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i think it's time for another comfy cipg
always give good feedback to all other posters first
no posting if more than 18months hrt
don't hugboxx pls
tool to easily view all unsees:
It’s been a while, I think I made the last one.
someone be brave enough to start
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hopefully this thread won't die instantely
6'1 9months hrt
unsee cc/album#PzgIqRTLZ3hF
what ffs do i need?
sorry for the picspam but i feel like i look like different people depending on the lighting
Avoid your hair like in the 3rd pic at all costs.
Looks like your average teenage boy
nvm, its the same as your others, it's just like that from the wind.
Gonna need a lot more volume there...
u mean just with hair products and growing out? or hairline advancement
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i'm about to pass 18mo i hope im still valid here
yea you'll make it ur body is scrawny enough to eventually become a woman
Probably both, although a different cut can do wonders once it's grown out a lot more
No passerino yet, especially the mustache...
camo you belong in passgen
but also yeah get more laser >>36321960
I think you look really nice! You kind of have that slavic tall girl look to you, I think you dont really need ffs desu, maybe hairline advancement
Your hair needs a LOT of work though. In all your pics your hair looks unkempt, un-cared for, unstyled, etc.
From some of your pics it looks like you have a bit of natural wave—this will become more obvious as your hair grows out if so. Naturally wavy hair is amazing to style so I would read up on that and try it out—If your hair is wavy then I think caring for it to amplify the wave will bump you up a notch :)
Regardless as the other anon said find some products that give it volume! Volumizing your hair makes it look so much better trust me

Without that 5'oclock shadow you look really nice! your hair looks really rough and unhealthy though
come on post yourselves. i want to rate people
unsee cc/album#NtIBxjeD58Tl
unsee cc/album#qRbayM1AvaQD
6 months how over is it
looks pretty good. how do you get gendered irl?
mostly male. unless i girlmode but i'm in a lib city so its pitypassing
Not seeing it
Hair needs work, adams apple..
hairs pulled back there, added a pic of how it usually looks. hair transplant/hairline lowering is first on my list rn though
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im abt 18 months i think rn . im growing my hair out.

you have a lot of potential. spend more time on hrt . idk abt ffs so i cant speak on that
u pass camo ily but yeah laser will help!
link doesnt work
Warms my heart these threads still get made once in a while
Pretty good for 9 months. Might want ffs but wait a while before considering. Cute!
Yeah, you should be in passgen. I think you'll make it
idk how long hrt but you'll be a giga passoid/pretty much pass already
can't see/single view probs
out of this thread passgenner! reeeeeeee!
emo girl, kinda tall but after ffs/hairline advancement probably pass. style ur hair too and make sure u don't lose more
potential after jaw work/tracheal shave/hairline work. p girly already
really nigga
https://unsee cc/album#pkbEzGorWAbx

8months hrt
impossible to pass for me personally, because you're basically a doppelganger of a cis male friend of mine. Only he has some beard
you set it to one view
i like your eyes, hair, lips, nose, and personality
def needs ffs
you cut off your dick?
about to hit 18 months in a week
unsee cc/album#ZgvSTYlyqusj
How about now? Detrans?
keep doing laser and you are golden
100% ffs
yeah that works. you look a little shocked in the pic but ur not masculine at all. I feel like bangs would suit u b ut idk. u pass i think
crazy improvement and nice body, but might still need ffs
i’m on the waiting list inshallah
Imo you pass very well!! I am a cis girl and if I were to see you in public I think I'd assume you were too
i don't think this is gonna work for you sorry
I will hit my 18 months in September and that suck, forever twink.
https://unsee cc/album#nlnP31jxdK17
w ffs you will probably pass, crazy progress
cis woman
best passable of the thread so far
hair needs some love
This can't be real, you're frauding, please post a 360 video, oh my god this can't be real, don't give me hope.
i'm thinking about killing myself

some of my friends tell me i'm cute or that i'm passing and i look in the mirror and i see this and it just looks like a monster. i hate how i look so much. i tried to take an honest picture, please be honest with me too.
7 months hrt
https://unsee cc/album#60rwDFEVmQtB
you're really pretty. it's hard to tell with just one still photo from one angle, but in this photo at least i think you pass pretty well, if you don't pass from other angles you're probably very close to.
You are cute as fuck and as someone attracted to women, I would destroy your bussy, but I can tell that you are trans, but you are not in any way in a boomerhon category. You're basically an ideal tranny(small twink nigga), just need to go through the rest of the process. Trust.
5 foot 8.5, <1m hrt, 28 bmi going to 20.
just how over is it?
https://unsee cc/album#Vdx2FkonRbwv

