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Happy Friday, we're all gonna die. Let's look pretty while doing it.
Post yourself, reply to others with criticisms and feedback. No sperging, no bitching, no being petty mean girls.

No qott this thread. Someone else can provide one if they want.
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Great debate last night :"].
But yes do I look alright here I feel like my side profile is still too clocky to be a passoid
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have I been forgotten already
are the bangs new? saw your posts a bunch on reddit a while ago but dont remember seeing them before. i like them, i think they help a lot
no, brazilian eyebrow anon, you have not been forgotten
How much of passing is just voice, hair, skin, and fashion? Do people really clock based on height or facial structure or other factors like some kind of street anthropologist? Like I lurk on these threads and I look around at people walking around in public and if I see a woman who's tall or has broad shoulders or weird breasts of a weird skull I would only conjure an idea of them being trans because of my own self consciousness and what I read on this forsaken board. Am I being naive?
To keep it brief, no, the public isn't as brainwormed as us. To a TON of people you exist as practically a cardboard cutout they look at in passing and not even a real full person. And to those people, much of the time long hair = woman.
So since I voicemax, makeupmax and clothesmax I shouldn't have any problem? I live in Mississippi.
I don't know if I'd go that far. As it turns out the people who are most vigilant for trannies are also the people most eager to make life hell for trannies, and it only takes one demented person for things to take a turn for the worse.
Pretty fingers, joyless sunken eyes.
Definitely need to smile more ladies.
I should just cut all my hair off and accept that I'll never be a woman
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ily pass
u pass silly

I still look like a boy :(
This is what I worry about. Where I live if I get caught using the women's restroom it'd get messed up. Of course from what I know it's not like I have to prove myself to any rando who tries to police me. Maybe I could just act like they're the crazy one, I'm not super socially adept but I could maybe pull it off.
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hi, slow passgen so far.
after a pitiful week i took advice and made a video of my face in motion. no makeup, no curled hair, no prep, just sunlight in my bedroom with blemishes on display. i did not have a tripod to let me do a 360 spin unfortunately.
but hopefully this shows how wack my profile and cheekbones are and clears up any rumors of my passing.

i love your hair here! i think bangs are great for you, and i like how they kinda curtain out in the side profile pic. i do think there are things that could be done with your side profile if you wanted to pursue FFS but i don't know how crucial they are
i remember you! how is regrowing your eyebrows going. also pass
your eyes are super pretty. i dont see anything masculine about you at all
hii im gonna take you on a photoshoot to get you some new pics lol
nta but if you post some pics ill try and be impartial and honest if you think thatll help
This ghoulish little guy has some nice hair
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>>36325458 woa pretty
>>36325487 !! omg pretty!! ur doing so good
>>36325610 hush omg ur looking so good its been a while
>>36325628 aa qt3.14
>>36325678 aw u look rly cute in video, cuter than i realized
all cuties, all passers
gj dolls
should i seppuku w sword my shoulders and hips look like rectangle box

good photo, v pretty pass
ur facial structure is v feminine but where are your eyebrows
you look completely female idk what ur seeing
mmmmmmm pass
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any bedmoders?
pls tell me ur cis if ur mtf im gonna carve my skull out with a knife
looks fine
your profile is better than your also good front ;-;
ok in this picture
british woman
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this one shows my face better
Honestly looks very nice in this shot but still so uncanny. Fucked by midfacial planes and cranium, yet again.

That's not cis, moron. Fucking trannies are so bad at IDing foids because they lack the predator gene, lmfao.
Pass I do not you look more like a woman than I ever will

>Don't see anything masculine

I'm black I'm inherently more masculine by default

I literally have no fem fat distribution

I see massive man shoulders and no lower body fat

I just look like a soft man
peak agp by passgen standards
you have an irregular brain. they should study you, potentially vivisect you
Madame may i just say that you've improved greatly and quite drastically in your appearance, you look cute
Effeminate soap bar girl shoulders
I literally look the same if not worse now
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Realistically speaking, how fucked are we?

