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Pagayliacci edition

Previous thread

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates
If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!
If you see something wrong in the lists, please follow the following instructions to edit them: https://github.com/webcomics-general/pastebin
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Remember the rec dump recanon did? Did any of you read those comics? Would you recommend them?
did clown hinata actually fall for a straight guy or are we memeing?
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Is this what it's like to live in Canada?

He thinks he's straight
>Is this what it's like to live in Canada?
It is also always raining there.
who is the court and what are they trying to do?
Maine too.
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won't all post the pages off the patreon, but the Crushed! author is back at it after a hiatus that has gone on since October, so we can expect that to update again. when she's going, she's really going.
Not sure "O Human Star" belongs under gay. (Some spoilers ahoy)
I read Al as a repper before the end of chapter 1 and obviously chapter 7 confirms it. Sure there's a lot of really gay things in between, but cast in the light of Al's identity it's still strangely straight - as much as the art of a bear and a twink passionately making out can be oddly straight.
Might be worth keeping in the gay category for the sake of not spoiling the big drop (the story has an entirely different flavor once you know for sure), but I'm not sure. Will probably re-tackle tomorrow with a fresh mind.

>haven't read Green & Gold in forever because I got sick of the gaybaiting
>decide to skip to the last update to see if anything finally happened
>it ended in gaybaiting and then went on hiatus
? no it didn't
the mc's brother shoved him out of the way to go make out with the ml
Fucking finally. I still like Java Bonds better though.
I like the reboot, but she entered the hiatus when Reuben had a gf, wtf.
>spurs and stripes
loved this. loved the characters, didn't feel forced, very sweet. I re-read this one every so often.
liked the character development, watching their relationship grow was very cute. love the artwork too.

had some other good ones from the GitHub list but don't remember off the top of my head
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A second sniff
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>imagine not saying yes
he let the gratest opportunity of his life slip through his fingers, what a fag lmao
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sorce of the clown comic?
Kaito Shuno
>when your ethical rapist gets tired of hollowing you out in your tub so he decides to bust your bussy in the dog's bath
the dog is kind of cute
I never stops being funny
i dont know, I cant get over the fact that the black part isnt its nose but its mouth
i'm assuming it's still the nose despite being kind of mouth-shaped. it's too weird otherwise.
>at the national clownery tournament
>just defeated one of the top seeded teams
>suddenly the scary boss clown from the losing team honks your nose
>'one day i'm gonna throw pies at you'
I prefer palmistry.
I've been reading osora. I don't this this general is gonna like it very much, and it's still too early in the story to add it to any chart but I'm enjoying it. thanks for the rec!
Honk 2
sorry anon but... >>36261590
it doesnt have one :( If it is a nose it only exists for that one lone panel.
Alt text:
>It was crazy, there was blood everywhere. Took a week to clean up. Are you feeling better yet?
Shit, fucked up the name field.
This comic is not Living in the Future Tense it is, of course, Kaito Shuno
Insane how little effort they put into there job, just reuse the same face over and over again, and write the most boring drawn out story ever put to paper. All in all terrible
Yep. Five years ago we had barely any cars on Ottawa roads, and now with the mass influx of retarded immigrants who don’t know how to drive… pure chaos.

Seriously, they just give immigrants their driving licences here, because to screen them first is le racist, or something. The school my nephew goes to also had a kid get thrown into juvy because he tried to make a goddamned bomb.

Multiculturalism has gotten out of control.

so in 2019 there were very few cars on the roads of canada's capital city and now because of immigrants who can buy lots of cars but cant drive you are mad gotcha
Yeah, isn't Zimmy some sort of a cunt?
I know she's the one who deprived us of two Annies.
Cum and bodyhair ain't a good mix
This is an impressively detailed hairy asshole, respect to the artist
i just dont know who to listen to
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It's personal preference.
You'll just have to try it and see what you like.