Honestly a lot of it comes down to forehead and hairline. You'd pass a lot better and do pass better with hairstyles that cover up the forehead more. In terms of ffs im no expert but hairline transplants seem like a must.

honestly I think ffs would do great for you, you're basically already a twinkhon.
mtf, 18, 3 months hrt
will I be pretty and passing eventually? Don't hugbox, please.
https://unsee cc/album#ZmSOsZBCG8uy
you are gonna make it
you set it to one view
You just look like a normal dorky girl. grow up and stop being hard on yourself. Lot of lgbt people internalize the bullying from recently been through public schooling but you can't live like that in the real world anymore.
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4 months 40mg T (meme time i know), i just feel like i’m stuck being a girl forever.

https://unsee cc/album#RXhUE10TIZ0I

you look like a cute tired slavic mom but never do the 3rd pic hair again .
*borat voice* my wife
cute desu, androgynymoder leaning girl
no pass, sorry. need ffs.
very gorgeous
you have a really good base, don’t do anything reckless. you look cute and shy.
amazing change, keep it up!
This can't be real, you were like a literal gorilla ogre class berzerker male. My god You somehow mog my post-twink death ass in the 2nd pic how how???
thankyou, i'm sorry. that's what my friends say too. is there something wrong with my brain? i promise i'm not deliberately trying to be attention seeking by being so self deprecating, i look in the mirror and i genuinely think i look like Frankenstein. sometimes if i look in the mirror too long i literally start gagging. i feel so ugly, it feels so wrong. how do i let that feeling go?
i lost 150 lbs
yeah probably it's like when fat people lose weight and they still feel fat. Maybe some counselling would help if you aren't getting it. Hope you get the help I feel vain for liking you just because you're pretty, but you are really pretty.
nigga can I ask your discord so I can get a rate from you? You kind of look like me so I feel some trust.
sure ^^

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https://unsee cc/album#TkdGIpopTMRm

could i? :3c
sent now
i think so,,
is this pre everything? i ask because your flag says femboy and you didn't mention anything about where you are in your transition like most other posters do.
It’s called tucking
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Idk how to not be autistic in photos. No makeup no styling, just loose hair and comfy clothes. 12 months hrt friday
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Oriented correctly my b
hot, face made for glazing
Aww, you got a substantial forehead which is I believe a female trait, I don’t think you should do anything to your jaw you look good as is, and I know other anons mentioned it but you have a prominent Adam’s apple which doesn’t help but hey, the future looks bright!
large forehead is a male trait
I applaud your balls. Well… Metaphorically.
Everything the other commenters have said is true :3
are your eyes photoshopped or something? something looks weird about it
pooner eyes...
feminine prey pooner eyes yeah
Saucer eyes, feminine.
Pretty hair, feminine.
Slender fingers, feminine.
Smooth skin, feminine.
I have no idea ;~;
Take my words with a pinch of salt though.
You'll get there. Change your hair and learn make up and it'll make a massive difference
You have delicate features which compels me to say yes but I feel unsure still.

