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last >>36288511
qott: are you also a true real manly mango like myself or an imposter little one? i am the only real manly mango itt

i have brain damage idk
I am a pedophile
i am a durian
I am a ephebophile
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i am going to cry
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I am a chicken wing
Actually while I'm here, any other manmoders have partners that cheated on them? I'm like 3/3 lmao
never trying again over the trauma of the first one cheating on me MULTIPLE TIMES and being naive enough to go back and believe anything she said after the first time - and those are just the times I have proof of, because I always gave her the benefit of the doubt but had occasional suspicions over certain things a couple times years before

looking back now I'm pretty sure when we first met she was cheating on someone else with me
Damn buddy and you’re still not over her? She sounds like a real whore
that's apparently my type
so you are a cuck?
Ew bro she sounds gross
Did she ever fuck a black guy? How does it feel to be cucked?
You need to find a nice girl who doesn’t have sex too often..
stop talking about cuck shit please
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yeah I feel that, I'm highly suspect of my current partner but we own a house together so it'd be really messy plus they've been cheated on a lot too, I'm basically hoping that every other factor will tell them not to cheat...

anyways I guess I'm just a sucker for people who won't love me nearly as much as I love them

Picrel is the shiny Onix I caught in pokemon crystal, second pre-gen 6 full odds shiny I've caught...
lol ew, no, I'm intensely jealous and can't wrap my head around anything that isn't monogamy - I'm just insulting her for cheating on me and the next girl I fell for who basically a level 2 palette swap and also ended up hurting me in similar ways (not in a relationship or anything)

for a few years we were basically the only people in each other's lives other than family and work/school so it was kind of a mixed bag... and we did break up (one of many times) when I found out but I really thought she might have changed, like an idiot

don't project your racial hangups or gross fetishes onto the tragedy of my romantic failures
It is not a romantic failure that girl was cucking you for free rent..
well i get beeing naive but you probably ignored a lot of red flags for some reason
beeing attracted to whores might just be a cuck fetish in disguise
>refuse to put up with someone being unfaithful and break up
>naively forgive someone for cheating on you and get burned
>fall for another autistic nerdy girl with the same personality and literally run away
yep classic cuck behavior jesus what is wrong with you people
he was just an desperate ugly incel simp for any crumbs of pussy so he allowed to be stepped over, taken advantage of and cucked in order to have a gf at all, what is so hard to understand, there are literally so fucking many guys like this, i could walk outside and quickly find some, most ugly nerd programmers are like this probably.. he never had a gf, he had smth like a personal prostitute that wanted the rent and stuff while looking for someone that she actually wants.. women do this shit all the time..
>forgive someone for cheating on you
that here is the big problem
why would you do that i have abandonment issues and i wouldnt forgive that
can someone post tummy im bored
You are not over a girl who you haven’t seen for 15 years iirc who you said >>36306534 cheated on you MULTIPLE times
You might have a cuck fetish bro I think Loonix moder is correct
we met in high school you stupid fucks, I mean she literally broke up with me the first time because I got a part time job lmao, I'm not a cuck and I've frankly always found the concept baffling

how is oneitis a cuck fetish? why do you need this so badly?
it is just betabuxxing
a lot of married guys betabuxx and even raise the kids of others in order to just have a wife that probably is disgusted having sex with them so barely offers them any while using a shit ton of excuses..
also some women get off from having a cuck loser ugly needy bf that they keep cheating on and cucking with other guys, i literally talked to a troon that had this fetish, i would have kinda done the same maybe if i was cis and heartless..
you are a meanie:(
I regret everything about bringing this up lmao
He is right I do have a cuck fetish… but for being the bull xD I couldn’t cheat on my partner I don’t think but I’d love to ruin a relationship
this is basically how it went down like she literally dropped into my lap in high school and then kind of took over my life because I was so passive and repressed, ended up in a lot of needless drama in all our interactions and every event in her or my life because she was both borderline and autistic

she also said things like that I was "beautiful" when we first met so idfk what her deal was but I think she suspected or maybe knew something was up, I was repressing hard... I promise this has nothing to do with anyone's bizarre fetish (except some of the ones we shared like being into blood and knife stuff)
I despise you and anyone like you in this world
i dont like either side of the cuck dynamic wish monogamy would make a come back
Skill issue bro if you made a grindr you could probably be a bull too and fuck cisf pussy
My ex cheated on me and now I'm raising the child:) I'm basically a single mother now. I didn't find out till bout a year and a half into it.
it's literally the norm???
mmgs king of cucks
i kneel
it is probably basic biology and shit, like have sex with chad and kids with him so the kids have god tier genetics while having a beta ulgy loser at home take care of them, it makes perfect sense and is the best strategy, you get to have your cake and eat it too, there are so many desperate beta dudes willing to raise other man's kids for some pussy crumbs, it is unbelievable, i think society is slowly moving towards more cucking and this shit, that is why dating is a lot harder for dudes nowadays bc women can just do this and it is very smart actually, i am amazed how some women can have kids and get pregnant with literally losers and not just chads when getting their sperm is so easy, i would rather be a single mom with chad's kids than having kids and raising kids with a beta loser dude.. a lot of other animals do this shit too.. it makes perfect sense as a reproductive strategy for women, love is fake anyways niggas..
lmao literally what i said
>abandonment issues
that's exactly why, I mean we also ended up doing this mutual stalking thing back and forth which dragged things out... it wasn't healthy in either direction and the attachment ran too deep