Older pic, but I like this one.
>skipped and ignored
I'm going to the liquor store screw u guys
love u anon! ur gonna make it !
I heard black men have more estrogen on average
or lower T, idk
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i'm commiting suicide (she's not, she's a loser with no will and will keep on her hostage-like life until she sinply fades away)
That just means I've failed even more if I supposedly have more estrogen

Still looking like a man after this long is a massive failure on my part
yeah you got a point
tf are u on about lis is hot
i'll die before I post a pic with effort put in. do i pass in a Teams call if I don't remove the AGP foxears and don't brush my hair and don't shower and don't shave, I really don't wanna spend any extra effort getting ready for remote work

clocky cute yes
anglefrauding pass
last week someone said you look like a 14-year-old with an endochrine disorder, and honestly that. But still, pass, you look good
yea pass. you have the same fucky flat side profile as I do, I think it looks even less masc than from the front.
yeah of course
yesss and I'm jelly of those ramones
pass. i guess i was technically bedmoding when you posted that at 7:45 bc my alarm went off at 7:50
uhh anglefraud but you just look like a tired homely cis woman with that anglefraud
i'm gonna say clocky but still pass. are those digital fujis any good?
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clocky pass
no pring
not rly
not sure
Fuck off anya lol
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Everyone here passes and severely mog me. >>36325823
Maybe these three are clocky in rl. I don’t know they seem passing in pictures desu. Where the hell are the hons?
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>digital fujis any good?
i like mine! it's an x-t1, i just got it used and it's pretty sweet! not a ton of film simulations but you can make recipes and the colors can be soooo beautiful ! it's also not bad for 10 years old, is built super well, and looks great. only thing is that i only have a manual focus lense with it and its sorta annoying and i've heard the autofocus isn't much better. idk. it's worth the money i spent
try dressing fem instead of like a frat boy
i am wondering if i set myself up to be skipped by not putting the webm directly in my post. but the webm is also too large to put directly in my post. what a conundrum. maybe i should crop it and scale it and compress it to put it directly in a post
hey bby what's ur sign
super cutie Chloe
ffmpeg bby
look up 4chan webm guide and u will find a github page w ffmpeg instructions for encoding webms for 4chan
i love ffmpeg but im a lowly phoneposter at the moment :(
gonna try to ezgif my way to a postable size lol
or use any of the 200000 ffmpeg webguis that are out there
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Finally someone that acknowledges I'm a fucking hon

I even look like a man from profile
how do u know my name
lol isn't virgo literally a cute girl
fitting for the prettiest girl on this board
i dont go out of my way to remove makeup, i just briefly cleanse my whole face before bed
damn i get an awful rash if i don't clean it all off before bed
u do u i guess
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Tfw gorrillahon
I made the unsee 6 hours multibillion pics so pls.
Tfw still faggy looking enough to make normies mad while still not looking like a woman
Need more pics but probably pass
actually rope it's so over lmao
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my face is disgusting and uncanny no amount of surgery will fix
literally a woman
clocky pass
clocky pass
clocky pass
not yet
put on a summer dress and youll be fine
so what? do you just not have a dick or something? what's wrong with you?
You got the chop?
> Captcha: TYP04
follow the right arm lol
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how over is it for me
Trannies really don't know what tucking looks like these days amazing
I know
I was groomed into not repping.
Pretty sure i need a T prescription to even detrans
just rope already
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ok here we go. quality didn't get crushed too bad. as before,
>no makeup, no curled hair, no prep, just sunlight in my bedroom with blemishes on display. hopefully this shows how wack my profile and cheekbones are
please do not hold back at all. please. and thanks to everyone who already responded to the catbox version

hi marie, youre sweet. im really jealous of your shoulders-to-hip ratio
i dont know if id wear that top in this lifetime even if i was as thin as you but idk you seem to be pulling it all off so kutgw
lis continues to be an omegapassoid queen forever
kinda super angled, idk if this passes to be frank
shush up about all that stuff girlypop. your hair has not stopped winning since you got it cut
yeah i was never fond of my profile and it's gonna take a while to unlearn the association between it and "male" but thanks. i see a number of similarities between you and me but i think you're prettier. only criticism ive got right now is the texture of your bangs, what's your hair's natural texture?
you already know you pass. saw this pic and the un-anglefrauded pics last week so yeah
i am begging you to please wear a bra, please. your face gets closer to passing every time i see you
somewhat clocky. have you had ffs? i like your face but i still see browbone as a potential issue. you have a very round face but i think it works mostly in your favor ultimately
blue board
video gang. this vid reveals nothing masculine to me. i love your hair
not passing here. hair looks unkempt which can look un-feminine. can't see much of face but what i can see doesn't look super fem either. got any better pics?
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how bad?
one of those whoville niggas
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y does everyone skip me
do u hate me so much
u were my only friends
ur sweet can i make u fear for ur life
go for it cutie
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anglefraud so hard to tell
no pass
not going to an external site
pass cool shirt
pass, would wife
fat male
look simultaneously like a feminine boy and a masculine girl (either presumably listens to metal)
that’s rough
that’s rough
that’s true
very over lol
incredibly bad. dear lord.
pass pass
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Sad girl
my front camera frauding days are OVER
sorry everyone who thought I passed
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American tranners you all welcome to Mexico, fentanyl its more cheaper
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>>>36325998 (You) #
>yeah i was never fond of my profile and it's gonna take a while to unlearn the association between it and "male" but thanks. i see a number of similarities between you and me but i think you're prettier. only criticism ive got right now is the texture of your bangs, what's your hair's natural texture?