I thought small forehead was a male trait?
yeah pre everything

yeah, im a fucking landscaper so i may be fucked lol
TwT nooooo
the tranny phenotype is real.
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got a consult with dr. rolfes in a few months.
Wear big hats, and SPF and drink water and just you know do women shit and take care of yourself.
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James Rolfe
You have a t of potential! You aren’t masculine at all and I’d say you are quite attractive, I’m sure you will end up very cute
Hairline advancement would do a lot, but I think you also should just see how it looks when you do something like curtain bangs

camo your face still reads female with stubble

you have zero browbone holy shit
clockiest stuff would be hairline or jaw but you're at a point a lot would kill for

yeah you already pass and the previous pics you had with long hair were cute

you need ffs, but given your starting point that's not bad

needs browbone reduction but good progress, bangs hide it too

where twink, you pass
hard to tell if clocky with only one pic

you're brainwormed af, you have a small frame and very few clocky features

some clocky stuff but round face, hard to tell

short face, gmi

possible twinkhon

I feel like half of it is due to the haircut?
you look like you've been punching other guys at 4AM tho wtf have you been up to

gonna make it
Yeah you are about to pass, but you damn yourself with that stache which you already know, congrats.
You need surgery, I can tell you are amab, but I think you can get there.
you look like a faggot bitchboy cutecel, still male, but yeah that ought to be a good starting point. Also nigga why tf is your hair so short if you've been trooning out for 18 months.
Yeah no way in hell, and you already knew that before you trooned. Dude you were the manliest redneck hick excon looking motherfucker I have seen. Like captain of the motorcycle gang type shit. I say this with your best interest get the tits removed and rep.
thinner eyebrows, longer hair, will never hurt with detwinkification. You're good though, I don't want to curb-stomp you.
jannies please kill this faggot
Despite having a compact literal god-tier babyface, and a bitchboy woman chin I want to say no, though by all logic you should be able to maybe I just find you unattractive. Maybe It's just that your aesthetics are off to me grow your hair out WAY long and straighten it, the jewfro is cringe, maybe a nosejob.
Oh I thought you were a dude who was looking to troon out lmao. Damn getting hit with the acne too, amab so I suffered from that shit protip on acne is megadose vitamin a or get isotretinoin, and drink spearmint tea twice a day, idgaf if it's the opposite of raising your T keep the acne in check nigga.
if you're really 15 you shouldn't be posting here. for one you'll get banned because it's against the rules, but more importantly it's just really not good for you. this place is filled with terrible people and it's not worth the risk of something bad happening. i'm not going to open your link, but if you really are 15 i'll just assume by default that yes you are going to pass someday if you don't already. very few trans people are able to start hrt at 15. please take care of yourself
If you're not anything yeah, in the least you won't be an unattractive boomerhon, sorry for my vague answer, but yeah you'll need to put in work good starting point.
I mean you look like your stereotypical cuteboy tranny, which I like, I don't think you're afab, but I do want to fuck you in the ass, so you are good.
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nah i just like posting in these tho its fun. too much of a lateshit.
It's gonna be rough for you, I wish you niggas would grow your hair out long before you even start taking pills and asking for potential, because even women with short hair look uggo. I'm not feeling it for you sorry man.
fucking OUCH I appreciate you being honest though
>https://unsee cc/album#nlnP31jxdK17
Try to be sorry if I hurt your feels, but being a repper I know it's important to be honest to people when they post here.
Alright getting hammered, I'll be back in 20 for another round of rates.
it did hurt a lot m do you have discord so maybe I could better ask for advice on how I can be pretty and idk pass?
ty anon
2 months on estrogen. Is there hope for me?
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Watching the presidential debate in my discord server rn, it’s so over fr
omg sorry I responded to the wrong person if you are the one wearing an orange shirt in your photo, naw you're great just longer hair and thinner eyebrows. Get a super fem cut nice and layered, and deep conditioner in it, some ironed curls, maybe some uh fuck do they call it an ombre or some shit. You pass like crazy you're good.
Naw and stop baiting, You're a faggot cutecel turbo twink. You look like you've never been able or wanted to touch a pussy in your life. longer hair get rid of the dahmer glasses retard nigger if you're trying to look like a woman.
thats a pooner silly
I’m ftm
Do you want to look like a man or a faggot?
I’m trying to achieve twinkmode, but I look like a woman
I am not infact wearing an orange shirt T~T fuck
my feels have been correctly gut punched
my feels have been correctly gut punch I crymode
why did it send twice
Like how is it anything correctable? I’m okay with looking trans I guess but I want normies to think I’m cos
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A pic where I’m completely drunk not passing really but it was fun
Genuinely you pass SO well in that pic. If I saw the photo without any context I would think you were a cis girl desu. Also alcohol is awesome
Can’t see much of face or bod hard to say
Bump for attention
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How will ffs help me if I ever somehow get it
Tranny bangs good outfit and the right makeup help me pass mostly but other queer people still clock me easily even with all that
apart from the hairline (which youre deliberately trying to make look as bad as possible in those pics) i think you look amazing and pass really well. as long as you werent walking around doing what you're doing in that picture i dont think id notice you were trans, even as another trans person. you're just a girl.