man this is all so gay fuck you retards, people just fucking suck and relationships suck and emotions suck and sexual dimorphism sucks

ew, I'd only ever consider that in the context of like... something more inclusively participatory? my feelings would literally be too hurt to fuck a guy's girlfriend in front of him or with his knowledge but like as some kind of power dynamic or emotional or exclusionary thing, that's just too gross for me
>short philtrum
>long and wide chin
god gives and god takes
i was told i'm attractive (as a man) yet again
no sleeping around is the norm especially here
yea a lot of men are very desperate
its also why fat bitches have become a widespread fetish
if you tell yourself often enough that that landwhale is a 10/10 then you might eventually believe it
do you have good reason to suspect anything? I always tell myself I wish I had listened more to my intuition, even when it's pushing me in crazy directions at least just listening and understanding where and why those thoughts or feelings come from could have saved me a lot of heartache

also I never caught any shinies until gen 6

that's terrible
I'm not into cucking. I just love my son. I had already loved and imprinted with him when I found out. And even beyond that, he loves me, I'm very clearly his favorite person. And to leave at this point or even a few months in would absolutely destroy him. He's non verbal autistic, so even trying to explain what's happening would be next to impossible. I'm not gonna hold him to the actions of his mentally ill mother who was also a victim in a lot of ways from what happened(no I won't go into detail, but I don't hold anything against her too when it comes to our kid).
blackpill is real lmao
people shit on incels bc they don't want to accept the harsh truth that life it is all about luck and genetics, we as troons experience the unfairness of genetics or being born wrong daily, especially as manmoders, pretty luckshits get to have blessed carefree lives bc of good genetics, we don't
of course the literal blackpilled repper virgin incels and homewreckers are the ones who are obsessed with and pushing cuckshit and assume anyone who could possibly have empathy or try to forgive others is a literal cuckold
haha, i am a straight mtf only into men so theoretically i am mentally a woman, even some foids agree that blackpill is real..
well they're hanging out a lot with their coworker who's on medical leave, which isn't itself suspicious. she's like their only friend at work and they just get a long, I hang out with a coworker all the time. But over the last week or so, they'll be out way later than they told me to expect, cancelled plans with me to hang out with them, yesterday over reacted at something that happened with our dog and blamed me for no reason, and got unreasonably upset at themselves for blaming me (slept on the couch to "punish" themselves .....)
it's just that classic reaction I got from my last ex. Ignore me for a week, after I tell them I'm unhappy they'll love bomb me, go despondent for a day while at work (we're here) and when we talk it'll be something like "idk I just think I'm not all here in the present..." (further blame themselves for something that also sounds out of their control)
You can't really do anything to save it at this point so I'm just biding my time...
ok you may not be into it but you quite literally are a cuck tho
sadly it was over from birth
all i wanted was a soulmate for life now im a hikkitroon
For cheating? Lmao
for all my failings and anguish I literally cannot imagine being so brutish and one-dimensional as something like you
>cancelled plans with me to hang out with them
I mean at that point I'd at least be demanding a mature and direct conversation, but I know that can blow up in your face
Not being a cuck is one dimensional lmao ok bro whatever you say
Blackpill is only real in the minds of incels like you and loonix. I was friends with guys who looked significantly worse than both of you, and they all got pussy eventually, and then had no trouble from there out. Not once we're they ever women hating, black blaming incels. Its incels own fault firstly, and cuck, BBC obsessive porn and right wing propaganda secondly.
Ask the bio father how he feels about me raising and being in a healthy loving relationship with his "son":) he was seething years ago. But he knows what he did, and doesn't want to face the consequences. So he sits quietly, you know, kinda like a cuck;P
they’re gonna put us in camps
it didn't bother me too bad, I was being wishy washy with what we were gonna do anyway and we planned to just stay in and play games the next day anyway. It's just one of those little things that in a vacuum is like okay, whatever, we'll get together later, but with everything else with hindsight it's like okay yeah that's interesting
proving my point by missing it, sweatie :)
i am not arguing it anymore, keep being beta cucks lmao
and ioonix besides being short was a chad, he is pretty handsome and cute, he is just a troon sadly..
(You) first, retard, I'm not the one obsessing over his fetish and pushing it on others :^)
You were walked easily into a corner and have no rebuttal:) You're still a virgin I'm guessing?
what corner? I'm not into cuckolding and find it conceptually upsetting, and I also believe that it's one-dimensional to view life through the kind of lens that denotes everyone as "cucks" or "bulls" in exactly the same way as the blackpilled incel virgin (which I am, perhaps regrettably, not)