it's funny bc I look at you and see a prettier version of myself. Plus ur like five years older than me and have been on hrt for a shorter time. unfair desu

My hair's natural texture is... bad, it's thin but there's a lot of it and it curls by itself, sometimes into hooks, sometimes into corkscrews, usually into waves. sometimes it even goes somewhat straight. Picrel is how they look right now after just air drying.

Last week's passgen made me decide I'll try and grow them out again, though. I've had these same bangs for my whole adult life (plus for most of my childhood until my mom made me get them cut) so I can't really even imagine having anything else, but now that I've began thinking of it more, I really fucking hate them lmao. I have this one picture from my teens where I had long hair but I hadn't gotten the bangs yet, and even though the hair looks gross and dry, it's still like 10x better than now. Plus I was a lot less fat back then, I kinda wanna get that back too. So far all I've done for that goal is to just not buy myself a little treat every time I'm at the store.

sorry for blogposting I'll try and do some work now.
would destroy with a weapon
pupils too big
if drunk
maybe if good ass
are you in the bay area?
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fucking iphone rotating my pictures, maybe it'll stay unrotated now with the cat sticker
nta but i am. need more ttttfrens here, discord?
unfortunate shoulders, hands, feet
me? i rotmaxx
jabba the hut
regular rocker dude who plays bass
andy milonakis turtle
bearded surfer bro
listen fat
get it to together and stop fucking plucking and get fucking electrolysis retard
flabby fat whoville
fucking brutal bro
u r so beautiful
>pupils too big
i'm in bed its dark idiot
Bro is talking about pupil sizes, why even respond to that. That's not even a gendered trait.
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What ?
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weekly self harm sesh by posting my weird ass face
rdy 2 spiral ive been too comfortable lately
ffs needs 2 hurry tf up
pass + insane side profile
shut up ur so fucking pretty + pass
pls lose the ears
meow (pass + v pretty)
pull up ur pants oomfie
face pass
no pass
pass + ur rly pretty
no pass
kara wife,,,,,,
pass + love the outfit
imo no pass but its not over
i have a fear of dark holes. sorry but i stand by my wouldn't.
Thanks for ignoring me
u posted a sideways and didnt rate any1 + im not tilting my head
Uhh, could you post yours?
>stop plucking and get electrolysis
I've been getting electro for about a year
literally had a session today lol
los Angeles ://
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how bad? 1.5 yrs hrt
can't tell with the hand there and wouldn't anyway since you didn't rate either
Easily the hottest one in the thread so far.
>hot = dresses like a 5 dollar hooker
Her face, body, and hair mogs everyone else. You sound incredibly jealous.
This is a huge win for women as a whole. You’re incredibly pretty and have no reason to waste your time here
True, someone should buy her some girly clothes ASAP
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Corrected the angle (i hope)
ur body shape is kinda uncanny but a cis person would probably just see a cis woman there desu. face passes, at least if voice does.
Pass, that haircut really fits you
You look eastern European (female)
Anglefagging, but you look feminine
You look like a theyfab or 10 year old boy
Pass, you have a really nice body. But please push some of your hair behind your ears, it hides your face too much
As others said, your shoulders are broad but not broad enough to look to be out of place.
Pass, with weird eyebrows
Need a better angle
Beard shadow, but nothing that can't be fixed
Haircut makes me think female, but it's a but dark
Better angle would be nice, but you're pretty
You look like every other gay boy in my area
Slightly uncanny at first, but Pass
Please fix your hair.
Clocky, just pretend to be a theyfab
Really cute, would
Haircut is weird, there are too many bangs
Not really, but your hair is cute
Weird pose to judge
Even better (marry me)
You kinda look like a young Val Kilmer.
hahahahahah ahhahahh top kek
Wow, that's so cute and valid, sister!
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You totally pass, sis.
I don't know what the other posters are on about, you look a little weary, but if you hadn't posted in passgen I wouldn't even consider that you might be a trans, you look cisf

also you have a nice, aesthetic as well, unlike some of the tramps in this thread
I wanna fuck you so bad.
You are so fucking fuckable