im sorry i didnt answer your question but its because i have no idea what ffs would evem do for you because i dont think you need it
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Sorry I can’t stop estrogen, my brain doesn’t work correctly without it.

But thanks yeah I did make a very manly man when I was pretending.
I appreciate you saying all of this and no of course I don't go around like that but if wind happens to hit me its joever
I will take what you said to heart though you are very kind
Insane potential super cute build
Full body pic
I know you :3
Never pass

Quit angle fraud
Possess possibility
Zero chancer


Big tight hug, impregnation, life goal achieved

14 year old boy feel

There a chance
Stay gay bro frfrfr?
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How is it angle fraud lol I took a forward facing picture
Another pic I took last night but still autistic unfortunately
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Why tf is it always sidewayssss
>>I’m trying to achieve twinkmode
You gotta hit the gym a little, your arms look like sticks
Presentation wise I think blockier/angular/darker frame glasses could help, I do the other way around to soften my face.
Bangs also shorten your midface, which make you look more fem.

You're pretty close, I think your hairline's your clockiest aspect, makes it super easy to clock you.
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Here you go
face pics only, i'm pretty sure my body is mostly fine.
6mo hrt started like a month after turning 18
i know i'm fucked but like how fucked and if ffs can save me what are the problems
(also ignore my lack of skincare)
https://unsee cc/album#Iiprq2MES8R7
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Never really posted in this kind of thread before all I’m not sure of what to say it how to say it.
I know my nose and jaw are problems and I worry things like that cause me to straight up not pass.
My face is long which makes me worry ffs won’t cut it.
damn bitch u ugly as fuck

you still do look like a bitch though and not a dude
Not sure why it’s sideways. Posting from my phone so I can’t do much about that. Also if age is relevant, I’m 31. Yeah, I know.
Need chaser cock on god
>WoW fan
>from germany
You don't happen to be single and into men do you?
Where you from?
id clock you from the wow shirt and long hair, then notice you actually look like a girl and correct myself
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Thank you but I don’t live in Germany, sorry.

Does this change anything? For the better or worse? No specific shirt with hair up in a hat.
>Thank you but I don’t live in Germany, sorry.
Damn, thought so because of the T-mobile stuff in the background
Literally a dude with tits. How tall are you?

>Why tf is it always sidewayssss
cause you're a tranny
you look like a man wearing a wig

there's a chance, but you need to stop angle frauding.
I'm around 5'6
Giga tryharding girlmode I don't get misgendered at least I think my voice carries me
do u wanna adopt a boymoder
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would ffs fix me??
nah i like my tits
fr this nigga needa park his fruity ass back in a waffle house or somn
I’m ftm anon, I’m not what you want
My forehead is too comedically big to not have bangs, you’re right about the glasses though. Kinda cucked with them for a bit at least since I just got em and I’m broke.
My bf wants to take me to the gym with him cause I’m too skinny, which I wanna start doing. Just need to get the money for a PF membership.
why on CIPG if you don't get misgendered?
>I’m ftm anon, I’m not what you want
I know you're ftm lol! Want u hard!!!!!
i see we got a side bitch here
I do get clocked by people I refer to myself as a clocky passoid
I don't know if I can get out of this gray area
I guess I don't count other trans people clocking me because that feels like cheating but it does happen. idk.
why are people barely posting unsees anymore am i missing something? it used to be almost all unsees last i've been on here like 2mo ago. i'd post one but i think it's gonna get like 1 reply if that at this point in a thread full of pics