sorry for offending you by having more depth than andrew tate I guess?
>actually we are both cucks
alright i guess...
tfw no manmoder bf to e-date and watch anime over discord with
Was replying to >>36307114
lmao ya
he is literally raising other dude's kid while also being a manmoder, literally hell, at least if the kid would have been his and his blood so at least he had a legacy but nope, imagine having the cruel unfair life of being a manmoder and also suffering even more and wasting even more resources on someone's else kid instead of having more money for surgeries or a better living for yourself.. and now somehow the dude that does nothing while having a kid taken care of by someone else is a cuck loser also, i call that dude a winner desu, most men dream about being able to do that..
I see, misfire from me
>most men dream about being able to have someone else raise their kids and live with the mother
I'm confused as to which lari this is
i cant have kids and i gave up on that because raising someone elses is not something im gonna do
that kids also gonna do whatever starting from adulthood
" 'dad' i wanna meet my dad:)" i mean...
this is literally biology, men are biologically inclined to fuck as many women as possible and get them pregnant and move on, doing this is literally the smartest way for them to pass down their genetics as fast and much as possible while not having to put a lot of effort in since just impregnating someone is easy, almost all male animals do this..
you can be glad to be a fag desu
if you werent tho im loyal:)
>appeal to nature
strike one
>" 'dad' i wanna meet my dad:)"
ya and then consider the beta cuck dad that raised them a complete loser, i have seen this shit irl, is not even that uncommon
why do you deny basic biology? i hate that society can't be honest about this shit and has to lie to make people feel comfortable, we are literally fucking animals
being only into women as an AMAB is so hard, if you are into men is so much easier, i can suck a dick in less than 30mins for free but pussy no, unless i pay i fucking can't or even if i can it might take even years..
>argumentum ad populum
strike two
>almost all male animals do this
I don't disagree that it's an advantageous reproductive strategy, but it's completely asinine to suggest literally all men share that drive and desire

I'm sure if I weren't such a heartbroken neurotic mess and put in even a little effort I could "get pussy" from someone different every day but I care too much about the human and emotional interactions and consequences that come with it
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>I could "get pussy" from someone different every day
do it faggot, post nudes here too
>game of thrones
technical foul
yeah nah, and it's not about confidence or looks (I have neither) just my point is people are thirsty out there and I'm a novelty but I'm not driven purely by a need to reproduce and move on
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tell us our secrets mister
everyone in thread, i need you to post hole NOW
you will never convince me that courney didn't kill kurt
courtney* FUCK
Really dumb question but did any of you ever try to take pin-up style nudes of yourself? Just remembered I did that in my very early teens and that feels like a key agp moment, just curious if that is a special kind of retarded or just normal tranny kind of retarded
i actually do, its so nice to see my beautiful body on display
you god damn right bro
some of mine i shared on /b/ around 2010 get re-posted to this day
but when did you do that for the first time
12 for me
based loving parent <3 <3

it's fine if i'll find someone to love there
here where did you find my photo
with or without something inserted?
normalize men with feminized skin
thick asses
narrow waists
and breasts
jehova's witnesses and falungong are calling me and sending me letters help
giwtwm instead of a brick with tits
i think it's very cool how the us state department funds right wing cults like falun gong
it's just to reduce the manmoder threat
jammer deployed
our military is (still, possibly? like they never stopped?) actively spreading anti-vax disinfo because muh china, and the harshest anti-gay laws in the world right now exist thanks to christian nationalist extremists in our government using our taxes and inducting foreigners into their cult

I am not a commie, I am not a nazi, I am not a liberal, I am not a conservative
inb4 lolbert
i'm a socialist, humanistic, liberal fascist
I am anti-humanist as I view humans as having a bad human nature
i'm mostly apolitical (more so out of realism/pessimism than a lack of ideology) buuut idk how anyone can look at america's overseas actions following ww2 and not see it as the fourth reich that it truly is
anywho im a gay fag and iwnbaw
its not
germany and japan are based and russia and usa are gay
these comparisons are an insult neither of these are germany and never will be
it doesn't matter
I look way extra like a man right now since I just got laser and my facial hair is extra dark from it, my moustache shadow is insane between the redness and the black hairs, it's so gross. I really need to finish getting rid of my facial hair because it makes me feel insanely disgusting, I'm functionally asexual because when I get horny I'll remember that I still have some facial hair and I'll feel gross and instantly lose any arousal and just feel sad
I tried taking some photos of myself when I was a teen after like shaving my body hair and stuff but I got told that I looked like a man in a dress or whatever and that's part of what made me rep. I haven't really taken or shared any photos of my body since.
give it a couple years and it will be even more blatantly advertised as such, like "saying the quiet part out loud" doesn't even come into it anymore when influential party members openly identify with and support people using the literal Nazi and White Nationalist or Christian Nationalist labels (never mind that the word for word same language you see bubbling out of /pol/ and the like make it into actual real-world law against trannies and gays or in favor of their cult)

