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>mtfs lose chasers if they aren't feminine enough
>ftms lose chasers for becoming to masculine
we are not the same
higher production value poon art i've ever seen (unless they're just forfeiting the mspaint style art entirely)
lol no i found a chaser that was specifically attracted to me for being masculine
i blocked him because that felt gross but as a manmoder it's not like i'm gonna find love from any other types of people
as in he specifically liked non passing trans women
i know i don't remotely pass but i at least want someone to want me for my twinkish aspects and not the part of me i hate the most

FtM chasers don't really exist. It is regular tomboy appreciation.
>i blocked him because that felt gross

Complaining about being fetishized is the most female thing ever.
FtM chasers exist and they are literal barrel scrape. Some of the most low-tier cumbrained males ever.
some people who once fucked an ftm become chasers
i feel you and that anon are talking about the same thing. the people who find masculinity a downside but chase pooners for pussy obviously do exist, and they are low value as a result of being prison gay
Not true.
Pooners are desired for practical reasons. They are a man who can do chores and fix cars while also being able to carry children.
Troons are pure vanity. Beauty without children. Brains without strength. Worthless.

Or that's what most people think anyways because most people take a more practical approach to relationships.
imagine your pregnant poonerhusband doing chores when his water breaks and his phallo ruptures
>Pooners are desired for practical reasons. They are a man who can do chores and fix cars while also being able to carry children.
this literally is complete projection. literally where is this coming from???? queer people are notoriously promiscuous, since hookups are so easy to come by, so for every one queer who only puts out in monogamy, there are 10 just slutting it up. your complete nonsense """"""practical"""""" garbage that is literally only relevant in a relationship is completely forfeit to virtually every queer, ever. plus, no one dates with "practicality" in mind. i am too lazy to even give your examples (even mentioning pregnancy) the individual time of day. just, again, ridiculous projecting post, pretending it's feasible you speak for anyone else, let alone everyone else
I'm not dating anyone who can't do chores and expects me to do most of them
I like early transition FtMs because I like to see them become more masculine
Same for MtFs but I cant stand being around the emotional bullshit of an early-mid transition transfem
I just have a transformation fetish
Feeder and gymbro stuff kinda does it for me too but in all cases I only really get into it if I'm there from the start
Why are all ftm chasers straight men who want pre/early-T ftms for easy pussy? Where are the ones who actually like masculinity? Do they even exist?
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>this literally is complete projection
"both" in this case usually means "fem"
"trans man only" in this case usually means "I am a predatory chaser and not actually queer"
>do you like onions or garlic
>ok so this usually means you like onions
are you retarded?
that’s ropefuel
Why does this poll say I should try to date lesbians when everything else seems to indicate it's male chasers who are the most common
Males of all ages greatly outnumber young lesbians
>Why does this poll say I should try to date lesbians
it doesn't say that
but at the same time
if we aren't masculine enough
then we're ackshually just retarded gurlz!

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