It's that the black girl? Where's the dick

Pass in picture no pass in video.


The man face

Dear god may we marry
Linus tech tips is that you?
>I wouldn't even consider that you might be a trans, you look cisf
Yeah sis, totally, don't listen to them! You sooo much pass, queen!
Nigger why did you chop your dick off?
we're being raided by /g/ btw
Shaquonda, is that you?
Even if some 90 year old dude with coke bottle glasses would adress you as ma'am youd still be fucking ugly.
Howevet if you got all that jewish propaganda out of your system and started improving yourself, esting healthy, doing sports and lifting weights then you would unironically bevome a total chad.
they'll be posting their babytrans pics in passgen in a few years ewf
lol. i guess they gotta feel superior to someone.
yeah i know i gave up being a good looking guy. it was either that or rope.
>feel superior
is it really that hard tho...
If you continue on this path the rope is incoming anyway.
It is not too late.
Become normal again and fight through this madness, you are not mad and you can do it!
I believe in you, pal
they sawed my neck to pieces
you really think you're doing something here
oh no why would they do that. also, pass.
ummm proof?
Please dont chop off your dick
>Captcha: gas gays
you can always tell when someone is a newfag tourist when they start rambling on about "chopping dicks of"
fr lol. i fuckin wish it was that simple tbdesu.
Very cute face, EZ pass.
How do I angle fraud pls help

You don't need anglefrauding cutie
My pictures look awful because I have zero clue how to take decent ones.
Nah they don't
There's literally only one picture I feel like sending out to people recently. What color is my hat?
I have daltonism, I'm sure it suits you well though
I appreciate the gesture but it would also be nice if I also didn't hate my pictures. I hate them so much sending them to anyone makes me feel sick. Some tips to make them a little less awful looking to me would be nice is all.
Stop shitting up the thread with your personal blog, faggot.
I mean you can post an unsee and we can tell you what you're doing wrong
you look like you need a several years long nap but pass
it doesnt actually ever get better, does it?
Pretty cute face, you just need a better hairstyle.
I guess at least you look young, lad
wouldnt un-fridge my body
Stop being a whiny faggot, there are people in this very thread that look 10x worse than you.
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https://unsee cc/album#bSJc7Hi7j1FC
It can't be that bad
why the long face
Would pass if you had some makeup, go get yourself some eyeliner.
I can't wait until all of you are dead. DJT 2024!
go away spicebag
Bro you are insanely handsome my st4t brain is getting tickled (Im the first person in the thread)
Insane someone recognized me from reddit but you are very right they are new and thank you I'm glad it's working clocky tranny bangs are something I'm trying to avoid
And thank you deeply!!! keeping my hair like this forever apparently the feedback is appreciated
is this gonna be the clown girl with the hips posting the same pics as she always does
wow! would you look at that, same pics as always
why :(

cmon i added new ones like 3 weeks ago ;-; cmon ... be nice ;-; i wanna be pretty
i need you
>Clocky, just pretend to be a theyfab
thank you for the feedback but could you expand a bit on what you mean by pretend to be a theyfab please? im not sure i get what that would entail here
also forgot to say before posting but you are cute af and your face passes flawlessly
this passgen is so retarded, you look fine provided your body is feminine too
I don't understand how I can get hugboxed but actual passoids are told they're too clock to even ID as MTF
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now ima bedmoder >:3
damn im ugly im goin back to sleep

>>36327343 wtf ur hot
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Does my body pass?
need to see the uncensored to be sure