where I live you can legally both have your guns and you can take your HRT without religion or politics intervening arbitrarily in medicine so I'm holding out hope that things will be ok here and other sanctuary states, and I figure for myself I can always DIY, but I'm getting very riled up by all of this on my own behalf and more importantly behalf of others who are less empowered and safe in their circumstance
I live in eastern Europe, they literally talk about fighting against 'gender ideology' and 'gay propaganda', but same-sex unions don't even exist. Trans people can only transition from 18 and it's been this way for a long time
Almost nothing has improved for LGBT people in the last 15 years in this shit country but they have created an imaginary problem
imagine having a manmoder mom
biden capitulating to the right on immigration, israel, and trans rights should be a wake-up call for troons imo
dems _will_ drop us after the election even if sleepy joe wins somehow
let me guess, you also actively vote against your own rights
Money is not an issue. My family is extremely privileged.
Projection, transphobia, misogyny.
i vote blue down-ballot as a socialist so technically yes i do vote against my own rights
called it, but I get it I'm pretty politically checked out and disenfranchised these days other than the increasingly personal awareness of my own rights being at risk and how that intersects with those of others and conflicts with various political/cultural agendas
still, retards like you and the rock/hard place dilemma are why we desperately need some form of ranked choice vote at all levels of government
like this is real
this is some SHIT, dude
daily reminder that manmoding is dumb and retarded if you can't pass eventually, you are all a bunch of fukin idiots, stop taking your pills, amen
why aren't you in /repgen/?
ok so that was other (other) lari? maybe I wasn't confused

saved btw
i want to fuck your pink hole
(don't worry, i actually don't)
your assessment isn't necessarily incorrect but ranked choice voting isn't going to stop our degeneration into fascism
>but they have created an imaginary problem
it's the same old playbook, I'm not sure about the specifics in your case but I would imagine that this is being used (successfully) as a power grab by the more conservative leaning parties at local and state levels

it's basically the same exact pattern we saw with the lavender scare or the pre-nazi days, but in a world with completely unprecedented sociocultural interconnectivity and cheap bulk interactive influence that can't even compare to the old days of propaganda, and I don't think anyone is quite prepared for or knows how to handle it (even the most egregious offenders) in any part of the world
>ranked choice voting isn't going to stop our degeneration into fascism
no of course not, but it will alleviate one of the bigger throttles on putting weight against it through basic political choice that currently exists for a conflicted voting population
daily reminder that you don't masculinize further much after puberty and hrt can only prevent masculinizing, not revert it thus hrt is worthless

i am in repgen also
it was me all this thread besides two replies
I'm 99% sure my gf is HSTS (she started transitioning in high school but desisted after getting hate crimed, only to retroon in her 20s). She sees me as a straight man who's just a bit softer and safer.
>you don't masculinize further much after puberty
are you completely fucking insane?
this is terribly cringe
n-word i masculinized a lot after puberty
fair. i hope have a good day btw! :)
your gf is just like me fr
what vidja do manmoders like I'm trying to see smn
post yourself already you old fart, no one cares anyway
very sad, kill her
Video games are for children.
p romised someone i 3would post ass after losing weight

might post face after ffs lol
i'm an old children ;_;
i don't fuck with no old niggas
dusty ahh coot
come on old dusty mf, idc about no bogged ffs uncanny manmoder pics, i want the real natural ones
I like games that let you move cool, or grind a lot to get a lot stronger, or go all in on things like completion autism, or exploration of an interesting world, or combinatorial magic/skill systems, or...
I feel stuck in a relationship with a woman but I keep fantasizing about having a boyfriend all the time now. I feel like she just treats me like a man and I have to fill the male role and just do everything all of the time and deal with getting yelled at and I don't even want to have sex because I'm like only attracted to guys. I don't know why I memed myself into this. She's like my best friend despite the issues, I just don't think it works as a relationship, it's just hard to end because we're so close
i have a massive backlog of games. just started smt5-v, and elden ring dlc, and dave the diver, i just beat celeste after holding out because it's a tranny game. it was fun
are you buckteethed lari or june lari?
asking for a bunch or friends (all imaginary)
woa i spent a good 2 mins just staring at op pic witbout even realizing this was mmg and then i was scrolling like where's mmg
what old computers do you have?
character action
tactical jrpgs
visual novels
walking sims
2d fighting games
umm i have an apple iie (and a junk apple iie for parts) and am osborne 1a
the Osborne is from 1983 and the apple ii is from um the 90s i think
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dragon's dogma 2 fucking sucks please don't even buy it 50% off

