str, being able to pee standing up and being low maintenance in general.
>won't know when
>what I look like
escalation is what you want
and so you shall get it, as I do
saved ily anon
i don't think anyone's arguing periods and pregnancy don't impose unique burdens on cis womens' lives, but it's not about which is harsher physiologically it's that trannies are innately less comfortable in their birth sex and would put up with pretty much whatever pain they'd have to if it meant fixing that. a lot of women because of periods and pregnancy think they'd be okay in a man's body, a lot of men think they'd be cool just being a hot lady. and probably a shocking amount wouldn't actually mind it after awhile, but the vast majority once the endocrinology kicked in on their brains would start freaking tf out and wanna transition back
man I wouldn't wanna b jade rn watching my gf give all her attention to some spic smurf with rotten teeth
sneed harder, have fun ruining your relationship with tess over stupid internet drama and getting arrested
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Green chaos emeral. I wonder if they'll show shadow this early.
Very much this
I'm still an awkward musclehon, but I feel so much more at peace with my shit
A bunch of things I thought were just anxiety or autism turned out to be linked with my gender expression. I look in the mirror and see me and that I am making progress, instead of saying they are like it wasn't me. I respond to things that make me have big feelings instead of freezing or anxiety spiraling. I dance. I get to commiserate with other women about the irritating men making noise in the gym for unimpressive workouts. I get butterflies and tingles when my wife touches me, and I can feel so much joy it makes me cry

But sure
Periods and shit, I guess?
Emeral are benzos apparently. I meant emerald.
i give jade plenty of attention, this may come as a shock but i am allowed to be friends with and flirt with other people.
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Also strangely enough Netflix has both first seasons but is missing the last one for no reason and has been missing it for 5 years.
At least the animation studio that made it posted the whole thing on yt
Do u need help.
wait FUCK it gave it reddit antlers kms
i appreciate the gesture anon,,,
dead cope thread
So true anya so true
oh great. my favorite turtleneck doesn't fit me anymore because I lost so much weight.

Blessing, disguised as a curse.
if only i could draw real art this would stop keep happening

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