Some people swallow, some spit, and other won't suck a dick to save their life.
>ywn have a bf who drops everything and runs to you when he thinks you might be hurt
I literally only want one thing, and it's disgusting
why is that car named like a cow

okay im done :>
this may be furry-coded of me, but am i the only one who finds sparks hot as fk?? like the recent scene... cmon
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What's the over-under on shuno pretending to be a girl again?
At this point, I'm expecting Kaito to start crossdressing.
the dog looks like an old man in the first pic
No, I love when a twink and burly man switch.
It's the reincarnation of Shuno's beloved father figure, Old Man.
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It's up.
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I read Nine Stones today...
Depressing as shit.
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You are not alone, frens
Philo could save me
oh i dont actually care i just like laughing at the loser who writes it
I thought it was genuinely cool.
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Imagine the smell. A guy’s chest and armpits always smell different during and after sex.
we got an expert in hairy old man sex over here
in each generation there are born those with wisdom

youd do well to listen
It was cool, but the story itself was depressing
W-what are they gonna do with the pumpkins?
real. i want to be both of them in that last scene, im sad the author decided to cockblock it
hey, i know a few NYC-and-surrounding-area anons went to NYCC last year, anyone going to this https://www.flamecon.org/ in august?
Ari sniff
Need it
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I'm in this OP and I don't like it

I'm not a furry and I found the last Sparks update extremely hot
I would very much this to happen to me
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Who would have thought that Paranatural would finally provide a good OP pic? No one in this thread, I'm sure

I mean yes, it's not a light story that ends well. But both for the art and for the story, it's one of the best comics we've read here. I just wish there was more (angry, painful) sex

Speaking of comics written by a trans guy, check out what I found at my local comic book store
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We used to read it while it was going on

Not as heavy a comic as Nine Stones, that's for sure! And the art is certainly several tiers below
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There is also a lot of wish-fulfillment on the part of the author, what with this story of a trans teenager fighting as a magical boy thanks to the power of the girl goddess against the forces of evil, or something like that

But it was still a pleasant read
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The author also writes an amusing SoL webtoon called Mondo Mango about his life with his boyfriend (who appears to also be trans)
no you're right, it's hot and I want them to fuck
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Previously: It's taken them months of beating around the bush, but here they are, naked and in each other's arms: Felix and Tobias have had sex for the first time, on the night of Tobias' moving into Hamburg. It was cute and hot and awkward at the same time, and the author did not disappoint

You may want to read the uncensored episode. Have a look here: https://pool385.seedbox.fr/files/index.php/s/JXygHc5swxLJimj

This shared folder contains all the smut from our previous Cryptdrive. You can add to it. It is hosted on a server I'm renting, so I can't share the credentials. I would rather we have something we can own and maintain collectively, like Cryptpad or GitHub, but I haven't found a suitable solution for this large an amount of data. Let me know if you can suggest something
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As a bottom, I can guarantee there's nothing hotter than the feeling that you belong to someone - and hickeys are here to show it

Or maybe it's just me, idk
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Urgh, straights and their girlfriends
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"Later" for us will be in a few weeks, probably around the end of July. You must have noticed that I struggled to post. I have loads to do irl at the moment: work, traveling for holidays, training for a number of sports events over summer, and looking for a new job

Zocker WILL come back, but let's have a good old fashioned hiatus! At least it's not a reboot

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We have two more chapters to catch up on. See you later!
I can't believe zocker anon was an olympic cyclist all along.
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somebody else could probably just do it while you are away it's not that hard
The smile you give to a boy you’ve just done incredible things to
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Shameless, but if anyone's interested in reading a comic by a /tttt/fag i just updated mine, a slice of life/drama about a lesbian couple in the early 2000s
aw man only two. thanks again Zocker anon, Ive really been enjoying it.
I'll give it a go anon :)
>t. anon who spammed L tier suggestions a while ago
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xD I play a number of sports but cycling isn't one!

I basically have a number of trail races, swim meets, and lacrosse tournaments over summer to prepare for - nothing olympics level though, I'm very much an amateur

Speaking of sports, I've been enjoying this Webtoon recently:
>Chain-smoking grad student TA falls for dyslexic gay runner undergrad with anger management issues
>SFW and will remain so
>Updates Tuesday
Nothing extraordinary though
CW: three-year age gap!! The horror
I can cover down until you're back. I'm just sitting around for school to start in August anyways. Do you have a link for the nsfw chapters or did you subscribe to the patreon?
It's not straightforward because the source files are not in a form that's ready to post, but it's not hard either, just a bit time-consuming. If anyone wants to give it a try, please do. Here's how I do it:

1. Get the PDF files from Patreon. The Webtoon version has no NSFW episodes and has modesty shirts to hide the boys' male-presenting nipples.