My hairline didn't start receding until I was in my mid-20s, HRT would have saved me from that. Also what about le heckin soft skin and slightly more feminine fat distribution, hm?
fallout 4
new vegas
7 dayz to die
deuse ex
yup, the right wing is making big gains here, while the parties in the middle are shrinking, leaving a small left to deal with a large right wing to far-right coalition

always wanted to have an osborne but is like impossible to get here :(
aw where u at?
ugh everything used to be so cheap like not even 10 years ago until the cringe plebbitors started buying up every old computer out there for their dumb art projects
my Osborne used to be my dad's, was just sitting in the garage for years and then when i was a teen i dug it out and got it working by messing around with random shit
well, it was working
the floppy drives have been having trouble reading lately
>buckteethed lari
this one, the real and only one
you can take balding stuff, and if you bals it doesn't matter if you fully look like a man anyway, is not like the hair cures dysphoria, the soft skin is nice but eh too little and slighly more fem fat is not enough and look off on a man..
if you go bald*
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I had fun with it, despite the performance issues and it feeling watered down
>9k hrs
sweden :(
just got a commodore 128 (keyboard version :( ) and an acorn a3010 right now sadly, want to expand my collection again though

old floppy drives can be a pain in the ass ngl

oh i got a wang 2200 too but that's kinda obscure and really, really old
Bloodborne uwu
it's an overinflated number since I kind of live in my games with the client open all day, but that's also going back like 11 years

I mean the only effective anti balding medications (DHT blockers) are basically a mild form of HRT anyway, they're literally anti androgens. My dysphoria got crazy bad when my hairline started creeping up, and I wasn't even really going bald just getting a "mature" hairline.
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i really try to keep my expectations at ground level but it just fell so flat for something that was meant to be the director's TRVE VISION REALIZED, maybe the dlc will redeem it somewhat since the first only really hit its stride with bbi, maybe i just hate video games too much now, maybe i just really miss my $70 plus tip
it doesn't matter, if you can't pass and live as a woman, dysphoria is the same..
>is not like the hair cures dysphoria
hair loss drives a lot of lateshits over the edge, such a major step into ogredom is often intolerable
I think I just sunk a lot of time into it because the moment-to-moment gameplay felt so good and I had the motivation to keep grinding and maxing stuff out, but yeah I do agree it felt an awful lot like a downgrade in a lot of ways for all that it jerked itself off with that title drop (and the 2 later on when the game is basically fucking over and it basically rubs the emptiness of the world in your face)

fingers crossed for DD2DA2 and maybe the vocations structure getting fleshed out instead of being an asymmetric frustrating mess that basically only got alleviated by the endgame choice with penalties
i have good hair and i am an ogre, i used to have a shaved head before and liked that the same if not more, my skull is what is the most dysphoria inducing and again if you can't pass and look like a girl, it is the same shit regardless
this was the catalyst for me, I had already been pushed strongly to pro-trans and LGBT stuff just because /pol/tards were getting more literally fucking insane with their claims and I'd learned more about the actual science/medicine but I still thought like
>oh yeah good for them, too bad I'm not like that and can't do that
and then after looking up the potential "bad" side effects of hair loss meds because going seriously bald at 30 was fucking with me, it all kind of clicked...
are there any other 'actual' long term manmoders here? do you really feel better off than when you were repressing?
>four years hrt
>started at thirty
>stopped rare malefailing after first year
>completely 100% manly man to everyone irl
I feel way better physically and internally, like I'm more myself and my body is my own, but I'm also way more anxious and emotional than I used to be and I've made that anxiety worse by becoming visibly trans

only regret is not starting sooner, and maybe not keeping a better handle on myself and my emotions when I did

Eh. Even though I will never pass, every incremental bit of feminization makes me feel better. Yeah dysphoria kicks my ass daily but I'm mentally stable enough to be a functional, productive human being at least.
the outcome is the same as repping, you are miserable depressed daily and coping, reppers can also be functional but that doesn't mean that they are happy
was it a struggle to see this outcome as a positive thing?
no, but I could not allow myself to begin until I had taken a long time to very thoroughly consider the facts and the possible range of outcomes then decide whether I would be able to accept or be more satisfied with the lowest and highest range of effects and positives/negatives within that possibility space - I went in with very grounded and realistic expectations rooted in real-world evidence and no plans to ever leave manmode, because my dysphoria was (is) predominantly if not exclusively physical
>wang 2200
holy crap that's cool cc:
i know a little bit abt wang
i read this book semi recently abt the development of the pc industry called the innovators, was by walter isaacson the dude who wrote the Steve Jobs bio it was p cool, gave quite a comprehensive account of the development of computing machinery basically going back to babbage's differential engine or whatever that thing was called
was p cool u should check it out if u haven't
also commodore 128 that's cool lol those r the beefy 8 bit computers right
my holy grail would be an amiga 500
ugh i wish computers stopped advancing there
interesting, i started after being honpilled and told that living as a hon would be a good life. that is prob part of why i struggle so much
that kind of narrative and my intense skepticism of the mainstream approach to transition, and its cringe-association levels with things like boomerhons and RLE and susansplace and kind of ignorantly virtue-signaling sjw cishet women, it all just scared me away from the idea of transition for a long time because I thought I had to be "like them" or born a certain obvious way to truly have dysphoria or benefit from or even be able to transition in any way (once I even learned about those things and that it wasn't literally just being born intersex or a ton of makeup and plastic surgery in literally every trans person's case)