definitely a jaw reduction, maybe a lip lift. i think you're okay otherwise
i think you pass in the first pic, less so in the second. weird because masks usually help with passing, i think the way you're holding your mask makes your chin seem bigger than it actually is
yeah your hairline sucks, doing something better with your hair to hide your temples more would definitely help. doesn't have to be bangs. try wearing baggy or wide leg pants to make it look like you have hips, that's what i do and i feel like they give me vastly better proportions lol
you pass, maybe clocky to trannies but i can't see normies clocking you irl based on face alone
not passing but if you're early on hrt you might make it
jeez are you on t, some stubble would definitely help. aside from everything the other anon said
clocky, i think longer hair to hide your neck would really help you that's what i'm trying to do
might make it with ffs idk
crazy glow up but yeah needs ffs
might pass with laser
oh also
side profile is bad but you kinda pass from head on. really not bad for 6 months. try taking selfies from further away, it really deforms your face. if you want ffs i'd get type 3 forehead reconstruction, rhinoplasty, lip lift, maybe something with your jaw/chin
https://unsee cc/album#GMqUFT25dn09

is it worth it or should I kill the best version of myself b4 i let things get out of hand lmk :D
how tall are u
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Ty for confidence boost I forget a lot of the people on here are trans and clocking experts lol. A lot of people in real life say I pass and I always get maamed unless my voice falters in the drive thru
fuck it i'm posting anyway
https://unsee cc/album#poL9qMtpCA2P
hope or rope (disregarding the shadow i'm working on it)
4 months hrt
my hair is dogshit idk what to do with ittt

i feel like you could pass with your hair down. nose is kind of masc. incredible t shirt
you're welcome bestie
ffs if you haven't gotten it, it's pretty much necessary there was a study on the pass rate going up a fuckton after ffs.
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will I ever pass?? 8 months hrt, also getting haircut in a week any advice
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I’ve been on and off hrt for 2.5 years I’ve been on a proper dose for 5 months now, I don’t pass for some reason never did
avg. height for a natal female (im 6'2 anon :()

thank uuuu :) maybe ill actually leave my house in girlmode soon.. u have a nice face shape and pretty eyes, I think youll pass with some time
https://unsee cc/album#WCTPvKTB3LRP
1.6 years hrt.
it's so over.
dress actually fem and not in whatever this 12 year old gay boy outfit is and you pass
Based MCR enjoyer, you look like big soph Idk what to tell you with that bone structure it ain't gonna be E Z.
I can't believe I used to think I wouldn't need ffs.
Don't get a haircut you autistic retard you need very long hair. low chance of ever pass. R E A L
Again statistically you all need ffs.
Your fit absolutely sucks, tell me how this outfit masks the natural dorito shape AMAB tend to fall into??? here retard: https://theconceptwardrobe com/build-a-wardrobe/inverted-triangle-body-shape
I want to put my dick in dennis
idk but your styles is so midwest quirky I want to vomit.
ur jealous cus my outfits are cute and fun even though im a stupid boymoder xD
actually though I wore a lot more baby t's and other cute less goofy stuff before transitioning but i'm just a boymoder anon i'm trying to hide by tits with my clothes in all my pics
oh good luck girlmoding! thank you too!!
6ish months hrt is it over?

>>36321936 Pass pretty well

>>36322492 Peak hopefule

>>36324222 Almost there if not already there
Diet alone is the best method of weightloss, also lose the nosering and learn to smile.
Just get a trim, you're in the awkward phase of going from short to long, patience and determination will get you the hair you want No pain no gain.
If you want long hair you need to get regular trims. Otherwise you get split ends and other problems.
You don't pass, but damn I bet you get a lot of attention from guys anyway.
You need to be working on styles, also you should probably be thinking about what you want your chest to be. If you're going to stay itty bitty, you should be wearing a bra, if you're considering implants then it's time to start thinking about consultations.