2. Each page of each PDF file is a (tall) PNG or JPEG2000 image, extract them out of the PDF file (I use poppler-utils' pdfimages for that task). Convert the JPEG2000 images to PNG (I use libopenjp2-tools's opj_decompress for that task).

3. Split the tall images into smaller chunks for posting. I wrote a Python program to split automatically in the whitespace after N pixels (some trial and error is necessary to find an appropriate N, but for most episodes, I used N = 1600 to 1800). The program disappeared with Cryptpad but I've just posted it on GitHub: https://github.com/webcomics-general/webtoon-processing

4. That program does not always split at the most desirable place, as it is not aware of the panels' meaning. The author also often uses a very large amount of whitespace between panels, which results in large margins in the split images. Some manual re-crop is therefore often necessary. I use Gimp to make any necessary adjustments.

5. Profit!
Then there's the German version too, but the files for this one are ready to post. I download them manually from https://www.animexx.de/doujinshi/zeichner/107634 and just rename them

I can do it for the next couple weeks, but I'm definitely AFK 16th-22nd and 26th-29th and probably in between as well, so would be great if someone could cover that time period, thanks!
Just read through the entire comic and it's the perfect mix of cute, horny and grotesque
>I would rather we have something we can own and maintain collectively, like Cryptpad or GitHub, but I haven't found a suitable solution for this large an amount of data. Let me know if you can suggest something
I'd recommend open source software so you can use one of their SAAS setups to start with but migrate to self-hosted if needed. Fair warning, popular solutions like dropbox will straight up delete your files, even the locally synced copies if they don't like what they see.

I've used OwnCloud (https://owncloud.com) professionally and personally, and it was okay, if a bit clunky when it came to files over 1gb and unstable Internet connections. Linshare (https://www.linshare.org) also looks good, has a 20gb free tier, and a 4€ tier that has 200Gb and 100 users. OwnCloud ends up way more expensive if you don't self-host.

If you end up self-hosting, you can run pretty much anything you like, including a wiki or booru to store things.
Never heard of linshare, thanks, I'll have a look!

Yeah I'd rather not have to pay to host this general's smut, but I'd rather also not bother with maintaining a self-hosted solution xD
I hate this bathroom's layout so much.
The flags are gone :*(
For webtoons, I use gallery-dl to download them, then imagemagick to paste them into larger chunks for manual splitting. I've not found any way to split them up automatically that didn't need me to fix something
I'm so glad this one's back, they're MCs are so beautifully drawn
No worries! Yeah, I can relate. I ended up hosting my general's archives, and it's not so much the cost, but the time required that been a hassle for me. Still, I learned a lot from it and the anons enjoy using it
I miss them already ;_;
but the fags are still here :*)
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Coming soon
I'd ask who the hell are these people, but I realised I don't care.
Personally, I'm ok with waiting, all those hiatuses made me build tolerance.
>I'd ask who the hell are these people
Milo and Liam's new neighbors.
seriously fuck this artist and anyone who uses korean style whitespace
Still enjoying this cute story
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Been away a couple of months, can someone please tell me where to find the Obnoxious hero kun complete download, did the young predators not get fucked by the laughing dinosaurs yet, and do we still fuck fish?
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Monday Mampf
Haven't been here in ages and kaito shuno is STILL going. Unfortunately most webcomics don't seem to match its length.
Has the hotbuthoofless folder been updated recently?
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Pride month is a fucking nuisance. It is a part of why I refuse to come out.

Thanks. I refuse to associate myself with a bunch of pedophiles and groomers.

It also ruined rainbows. It also ruined the ability to think critically.

“Queers for Palestine” is just about the all time dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
>do we still fuck fish

>Has the hotbuthoofless folder been updated recently?
>Thanks. I refuse to associate myself with a bunch of pedophiles and groomers.
Yet you post on 4chan?
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Pedos here are unironically higher iq than the ones you see on the street lmao and would call you retarded for supporting a bunch of anti-civilization sand apes.
muslims and jews both suck. go spam the other containment board about it.
Are there really that many Muslims in the world? Holy shit. More than a billion sand people, poo people AND bug people, wtf.

White people are outnumbered. I bet you twenty bucks that in a hundred years the invention of the internet will be attributed to some Pajeet, and not the White Man.
What is this, /pol/?