personally I wish there had been a lot less culturally and politically-charged stuff on either side of "The Trans Question" and more basic anatomy and medicine in the public sphere or like in sex ed, because I really had no idea and was almost incentivized to not know better, but eventually it became really clear that even the most damagingly naive and ignorant people supporting trannies and their rights are at least in favor of human rights and acceptance while the other side is just not (and that is not limited to my particularly demographic)
my god she's so adorable
i have no idea if I will ever pass, but i want to go hardcore manmode to hide everything for a few years then try and go stealth
i want to cry whenever i think about coming out, i almost did that like a retard once, good thing i didn't dare doing it back then
the other problem is that i am a homosexual and it shows through my fashion choices and in general the lack of interest in looking for a girlfriend
i also have a masculine face and i'm tall, i shaved my head to manmode better but i'm not really sure it has made me look more normal
This is ugly, you know that?
she mogs me, she mogs me
you’re clogging, my x feed
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ya look like shit fr this is maybe the worst ive ever seen you
its 100 outside i didn't shower today.
life is ugly, bend over
>hmm, i think that i don't look annoying and attention seeking enough already
>what can i even do?
>ahh, let's buy these weird big ass cringe shiny golden earrings so i can look like a bleached retarded old sissy gypsy linebacker
>now everyone will have to look at moi, i might even get a few straight masc guys to spit me out of disgust, ahh, that is so hawt
>i am so brilliant
based, keep slaying queeen
nobody commented on my shiny pokemon

is there a late shit mid 20s discord I can fuck around in anyway
i will!
was a total computer nerd before getting seriously depressed :)
oh i got a pristine like never used amiga 500 i'm afraid to use ngl
oh... also same, computers were so cool back then
thinking of detrooning
fuck you I commented on it, or at least related my own experience
so good. thank you lari.
why don't you guys reply to the numbers

and that's fine I was hoping someone else had a cool shiny they were proud of
lmfaoooooo this nigga gets it
had a shiny watapon actually
wasnt proud
tfw not worthy of the sweet sweet dakotas ;__;
maybe because you literally fucking lied while ignoring my comment and making it clear you're not actually a manmoder in the same breath
mariemoder is so based
anyone with an apple iie is based and sweet in my book!
not even kidding
i think you're nice.
I manmode 40 hours a week Jesus chill, I don't have to prove shit to you... You're conflating manmode with repressor???
I know what you are, b*ymoder
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i know it's over and all but sometimes i just want a small shot of hopium to keep me going and i peek at r*ddit because i sure as fuck will not find it here and literally everyone that says it's not over is a complete walking boomerhon caricature and i should really probably pick up a drug addiction
at the age of 25 even if you're the twinkiest twink hon of all time you cannot say you're a boymoder, and thus, I'm in my rightful place in mmg
>amiga 500
grew up with this one at my grand parents
was alright
you are the prototypical fake manmoder, and a self-admitted part-timer too
there has to be some middle ground, but I wouldn't know how to find it
okay, okay let's kill him, let's kill this guy, let's kill this manmoder for honmoding while it's in its bedroom and at target
i think you're a nigger.
i wanna cuddle the twinkiest hon and tell her it's gonna be fine
fuck should i go asexual mommymoder healing poor kids? (age >20)?
omg suddenly you're fine with me?!?

i don't think i posted this but again i'm a boomer, probably with alzehimers
right whatever okay, I just have to remind myself every day that I'm literally not like any of you and that people like you (not manmoders) are actually the majority here
I think the middle ground is try, try again, my social anxiety waxes and wanes but sometimes you get to go out and feel nice at least for a little while... I do get really self conscious thought since I'm pre laser or any hair removal, the stubble/shadow is real
does the abuse stimulate you sexually?
dude I go out maybe once a week and wear a tank top that shows my tits, my face is unmistakably male, I'm not expecting anyone to ma'am me it's just fucking hot, at work and anything to do with family I'm full on man, just because you're too pussy to get on hormones to ease the pain a little bit doesn't mean I can't be a manmoder, maybe you should be more willing to be friendly with people, shit
this made me laugh really hard
oh good, the boymoder is here to tell me I'm not even on HRT while complaining about not getting enough attention and literally ignoring my response to it
>maybe you should be more willing to be friendly with people
maybe you should fuck off and die
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fuck you retard
I was trying to be nice, I didn't realize you'd take it as ignoring you to not mention the fact you've *never caught* a shiny pokemon pre gen6... I don't play gen6+, it's irrelevant to me, it didn't seem like you wanted to talk about it more, I responded to the rest of your reply, I don't even know where the hostility came from
>do you guys do this?
>I don't do this
>fucking boymoders ignoring me
you fucking idiot you don't even understand what I'm saying do you
probably not considering half your responses aren't fucking connected to any other posts dumbass, what did I fucking miss pray tell
>nobody commented on my shiny pokemon
i am jerking off my gock through my sissy panties so hard rn while sucking on my nipples
i kinda look like a cute anime girl uwu but i am drunk af though
when i am sober i only look like a senile old geezer, nothing anime about that, that's for sure
can anyone post hole though <3
only if you abuse me daddy xD
so do you like me now? :3
lmao I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge you in that one post when you hardly acknowledged my awesome Onix, my bad
at the same time that you're insulting me by rubbing it in my face that you're younger and honmode while telling me I should start hormones as if I haven't been on them for years and insisting you're the same thing as me
slit your wrists
im very indifferent
what abouse you sick freak?