Anglefraud but pass

You look fine to me

Shut up you are really pretty and pass

Yeah you pass, would be nice if you were to look into the camera

You have really large hands. Can't say anything else cuz of anglefraud. Nice hips but I don't think you pass
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Does my body pass?
Still pretty big hands and your shoulder to hip is good. But girl you really should eat more you look unhealthily thin.
And please actually contribute instead of just asking for attention :P
Ive literally compared them to other womens hands to find out if they're big and they were the same size.
I think you may be projecting a bit about the hands thing girl
Idk you first angelfraud and refuse to contribute here. Your hips are good and u have potential to pass, but your hands are big in relation to your emancipated body. Nice to assume of you I am projecting by the way, jackass. I was complementing you and giving you an honest opinion, but apparently you are just too stuck-up to take the slightest amount of criticism
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cute pass!
mostly pass
pass as a 12 year old
face pass and ur body is fine too
pass and i like ur eyebrows :3
slightly clocky
slightly clocky but mostly pass
clocky but still cute
pass and cute freckles
clocky plssss brush ur hair
ur gorgeous pls cure ur worms
it's over... but that angle is very unflattering and also u need to brush ur hair so i cant really tell
brush ur hair and you'll be fine
so pretty!!!
slightly clocky but ur hair is great and ur fashion sense is amazing. u'll be fine
cute and pass
actually gigachad <3
so pretty <3
ur hairline is bad but the rest isnt that bad
cute pass
im so jealous of ur shoulders... gigapass
>video gang. this vid reveals nothing masculine to me. i love your hair
i really like your hair too. i was going to do that kind of split look originally now seeing it makes me want it more
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here is another angle in case this one is fugly
anonette please delete that picture I can see obviously confidential information that people are going to take advantage of if you don't delete this picture asap
fixed it lol dont get me fired pls <3
we can see your fucking reports and email addresses and names and shit, please for your own sake delet.
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email the archives owner and ask him to take down the pictures off the archive too. he will do it when you provide proof its your picture.
this is crucial. please do these steps.
thak u i did that :(((( i feel so stupid
eh you'll probably be fine I've done dumber shit and then got identified and still managed to get away relatively unscathed
just don't post on 4chan when you're high next time
I don't think blunt bangs suit you, your face is too obong, so your bangs just end up making your chin/jaw look super heavy
if get sideswept bangs instead, and go for a sidepart, it'll balance your face out more, curtain bangs with a center part can also work as well although probably not as good
otherwise your skin and hair looks really nice and you have a youthful prettiness that I've long since lost

I don't know how I feel about that outfit though, it's a bit 2000's
y2k is back in season dont u know..... yeah i dont want the bangs either but i have to hide my cromagnon brow somehow...
she's everything i desire and more
>BPD Elf
idc if you're psychotic or psychopathic
you're perfect
maybe I'm biased because I dont like y2k
>cromagnon brow
yeah I know that feeling and I originally got blunt bangs for the same reason, I've since switched over to curtainbangs and they still hide my brow pretty well
in my case it was more my orbital rims than my actual brow bone though
yeah, or close enough at least assuming your voice is good
no but would with more time on hrt and longer hair probably
if it wasn’t for ur orbitals/browbone id say pass, you’re close
pass as non hrt tiktok “he/they”
maybe? leaning towards yes
pass but you look like you do meth
another meth passoid
no pass
pass as an annoying overweight liberal woman
pass as always stop posting here
no pass. wear a bra
pass but annoying and should kys
don’t even know what you’re trying to pass as desu
no bruh what
i’m gonna stop rating annoying people stfu
no pass
no pass
beard shadow + browbone but you facial ratios are nice, you’d be a hot givapassoid id you got laser and ffs
drink water and get some sleep but not bad desu, would pass if you didn’t look like you were trying to cover up meth usage with makeup
pass if trans guy otherwise it’s over
would pass if you didn’t have the hair of my 43 year old uncle
obvious angle fraud show the other half
TFW the gigachad tells me I look like every other gay boy
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You are CUTE you dysphoric maniac!!!!!!>>36325610
Bitch, you're fine. Keep the hair pls>>36325704
waow cute af>>36326018
2000s mall girl pretty>>36326056
you look like a sports team lesbian>>36326370
crazy pass!>>36326580
cute nose>>36326584
cute fit>>36327555 kyoot>>36329036
you are adorable!!
Why tf did my post format like this???
I really fucked up, oops.
I think I pass
You think wrong
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How wrong am I then
post ass
Chaser + Passing Expert Ratings