Big tits = pass. And you've got potential to stealth.
hold up is that Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship ?
already making it imo
Yeh it is lmao great band
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Should I wear breast forms everywhere I go feel like I'm cheating by using them but its kind of retarded thought process
Push up bra sounds useful if I can find one that even fits my barely B cups
Appreciate the honesty I do get lots of attention from men but usually just chasers so not unexpected for a clocky tranny
your freckles give me trypophobia
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7m hrt manmoder, i know i need ffs & longer hair

absolutely will pass
hai!! u already look great, & will pass
https://unsee cc/album#kxwKfMbplEuh
Still prehrt cuz I can't get on it while i live at home, gonna try sort this soon. 19 yo 6'3 150lbs. Lost weight down to 19 bmi yet i still don't have a waistline at all. Also please please please give me hair advice, just let it grow for over a year, i need to get a haircut soon for an event cuz obviously it looks ugly rn and idk what's a long hairstyle that would look good on me while still not losing too much and growing it
Yeah I'd say you just need more time and improve the two things you mentioned
Could make it either way honestly imo but that could be me being hugboxxy
Really good for 6 months, ygmi
It's not great yeah, the hair definitely needs a lot of improvement imo that styling is very male, will need ffs
Like others said fix outfit and you can probably pass
Could pass like a terminally online theyfab, but it'll be hard idk. Idk try grow out your hair more? I'm not sure

I suck at this and stuff I'm sorry don't take what i said seriously at all i only do it cuz i get in trouble otherwise
https://unsee cc/album#cuAkEsee3dxk
Pre hrt but probably already over I think right? Sorry for long hair before even Hrt, always had it even though it doesn’t fit idk.

Fuck I closed tab and reply disappeared so I will write this again but simpler cause I can’t be bothered to write it all out again sorry
Negative: browbone, hairline, shoulders.
Positive:chin, maybe jaw as well hard to tell if masc or nah, nose is alr, midface ratio fine.
Fix greasy hair, take hrt, use clothes which fit match body shape (doesn’t accentuate shoulders for example). Idk why you’d have a waistline esp before hrt most guys I know don’t really have one, at least not really noticeable or anything. Pretty average body.
Negative: overall face desu. Haircut as well not good
Positive: I believe shoulders are alright size. Can’t see right now as reply box hides (phoneposting).
Mirror angle might make face look longer than it is but yes ffs would be good. Could however pass as an older British woman with only more her time and longer hair.
Positive:good hairline from what I see, good jawline and chin. shoulders small.
Negative: browbone.
Pretty average but not too masc face, could pass with just longer hair and hrt if lucky.
Pass great already.
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yeah, i dont have any hair advice but the answer is yes
sure you can. putting on more weight could possibly help idk
very narrow shoulders, i think you could be very passable someday. may need ffs tho

Do I have any potential?
6’0 and skinny
I’m pre hrt but starting soon in about a month
Could probably pass now with makeup, easy with hrt. Very good facial structure.
best itt imo, ygmi as i said before
gigapassoid pre hrt baka go to passgen with your dumb cute face
coming up on 18 months non-hon dose

will rate later : )

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unsee cc album#Q847tMQPvWSD
Ugly halfpass
Anamode twink
Post better face pic if you want anyone to be able to rate well
pre everything
can hrt or ffs fix this

https://unsee cc/album#eKqRv0J4pSbj
go start hrt idiot ygmi
you already look like a big faced girl and reeeeeally cute too.
lol femchud
ygmi but will be clocky without ffs
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hrt won't fix it by itself, but you'll look cuter
you'll pass with ffs

easily gmi

bdd pass

you look like a transman starting hrt

pretty face gmi
wtf is that outfit though

cute <3
ffs might help, just don't overdo it
you already pass


that clothing is not a good match
probably will pass pre-ffs, but it will still help you a lot
def envy your height
still working on laser, abt 10 months on effective levels

