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First time on this board. I'm thinking of transitioning. I'm a 5'3 guy, 20 years old and a kissless virgin. I've basically accepted my undesirability as a male, so maybe I'll have more luck as a woman. For the trans women on here, what advice do you have?
my advice is do it because you wanna be a woman, you have serious potential in the height category and 20yo isnt bad to start hormones. the thing about transmaxxing is you have no idea of you'll give yourself dysphoria if you didn't have it to begin with. It works out for some but ig my point is tread lightly. the only permanent things from hormones will be breast tissue and the chance of infertility if you ever wanna go back
first time I had sex was after I cut my penis off would that be okay with you?
Honestly it's less about wanting to be a woman, and more about wanting to experience affection/love. I've been rejected so much for my height, at lwast it would work ib my favor if I switched teams.

Sounds intimidating . I'd kinda like to keep my dick desu.
it's probably not a good idea to transition into a woman (dickless person) then
idk I guess you could find some easy transbian love... If you're just in it for experiencing affection, that would probably work out...
youre 5'3 so if you dont care and have accepted you werent gonna likely reproduce anyway
go for it
You can keep your dick it is just gonna be potentially non-functional
make sure you get all your beauty advice from koreans
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Did you know that's not the original piece of art? The original artwork looks like this. It's from the Omnipresence in Wired artbook for Serial Experiments Lain.
There is a trick where you can push your balls up under the skin above your penis. They wont stay up there dw, you will have to hold them in. Gently press one ball down and slowly lift if up towards your head, you should eventually find the little canal that the spermatic cord comes out of and you can push it up there. It should not hurt!-4

If you do this and youre not okay with it (psychologically, it’s fine if it hurts) then I would say do not transition. Your penis will atrophy and you will lose the ability to make semen very early into your transition.

Now I want you to think about having boobs. Very big honkers. No dick. Huge hips. I need you to think about everything and you need to know in advance you won’t panic when HRT does its magic!
you are only transitioning because you are a loser. how stupid is that?
I made this thread a year ago, same age as you and same height
Ended up trooning and realized afterwards I just wanted to troon for weird psychological reasons. The height thing was just an excuse. Go for it since you’re itching for a justification to do so. Best of luck.
>Very big honkers. No dick. Huge hips
this is tranny misinformation

Shalom groomers
"do you have advice?"
>gives advice
wow what groomers
Funnily enough, in this artwork Lain's hair is a maroon colour, which is characteristic of PSX Lain. However, from my knowledge it was solely created for anime Lain.
is PSX lain good, ive been interested in it
Please come tell your life experiences in /ftmg/
Mate you're 20. I didn't have sex til I was 22. Just admit you're a tranny if you're a tranny. The rest of this is cope or pure retardation.
that's not bad
>20 years old
average but could be worse
>kissless virgin
transmaxxing is a meme and you will not be happy if you transition just to get sex. being trans is super hard. assuming you're from an incel ideology background, try literally everything else. your dating prospects aren't amazing as a trans woman unless you're a chaser.
>basically accepted my undesirability as a male
oh god oh fuck
if it's being desired that you want there's better easier ways. try going out with a guy or dating people you'd shoot down normally. that's rather non commital compared to being a woman for the rest of your life.
>maybe I'll have more luck as a woman
chances are no unless you like men who will benweird about you being trans or transgender women. also funny how you say 'luck' but not if you're into men or women or anything else. you could probably get layed within 2 days if you got grindr and let a man do whatever to you.
>For the trans women on here, what advice do you have?
not worth it if your only cause is getting layed. you have to want to be a woman and you have to want it enough to resist societal pressure to get you not to be.
the way to know if you're trans is if you know that you'll stick with and your heart won't resist the change it will bring.
play PSX ghost in the shell its way better
>chopping dick off is """advice"""

Just be honest how much you get paid for this
What's wrong with being a virgin at 20? Most of my generation lost their V cards at 22-27, but we lied about sleeping around at 16 and even bought condoms to fake it.
wait, you're being such an annoying tourist sperg for free?
Just do it
I'm so fucking jealous
>UGH, I'm already TWENTY and I have NO BITCHES
>I guess this means I HAVE to transition, like I have NO CHOICE... I literally have NO OTHER OPTIONS...................
You groom kids for free? Not even Epstein did that.
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answering a question a 20 year old willingly asked is grooming kids? beyond parody
Don't keep fertility high goy troon out!
Homie is going to give himself gender dysphoria for a hug lmao.
Just think about it in terms of how you want your own body to look and how you want to age. Transition to get laid is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard in a while man. Surely if you really wanted that there are other options, why specifically this?
I think we told him he probably doesn't want to but only that's because he's male. I'm female and happily removed my penis.
If you genuinely decided that for youself, without getting (((advice))) from 4chan/discord/telegram users, lgbt relatives, quack doctors, or online "hrt guides," then I'm happy for you.

I just don't want to see another short male consider something drastic because women don't approach him. Especially advice from 4chan troons.
well the issue here is you won't transition to a woman you'll transition to a trans woman, which people here might claim is the same thing, but your dating pool sure won't
so if this is your strategy for raising your odds of finding love and affection, reconsider
your options will become much more limited than they were as a manlet
Nigga, don't be stupid. Transition only if you want to live your life as a woman. My brother is 5'2" and he it's still with his high school sweetheart at nearly 27 years old. He has a son too. You can have a good life as you are. You likely won't get a bombshell of a girl, but you know you're short. Make compromises, but don't sell yourself short, you have something to offer.
just do it, i'm that height and accepted that i will never be a real man. already was a cispoon tho so results may vary

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