Cute af

Best thread in a while
>pass but annoying and should kys
how am i annoying i literally post here maybe twice a month?
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Need FFS
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Is this angle fraud or are you happy with this?
can't even see your ass in that pic
Jeez alright I'll grab some jeans one sec
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Yesterday a man bumped into me and looked up to say sorry and audibly went “oh shit it’s a girl?” I took a pic right after. Anyways PLEASE give haircut advice

>>36327343 (assuming ftm)

Can’t tell/weird angle:

Ygmi but I think i could clock you:
I would squirt so much cum on that face
For what exactly? You're cute as hell
ur so pretty <3
ffs would help but u just look like an average southern woman to me
clocky but u are very cute and ur hair is gorgeous
pass and i love ur style <3
what a cutie
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Well there you go
looks good
hopefully you post it without pants sometime
>pass but you look like you do meth
sober for 4 years and 1 day today bayyyybeeee
congratulations!!!!! <3<3<3<3
gaysex, did you stop taking hrt?
Well here's me no make-up and no bra.
Ignore my forehead, had my glasses resting up there
you should drop your discord
Would love to see your lips around my dick tbqhdesu
hi, sorry to bother but could i ask you to please provide me with feedback too? i was >>36326370 and i like how honest you seem to be :> tyyy
You look like a girlfriend of mine if she lost a lot of weight.Very cute, pass!
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not sure how i feel about this picture but oh well



Lol it's like almost the same as the last one.
discord now
angle frauded
Shave its head and youll just have a bald man
yeah hairstyle is a large part of gender presentation well observed retard
that goes for like 95% of women dork ass
im bad at taking pictures sorry
You're just scared of taking one at a different angle :/ I bet you're still cute
“waaaaaa i’m such a hon” just means “pls hugbox me so bad im desperate for validation”
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I'm nonbinary -- how androgynous am I?

With a good voice you would pass to most cissoids but not to other trans people.

FFS wouldn't hurt but I wouldn't clock you. Hairline is pretty high though, I'd say that's more of a concern.

You look like a soccer lesbian.

im only desperate to find out why my face is fucked up. i either get "pass" or "youre the uglist fucking thing ever" no actual feedback. i go outside and get gendered male still regularly which is why i even bother coming here occasionally but people still think im lying or attention whoring but its okay when like 5 other trips here have entire threads dedicated to them 5x a week but i wait until friday instead of shitting up the board. pls though tell me more about how im desperate for yous when i could just go on reddit and ask crossdressers if im passing hun
Giga passer
>>36327343 <- ftchad
>>36329445 (Do I know you from somewhere?? you look really familiar)

Looks great in me opinion
>>36326370 <- hair is insanely cute

Slightly clocky/Has potential

Quite clocky
>>36325868 (get laser+makeup and easily goated)
mogs me
don't know how much is attention whoring and how much is bdd?
pass obv
obviously not a boy
pass and cute
attention whore moding
automatic no pass
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I pass perfectly everyone else is a giga hon , sorry bros try better next time
Sup lad, laddie, laderino, boyo
Sorry not into ethnic
I'm Slovak
perfect pass, indistinguishable from a biological panic at the disco fan
I’m Turkish. Do you call ur colonizer “boyo” show some damn respect
cAN you post upright. you have very soft features. nice upbrows. try to have fun whilst you still have amazing hair like that.
shaved - looks like a woman.
Don’t worry about my hair qt, it will always look great
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Here is an upright for u. Thinking of bleaching my hair would it feminize or masculinize my face
convert your pics from jpg to png in any image editor to clear the rotation metadata and allow you to upload them upright
or if an iphone, adding a small line or slightly cropping works too.
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yes, only slightly clocky
no atm
not yet but i think you might be close

do i body pass you guys?
Sorry qt I’m not that into CS I kinda like robots tho. Feel free to do that for me tho <3