june go back to bed
or at least fuck me hard with your twink dicklet?
I met your hostility with hostility, I can't prophesize the age of the person I'm interacting with over the internet, I'm not rubbing shit in dude I have nothing going for me other than my fucking Onix (it's a Steelix now) I hope you find peace
genuine sick boomer freak here?
wanna kiss? lmao
I hope you become immune to estrogen and your cart battery dies so you lose your shiny
anyone want to see ugly stinking boomer blood?
That's mean
I modded it with a battery retainer and make regular backups with my GBxCart so that'll never happen
shut up bald chicken head
let me suck on your boobs?? lol
i wanna just fondle them (nothing sexual) :3
bitch g0o back to bed
i will when i fall off chair fromalcohol poisoniung

ps mariemoder is only based sweetie here ;__;
want to lick junes shit stained asshole lol
i actually do ngl
i know my old body is disgustying tyo her tho
no that's june actually ur so wrong for that
ily forever june <3
I will not forget this
fuu how can i be so stupid
in thinking mariemoder with her hot body and based interests are better than emo boymoder with smol dick not able to penetrate based manmioder ;__;
omg is life chasnging experience here

also loving june is like loving booze... kinda bases ig...
kek it do be like that doe
how do I know if they know
post pic
they know
Ever been asked your pronouns?
nobody does that where I live
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this is the blurst timeline
got maamd at walmart of all places
This guy looks so fucking retarded lmao
You just know that he works a dead end job that requires no skill
juice everywhere. one mango after another. no mercy. no remorse.
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i haven'tt eaten anything today
and my hands smell like fish
my whole room smells like my fishy penis
conceptualize the aroma
i seriously odn't know what i've posted anymore
am i going schizo?
>dakota mogs me
>chudette mogs me
>everyone mogs me
i'm the only true manmoder itt
the rest of you are posers
i don't mog yopu
you into ugly freaks?
kill yourself you fucking ape

no thank you i'm doing fine as is
hi june.juni
why do /g/ and /clg/ pretend to hate trannies when, statistically speaking, they are 50% trannies
u have one???? omg that's so frickin coollllll
woa lucky
90s kids had all the fun :<
ugh ive played so much elden ring this week
one of my irls was teasing me and talking crap abt my elden ring skills so I've been fighting every boss and being like lol u thought this one was hard?? lol u missed this fight?? lol u don't have this armor??
my dicks small too and it's gonna be smaller when i chop it off
why does dakota jerks off to cam girls saying the n word i dont get it
does he? things are all kinds of fucked up in the south, I mean is that really surprising?
do you really wanna know
we shoulda buck broken those southern proud boys during reconstruction when we had the chance
burned all their rebel flags
put an end to that southern pride
its cute that you think my dick works.
why does dakota act black. is xe transracial?
sorry i mean Da'Keisha. i hope you feel safe, seen, and respected
the south(their butt) shall rise(my dick) again(seks)
this is a website populated entirely by self-hating autists with little self-awareness
lets finish the job
iirc during the finnish civil war they just put most of the reds in camps where they starved to death
that's how u clean up after a civil war
ever since i stopped taking estrogen my cock has gotteb so big and so hard now open your warm slimy mouth little girlie
daddy's gonna feed you
>changing the subject
infinite camps is the future of war
against my better judgement the wishy-washy bleeding heart "why can't we all get along" softie inside me says there has to be a better solution to The Fascist Question
indeed! we all need to have a totally normal day, and then discuss this.
let there be genocide
death to passoids
victory to real manmoders
a curse upon mmg
mommy told me to come get dinner but i can't stop touching my erotic tranny body because it's just like the femboy hentai im addicted to. should i just jerk off under the dinnertable by rubbing my legs together while thinking about how big my perky boy boobies are getting???
did you know that if you were positioned in a stable orbit or position around the right kind of black hole and peed down into its ergosphere at the correct angle the pee would whip around at near-relativistic speeds and come back to hit you in the face with far more energy than that with which it was excreted? the math is valid, go look up the halo drive
my hair keeps falling out
when i die you're all gonna be very aware
dab on a nigga who post he cringy ass webms in mmg
The Devil' is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes... This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade 'Know Thyself!' and taught Initiation. He is 'The Devil' of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection... He is therefore Life, and Love.
>Book of Thoth
attention seeking faggot
real suiGODS don't want to he remembered. they delete all accounts, dispose of all belongings, and leave without saying goodbye
do manmoders go to heaven
fascism never dies
Hitler is alive
prepare to die
trannies like you get arrested and raped
before i take an AR-15 and blow up your face
please try it chud
I am horny for the crunch of fascist skull beneath my boot
you will beg me for mercy. you will beg me for death. i piss on you
when they come to put us in camps its gonna be funny :)
my hair is so fucked
same but at least it seems like mine's stopped falling out...
chop chop
i have a headache from hell
don't know what i did to deserve this
make me whole again
please love me the way i love you because i’ll never get another chance to. there might be someone worse than you or better than you but they’ll never be you
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i should wash my hair tonight but I'm tiredddddd :///
hello bizarro durian, wise words or something