https://unsee cc/album#6b438NqcHVrl
Link died https://unsee cc/album#7xzzbD6kofnN
Could pass rn but i assume you haven't voice trained andnidk ur body but your face could/does pass rn
Linked died as i was looking so only half saw but i think you can make it with ffs
This is 10 of the same photo, looks male rn idk probably need ffs maybe could fix with just makeup since you've a round face already, it's hard to say cuz it's literally one angle but I'd say you'll need ffs
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just woke up
around 8 months on, i feel like im doing it wrong or something it doesn’t feel like its working
6 ft
https://unsee cc/album#jGH0kiLWT36g
link didn’t work because i’m stupid
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can't tell if you're 9 or 29
link died last night

gotta get surgery on that lower half for sure. i cant tell the rest because hair is in the way.
laser and haircare with a good voice actually might go a long way for you
dm me immediately :c
you look good but laser the mustace or something. fix your diet, stay hydrated, do skincare, do haircare. dude you gotta put in the work because you actually got real potential. you can make it fagbro.
u pass 100% face wise. just the confidence is missing lol
SHES PRE HRT?? ok she doesnt have to worry at all LOL
omgg dont listen to the retards telling you to get jaw surgery you tolally pass you look super cute and unique in the best way possible
mogged by a pre-hrt bitch jesus christ kill me
this advice will ruin your life >>36330165 you need jaw surgery badly if you want to pass like it's imperative
she literally texted me 5 minutes ago saying shes ugly and ngmi
passoids dont appreciate anything, istg
pfft delulu
no youre delusional and a crazy motherfucker ruining other peoples lives trying to make yourself look like a samaritan you sick fuck
chat how cooked am i? i know i need ffs but should i manmode indefinitely?
link is dead again chuddy
im so dumb. it should work now
not cooked at all you kinda look like my sisters ex gf LOL
my exact response
ehh. yes she's cute, probably gmi regardless, but the jaw is a bit clocky. id get ffs, but "imperative" is overstating it a bit
this is a woman. not passing wtf are you talking about
what do you need ffs for. you're so pretty are you trying to become a supermodel w ffs???
just grow out your hair you alr have a very feminine face. bonus points is that you look like someone mommies would like yayaayaya
imo she would RUIN herself with ffs she looks so cute
ffs? sure but don't overdo jaw as it looks smooth and nice already
delusional hugboxxing, malicious even
no. i am usually very judgemental and maybe i have a "bad type" but im 100% serious
i cant tell if its just the angle, but even with the big chin, she passes to me
your sister dated a hon? T.T
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>10.5 months hrt progres
>on the ffs waiting list
waow, ygmi
Time for some reality. Sorry to say that almost all trans post puberty will not actually pass to people familiar with transgenders. Even if your face can miraculously pass the body and proportions almost always hopeless.
no chance
no chance
could, but reality is that pictures are nothing like in person. possibly, but would need more evidence
no. no chance at all
actually reading and recognizing the name, isnt g a ftm? it is truly over. no trans can actually pass. transition is a joke
bad bait or self hate from an hrt femboy repper
call it
sorry that the truth seems like bait to you, but reality is not kind. essentially no trans person that experienced puberty can actually pass. that is just how it is.
ok, i’ll fold. I’m just extremely jealous of everyone here. i know that my youth and beauty will one day fade without hrt and made it my duty to shit on all early transitioners. some of you may actually make it. most of you will not. there needs to be more honestly in these spaces, and if you’re going to prevent future hons it needs to be nipped in the bud now.
good one.
>doesnt argue with allegations of hrt repping femboyism
alright, self hate, got it. I understand how you feel, but honestly you could probably make it. most femboys can. i dont know you, so i cant say for sure, but even if you dont pass i promise youll be happier as a hon than a repper. i believe in you, nona, dont give up on yourself
actually ive been pretty happy presenting as male. i dont think im actually trans, and thinking about trying to be something im not and can never be, ie a woman, feels uncomfortable and wrong. may not be the case for everyone but was definitely case for me that being male is comfortable and i am content with it. thus i am not actually a repressir because im not repressing anything.
thanks <3 made my day!
hey, i hope youre right. i want you to be happy. but just so you know, that wasnt terribly convincing.
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7 months hrt
you need laser but should pass or near pass with it
ffs but this is an insane transformation if it's you
something looks clocky but i can't place it. you'd pass with a good voice
lesbian aunt, will pass with voice training and (worst case scenario) ffs on the jaw
only your chin and jaw need it, otherwise pass
link died: https://unsee cc/album#gzTmSpww16Ok

i'm not very good at this idt (why i'm posting here) so take my evaluations with a grain of salt
you pass already
you have some unfortunate features but i think just clearing up your skin and doing your brows would go a long way. for ffs probably some chinwork would be good for you.
clocky but cissies probably won't think of it
you look ugly but also fem. dunno how much of it is the beanie tbf.
https://unsee cc/album#f2pOIMnmYVFw