On a side note, do u think I could pull off aliminuim hair?
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lol there are a million jpg to png converters online but i getchu

aluminum hair like metallic silver, like this? i did this DIY, its technically achievable. id go to a professional. i also dont know how well it would suit your skin tone and also be warned its a BITCH to maintain it, speaking from experience
I’m thinking of like mega aliminum hair like as if I’m 90 years old. Why is it a bitch to maintain. My friend told me blonde girls are hotter
>My friend told me blonde girls are hotter
A completely personal preference, for me it's black hair+light eyes
Blonde would masculinize you.
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1. bleaching hair is damaging and there is a good chance it will be very damaged by going to white, until you grow it out
2. bleached hair has to be toned to be the right color. white requires near-constant application of purple to cancel the natural yellow, and achieving this balance is difficult and expensive
3. your roots will grow in unbleached and you will need to bleach them every few weeks, very carefully to make the old and new colors match. bleaching your own roots well is difficult and paying a salon to do it is expensive over time
4. some natural hair colors just don't bleach well and if you've never experimented with it you don't know how your hair will react

it's a money pit. going white or silver is a trap. i did love it but also god it was a bitch to keep up with it. again, source, been there done that, loved it and regretted it
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good morning :)
you're really cute. I'd ask for your discord but you're probably too far away for me
Optically, you remind me of many self-proclaimed queer females I know and you should use that to your advantage. For example, you shouldnt pretend you're cishet, instead lean into the theyfab role (for example she/they pronouns)
thanks (: Youre cute, too
I'm sorry, as others have said before you need to change the way youre dressing if you want to pass. I could see your face passing as an androgynous female rn, but your body just makes me think youre a feminine twink
ass now
lmao you look like an ftm who's started T like 3 days ago in that pic

but yeah bleaching fucking sucks and nobody should do it unless they know what they're getting into. it can sorta jumpstart MBP too, plus at least my golden brown hair takes like three applications and washes to actually turn platinum blonde, with less it just turns piss yellow. just an unnecessary amount of effort to do at home and probably expensive as hell at the hairdressers.
>chaser flag
Thanks babe
omg so hot
where to get brain removed so i can get a smoler qtier skull?
Fix the expression you look depressed pass>>36325610
Pass buy you have to get rid of eyebags
idk clockable dont know why
Fix skin you should be a hottie in future
You look more like a woman than a man
too manly jaw rest is fine should easily pass if you wear girls clothing
it's a youngshit without stress in their life
cissies love my naturally stress whitened hair some even tried to emulate it and failed lmao
poor cissie :(

love your face! qt af, also your hands are so nice... bet you're like 19?
>it's a youngshit without stress in their life
>poor cissie :(
lol im sorry i have no idea what youre trying to say
Thanks. I guess this is an ambition beyond my capability. I’ll stay as a common hon
that face shape is kinda dire, I'm not sure you can pass with it, esp the balls chin.

ffs would probably fix it. you have really cute eyes.
just saying you're a youngshit (which is good!
) having not overly stressful experience in life (which is good!!)
my hair started graying naturally from stress and all at 14 but like some women in their 20's thought my hair was hot, one felt it enough to try to emulate it so tried to bleach it and shit (which is a pain in the but to handle like you pointed out) and didn't do it well diy so went to professional
sorry is kinda drunk rn :)
I think it will become more diamond shape when i drop some more weight
i just think you need your brow done (tho i actually seen cis moms with worse ngl!)
so like $2500 or so to pass
cute face
Does anyone like strong brows in women?
My only plus side is i know a good amount of cis women with strong brows and my cis sister looks really similar to me i guess
is yours considered strong? looks fine to me
Idk people tell me i need it?
>just saying you're a youngshit (which is good!)
i think i appreciate this but lol i started at 27, im so far from a youngshit
aside from browbone i still dont see anything male about your face
I remember when you posted on /v/ and got like 50 replies. Love your makeup, I would instantly ask you out on a date if I saw you in public.
it's not really a turn off is it?
as a nordic stronger brows isn't that unusual irl ngl
but most tranners want smoother brows and yeah, kinda assumed you'd want it too?
i do :(
well you look like one so what can i say?`:)
always try to be honest as hugboxxing is poison
>Thanks babe
Everyone was mean last night
I want to girlmode eventually but idk how
Malemoding is painful at this point especially because i gender confuse a lot of people anyway
I actually like brows like that as long as there not caveman tier
I think most of my heritage is irish and Scottish
Many such cases unfortunately, but you are too kind thank you
I live in the midwest if you dont live in the usa its joever already
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My mirror is dusty af sry
No way your real this has to be ai
You pass in pics but probably not in person
hello passgen this is all based on gut instinct so I can't break it down further
pass but slightly trannyish
slightly trannyish
reads as boy to me
pass no tranny detected
no tranny detected
less tranny here
just a girl from jersey
slightly trannyish
AMAB but no idea what you're going for
can't read a gender at all here
no tranny detected
no tranny detected
holy shit what the fuck
no tranny detected and would date you
no tranny detected
I cant tell from this image
manly as fuck and look hot
VERY SLIGHTLY trannyish but enough to not be sure on if this is actually a tranny or not so pass
no tranny here but you look underage please for your own sake stop posting here
no tranny here
only forehead is making me go tranny
less tranny here but still trannyish
presentation androgynous the rest not
man with girl eyes
you look like judy hops lover 69
not so much here
tranny in face
gonna need to see some ass
Post body
You win.
I'm looking no further.
Elaborate dear anon if you can
Great hair, nice eyes, nice smile, great structure.
Not clocky from what I see.
Blessing my day delightfully with these kind words stranger
You're welcome...?
>Yesterday a man bumped into me and looked up to say sorry and audibly went “oh shit it’s a girl?” I took a pic right after. Anyways PLEASE give haircut advice
lol and beautiful
cute girl
actually your hair shape and texture looks perfect. I think a few blonde highlights would accent you nicely
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i ugly