if it was me i'd wash it in the morning
tired + wet hair isn't a good combination imo
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mm not a bad point
i shud maybe get back into the habit of showering in the morning
would be a good way to energize myself for the day
is that from the dlc
i haven't started it yet cuz i made a new character for it but didn't get leveled up before it came out :<
just got to the lord of blood on my new char, story wise I'm past the sir gideon fight
fuck that guy omg so many times i had him on a sliver of health and then he casts some stupid golden order shit that insta kills at close range
it can always wait another day
>is that from the dlc
yeah, there are lots of crosses that kinda detail miquella's progression
gideon actually fucking cheats so if i can i will always inescapable frenzy cheese him
I feel like I'm stuck waiting for something to happen before I can live my life, and all I can do is look back with nostalgia at the ways I wasted my time with people who ultimately didn't want me around and all the things I never did
lol i was soooooo close to killing him the first time cuz i started attacking during his stupid monologue, i think homie literally needed like 1 more hit but he did the light rings thing and insta killed me and was all like "yOu foUgHt WeLl unTiL nOw" mfing yapper
when i killed him i spat the word BITCH

Can't relate my life has been pretty sick, lots of travel and casual sex. Things have slowed down a bit now that I'm almost 30 but stability is exciting in its own way.
lol cute vid
relied a bit too much on suggestive notation imo
i think a concept like an imaginary order derivative is difficult to grasp because it's hard to even give an unambiguous definition of what that should mean, and they seem to kind of skirt around that ambiguity with suggestive notation
well having sex as a sex tourist in thailand is not an accomplishment
old men have done it since forever

sex tourism is gross and harms trans women most of all. I was a regular tranny tourist who happened to be cute enough for Grindr/tinder
that is still sex tourism
idk if i was in thailand I'd be tempted to go on grindr and see if i could attract a man despite being in the vicinity of all those high tier thai tgirls
lol itd prob end with me getting drunk by myself tho
does that make me a sex tourist :<
no you actually have to have casual sex to be a sex tourist
and casual sex is pretty gross desu

Sex tourism = going to another country and buying sex
Medical tourism = going to a country with affordable medical care and paying for medical care
I did the second one, not the first one. I've gotten laid in plenty of countries because I have the charisma and adventurous spirit to make it happen, very very different from being a sex tourist.
in my eyes you are not different than buyers desu
i think most would agree
sex without commitment is not something to be ever proud of
ugh im thinking of just being celibate
i don't rly care for anal but it's the only kind of sex I'll try
maybe some day I'll have a pussy :/
being able to just have casual sex w someone i like and not worry about whether I'm clean or whatever, maybe even to enjoy it.. seems so nice ;~;
i wish i could make a man happy the way cis women can
i want to have a pussy but what's the use
would still just go fuck myself
rather a prude than a used diseased whore
having casual sex is too easy in those countries anyway its like beeing proud of beeing able to count to 3
i can feel every millimeter of bone and cartilage on my face and i want to stick a chisel under my skin and grind it to dust
autism!~ anime girls!~ cute little kitty catgirls having sex on drugs!~ operating systems!~ big explosions!~ im malebrained rainbows and sparkles and crystal meth and oral sex and violence and guns and setting things on fire <3<3<3
UNIX Touhou plan 9 vore Minecraft BSD weed
i am a transgender demon. i have schizophrenia. i have a cheap knockoff katana that was bought online. i use arch btw. i sleep in a pile of my own dirty clothes because im too lazy to make my bed. i have autogynephilia. i am a pervert. women fear me. i hate normal people. they always shame me. just for being different. just for sniffing their crotches and staring at their butts
i hate that liking computer stuff makes me a dirty agp faketrans :/
who wouldn't wanna learn about them, they make video games work and that's cool...
theyre the most complex machines any of us interact with, aren't u curious about how they work...
>agp faketrans
agp are the truest trans when you think about it
i mean kinda tru, ppl can call me fake trans all they want but if i ever get a nice cushy tech job I'm gonna get a sex change a ba clavicle reduction and vfs so frickin fast
and then ppl will look at me and assume I'm some hsts doll little do they realize I'm actually a dirty agp computer nerd
i used to get banned for spamming gore, porn, swastikas, racism, and transphobia. but not anymore. what change? did they just give up after the 101th attempt at banning me? the exception seems to be posting in /lesgen/ so 1000% janny is an AGP troonbian rapehon (just like me uwu)
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10000 Blanch Points to you
oh fuck... this image is singlehandedly curing my transbianism. thank god
computer nerds are the best
except me ofc ;_;
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use this for the next OP
I am a danger to trannies everywhere my mere existence kills trannies in a 10000k radius
my ugliness is unbounded and my crime is being complacent and boring and lazy
And there will be no salvation, I will always be flesh and bones.
you are welcome buddies

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new: >>36316097

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