Stop trolling, post cute boys
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why are you posting this to the webcomic general...
Someone was “sad” that the flags are gone and this triggered me

The lgbt flag shouldn’t make you feel good or proud lmao

It’s been hijacked
I should draw a /pol/fag x /lgbt/fag comic, where they both ditch the faults of their own respective sides/factions, and fuck off together to do their own thing
I mean you could just... not use the flags?

Anyway this is weird I think the most important thing to remember is that drawn pornography is Great, Actually
/wcg/ what do you think was the greatest moment in lgbt webcomic hitstory?

For me it was probably in check please when bitty fucked the guy up on the ice and lost his tooth, just a great moment to wrap up one of the great lgbt webcomics.
>drawn pornography is Great, Actually
>It also ruined rainbows.
Nah. They're still pretty.
yeah that was great

other contenders:
- ARH treehouse
- Starfighter's lip bite scene
- the part of Worlds Apart where someone just fucking dies by magic out of nowhere
- hour of the blimp, the young protectors
- alice oseman cashing a seven million dollar check from netflix
- They tied up Finn and fucked his chest hole
Thanks for letting me know about this, it looks great. I have been using webtoon-downloader https://github.com/Zehina/Webtoon-Downloader, which I can recommend too, but it only works with Webtoons

I'm afraid webtoon splitting will always require some manual labour. The program I wrote helps speed things up, but it's not a magical AI that can read the comic and understand where best to split

>Has the hotbuthoofless folder been updated recently?
No, and in case you wonder, the comic with the werewolf twink has not been updated either
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>I should draw a /pol/fag x /lgbt/fag comic
Please do, they're terribly racist and misogynist but I actually really like them, I think they're hilarious memes

>greatest moment in lgbt webcomic hitstory?
I wouldn't be able to make an objective choice. A number of cute and/or epic moments in the comics we read helped me accept I was gay, so I'm biased towards thinking back to them
>The murder house

Is that what they're calling what happened to Archie?
It's a fantastic piece of software, and works on hundreds of different sites. It's my go to tool for archiving comics, and art accounts in general. I also use yt-dlp to archive animations since it handles pretty much any video site. I'll have to check out that webtoon downloader

>I'm afraid webtoon splitting will always require some manual labour.
Yeah, I have to agree. It can be hard slicing things into pages since you have to look for a break in the images and story, so things don't end up disjointed. Trying to balance that with keeping the pages to a similar height (and under 4chan's 10k pixel limit) is just too difficult to automate

I choose to ignore the last panel. That ship's too cute to sink!
>A number of cute and/or epic moments in the comics we read helped me accept I was gay, so I'm biased towards thinking back to them
All art's subjective, but good art should challenge our preconceptions and help us relate to the world. I'd say that's a great reason
This sort of posting should be accepted. The average gay anon on this board is a mouth drooling retard. Especially if they want to suck Ackmed’s dick.
this is cute, though i note it's from the creator of that comic with random white people in modern hong kong and now i'm stuck wondering if this is meant to be some kind of weird australian enclave and i should be doing accents. no one's called him Davo though...
>SFW and will remain so
Fucking DROPPED before it even started
Isn't that comic set in Singapore?
i believe she specified hong kong. not that it particularly changes the situation. it's stil 'look at these white guys in asia; what are they up to? kissing!' singapore would just be less weird because it still has a sizable foreign population, but like, why are you going to uni in either place?
>why are you going to uni in either place?
Some sort of Asian/Area Studies program? Idk
they seem to be doing business degrees. but you'd go to australia for that.
i don't know, it's just funny. doesn't really detract from the story since the setting is incidental.
What kind of weirdo gave hours of their life to make this. I love it.
I can't believe there's a storytime inside the story about stories inside stories.
where is the picture from, it is not in the new chapter?
in the comments on that update she says to click on her name, and it's in there
>Starfighter's lip bite scene
fuck, yeah, that one left its mark on me. and on Abel, I suppose.
when i was a young boy, my father...
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I am holding out hope for a frotting
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They will skip the frotting and head straight into J.G. Ballards Crash novel
A second sniff
>they try out a mildly edgy modernized fairy tale book
>chase, you have to sleep with your evil stepmother (buddy) or else your mom will die of mom cancer!
>and i, as your cousin, have to take pictures or else your mom will, again, die of mom cancer

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