pass but where did your eyerows go and you look very tired
you pass
pass but tired
you don't look bad, I think you should try a new haircut thou
can't rly tell from these
i'm an eepy eeper. my brain is trying to clock you but i cant point out anything clocky about u :s
not clocky to cissoids
can't really tell from the photo. you look feminien enough it's not hard for me to call you "girl" in my brain I think you'll be fine with surgery (i need surgery too)
get laser
you're so small
surgery will defs fix, slighjtly clocky but probably not to cissoids only to me, you look great
i can't tell
you look kinda dopey but pass ily
learn to smile, ffs probably
clocky but very feminne
clocky ffs will probably fix
clocky to me but kinda hard to tell
not bad but you need sleep and probably a hug
if ftm then gigapass
congrats im jealous
you would gigapass if you styled ur hair
clocky but will pass after ffs
yes julie
yes you have great shoulder/hips
clocky to me but idk to normies
clocky sorry :c not a nohoper though
I hope you can get it, definitely fixable c:
pass idk i like your hiar like that your forehgead doesnt look bad
clocky to me but probably not to cis
clocky but beautiful
i think ur doing good c:
pass i love ur jawline
i cant rly tell
You would look really good if you used a darker colored lipstick.
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stupid ass retardmoder
>i ugly
You look hot to me, how do I date a woman like you
ur pretty
No pass, you just look like a dude with long hair that is into rock music.
discord now
Eyeliner/mascara would look good with your eye shape. Also u have nice hair.
cool so my boymode works
i dont even know how to do make up learning new things is scary
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pls keep in mind I am a hon

Kinda pass
Kinda pass
Bad photo imo but pass
Bad photos
No pass yet
No pass
Bad angle I think
No pass
Kinda pass
Kinda pass
Cute but no pass
It does look like her doesn’t it? I was wondering why she looked familiar
continuing this
oh wow thats a tranny

your boymode is failing you just look like a programmer tranny who doesn't put effort in
tranny but just a bit, I think brow area is what does it because covering it makes you read girl to me. maybe try plucking those?
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postin cus sad
will probs regret iunno
Change that flag cutie
tranny again
only forehead though I cover that and no tranny
add me on discord pwease ur hot and i want to give u attention
disc is bornfromflowers
hugboxgen. you know who you are. absurd for so many of you to call THAT passing. you know who you are.
kys if you don't like it
I like to call this one... will ffs save me

https://unsee cc/album#Ts9rEGvbzBJe
stfu passoid
i'd like to call it... you really don't need it

i mean you look kinda andro and ffs could easily push it into the fem side
but i don't really think you need it as such? bet other shit could push you there be it makeup or styling but i don't know much about it
ughhhhh but my chin and ny 5head

i have mega curly hair so like bangs don't even rlly make sense for me
blessed post....
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I already rated was debating posting but someone said I have man hands and I want to know if passgen agrees.
your gonna need to send me links to buy that fit maam
yep id rape
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I should probably just keep wearing a mask out in public right ?
pass. major passoid. I'm jelly.


Sorry for caps.

New phone screen protector.

It's slippery.

Better angle.

Better lighting.
Beautiful. Your hands feminine around my solid 8 inches.
Post autosaging, new thread!
blouse from disturbia, same as the black top, skirt is a dress from there that i folded, veil scarf is thrifted
Only ones that are close

These threads gotta be one of the weirdest psyops I've ever seen

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