6/7 months hrt, 1 laser session. I plan to get FFS asap. I've sorta given up on passing, but I'm liking how I look and present more, plus people treat me better now, I've had a few malefails somehow, so I try to focus on that.

Looks good, high hopes

Looks good, high hopes

Expired link

High hopes, get laser

Expired link

High hopes, get laser

Expired link

Idk everyone here seems pretty good to me I'd be optimistic. If you're further up and still lurking and want my thoughts or feedback or whatever. Wagmi
Alright ready for a round of rates.
Postem niggers, I'm going to fap to some sissy porn and I'll be back to r8.
You look like a gigapooner. NGMI if FTM, stop boymoding if mtf.
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i'm ftm. 5'8 too btw
would rather rope than ever stop t
dont listen to anyone saying to workout. twinks do NOT workout. what u need is to voice train and stay on low dose t
get surgery
damn i got the yikes. rip.
mother desu
hmm... you appear very rapeable
no lol. seems she doesnt care about her partner not fitting general beauty standarts, maybe she has different beauty standarts, idk.
idk try therapy if at really affects you. youll find out whats going on
you either look like a little boy or an old hag chick.
could pass
ugly? you have horrible taste in women
you look like a basement dwelling low testosterone GUY. gj dude
Lmao came in and said y’all all ugly. I know myself and others aren’t perfect, especially to trans people who can clock easily. Maybe you could post why not rather than just no
nearly 7m on e, friend says my chest is doing really well but she's a known hugboxxer so i need yalls opinion
https://unsee cc/album#5Xqy8IOihXZl
18mo hrt off and on but like 85% on
https://unsee cc/album#PnUzpidQqjz6
chest is good. theyre just a bit pointy which could make you think theyre smaller than they actually are. waist is nice too imo.
you look really good imo. will probs get called a hugboxxer 4 this but i think you pass. just a bit of skincare, makeup and confidence would totally make it. nice hair nice eyes nice nose.
kinda hesitant to believe you but cheers for the feedback, hopefully i can begin prob soon and my boobs can fill out a bit more
Face ugly simple as. looks masuline. Simply, brow bossing chin/jaw, midface length, large upper lip, square face, large skull, cheek bones shaped in a way that is male etc etc. should be obvious for each one. Even if face can pass the body is almost always sexually dimorphic to the point of being never passers. Not to mention almost no trans has a passing voice.
official retard incel post
and you will never even pass as a woman let alone be one
idc what incels think
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im getting my lips fixed
Not pass but very beautifull, good facial structure.
You will also be considered beautiful as a woman despite your testosteronic traits


Pass with a brow bone arch reduction and volume augmentation, contouring operation lips

pass with the reduction of the brow bone arch, reduction of the nasal bridge (I think you have a very good wide tip of the nose, and the base of the nose is quite narrow which is very feminine), and increase in volume, contour lips.


You pass with a reduction of the jaw (the chin should be left as it suits very well to you, it would be a crime to reduce it) and a slight increase in the upper lip


Pass whit the reduction of the brow bone arch

pass with an increase in volume, contour lips, slimming your arms, long hair would look better on you and drawn/make-up eyebrows

pass with lips volume augmentation

true, you pass with a reduction of the brow bone arch, increased lip volume... You're perfect and you represent my ideal girlfriend, in the aesthetic sense, which I fantasized about (⊙ _ ⊙ ) !!!
How retarded am I? When I try to go to the unsee albums I just get redirected to the frontpage.

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